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January Horoscopes from Russell Grant


New Moon - 13th Full Moon - 28th


You’ve got your mind on money and money on your mind at the beginning of the month. Pursuing a lucrative job is worth the time and effort. Dress the part of a confident professional for interviews, even if you are meeting via video conference. You could get a solid job offer on the 13th, courtesy of the career oriented New Moon. This could mark an exciting professional transformation. Neither a lender nor a borrower be during the second part of the month, when a friend exaggerates their ability to repay debts. The Full Moon on the 28th warns against getting swept off your feet by a charming suitor. Mercury goes retrograde on the 30th, prompting you to make some revisions to your social activities.


Your drive and determination will skyrocket in the first week of January; take this opportunity to pursue a lofty goal. Flirting with someone from a foreign country is a distinct possibility; late evening Skype or Facetime sessions could pass the time nicely. The 13th could find you signing up for an advanced course with a talented and forward-thinking organisation that could have a profound impact on your outlook. Embracing your authenticity during the middle of the month will cause your popularity to soar; do your best to stand apart from the crowd. On the 28th, the Full Moon could mark the end of a career path, turning you in a more rewarding direction. It’s possible you’ll go back to work for an employer that always treated you well.


The beginning of January brings the intellectual stimulation you crave. This is a great time to attend some advanced and engaging courses in your favourite subject; online learning will be engrossing. Don’t let fear of looking foolish keep you from asking probing questions or discussing interesting theories. The New Moon on the 13th will bring a financial windfall in the form of a refund check, insurance payment, or court settlement. Use this money to put a down payment on something that will bring long-term security. During the second half of January, the Full Moon could bring some unexpected news about a community matter. Take time to process this upheaval. At the end of the month, a legal matter that you thought was settled could resurface.


An intimate relationship will occupy most of your time and attention during the first half of the month. Whether you live with your significant other or chatting online is immaterial; these flirtatious conversations will be the highlight of your days. On the 13th, the New Moon could mark a big change in your relationship status. Getting engaged, married, or divorced is a distinct possibility. This shift will put you on an empowering path that allows you to realise your full potential. A source of income could come to an end as February draws near, due to a disruptive Full Moon. Working on a commission basis will improve your financial situation in the closing days of the month; this assignment will be temporary but lucrative.


Finding ways to be of service could bring great fulfilment in the opening days of the month. Donate your time, money and resources to a worthy cause. The New Moon on the 13th beckons you to begin a fitness regimen. Toning your body and building muscle will boost your energy and improve your outlook. Career demands could put strain on a close relationship in the second half of January; it’s important to put your cards on the table with a romantic partner. Resist the urge to change your look towards the end of January, when the Full Moon could tempt you to doing something drastic. Someone from your past could try to reconnect with you in the final days of January; beware.


Matters of the heart are the focus in the beginning of January. If you’re looking for love, post a profile on a dating website; you will generate lots of interest. If you’re already in a serious relationship, you should only proceed with caution and if you’re not in a relationship don’t jump into the deep end too impetuously even if you’re limited to talking via Skype or FaceTime. The New Moon on the 13th could find you getting swept off your feet by an ardent admirer. Let yourself get carried away. Alternatively, you could get engaged or make a serious romantic commitment. On the 28th, the Full Moon will bring a secret to light; prepare for a shock. A former employer could offer you a job in the final days of the month.


Abandoning yourself to domestic pursuits will be pleasurable at the beginning of January. It’s a great time to decorate, clear out clutter and make upgrades to your abode. On the 13th, the New Moon could prompt you to relocate to a more congenial area. This move will have a profound impact on your emotions. Instead of putting up with a toxic situation, you’ll leave the past behind and embrace a more rewarding lifestyle. Your association with a creative group could come to an end near the 28th, due to a contentious Full Moon. Going solo will feel liberating. An ex-lover might try to reconnect with you in the last days of January. Carefully consider whether you want to get involved again.


Money matters look likely to be coming first and foremost in your thinking as you start the New Year. Of course you will want to think things through rationally and make some longer-term decisions that will help keep your finances on a steady course throughout the coming months. The middle of January will begin to bring some positive results of these financial decisions and also for other plans and projects you set in motion during the last few months of last year. As January begins to fade and February starts to loom large you may find yourself rethinking some aspects of your life. Professional and personal relationships may need to be reassessed. Some long-held views and values may no longer be appropriate and you will feel a growing need to find a new way forward.


Increasing your income should be your focus in the first half of the month. Applying for lucrative jobs, starting a business, or courting wealthy clients are all good possibilities at the beginning of January. The fruits of your labour could pay off around the middle of January, when the New Moon could deposit a dream job in your lap. Beware of divulging secrets in the last half of January; indiscretion could bite you where it hurts. Towards the end of the month, the Full Moon could force you to cancel a trip or withdraw from an academic program. Politeness can help getting the refund on a deposit. Watching a documentary or reading an article could dramatically change your views on an issue in the last days of the month.


All eyes will be on you at the start of January. Use your powerful charisma to win favours, conquer hearts and secure jobs. Look your best and seize every opportunity to promote your agenda. The New Moon on the 13th is perfect for changing your look or upgrading your wardrobe. Investing in your appearance will pay off handsomely. Assuming additional work responsibilities during the second half of the month could pave the way to a big promotion and raise. Watch the days following the 28th, when a distressing Full Moon could bring an end to payments from a legal settlement or royalty agreement. The final days of January will find you thinking of ways to increase your earned income.


Keeping a low profile will be the order of the day in early January. Home improvement projects could be especially engrossing, deepening your enjoyment of domestic pursuits. On the 13th, the New Moon will prompt you to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. Don’t try to sweep a troubling family matter under the rug in the second half of the month. The sooner you face the truth of a relative’s health problems, the easier it will be for the entire group to rally together. The Full Moon on the 28th will mark a big change in a close relationship; it’s possible a strong union will fall by the wayside. During the final days of January, you’ll radically change the way you share ideas.


January begins on a sociable note. Even if you are only communicating via Zoom or Skype, you’ll greatly enjoy communications with your nearest and dearest. Thanks to the support you get from loved ones, you may be inspired to change your look or image. The New Moon on the 13th may find you joining a group of influential people who are dedicated to making the world a better place. Beware of making promises you can’t deliver during the second half of the month; you’ll tend to overestimate your abilities. The Full Moon on the 28th might prompt you to quit a job that is spiritually depleting. A recurring dream will get your attention during the final days of the month.

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