Multicultual Church
Waterford Ireland 4th year Studio Project Erasmus : Waterford Institute of Technology 2007
‘‘a beacon for souls and seafarers’’
Project Site : Dunmore East
Project Site : Dunmore East
Project Site : Dunmore East
Cemetery grounds with stepped belvedere...
... oriented towards the Irish sea
seat tomb
tomb with incorporated seat
Multicultual church grounds access plan (top) and programmatic plan (bottom)
inside plan of churh with asymetric views
light from above seen in the prayer room
inside view towards altar with view of the sea with filtered light from south
N-E axonometric (top) & programmatic axonometric (bottom)
inside view from altar towards entrance, narthex & prayer room (top), both views (bottom)
section prayer room & narthex (top) facade of entrance (bottom)