AET First Aid Policy

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This is an AET Corporate Health and Safety Controlled Document


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Health and Safety Arrangement – AET H&SD 15 First Aid Arrangements

Produced with Guidance from the British Safety County

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Health and Safety Arrangement – AET H&SD 15 First Aid Arrangements

Health and Safety Arrangement – First Aid Arrangement content








Number of First Aiders and Cover Arrangements


First Aider Training


First Aiders at Work (FAW) and Appointed Persons (AP) Role and Responsibilities


First Aid Kits/Boxes


First Aid Facilities


Visit & Trips


Hygiene and Infection Control


First Aid Treatment


Payment for First Aiders



Appendix 1 Bodily Fluid Management Appendix 2 First Aid Box Equipment and Contents Appendix 3 Immunisation for First Aiders Appendix 4 Person who can be trained to be First Aiders

Introduction Academies should read this document in conjunction with DfEE guidelines ‘Guidance on First Aid for Schools’.

Responsibility The H&S Coordinator at each Academy will ensure that the arrangements for First Aid are adequate. Employees and temporary workers will be made aware of these arrangements during their induction training, and thereafter, will be informed of any amendments to the arrangements. 3 of 12

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PFI Contractors and Third Party Lettings are responsible for appointing and arranging training for First Aiders. However, the Academy First Aiders will assist in an emergency.

Assessment ●

The Academy Health and Safety Coordinator will ensure that an assessment of first aid requirements has been carried out.

This assessment will be documented and a copy made available at the medical room/centre and main reception, and on the company intranet system.

The assessment will be reviewed every two years or when the arrangements are no longer suitable.

The First Aid Risk Assessment will be completed using AET H&SF 0011 First Aid Risk Assessment Form.

Number of First Aiders and Cover Arrangements

This table is the ratio of First Aiders to the number of people on site which is set out by the First Aid at Work Regulations 1981. Refer to it to complete the AET H&SF 0011 First Aid Risk Assessment: Diagram 1 Category of Risk Low Risk

Medium Risk

High Risk

Numbers Fewer than 50 50-100 More than 100 Fewer than 20 20-100 More than 100 Fewer than 5 5-50 More than 50

Suggested number of First Aid Personnel At least one Appointed Person At least one First Aider One additional for every 100 persons At least one Appointed Person At least one First Aider for every 50 persons One additional for every 100 persons At least one Appointed Person At least one First Aider One additional for every 50 persons

Employees should be selected across all departments and where higher risk of injury PE/Games, Science, Drama, working at height etc.

A First Aider rota can be drawn up using AET H&SF 0029 Rota for First Aider on Duty form. The H&S Coordinator will oversee that the rota is completed and displayed in the Staff Room, Reception, Medical Room and H&S Notice boards.

The names of all First Aiders and location contact number will be displayed throughout the site in prominent position.

First Aider Training

From October 2009 there became a new qualification, Emergency First Aid in the Work Place, (“EFAW”). This is aimed at lower risk premises and is suitable for teachers taking students on trips. The HSE strongly recommends that this qualification is refreshed annually during a three hour session by a competent person. Personnel who complete the Emergency First Aid in the Work Place course are referred to as ‘Appointed Persons’.

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In medium to high risk premises/departments Certificated First Aiders are also required, the table (diagram 1) in Section 4 sets out the number of First Aiders at Work (“FAW”) and Appointed Persons required. The FAW course is a three day course; with renewal every three years. The HSE strongly recommends that FAW certified staff should attend a three hour annual refresher, which should provide an opportunity to update and practice skills. British Safety Council recommends that scenario training be conducted at least annually. This can be part of an Academy fire drill (See AET H&SD 016 Fire Safety Procedure for more information), or agreed as a department exercise via a staff team discussion. Employees and temporary workers will be made aware of the first aiders at their induction. Training will be arranged by the HR Manager or trainer. And will need to ensure the Trainers are able to deliver training to the October 2009 syllabus. Training can be arranged to be delivered internally, or externally. Academies can invite other Academies to complete training where numbers are short. Where Academies have swimming pools on site, or at another location qualified life-guards with first aid training must be on duty during swimming lessons. There is a 12 hours Paediatric First-Aid Course which can be done in addition to the above. Please note that this is aimed at pre-school and primary schools and is a recommendation of Ofsted under safe guarding. The H&S Committee should discuss whether any staff members should attend the paediatric first-aid course. If staff are to attend the course it needs to be added to the Academy’s Health and Safety Training Matrix.

First Aiders at Work (FAW) and Appointed Persons (AP) Role and Responsibilities

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1. The First Aider’s and Appointed Person’s role includes: ● The administration of First Aid, up to but not exceeding the level of her/his training; ● Ensuring that any incident and treatment given is recorded on AET H&SF 0012 First Aid Treatment Log Staff and Visitors or AET H&SF 0013 First Aid Treatment Log Students; ● When the H&SF 0012 and H&SF 0013 logs sheets are full a copy should be sent to the H&S Coordinator for statistical analysis; ● Report immediately to the Principal or Duty Officer and H&S Coordinator all incidents requiring the attendance of a student, member of staff or other person to hospital. (See AET H&SD 06 Accident Incident & Investigation arrangement); ● Ensuring that all spillages of body fluids are cleared up promptly (see Appendix 1); ● Maintaining stocks in First Aid kit/box (see Appendix B); and ● Ensure that appropriate documentation is completed and that reportable accidents are reported to the line manager as soon as possible after dealing with the immediate effects using form AET H&SF 001 Accident Incident & Near Miss Report form. 2. The First Aider’s and Appointed Person’s responsibilities include: ● Ensuring her/his own recommended immunisations/injections are up to date (See Appendix C); and ● Report to HR any illness or injuries which would preclude her/his ability to administer First Aid, in order that alternative cover can be arranged (see Appendix D). ● First Aid Kits/Boxes ●

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The Company will provide sufficient and suitably stocked first aid kits at all sites and portable kits will be available for times when off-site. The location of these kits will be clearly indicated with appropriate signs;

Health and Safety Arrangement – AET H&SD 15 First Aid Arrangements

All First Aid Kits should be marked with a white cross on a Green background; ●

First Aiders will check that there are sufficient supplies of first aid equipment and first aid kits/contents within their department;

If sterile dressings use by date is out of date they should be removed from the First Aid Kit. They may however be used during scenario training (provided the area being covered does not contain any broken skin);

A checklist will be used for each first aid kit/box using form AET H&SF 0028 First Aid Monthly Content Checklist;

The content of the first aid kits will depend upon the location and the type of work being carried out in the area. For example, kits located in food preparation areas will include blue waterproof plasters; those provided in areas where there are animals or likely contact with soil, chemicals or waste, will be waterproof.

First Aid Facilities

A first aid/medical treatment room should be provided as an appropriate environment to render First Aid, or allow a person to rest (minor illness) must be provided. This environment should be private, allow access to hand washing facilities, drinking water and toilet facilities and should enable the casualty to sit or lie down as needed. If the Academy has a school nurse they will be responsible for the management of the first aid/medical treatment room. A school nurse is primarily appointed to treat students but will support First Aiders and treat staff as necessary. The school nurse will liaise with the H&S Coordinator and HR manager to discuss first aid arrangements and will be invited to the H&S Committee to give the occasional update on health issues/treatment related to staff and students. Eye wash stations must be sited where there is a risk of dust, fibres, or swarf getting in a person’s eye. This should be supported by a risk assessment of the activity and include need to wear goggles.

Visit & Trips ● Before undertaking any off site activities an assessment should be made of the first aid provision required for the visit; ● It is recommended a travelling first aid kit is taken on all off-site activities which are away from access to normal first aid provision; ● It is a requirement of law that all PSV vehicles carry a first aid kit; ● It is recommended that all drivers of these vehicles are trained to at least to an Appointed Person level, or preferably full First Aid at Work level. It is the duty of the driver to check that the first aid kit is available and contents full (see Appendix B).

● ● ● ●

Hygiene and Infection Control All staff should take precautions to avoid infection and must follow basic hygiene procedures: Thoroughly washing hands (back, front, wrists), fingers and fingernails before treatment and after Staff should be given access to disposable gloves, disposable aprons and hand washing facilities or hand wipes.

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● Care should be taken when dealing with blood or other body fluid (see Appendix A). ● Additional information on Blood Borne Virus can be obtained from

● First Aid Treatment The first aider will provide emergency aid to the injured person in accordance with the training received and appropriate to the nature of the injury until the emergency services arrive. (See Section 6 First Aid Duties). The purpose of first aid treatment is to:

● preserve life ● limit the effects of the condition and ● promote recovery ● Payment for First Aiders An allowance will be paid to all First Aiders who have a valid current First Aid Certificate and have attended the four day course. This payment is an acknowledgement of the individual’s training and commitment and is paid in accordance with the current First Aid at Work Policy. This payment will be stopped if the First Aider:

● ● ● ● ●

chooses not to continue as a First Aider, or does not attend the 12 monthly refresher courses, or on attendance at the refresher course is found not to be competent, or allows her/his certificate to lapse, or relocates to a unit/establishment which already has sufficient First Aiders, or leaves the Academy.

At the Principal’s discretion, the allowance may be stopped, or suspended if the First Aider is likely to be away from the work base for a considerable period of time, e.g. long term sickness, home working, maternity leave, unpaid leave etc. Note: Appointed Persons do not receive an allowance.

Insurance Where an employee acting in the course of her/his employment administers First Aid assistance to another employee, or other person in the charge of the Academy, such as a student, s/he will be indemnified by the liability insurance for a claim of negligence relating to injury, or loss caused by their actions, provided that:

● S/he is an Academy officially designated a First Aider with a current valid First Aid at Work Certificate and has attended relevant refresher training; ● S/he is an Academy officially designated Appointed Person with a current valid Appointed Persons Training Certificate and has attended relevant refresher training; ● The relevant protective equipment (PPE) is used – the First Aider, or Appointed Person is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of her/his training; and ● The First Aider or Appointed Person is acting in good-faith.

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13.2 Use of the ‘Epi Pen’. Members of staff who have been trained in the use of the ‘Epi Pen’ whether by a parent, user or medical staff, will also be covered provided that:

● the member of staff is adhering to protocols and acting within the limitations of their training; and ● that the member of staff is acting in good faith.

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Appendix 1 Bodily Fluid Management Read HSE leaflet: Blood borne viruses in the workplace ( for guidance about bodily fluids and follow the flow chart below: Employee comes into contact with used blood/bodily fluids? Trained in safe disposal of blood/bodily fluids? Yes No Report incident to relevant Manager and prevent access to area Person(s) trained in safe handling of blood/bodily fluids Dispose of used equipment safely. PPE & bio-hazard spill kits, Yellow Clinical Waste bags to be used Risk assessment to be available for task Disposal of bio-hazard spill kits in accordance with local arrangements Bio-hazards classified as ‘Hazardous Waste’ and is removed off site via PFI/Facilities Manager arranging a consignment note

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Appendix 2 First Aid Box Equipment & Contents ●A minimum of one First Aid box of appropriate size should be provided for each establishment and/or building and any Academy vehicle. ●Passenger carrying vehicles (PCV) and minibuses must carry First Aid kits that comply with PCV and Minibus Regulations. ●Each First Aider should have her/his own First Aid kit for rapid access in an emergency situation. ●All First Aid kits/boxes should be identified by a white cross on a green background and contain the following minimum items: ○ 1 guidance card ○ Sterile dressings, 6 small, 6 medium and 2 large ○ 20 Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (blue detectable in food preparation areas) ○ 2 Sterile eye pads ○ 4 Triangular bandages ○ 12 Safety pins ○ 2 Disposable gloves ○ 1 x 300ml bottle of sterile water, or normal saline should be supplied where tap water is not available ○ Individually wrapped moist wipes could be supplied where tap water is not available ○ 1 pair scissors (First Aid Type – not pointed) ○ 1 roll micro pore tape ○ 1 resuscitator mouthpiece ○ AET H&SF 0028 First Aid Box Monthly Contents Check and ○ AET H&SF first Aid treatment log sheets (H&SF 0012 and H&SF 0013) and pen. Note 1: There must be no medication within the First Aid kit/box, and administration of medication in a First Aid situation is not part of the First Aider’s role. Note 2: Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite), or one of the available proprietary combined soak and disinfectant products, should be available in the workplace for cleaning up spillages of body fluids, but should not be located with, or in, the First Aid box. Note 3: Yellow clinical disposal bags should also be provided and arranged to be removed off-site by the PFI/Facilities Manager/Caretaker. Note 4: Non latex disposal gloves should be worn when cleaning open wounds, grazes and cuts and when cleaning up bodily fluids Note 5: Risk Assessments should be produced for cleaning up bodily fluids and disposal of clinical waste. This should be done in conjunction with FAW’s and H&S Coordinator.

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Appendix 3 Immunisation for First Aiders

Tetanus: ●Immunisation is recommended to the entire population and by school leaving age most people will have received five doses of Tetanus immunisation. ●Those who have not received immunisation in childhood should receive a course of three immunisations with booster doses every 10 and 20 years. ●Booster doses are not required where individuals have had a total of five immunisations against Tetanus in their lifetime, except at the time of a tetanus-prone injury. Hepatitis A: ●Immunisation is recommended for employees exposed directly to sewage or other human faecal matter. ●One year of protection is given by a single dose of immunisation. A booster dose one year later can be expected to provide effective immunity for ten years. Immunisation requirements should then be reviewed. Hepatitis B: ●Immunisation is now recommended for employees where a risk assessment shows a reasonable risk of exposure to used needles, human bites, or to any human body fluids other then saliva, urine or faeces; ●First Aiders. ●The immunisation programme consists of three doses of vaccine and a blood test following these to determine if immunity has been established. There is a small percentage of people who even though they receive the vaccine, do not acquire immunity. ●It is recommended that individuals seek immunisation through their GPs. In some circumstances there may be a charge for the vaccine and subsequent titre tests, in which case the employer will reimburse First Aiders.

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Appendix 4 Persons who can be trained to be First Aiders An individual can put their name forward to become an Appointed Person (1 day training with annual refresher) or First Aider (3 days, annual refresher, 3-yearly re-certification), or be nominated by a supervisor, department head, team leader, employee and be willing to complete the training requirements and the requirements of the job description. A person should be selected on the basis of her/his reliability, willingness to become a First Aider; a disposition to deal with sick or injured persons and have good communication skills. Her/his aptitude and ability to absorb new knowledge, and her/his ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency situations are essential. Essential Physical Requirements

●Bend down and kneel on the floor and bend over to administer First Aid including resuscitation ●Have no muscular, or skeletal injuries to prevent completing First Aiders’ tasks ●Have the ability to move in awkward places (e.g. confined spaces) ●Have the ability to administer ventilation (breaths) over a period of ten minutes ●Have no medical condition that will prevent them from giving treatment to casualties. Educational Ability

●Ability to absorb new knowledge ●Accept responsibility ●Pass written and practical assessments Other Requirements

●Be prepared to complete the documentation outlined in this arrangement and follow this arrangement; ●Be prepared to be immunised in line with recommendations; ●Her/his normal duties should normally allow her/him to go immediately to deal with an emergency or be available as per the first aid on duty rota (see AET H&SF 0029 form); ●Approach your H&S Coordinator, HR Manager to arrange training and availability for the first aid on duty rota.

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Dates Employees were consulted on this document during It was accepted by the...........................Academy Finances & Premises Committee It was ratified by the Academies Enterprise Trust Board

David Triggs, AET Chief Executive Officer Signature:


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Andrew Redmond, AET Director of Facilities Signature:


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[Chair of each Academy Governing Body] Signature:


Print Name:




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Health and Safety Arrangement – AET H&SD 15 First Aid Arrangements

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