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Palantir People these years are more and more depend on their lives in virtual worlds and less connect with real world. What if things get upside-down and this virtual world become a real life? Another world quite different from the tall buildings in the cities today will be created, and in it virtual life will expand to infinity -- huge hexagonal modules based on points of interest patterns are set on a higher layer, and grow to obscure the sky above the land. People devote themselves to this new world while on the ground once cities are abandoned……





Those who lived on the lower level moved their houses to the pillars and gathered them up along the pillars. Finally, the house is inserted into the frame of the hexagonal block, preventing the downward extension of the block. In the frame occupied by the house, the block is not able to finish its construction so the transition was abandoned. The area gradually fell into decay and became a place full of garbage and outdated facilities. Over time, people moved away and the area was completely deserted.



Transition section 07

The ground layer was a different world from the one above, where once the old order and life flourished. As people transport themselves to the virtual world above and immerse themselves in ever-lasting happiness, the problems of the past naturally cease to be addressed. That is how the ground level disintegrates. When people are drawn to Palantir and follow endless pleasure, another decline begins. The new life day after day wears away the matter and the body, and finally grabs the consciousness completely, leaving everything to rot. Is it destruction, or is it rebirth?


1- Living units 2- Inner Space of upper layer 3- Top of upper layer

Upward view 08

Transfiguration The pandemic has exposed vulnerable groups to risks, including the risk of disease and secondary problems such as reduced income and subsistence. In view of the different problems faced by different groups of people, health, work, food and social contact should be guaranteed. The government should define the living circle based on the relationship between supply and demand and coordinate the distribution of goods and materials accordingly. Food, housing and street modules are designed and placed in the vacant urban space, so they can be widely used for the prevention and self-production of individuals and families.






FOREST Human life is inseparable from the company of animals, for they can help people healing wounds, relieving pressure, and teaching them about love. I choose to set my design in my hometown, a residential park in which it allows people and small animals to get along happily. The building takes a fir tree as the core and has three floors inside and outside from motion to stillness. Four common pets, dogs, cats, rabbits and birds, are selected and placed in different positions of the building so that people with different needs can make different interaction with them.




Corridor the grey space

Inner layer

Top view 17

Communicating block

Revitalise Urban transformation of East Along Shanghai Railway Station The area east of Shanghai's railway station is sharply divided between the low-rent alleys to the north of the track and the high-rise homes of the wealthy to the south. To create connection between the two regions, two axes are set across the railway, one is a single traffic axis, the other is a multifunctional living axis, including a vegetable market, a public activity space, a supermarket, a cafe, an outdoor garden and a book bar. A particular design language, a motif, is used to emphasis the shape for design, making it a symbol of optimistic and harmonious life in the future.






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