Ed uc ation at Ke t t l e ’s Ya r d
Going Behind the Scenes
Kettle’s Yard is a beautiful house with a remarkable permanent collection of early twentieth century works of art and a gallery presenting a changing programme of modern and contemporary art exhibitions.
‘Kettle’s Yard is passionate about education, learning and working with communities. Our vision for the future aims to build on the richness of our current education work. We will extend our welcome to new audiences through our exciting and innovative programme and our beautifully designed new educational facilities. We are indebted to the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generosity of many trusts, foundations and individuals who have supported this exciting new development. Looking ahead, we would like to build longer-term creative partnerships with schools and communities both in Cambridge and the region.’ Andrew Nairne, Director of Kettle’s Yard background image: ‘Pebbletastic’ workshop, responding to the John Cage exhibition, ‘Every Day is a Good Day’, 2010
G OING BEH IND T H E SC E N E S Most of the education programme at Kettle’s Yard happens outside opening hours so we’d like to give you an idea of what we have to offer. We would also like to introduce our exciting plans for the future – the building of a new Education Wing, due to open in 2013.
Jim Ede created Kettle’s Yard with his wife Helen and lived in the house from 1957-73. He wrote in the introduction to ‘A Way of Life’ his aspirations for Kettle’s Yard:
‘…a living place where works of art would be enjoyed, inherent to the domestic setting, where young people could be at home unhampered by the greater austerity of the museum or public art gallery, and where an informality might infuse an underlying formality… I hope that future generations will still find a home and a welcome, a refuge of peace and order, of the visual arts and music.’
All educational activity at Kettle’s Yard draws inspiration from the house and collection, Jim’s vision of art as a way of life, and the changing exhibition programme. The following pages give a glimpse behind the scenes. While not showing all that we do, we hope they give a sense of our work. We have ‘spotlighted’ a few projects to give a more in-depth view.
CH ILDREN AND YOUNG P E O P L E We offer activities for the whole family. Practical workshops are led by artists and take inspiration from the house and the gallery.
‘We were made very welcome and given good directions but we were also able to use our own ideas.’ ‘Kids who are sometimes reluctant to make art immediately wanted to make something when they saw the space.’ Parents responses to ‘Drop In and More’, which offers free use of art materials in the education room and volunteer-led support over the summer, 2009-2011
w orksho p s f o r c hildren a n d y o u n g pe o p l e
Wednesday Club (for 8-11s) in St Peter’s churchyard next to Kettle’s Yard
Artists from Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination running a family workshop, responding to the Bridget Riley exhibition, 2011
‘Site Lines’ half-term drawing workshop for families, 2010
‘Holey Mackerel’ half-term sculpture workshop responding to sculptures with holes in the house, 2011
ReCollec t i o n : Kettle’s Yard Oral History Archive Children’s responses to artworks in Kettle’s Yard recorded during workshops in 2009
Emma, aged 4, discussing ‘King’s College Chapel’, 1966, by Bryan Pearce:
‘Rapunzel lived there and the witch lived there. Because she is a very nasty witch, she gives her loads of worms and bugs and beetles.’ Can you look at the picture and tell me what colours are in there?
‘They are just normal colours like we see at nursery and I like the objects because they make me think I’m going to paint them at home.’
Angel, aged 8, discussing ‘Road Along the Roman Wall’, 1925 by Winifred Nicholson:
‘I like it because it’s got really good textures… if you was really angry and really stormed up, it’s got nice calm colours. You could just sit down and look at it and it would just calm you down so much that you could go out and figure out what was wrong and sort it out. It looks like a farm or a field and it’s got houses near to it and it’s, like, the countryside.’
Tu esday S t u d i o ( f or 11-14s )
Tuesday Studio end-of-term exhibition This sculpture was made in response to the exhibition ‘Modern Times: responding to chaos’, 2010
Spotligh t : Yo ung Care rs’ A rt G ro u p In partnership with Centre 33, the young carers’ art group have: • worked with two artists, three filmmakers, a poet and an MC • visited five other University of Cambridge museums • hosted a film premiere for friends and family at the Arts Picturehouse • performed their poems at Milton Youth Centre
Young Carers at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology with artist Lara Jones
Young carers are children and young people who look after someone in their family who has an illness, a disability, or is affected by mental ill-health or substance misuse.
ADULTS We run study days, regular workshops & short courses on a range of topics. Groups can also book for private tours.
Creativ e W ri t i n g
Kettle’s Yard (extract) © Rhona McAdam, workshop participant 2012
Beneath the stairs a burnt angel guards its heaven, blind and thin as the prow of a lost ship
while on the walls
the little boats trouble themselves in all directions upon the paint, unable to make sense of the eye’s demands and plants bathe in the window’s light, stepped upon stones, each shelf a beach, while outside winter comes and goes in a watchful lens, turning gently on its string, its appetite for green.
Spotligh t : S aturday D rawi n g
Meeting fortnightly, Saturday Drawing participants experiment with drawing in its broadest sense. The sessions conclude with reflection on the morning’s work over a cup of tea. The artist educators create a welcoming environment for all levels of experience.
‘You were left to try out new things rather than having to stick to anything in particular – but the ideas given really helped to start you off. Also, I liked the evaluation of what we had achieved as a group at the end.’
‘Mind-Spirit-Body-Matter: Drawn to the Human’, a week-long drawing workshop during the Agnes Martin exhibition, 2010
Fee dbac k f ro m COURS E pa rt i ci pa n t s
‘I did study Design and Art History, but this one was amongst the very best classes I ever attended... It was very inspiring, very stimulating and I would like to thank everybody involved whole-heartedly.’ ‘From the Handmade to the Readymade’ discussion-based sculpture course, 2011
‘A thoroughly enjoyable course – it was amazing how quickly the time has passed – an effective way to reduce stress and completely clear your mind of your daily worries.’ ‘Blurring the Boundaries’ practical art workshops with staff at Fulbourn Hospital, 2010
We als o offe r • Free lunchtime talks in the house and gallery • Free twilight sessions – a chance to visit the house at dusk • Special events such as film screenings and artist talks • Study days – recent examples include poetry, print-making and dance
Co mm unit y a n d O u t re a c h Regular sessions over the past few years include: • Monthly visits to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, run in partnership with Wallace Cancer Care and the Fitzwilliam Museum • Touch and descriptive tours with Camsight for blind and partially sighted people • Exhibition tours and handling sessions with Hilltop Day Centre for adults with young onset dementia
Spotligh t : A Woman ’s Pl a ce
In Autumn 2010, artists Janine Woods and Hilary Moreton ran a series of workshops with a group of older women in sheltered accommodation at Storeys House in Cambridge. The women toured Kettle’s Yard, learned about the original owners, and Helen Ede in particular, and reflected on what home means to them. Their textile designs were exhibited amongst the permanent collection and the project concluded with an evening for friends and family.
One participant commented, ‘At this age it is easy to stagnate’ and she found the challenge of learning new skills particularly inspiring.
A Woman’s Place received funding from Renaissance East of England Community Learning and Outreach Fund, administered through the University of Cambridge Museums Development Officer.
‘A Woman’s Place’ participant with her shell-design cushion
Teachers’ evening for the exhibition ‘Mischief: Lucia Nogueira’, 2011
We support group visits for all ages – from nursery-aged children to University students. We tailor sessions to meet the needs of the group, working with teachers to customise talks and workshops. Exhibition previews for teachers include refreshments, a tour with discussion and a chance to pick up new resources and network with colleagues.
Spotligh t : Te a che r T r a inin g Working with the Faculty of Education at Homerton College, we introduce Initial Teacher Trainees to techniques for engaging pupils with artworks.
‘It was very interactive and engaging. The Education Officers who worked with us were very friendly and illustrated a whole range of techniques and tips we can use.’ ‘It really brought home the importance of artefacts and real objects and reinforced the importance of taking education out of the classroom when possible.’ Teacher Trainees, Early Years and Primary PGCE
Fo rmal e d u cat i o n i n t he h o u s e
Central Saint Martins art students installing work for a temporary exhibition, 2011
Parents and children from The Fields Children’s Centre participating in a practical workshop. Part of the creation of ReCollection: Kettle’s Yard Oral History Archive, 2009
St Mary’s C of E Primary School pupils sketching the skyline from Castle Mound, a short walk from Kettle’s Yard
Spotligh t : Spac e Make rs A two-year partnership project (2011-13), Space Makers focuses on architecture and the built environment and follows the creation of the new Education Wing. A Year 4/5 class from St Mary’s C of E Primary School, St Neots and a BTEC class at Comberton Village College are attending monthly artist-led workshops.
Model created by Comberton Village College pupils, working with artist Raksha Patel
Photography workshop with Marston Vale Middle School pupils, responding to the exhibition, ‘Tim Head: Raw Material’, 2010
the Educat i o n p ro g ramme
Up to 6,500 people engage with the Education programme at Kettle’s Yard every year. Up to 350 varied activities and events are delivered, including talks, workshops, poetry readings, after school art clubs and many more. We collaborate with dozens of creative practitioners, including artists, filmmakers, writers, poets, choreographers, architects and many more.
Need for Ch a n ge We want to expand our programme to better meet the needs of existing audiences and welcome new audiences. During 2012 and 2013 we will undergo an extensive building project to create new education spaces. These will replace our current education room and offer many new opportunities. A reduced programme will run during the build period.
Pupils from St Mary’s C of E Primary School, St Neots participating in a Space Makers workshop with artist Jo Chapman
FUTUR E PLANS The new Education Wing will span four floors. Its location, shown in the blue-shaded area, is adjacent to the gallery and faces Castle Street.
Second Floor • Discussion-based sessions and digital workshops • Seminars, illustrated talks, film screenings and evening courses • Film, sound, animation and photography workshops • Access to online resources First Floor • Café Ground Floor • Entrance through the main gallery • Orientation point Lower Ground Floor: Clore Learning Studio • Practical workshops for all ages, led by artists • Double-height space to street level allows for natural light • Able to accommodate a full class of 30 pupils
the new E d u cat i o n W in g
The Educat i o n W i n g w ill enable us t o : • Inspire and engage twice as many visitors, both onsite and online, through our new activities, events and resources • Improve our welcome and encourage new visitors • Create new partnerships with communities to assist those who may need more support to access our collections and exhibitions • Build long-term partnerships and work more closely with schools and communities in Cambridge and the region • Offer new opportunities and training for volunteers • Provide spacious and attractive working spaces that are fit-for-purpose • Run creative and innovative workshops that make the most of new technologies • Offer a better experience for all
TO VISIT Due to the limited capacity of the house and gallery, groups are required to book in advance. Please see our website, email education@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk or telephone 01223 748100 for more information. The public programme of activities and events is advertised by leaflet and on the website. If you would like to be added to our e-mailing list, please contact mail@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk.
TO VOLUNTE E R Volunteers are crucial to the successful running of Kettle’s Yard and contribute over 6,000 hours of support each year. To find out more, go to www.kettlesyard.co.uk/supporters/volunteers or email rosie@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk
ONLINE RE SOURCE S Virtual tour of the house: www.kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk/tour Oral history archive: www.recollection.kettlesyard.co.uk Teachers’ packs: www.kettlesyard.co.uk/education/schools
FEE DBACK ‘Going Behind the Scenes’ can be downloaded from the Kettle’s Yard website. We would appreciate your feedback – please go to www.kettlesyard.co.uk/GBTSfeedback to complete a very brief questionnaire.
We are very grateful to all who have supported the education wing and in particular the following major supporters: The Monument Trust Edlis Neeson Foundation Clore Duffield Foundation The Foyle Foundation J Paul Getty Jr Charitable Trust Sir Siegmund Warburg’s Voluntary Settlement Cambridge City Council
KETTLE’S YARD Castle Street, Cambridge CB3 0AQ telephone 01223 748100 www.kettlesyard.co.uk mail@kettlesyard.cam.ac.uk Opening hours are subject to change due to building works, please see our website or call for more information.