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Your March Horoscopes from Russell Grant

March Horoscopes from Russell Grant



Embarking on a spiritual journey is advised for the beginning of March. The New Moon on the 6th urges you to turn your attention inward. If your current job or lifestyle makes you uncomfortable, it's time to make a change. It may be necessary to take up another line of work or relocate to a different part of the world. Trust your intuition; it will not let you down. Dreams contain psychic messages at this time. Keep a pen and paper handy at all times this month. On the 21st, the Full Moon brings a relationship problem to light. Spending too much time on career concerns is creating resentment with your best friend or romantic partner. Stop telling yourself work is the most important thing in life. Good relationships are more precious than gold. Give them the time and attention they deserve. Scaling back your job responsibilities is strongly advised.


Joining a group or team will pay off handsomely during the first half of March. The New Moon on the 6th urges you to join forces with other creative people. Whether you're collaborating on a work-related proposal or developing an artistic project is immaterial. The important thing is that you will get the encouragement and affirmation you crave from people you respect. On the 21st, the Full Moon will create some disappointment on the health front. It will be necessary to improve your eating and exercise habits. Instead of expecting overnight results, pace yourself slowly. It may take a few weeks before you have renewed energy, so be patient. A diet that is mainly comprised of lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains is critical to your wellbeing. Keep sugar to a minimum, as it weakens your immune system and saps your strength. Daily exercise, even if it's a brisk walk, will also improve your physical and mental health.


The New Moon on the 6th pulls an exciting career opportunity into your orbit. You could take on a new role with a charitable organisation, cultural institution or creative company. Your ability to work with people from all walks of life will fuel your success. When going on job interviews, emphasise your communication and interpersonal skills. They will help you win this highly desirable job. The Full Moon on the 21st delivers disappointing news about love. A relationship that once looked promising could fall apart at the seams. It's possible you're dealing with someone who cannot be happy, regardless of their circumstances. Playing the role of rescuer will be a game of diminishing returns. You're better off going solo. Are you in a serious relationship? Your partner may experience a terrible blow. A creative project could be rejected or a financial loss could occur. Do your best to create the emotional stability they need.


You'll have a chance to expand your horizons at the beginning of March. That's because the New Moon on the 6th will prompt you to improve your qualifications, take an overseas trip or develop a personal project. Whatever path you take will have an educational component to it. Being exposed to new ideas and attitudes will prompt you to make some changes to your lifestyle. It's possible you'll take up a spiritual practice or relocate to a different part of the world. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams this month; they will lead you to happiness. The Full Moon on the 21st puts strain on your family life. Relatives may be threatened by the transformation you are undergoing. Stop looking for other people's approval. This is your life; nobody else can lead it for you. If certain family members can't accept your decision, stay strong. Give yourself time to grieve the relationship and move on.

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