COURSES FOR DIDACTIC YEARS (P1-P3) PHM 501: Foundations of Human Body and Disease I. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is the first in a series designed to develop an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology concepts of disease as they pertain to each organ system. Students will learn to differentiate between normal physiologic variation and disease states. A blended approach (lecture, small group discussion, multimedia) is used for presentation of the material. Prerequisites: Admission to the professional Pharmacy program. PHM 502: Foundations of Human Body and Disease II. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is the second in a series designed to develop an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology concepts of disease as they pertain to each organ system. Students will learn to differentiate between normal physiologic variation and disease states. A blended approach (lecture, small group discussion, multimedia) is used for presentation of the material. Prerequisites: Successful completion of prior quarter coursework or program permission. PHM 503: Foundations of Human Body and Disease III. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is the third in a series designed to develop an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology concepts of disease as they pertain to each organ system. Students will learn to differentiate between normal physiologic variation and disease states. A blended approach (lecture, small group discussion, multimedia) is used for presentation of the material. Prerequisites: Successful completion of prior quarter coursework or program permission. PHM 504 & 505: Patient Assessment Lab I, II. (1.0 & 1.0 credit hour, respectively) This foundational coursea are designed to introduce the art of physical examination as a bridge between anatomy, pathology and pathophysiology concepts with future therapeutic decision making. Students will be familiarized with the process of information gathering of symptoms, signs, nonverbal communication skills, medical history, verbal techniques of communication and empathy. Basic techniques on how to conduct a physical exam from head to toe and the use of the stethoscope, otoscope, and sphygmomanometer will be introduced. Several teaching strategies are used throughout the course such as lectures, multimedia, videos, group discussions and practice, and OSCE which will help to develop the necessary skills to master the subjects. Prerequisites: Admission to the professional Pharmacy program (for PHM 504) and successful completion of prior quarter coursework or program permission (for PHM 505). PHM 510: Integrated Microbiology and Virology. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of microbiology encompassing disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Emphasis will also be on understanding host-pathogen interactions in causing human disease, etiology of disease, infection cycle, disease transmission and diagnostic processes. The course will also highlight upon host immune defense mechanisms, pharmaceutical intervention of microbial infections and resistance to such interventions. Microbial infections by the organ system will be discussed and integrated with principles of clinical presentation, prevention and general management through lecture and case studies. Prerequisites: Admission to the professional Pharmacy program PHM 511: Integrated Immunology. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts of immunology encompassing elements of the immune system, antigen processing and antibody generation. Emphasis will be on development of T- and B-lymphocytes, T- and B-cell mediated immunity, host defense mechanisms in response to immediate and induced infections, and their prevention. The course will also highlight upon adaptive immunity, immunological memory, vaccination, autoimmunity and transplantation. Pathological consequences of immunodeficiency and/or autoimmunity will be discussed and integrated with principles of clinical presentation and management. Prerequisites: Successful completion of prior quarter coursework or program permission. PHM 520: Pharmaceutical Sciences I: Physical Pharmacy and Dosage Forms. (3 credit hours) This foundational course is the first in a series designed to develop an understanding of the science behind drug dosage forms, delivery and preparation. Materials covered include the selected properties of drug substances that have an impact on the delivery of drugs to the human body, the dosage forms available for drug administration, and the therapeutic effect with respect to physical and chemical properties of drug in solution dispersion and solid state. The course also focuses on the theory, technology, formulation, evaluation and dispensing of dosage forms and delivery systems. Prerequisites: Admission to the professional Pharmacy program. 2022-23 MBKU Academic Catalog
CHAPTER III: PROGRAMS - Doctor of Pharmacy