2 minute read
What Pet is Right For You?
Does your apartment/dorm allow pets?
A. Sure does!
B. Only little ones!
C. No, but they turn a blind eye if it’s not disruptive.
D. Definitely not
How much time are you willing to spend with your pet?
A. Most of my day.
B. A few hours a day.
C. About an hour a day.
D. My schedule is crazy busy so something low maintenance!
Are you thinking about getting a furry friend?
Pets can be excellent roommates, or the subject of a cautionary tale when it comes to college living. Follow the quiz below and see what pet is right for you!
~ Story by Rylee Crowley / Illustrations by Anna Yantek
Do you or your roommates have bad pet hair allergies?
A. A little, but certain pet fur is okay.
B. Nope!
C. I’m not sure.
D. Either my roommate or I have horrible allergies.
How much money can you spend on your pet?
A. $500-$1000 first-time cost and roughly $150 per month
B. $300-$400 first-time cost and roughly $100 per month
C. $185-$250 first-time cost and roughly $15 per month
D. $50-$100 first-time cost and roughly $5 per month
How much can you set aside and save for unforeseen expenses/emergency visits?
A. $1,000 - $2,000
B. $800 - $1,500
C. $100 - $300
D. $50
How knowledgeable are you about pet training?
A. I’m knowledgeable and willing to learn!
B. I know the basics!
C. I’ll figure it out.
D. Literally nothing.
Are you a patient person?
A. I am the most patient person you’ll ever meet!
B. For the most part, but I have limits.
C. I do, but I lose it quickly.
D. Not really.
Do you like going on walks? Do you have time to do them?
A. Love them, yes!
B. Every now and then.
C. Rarely.
D. Walking with no destination is pointless!
Now add up how many of each letter you chose! Your most-selected letter determines your pet:
Mostly A’s: The best pet for you is a dog! You have all the necessities to care for this high maintenance friend. Your pup needs lots of walks, potty breaks, attention, and love. These friends are so rewarding, but lots of responsibility!
Mostly B’s: The best pet for you is a cat! You require something slightly less expensive and low maintenance. These purring partners will be great for cuddles at night, but you won’t have to worry about them being home alone for big parts of the day. Just make sure you’re not allergic!
Mostly C’s: The best pet for you is a small fuzzy pet like a bunny, guinea pig, or hamster! These guys can be cuddly, but they require a lot less maintenance and surprise expenses than cats & dogs. Just make sure you’re cleaning their bedding often!
Mostly D’s: The best pet for you is a fish! Fish light up your room and are so much fun to watch. You can decorate their tank to match your room aesthetic, and give them fun names! Fish require low levels of maintenance and time, but allow you to have a pet to call your own!