PURE Graphic Standards

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CONTENTS Importance and Purpose of Identity Standards


Company Obejctive and Branding Statements


Logo Usage: Design Elements of Logo


Logo Configuration


Clear Space


Logo Size Restriction


Logo Colors


Alternate Applications


Logo Backgrounds


Unacceptable Logo Usage




Business System





PURE Graphic Standards Manual

PURE Graphic Standards Manual


BRAND IDENTITY PURPOSE OF IDENTITY STANDARDS This Graphic Standards Manual defines and outlines how to use all identifying elements pertaining to the PURE brand including logos, fonts, stationery, and marketing and advertising materials. It is critical to follow these rules and use only the authorized document templates in order to convey the traits and personality of the PURE as a brand, and do it consistently. Please treat this guide not only as the authority on what is and is not permissible, but as strictly proprietary and confidential information. As relevant situations arise, updates to these guidelines will be distributed. Any question about this manual and its contents should be directed to Kevin Tsukamoto, public relations & marketing director, at (206) 531-8008 or k.tsukamoto@pure.com


PURE Graphic Standards Manual

PURE Graphic Standards Manual


BRAND OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE OVERVIEW Most deodorant products contain harmful chemicals and unnatural subsstances that have been shown to pose potentially serious health risks. Although there are natural options on the market, they are hard to find in stores and more often then not cost up to 3 times more than the chemical versions. Both natural and unnatural forms are pakcaged in plastic tubes or containers that, although they are recyclable, tend to end up in the trach because the consumer does not know which parts to recycle where. PURE brand is dedicated to creating all natural products that cater towards active lifestyles. These products and the brand as whole should strive to convey this message in all aspects. PURE and all of its products are created with the distinct goal of providing quality that people can rely on, while ensuring that the environment isnt harmed in the process. The PURE brand and all of its communications shouls strive to represent the core attributes of the comapny. There should always be a sense of motion, being active, sustainability, and freshness.


PURE Graphic Standards Manual

PURE Graphic Standards Manual


LOGO USAGE DESIGN ELEMENTS The PURE logo refers to the specific, identifying graphic comprised of the word forms and the mark. The mark is an integrated leaf and water drop in a graphic look depicting nature and athletic movement that, when combined with the name, conveys a clean, athletic, and natural product. The word form is set in Univers 67 Bold Condensed Oblique. The logo is not only a symbol, but also a piece of artwork that should not be reproduced in type or used in body copy, headlines, or the possessive, plural, or as a part of another word, nor should it ever be altered in any way. Refer to the diagram below for sizing and proportions.



3 times word cap height

A equal to the stroke width of the word PURE 1/3 of droplet height


PURE Graphic Standards Manual

LOGO CONFIGURATION The PURE logo exists in two versions that allow for use in a variety of situations. The approved versions and their preferred usage are as follow:

MARK AND TYPE This is the preferred version of the PURE logo. It should be used for most forms of communications.

MARK ONLY For certain applications, the mark can stand alone. Use this version is association with other information like the company website. The mark should also be used alone at sizes when the word becomes difficult to read.

PURE Graphic Standards Manual


LOGO USAGE CLEAR SPACE To ensure maximum impact, all applications of the PURE logo must include clear space around the logo equal to the width of the “E” in the wordmark.

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LOGO SIZE RESTRICTIONS MINIMUM SIZE The minimum size for use of the PURE logo will depend on media or how it’s produced. Use the following as a rule and refer all exceptions to Public Relations & Marketing for review.

Print: 1/2 inch in height. Digitally: 72 pixels in height.* Measurement should always be from the top of the droplet to the baseline of the word PURE, or from the top of the droplet to the bottom of the droplet when used without the name.

MAXIMUM SIZE There is no maximum size for the PURE logo usage. However, attention needs to be paid to the integrity of the logo as distortion and image quality can often become a factor in largerformat processes.

PROPORTIONS If you are using the logo on a non-template document, be sure to size the logo proportionally to fit your materials. Never stretch or compress the logo in any way as this distorts the artwork and is no longer a true representation of the company.

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LOGO USAGE LOGO COLORS It is preferred that the PURE logo be used in its color format of green and blue on a white background. When a color format is not practical, the black, grayscale, or white versions on the next page may be used instead.


Spot Color*

PMS 369

PMS 320

4-Color Process


C: 100



M: 12

M: 11



Y: 38



K: 1



R: 0



G: 53



B: 108

* Spot colors and their formulas are based on Pantone Coated colors. For color specifcations for use with uncaoted stocks, contact Public Relations & Marketing

12 PURE Graphic Standards Manual

ALTERNATE APPLICATIONS The following are examples of acceptable alternate logo color usages when full-color usage is not possible or practical as on a solid colored background or in a newspaper.

COLOR FORMATS (reversed out of dark color)



For professional printing applications, the PURE logo may be embossed or reproduced using a varnish, but should not exist in any color configurations other than provided in this manual. For specific questions please contact Public Relations & Marketing.

PURE Graphic Standards Manual 13

LOGO USAGE LOGO BACKGROUNDS The PURE color logo should always appear on a white background if possible. When this is not possible, the bakground should be clean, clear and solid (void of any patterns and variations of color). However when necessary, the background image may be altered to make the logo more visible. It is not acceptable to alter the logo. If the color of the background is a darker color, use the white version of the logo.



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UNACCEPTABLE LOGO USAGE As previosuly stated in this guide, the PURE logo must not be altered from the set uses. The following are some examples of how the logo may not be used. Examples of unaceptable use of the logo include stacking incorrectly, using the wrong colors, and rotating the mark.

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FONTS COMPANY FONT Fonts, or typefaces, are also a key visual component in communicating a brand. The official font for PURE is Univers LT Std.


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

16 PURE Graphic Standards Manual


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

PURE Graphic Standards Manual 17

BUSINESS SYSTEM STATIONARY Any correspondance on behalf of PURE must utilize the apporved business system preprinted stationary, wich includes letterhead, envelope, and business card.

www.pure.com 5565 Pizza Dr. Seattle WA 98166

www.pure.com 5565 Pizza Dr. Seattle WA 98166

Mr. Charles Brown Customer Service Representative Widgets Galore, Inc. 987 Widget Street Miami, Florida 33111 Dear Mr. Brown: I am writing you concerning a recent purchase of widgets. Approximately two weeks ago, on October 1, I ordered a total of 50 widgets for Company, Inc. via the Widgets Galore client webpage. I received an email notification two days later confirming the receipt of payment and the shipment of the widgets. According to your website, shipments should reach their destination within 3-5 business days of being sent, but I have yet to receive the widgets. Do you have any information on what may have happened to delay the shipment or where the shipment is currently? I have worked with Widgets Galore, Inc. in the past and have the greatest confidence in your products and customer service. We need the shipment of widgets soon, however, and I hoped you might be able to provide me with an idea of when I can expect them. Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer. Sincerely,

Bruce Wayne Vice President of Pure, Inc. (206) 254-6609 b.wayne@pure.com


mail b.wayne@pure.com cell (206) 254-6609 WWW.PURE.COM

address 5565 Pizza Dr. Seattle WA 98166


18 PURE Graphic Standards Manual

Business Card

www.pure.com 5565 Pizza Dr. Seattle WA 98166

Mr. Charles Brown Widgets Galore, Inc. 987 Widget Street Miami, Florida 33111

imately two weeks ago, on October 1, I

alore client webpage. I received an email

the shipment of the widgets. According to business days of being sent, but I have yet have happened to delay the shipment or

greatest confidence in your products and

ver, and I hoped you might be able to

advance for any help you might be able to

#10 Envelope

PURE Graphic Standards Manual 19

ADVERTISING MARKETING MATERIALS The PURE logo should adhere to the guidlines presented in this manual for all advertising applications. The following are some examples of how the mark can be applied to various marketing tools.




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PURE Graphic Standards Manual 21

This manual has been issued for your convenience as an authoritative guide for any document or other communication that comes from or on behalf of the PURE brand and the guidelines within it must be adhered to. If you have questions regarding this document, please contact Kevin Tsukamoto, public relations & marketing director, at (206) 531-8008 or k.tsukamoto@pure.com.

Š 2015 PURE Corporation. All rights reserved.

22 PURE Graphic Standards Manual

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