HighRise 2010

Page 1

Twisted Tower Team 01


Twisted Tower Group 1 Group 1 excisted out of five team members. The specific thing about this group was that there were two architects who were at the same time the facade designers. Another thing was that the Building service engineer at the same time was the BIM-specialist. This was possible because of the experience the group already had with BIM.

Process Manager: Student nr.: Email: Phone: Education:

Marija Markic 4051505 marijamarkic@gmail.com 06 143 537 18 TU Delft - Civil Engineering

Architect/ Facade designer: Student nr.: Email: Phone: Education:

Kim van Broekhoven 1302523 K.vanBroekhoven@student. tudelft.nl 06 252 555 96 TU Delft - Architecture

Building services/ BIM: Kevin Vermeulen Student nr.: 4030494 Email: kevin_nieuwveen@ hotmail.com Phone: 06 143 133 94 Education: TU Delft - Building Techn.

Structural Engineer: Student nr.: Email: Phone: Education:

Mathijs van der Meij 1258850 Mathijs.vanderMeij@live.nl 06 134 190 95 TU Delft - Civil Engineering

Architect/ Facade designer: Student nr.: Email: Phone: Education:

Jan-Pieter Bos 1300555 jpmbos@gmail.com 06 236 476 56 TU Delft - Architecture


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower

Plot analysis Plot Schiekadeblok The location for the assignment is the Schiekandeblok next to the Rotterdam Central Trainstation. The plot is 100 meters by 77 meters and lies directly next to the traintrack. On Urban scale our plot is the end of the Coolsingel, a big shopping street and also the end of the High Rise triangle of the city of Rotterdam. Futhermore our building will be the connection between the Central Trainstation and the Coolsingel. Nect to our building a building from Claus and Kaan will be realised. Our building will be the tallest building of Roterdam with a hight of 250 meters and will be visible in the skyline from all directions. The building will have a prominent place in the streetview. The surrounding buildings are almost all office buildings. This is positive for our building which has many different functions and is easy to exchange the functions. For example if there is a need of more dwellings the offices can be changed into dwellings. The main traffic route to our plot are the pedestrians from the Central Trainstation. Therefor we need to focus our design on pedestrians. The composition of the buildings in Rotterdam exist of a plint with a canopy than another layer of plinth and than the rest of the building. The materials in the area are mostly tinted glass and natural stone and also some concrete.

Studies _ Team x _ Name


Two concepts Meander Tower Concept 1 The Meander Tower is a building which focus on the public area within the building. The building has a splided core and four towers. The towers move back and forth to the core. The spaces that are created by this movement are the public spaces. The functions are divided over the towers in two office towers, one dwellings tower and a hotel tower. In the plinth you find the public functions as the casino, retail and congress. Twisted Tower 2 The idea of the Twisted Tower is the maximum use of the view over Rotterdam city. The twist is an answer to fit the building in the urban tissue. At a lower scale it would not be logical to have the main axes in the direction of the central station. Furthermore we wanted to make a landmark. Because the location is the end of the coolsingel and also of the High Rise zone. The functions are stacked in the tower. In the plinth we have the public functions, on top of that the hotel as first function in the tower. Second the offices and than the dwellings. As a crown on top of the building a restaurant and club.


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower

Architecture Twisted Tower The goal of our tower is making a statement, landmark for the high rise zone in Rotterdam. Because the building is much taller than the surrounded buildings you can see the building at all times in the skyline. The building is composed of stacked boxes of three stories high. In every box there is an outside atrium on both sides. The boxes are stacked around a round core.

Interesting areas Because of the twist the interaction between the core and the space arround the core give an interesting public area. In the boxes you find the outside atria. Because of the facade of textile, the climate is optimal and can be used as an outside area. The plinth is one big street connected to the Claus and Kaan building, filled with retail and other public functions. Mixing functions The placing of functions is a combination of feasibility and architectural quality. We separated the functions in public and semi-public. The public functions are placed in the plinth and are all accessible by escalators. The tower is for the semi-public functions and is accessible through the core with elevators. In between the different functions in te tower we have skybars with public funtions. These are also the transfer levels within the building. Experience In our design the urban experience is the most important. The statement of the twist is less noticeable in the building itself. The view over Rotterdam is used to it’s optimum because of the total glass facade at that side of the building. Façade The boxes are divided in two different facades. An open facade and a closed facade. At the long side of the box we used a second skin facade. The first layer is glass with solar panels and the second layer is ETFE foil. Because we use a second skin facade every function has the option to ventilate naturally. The closed facade is made of Fibre C panels and at the level of the atrium of textile. Floorplans For each function we started with the same scheme as a floorplan. Because of the atria it is possible to use almost two times as much of the floorspace than without the atria. We want the ability to offer the possibility of changing the functions therefor we made one scheme that fits for all the different functions. Studies _ Team x _ Name


Plans A









76.000 3.600

















3 1.800



4 +












7 1.800




















Office Floor 1, 2 & 3










76.000 7.200


















3 2.400






5 2.400



6 +














Appartments Floor 1


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower






Studies _ Team x _ Name


Structure From a structural point of view the structure can be split into two parts. The main load bearing system and the load bearing system of one box. Main load bearing system The main load bearing system exists out of four elements. First of all there is the central concrete core. The central core has a round shape with a diameter of 23.4 meters and a thickness of 1.6 meter. In the central core all the general facilities could be situated. To connect the central core with the wings, doors must be created, which reduce the stiffness of the core with 30 %. Besides the concrete core there are two faรงade columns and the trusses at the outside. These elements are made of steel. The trusses have four hollow columns with an diameter of 1 meter. Because the tower is twisted these side trusses have, besides the load bearing part, also very positive influence in the reduction of the torsion in the central core. Due to this twist the tower wants to rotate which generates torsion. By applying these trusses they will deal with a part of the torsion. Because (almost) no tension may occur in (the connection of the trusses with) the foundation it is of importance that enough load is transported to the trusses. To increase the stiffness of the total building an outrigger system is applied. This outrigger system is placed over two levels and integrated with the sky bar and installation level. This system is applied in all the three sky bars of the building. The outrigger system is made with HE800M beams. Load bearing system of one box As mentioned above important of the load bearing system of the box is the distribution of the loads over the core and the trusses. A box has a height of 10.8 meter and consists three floors. A free floor plan is one of the targets of this building. This has lead to a structure which span the wings over the width. These beams are connected to trusses, which have a height of two floors to obtain the optimal result. The trusses are connected to the side trusses and the faรงade column or core.


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower

Facade The innovative facade For the facade we had a couple of preconditions. We wanted a sustainable facade, a facade with the possibility to ventilate natural and an optimum use of the view over Rotterdam, which means as transparant as possible. For a High Rise building as this a second skin facade is a really good sustainable solution. Only we wanted to give it something extra. Therefor we made the second layer of ETFE foil. The advantages of the foil is the weight. It weights a hunderd times less than glass, which was in our case very usefull for the construction. We needed a lot less construction than if we had used glass. Another advantage of the foil is the passage of sunlight. This made it possible to place PV cells behind the foil. Futhermore the foil needs to be cleaned ones every ten years, so on maintance it saves a lot of money. Because of the large foil/glass area the building needs a good sunblind. We did not want to use the standard textile curtains, so we use PV cells in a pathern which keeps the sun out, and uses it, and also keeps the optimum view. The construction behind the foil is a composition of triangles. The junction coincide with the floors so the view is blocked as minimum as possible. Because the foil needs to be unter a constant pressure we use tension wires. The first skin facade is a curtain wall facade with a grid of 900 mm. Alternately in the grid of 900 mm it is possible to open a window which allowes you to ventilate naturally. We used the second skin solution in the long side of the boxes. The short sides of the boxes are “closed�. At the level of the floors we used Fibre C panels. At the level of the atria we used textile. Textile makes it possible to ventilate the area with fresh air but keeps the wind out. Also the textile works as a sunblind. On each floor we used the same principle so the functions can be changed without getting problems with the facade.

Studies _ Team x _ Name


Building services The Twisted Tower is provided by three installationlevels, which provide the total tower the needed ventilation, heating and cooling. The sources of the installations are located at the installation-levels, which means that this is the central point of climate control. The heating and cooling is based on Low Temperature Heating and Cooling. With this system, it’s possible to heat and cool the building without requiring a lot of warmth or coolness is necessary. The Hotel and Dwelling will be provided by floor heating and cooling, it’s also possible to use mechanical heating and cooling when it is needed (for example to cold to ventilate on a natural way). The Offices are provided by induction units, which control the climate of this function. The induction units will heat, cool and ventilate. The output of the air will recovered at the different installation-levels by air handling units in combination with heat recovery.


Dwellings Hotel


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower

Management Even though we do not have a good reference projects in the Netherlands, working on our project in the last eight weeks we could get an idea of what the costs of such a tall building could be. In order to make the building feasible we want it to be functional and stay in very good conditions for a longer period of years. In the latest period we see that with the improvement of technology some new trends are introduced, in the office world particularly. In order to stay in touch with our colleagues there is no longer great need to be actually physically present in the office. A lot of people opt for working from home and companies are actually promoting this new trend. In the future we can expect that less and less typical office spaces will be needed. That is why it is important to think ahead and already now consider possible function changes within our high rise building. If we think in terms of optimization of our building, it can be reached with several points: • •

Free floor plans BIM

By Introducing free floor plans flexibility of our building is guaranteed and that leaves us a lot of possibilities for the future function change of building space. The most important point for the optimization of the project is introduction of Building Information Modeling. During this workshop we have seen how much is it important for the integration of all the disciplines. Using BIM in the realization of the project allows us to immediately see if something goes wrong or if it doesn’t fit. In this way we can foreseen the failures and possible mistakes. That can save both - total building time and the costs. The statistic shows that usually 15 % of whole material on construction site is not used at the end and it is thrown away. With using BIM in our project all these situations is avoided and the efficiency of the whole process is increased significantly.

Studies _ Team x _ Name


BIM The first concepts are made in the software SketchUp, with some floor plans in AutoCad. The final design is modeled with ArchiCad. Due the complexity of the design, the 3D-model consists of modules. These modules are stacked on each other and create the total tower. The structure of the building is directly exchanged between the software GSA and ArchiCad, in this way a lot of time is saved. The drawings, like floor plans, elevations and sections, are manufactured out of the 3D-model. The impressions are made with the render engine of ArchiCad, with some additions in PhotoShop.


Studies _ Team 1 _ Twisted Tower

Sustainability Geothermal With regard of heating and cooling, soil storage applied in the form of a aquifer / geothermal. This can be combined with the surroundings in the future. By a combination with the surroundings it will be a very interesting durable aspect. Natural Ventilation Because of a double skin façade in combination with an atrium, it is possible to ventilate on a natural way, which is an important starting point for the project group. The cavity of the double skin façade can be used for natural ventilation in the summer period and as thermal buffer in the winter period. In this way, the building is a hybrid building. Generate Energy The Twisted Tower will use a lot of energy, however by applying PVcells on the façade and the roof of the plinth, any energy will be generated by the building itself. In this way the energy will be self-generated. Grey Water System By collect the rainwater and using this for the grey water system (flushing toilets), there will be permanently dealt with the water use. Free Floor plan The floor plans of the building are extremely flexible, so in the future it’s possible to house each function in the building.

Studies _ Team x _ Name


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