8 minute read
May Horoscopes from Russell Grant

New Moon

New Moon
Lunar Eclipse

Money could be tight at the beginning of the month, especially if you attend lots of expensive social outings. It's best to err on the side of frugality during the first half of May. If you're looking for a job, you could land a lucrative one on the 11th, courtesy of the enriching New Moon. Working for a large organisation like a university, government agency, or hospital is especially favoured. Your spiritual life will assume greater importance during the middle of the month; this is a good time to take up a sacred practice. The Lunar Eclipse on the 26th could mark the end of a legal battle. You won't be happy with the result, but you'll be relieved this fight is over.
An authority figure might feel threatened by your powerful charisma in early May. Although it might be difficult to get ahead in your career, you'll be a smashing success on the social front. If you're looking for work, ask a wellconnected friend to set up an interview at their company. They'll be happy to oblige. The New Moon on the 11th is perfect for getting a makeover or changing your image. Starting a new chapter will make your eyes sparkle with happiness. Who you know will be more important than what you know in midMay. Take this opportunity to make friends and influence people. An intimate relationship will hit a rough patch on the 26th, due to a disruptive Lunar Eclipse.


It could be difficult to get respect from an expert at the beginning of May. Someone with extensive knowledge in a subject might not think you are serious about this discipline. If you're going to work together, you must be diligent. You'll be more successful in love than work; paying extra attention to your appearance will attract the attention of several ardent admirers. Going on a spiritual retreat is would be good for you on the 11th, courtesy of the calming New Moon. After taking time to rest and relax, you'll be ready to pursue an exciting career opportunity during the middle of the month. The Lunar Eclipse on the 26th may mark the end of a close relationship; prepare for a jolt. Choose your words carefully at the end of May.

Neither a lender nor a borrower be at the start of the month. The last thing you want is to mix friendship with finance. The New Moon on the 11th could find you mixing with a different group of people. Joining an artists' collective or professional organisation could improve your social stature. The chance to advance your education could arrive during the middle of the month. This is a good time to take some advanced courses, even if it's via the Internet. On the 26th, a Lunar Eclipse could bring an abrupt end to a job. Think about returning to a former employer for work; this position will be much more stimulating than your former position. Your experience could pave the way for a big promotion.
Your romantic or business partner won't give you much support for career plans in early May. It's important to pursue a golden opportunity regardless of what anyone thinks; you don't want to be consumed with regret. On the 11th, the New Moon could find you accepting a wonderful position involving real estate, luxury goods, or gourmet food. This work will feel like you're getting paid to have fun. In the middle weeks of the month, your love life could really sizzle. Spending as much time with your amour will give you an attractive glow that turns heads. Renewing your commitment to each other is a strong possibility at the end of the month. A risk could result in loss on the 26th, due to a conflicted Lunar Eclipse.

Your health could be delicate at the start of the month. Try not to weigh down your schedule with lots of extra work. When you get tired, take naps. Eat nutritious food. Take light exercise. Sensible habits can help you stay well. The
New Moon on the 11th will open the door to an exceptional educational opportunity. You'll really enjoy working with an expert you have always admired, even if you're just communicated via video conference or e-mail. A close relationship will become a source of tremendous joy. Whether you have teamed up with a romantic or business partner, your interactions will open doors that were previously closed. On the 26th, a Lunar Eclipse could prompt you to suddenly relocate.


There may not be much money for leisurely pursuits in the opening days of May. Instead of being consumed by frustration, find inexpensive ways to have fun. Armchair travelling can be diverting. Watch movies and read books set in exotic locales. By the time the 11th arrives, the New Moon will deliver a financial windfall that allows you to indulge in creature comforts. Exceptional work opportunities could arrive during the middle of the month. Landing a job in the arts is a distinct possibility. A former romantic partner might try to reconnect with you during the second half of May; be wary about getting involved again. The Lunar Eclipse on the 26th could deliver some shocking news about your community; prepare to have your assumptions challenged.

Your family might not approve of your best friend or romantic partner at the beginning of May. Standing in defence of your loved one is critical to the health of your relationship. The New Moon on the 11th opens the door to an alliance that restores your zest for life. It's a great time to exchange vows, form a professional alliance, or collaborate on a creative project. Embarking on a romantic adventure is a strong possibility; throw caution to the wind and take a big risk. Domestic pressure could let up during the second half of May. If the Lunar Eclipse on the 26th ends a job, you can start a home-based business. You'll find this work much more rewarding.

Arguments at work could break out during the first half of the month. Avoid contentious subjects like the plague. The last thing you want is to make your job more stressful than it already is. On the 11th, you could embark on a fitness regimen that helps relieve anxiety. Mid-month could bring a chance to relocate to a peaceful abode. Moving to a place near the water can soothe your fiery energy. It's possible you will be leaving a role near the 26th, due to a disruptive Lunar Eclipse. Embrace this chance to start afresh.
Money could be tight at the start of May. Selling your handmade wares could be a good source of additional income. You've always been gifted with your hands; use them to make furniture, clothing, jewellery, or food that's marketed to a specialised market. The New Moon on the 11th could find you falling head over heels in love with someone who satisfies your sensual needs. If you're already in a relationship, it may feel like you've embarked on a second honeymoon with your amour. Your main source of income could dry up during the second half of the month, so it's important to find new ways of making money. A Lunar Eclipse on the 26th could bring a family secret to light.


You may not get much cooperation from family during the first half of May. Relatives think your ideas are too radical, but you're firmly convinced that it's time for a dramatic overhaul. The New Moon on the 11th could prompt you to move to a place surrounded by beautiful landscaping. Your moneymaking potential will grow exponentially by mid-month; don't be surprised if you're offered a high-paying job. You'll earn more for doing less. On the 26th, the Full Moon could bring an end to a group association that has been getting on your nerves.

Beware of blurting out secrets at the beginning of May. Practicing discretion is critical to maintaining friendships. Instead of socialising, you may prefer spending lots of time at home. Domestic pursuits like cooking, cleaning and gardening can be rewarding. A job involving teaching, writing, or broadcasting could be awarded to you near the 11th, thanks to the communicative New Moon. There's a good chance you will earn fame and acclaim for this work. The Lunar Eclipse on the 26th might prompt you to quit your day job to spend more time on this new assignment.