Hanham & Longwell Green Voice May 2023

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Row over pothole repairs

SOUTH Gloucestershire Council has rejected claims it would take 742 years to repair all of its crumbling roads and potholes.

The figure was put to council leader Toby Savage at a cabinet meeting in March by Yate town councillor Chris Willmore, who said it was based on raw government data used to compile a league table of backlogs.

She told Mr Savage: "You have more A-road length than Bristol but only managed to repair a third as much. At the current rate of repairs, Bristol

could repair all its A roads in 56 years – you would take 170 years. If we go to the other roads, South Glos repairs half as much each year even though it has more roads. Bristol at its current rate would take 391 years to repair all those roads – South Glos would take 742 years.”

Mr Savage admitted they had more to do said but the administration had committed an extra £1 million to improve highways and pavements.

The numbers were based on Department for Transport

figures which said the council reconstructed or re-laid 0.7 miles of its 119.2 miles of A-roads and 1.9 miles of its 1,409.8 minor roads in 2021-22.

However afterwards the council said the estimates were based on the "inaccurate" assumption that all of the network needed to be repaired, whereas only 3% of A-roads and 7% of other roads needed urgent maintenance, with the network as a whole in "a very reasonable condition".

Turn to Page 3

School praised by inspectors

Samuel White's Infant School, part of the Hanham Primary Federation is celebrating being rated Good by Ofsted.


South Glos goes to polls

Elections are taking place on May 4 for South Gloucestershire Council and for parish councils in our district.

PAGES 4 & 5

Fears grow for missing Denise

Fresh appeals have been made by police looking for Denise Jarvis, who has been missing from Kingswood for eight months.


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Friends of Christchurch Primary are getting set to run the Bristol 10k. Report: Page 8

Hanham & Longwell Green Voice contacts

Publisher Emma Cooper

0117 908 2121 / 07715 770448


Editor Linda Tanner 0777 0700579


Erica Benson

Advertising Sales

0117 908 2121


June deadline

Our June edition deadline is May 23. To ensure your news or letter is included, please contact us by then. Advertisers are also asked to contact us by the same date.

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Letters for publication can be sent to the above email addresses or by post to Letters, Hanham & Longwell Green Voice, 16 Ashmead Business Centre, Ashmead Road, Keynsham, BS31 1SX. The editor reserves the right to edit your letter.

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South Gloucestershire Council


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59 people hurt in High St changes

FIFTY NINE people have now been injured on Keynsham High Street, where an “optical illusion” cycle lane was installed last year.

Keynsham South councillor Alan Hale, who obtained the figures through a freedom of information request sent to Bath and North East Somerset Council, warned that someone could suffer fatal injuries on the road.

A new cycle lane was opened along the High Street in March last year after nine months of work, beginning an odd phenomenon of people falling in the high street.

One person who fell described the cycle lane as an “optical illusion” as there were kerbs and painted white lines which looked similar to each other.

address the situation.”

Some work has been done on the cycle lane with the hope of reducing the number of falls. The lane, which had been plain tarmac, was painted red in August in response to — at that time — 46 incidents of people falling.

Mr Hale said: “At my suggestion they changed the colour of the tarmacadam of the lane but that did not achieve a cessation in injuries, and since then there has been no further action, save the monitoring.”

Councillor Mark Roper, the council’s cabinet member for economic development, regeneration and growth, defended the council’s response.

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Despite our best efforts, we sometimes get things wrong. We always try to resolve issues informally at first but we also have a formal complaints procedure. If you have a complaint about anything in the Hanham & Longwell Green Voice, contact the publisher using the details below. We aspire to follow the Code of Conduct of the NUJ (National Union of Journalists), which holds journalists to a high standard of behaviour.

Twenty one people have pursued personal injury compensation claims against the council in relation to the road. Seven of these have been rejected but the rest remain open and under investigation.

The council stated that no insurance claims have been settled and no other payments have been made to anyone.

Mr Hale said he had been contacted about people falling “since day one” but had simply been told by officers that they were “monitoring” the situation.

He said: “There can be no other local authority in the country that has created a development that has succeeded in seriously injuring 59 people at least and have done nothing to

He said: “The new Keynsham High Street cycle lane is built to the government’s current LTN120 standards, and when some early problems were identified with the double kerb down to the road surface, a series of mitigations were put in place which has had the effect of substantially reducing the number of reported incidents.

“However we have now commissioned a Stage 4 Road Safety to suggest further improvements and mitigations and prevent any further issues. This will report back early in the next administration.

“All reported falls are carefully examined, including by CCTV, to establish where and why they happen.

Further details of the complaints process can be found on the Voice website here, or can be obtained by contacting the Publisher. A member of the

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Hanham and Longwell Green Voice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Hanham and Longwell Green Voice is distributed each month to residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is always welcomed, contact Emma Cooper on 0117 908 2121 or sales@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk This month 9,500 copies will be distributed around Hanham and Longwell Green.

May, 2023 2 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk Follow us on Twitter @ twitter.com/Hanham LWGvoice Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ hanhamandlongwell greenvoice

A KINGSWOOD man illegally bred dogs and kept them in appalling conditions, Bristol Crown Court heard.

Atilla Kovacs, of Two Mile Hill Road, received a sentence of 24 months (suspended for 21 months) and 150 hours community service. A 10-year Criminal Behaviour Order was also placed against him. It followed an investigation by Bristol Trading Standards that resulted in the rescue of seven dogs. Concerns were raised in April 2020 about pregnant dogs and puppies being illegally imported into the UK, to an address occupied by Mr Kovacs. A number of individuals and addresses, both in Bristol and outside the UK,were also identified.

Officers searched the property and found seven dogs being kept in bare cages in a shipping container in Mr Kovacs’s garden. The dogs were immediately seized due to the poor conditions they were being kept in, which was causing serious suffering.

Mr Kovacs entered a guilty plea

in October 2022 to six charges of causing unnecessary suffering (under section 4 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006), one charge of failing to ensure the needs of an animal are met, and one charge of breeding dogs without a licence (under sections 9 and 13 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006).

Mr Kovacs was given a Criminal Behaviour Order banning him from future involvement in the importation, sale, advertising or

It has four to eight crews repairing roads each day.

From Page 1

Potholes have worsened on many roads in the district in recent months.

A council spokesperson said maintenance crews, who are out five days a week and sometimes on weekends, had "filled around 17% more potholes since the start of January compared to last year".

The council launched a new online system for residents to report potholes and other issues on roads, footpaths and cycleways last summer, including the ability to upload pictures of damage, which can be send straight to maintenance teams along with the location.

To report a pothole or road defect visit www.southglos. gov.uk/reportit.

distribution of animals. There will also be restrictions in place which will prevent him from having more than two domestic pets which must be photographed and microchipped. He must also notify the local authority in relation to any future changes of address.

Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol, said “Unlicensed puppy dealers and breeders like this sadly always prioritise profit over animal welfare. We refuse to tolerate

Illegal dog breeder sentenced Potholes

such activities in Bristol and hope today’s court verdict sends a clear message to anyone who thinks they can make money from this illegal and abhorrent trade.

“Puppies bought from unlicensed breeders are often reared in appalling conditions and are likely to suffer ill health as a result. They can also be at risk of congenital health problems and may not have been vaccinated correctly.

“If you are planning to buy a new puppy, make sure you do your research and find a legitimate breeder and always ensure that you see the puppy interacting with its mother. If you are able to, please consider adopting.”

If you have concerns that your puppy may have been bred as a consequence of illegal breeding contact your local Trading Standards Team. Any information on illegal dog breeding in Bristol can be passed to Bristol Trading Standards via animal.health@ bristol.gov.uk

May, 2023 3 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk Tel: 01749 346900 | www.suttonsstairlifts.co.uk The Works, Board Cross, Shepton Mallet BA4 5DX Installation - Repair - Services STAIRLIFTS NEW from £1,645 RECONDITIONED from £995 REN TAL from £55 per month n NEWS NEWLY ROOFED LOCK

Control of council up for grabs

SOUTH Gloucestershire voters will decide the future political direction of the council when they go to the polls on Thursday, May 4.

The council's ruling Conservatives are defending 33 seats - an overall majority of five - after holding on to power when the party lost control of many nearby councils at the last elections in 2019.

The Liberal Democrats, the biggest opposition group going into the elections with 17 seats, are the only other party contesting all 61 seats up for election on the unitary authority, which has responsibility for public services including waste and recycling, school provision, road maintenance, housing and planning.

The Tories have run the council since 2007 and held an overall majority since 2015, while the Lib Dems last had one in 2003, with other parties holding the balance of power at times when no one party is in overall control.

The third largest party going into the elections is Labour, which is standing 43 candidates and defending 11 seats, while the Greens, who currently have no councillors, are standing 16 candidates.

There are six independent candidates, two from Reform UK, and one from the National Housing Party.

Whoever wins this time there will be a new council leader, after Toby Savage, who has led the ruling Tory cabinet since 2018, announced shortly before nominations closed that he was stepping down as a councillor, having recently become a father for the second time.

Labour leader Pat Rooney is also stepping down, announcing her retirement after 30 years on South Gloucestershire Council and predecessor Kingswood borough.

The Voice asked the four biggest parties in the election to sum up their manifesto pledges for readers.

Their responses are printed in order of their strength in the council chamber going into the election.


THE Conservatives have a proven track record of delivering.

From record levels of investment in schools, multi-million pound road surfacing schemes, record breaking recycling rates and ensuring car parking remains free across South Glos, we have a proven record.

If re-elected, we will continue to prioritise the things that matter. We will ensure that new homes are built in the right places and that our precious environment is protected. We will continue to invest in our local road network to keep it in tip top condition and ensure attainment levels in schools remain high.

We will continue to support our high

streets and businesses by ensuring it remains free to park and will push the West of England Combined Authority for better public transport links.

We will also expand the soft plastic recycling scheme to further improve a recycling rate which is already one of the best in the country.

Liberal Democrats

WE face two huge challenges - the threat from Climate Change and the cost-of-living crisis.

Our priorities are : Tackling the Climate and Ecological emergency. Helping people insulate their homes,

Cutting their carbon footprint and bills. Supporting innovation to build a greener economy.

Getting our area moving. We will work with communities and transport operators to deliver a joined-up transport system. Helping residents with the cost-of-living crisis. We will offer support and advice to people and businesses, to help them cut their bills and grow the local economy. Bringing back local decision making. Making sure your voices are heard and the issues that matter to you are tackled.

We will run South Gloucestershire Council in a completely different way - listening to and working with local people, residents, voluntary groups, Town and Parish Councils and other public authorities.

We can create a South Gloucestershire that works with everyone, for everyone.


OUR community is brimming with potential, but years of Conservative control on South Gloucestershire Council are holding our people and places back.

Listening to residents, we will build a better South Gloucestershire together:

Housing: Enforcing planning laws so a third of all new housing developments are affordable. Working with landlords to make rental properties warmer and cheaper for tenants.

Transport: Increasing the Council’s financial contribution to bus services. Working with our Labour Metro Mayor to train more bus drivers.

NHS and social care: Campaigning for the promised Minor Injuries Unit at Cossham and community beds at Frenchay. Working with NHS partners on early mental health interventions.

Environment: Introducing a dedicated lead for Climate Change Action. Setting the highest standards for waste recovery and recycling. Ensuring major green spaces are


Childcare: Working with a future Labour government to build a modern childcare system that works for families and children.


On 4th May, help South Gloucestershire follow our neighbours in Bristol by electing Green Party Councillors to our Council.

Our key priorities are:

Housing – balancing the needs of all residents in our local communities; supporting fair and affordable housing; and addressing the challenges of houses with multiple occupants.

Transport - reversing cuts to bus services; pushing for a bus franchise model; and continuing to oppose the development of further mega-roundabouts on the ring road. Local services - supporting local healthcare, schools, libraries and social care, and enhancing support to vulnerable communities.

Meaningful climate action - providing additional support for insulation for community buildings; enforcing the South Gloucestershire Council nature plan so that all developments protect biodiversity; and ensuring that the Council’s climate commitments are embedded throughout Council decision making.

Rivers – challenging water companies and Government to stop the dumping of raw sewage in our waterways.


Bitton and Oldland Common (two seats)

Kenton James Boon, Liberal Democrat

Sarah Jane Freeman, Green

Peter Hallett, Green

Paul Robert Hughes, Conservative

Darren Paul Langley, Labour

Stanley Raymond Perry, Liberal Democrat

Erica Lesley Williams, Conservative

Hanham (three seats)

Kelly Allen, Green

June Patricia Bamford, Conservative

April Begley, Labour

John Gawn, Liberal Democrat

William Huddy, Green

Daniel James Johnston, Green

Brenda Barbara Langley, Conservative

Margaret Ann Marshall, Liberal Democrat

Michael Newman, Labour

Matt Pitts, Conservative

Patrick John Eagar Thoyts, Liberal Democrat

Longwell Green (two seats)

Crispin Allard, Liberal Democrat

Edward Roger Allinson, Liberal Democrat

Kristopher David Murphy, Conservative

Christine Price, independent

Carol Ann Strange, Conservative

Parkwall and Warmley (two seats)

Elizabeth Bromiley, Conservative

Sam Bromiley, Conservative

Martin Philip Farmer, Labour

Philippa Emily Marsden, Liberal Democrat

Hossein Pirooz, Liberal Democrat

Kenneth David Rabone, Labour

May, 2023 4 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk n NEWS

Toby steps down after five years

TOBY Savage, who has led South Gloucestershire Council for five years, has stepped down.

Mr Savage has represented the Longwell Green ward since 2015 but decided not to stand at this month’s elections following the birth of his second child, Dorothy.

The Conservative group on the council will choose a new leader immediately after the polls on May 4.

Mr Savage said his decision followed his “promotion to dad-oftwo”.

He said: “I have been council leader for just under five years, and it has been the privilege of a lifetime to serve the area in which I was born and brought up.

“These past years have been unprecedented and exhausting. We have led the local responses to a global pandemic, a war and a worldwide cost of living crisis. But we have also stayed true to the promises we were elected on four years ago.

“Throughout all of this I have been honoured to work with extraordinary people both inside and outside the council, who serve local people with dedication and distinction.”

He added: “During my first three years as council leader, I was in the fortunate position of being able to throw myself entirely into my passion for public service. That changed in 2021 with the birth of my son Laurie, now aged two, and then again with the arrival of my daughter Dorothy last month.

“I have realised how precious these first few years are and I am excited about having more time to dedicate to my growing family.

“I wish my successor all the very best. I have been deeply honoured to have spent the last five years in public service and I hope to return to it one day in the future.”

May, 2023 5 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk n NEWS 24 HOUR LOCKSMITH & DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS Dale Clements 24 hour Locksmith Service (all types of doors) Locks, Handles and Hinges Repaired Misted and Broken Glass Replaced Realign Dropped Doors and Windows 0117 3690046 Mobile: 07970 019830 www.daleclements.co.uk 44 ABBOTS ROAD, HANHAM, BS15 3NG NO OUTCALL FEE FIXED PRICES TRADING FOR OVER 10 YEARS TRANSFORM YOUR KITCHEN FOR A FRACTION OF THE COST WITH REPLACEMENT DOORS & WORKTOPS ✓ Replacement made-to-measure doors & worktops ✓ Save £1000s compared to a new kitchen ✓ Door swaps in as little as one day ✓ 100s of designs and colour options 0117 990 2809 customer@bristolkitchenmakeovers.co.uk www.bristolkitchenmakeovers.co.uk BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER SHOWROOM: Unit 3, Farrington Farm, Farrington Gurney BS39 6UB

Beauty and the Beast

MORE than 70 students from Years 7 to 11 at Hanham Woods Academy presented Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.

Abigail Dyson, from Year 8, and Ella Reed, Year 9, shared the role of Belle, and Adrian Korczak, Year 8, Ben Jenkins, Year 9, that of the Beast.

It was a student-led production with pupils taking on the roles of assistant director, stage manager, lighting and sound technician, and publicity and marketing.

Nicola Hurrell, subject leader for drama and the show's director, said: “I am

so impressed with the level of hard work, commitment and resilience students have shown throughout this production. Student leaders have really stepped up and responded to the challenge of producing a fantastic production. I am so proud of them all.”

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Students take to Old Vic stage

CABOT Learning Federation Post 16 students have been treading the boards at the Bristol Old Vic.

The 19-strong cast and crew, who have been rehearsing for five months, performed the critically-acclaimed production The Heights, after a sell-out show staged at John Cabot Academy. A National Theatre (NT) festival director came to see the show and was extremely complimentary about the approach the students had taken to the material.

Lillie, played by Jess Barnett, lives on the Heights Estate; a place where nothing ever happens, except in Lillie’s head.

Lillie’s life is not like most people. For starters, she never goes out, but sits in her bedroom window on the sixth floor of her tower block, watching the world and the people in it go by. As she sits, she makes up stories: some sad, some happy, some funny. But they are just stories, aren’t they?

The show was staged as part of the National Theatre festival. NT Connections festival is the National

Theatre’s annual showcase of new plays for youth theatres and schools. Bristol Old Vic’s festival will host seven regional Youth Theatres; performing short plays of 30 minutes to one hour which have been selected from the past 22 years of Connections.

Anna Shaw, Post 16 teacher of English & drama, and show director, said: "It has been a pleasure to work with such a lively, creative and enthusiastic group of students. We are so proud of our performance and hope it will be the first of many more P16 drama enrichment opportunities.”

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May, 2023 7 hanham&longwellgreenvoice
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Schools trust appoints wellbeing co-ordinator

CABOT Learning Federation has appointed its first Wellbeing Coordinator – who takes up her post with the ambition of helping the CLF to lead the education sector in its wellbeing and mental health support.

The trust – which runs 22 schools across Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset, including Hanham Woods Academy – has named wellbeing of staff and students as one of seven key pillars in its strategic ambitions between now and 2030.

That emphasis on staff and student health includes pledges to offer day-to-day support, while also making help available for people who may be struggling with their physical or mental health.

That has led to the creation of a new role to oversee the trust’s offering and guide staff to the

10k team runs for forest school dream

help which is available.

Helen Hetherington is based at Uphill Village Academy in Weston-super-Mare, where she juggles a number of roles including HLTA, learning mentor, parent support, safeguarding and mental health lead.

Helen – who has worked in education for nearly 30 years and at Uphill for 18 – is looking forward to getting stuck in to a role which she believes has taken on even greater importance as people’s wellbeing focus has shifted irrevocably in the wake of the pandemic.

Helen said: “Wellbeing has always been at the heart of my ethos for supporting children, young people, and colleagues. I passionately believe that we can only achieve and be our best person if we are healthy, both physically and mentally. "

STAFF and parents at Christ Church Hanham CE Primary are coming together to raise money to enable the development of a new Forest School area in the school grounds.

The plan will create space for pupils to learn from, and about, nature with a revitalised pond area and planting of trees and vegetation to attract wildlife. In addition, a fire pit will be installed. The existing outdoor structure will be renewed and incorporated into the new area to provide pupils with a dedicated outdoor classroom.

Currently, the youngest children at the school use another part of the school grounds for weekly outdoor learning. However, in line with the school’s vision of ‘Nurture-GrowFlourish’, headteacher Neil McKellar-Turner is keen to have a dedicated outdoor learning environment that all pupils can benefit from all year round.

The school needs to raise about £30,000 for the project. The Friends of Christ Church have teamed up with the school’s staff running club to put forward a CCH Running Team for the Bristol 10K this month.

A spokesman said: “This is a fantastic demonstration of what it means to be a member of Team CCH. Community is one of our key drivers and underpins a lot of our work in school. It is fantastic to see staff and parents working together in this innovative way in order to develop an exciting, inspiring and long-lasting new area of school which will be enjoyed by all children for many years to come!”

May, 2023 8 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk ® FAMILY RUN BUSINESS MODERN CLASSIC TRADITIONAL CONTEMPORARY > Replacement kitchen doors > Cost effective made to measure solution > Worktops and appliances > Installation in as little as 2-3 days by local professionals 9.8/10 11/12 The Promenade, Gloucester Road, Bristol BS7 8AL Call us now for a free estimate: 0117 944 3223 THE UK’S # 1 KITCHEN MAKEOVER COMPANY dreamdoors.co.uk BEFORE AFTER UK MANUFACTURED NEW YEAR, NEW KITCHEN. WHY PAY MORE IN 2023? Up to 50% less than a new fully fitted kitchen n NEWS

Samuel White's wins praise from inspectors

SAMUEL White’s Infant School is Hanham is a “welcoming and caring place to learn”.

That’s the verdict of Wendy D’Arcy, who led a team of two inspectors from Ofsted who judged the school to be Good in all areas.

The inspection report found the school to be good for quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, early years provision and leadership and management.

The school was rated Good in its two previous inspections. Leaders are particularly pleased that after 10 years of the school being federated with Hanham Abbots Junior School both have now been found to be strong providers.

The report said: “Leaders and staff are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educa-tional needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to succeed and thrive as individuals.”

“Pupils are thoughtful and inclusive.

Pupils spread the word about their school's success

They appreciate difference and have a strong awareness of equality and respect for others.”

Joe Wills, deputy headteacher at Hanham Primary Federation, said: “We felt this really reflected the families of the local area and celebrates the children as a credit to the school. “The inspectors made some suggestions as to how we can improve which

present some exciting opportunities for growth in developing the core knowledge in our curriculum and long term memory for the children and for our younger children to build opportunities to contribute to the school community. We are very proud of the hard work of our staff and children, which is reflected in this Ofsted report.”


Hanham Toddlers Pre-school have been providing high quality Early Years provision for children aged between 2 - 4yrs+ for the past 57 years.

Hanham Toddlers Pre-school have been providing high quality Early Years provision for children aged between 2 - 4yrs+ for the past 63 years.

As of September 2017 we will be extending our provision to cover 30 hours per week, with sessions running daily from 9am - 3pm. For those under the age of 2 we offer regular Stay & Play sessions where families are supported by our

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As of September 2023, we have availability for children to join our thriving environment for both Nursery Education Grant funded and fee-paying sessions. Sessions run daily and vary from 3 hours to 6 hours per day. For those under the age of 2 we offer regular Stay & Play sessions where families are supported by our highly trained practitioners.

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Tuesday – 9.00am – 2.00pm

Please visit our website to find out more about us

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Thursday – 9.00am – 2.00pm

Friday – 9.00am – 11.30am


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May, 2023 9 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk n NEWS

Barclays Bank to shut

BARCLAYS Bank is shutting its branch in Regent Street, Kingswood, in July.

The announcement is the latest in a series of closures by the big banks following a huge drop in the number of customers using in-person services as more and more people moved to online banking.

Barclays says the Regent Street branch will close on July 6. It is looking into alternative

Success as bins are removed from streets

provisions – in some areas it has launched semi-permanent ‘banking pods’ and banking vans.

Meanwhile, it says the nearest branch will be in Broadmead, Bristol, or customers can used the Post Office in the King’s Chase centre. Kingswood lost another financial institution last month too when the Nationwide Building Society shut its branch.

Action on antisocial behaviour

A PARTIAL closure order has been granted against an address to help protect people in Speedwell from antisocial behaviour. A warrant was carried out in January at the address, in the Gorse Hill area, after reports of issues relating to drugs and noise.

Avon and Somerset Police and Bristol City Council worked together before the warrant to try to alleviate the issues –including offering the tenant an antisocial behaviour contract; but neighbours continued to be affected. An application was agreed at Bristol Magistrates Court on 22 March for a three-month order, meaning only the tenant is allowed to enter the property.

BRISTOL has become a more pleasant place after a major drive succeeded in removing 450 commercial waste bins from streets.

The council launched a project after the easing of lockdown to persuade restaurants, shops, bars and other businesses to keep bins on their own premises to stop “clutter” on pavements.

Councillors heard how officers spent months trying to persuade reluctant firms to change their ways – some of whom “shouted and screamed” in protest.

Those who still refused had their bins seized and taken to a yard, and their commercial waste contractors were charged fees to reclaim them.

Neighbourhood enforcement and street scene manager Kurt James said their efforts paid off, beginning with the Old City followed by the rest of the city centre including Broadmead, Redcliffe and Temple areas, and Stapleton Road/Old Market.

He told Bristol City Council’s communities scrutiny commission meeting that officers were now looking at the best way to expand the scheme, with Church Road among the areas expected to be next.

“I couldn’t believe my eyes – we have been trying to do this for years,” Mr James said.

He said the areas felt less cluttered, there was less opportunity for fly-tipping, streets were easier to cleanse and people had a lot more space to move around.

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Joanna, Daughter of Resident at Quarry House (source: carehome.co.uk)

Concerns grow over missing Denise

A FRESH appeal has been made for information about the disappearance of Denise Jarvis from Kingswood eight months ago.

New CCTV images were shown on Channel 5’s Vanished: The Hunt for Britain’s Missing. The show also featured interviews with her family.

Denise, 44, has been missing since last summer and police continue to appeal for the public’s help.

Senior Investigating Officer

Det Insp Ben Lavender was in the studio for the live programme, presented by Dan Walker, broadcast at 9pm on April 20.

Denise’s mother Bernadette and sister Rachel also made heartfelt appeals, with her mum saying: “She’s not another person missing, she’s our daughter, she’s Rachel’s sister - she is loved. If somebody has seen her, we want her back, because we love her.”

Denise was last seen on the

evening of Wednesday 3 August in the area of Southey Park. That remains the last confirmed sighting of her. CCTV from the area has also been reviewed but police say they have been unable to locate any footage of her following the last confirmed sighting.

The new images of Denise, recorded on the day before she went missing, show the coat she was wearing when she was last seen in the park – a grey, thigh-

length sleeveless coat.

A thorough investigation has seen officers complete more than 700 actions and speak to more than 90 of Denise’s contacts in the hope of finding her.

DI Lavender said on the programme: “While we’re carrying out land searches, specialist searches and with our dive team, we are preparing for the worst but really still hoping for the best, and we hope that this will come to a positive

outcome for her family.”

Speaking after the programme, he added: “We’re committed to getting the answers Denise’s family so desperately need and we’ll leave no stone unturned in our efforts to find out what happened to her.

“This will include continuing enquiries around her phone and communications data, as well as past financial transactions, and we’ll continue to speak with all known relatives, friends and associates."

If you know where Denise is, or have seen or spoken with her after Wednesday 3 August, please call 999 quoting reference 5222186376, or call 101 with any other information.

Police have set up an online portal, which will allow people to send information direct to officers working on this investigation. You can access the portal at: https://mipp.police. uk/operation/5222C16-PO1

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk May, 2023 11 hanham&longwellgreenvoice n NEWS CALL JOE FOR A FREE QUOTE Tel: 0117 959 2143 Mob: 07891 253 122 www.alpine-landscaping.co.uk LANDSCAPING Established family firm with 25 years experience H Senior Citizens Special H Garden Clearance — Regular or one-off H Patios H Fencing H Tree Work H Turfing H Hedgecutting H Planting (Shrubs etc) H Organic manure delivered — Also applied H Professional and guaranteed work H Brick & Blocklaying 25% OFF WITHADVERTTHIS Alpine Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM PREMIUM 5.1M BLACK £2,740 £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M PREMIUM 3.4M ANTHRACITE £1,990 GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION 9.8 out of 10 4.8 out of 5 0117 369 0359 www.garolla.co.uk

Let's seize Net Zero opportunity

AS the local MP, I have always been keen to champion our environment and action on climate change so we can capitalise on economic and social opportunities that are opened up. Last year the government asked me to chair the Independent Review on Net Zero and I submitted my report at the end of 2022 with 129 recommendations focussed on 10 missions.

The government has recently published its responses to the Review and overall I am pleased with the level of support expressed, in particular for the Review’s conclusion that net zero is the growth opportunity of the 21st century and could offer major economic opportunities to the UK –but that decisive action is needed to seize these.

Locally we can already see the innovation being pioneered – from the organisations based at the Emersons Green Science Park, such as the Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems (IAAPS), through to South Gloucestershire Council’s Commons Connections project and various community groups’ efforts to boost nature and biodiversity recovery. We need government to not only back but to accelerate support for these areas.

As we move out of Spring and into the warmer months, it is worth reflecting on the Chancellor’s Spring Budget and what this means for households and businesses locally.

Support with the cost of living will continue through the extension of energy support by capping the Energy Price Guarantee at £2,500 until July giving families the certainty they need, as well as ending the premium paid by over four million households using prepayment meters, ensuring fairness for all bill payers.

To help more parents with the cost of childcare, the government is introducing 30 free hours of childcare per week for children from 9 months to 4 years, worth £6,500 per year per child from 2025, allowing parents to take up more work. There will also be new support for childminders.

Nationally, the government is investing an extra £200 million in 2023-24 in maintaining and improving local roads, enabling local authorities like South Gloucestershire to fix more potholes and resurfacing.

As ever, please contact my office on 0117 908 1524 or chris.skidmore.mp@parliament.uk

If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 12 hanham&longwellgreenvoice n NEWS FROM OUR MP Chris Skidmore writes for Hanham & Longwell Green Voice
Discover the very best care at Charterhouse Located within The Chocolate Quarter, Charterhouse combines the height of luxury with exceptional personalised care. Enjoy elegantly styled rooms, restaurant quality food and on-site amenities that are second to none. 0117 919 4267 www.stmonicatrust.org.uk/charterhouse The Chocolate Quarter, Trajectus Way, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2GL Charterhouse Care Home Residential l Nursing l Respite l Dementia Registered Charity 202151 tourOnlinevirtual available

THE Bristol Schools 48-Hour Film Challenge takes place this month.

Students aged 7-18 are invited to shoot, edit and submit a short original 4-minute film with any device or their mobile phones within the time limit.

The event takes place from May 12-14 and entrants must register by May 5.

The project is endorsed by IMDb, boomsatsuma, The Bottle Yard Studios, Sync Ltd and is hosted by Redmaids’ High School with proceeds from the competition entrance fees going to the local charity Off The Record.

Among the judges is Mamma Mia! screenplay writer Catherine Johnson.

Film challenge

The 48-Hour Film Challenge project was initiated by Sarah Bramley-Dymond, head of digital learning at Redmaids’ High.

She said: “The 48-hour film project itself is a well-established and very successful concept that runs in cities around the world. Each year, we are blown away by the concepts the teams come up with and the creativity that shines through their final creations. I would encourage any student who is interested any aspect of film and creative media to take part.”

The Zazi project which is part of ‘Off The Record’ (OTR) has been announced as the charity partner for the challenge and will receive 100% of the £10 per team entry fee. OTR is a mental health social movement by and for young people aged 11-25 living in Bristol and South Gloucestershire.

Teams must have a designated adult to oversee the weekend, and there is a charitable donation fee of £10 per team. The earlier teams register, the more workshops and guidance they will have access to, so early registration is encouraged. For further information or to register, visit: https://schools48hourfilmchallenge. co.uk/

Crime investigations ‘need improvement’

INSPECTORS have said Avon and Somerset Police “requires improvement” in investigating crimes including rape and serious sexual offences. Half of all investigations carried out by the short-staffed police force end up with no further action being taken, a report said.

Avon and Somerset Police also needs to improve responding to the public and recording crime data. The police force was graded as “adequate” in protecting vulnerable people and preventing crime and anti-social behaviour, and “good” at treating the public with respect.

A 12-month review of Avon and Somerset Police was carried out by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, between 2021 and 2022. The results of the inspection were published earlier this month.

Inspectors said: “The constabulary’s capacity to conduct timely investigations into rape and other serious sexual offences is exceeded by the number of these offences. As a result, such crimes are often left without being allocated to an investigator for a period of time during which evidential opportunities could be lost — as could the confidence of the victim.

“The constabulary told us that, between

April and June 2022, the number of such unallocated crimes varied between 125 and 48. Although these crimes are kept under review by supervisors and senior officers, they aren’t actually being actively investigated.”

Avon and Somerset Police has a dire shortage of detectives and investigators, the inspectors said. This means that half of all investigations considered for prosecution result in no further action being taken.

Another area needing improvement is recording data about crime. During the year covered by the inspection, the police force didn’t record an estimated 13,100 crimes, including 420 sexual offences. Particular crimes picked out by inspectors included rapes, crimes involving vulnerable victims, and anti-social behaviour.

Chief Constable Sarah Crew said: “Responding to the public more quickly, improving our investigations and better management of offenders are areas of intense focus for us, and we have plans in place to address the shortfalls outlined. The report recognises the sheer volume of non-emergency demand coming in the police service, much of which we know is spillover demand from other public services.

“In the last 12 months, we’ve taken more

than 385,000 calls for service, with under a third of these relating to crime or anti-social behaviour. The rest are issues beyond the policing sphere, including incidents involving people in mental health crises.

“We know there’s more to do to improve our investigations and management of offenders … Generating extra capacity and specialisms takes time and is not an immediate fix, but our plans are well advanced and this is reflected in the report.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford added: “I am delighted that Avon and Somerset Police has been graded outstanding for their work in ‘engaging with and treating the public with fairness and respect.’ However, I’m concerned about the areas highlighted that still require improvement including investigating crime, recording data about crime, responding to the public and managing offenders.”

Inspectors are still carrying out a review into how Avon and Somerset Police deals with vetting and corruption in the force, as well as disrupting serious organised crime. Results will be published on the His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services website

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk May, 2023 13 hanham&longwellgreenvoice n NEWS 07969 910 845



WE have had a very busy month at Longwell Green WI.

The knitting group produced a cheerful post box topper for Easter. Hopefully the Easter bunny, Easter eggs and cute chicks brightened up the day for people as they walked past.

At our April meeting we welcomed Dorothy Cook who talked to us about being a midwife. Having worked as a midwife for over 40 years and delivered about 3,000 babies she had plenty of stories to tell us.. Not only has she worked in this country but also in Singapore, Brazil and Oman amongst others. Midwifery in Oman certainly sounded different and challenging. A very interesting and entertaining talk from a knowledgeable speaker.

We also had our craft day for members and friends. With bottle painting, macramé, beadwork, diamond painting and embroidery available, there was plenty of choice of things to do, all enjoyed with tea, coffee and, of course, delicious cake. Everyone went home pleased with their achievements.

We are looking forward to a demonstration at Fonthill garden centre and our Birthday / Coronation celebration where we will have a buffet meal and entertainment.

We have lots of groups that our members can participate in. There are book clubs, walking groups, knitting group, skittles and social suppers. On the first Thursday of the month we meet at The Chapel Coffee Shop in Longwell Green for Tea and Chat.

Longwell Green WI regular meetings are on the third Friday of the month at 7.30pm at Longwell Green Community Centre and new members are always welcome. If you are interested in visiting us please get in touch by email at longwellwi@gmail.com, telephone 0117 9864782 or come along on the meeting evening.

Linda Muller


AS we move into springtime and the weather starts to improve the branch remains as busy as ever.

In March we were joined by our speaker Sarah Harris. We were

expecting her talk to be on “Marie Antoinette’s Guide to Farming” but when Sarah realised that we had not heard her earlier talk about a “Cockerel” she gave us that talk instead as it is a prequel to what she had intended.

What followed was an hilarious hour as her talk resembled a cross between “The Good Life” and “Escape to The Country.” Sarah told us about her life, her family, and their move from the rat–race of city life and pressures to running a farm in the country. Neither Sarah, nor her husband, an IT specialist, knew anything about farming but they set about learning to adapt to their new lifestyle with a mixture of amusing, disastrous and often unforeseen consequences.

Sarah regaled us with a lot funny animal related anecdotes many of which involved the “Cockerel” who they named Barry White because of the rather deep crowing noise he made.

We look forward to her return to give part two.

At the end of March, we enjoyed a jewellery making class given by one of the stall holders from our annual Autumn Fayre.

We were shown how to make beaded bracelets and given the opportunity to make one for ourselves.

The theme for our April talk was similar to that of the previous month – adapting to and more importantly accepting a different lifestyle and culture. However, the content could not have been more different. Jane Ghosh whose husband is Indian came along to tell us what it was like for him growing up in an Indian family.

Jane met her husband at university and married him in the early 1970s and most years since then they have visited India to see his family. She recalled that how on her first visit to the country from the moment she stepped off the plane she could not get over the overwhelming sense of overcrowding. There were throngs of people everywhere – on the streets, the markets, the shops, in every conceivable place. She often felt that she could not get a sheet paper between her and the person next to her!

Before they first went to meet his family, her husband would tell her about the family traditions

If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 14 hanham&longwellgreenvoice Offices in: Bradley Stoke | Central Bristol | Clevedon | Henleaze | Keynsham | Nailsea Portishead | Staple Hill | Thornbury | Weston-super-Mare | Worle | Yate wards.uk.com Need legal advice? We offer expert services for you, your family and your business Solving your legal problems ...locally Get in touch: 0117 986 3504 16 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1DJ

and culture. He explained how she should behave in front of his family, especially his mother but of course he was just her teasing her!

Then when Jane first met her mother-in-law, who had been widowed in her early 20s with four children to look after, she found her to be a lovely person who could not have been nicer. As a widow she always wore tradition white clothing.

Jane charted some of the changes she has seen. With transport for example, when she first went to India rickshaws were pulled along by men and she recalled one hilarious scene that she witnessed with a somewhat elderly, skinny man trying to pull along two plump ladies but not getting very far! Men were then replaced by bicycles and eventually by electric powered vehicles.

Housing conditions have also improved. Many people now live in air-conditioned flats a far cry from the old wooden structures they used to live in.

This was a very interesting talk with a fascinating insight into a different way of life and culture.

Dianna Coles


THIS month we were celebrating the Coronation of King Charles 111. Our meeting room had been decked with bunting and dozens of delicious cakes for our enjoyment with tea or coffee later.

Our president welcomed Dorothy Cook, a lady who had been a midwife for 40 years and estimated had delivered over 3,000 babies during the course of her career. Her career began in Glasgow as a student nurse, during her years of working as a Midwife she gained a wealth of knowledge by travelling to many countries, some with very different cultures to those we know. With this knowledge Dorothy later became a Consultant Midwife at UWE and ultimately involved with the Quality Care Commission, overseeing the standards of all Maternity Units in the UK.

We were treated to a many tales - some being funny and others more thought provoking.. We were informed about the true impact of female genital mutilation on both mother and baby as well as hearing her more entertaining and amusing tales from around the world. Dorothy also revealed she has never had a baby named after her, yet her daughter, one year in

as a midwife can already count three. We thoroughly recommend Dorothy as speaker!

Our President gave a vote of thanks for a very interesting talk.

At our May meeting we are expecting a talk from a lady who is from the famous Norland Nannies. This will be at our normal meeting place in Hanham Community Centre at 1.30pm on 15th May 2023. New members are always welcome. If you are interested and would like to know more, please get in touch by email: hanhamafternoonwi@outlook. co.uk or telephone : 01179325027.


AVON Federation of Women’s Institutes continues its work with supporting WIs and members in the area – Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, and Bath and North East Somerset – almost 100 WIs. In addition, the teams meet and plan events which are open to all members.

Future events for May include Basic First Aid, Coffee Morning with Guest Speakers, and Federation Quiz – when WIs can compete against each other.

At national level, work continues on our engagement with women in today’s society. A recent survey by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes found that there are many women who are interested in the WI and who support what we do, but are unable to join us as members. The main reasons for not joining included a lack of time; overriding commitments such as caring responsibilities or work; and not being able to find a local group that worked for them. On the basis of this information, the NFWI is introducing WI Supporters. There are two level of WI Supporters –Option 1 is Supporter, with a minimum donation of £5, for which they would receive a package of promotional materials, and information on our campaigns.

Option 2 is Supporter Plus, this will give a broader range of information on the WI, including receipt of our monthly magazine, limited access to our on-line forum and courses. The minimum donation for this level is £18.

Members and non-members can get further information on any item mentioned above by ringing the Avon Federation office on 0117 9864782.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk May, 2023 15 hanham&longwellgreenvoice

New exhibition at Aerospace Bristol is out of this world!

Aerospace Bristol, on the site of the former Filton Airfield, will host Luke Jerram’s Mars as part of a new Journey to Mars exhibition. The artwork will be stunningly displayed from 4th May to 5th June alongside the last Concorde ever to fly.

The temporary exhibition marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of the Beagle 2 lander on Mars Express, Europe’s first mission to Mars. It will include models of Beagle 2 and the Mars Express Orbiter on display alongside Luke Jerram’s Mars sculpture.

Measuring seven metres in diameter, Mars features

detailed NASA imagery of the Martian surface. At an approximate scale of 1:1 million, each centimetre of the internally lit spherical sculpture represents 10 kilometres of the surface of Mars.

Visitors will have the chance to view Mars from the air, as though they are a satellite, mapping and studying the surface in perfect detail, with every valley, crater, volcano and mountain laid bare to inspect. The Journey to Mars exhibition is included with museum entry.

Visit https://aerospacebristol.org/ for more information and for tickets.

What to wear right now n STYLE


I CAN’T spin it any differently. Knowing what to wear right now is proving tricky.

I’ve been dying to ditch the woollies for weeks, but this prolonged cold and wet weather is dampening my enthusiasm.

At some point I hope we can stop wearing our puffers and reaching for fluffy bed socks, but until then I think we need to stick to the safety net of layering as best we can. However, if you’re looking for a little inspo, I’m here to share the new trends appearing on the high street and online.

First up is the short trench. It’s a new take on the iconic trench coat, and great if you want to have a more polished touch to a casual look. There are cropped, belted, and voluminous versions to choose from, all in classic beige tones. I think the belted versions are great for adding shape to your overall silhouette, but it depends on the

look you want to achieve. All can look chic and are great for being smartly dressed while running errands, and could make good car jackets for the spring. Choose showerproof designs, obviously.

Next up, I suggest investing in a couple of oversized shirts. A truly versatile separate, the shirt this season is worn slightly larger and is fantastic worn with the other spring ’23 trends I mentioned in a previous column: wide-leg jeans, denim midaxi skirts, and the 90’s re-born cargo trouser.

But the real reason I’m including it here is that they can be layered. Keep warm now by wearing it with a long-sleeve T-shirt, polo neck or jumper and on its own when the sun appears. You’ll also have a cover-up for the beach.

My last suggestion is a denim jumpsuit. I love how these offer a cool vibe for daytime wear, but then you can add some eyecatching jewellery and heels and wear them in the evening.

Denim is a heavier material, but even on chilly days you can

Gail Painter's fashion tips

layer a T-shirt underneath or opt for a jumper over the top, the latter making it appear as jeans. More than one way to wear it. I love that!

What are your thoughts on spring dressing? If you’re stuck, drop me a line at info@notgivinin. com with any questions about this or other fashion queries.


If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 17 hanham&longwellgreenvoice
Advertising feature
Seek out an oversized shirt this spring
Look forward to your visit. Come and find us on The Westerleigh Road between Pucklechurch village and the Westerleigh Crematorium ST. ALDAMS FARM NURSERY EST. 1973 BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER THE BEST PLANTS AT THE BEST PRICES WESTERLEIGH ROAD, PUCKLECHURCH, BRISTOL BS16 9PY Bedding Plants 25 PLANTS £7.00 Geraniums FROM £2.50 Basket Plants £2.00 EACH Fuchsias FROM £2.50 Begonias £2.50 EACH SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR SPECIAL OFFERS - WWW.STALDAMSNURSERY.CO.UK OPEN 7 DAYS - Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm • Sun 9am-4pm Erin MP Compost £7 or £18 for 3
2023, we have a great new selection of hanging baskets, tubs, pots, and novelties to suit everyone Why not come and pay us a visit at St Aldams?

It’s spring … time for your Covid-19 booster vaccine?

IF you are 75 years and older, resident in a care home for older people, or aged five years and over with a weakened immune system, the NHS will offer you a booster of the coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine this spring. Ellacombe Pharmacy will again be providing the vaccinations.

The Spring Booster Campaign runs between April and June; as in previous campaigns, those with the highest risk are being called in first. The booster should be around six months from your last dose, but you can have it from three months based on your risk.

If you are turning 75 years of age between April and June, you will be called for vaccination during the campaign; you

do not have to wait for your birthday.

Why? It protects against Covid-19 infections are more severe in older people and people with certain underlying health conditions.

The vaccines for this campaign have been updated since the original vaccines and target different Covid-19 variants. These updated vaccines boost protection well and give slightly higher antibody levels against the more recent strains of Covid-19 (Omicron) than the vaccines you would have received previously.

The vaccines are offered to older people, who may otherwise respond less well to vaccines and contain an adjuvant (a chemical used to

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improve the immune response to the virus). This adjuvant is like the one used in the flu vaccine, which is routinely given to over 65 year-olds.

Please accept the vaccination offered to you as soon as possible – you will be provided with the right vaccine at the right time. There is no need to delay vaccination while trying to receive a particular vaccine type.

Please be assured that, as with your previous dose, the common side effects are the same for all Covid-19 vaccines, including the updated vaccines being used this spring.

Pharmacists and other trained healthcare professionals will provide the dose

. We will be on hand to offer you support and answer any


How to Book? When invited for your booster, you can call NHS 119, book using the NHS App or contact Ellacombe Pharmacy for support to book or details of any walk-in opportunities.

As part of the NHS, protecting you is not just our responsibility; your trust in us is a great privilege.

If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 19 hanham&longwellgreenvoice n PHARMACY BLOG 0117 9322293 24 Ellacombe Road, Longwell Green, BS30 9BA
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Scout leader Josh earns rare accolade

A YOUNG scout leader has been awarded one of the organisation's highest honours.

Josh O'Inn has been awarded the Cornwell Scout Badge in recognition of his "bravery, determination and stamina" in taking on challenges while recovering from ongoing surgery to treat a genetic condition.

Josh joined the 28th Kingswood, 1st Downend beavers aged six.

Thirteen years on, he has been through cubs, scouts and explorers, rising to physical challenges including abseiling, week-long camps and the 55-mile Ten Tors Challenge, and going on an international expedition to Madagascar, where he volunteered in an orphanage.

Mum Jenny said scouting had transformed Josh's confidence as he lived with neurofibromatosis, a condition which causes tumours to grow on his face.

Josh, who attended Staple Hill Primary School and John Cabot Academy, was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis when he was a year old. Now studying computer game design at Southampton University, Josh has stayed with the group as a leader and roped his mum in, too.

Jenny said: "As he has grown up the condition has grown with him over the

years. His face has changed and he has had numerous surgeries to maintain his vision. It has led to other conditions, such as glaucoma.

"His condition was never a physical disability apart from the effect on his vision, but it affected his confidence.

"Scouting has allowed him to meet new people and do amazing things. Whatever they have thrown at him, he's done it."

The Cornwell Scout Badge was created in memory of Jack Cornwell, a 16-year-old scout who stayed at his post at a gun turret despite being mortally wounded when his ship, HMS Chester, was shelled at close range during the Battle of Jutland in 1916.

Jack was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross and the badge created in his memory.

Group scout leader Rachel Ferrand said: "This is a rare award, only available to a young person, under the age of 25, in respect of great heroism or pre-eminently high character and devotion to duty, coupled with great courage and endurance.

"Josh has undergone many operations and still comes bouncing back. We are very proud to have him as a member of our Scout Group."

Josh's group is looking for more volunteers so it can continue to give young people opportunities. A variety of roles are available, from leaders working directly with members to behind-the-scenes roles such as trustees.

Anyone who would like to get involved can contact the group via its Facebook page or email Rachel at rferrand173@gmail.com.

Hospital patients get CAZ exemption

SOME patients at Bristol city centre’s hospitals have been granted new exemptions to the Clean Air Zone after the council agreed to a three-month trial.

They include people attending emergency departments at the BRI, Bristol Children’s Hospital or Bristol Eye Hospital and those receiving cancer treatment or end-of-life care.

Residents will also not have to pay to enter the zone for tests and treatment if they are eligible for support under the NHS healthcare travel costs scheme, such as those on certain benefits, including universal credit, income support and jobseeker’s allowance.

Patients may be eligible if they are on a low income and have savings of £16,000 or less, along with carers and parents who qualify for the scheme and whose child has been referred.

This also applies to appointments at the Bristol Heart Institute, Bristol

Haematology and Oncology Centre, St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol Dental Hospital and Central Health Clinic.

Most temporary exemptions for the CAZ, which came into force in November, ended on March 31, including residents who live in the zone, Blue Badge holders, low income workers and community transport vehicles.

A report to the University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Trust (UHBW) board, which runs the hospitals, said bosses had successfully negotiated the additional exemptions from April 1 with Bristol City Council.

Chief executive Eugine Yafele’s report to the meeting on Tuesday, April 18, said two long-term exemptions were also still in place – frequent outpatients who have three or more appointments a month for at least three months and visitors of long-stay inpatients.

If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 20 hanham&longwellgreenvoice www.elm-online.co.uk Meet with one of our qualified estate planning consultants to discuss your needs. Protect your family's inheritance Single & joint Wills from £99.00 *Including VAT Call us today on 0117 952 0698 or email info@elm-online.co.uk Home visits or online appointments are available. n NEWS
Josh O'Inn receives his award from Deputy County Commissioner Stu Ballard


Some ticket deals are too good to be true

AS we get closer to summer, many people are looking forward to attending local and national sporting, comedy and music events.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous ticket sellers prey on people’s excitement for such shows for their own financial gain.

I urge local people to be vigilant when buying tickets, as new national figures reveal over £6.7 million was lost to ticket fraud in 2022.

In the same year, Action Fraud received over 7,088 reports of ticket fraud, with 138 coming from Avon and Somerset residents.

As part of its latest awareness campaign, Action Fraud is working with the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR) to promote the safe and secure purchasing of tickets to events, and advises the public to follow the appropriate preventative measures.

These include only buying from official promoters and ticket agents,

being wary of messages offering unbelievably good deals and avoiding paying for tickets by bank transfers. Remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

We have just marked the first anniversary of an independent report, Identifying Disproportionality in Avon and Somerset Criminal Justice System (CJS).

Independent chair Desmond Brown conducted a two-year deep dive review into local CJS partner agencies to investigate racial disproportionality.

Lots of work is being done to set up a programme under the Local Criminal Justice Board, a group of senior leaders from all the partner agencies of which I am chair.

The chief constable is leading the steering committee to deliver the recommendations.

It’s vital to work in partnership and implement real and lasting change, so that communities feel a difference in how they are treated

when they encounter the CJS, whether as a victim, a witness, or a perpetrator.

I will keep you updated on the progress of this important work that aims to build trust, confidence, and legitimacy in policing and the wider system, particularly in communities impacted by race inequality, where trust and confidence is low.

Earlier this year I, along with my counterparts in Dorset, Devon & Cornwall, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, penned a letter to Therese Coffey – the then Environment Secretary - calling for a new way to tackle the growing menace of fly-tipping.

The cost of fly-tipping on private land is estimated to be up to £150m a year, and the cost of clearance of fly-tipping for local authorities in England is nearly £50m.

It is time to make criminals pay for fly-tipping, not local people.

I am delighted that Rebecca

With Police and Crime Commissioner Mark

Pow, MP for Taunton Deane, supports the five Southwest PCCs coming together to fight the scourge of fly-tipping. This is a step in the right direction.

This crime blights our rural landscape and causes problems for farmers and the rural economy. I’m committed to working with partner agencies to find new ways to tackle this problem.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk May, 2023 21 hanham&longwellgreenvoice
Together, we can make an
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even bigger difference to people in the community we love. Service

Special guests

On Wednesday the 17th May we will welcome some very special guests to our saleroom - the experts and crew of BBC's Bargain Hunt. We've previously filmed with them just after lockdown, but it was very different to what we'd usually expect of a television show. Instead of filming in our saleroom, I was whisked off to a hotel in the centre of town that the crew had commandeered so that social distancing could be adhered to. Our auction – at the time just an online-only one –was filmed remotely with the contestants seeing the results on a big television screen around ten miles away!

Those times are now thankfully behind us, and this time we’re very pleased to welcome them to our actual saleroom on Memorial Road. Charlie Ross will be presenting, but at the time of writing I do not know who the experts in attendance will be. Bargain Hunt is by far the biggest production in the world of Antiques programming, and our previous appearances have always been well received.

So if you would like to come and watch Bargain Hunt filming with us, perhaps meet some of the presenters or experts, then do please come along to our saleroom on Wednesday 17th May. The auction starts at 10am and features over three-hundred lots, many of which will have been purchased by experts from the show. No doubt the teams of contestants will be nervously waiting to see if they’ve made a profit or a loss!

Bristol set to welcome back Project Zulu choir

THE Project Zulu children’s choir from the Madadeni Township in South Africa returns to the Bristol area this month for the first time in five years.

The 20 schoolchildren, aged from eight to 15, perform a range of traditional Zulu songs and dances, including gospel songs and gumboot dances, during their three-week tour.

It will be the first time the nine boys and 11 girls have travelled abroad and they, along with four accompanying adults, stay with host families in Bristol.

Money raised during the trip will be split equally between the two schools - Mntimande Primary and Jobstown Primary - and used to build new classrooms to reduce overcrowding.

The choir tour is part of Project Zulu, a UWE Bristol initiative which has been working in partnership with South African township

schools to support the delivery of educational development projects since 2012, with the most recent volunteering visit by students and staff taking place in February 2023.

The first Project Zulu choir tour took place in 2013 and continued biennially until it was halted by the pandemic.

In addition to the concerts, the choir will visit eight schools in and around Bristol during the tour, offering cultural exchange opportunities and musical workshops. These schools are all fundraising to support the choir; the money raised by the Bristol school pupils will go directly back to schools in South Africa to help build their classrooms.

Tour highlights include: Thursday June 1: Solo concertSt George’s Bristol, 1pm; Friday June 2: Busking day, central Bristol; Friday June 9: Finale concert - Clifton College Chapel, 7pm.

When you mention The Voice

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk EAST BRISTOL AUCTIONS T: 0117 967 1000 E: info@eastbristol.co.uk www.eastbristol.co.uk East Bristol Auctions, 1 Hanham Business Park, Memorial Road, Hanham, Bristol BS153JE
May, 2023 22 hanham&longwellgreenvoice
Andy Stowe East Bristol Auctions
Project Zulu choir members rehearsing for their tour


May 6 to May 12


Come to our free taster sessions. Every day from 10am to noon.

Saturday 6th May to Friday 12th May.

Expert and friendly tuition from current members. All equipment provided. Wear flat soled shoes such as trainers. Just turn up. Car parking. Plant and cake stalls. Licensed Bar. Email greenbankbowls@ gmail.com if you need more information or would like directions to the club.


CLUB reopens after court repainting and the addition of new lighting. Adult PlayTuesday & Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Monday, Wednesday & Friday mornings, 9.30am - 11 am. Beginners' session coaching - Wednesday 7-8pm. Junior coaching - most early evenings. New players welcome. Fully qualified LTA coaching. See website for details www. hanhamtennisclub.co.uk


n YOGA CLASSES AT HANHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE - Monday evenings 7-8 pm plus a NEW CLASS starting from Monday 03 April 8-9pm. All levels including Beginners welcome. To book your place or for further information please email yogashula@hotmail. com or Tel 07949333548.

n TAI CHI CLASS, Hanham Community Centre, 118-124 High Street BS15 3EJ. Mondays 7-8pm starting May 15. All welcome, £7 per class or £35 for 6 classes. Contact Georgina Green - 07845 748568, georginagreen@mindfultaichi. org.uk


n LIP READING CLASS, 1.303pm at North Common Village Hall, Millers Drive, BS30 8YH. Contact Mary Hall 07790 283939, lipreadingmary@yahoo.com

n TUESDAY CLUB a social group meet every Tuesday 1.45-3.45pm at Longwell Green Community Centre


GROUP meet at 2pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month at the United Church, Bath Road, Longwell Green BS30 9DU (opp. Aldi). Please phone Maureen on 0117 9322341


n BARRS COURT PROBUS CLUB Retired and semi-retired

Professional and Businessmen: Meet 2nd and 4th Wednesdays 10-12 at Longwell Green Community Centre. Please contact our Membership Secretary, Mick Funnell: 0117 932 4104 or email bcprobusclub@gmail.com to arrange a visit. Website: https:// barrscourtprobus.org/

n BARRS COURT LADIES CLUB: Wives and partners of the Probus club members meet 10-12 on the second Wednesday of each month at the United Church, Bath Road, Longwell Green. Website: https:// barrscourtprobus.org/

n LONGWELL GREEN PROBUS CLUB meets at Warmley Community Centre on the first and third Wednesday of each


17th and 18th Century Mining in Kingswood presented by Steve Grudgings

A well attended presentation, many a map was shown. Steve painted a great picture for us of the Kingswood Chase from the 13th century. This was the time of the first written records of mining in the area. The focus being The Chase area of Kingswood, a forested elevated land. Particular trees provided points of navigation before the deforestation. I don't think anyone had heard of the Holm Oak, an evergreen.

Why The Chase ? Apart from finding coal the elevation assisted with drainage and the trees were a great resource for pit props.

The land was eventually divided into Liberties

month.. New members welcomefor details contact Mike on 07817094147


Every Weds 7-10pm at Hanham Community Centre, see www. hanhambridgeclub.co.uk.

n HANHAM PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY: We are a friendly club who welcome photographers of all abilities to share our hobby. Meetings are at 7,30p.m. Wednesday evenings at Hanham Methodist Church, 26 Chapel Rd, Hanham, Bristol BS15 8SD. Visit https://www.hanhamphoto.org.uk or contact Geoff Mallin by email geoffmemsechps@gmail.com.

n RWP BADMINTON CLUB play at Hanham woods Academy 6.307.30 social club, 7.30-9.30 league club. Visitors welcome, please look at the website for more details

n LIP READING CLASS, 10amnoon, Warmley Community Centre. Termtime only. Contact Mary Hall 07790 283939, lipreadingmary@yahoo.com


n ‘STAND UP REACH OUT’ A social group meet every Thursday 2-4pm at Longwell Green Community Centre for different activities.

n BRISTOL MALE VOICE CHOIR are recruiting new members. 7pm - 9.15pm, St Andrew's Methodist Church, Elm Park, Filton, BS34 7PS. A varied repertoire, no audition. No need to read music - our regular practices will get you in shape to sing at our regular concerts and enjoy the social vibe. www.bristolmvc.org.uk email secretary@bristolmvc.org. uk Telephone 07764447699.

n HANHAM ART CLUB We are friendly group that meets on a Thursday evening at Hanham Community Centre 7pm-9pm. New members welcome from beginners to the more experienced. For more information contact Hilary on 07880548481 or email tweenuk2003@yahoo.com


SOCIETY: As a friendly long standing local model making club, we meet at Longwell Green Community Centre on the Third Thursday of every month at 8pm. All subjects in all scales are covered,- aircraft, AFV,s cars, bikes, sci-fi, etc. New members are always welcome. Please phone Ian on 0117 9324053


n LONGWELL GREEN WI meet on the third Friday of the month at 7.30pm at Longwell Green Community Centre. New members are always welcome. Please email longwellwi@gmail.com or tel. 0117 9864782.

n TAI CHI FOR PARKINSON'S: Weekly beginners Tai Chi & Qi Gong class for people with Parkinson’s disease, their families and carers. Lincombe Barn, Downend. BS16 2RW. Fridays (term times) 10.15 – 12.15 including tea / coffee break. Contact: Claire - Claire@ Taichibodyandmind.co.uk (07769 857672) or Sarah - buqiworks@ gmail.com (07815 662844)


At Longwell Green Community Centre. Bowls provided For information E:mail maryjcoles@ hotmail.co.uk Mary 0797 2062449 May 0117 9606454

n LONGWELL GREEN COMMUNITY CENTRE QUIZ NIGHT, meets normally last Friday of each month at 8 pm. Bar available. For more details please contact Marian.r.summerill@gmail. com, or ring me on 07503989880.

in order to divide the wealth creation for the usual few.

What can be seen today? Very little although many documents survive in the Bristol library. Look out for the odd small sized cottage. Stradbrook and Coombe Brook valleys can be found where there was a high concentration of mining.

One of the audience had read that the average age for the miners was only 27 !

Next meeting at the Park Centre, Kingswood is Tuesday 2nd May, 7pm for 7.30 pm start.

Presentation by Mark Steeds on Robinson Crusoe Visitors £3.50 incl tea/coffee and biscuit.

Full schedule of presentations for 2023 can be found at www.kingswoodhistorysociety org

GOT AN EVENT? email us at: news@ hanhamandlongwell greevoice.co.uk or call us on 07715770377 May, 2023 23 hanham&longwellgreenvoice To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk


Reasons to celebrate this May

IF you’re reading this, you are likely at home, rather than work, as this May has extra bank holidays. Hurray! And if someone is nagging you to mow the lawn on your day off, tell them the Metro Mayor says you don’t have to. More on that later!

The West of England has a long heritage of May Day celebrations, dating back to pagan times.

Many have echoes in customs such as dancing round the maypole. However, this bank holiday was first brought in as a way of marking International Workers Day in 1978.

The Spring bank holiday is back to its usual slot on the last Monday of May and this year, there’s that extra day off to celebrate King Charles’s Coronation too.

Whether you’re a republican or royalist, this is certainly a moment in history.

I’ve been finding out about our region’s association with coronations. Did you know that on May 11, 973 AD, Bath Abbey was the site of the coronation of Edgar, the ‘First King of All England’?

The service used for Edgar’s coronation

was compiled by Dunstan, who was the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the same service is being used by King Charles III.

Bath Abbey is well worth a visit, as are so many attractions across our amazing region.

I run an Explore Local campaign, and as part of this, I get to visit many fantastic museums, green spaces and other attractions. As the Spring weather improves and everyone looks to the great outdoors, I’d urge you to explore our brilliant region.

I promised to get back to mowing (well, not mowing, to be precise). Because the other thing I’m marking this month is No Mow May. A month off from cutting the lawn for the very best of causes - our bees!

Our bees need our help because they are fighting some big enemies: pesticides, habitat destruction and climate change. But they are so vital. Bees pollinate flowers and crops. In fact, one in three mouthfuls we eat depends on our pollinator pals.

One way to give bees a break is to liberate your lawn and free the wildflowers in your grassy areas so they can grow wild

and provide a feast for pollinators.

Many people are doing that, as are organisations who I’ve been encouraging to enter my annual Bee Bold Awards to showcase the region’s very best “bee buddies”. I love to see the entries - it really gets me buzzing!

Finally, I’m well aware bank holidays don’t mean a break for all, especially people in emergency service roles like nurses, police or firefighters, so a special shout out to them, and particularly to bus drivers as I work hard to recruit more.

Keep safe - and I hope you have a great May.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk
LOOKING FOR LEGAL ADVICE? We offer you friendly, professional expert advice Lynn Bevan Tina Bennett Meet the team Your LOCAL Solicitors offer you friendly professional expert advice • Family Law - Divorce & Separation • Child matters • Employment Law • Litigation & Legal Disputes CONTACT US TODAY 0333 320 8600 www.bevanevemy.co.uk FLEXIBLE TIMES FOR APPOINTMENTS FREE 30 MINUTE INITIAL MEETING May, 2023 24 hanham&longwellgreenvoice Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today! #YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld slimmingworld.co.uk Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today! AEK Boco FC, Greenbank Road, Hanham BS15 3RZ Thursday: 9.15am, 11.00am 3.45, 5.15 & 7.00pm Friday: 9.00am Tel: Kate 07979494964 North Common Village Hall, 16 Millers Dr, North Common BS30 8XX Tuesday: 6pm & 7.30pm Tel: Emma 07773689229 Longwell Green Community Centre, Shellards Road Longwell Green BS30 9DU Monday: 6.00pm & 7.30pm Tuesday: 9.30am Tel: Karen 07889408969 Hanham Baptist Church, 157A High Street, Hanham BS15 3QY Saturday: 9.00am Tel: Erica 07766425725
Metro Mayor Dan Norris writes for the Voice



Whilst they were preparing this year’s new exhibitions at Kingswood Heritage Museum the curatorial team unearthed several photographs illustrating a visit to Kingswood Civic Centre by Sir Richard Branson, the well-known British entrepreneur and business magnate. The curatorial team have been unable to identify when the visit took place, and whether Sir Richard visited other parts of the area. If you can provide any information on the visit, or if you recognise yourself in the photograph, Kingswood Heritage Museum would like to hear from you on 0117 960 5664 or by email at: kingswoodmuseum@gmail.com

Douglas Cavalcade

The annual Douglas Cavalcade is a regular feature of the Spring Bank Holiday at the end of May. This year’s Cavalcade takes place on Sunday 28th May, when dozens of vintage motorcycles will move off at 12 noon to ride the old factory test route. The photo (left) shows the start of a previous Cavalcade.

Museum Talk: J S Fry

The second monthly talk this season takes place at Kingswood Heritage Museum on Wednesday May 10th, when Alan Freke will tell the story of J S Fry & Sons, the famous Chocolate Business that was founded in Bristol in 1761. Admission costs £4, and light refreshments are available; doors open at 7pm and the talk commences at 7.30pm; seats can be reserved by calling 0117 960 5664

Garden and Grotto opening

William Champion’s Garden and Grotto will be open for the May Bank Holiday weekend on Sunday May 28th and Monday May 29th from 11am to 4pm.

Volunteer opportunities

Kingswood Heritage Museum always welcomes new volunteers. If you are interested in helping the Museum in any capacity, please contact us at kingswoodmuseum@gmail.com, or call us on 0117 960 5664

The Friends of William Champion’s Garden also welcome new volunteers, ideas and suggestions. For more information please email kay@mclross.co.uk or call Kingswood Heritage Museum on 0117 960 5664

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 Or 07715 770448. Email: sales@hanhamandlongwellgreen voice.co.uk

May, 2023 26 hanham&longwellgreenvoice


Station Master Place. 3 bedroom houses £399,950 and 4 bedroom houses from £435,000

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The High Street is ideally situated for access to the centres of both Bristol and Bath whilst the local area offers a wealth of amenities including parks, schools, shops, sports and leisure facilities with bus services only a short walk away. The development benefits from its close proximity (120 yards) to the very popular Bristol & Bath cycle way. By car the High Street joins the A174 ring road with onward connections to M32/ M4. By rail, Bristol Parkway is close by (7 miles) with Bristol Airport (13 miles) for destinations further afield.

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IN June the Memory Café celebrates its first anniversary and looks forward to another lively year of monthly get-togethers on the first Thursday of the month from 2-4 at Doynton Village Hall.

Each café get-together has welcomed up to 10 guests who are living with dementia or memory loss and their family members or carer. Guests come from a variety of surrounding villages and towns and all are very welcome..


Armed Forces Day event cancelled

A CELEBRATION of the work of the Armed Forces planned for Page Park in Staple Hill has been cancelled.

The Armed Forces Day event was due to be staged on June 17, a return to South Gloucestershire for the first time since 2019.

Armed Forces Day is an annual national event to give people the opportunity to show support for serving troops, service families, reservists, veterans and cadets. Entertainment and stalls were planned.

Organisers said: "The committee have been working hard with external partners, but it has become clear that with lack of funding for the event and the realisation that more people are needed, we cannot go ahead for 2023. We are already working towards 2024 and grants have been applied for to meet the increased costs of services required to make the event successful, safe and fun."

Blue Plaques presented by Gordon Young

In addition to plenty of conversation, activities from craft to country dancing and breadmaking to Meccano are organise and guests choose which they may like to do, or may prefer to sit and relax.

The air was blue as Gordon provided jovial insights into the plaques found around Bristol. Special attention to misplaced apostrophes and hyphens.

Themed singing is a regular feature and a team of trained volunteers – many with their own personal experience of dementia in a friend or loved one – are on hand to help with activities or just to chat.

Tea and coffee are always available with cakes generously provided by local WI members at Wick, Dyrham and Doynton.

The Bristol Civic Society are now responsible for their placement. An appropriate application will cost you approx £100 and includes a Lord Mayor unveiling. 12in or 15in versions are available and normally placed about 8ft from the ground. A plaque for a dead cat was a recent declination.

It was remarked that there are not many plaques for women

The memory café is volunteer run and self supporting and has received grants from a number

albeit one can be found at Horfield prison. Unsurprisingly the biggest concentration can be found at Clifton.

of local parish councils as well as South Gloucester Council. Donations from individuals and from local WI groups and the Doynton Village Market and several fundraising quizzes.

A number of questions were asked by the audience, relating to plaques found in Old Market, Lawrence Hill, Fishponds among others. Is there anything similar for South Gloucestershire ?

Next meeting at the Park Centre, Kingswood is Tuesday 4th Apr, 7pm for 7.30 pm start.

This community support means that the café can look forward to the next year planning many more activities and entertainments –including plans for a Sea Shanty group, Ballroom Dancing display, planting a hanging basket and seasonal activities.

Presentation by Steve Grudgings on 17th & 18th Century Mining in Kingswood.

Visitors £3.50 www. kingswoodhistorysociety.org

Information about the café and future meetings can be found in Facebook – The Memory Café at Doynton – or by contacting on 07817 311001.

If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk May, 2023 27 hanham&longwellgreenvoice
If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk April, 2023 27 hanham&longwellgreenvoice


HE 41st Frenchay 10k, the oldest event of its kind in the UK, was a great success, with over 600 entries received demonstrating the event’s continuing popularity with runners from across the local area and wider Bristol community.

Adam Stokes, representing Bristol and West AC, was first over the line, in a fantastic winning time of 33 minutes 9 seconds.

Our first woman was Katrina Entwistle, also from Bristol and West, in a superb time of 38m 16s.

This year's winning team was Emerson’s

600 runners for 10k

Green running club, who were very well represented.

Our two nominated local charities this year, Children’s Hospice South West and the Freewheelers (bloodbikes), supported the race organisers by providing marshals to help


with the smooth organisation of the event.

In turn, the race committee will make significant financial donations to both, continuing a pledge that was made when the race was first completed, back in 1979.

Costas Kkolos, owner of the Avenue Cafe in Emersons Green, raised £600 for running the 10k, which is a truly fantastic effort!

We look forward to the 42nd Frenchay 10k, with entries open in December.

May, 2023 28 hanham&longwellgreenvoice If it’s News Email: news@hanhamandlongwellgreenvoice.co.uk APPLIANCE REPIRS AERIAL SPECIALIST AERIAL SPECIALIST Call Nick on 07970 529787 Email: theaerialco@yahoo.com ● TV Aerials & Satellites ● Extra Points ● Repairs ● Sky Work Undertaken ● Telephone Extensions ● TV Wall Mounting ● CCTV ● Data Points & Wi-Fi Extensions ● TV/DAB/FM Multi Point Systems The Aerial Co. Est.2004 BATHROOMS PDay Plumbing Services Bathroom Refurb Specialists www.pdayplumbingservices.co.uk info@pdayplumbingservices.co.uk 07793 746958 Call Peter - Friendle - Reliable - Affordable - Est 2008 BUILDING SERVICES TRADITIONAL BUILDERS • Property Maintenance • General Building & Alterations • Walling / Patios • Roofing • Carpentry FREE QUOTATIONS Email: tradstoneconstruction@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 01225 872243 / 07557 505174
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