關於Freedom Camping 2005年Freedom Camping由一個非常小的團隊在紐西蘭基督城開始。我們的目標是創造一個優質的 露營品牌,提供高品質的產品,讓客戶可以年復一年的信任。我們希望提供的這個產品有人人能買得 起的價格。我們花費數個月的時間尋找配合生產的高品質工廠,並在產品誕生後利用夏季的時間在 紐西蘭各地露營,於是Freedom Camping就此誕生。 現在,我們是一個強大的團隊,每一個Freedom Camping的人都可以稱的上是露營的萬事通。我們 的團隊甚至待在工廠嚴格把關每個帳篷的生產過程,並且實地作測試及改善,花上數個月甚至一年 的時間努力,換來的是設計精良的帳篷以及使用者的掌聲,我們對帳篷的品質有信心,也相信在世界 各地的使用者也能滿意。 當我們設計我們的產品範圍,我們的目標始終是讓每件事比起之前變得更好。即使帳篷樣式不改變 ,我們都在不斷調整製作的材質,使帳篷變得更強大和更容易使用。我們也幸運,有全國最好的露營 用品店展示我們的帳篷。在這些店的工作人員是一個豐富的知識和在決定什麼產品最適合您的需求。 ,您應該聽聽他們的建議。
20 增加通風帳篷內更舒適的生活環境。並可展出的一個可移動的屋頂,可轉換成一個大的遮 雨篷。
大型通風屋頂讓帳篷內的空氣流通、溫度降低。也可以用於內部窗戶和可移動的附掛帳篷, 紐西蘭帳篷設計的兩個第一。
Airflow 超透氣系列帳特點 Entry/Exits the tent and cooling it down on those hot summer days.
Bug Free System Privacy pods create a sealed enclosure inside the main tent that creates double protection against little critters.
Colour Coded Frame Coloured tabs sewn onto the end of the pole sleeves match coloured tabs around the base of each pole. Makes pitching simple and fast.
Draft Vents Lower vents that let cool air into the bottom of the tent and force warm air out the top.
Inner Room Peg Points Peg points that peg directly into the ground increases the strength of the tent and the space inside the privacy pod.
No Noise Find me Zippers can also be found easily with the torch.
Privacy Pods Clip in internal bedrooms provide privacy and additional warmth. Can be taken in an out depending on the layout required.
Weatherproof Windows Windows that can be opened during rainy days without letting any weather inside your tent. Positioned low enough to be opened without getting out of bed.
Power Cord Access Small zip opening that allows cords to enter while keeping bugs out.
Carrybag (expandable) Gusseted bag that is big enough to get the tent into the bag every time, no matter how poorly you have packed it up.
Internal Storage Ladders Handy mesh pockets to keep everything tidy and close at hand
Rapid External Pitching System Colour coded external pole sleeves. Allows the tent to be pitched without letting bugs or rain inside the tent. Our fastest pitching system.
Wet Vestibule Areas Protected entry / exits that can be used for storing wet, sandy and dirty gear.
Anti Grit Reversed Sips Reversed zips that are less likely to clog up with sand, grit, and salt spray. Increases the life of your zips and tent
通風對流出入口設計 在炎熱的夏天裡 讓帳篷內部因為空氣對流, 可將溫度冷卻下來。 防止蚊蟲進入設計 在主帳篷內,做雙重保護,防止昆蟲等動物 進入帳棚內。 營柱組裝顏色辨識 在營柱兩邊尾端皆有不同的顏色標籤,和內帳 有色標籤一致。可簡單判別,快速搭設。 通風口設計 帳篷下面的通風口,讓冷空氣進入底部的帳篷 往頂部的熱空氣能夠排出。 內帳可用營釘固定設計 內帳可用營釘固定直接到接觸到地面,有束口 保護可增加帳篷的強度以及內部空間固定性。 無噪音易找反光拉鍊 可以很容易地找到拉鍊頭與輕鬆地拉合。 隱私的內掛式內帳 內部的臥室提供隱私和溫暖。可以提供所需要 的陳列及佈置。 全天候的窗戶 不用到帳篷外面即可以在下雨天時打開窗戶。 另外也可以不用下床就可以打開窗戶。 電源線接入口 小拉鍊開口,僅可通過電線,不會讓小蟲子跑 進帳棚內。 帳棚外袋(可以擴張) 帳棚外袋夠大 不管任何時間收納都可以放進 外袋內。 蚊帳收納袋 可以輕鬆地將蚊帳折收入網袋內。 外部快速組合系統 利用營柱及外帳的顏色管理。快速組裝外帳 不會受到蚊蟲或是雨天的影響。 前庭區設計 前庭區設計可以放置將濕的或是有砂的裝備 放置於前庭不會弄髒室內的臥室區。 拉鍊阻砂設計 防止拉鍊被沙子,砂礫,和鹽粒堵塞,提高 拉鍊和帳篷的使用壽命。
Airflow 超透氣系列帳特點 Central Vestibule Living area centrally located to provide the greatest amount of headroom and protection from the elements. Also gives you some privacy if required.
D Door Design
A traditional zipped door that can be rolled up and tied away.
Geodesic Frame Design Poles that cross over each other creating strong intersections.
Leverage Frame Design Anchor points on either side of a central dome create a strong structure with a frame design that’s easy and fast to pitch.
Starlight Roof
A removable vent cover allows you to sleep under the stars. Super
Wet Weather Access Protected doors that can be used without letting rain inside your tent.
YKK Zippers
The best zippers money can buy!
Hot Tape Seam Sealed To ensure no chance of water leaking through the seams, all Freedom tents are hot tape seam sealed. Applied with 600 degree heat to make sure it stays in place. Large vents in the tent roof allow hot air to escape, making the tent much cooler during the day. A must have for camping trips during the hot NZ summer days!
360O Door Design 360O degree door zips mean the entire door can be unzipped and folded into a pocket. Keeps everything tidy.
Additional Awning Poles Collapsible Poles included in some of the tents allow you to pole out the door or window to provide extra shade. If not included in your choice of tent or you require additional poles they are available as an optional extra.
Internal Windows Windows that can be opened from inside the tent. This design also allows windows to be zipped halfway up converting them into vents.
Dome Awning Awning as an optional extra. These are perfect for creating a large shaded area over the entrance to your tent.
中央前庭客廳 客廳設置於帳篷中央前區,保持帳篷兩邊房間的 乾淨性,同時也提供一些隱私的保護。 大D形門設計 比起傳統的拉鍊門,較容易捲收固定。 經過量測的營柱結構設計 每根營柱與另一邊的營柱十字交叉增加強度。 槓桿結構設計 利用任何一側的帳篷頂上的錨點建立一個強有力 的結構與框架設計,方便快捷。 觀星屋頂(觀星帳功能) 可拆卸的拉鍊內帳布,可以讓你睡在星空下。 下雨或潮濕的天氣用的帳篷保護罩 可以讓帳篷不會被雨淋濕。 YKK拉鍊 市面上品質最好的拉鍊! 熱貼式接縫貼條 為了確保布料接縫處不會漏水,所有 Freedom Camping的帳篷接縫都會用熱貼式接縫 貼條。使用600℃的高溫,以確保接縫線整齊。 超透氣氣流式屋頂 屋頂大開口設計讓熱空氣往屋頂排出,在紐西蘭 炎熱的夏天裡,讓帳篷白天還是依然涼爽。 360O門簾設計 360O的門簾設計可讓整個門壓縮折疊放入口袋。 保持一切整潔。 其他延伸的營柱 可以延伸的營柱,讓你從門或窗口,有增加多餘 的遮蔽。如果帳篷不提供或不包含這些營柱的話 我們也有提供額外的營柱可以單獨販售。 帳棚內窗 帳篷內可以打開的窗戶設計,還可以將窗口拉開 一半變成另一個通風口。 延伸圓頂外帳 是可選購的延伸外帳客廳。可以增加帳篷的入口 的延伸空間。
80307 麥闊 二人登山帳玻纖柱-UV
訂價 3450
Micro 2P Wt3000mm 3.5Kg 13
Designed for New Zealanders on the go who just need some shelter at night before they head off on their next destination, the Micro is a very easy tent to pitch - ideal tent for those among us who are list goes on.
Features • Internal windows (2) • Colour coded poles • Power cord access •
• Wet area vestibule • Internal pole sleeves • D door design
2 people (1 bedroom)
75D, 185T, Poly Oxford
14x14, 130gsm Polyethylene
Fabric Treatment
Fire Retardant, UV Treatment
Waterhead rating
Tuff Wrap Fibreglass
Internal Floor Area
Packed Weight
Packed Size
Packed Volume
1 Unit
iNVERT 隧道式營柱系列帳特點
iNVERT Tent Features iNVERT Frame Design A unique tent frame design which creates a large amount of extra headroom without the need to add more poles.
Additional Awning Poles Collapsible poles included in the tent to allow you to pole out the door or window to provide extra shade. If not included awning poles are available for all tents as a optional extra.
Central Vestibule Living area centrally located to provide the greatest amount of headroom and protection from the elements. Also gives you some privacy if required.
Leverage Frame Design Anchor points on either side of a central dome create a strong structure with a frame design that is easy to pitch.
Hot Tape Seam Sealed To ensure no chance of water leaking through the seams, all Freedom tents are hot tape seam sealed. Applied with 600 degree heat to make sure it stays in place.
Carrybag (expandable) Gusseted bag that is big enough to get the tent into the bag every time, no matter how poorly you have packed it up.
Entry/Exits the tent and cooling it down on those hot summer days.
Internal Storage Ladders Handy mesh pockets to keep everything tidy and close at hand
Wet Vestibule Areas Protected entry / exits that can be used for storing wet, sandy and dirty gear.
Colour Coded Frame Coloured tabs sewn onto the end of the pole sleeves match coloured tabs around the base of each pole. Makes pitching simple and fast.
360O Door Design 360 degree door zips so the entire door can be unzipped and folded into a pocket. Keeps everything tidy.
Internal U Door A traditional zipped door that can be rolled up and tied away.
No Noise Findme Zip Pullers can also be found easily with the torch.
Power Cord Access Small zip opening that allows cords to enter while keeping bugs out.
Wet Weather Access Protected doors that can be used without letting rain inside your tent.
Velcro Attached Fly stability.
隧道式營柱框架設計 可以製造出更多額外的淨空高度的獨特帳篷骨架 設計,而且不需要添加多餘的營柱。 附加的天幕營柱 在帳篷內利用可摺收營柱在出入口或窗戶處向外 支撐出更多的遮蔭空間。如果不使用天幕,營柱 則可利用在所有帳篷中。 中央前庭客廳 客廳設置於帳篷中央前區,保持帳篷兩邊房間的 乾淨性,同時也提供一些隱私的保護。 槓桿結構設計 利用任何一側的帳篷頂上的錨點建立一個強有力 的結構與框架設計,方便快捷。 熱貼式接縫貼條 為了確保布料接縫處不會漏水,所有 Freedom Camping的帳篷接縫都會用熱貼式接縫 貼條。使用600℃的高溫,以確保接縫線整齊。 可附掛三角帳內摺疊收納櫃 附掛三角帳內摺疊收納櫃,可輕易收納所有霸裝 備以外的小東西 通風對流出入口設計 在炎熱的夏天裡 讓帳篷內部因為空氣對流, 可將溫度冷卻下來。 內部梯型收納袋 方便的網袋,以保持一切整齊且隨手可取。 前庭區設計 前庭區設計可以放置將濕的或是有砂的裝備 放置於前庭不會弄髒室內的臥室區。 營柱組裝顏色辨識 在營柱兩邊尾端皆有不同的顏色標籤,和內帳 有色標籤一致。可簡單判別,快速搭設。 360O門簾設計 360O的門簾設計可讓整個門壓縮折疊放入口袋。 內部U型門 傳統的拉鍊門,可以捲收綁起來。 無噪音易找反光拉鍊 可以很容易地找到拉鍊頭與輕鬆地拉合。 電源線接入口 小拉鍊開口,僅可通過電線,不會讓小蟲子跑 進帳棚內。 下雨或潮濕的天氣用的帳篷保護罩 可以讓帳篷不會被雨淋濕。 魔鬼粘連接外帳 魔鬼粘連接外帳與營柱。而外帳另有營繩可固定 ,增加穩定性。
Pocket Rocket
110312 通風衛浴帳 玻纖柱-UV
訂價 3900
Pocket Rocket 2000mm 6.1Kg13 PR
The full height toilet tent! The Freedom Camping Pocket Rocket is tall enough to hang your solar shower and have a shower in and also features ventilation in the roof and a internal toiletries holder.
New & Improved
• Internal toiletries holder • Extra high peak height • External frame design • • Busy window • Thicker poles increases strength for hanging a full solar shower • Roof ventilation • PVC skylights
• New improved pole hub • Silver coating on material
75D, 185T, Polyester PU
12x12, 130gsm Polyethylene
Fabric Treatment
Fire Retardant, UV Treatment, Silver Coating
Waterhead rating
Internal Floor Area
Packed Weight
Packed Size
Packed Volume
1 Unit
Adventure 探險系列帳特點
Adventure Tent Features Colour Coded Frame Coloured tabs sewn onto the end of the pole sleeves match colour coded poles. Makes pitching simple and fast.
Leverage Frame Design
Anchor points on either side of a central dome create a strong structure with a frame design that is easy to pitch.
Entry/Exits Multiple entry/exits are great for allowing easy access in and out of your tent while leaving enough room to store your wet gear.
YKK Zippers
The best zippers money can buy! Makes it easier to locate the door during the night.
360O Door Design 360 degree door zips means the entire door can be unzipped and folded into a pocket. Keeps everything tidy.
Geodesic Frame Design Poles that cross over each other creating strong intersections.
No Noise Findme Zip Pullers can also be found easily with the torch.
Wet Weather Access
Protected doors that can be used without letting rain inside your tent.
Hot Tape Seam Sealed To ensure no chance of water leaking through the seams, all Freedom tents are hot tape seam sealed. Applied with 600 degree heat to make sure it stays in place.
Clip On Fly
Wet Vestibule Areas Protected entry / exits that can be used for storing wet, sandy and dirty gear.
Patch and Pole Joiner
Glue and patch to make repairs on the move.
Mesh Pole Sleeves Internal mesh pole sleeves are light weight and speed up the pitching process.
Vents Allows hot air to escape and reduce condensation and Carbon Monoxide build up.
Internal Storage Ladders Handy mesh pockets to keep everything tidy and close at hand.
Tri Pegs Unbendable Tri-pegs are used in all Freedom Camping Adventure series tents. These pegs also have a cord loop allowing them to be pulled out easily.
營柱組裝顏色辨識 在營柱兩邊尾端皆有不同的顏色標籤,和內帳 有色標籤一致。可簡單判別,快速搭設。 槓桿結構設計 利用任何一側的帳篷頂上的錨點建立一個強有力 的結構與框架設計,方便快捷。 通風對流出入口設計 二個以上大型入出口是非常方便的,方便出人員 出入且留出足夠的延伸空間來存放裝備,並能保 持帳內空氣流通。 YKK拉鍊 市面上品質最好的拉鍊! 反光貼條鑲邊的門 在晚上可以更容易地找到門。 360O門簾設計 360O的門簾設計可讓整個門壓縮折疊放入口袋。 經過量測的營柱結構設計 每根營柱與另一邊的營柱十字交叉增加強度。 無噪音易找反光拉鍊 可以很容易地找到拉鍊頭與輕鬆地拉合。 下雨或潮濕的天氣用的帳篷保護罩 可以讓帳篷不會被雨淋濕。 熱貼式接縫貼條 為了確保布料接縫處不會漏水,所有 Freedom Camping的帳篷接縫都會用熱貼式接縫 貼條。使用600℃的高溫,以確保接縫線整齊。 外帳快扣 快速方便的外帳固定系統。在每個角落附扣具, 讓外帳在幾秒內固定好。 前庭區設計 前庭區設計可以放置將濕的或是有砂的裝備 放置於前庭不會弄髒室內的臥室區。 帳篷補丁和營柱修補 帳篷在遇到損害時可進行維修。 網狀帳篷營柱套 使用網狀營柱套管,重量輕且加快搭設過程。 通風口 讓熱空氣排出,減少反潮和熱氣聚集。 內部梯型收納袋 方便的網袋,以保持一切整齊且隨手可取。 耐用三角營釘 不易彎折的耐用三角營釘三角營釘適用於所有的 Freedom Camping探險系列的帳篷。這些營釘 也附一個線環,能夠輕鬆地抽拔出來。
Hubble Footprint 110304CL 哈柏 帳內地墊 Hubble - Carpet 1.6Kg 13 訂價 1800
Material: Open Size: Weight:
135gsm PE 2.8 x 3.9m 1.7kg
Hubble Carpet 110304G 哈柏 帳篷底地布 Hubble - Footprint 1.7Kg 13 訂價 1050
Material: Open Size: Weight:
Flocked Polyester 2.96 x 2.15m 1.6kg
Canvas Guy Ropes
Witch’s Hats
PVC Carrybag
71188 CG營繩附調節片-4M 100入 Canvas Guy Ropes 4M 13 訂價 8000
71161 WH帽型拉繩墊片 -營柱用 Witch hats (7pcs) 訂價 60
91606 PC耐用裝備攜行袋 -300L PVC Canvas Carrybag 300L 13 訂價 2600
Material: Length: Accessories: Packed Size: Packlot:
PE Rope 4m Moulded Tensioner 30 x 20 x 32cm 100pcs
HD Polebag
Material: Packed Size: Units / Pack: Packlot:
ABS Plastic 50 x 40 x 30cm 7 Units 1 Pack
Tent Cupboards (Angled)
Volume: Material: Packlot:
300L 510gsm PVC 5 Units
• HQ sized carrybag • Reinforced handle design • D Ring tension straps
Extendable Pole
101181 EP伸縮外帳支撐桿 -快扣式 91607 HD耐用營柱打包袋 71101 TC帳內摺疊收納櫃 -三角 Extendible Pole Flip 13 -100L Tent Cupboards (Angled) 13 訂價 980 HD Pole Bag 100L 13 訂價 1900 訂價 2450
Volume: Material: Packlot: • • •
100L 1000D Polyester 5 Units
HQ sized carrybag PVC board reinforcement Strong D Ring on tension straps
Material: Material: Size: Packed Weight: Shelves/unit: Packed Size: Packlot:
600D Polyester 53 x 53 x 160cm 1.7kg 2 52 x 52 x 2.6cm 5 Units
Lock: Length: Packed Size: Packlot:
19mm Gold Passivate Tube Snaplock 150 to 245cm 152 x 14 x 14cm 5pcs
Pole Repair Kits 111904 111902 111901 111903
FG營柱修補組(8.5mm) FG營柱修補組(9.5mm) FG營柱修補組(11mm) FG營柱修補組(12.7mm)
Sizes Available:
8.5 x 635mm 9.5 x 635mm 11 x 635mm 12.7 x 635mm
4 pieces of single section 1 elasticated string 1 steel threading wire 25 units
FG Pole Repair Kits 8.5 13 FG Pole Repair Kits 9.5 13 FG Pole Repair Kits 11 13 FG Pole Repair Kits 12.7 13
訂價 訂價 訂價 訂價
350 350 400 460
Aluminium Pegs
Rock Stakes
91150 鋁合金耐用營釘-180mm 71162 耐用鋼質營釘 Alu Pegs 7001 (10pcs) 13 -350mm 50入 訂價 300 Rock Stake Tent Pegs 13 訂價 4000
Crinkle Cut Pegs 71163 鋼質波形營釘 -250 mm 200入 Crinkle Cut Pegs 8mm 13 訂價 9000
Material: Material: Length: Packed Size: Units/Pack: Packlot:
7001 Alloy 180mm 28 x 35 x 35cm 10pc 100pcs
Length: Packed Size: Packlot:
Reinforced Steel (Gold Passivate) 350mm 40 x 16 x 16cm 50pcs
Dome Pegs
C Clips 99901 C型固定扣 C Clips (5pcs) 13 訂價 15
Material: Packed Size: Units/Pack: Packlot:
ABS Plastic 12 x 12 x 4cm 5 1 Pack
71165 鋼質營釘-180mm 200入 Dome Tent Pegs 6mm 13 訂價 3000
Material: Length: Thickness: Packed Size: Packlot:
Galvanised Steel Wire 180mm 6mm 20 x 30 x 20cm 200pcs
Length: Thickness: Packed Size: Packlot:
Galvanised Steel Wire 250mm 8mm 20 x 30 x 20cm 200pcs
100907 迷你 包覆式摺收椅
Mini Me 2.2Kg 13
訂價 790
Features Material:
600D Twin Layered Polyester Frame: Powder Coated 16mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 80kg Packed Weight: 2.2kg Open Size: 28 x 30 x 33 /62cm Packed Size: 64 x 12 x 13cm Packlot: 6 Units
100902 MP摺收月亮椅
• • • • • •
Rugged childproof design Safety sides Reinforced joints Fully folding Carrybag
Moonpod LRG 6Kg 13
600D Padded Polyester Frame: Powder Coated 25mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 120kg Packed Weight: 6kg Open Size: 105 x 87 x 44/94cm Packed Size: 108 x 26 x 24cm Packlot: 2 Units
80905 史酷波 圓形泡綿摺收椅
訂價 3250
• • • • • •
The original design! Quilted seat Reinforced joints Fully folding No back of the leg ‘dig in’ Carrybag
Scoop 4.5Kg 13
訂價 1900
Features Material:
600D Padded Polyester Frame: Powder Coated 16mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 100kg Packed Weight: 4.5kg Open Size: 46 x 46 x 35/78cm Packed Size: 89 x 20 x 19cm Packlot: 4 Units
120901 芙洛 摺收躺椅-腿擱可調
• Fully padded seat • Flat feet • Carrybag
Flo 4.5Kg 13
訂價 3450
Features Material:
600D Padded Polyester Frame: Powder Coated 22mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 120kg Packed Weight: 9.34kg Open Size: 55 x 42 x 40cm Packed Size: 97 x 28 x 14cm Packlot: 4 Units
• • • • • •
Adjustable pillow Elasticised seat Twin recliner locks Wood inlay arms All steel joints
70510 KC摺疊行動廚房+儲物櫃
Kitchen Cupboards 10Kg 13 訂價 4950
Material: Table Top:
600D Polyester MDF/Aluminium Slat Frame: 19mm Aluminium Tube Weight Capacity: 30kg Packed Weight: 10.0kg Open Size: 172 x 46 x 79.5cm Packed Size: 51 x 16 x 81cm Packlot: 1 Unit
90401 IC摺疊收納儲物6格櫃
• • • • • •
Sturdy gas bottle shelf Twin food prep surfaces Aluminium edged shelves Fully folding Twin cupboards Carrybag
iCupboard 11.5Kg 13
訂價 4100
Features Material: Table Top: Frame:
600D Polyester MDF Powder Coated 19mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 30kg Packed Weight: 11.5kg Open Size: 110 x 52 x 88.5cm Table height: 88cm Packed Size: 112 x 85 x 13cm Packlot: 1 Unit
110402 IF摺疊收納儲物3格櫃
• • • • •
Fully folding Side storage pockets Clip on table top Aluminium edged shelves Carrybag
iFold Cupboard 6.7Kg 13 訂價 2950
Material: Table Top: Frame:
600D Polyester MDF Matt Finish 16mm Aluminium Tube Weight Capacity: 30kg Packed Weight: 6.7kg Open Size: 60 x 48 x 88cm Table height: 81cm Packed Size: 62 x 10 x 52cm Packlot: 1 Unit
• • • • •
Side storage pockets Secure tabletop Single action fully folding Aluminium edged shelves Suitcase design with carry handle
130501 PT行動小折桌
Poptop Table 1.68Kg 13
訂價 1150
Features Material: Frame: Seat: Weight Capacity: Weight Capacity: Packed Weight: Open Size: Packed Size: Packlot:
MDF Aluminium Tube 60D Polyester Table - 30kg Chair - 100kg 1.68kg 42 x 42 x 48cm 104 x 43 x 5cm 4 Units
• Removable table top • Flat pack design • Doubles as stool
70502 CT折收露營桌 Camp Table-Standard 3.6Kg 13 訂價 1150
Features Material: Frame:
MDF Powder Coated 16mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 30kg Packed Weight: 3.6kg Open Size: 80 x 60 x 69cm Packed Size: 83 x 64 x 6cm Packlot: 2 Units
120604 SBS單人摺疊床
• U leg design • Leg locks • Carry handle
Speedy Bed STD 7.86Kg 13 訂價 2300
Features Material: Frame:
1200D Polyester Powder Coated 22mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 120kg Packed Weight: 7.86kg Open Size: 190 x 64 x 43cm Packed Size: 98 x 17 x 14cm Packlot: 2 Units
• • • •
Single action assembly Stable opposing leg angles Large storage underneath Carrybag
130602 SBD雙人摺疊床 Speedy Bed Double 13
Material: Frame: Weight Capacity: Packed Weight: Open Size: Packed Size: Packlot:
• • • •
訂價 3750
70603 UL單人摺疊床-加寬 U Leg Stretcher L 6.5Kg 13 訂價 1750
Features Material: Frame:
600D Polyester Powder Coated 25mm Steel Tube Weight Capacity: 100kg Packed Weight: 6.5kg Open Size: 195 x 75 x 25cm Packed Size: 80 x 30 x 13cm Packlot: 2 Units
70608 WL單人摺疊床-附頭靠
• • • •
Extra thick frame Tension straps Carrybag Great priced adult stretcher
W Leg Stretcher 3.9Kg 13 訂價 950
Material: Frame:
600D Polyester 7mm Spring Steel 19mm Steel Tube (Powder Coated) Weight Capacity: 60kg Packed Weight: 3.9kg Open Size: 181 x 57 x 18cm Packed Size: 70 x 28 x 5cm Packlot: 6 Units
• • • •
Classic design Good storage space Raised pillow end Great priced kids stretcher
71001 VA充氣床-絨面Queen Size
Queen Velour Airbed 4.2Kg 13 訂價 2250
197 x 152 x 20cm Material Thickness: 0.32mm (walls) 0.49mm (top) Valves: Boston Packed Weight: 4.2kg Open Size: 45 x 35 x 8cm Packlot: 4 Units
71002 VA充氣床-絨面 雙人 Size
• • • • •
Repair kit Pillar construction Anti reverse Boston valve Classic design High quality
Double Velour Airbed 3.7Kg13 訂價 1900
188 x 137 x 20cm Material Thickness: 0.32mm (walls) 0.49mm (top) Valves: Boston Packed Weight: 3.7kg Open Size: 42 x 34 x 7.5cm Packlot: 4 Units
71003 VA充氣床-絨面 單人 Size
• • • • •
Repair kit Pillar construction Anti reverse Boston valve Classic design High quality
Single Velour Airbed 0.9Kg13 訂價 1100
83 x 74 x 20cm Material Thickness: 0.32mm (walls) 0.49mm (top) Valves: Boston Packed Weight: 0.9kg Open Size: 35 x 32 x 6.5cm Packlot: 6 Units
• • • • •
Repair kit Pillar construction Anti reverse Boston valve Classic design High quality
111207 CLR LED營燈+手電筒-可充電 Clip Lock Recharge 13 訂價 2150
Bulb (Lantern): Bulb (Per Torch): Lantern: Torch (each): Lantern: Torch: Output: Size: Packlot:
2 x 15 LEDs 1 x 15 + 1 x 5 LEDs
• Carry handle • 3 mode light level • Twin removable torches
3 x AAA Batteries 30 LEDs 25hrs 60 LEDs 12 hrs 5 LEDs 6hrs 15 LEDs 2 hrs 74 Lumens 13 x 25cm 6 Units
131201 EL LED多功能營燈-600流明 Enduro Lantern 600LUM 13 訂價 1300
Bulb: Power Supply Run Time Output: Size: Packlot:
10 Watt Luxeon LED 6 x D Batteries 28 hrs 600 Lumens 13 x 24cm 6 Units
• Carry handle • 3 mode light level • Removable light defusing globe • Hanging hook in the base
101208 EL LED多功能營燈-300流明 Enduro Lantern 300LUM 13 訂價 890
Bulb: Power Supply: Run Time: Output: Size: Packlot:
8 Watt Luxeon LED 3 x D Batteries 3 Days 300 Lumens 8 x 18cm 6 Units
• • • •
Carry handle 3 mode light level Removable light defusing globe Hanging hook in the base
71203 CL LED隨身小燈
Capsule Light 13
訂價 340
Features Bulb: Power Supply: Run Time: Size: Packlot:
12 White LEDs 3 x AA Batteries 20 hrs 14 x 6cm 10 Units
121201 LL LED超亮小營燈
• • • •
Little Light 13
Flat base Hang hook Light defusing case Rubberised outer
訂價 290
Features Bulb: Power Supply: Run Time: Output: Size: Packlot:
4 Super Bright LEDs 3x AAA Batteries 25 hrs 16 Lumens 9.4 x 15.4cm 12 Units
121202 PL LED掌上型營燈
• Carry handle • 3 mode light level • Removable light defusing globe • Hanging hook in the base
Pocket Lantern 1W 13
訂價 460
Features Bulb: Power Supply: Run Time:
1 Watt LED 4 x AA Batteries 24hrs (low), 12hrs (med), 7hrs (high) Output (Lumens): 61 (low), 101(med) 157 (high) Size: 6.5 x 13.5cm Packlot: 12 Units
• • • • • •
Carry Handle Roll Cage Light defusing case 3 light modes: 30%, 60%, 100% Rubberised anti-shock case
91501 凡塔吉 400中纖 0-5℃
Vantage 400 Hollowfil 13 訂價 2200
Shell Material: Liner Material: Fill Type: Fill Weight: Temp Rating: Zippers: Dimensions: Colours: Weight: Packlot:
70D Polyester Pongee Spiral Polyester 2 x 200gm 0 to +5 (Comfort) LH & RH available 200 x 35 x 70cm Red, Colbolt, Black, Forest Green 1.35kg 8 Units each colour
131502 凡塔吉 400中纖 0-5℃童款
• Full length zip • Foot Zip •
Vantage 400 Hollowf K 13 訂價 2200
Shell Material: Liner Material: Fill Type: Fill Weight: Temp Rating: Zippers: Dimensions: Colours: Weight: Packlot:
70D Polyester Pongee Spiral Polyester 2 x 200gm 0 to +5 (Comfort) LH & RH available 180/160 x35x 60cm Red, Colbolt, Black, Forest Green 1.6kg 8 Units each colour
• Zip off foot section • Full length zip • Foot Zip •
71303 雙向高效能打氣幫浦 Double Action Pump 13
訂價 600
Features Volume: Accessories: Packed Weight: Packed Size: Packlot:
13L 3 size nozzle set 0.82kg 45 x 21 x 9cm 6 Units
81302 車用12V充氣幫浦 12Vlt Pump 13
• Reinforced handles • Single mould chamber •
訂價 450
Features Power Input: Accessories: Packed Weight: Packed Size: Packlot:
12 Volt 3 size nozzle set 12 Volt Plug 0.4kg 10 x 12 x 15cm 6 Units
99920 VA充氣床氣閥 Boston Valve 13
• • Compact design • airbeds • 12 Volt plug adaptor
訂價 50
131301 BP腳踏式充氣幫浦 Bellows Pump 13
訂價 320
flow Po Box 12752, Hamilton
127A Maui Street, Pukete, Hamilton, New Zealand, 3200,
Ph. 07 848 1610
Fax 07 848 1619