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Environmental Charter School
PITTSBURGH, PA | Spring 2018
Project Type
K-12 Education, Environmental Design
Project Size
71,000 ft2
Academic Project
The programmatic organization of the school was based on correlating a student’s daily schedule with the spaces they occur in and the sun’s angle both in plan and section.
Each classroom contains operable auxiliary space that expands the classroom area and facilitates different desk configurations and educational activities. It also serves as a sunspace or air lock and creates an interior-exterior connection
The fly ash concrete chimney walls are another sustainability feature in the school that promote stack ventilation and contain certain mechanical and water retention systems while reusing a polluting waste product.
Pier 57 Megastructure
MANHATTAN, NY | Fall 2018
Project Type Office, Hotel, Cultural, Institutional, Transit, Urban Design, Landscaping, Environmental Design
Project Size
5.4 million ft2
Academic Team Project
The primary goal of the Pier 76 sustainable megastructure is to respond to the main crises New York faces that threaten its growth and viability as a top-tier global city. These are the transportation crisis, environmental dangers, and the threats to the city’s cultural heritage and production of knowledge and ideas.
The megastructure’s podium consists of a ferry transit hub and a theater/arena venue, as well as levels for residential, education, and shared workspaces. The skyscraper rises above it and contains offices, hotel, and residential floors. The riparian zone extends outward along the river’s edge.
• Contributed to development of the conceptual basis for the project, design work on the tower and riparian edge portions, digital and physical modeling, and the final drawing set and model