Drone and Buoy System for Gathering FLoating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

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School of Architecture, Industrial Design & Built Environment


Charles Kevin D. Reglos Bachelors of Science in Industrial Design

Manila, Philippines March, 2017

Chapter 1

Project Overview Introduction

The Earth’s surface is covered by 71% of water, that is approximately 1.3 billion cubic

kilometres of water. Although a sizeable amount, if Earth’s total water supply was to be collected into a sphere, its diameter would span 1,385 kilometres or roughly ⅓ the size of the United States. Yet only 4% of the global water supply is freshwater; 10.6 million cubic kilometres of freshwater, would only amount to form a sphere with a diameter of 272.8 km. Furthermore less than 1% (93,000 cubic km) of this water supply is easily accessible. Much of the freshwater on Earth is trapped in glaciers and snowfields.

The easily accessible water comes from groundwater, swamp water, rivers, and lakes,

scattered unevenly throughout Earth’s surface. The uneven distribution of water leads to some countries having water shortages, and others having a surplus. Countries with surplus amounts of water usually have many or large lakes within their territory, or countries that reside within the tropical regions of the planet.

The Philippines obtains its water supply mainly from rainfall, and surface water resources

such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and groundwater resources.According to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, there are 79 lakes in the country, mainly used for fish production. The Philippines is estimated to have around 50,000 sq km of groundwater. This groundwater supply is continuously recharged by rainfall and seepage from rivers and lakes.Due to the tropical climate, the Philippines receives 1000-4000 mm of rainfall per year. Whereas 1,000 - 2,000 mm are collected by the natural topography of more than 421 river basins. Overall, the Philippines has over 145,900 cubic kilometers per year of freshwater resource from surface water, and 20,000 cubic kilometres per year of groundwater recharge extraction.

In theory, due to the freshwater capacity and the high rate of rainfall, assures the country

adequate supply of water to sustain the agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors. Though, seasonal variations are considerable and the geographic distribution of water is uneven, thus often resulting in water shortages in highly populated areas, especially during the dry season.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

The Philippines has an abundant source of freshwater, but is hindered due to the fact that as

a developing country, high growth in population, urbanisation, and industrialisation have reduced the water quality of the country.

I. Background of the Problem •

Waterways in Metro Manila are polluted with floating wastes from informal settlers and

industrial factories settled along the many tributaries of the Pasig River •

Informal settlers living along creeks and tributaries have no proper sewage and waste

dispensing, leaving the creek under as the primary outlet for most sewage. •

The floating pollution increases the health risk for nearby households and businesses,

informal and formal alike •

Their is no efficient device that can collect the accumulated garbage floating on top of

Metro-Manila’s waterways

Figure 1.1: Workers use modified rakes to collect floating wastes Photo Source: www.adb.org/features/pasig-river-clean


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

According to the Philippine Environmental Monitor (PEM) of 2003 nearly half of the water

pollution came from domestic origin. Geographically, a third of the generated pollutants of domestic origin come from Metro Manila and Region IV alone.

Figure 1.2: A table of data colected from the PEM of the source of pollution in Metro Manila


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

II. Existing Conditions

Figure 1.3: A tributary filled with garbage

Photo Source: pollutionpictures.blogspot.com

Domestic wastes accumulate and clog up tributaries, forming large accumulated piles of

waste. These waste piles attract numerous insects and bacteria that can carry diseases, increasing the health risk to nearby inhabitants.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

Figure 1.4: Government workers and volunteers conduct operations to collect garbage

There is currently no proper and efficient way to remove the floating wastes from the water.

Current methods require manual labor with the use of modified rakes, made from electric fan casings and wooden poles.

Living Conditions, Constraints and Risks

Informal settlers living along polluted tributaries have no proper sewage sanitation counter-

measures to regulate pollution that enters the water.

The polluted waste water can amass dangerous bacteria and mosquitoes that can harbour

diseases such as, Dengue, gastro-enteritis, diarrhoea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis and many more. • Most creekside inhabitants are unaware of the health ristks that they are exposed to from the accumulated garbage. • Children living along the polluted waterways are especially at risk due to weaker immune systems 1-5

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

IV. Project Objectives

Research conducted on water pollution specifically in tributaries of the Pasig River concluded

that a solution is needed for the ever growing problem of surface water pollution in the creeks. a.

Design a mobile waste collection system that can efficiently relocate and extract

floating debris away from nearby inhabitants b.

Design a mobile waste collection system that has little to no negative impact on the

surrounding environment c.

Design a mobile waste collection system that can be easily operated by an individual

or a small group of individuals d.

Design a mobile waste collection system that can be easily maintained and be in

operation for extended periods of time e.

Design a mobile waste collection system that can tread through the narrow of creeks

as well as main river bodies

V. Scopes and Limitations

This project will focus on developing a mobile waste collection system that can relocate and

extract amassed floating garbage from tributaries in Metro-Manila. With as little negative impact to the environment while in operation as possible.

VI. Methodology

This project has been conducted by collecting various statistics, and articles from local

and international organizations and several government branches, such as the Environmental Management Bureau, and the Philippine Environmental Monitor. Field research has also been conductedon Rivers and tributaries around Metro Manila, mainly the Pasig River and it’s set of tributaries. Interviews with Experts of Related Fields such as Drone Building and Electrical Engineering. 1-6

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 1

Project Overview

VII. Chapter Summary

The every growing population of Metro-Manila has become an increasing problem for its

inhabitants. As the population grows living space becomes very limited, thus forcing some to live near, or next to a creek, river or tributary. The lack of proper sewage and sanitation has left the tributaries throughout the metro filthy and filled with garbage. This garbage attracts bacteria and mosquitos which can carry diseases that can infect and harm the nearby communities. This health risk has no safe, or efficient solution. Thus this project aims to solve that by looking into the root cause of the risk, the garbage, and provide a design for modular mobile garbage collection system versitile enough for the tributaries of Metro Manila.


Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis Introduction

One of the most important factors of product innovation is identifying the desires as well as

the needs of the consumer; identifying these factors will help resolve the concerns of the consumer. Technology developments have been studied by experts and analyzed for further improvement.

This chapter covers the existing products and technologies that can be utilized for the

mobile waste collection system for rivers. The innovations presented are either existing or under development.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

I. Existing Methods of River Waste Collection

Figure 2.1: River cleaning program being Photo Source: www.un.org/waterforlifedecade/waterforlifevoices/cases_villar_philippines.shtml

River Cleaning Programs These are operations usually conducted by local governments, consisting of government workers, and or local volunteers. Depending on the scale of the operation about 2 to 20 or more people are able to participate. Operation lengths vary from a few days to weeks of cleaning, depending on the scale of the project. Workers ride on boats or rafts and use modified rakes and nets to collect floating garbage from rivers. This is the current and seemingly the only method of river waste collection here in the country.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

II. Related Products

The Proposed system for river waste collection would be to use drones to pull buoys and

collect garbage in its wake. There are currently only a handful of products that are related to this topic of river waste collection that have gone public. Some of these products are still in development and are only proof of concepts.


Figure 2.2: Seavax Product Photo Source: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_Plastic_International_Rescue/SeaVax_Ocean_ Clean_Up_Robot_Drone_Ship_Sea_Vacuum.htm

Description: The Sea Vax is a proof of concept waste collection system that utilities vacuums to collect wastes from the ocean and other bodies of water. Developed by Bluebird Marine Systems LTD, it is only a proof of concept product, and is currently not being mass produced. According to the site EcoWatch, who wrote an article about Seavax “The ship purportedly works by funneling plastic waste as it moves forward. According to this mock-up posted to the Innovate UK website, once built, the vessel will be around 144 feet long and fully autonomous. Deck-mounted solar panels and two wind turbines will feed power to electric pumps and filters that can suck up plastic solids and micro plastics. An on-board shredder rips and breaks up larger pieces of debris.� 2-3

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Figure 2.3: Sea Vax product scale Photo Source: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/

Pros • The Sea Vax works by shredding sucked up trash so it can be stored more efficiently in its storage tanks • It is solar and wind powered, meaning it is self sustaining and contributes little to no carbon footprint Cons • The Sea Vax is very big, and does not look like it is easy to transport. • Its size makes it impractical for small scale operations in river tributaries. • The storage tanks are limited to a small amount of collected waste, making the maintenance of the product labor intensive.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

The Buddy Catamaran

Figure 2.4: The Buddy Catamaran Boat Photo Source: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_Plastic_International_Rescue/River_Trash_ Skimmers_Skips_Waterways_Cleaning_Work_Boats.htm

Description: The “Buddy” is developed by The British company, Water Witch. It is a litter retrieval and waterway maintenance boat for inland waters and harbours. As stated by Bluebird Electric, “The Buddy is built from aluminium and designed for ease of operation and low cost of ownership, this road-transportable vessel features a removable basket, which can be lifted and tipped directly into a skip or shore side receptacle for disposal. The boat can filter a water surface of 92 x 92 metres per hour. The filter system can be adjusted to collect different sizes of flotsam.”


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Pros • The product can filter water and collect garbage at the same time • It is light weight compared to other boats • Can be manned and operated by one person Cons • The size of the boat limits it to operating in the main river • Boats are limited in movement in smaller bodies of water, such as the tributaries of a river • The boat has a limited capacity before having to discharge collected garbage


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Trash Skimmers or Marina Cleaners

Figure 2.5: A Marina Cleaner on duty Photo Source: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_Plastic_International_Rescue/River_Trash_Skimmers_Skips_Waterways_Cleaning_Work_Boats.htm

Description: Similar to the Buddy, this river waste collection unit is a boat of a larger scale compared to the former. It has a mouth at the front, that feeds the conveyor belt that heads towards the waste containment area at the back. Developed by Alpha Boats based in Central New York City, the trash skimmer was built for heavy duty work.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Pros • Can collect a formidable amount of trash before having to discharge • Compact compared to the amount of trash it can collect at one time Cons • The Marina Cleaner is too big and impractical for the setting of the Philippines • Although it can collect large amounts of trash, the unit as a whole is too big to enter smaller tributaries • Limited operations to main river body


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Inner Harbor Water Wheel (Mr. Trash Wheel)

vFigure 2.6: A picture of Mr. Trash Photo Source: http://gas2.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/mr-trash-wheel.jpg

Description: According to the Baltimore Waterfront Partnership ”The Inner Harbor Water Wheel, or “Mr. Trash Wheel” to locals, combines old and new technology to harness the power of water and sunlight to collect litter and debris flowing down the Jones Falls River. The river’s current provides power to turn the water wheel, which lifts trash and debris from the water and deposits it into a dumpster barge. When there isn’t enough water current, a solar panel array provides additional power to keep the machine running. When the dumpster is full, it’s towed away by boat, and a new dumpster is put in place.”


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Pros • Uses solar power for source of electricity, meaning little to no carbon emissions • Its design also uses the current of the river to generate turning power of the wheel • Can potentially collect unlimited amounts of trash at a time due to its stationary design Cons • The Mr. Trash Wheel’s stationary design could be a problem to tributaries with little to no current • The stationary design would be vulnerable to unpredictable events, such as vandalism from passersby


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

III. Existing Products

The proposed system uses modified watercraft Drones to pull a buoy line through a tributary

to collect floating wastes. This section will focus on the existing products of drones. Because the topic focuses solely on rivers and bodies of water, the existing products shown will be focused on remote controlled boats (RC Boats).

RC Boat Hulls Although RC Boats seem basic with little complexity, there are many factors that effect its design like most, if not all products in the market. The different hull types, not only dictate the outer appearance of the model, but how it performs on water. This section will cover all the hull types of boats, providing a description of what each different hull provides for the set up. 1. Mono Hulls (Monoplanes)

Figure 2.7: monohull boat example Photo Source: http://www3.telus.net/acboats/images/Mono_img/Razor/Razor%20Webpage.jpg

Description: These are boats that have a single planing surface. RC Boat Magazine, Select the Right Hull (http://www.rcboatmag.com/select-the-right-hull/ ) “A monoplane also compresses air as it runs, but spills it off the sides as it builds speed. More importantly however, is how the water releases or sheds off the bottom of the hull as it rides across the water. Most monoplanes have strakes that shear the water from the bottom of the boat as it operates. Strakes also create lift or a force that raises the boat from the water. The faster your mono goes the more you have to control the lift by adjusting and tuning the hardware on the back of the boat. Monoplanes turn quite well in both directions. They can also handle rougher water than air suspended hulls. If your body of water is somewhat larger and maybe gets rough from time to time, a monoplane is a good choice.� 2-11

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

There are two types of Mono Hulls, the “Deep Vee” and the “Shallow Vee” The Deep Vee design handles ruff & choppy water better then any of the other fast electric hull designs. They also turn great in both directions & are easy to setup. This make this type of hull perfect for the beginner. Due to the large amount of the hull that rides in the water causing drag, these are also the slowest of all the FE hulls. Very fast Deep Vees will run with most of the hull out of the water, this is great for speed but can cause erratic handling.

Figure 2.8: Cross section of a monohull Photo Source: http://aeromarineresearch.com/download/TBPNews/vee_deadrise-02.jpg

Shallow Vee design has a larger angle to the V on the hulls cross section, making it so less

of the hull touch the water at high speeds, Shallow Vees are much faster than Deep Vees, but tend to slide on corners.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

2. Catamaran Hull

Figure 2.9: Catamaran hull example Photo Source: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1rJS3KFXXXXXuXXXXq6xXFXXX0/DT-G26B-26CC-Gasoline-SPIDER-fontb-CATAMARAN-b-font-font-b-RC-b-font-BOAT.jpg

Description: The Catamaran Hull design is a cross between the Hydro Hull and the Deep Vee hull. The Biggest difference though is the center tunnel, providing the hull less drag compared to the Deep Vee hull, while creating lift at the same time. The twin hull design provides the Catamaran hull better handling in rough waters. The problem with the Catamaran design is the possibility of being blown over on windy days. At high speeds the Catamaran is more stable than Monohulls because of the twin hull design.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

3. Hydro Hull

Figure 2.10: Hydro Hull example Photo Source: http://uniqualis.com/images/boat/52.jpg

The hydro hull is the fastest scaled hull design. According to Offshore Electrics “The Scale

Hydro is the fastest of all the scale hulls. The only hull design faster is a rigger which doesn’t resemble any full scale boats. A well designed, balanced and powered Hydro will run with only a very small part of each sponson touching the water, while the transom will be lifted out of the water by prop. Because of this, the hull has very little drag. They are hard to setup correctly. And most are designed to make right turns better the left turns. Most need very flat water to run. Windy conditions easily cause blow overs and choppy water will cause the nose to stuff the waves.“


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Product Observations After observing several products and concepts, the current designs of related products had very clever ideas, but were very impractical for the setting of Metro Manila. Many of the related products are too bulky to fit in the small tributaries of the Pasig River and are only become practical if they were used in the main river body. Other designs are to limited in movement and storage capacity that it would actually hinder progress, by maintenance costs or time constraints if they were to be put into operation in the Pasig River. The existing hull designs of boats also serve different purposes to what is needed in the proposed design for river waste collection. The current hull designs were intended for speed in mind, this would not be applicable to the current concept.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

IV. Related Technologies

This section will be looking into the related technologies that could be incorporated into the

proposed design. Exploring mostly the field of remote controlled products and the technologies currently being used.

Radio Transmitters and Receivers

The transmitter and the receiver both come in a package when purchasing an radio control

kit, as one would become useless if left separately. Radio transmitters are what transmit signals to the drone giving it commands to execute. The receiver (Rx), receives signals from the transmitter, and sends them out to different individual channels that control different components of the drone. The transmitter uses electromagnetic radiation to communicate with the receiver that is attached to the drone unit. The transmitter is operated by the pilot. A typical transmitter consists of around 4 to 6 radio wave channels.

RC transmitters sends data to the receiver by generating modulated radio frequency carrier,

while the receiver is tuned to deter the transmitter’s carrier frequency. Frequency bands allocated for Radio Control are dependent on the country. Each Frequency Band is divided into channels. The radio frequency for model boats are standardises to 75MHz, Channels 61 to 90. Most modern R/C systems use frequency modulation (FM) apposed to amplitude modulation (AM) as it is better at rejecting interference compared to the latter.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Figure 2.11: A diagram that shows the parts of a transmitter Photo Source: http://adamone.rchomepage.com/guide1.htm

The diagram above shows a 5 channel transmitter with 2 joysticks, equating to 4 channels, with the last channel for a landing gear. Typically the more channels a drone utilises the more complex it gets, with the added benefit of more features.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Electric Motors

Figure 2.12: A Diagram showing the differences of brushed and brushless motors Photo Source: http://www.thinkrc.com/faq/images/brushed-brushless.jpg

Motors are the engines of the R/C world, they are what provides movement for the drone by

rotating the propeller rapidly to create thrust. Electric Motors come in two variants, Brushed and Brushless Motors. According to ThinkRC, who did an article on the differences between Brushed and Brushless motors “A Brushed Motor has a rotating set of wound wire coils(armature) which acts as an electromagnet with two poles. A mechanical rotary switch(commutator) reverses the direction of the electric current twice every cycle, to flow through the armature so that the poles of the electromagnet push and pull against the permanent magnets on the outside of the motor. As the poles of the armature electromagnet pass the poles of the permanent magnets, the commutator reverses the polarity of the armature electromagnet. During the instant of switching polarity, inertia keeps the motor going in the proper direction. A Brushless Motor uses a permanent magnet external rotor, three phases of driving coils, one or more devices to sense the position of the rotor, and the associated drive electronics. The coils are activated, one phase after the other, by the electronic speed controller as cued by the signals from the rotor position sensors.� Brushless offer more power and longer lives compared to their counter parts at the cost of a higher price. Though brushed motors cost less than their counter parts they require periodic maintenance to keep in operation.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Electronic Speed Controller (ESC)

Figure 2.13 An example of an ESC controller for brushless motors Photo Source: http://www.supertigre.com/electric-power/product-images/supm1030bs01m-lg.jpg

ESCs control how much power goes into the motor. The ESC controls the rate in which the coils inside a brushless motor are energized, thus controlling how fast the axle on the motor spins. While the ESC is firing signals to the motor the motor also sends a feedback loop that allows the ESC to sense where the magnet on the axle is to know which coils are to be powered next. Figure 2.13 shows the various wires that are needed to connect to various parts of an RC system. The 3 black wires connect to the brushless motor and on the other end, the multi colored wire connects to the receiveer and the other 2 connect to the battery.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Li-Po Batteries

Figure 2.14: A picture of a 3200mAh battery Photo Source: https://hobbyking.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/565x414/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/legacy/catalog/86187.jpg

Short for Lithium Polymer Batteries, provide the source of the power for the RC

System. Lipo batteries are the next iteration of Lithium Ion batteries, they offer cheaper costs, more utility, flexibility and flexibility compared to their predecessors. Unlike other types of batteries that come in rigid metal cases, Lipo batteries come in a flexible type case, and are over 20% lighter than the equivalent cylindrical cell with the same capacity. This is advantages for RC vehicles because the lighter weight would provide more cells into a compact area.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Servo Motor

Figure 2.15: Servomotor Example Photo Source: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1sTQ7KXXXXXcHXFXXq6xXFXXXX/TOWER-PRO-MG996R-55G-Servo-MotorDIY-font-b-Kit-b-font-Torque-Digital-Metal-Gear.jpg

Servo motors are motors that allow movement of other parts in an R/C system, such as the

steering mechanism for R/C cars, the Rudder for boats, and other miscellaneous features such as the opening of a hatch. Servo motors are able to provide precise control of movement, torque, speed or position. It can also operate at zero speed while providing enough torque to maintain a load on a given position. This makes them perfect for use in applications such as rudder, and steering control.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 2

Product Technologies Analysis

Essentially, a servomotor consists of an electric motor, feedback device, and an electronic

controller. The motor can either be AC or DC, while DC motors have the option of being brushed or brushless. Brushless DC motors are more expensive, with more complex drives, but are more reliable and maintenance free. Another way to classify servomotors can be as either single phase or three-phase.

Motors of the single phase variety can range from simple inexpensive DC motors to voice

coils for small micro and nano positioning. Servomotors also require a feedback device, typically an encoder or resolver built into the motor frame. The control circuitry is a motion controller, which generates motion profiles and ta drive to supply power to the motor.

Chapter Summary

The existing methods of collecting trash in rivers is still lacking, even with all the developed

products there is no absolute solution for the conditions provided by the Philippines. Most if not all of the related products are either too big for the local rivers to handle or lack the storage capacity to get the job done efficiently. Existing product solutions are also very expensive to invest in, the Philippines needs a budget friendly solution that a developing country can manage. Existing methods require manual labor and again highlight the problems addressed in the previous chapter.


Chapter 3

Target Market Analysis Introduction

Designers need to also consider the target market before designing a product. Considering

the habits and lifestyles of the user could drastically change the design. Specific product designs target the needs of specific markets, one could not design a watch for kids based on adult preferences. Every market has their own interests, needs and perceptions.

This chapter will discuss the findings in the target market of those who will use the pro-

posed thesis project solution, from interviews to experts opinions, to further focus marketing efforts on specific target markets.

I. Probable Target Segment

The probable target segment of this proposed thesis solution are government workers who

are in charge of environmental management. It aims to provide a better solution for collection of trash in rivers, without exposing them to the dangers of being in contact with the garbage. Providing also an easier more efficient way of collecting to help cleaning operations finish faster. It is the duty of the government to provide safety for its workers and to provide needed materials for workers to get work done. As well as their duty to keep the local environment clean. There are already many government agencies that specialize in observing and containing many environmental issues in the country. This thesis project aims to target the environmental management sector of the government, specifically on the topic of river waste management in the National Capital Region. Government Agencies that related to this topic are the MMDA, DPWH, DENR, PEM, and the PRRC.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 3

Target Market Analysis

II. Probable Target Users

The probable target users of this product are the workers on site of the river cleaning

projects, that are in charge with collecting and relocating floating trash in rivers. The thesis project proposal will help reduce the risk of illness by distancing the workers from the garbage, and increase efficiency of garbage collection by collecting the trash in mass as opposed to collecting them one by one. The growing population in Metro Manila keeps rising and this rise also increases the amount of garbage being dumped into the Pasig River and its tributaries, the government needs a product that is versatile and efficient in river waste collection to fight the rising surface waste pollution the Pasig River Tributary is facing.

III. Market Demand Estimates

The demand of the product relies upon certain statistics pertaining to the amount

of trash that is being dumped into the pasig river, and the preventative efforts the government is taking to combat the problem. This thesis project concentrates on removal of solid wastes from the tributaries

The Pasig River Stretches 25 kilometers and goes through Metro Manila, it connects Lagu-

na De Bay and Manila Bay. According to a case study of the Pasig River, by Renato T. Cruz, solid waste only makes up about 10 percent of the pollution that goes into the Pasig River, contributing to about 30 tons of Biochemical Oxygen Demand. However, the garbage deposited on the the surface, blocks the penetration of sunlight to underwater organisms. Renato T. Cruz, “Rubbish collection by the Metro Manila Authority (MMA) in the residential areas of the 367 barangays (villages) in the study varied between 70 and 100 per cent per barangay depending on the accessibility of the area to land-based collection. Inaccessible areas occur mostly along the banks of the river and hence the rubbish from these was thrown into the water. The estimated 34 t of rubbish accumulated in these riverside areas in 1990 is expected to increase to 55 t by the year 2005.� The rate at which accumulation of solid wastes in rivers has been increasing by the years as more and more people settle into metro manila. Thus creating the need for a system that can effectively and efficiently collect and remove floating wastes from the Pasig River. 3-2

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 3

Target Market Analysis

IV. Experts’ Opinion

Expert opinions were considered to support the study conducted, In the course of this

study these expert held knowledge or specific expertise to provide more information on the topic. Engr. Dr. Gerard Ang EE Professor at Mapua Institute of Technology Interview Result: Professor Ang recommended using Nickel-Cadmium batteries for their recharge-ability factor, but after further research the benefits of Lithium Polymer batteries far out weigh those of Nickel-Cadmium batteries. Professor and also provided computations for the motor concerning the total load of the product, as well as computations for battery power consumption of the motor.

Albert Roa Drone Operator, R/C Plane Builder, Drone Programmer Interview Result: Gave further insight on the topic of drones, recommended the proper parts and set up for a basic drone system. He also explained the different types of parts required for a proper drone system. Mr. Roa recommended that a motor with higher torque is necessary for the thesis project. Also a servo with a higher torque to deal with the heavy load the drone would be carrying.


Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

When designing a product not only does the aesthetics have to look good, we must also

need to factor in the people we are designing for. Since most operators of the thesis project would be using the product remotely, analysis of the human hands should be the focus. The only point of contact the drone and the operator would have would when the drone enters and leaves the body of water.

Chapter 4 will focus on the Human Factor or ergonomic analysis, specifically the hands

of the user, and how they interact with products through the use of existing pictures taken from different websites.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

I. Anthropometric Dimensional Data

Figure 4.1: Measurement of Man Standing, 1%, 50%, 99% Photo Source: The measure of Men and Women: Human Factor In Design


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Figure 4.2: Measurement of Woman Standing, 1%, 50%, 99% Photo Source: The measure of Men and Women: Human Factor In Design


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Figure 4.3: Measure of Man Side View 1%, 50%, 99% Photo Source: The measure of Men and Women: Human Factor In Design


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Figure 4.4: Measurement of Woman Side View 1%, 50%, 99% Photo Source: The Measure of Men and Woman: Human Factor in Design


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Figure 4.5: Basic Visual Data Photo Source: http://www.arch.mcgill.ca


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Figure 4.6 Hand Measurements of Men, Woman, and Children Photo Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/46/7c/2f/467c2f7d2bde9b6e8401330596724926.gif


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

As shown in the diagrams the hand and the human body in general are very versatile and

have a wide range of movements. The most important factor to be considered here for the thesis project is the range of movement of the thumbs and the index fingers, as these are the parts of the fingers most used when handling controllers.

Figure 4.7: Proper Handling of Transmitter Photo Source: https://cdn.rc-thoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/007.jpg

Figure 4.7 explores the proper way to hold a transmitter, albeit the transmitter for this thesis project will only include basic controls as the proposed drone only requires 2 channels, (1 channel for motor, 1 channel for servo)


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

II. Color Psychology Red

Being the longest wavelength, red is a powerful color. Although not technically

the most visible, it has the property of appearing to be nearer than it is and therefore it grabs our attention first. Hence its effectiveness in traffic lights the world over. Its effect is physical; it stimulates us and raises the pulse rate, giving the impression that time is passing faster than it is. It relates to the masculine principle and can activate the “fight or flight” instinct. Red is strong, and very basic. Pure red is the simplest color, with no subtlety. It is stimulating and lively, very friendly. At the same time, it can be perceived as demanding and aggressive. Positive:

• Physical courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, ‘fight or flight’,

stimulation, masculinity, excitement. Negative:

• Defiance, aggression, visual impact, strain.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis


Since it is a combination of red and yellow, orange is stimulating and reac-

tion to it is a combination of the physical and the emotional. It focuses our minds on issues of physical comfort - food, warmth, shelter etc. - and sensuality. It is a ‘fun’ color. Negatively, it might focus on the exact opposite - deprivation. This is particularly likely when warm orange is used with black. Equally, too much orange suggests frivolity and a lack of serious intellectual values. Positive:

• Physical comfort, food, warmth, security, sensuality, passion, abundance,

fun. Negative:

• Deprivation, frustration, frivolity, immaturity.


The yellow wavelength is relatively long and essentially stimulating. In this

case the stimulus is emotional, therefore yellow is the strongest color, psychologically. The right yellow will lift our spirits and our self-esteem; it is the color of confidence and optimism. Too much of it, or the wrong tone in relation to the other tones in a color scheme, can cause self-esteem to plummet, giving rise to fear and anxiety. Our “yellow streak” can surface. Positive:

• Optimism, confidence, self-esteem, extroversion, emotional strength,

friendliness, creativity. Negative:

• Irrationality, fear, emotional fragility, depression, anxiety, suicide.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis


Green strikes the eye in such a way as to require no adjustment whatever and

is, therefore, restful. Being in the center of the spectrum, it is the color of balance - a more important concept than many people realize. When the world about us contains plenty of green, this indicates the presence of water, and little danger of famine, so we are reassured by green, on a primitive level. Negatively, it can indicate stagnation and, incorrectly used, will be perceived as being too bland. Positive:

• Harmony, balance, refreshment, universal love, rest, restoration, reassurance,

environmental awareness, equilibrium, peace. Negative:

• Boredom, stagnation, blandness, enervation.


Blue is the color of the mind and is essentially soothing; it affects us mentally,

rather than the physical reaction we have to red. Strong blues will stimulate clear thought and lighter, soft blues will calm the mind and aid concentration. Consequently it is serene and mentally calming. It is the color of clear communication. Blue objects do not appear to be as close to us as red ones. Time and again in research, blue is the world’s favorite color. However, it can be perceived as cold, unemotional and unfriendly. Positive:

• Intelligence, communications, trust, efficiency, serenity, duty, logic, coolness,

reflection, calm. Negative:

• Coldness, aloofness, lack of emotion, unfriendliness


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis


The shortest wavelength is violet, often described as purple. It takes awareness

to a higher level of thought, even into the realms of spiritual values. It is highly introvert and encourages deep contemplation, or meditation. It has associations with royalty and usually communicates the finest possible quality. Being the last visible wavelength before the ultra-violet ray, it has associations with time and space and the cosmos. Excessive use of purple can bring about too much introspection and the wrong tone of it communicates something cheap and nasty, faster than any other color. Positive:

• Spiritual awareness, containment, vision, luxury, authenticity, truth, quality.


• Introversion, decadence, suppression, inferiority.


Being a tint of red, pink also affects us physically, but it soothes, rather than

stimulates. (Interestingly, red is the only color that has an entirely separate name for its tints. Tints of blue, green, yellow, etc. are simply called light blue, light green etc.) Pink is a powerful color, psychologically. It represents the feminine principle, and survival of the species; it is nurturing and physically soothing. Too much pink is physically draining and can be somewhat emasculating. Positive:

• Physical tranquility, nurture, warmth, femininity, love, sexuality, survival of the

species. Negative:

• Inhibition, emotional claustrophobia, emasculation, physical weakness.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis


Pure Grey is the only color that has no direct psychological properties. It is,

however, quite suppressive. A virtual absence of color is depressing and when the world turns Grey we are instinctively conditioned to draw in and prepare for hibernation. Unless the precise tone is right, Grey has a dampening effect on other colors used with it. Heavy use of Grey usually indicates a lack of confidence and fear of exposure. Positive:

• Psychological neutrality.


• Lack of confidence, dampness, depression, hibernation, lack of energy.


Black is all colors, totally absorbed. The psychological implications of that

are considerable. It creates protective barriers, as it absorbs all the energy coming towards you, and it enshrouds the personality. Black is essentially an absence of light, since no wavelengths are reflected and it can, therefore be menacing; many people are afraid of the dark. Positively, it communicates absolute clarity, with no fine nuances. It communicates sophistication and uncompromising excellence and it works particularly well with white. Black creates a perception of weight and seriousness. Positive:

• Sophistication, glamour, security, emotional safety, efficiency, substance.


• Oppression, coldness, menace, heaviness.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis


Just as black is total absorption, so white is total reflection. In effect, it reflects

the full force of the spectrum into our eyes. Thus it also creates barriers, but differently from black, and it is often a strain to look at. It communicates, “Touch me not!” White is purity and, like black, uncompromising; it is clean, hygienic, and sterile. The concept of sterility can also be negative. Visually, white gives a heightened perception of space. The negative effect of white on warm colors is to make them look and feel garish. Positive:

• Hygiene, sterility, clarity, purity, cleanness, simplicity, sophistication, efficiency.


• Sterility, coldness, barriers, unfriendliness, elitism.


Brown usually consists of red and yellow, with a large percentage of black.

Consequently, it has much of the same seriousness as black, but is warmer and softer. It has elements of the red and yellow properties. Brown has associations with the earth and the natural world. It is a solid, reliable color and most people find it quietly supportive - more positively than the ever-popular black, which is suppressive, rather than supportive. Positive: • Seriousness, warmth, Nature, earthiness, reliability, support. Negative: • Lack of humor, heaviness, lack of sophistication.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

The colors in design are subjective, meaning each color has a different depending on the

person. Warm colors such as Red, Orange and Yellow invoke energy, and are generally the first colors people notice. Cool colors such as, Green, Blue, and Purple, give off a more reserved feeling, and are often subdued by warmer colors. Neutral colors serve as a background, and are often combined to compliment brighter accent colors.

Color Application in Public Maintenance and Cleaning Depending on the setting and the conditions each color has

their advantages and

disadvantages. With the right set of colors the work environment for operators could improve drastically as it would reduce injury and accidents, give visual cues to help identify the drone and meet health and safety requirements. Red: Danger Fluorescent Orange: Bio Safety Yellow: Caution Orange: Warning Green: Safety Blue: Information Black, White: Boundaries

Visible Colors

In the field the drone’s visibility is of utmost importance. The operator must be able to identify

the location of the drone at all times. The selection of certain colors can help improve visibility for the operator. Factors such as distance can affect the ability to read colors correctly. Opaque Yellow is the most visible at great distances Orange and red-orange hold attention best Blue, Green would likely be indistinguishable do to the blending with natural colors such as the sky, and greenery. 4-15

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 4

Target Market Analysis

Chapter Summary

This chapter provides information on anthropometrics of the human body, more specifically

the measurements and movements of the human hand, color psychology, and applications of colors in public safety standards. The information gathered will be used to surely design a product that meets safety standards of measurements, and also user needs.


Chapter 5

Design Synthesis Design Brief

Designing for the environment is rigorous; without proper surveillance, and environmen-

tal factors put into consideration, the design could well change. Improving the well being of the waste management workers is the top priority, with creative solutions the design aims to solve work safety and efficiency. By reducing the time the workers are in contact with the garbage, health risks are greatly reduced.

Design Parameters User Required Features The system should be:

Easy to operate


Easy to maintain

Light weight


Low Cost

Aesthetics The system should:

Provide visual cues that the system is in operation

The device must be distinguishable from surface waste, above water

Ergonomic Aspect The system should:

Provide handles for transportation

Have a way to easily collect the amassed waste 5-1

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Expected Durability

The R/C system body should be waterproof.

The R/C system’s outer shell should support the weight of the required components.


The system should use existing materials and components available in the current



Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Initial Concepts The initial concepts focus mainly on the design of the drone system and its features. This section explores the possibilities of the design. The design must have the basic parts of an R/C boat system. This includes a propeller, antennae, battery, receiver, motor and rudder.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Concepts 1 - 4 explore simple geometric shapes and apply them into the drone’s body.

Concepts 5 - 8 borrows aerodynamic shapes from sea creatures, such as manta rays, fish, sharks, and whales.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Concepts 9 - 12 are inspired from designs of existing products such as carrier ships, gliders, blimps, and the current public perception of space ships.

Concepts 13 - 16 focus on adding more functionality to the design. Functions such as a pivoting arm guide that could guide the trash to the center of the system, a rotating body that could switch sides if need be, and a cone shaped body for added visibility. 5-5

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Selection for Development

The design developments were based on various features that would effect the drone

during operation and practicality of each concept. During the selection the Target User was heavily considered, as most if not all target users are of middle age (30 - 50 years) and are not as technologically savvy as younger generations. Various features that were significant to the selection for development of the design are:

Aesthetic Simplicity





Accessibility (Storage, Handling, and Transportation)



Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Design Matrix Parameters

Ideal Value Concept 1 Concept 2

Concept 3

Concept 4

Aesthetic Simplicity

















































Ideal Value Concept 5 Concept 6

Concept 7

Concept 8

Aesthetic Simplicity

















































Ideal Value Concept 9 Concept 10 Concept 11 Concept 12

Aesthetic Simplicity

















































Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters


Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Ideal Value Concept 13 Concept 14 Concept 15 Concept 16

Aesthetic Simplicity
















































Design Matrix Conclusion After evaluating each concept the highest graded concepts came out to be Concept 9 and Concept 13. Concept 9, derived from the form of carrier ships scored high in Aesthetic Simplicity due to its linear form and Visibility for its distinct broad shape. Concept 13 also scored high on Aesthetic Simplicity and Visibility for its Cone like shape and high form. These two designs will be considered for the next design iteration leading to the final design.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Design Developments

This section will cover the design developments of the thesis project, using the highest

scored concepts from the design matrix table from the previous section as reference. The following designs will go through another design matrix to finally determine the final design of the system.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Development 1 Development 1 borrows some the functions that were proposed in the concept stage, It includes a rotating head to guide the trash to the center pit of the system.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Development 2 Development 2 brings the simplicity of concept 9 and makes it even more simple.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Development 3 Development 3 incorporates a new propeller design. The design combines the fin with the propeller, as well as the rudder.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 5

Design Synthesis

Development 4 Development 4 uses a different design for the stabilization wings. This significantly reduces the width of the drone without compromising the stability on water during operation.


Chapter 6 Final Design

Based from the research, it was imperative that the current method for river waste collection

and disposal was inefficient and a health risk to workers. Current methods used makeshift rakes/ nets to capture surface wastes from rivers.

Dubbed the Cerberus System, derived from the word Cerberus, meaning caretaker or

maintenance person. It is a remote controlled drone that removes the worker from the center of bacterial contamination while also improving efficiency of waste collected. Cerberus innovates from existing products of RC boats and plastic buoys by combining the two to collect surface wastes from rivers. The buoys serve as an obstacle for the floating garbage, while the modified RC drone pulls the buoys along amassing the garbage in the center.

The design uses a minimum of 2 - 3 workers to operate the system; with the addition of an

extraction team. Two operators and 1 surveyor. The workers ride on a boat ahead of the Cerberus system, the operators drive the drone while the surveyor drives the boat and at the same time, monitors the route ahead warning the operators of incoming debris or changes in the tributary depth.

The varying depths and sizes of tributaries, renders the system’s modularity as a must, the

system is able to add or remove drones in between connection links of the buoys to add more pushing power for greater load. Likewise the system can add more buoys to add girth to the system, giving it the ability to operate in any type of river setting, be it a small tributary or the main river itself.

The Cerberus drone itself has a hollowed out fin at the top serving as both a handle for

carrying and an antennae for improved communications. The bottom half features 3 fins the middle serving as protection for the propeller and the 2 side fins as a stabilizer to keep the drone oriented on the water.


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 6

Final Design

The Final design borrows all components from the development stage, featuring the combination of the propeller and fin, this can theoretically reduce manufacture costs of the product


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 6

Final Design

Task Analysis Surveyor

The Surveyor heads to the planned operation site and surveys the area before the operation

is conducted. The surveyor notes the depth of the river, and looks for areas the drones should avoid, such as shallow areas, where the drone might get stuck. The surveyor takes note of these problem areas, to instruct operators when the cleaning project commences. During the cleaning project, the surveyor is in charge of directing the operators where to go, as well as driving the boat that operators are in. The surveyor is also in charge of finding the best place to conduct extraction of wastes.


Operators are the workers that control the drones generally it is recommended that each

drone be controlled by one operator, but an operator can control two drones at once. Operators start by interlinking the buoys to generally about 1 ½ the width of the tributary area being worked on. It is recommended operators turn on the drone before connecting to the buoy chain. Once the drones are on and connected to the buoy chain, operators can begin waste collection. When the collection pit is filled to a certain point, the drones are positioned so the buoys encircle the collected waste, preventing any more to enter the collection pit. This is then driven downstream to the designated extraction point. At the extraction point, the drones are removed, the buoys still interlinked to each other, with the waste still inside the circle.


The extractor is in charge of extracting the collected trash from the drones from a designated

area. Extractors use re-purposed towing vehicles as garbage collection vehicles, with a trailer connected to the back carrying trash bins to temporarily contain the collected trash. The extractors place a net connected to a crane of the towing vehicle, at the extraction point, which is then submerged while waiting for the drones to complete their run. Once the garbage is anchored down, extractors use the crane to pull up the net with the garbage inside. Once the garbage is separated from the body of water, it is then placed on the back of the towing vehicle. This process is repeated until the towing vehicle is fully loaded. The fully loaded vehicle can then head to the nearest dump site to finally relocate and dispose the collected surface waste. 6-3

Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 6

Final Design

Operator Flowchart


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 6

Final Design


Drone and Buoy System for Gathering Floating Solid Waste on Inland Waters

Chapter 6

Final Design

Environmental Rendering

The Cerberus Waste Collection System in its idle position; this set up is the most basic minimal set up that requires only 2 drones for operation. The system can add more drones for operation if more power is needed by connecting the additional drones on the spaces between the buoys.


References • Beginner’s Guide to Radio Control: http://rcplanes.000webhostapp.com/guide1.htm • Bluebird Marine Systems: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/ • BU-206: Lithium-polymer: Substance or Hype?: http://batteryuniversity.com/learn/ article/the_li_polymer_battery_substance_or_hype • • Cleaning up the Pasig River in Manila, Philippines: www.adb.org/features/pasig-riverclean • Different Hull Types: https://www.offshoreelectrics.com/different-hull-types.php • How do Servo Motors Work?: http://www.jameco.com/jameco/workshop/howitworks/ how-servo-motors-work.html • Introduction To Electronic Speed Control (ESC) Working and Applications: https:// www.elprocus.com/electronic-speed-control-esc-working-applications/ • Knowledge Bank. Las Piñas-Zapote River System Rehabilitation Programme in the



philippines.shtml • Philippine Environment Monitor 2003: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/ en/144581468776089600/pdf/282970PH0Environment0monitor.pdf • Philippine Environment Monitor 2005: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/

INTPHILIPPINES/Resources/PEM05-complete.pdf • River Cleaning Trash Skimmers: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_ Plastic_International_Rescue/River_Trash_Skimmers_Skips_Waterways_Cleaning_Work_ Boats.htm • Seavax, Robotic Vacuum Ship: http://www.bluebird-electric.net/oceanography/Ocean_ Plastic_International_Rescue/SeaVax_Ocean_Clean_Up_Robot_Drone_Ship_Sea_Vacuum. htm • The Measure of Men and Women: Human Factor In Design • Trash Wheel Project: http://baltimorewaterfront.com/healthy-harbor/water-wheel/

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