Tenders 01, 02, 02, 04 2016 & quote 01, 02 2016

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Pembroke Local Council notifies that Offers will be received up to 1.00pm on Monday, 18th April, 2016, for:  Tender 01/2016 - Tender for Provision of Qualified Accountant Services  Tender 02/2016 - Tender for The Provision of Bulky Waste Collection Services in an Environmentally Friendly Manner  Tender 03/2016 - Tender for Professional Services of an Architect & Civil Engineer Tender Documents Fee - €50.00 each offer 

Tender 04/2016 - Tender for Junior Science Club Animators Tender Documents Fee - €5.00 each offer

 Quote 01/2016 - Cash Collection Services  Quote 02/2016 - Maid Services at the Council Offices All offers are to be submitted and deposited by hand in sealed envelopes. Further information and forms/documentations may be obtained from the Administrative Office of Pembroke Local Council, Alamein Road, Pembroke, during office hours. Offers will be opened in public after the closing time stipulated. The Pembroke Local Council reserves the right to reject any tender or part there of, even the most advantageous. Kevin Borg Executive Secretary

Il-Kunsill Lokali Pembroke jgħarraf li qed jilqa’ offerti sas-1.00pm ta’ nhar it-Tnejn, 18 ta’ April, 2016 għal:  Tender 01/2016 – Servizz Professjonali ta’ Accountant  Tender 02/2016 – Servizz għall-ġbir ta’ Skart Goff b’mod favur l-ambjent  Tender 03/2016 – Servizz Professjonali ta’ Perit u Inġinier Ċivili Miżata għal kull dokument tal-offerti - €50.00 

Tender 04/2016 - Tender għall-Klabb tal-Junior Science Animators Miżata għal kull dokument tal-offerti - €5.00

 Kwotazzjoni 01/2016 – Servizz ta’ ġbir ta’ flus mill-Kunsill  Kwotazzjoni 02/2016 – Servizz ta’ tindif tal-uffiċċju tal-Kunsill L-Offerti kollha għandhom jiġu sottomessi u depożitati bl-idejn f’invilopp issiġillat. Aktar tagħrif inkluż formoli/dokumentazzjoni tista’ tinkiseb mill-Uffiċċju Amministrattiv tal-Kunsill Lokali Pembroke li jinsab fi Triq Alamein, Pembroke, waqt il-ħinijiet ta’ l-Uffiċċju. L-offerti kollha jinfetħu fil-pubbliku wara l-ħin stipulat ta’ l-għeluq. Il-Kunsill jirriserva d-dritt li jirrifjuta kull offerta jew parti minnha, anki l-aktar offerta vantaġġuża. Kevin Borg Segretarju Eżekuttiv

Sindku : Avv. Dean Hili Viċi Sindku : Raymond Lanzon Kunsilliera : Evelyn Vella Brincat, Mark Causon u Charles Cesare Segretarju Eżekuttiv : Kevin Borg

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