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Worth it?

Author: Kevin Mogollon Cabellos Editor: Kevin Mogollon Cabellos Learn More:

What is the Best Coffee Maker for You? There are hundreds of different types of coffee makers to choose from. While each coffee maker has the same purpose of making cofee, that is not the only function they can provide as you’ll find out.

Bialetti - Moka Express

Price 29.99 Lasts 4 Years Serves 3 Cups Feeds 2 Person Available Online 14 January/Feburary 2022

The Moka Express is one of the best style coffee makers for traditional Italian coffee. While it may have been created in 1933, by Alfonso Bialetti, the original model is still used today with just a few minor adjustments. The current “original” model only holds around three cups of coffee, measured in expresso cups, it is more than enough for a single-person household or apartment. One of the major benefits of this Coffee maker is that coffee is made quickly and on the spot. Being able to be used on stovetops and electric tops allows it to be used in multiple types and styles of homes. One of the drawbacks however is that it is not automatic. The way this coffee maker functions is quite similar to the modern coffee maker. First, fill up the bottom

of the Moka express with the amount of water needed, but not passing the safety valve. The next step is simply to place the ground coffee in the center disk and place it on the stove. However, this does require a steady watch and ear to listen when it is ready to turn off the stove. The Moka Express can make quite a mess if the water goes over the boiling point and the stove is not turned off. However, if used correctly, it can also make every morning coffee a pleasant experience to wake up to.

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