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Moving Forward Smarter This is a great time of the year to take a moment and think about how you would like this year to work out for you moving forward. It is a good time to reflect on all that was, all that could have been and all that should have been. It’s a time to look at what resources were utilised best and how much more could have been done. It may be tough to make a good judgement call when in the moment, but looking back now, can you say it with all honesty, that more could have been done?
Where are you now? Where is your life
to where they are today. By not setting
who have ended up getting that failed
today? Where is your business today?
themselves up with a target, they have
result. Why is that?
How does it rate on a scale of 1 – 10—1
planned to fail.
being miserable and 10 being euphoric?
Athletes, Celebrities, CEOs, Direct Selling Groups,
visit his website on www.BestMotivationalSpea-
Executives, Government Entities Models, Musicians,
ker.Me or contact Kevin Abdulrahman’s Manage-
Private Companies, Public Organisations, Royalties,
ment Team on info@kevinabdulrahman.com.
Schools, Sports Teams and Universities call for Kevin Abdulrahman when it comes to wanting an Internati-
Receive Kevin Abdulrahman’s gift to you by going
onal Speaker and Mind Nutrition Expert to Consult,
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Coach, Train Work with and Speak in the areas of
“vision” to receive your full free e-copy of “The Book
Motivation, Leadership, Developing High Perfor-
on What Ever You’re Into” courtesy of Kevin Abdul-
ming Teams and Public Speaking Coaching. You can
rahman and Obtainer Magazine.
What about you.
Did you even
fail to plan the route ahead. They fail
and think of what you had envisaged
think about setting a target for
to plan their road map, their strategy
your life (and your business) to be to-
where you are today?
in order to win the game. Most people
day, would you say you have everything
Kevin Abdulrahman
Although many never plan to fail, they
If you were to go back five short years
you wanted (Be honest)?
spend more time doing their hair in Don’t feel bad, you are not alone
the morning or planning their sum-
(though that doesn’t make it better). It
mer holidays than thinking about what
Have you today achieved every-
may sound ridiculous, but most people
they truly want out of life. By failing to
thing that you wanted and thought
are inadvertently planning to fail. Why
plan they have, with complete inten-
of five years ago?
do I say that? I mean, you don’t hear
tion, planned to fail. Could this be true
people coming up to you and saying,
of someone you know? Could this be
Most people, after spending a bit of
“Oh by the way, I have just finished
you? Most people have a “sit and wait
time reflecting and being honest with
planning how I can fail this year and do
approach”. That is their plan and it cer-
themselves, come to an unfortunate
a good job at it.” You would never hear
tainly isn’t a winning one. Others have
and rather shocking truth. Most have
someone actually say that, yet nine
a last minute approach to things. They
hoped to be in a better place compared
times out of ten, we know of people
may have thought very briefly of a five
International Author, Inspirational Speaker on Motivation and Leadership. The Authority in the field of Mind Nutrition.
year plan because it was the in thing to
and worked planned for say develop-
individuals that make up your teams)
do, but only decide to implement ev-
ing their people to become resourceful
thoughts, decision making process and
erything in the last quarter of the final
when times are tough.
actions must change.
through their five year goals mark. I am
I will make an audacious statement and
Plan in advance.
not only talking about planning for the
challenge you by saying that the same
want to achieve this year and even five
big things. Planning is important for all
applies to you. If you reflect back on
years from now. Start taking the ac-
aspects of your life and business—from
the year that you have just had, there
tions today. You can’t achieve what you
the big goals to the smaller, day-to-day
are areas where you have left money on
want in five years, if you leave it all to
the table- money that could have been
the last quarter of the last year.
year. All with the hope that they scrap Plan for what you
“No one needs to give you permission to be Great. You hold that Authority”
Kevin Abdulrahman
yours but was left on the table. Think like a Winner. Plan like a
I’ve found that when I am coaching and consulting clients, they (all) realise
Now you can spend time crying over
Winner. Decide like a Winner and
how much more they could have done,
spilled milk, or you can learn from your
Act like a Winner.
how much more efficient they could
past in order to operate and move for-
have operated, how much talent they
ward smarter.
allowed to go to waste and how much
This is the time to begin moving forward smarter.
better they could have planned for their
For if you continue to do the same things
growth, prosperity and dealing with
over and over again without change,
This is the time to make your plans and
challenging situations. In short, they
the picture will remain the same. This
work on it.
all look back and see how much money
year will just be like the last. You can
they have left on the table. They see
hope and wish for it to be different, but
Until we meet in person, Get In-
gaps in where they failed to make the
it won’t. As common sense would dic-
spired, Get Informed and Get Go-
most of situations by not having had
tate, for things to change, your (and the
If you want an engaging speaker to connect with the Audience of Today, then You Will Want to have The Man Inspiring Millions at your next event.
Book Kevin Abdulrahman for your next company and group conference by contacting his management team through
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