Keynshamvoice October 2013

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FREE EVERY MONTH for people and businesses in Keynsham & Saltford October, 2013 Issue 19

Getting the best start Five pages on Early Years INSIDE


Gardeners go for gold, P12 | Shopping for new arrivals, P54 Photo: Jacob Nash

Youth Fest a hit with all ages

More pictures – Page 15

Planners’ decision marks new era for Somerdale

Site’s transformation gets the go-ahead P2


£70,000 plan to expand town play area P6 Community urged to help cut speeding P8 Fry’s focus of author’s latest book P13 Crowds show real appetite for festival P34

Plus... On the beat p14 Books... p40 What’s On.. p42 Business of

the month.. p55 Property... p46 Sport... p49 Classifieds p53


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013


Somerdale’s Keynshamvoice contacts Emma Cooper Publisher

Joni Mann Editor

0117 908 2121/ 07715 770448

07887 561567

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November deadline Our November edition will be going to print on November 4. To ensure your news or letter is included, please contact us by October 31. Advertisers are also asked to contact us by the same date.

Your views Letters for publication can be sent to the above email addresses or by post to Letters, Keynshamvoice, 16 Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1NR. The editor reserves the right to edit your letter.

Local information Council Connect 01225 39 40 41 Keynsham Town Council 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham 0117 986 8683 Keynsham Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 848 7919 Police

General inquiries: 101 Emergency: 999 Fire Inquiries: 0117 926 2061 Emergency: 999 Anti-social behaviour team 01225 842462 NHS Direct 0845 46 47

A plan to transform Keynsham’s former chocolate factory into a new housing estate with its own school, shops, places of work and more has won the backing of planning chiefs at Bath and North East Somerset Council. On September 25, the authority’s development control committee gave Taylor Wimpey the green light for its proposal to create around 700 homes on the site, including apartments inside one of the old factory buildings, and premises for employment. Hopes for a second entrance to the site were dashed, however, as councillors on the committee voted the plans through with a single access off Station Road, despite fears of congestion around the site raised by councillors and residents. Gill Hellier, chairman of Keynsham Town Council, which decided to object to the scheme because of concerns over access, said she felt planners had missed

“the one chance to get it right”. Following the decision, ward councillors for Keynsham said they would continue to campaign for measures to tackle traffic around the site. Cllr Brian Simmons said: “We’re obviously disappointed that the planning committee decided against making a second access a requirement of the Somerdale development. However, councillors did at least recognise the desperate need to develop a proper transport plan for Keynsham in order to ensure our town’s infrastructure can cope with the numerous developments coming forward in the years ahead. “The majority of residents broadly support the plans for the Somerdale site, particularly the new jobs, new Fry Club and affordable homes. But we must get the traffic issues sorted to ensure our roads can cope.” The development includes a new Fry Club as part of the

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Keynshamvoice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Keynshamvoice is distributed each month to Keynsham residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is always welcomed, contact Emma Cooper on 0117 908 2121 or This month 11,000 copies will be distributed around Keynsham, Saltford, Burnett, Chewton Keynsham, Compton Dando, Queen Charlton, Corston and Woollard.

Last chance for bird’s eye view this year Residents are being urged to book their place for the final chance this year to get a bird’s eye view of Keynsham’s regeneration taking shape. Visitors will be able to see the rapid progress being made from 100ft up on October 17 at 5.45pm at the Riverside offices. Councillor Paul Crossley (Lib-Dem, Southdown), leader of B&NES Council, said: “People can get a much clearer view of the progress being made from 100ft above the site than at ground level. The short video and presentation will provide an exclusive insight into history

in the making as Bath & North East Somerset Council breathes new life into Keynsham. “Those who attend will be able to contribute ideas for the 2014 time capsule. All of our previous Open Office events have been oversubscribed, so contact us as soon as possible to book your place.” Numbers are limited to 60 and will be booked on a first come, first served basis. Light refreshments will be provided. People can get in contact via or can call 0117 986 8941.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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transformation to go ahead

first phase of building work and the committee heard from club chairman Kevin Thatcher, who said it would benefit members and the wider community and was “a worthy legacy to the site’s heritage”. Bernard Grimes, of Fry

Club Junior Football Club, also addressed councillors and said while he felt the scheme was “excellent” overall, relocating two pitches into the flood plain was “not acceptable”. He called for the third pitch, which was not in the flood plain,

to be made an all-weather facility with match floodlights. It is also hoped that around 1,000 new jobs will be created on the site and the meeting heard from Graham Donald, of drink wholesaler Matthew Clark, who said the firm had earmarked Somerdale as a potential site for its head office, which employed almost 400 people. Before going to a vote, committee chairman Councillor Gerry Curran said he felt the development would “undoubtedly have

an impact on local traffic in Keynsham”. But he added: “Modelling on the impact of a second entrance shows it really does not make all that difference, all those cars would come out on the same road anyway – putting in a second entrance does not reduce the volume of traffic.” Conservative councillors for the town say they hope B&NES will fund infrastructure improvements with the £4.5 million it is due to receive in New Homes Bonus payments from the site.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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Secretary of State steps in over green-belt proposals Residents fighting a housing development of nearly 100 homes on green-belt land in Saltford may have to wait until next year to hear if the plan will get the goahead or be refused. Crest Nicholson’s appeal over its proposals for the site off Manor Road will now be determined by Secretary of State Eric Pickles, who stepped in last month following a public inquiry into the scheme. The Planning Inspectorate has said a decision will now be issued on or before January 28, 2014. John Gray, the planning inspector who presided over the inquiry at the Fry Club in August, is now preparing his report for Mr Pickles. Following the inquiry, North East Somerset MP Jacob ReesMogg wrote to Mr Pickles to highlight local opposition to the

plan. He welcomed Mr Pickles’ decision to determine the fate of the scheme himself and said he would be writing again to urge him to reject it. Mr Rees-Mogg said: “The application to build 100 houses on greenbelt land in Saltford is worrying, not only because of the disruption and overcrowding it would likely cause to the village of Saltford and its community but also because of the precedent it would set for future applications around the constituency. “I am concerned that if this application were approved, it would encourage other developers to seek to build on greenbelt land in the area.” Saltford councillor Mathew Blankley said he hoped the planning inspector would recommend the development is refused and that Mr Pickles would reject it.

“The fact this application has been referred to the Secretary of State for a final decision demonstrates just how controversial these plans have been,” he added.

The inquiry into the scheme saw community members argue the case for protecting the greenbelt site while Crest Nicholson’s representatives cited a shortage of homes in the B&NES area.

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T: 0117 908 2121

Flystrike is a true emergency This article may make gruesome reading but it does contain important information for rabbit owners! Flystrike in pet rabbits is sadly a common problem usually, but not restricted to, warmer summer months. Flystrike is a distressing and potentially fatal condition where flies lay their eggs on or around the rabbit’s rear end which rapidly hatch into flesheating maggots. Rabbits that are at most risk include overweight and old, arthritic rabbits, longhaired rabbits, those with wounds, wet fur and diarrhoea or urinary infections. Unsanitary living conditions will attract flies so it is very important to keep your rabbit’s living quarters clean and dry. All rabbits should have their underneaths and rear ends checked daily and high risk rabbits, mentioned above, ideally should be checked twice daily. Warning signs of flystrike can vary between individual rabbits – some will become quiet and listless, others will show signs of restlessness and irritation. If you do find maggots on your rabbit it is very important to seek veterinary advice immediately – flystrike is a true emergency. Veterinary care at the hospital is usually required for at least 24 hours to treat the pain, shock and infection. Although tempting, you should avoid washing your rabbit’s fur; the affected area may need to be shaved and wet fur clogs the clippers. Prevention is better than

cure! There are many things you can do to protect your rabbit from flystrike. Check with your vet that your rabbit has no underlying health problems. Remove all soiled bedding daily and disinfect hutches weekly. Carry out daily bottom checks and don’t forget that house rabbits can also be at risk. Fly screens and sticky fly paper can be used around hutches and in the home. Speak to your vet about specific preventative products (Rearguard is a prescriptiononly medicine that can prevent flystrike for up to 10 weeks). A number of plants can be used to repel insects and flies and enhance your garden. Some may be planted in pots around the hutch or dried and hung – just make sure they can’t be eaten by your bunny! Some examples include nigella (Love in the Mist), pennyroyal mint, and herbs such as chamomile and lavender. During October you can get your rabbit checked out for free at Keynsham Veterinary Centre and receive 10 per cent off flystrike products.

October, 2013


£70k vision for play area A developer has unveiled plans for a £70,000 investment in a play area in Keynsham as part of its proposals to build more than 260 new homes in the town. Barratt Homes revealed its vision for Holmoak Play Area at a meeting of Keynsham Town Council on September 17. The site is adjacent to the K2A site off Charlton Road, where the firm is hoping to gain permission to build the new housing estate. The plans presented to councillors included new play equipment, a shelter for teenagers, benches, tree planting and solar lighting, which the developer said it hoped would create an open space suitable for all ages. At the meeting, councillors voted to take on the management and maintenance of the proposed new play area. The town council currently oversees an area of 867

square metres at the site, and this will increase to 7,333 square metres under the proposals. Barratt was due to present its proposals for the K2A site to the town council at a meeting on October 1 as we went to print, before a planning application is submitted to Bath and North East Somerset Council. Keynsham’s policing team were also due to share their views on the plans for the new play area at the October 1 meeting.

Rebecca Gibb BVM&S MRCVS www.highcroft

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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‘Life squeezed out of street’ A Temple Street trader claims his business suffered its worst trading day in 18 months when a crane and temporary traffic lights were installed at the entrance to the regeneration site at the end of September. He told Keynshamvoice the number of visitors to his store halved on September 23 as queues built up on the roads around the development and shoppers couldn’t find space to park nearby. He said: “People take one look and walk or drive off in the other direction. The trouble is they don’t come back. Slowly but surely this is throttling the life out of Temple Street.” The shopowner, who asked not to be named, said some of the neighbouring traders had also reported they had been very quiet in the same period and he is call-

ing for the business owners to be compensated. A spokesman for Bath and North East Somerset Council said traders can make an appeal via their local valuation office. He said: “There is a small Business Rate Relief available if there has been an impact on business, which traders may be able to claim dependant on if they are not already receiving it. “Issues around Business Rates and Business Relief are undertaken by the Valuation Office Agency and are independent of Bath and North East Somerset Council.” The Bristol Valuation Office Agency can be contacted on 03000 501501 or ctwest@voa. When asked about the new businesses and shops moving into the centre, the spokesman said there was nothing to announce as yet.


Transport plan will be explored A transport plan for Keynsham has moved a step closer after leaders at Bath and North East Somerset Council agreed to look into the idea. It follows calls by the town’s Conservative councillors for action to prevent gridlock on local roads as several new developments begin to take shape in

Keynsham, including the Somerdale site. Cllr Marie Longstaff (Keynsham East) said: “It will be extremely important in the years ahead for there to be a properly developed long-term transport plan for Keynsham as a number of new developments get underway in and around the town.”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

News River regeneration top of agenda A group aiming to ensure Bath and North East Somerset makes the most of its rivers, was invited to tell the town council and members of the public more about an ambitious vision for Keynsham’s Broadmead Peninsula at a meeting this week. The River Regeneration Trust was due to meet councillors on October 1, as we went to print, to

present ideas for the regeneration of the River Avon, with homes, jobs, leisure and tourism facilities and more. Separately, developer Next Phase Developments was also due to speak at the meeting about proposals to build a marina near the Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Park. See www. keynsham for more.

Community urged to help cut speeding Keynsham could get its first Community Speed Watch scheme – if residents step forward to help set it up. Following regular complaints of speeding on Charlton Road, PC Lisa Hawtin, the town’s beat manager, is hoping to put together a group of volunteers to tackle the issue. Residents who could volunteer a small amount of time each week would be trained to use speed detection equipment, and would set up their own “watches” at optimum times with help from the town’s police community support officers. The results are then fed back to the police who send warning letters to speeding drivers, with further action taken against any repeat offenders. Communities have set up more than 100 Speed Watch schemes across the Avon and Somerset area, with eight in Bath and North East Somerset. Lisa Hawtin said the scheme had worked well in other areas, including Bath, Midsomer Norton and Farmborough, and Charlton Road was a good place to start in Keynsham. She said: “Speeding is affecting the lives of residents in Keynsham and the pinch points on Charlton Road make it particularly dangerous. “The community can do something to help by setting up

their own Speed Watch scheme. We often find that just seeing someone in a high-vis jacket can make drivers slow down.” Charlton Road currently has a 30mph speed limit, with the lower part, from the Charlton Park junction, due to be included in the 20mph zone being created in Keynsham this month. Figures from the Department of Transport show that speed was one of the major factors in collisions that killed or seriously injured 3,267 people in the UK in 2011. Chief Inspector Yan Georgiou, from the Roads Policing Unit, said: “Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a proven effective way of reducing speed and educating the public about the dangers of speeding, especially in residential areas. “The scheme enables the police, partners and communities to work together to help reduce road deaths and serious injuries on our roads. “We have a number of schemes that are already successfully operating in the B&NES area thanks to the dedicated volunteers who give up their time to help make their communities safer.” To find out more about setting up a Speed Watch in Keynsham, contact PC Lisa Hawtin on 101 or 07717 868227.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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Extra time for Getting fit for festive Santa Dash clock project Residents hoping to see Keynsham get a new clock will get their wish, it was revealed last month, as plans put forward for a sculpture were shelved. The timescale could also be relaxed if the previous deadline of July 2014, when the sculpture was due to be installed, cannot be met, the Arts Advisory Group overseeing the project heard at its last meeting. Lisa O’Brien, the new chairman of group, said: “The Advisory Group is looking forward to using the passion, interest and energy of the local community to develop a clock of which local people can feel proud and which will mark the regeneration of Keynsham as a celebrated milestone in the town’s history. “We have made changes to improve communication links with Keynsham residents.”

The group is being expanded to include more members of the community, which members hope will include a young resident or Keynsham student, a representative from a community group and someone to represent arts. A range of artists will now be asked for ideas to represent “The Story of Keynsham”, before residents are asked for feedback on a shortlist. The U-turn on the project follows criticism of the design originally put forward for the piece of public artwork and calls to provide a clock somewhere in the new development to replace the old clocktower. The group was due to meet on October 3 to discuss the project, and all minutes will be available on the town council’s website,

People getting in shape to run the Saltford Santa Dash in December will be stepping up their training this month. The event has its own suggested training plan, put together by JEH Fitness, which over the month will see runners doubling the amount of time they jog during runs every other day. The dash’s debut event will take place on December 8 to raise funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young, in memory of Jack

Boulton,from Saltford, who died aged 17 from cardiac arrest. To join the run, in which all participants will wear Santa costumes supplied by the organisers, visit www.saltfordsantadash. or email saltfordsanta

Election likely as chairman resigns A by-election is likely to be called following the resignation of Saltford Parish Council’s chairman. Councillor Mathew Blankley took up the parish council post at the end of last year. During his time as chairman, Cllr Blankley represented the parish council at the public inquiry into Crest Nicholson’s controversial proposals for 99

homes on green-belt land at Manor Road. He will continue to represent the village as a B&NES councillor. Parish councillors were due to elect a new leader on October 1. A by-election is triggered when 10 electors make a written request for one to be held to fill the vacancy. Any election will take place no later than December 16.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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20mph limit is introduced Signs and road markings have been appearing on streets across Keynsham as the speed limit is set to be lowered to 20mph on most roads this month. The new rules, being introduced by Bath and North East Somerset Council, are due to come into effect on Monday, October 10. It means the majority of residential roads, and the High Street, which were formerly 30mph streets, will be included in the new 20mph zone. Routes considered main roads in and out of the town, including Bristol Road and Durley Hill, will not be affected by the new limit. The Keynsham Bypass is also not included in the plan. Councillor Caroline Roberts, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “These restrictions will make the streets safer for people

on foot and on bicycles, making those communities a more pleasant place to live.” The council quotes figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents which estimates a pedestrian has a 90 per cent chance of surviving a collision at 20mph, and only 50 per cent at 30mph. The plans have proved controversial among some residents, with letters to Keynshamvoice over the past few months raising concerns over cost and enforcement among other issues. But Avon and Somerset police have previously backed the concept of 20mph zones. Chief Inspector Simon Ellis said: “Reducing the speed of motorists in built-up areas has to be a good thing and I have no doubts that it will make these areas safer places.”

Discuss policing issues together Policing issues in Keynsham will be top of the agenda at a meeting on October 10 and residents are invited to have their say. For the first time, the Police and Communities Together (PACT) meeting will bring the Keynsham East, North and South beat areas together on a trial basis to discuss concerns and set policing priorities for the town as a whole. Keynsham beat manager Lisa Hawtin will be joined at the revamped PACT meetings by representatives from other partners, including Keynsham Town Council, B&NES Council, and housing association Curo, to help find solutions to concerns raised by residents. Lisa Hawtin said: “A central meeting makes more sense and, with the other partners, will be more powerful.” The PACT meeting will take place on October 10, from


7pm at Victoria Methodist Church, Keynsham High Street and is open to all.

Scouts’ monthly market ceases A monthly craft market run by Keynsham Scouts has been axed with immediate effect, it has been announced. The craft market was launched in December last year to run alongside the farmers’ market every second Saturday of the month, and was held at the Scout group’s HQ in Ashton Way. A spokesperson said the decision was taken with regret due to the low number of traders wanting a stall in October as the group wanted to provide an event that met certain standards for both buyers and sellers. The spokesperson added: “We will, however, seek to find other ways to raise funds for the Scout group and support trading in Keynsham.”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

News Photo courtesy of D&D Carrington Photographers -

Ben O’Sullivan with TV’s Linda Barker

Couple’s designs to get TV debut

Liz Fox’s winning garden, left; Dennis May, chairman of Hawthorn Court Residents’ Association, with part of the group’s colourful display, right

A Keynsham family’s business will be making its TV debut next month after their bespoke radiator covers caught the eye of some well-known faces. Designs by Ben and Laura O'Sullivan, of Totally Rad, will be featured in the new series of Peter Andre's 60-Minute Makeover to begin on ITV in November. As well as meeting the popstar-turned-TV-presenter, the pair also worked with designers Linda Barker and Julia Kendell on the shows. Ben said: “Becoming an official supplier to 60-Minute Makeover was one of the highlights of this year for Totally Rad and we even managed to make a couple of appearances on Peter Andre's new daytime show. “Working with designers Linda Barker and Julia Kendell was a great experience.” Totally Rad is also teaming up with a number of children’s nurseries to develop new, fun and colourful learning covers as well as working with interior designers in Manchester and London. Find out more about the company and their products at

Keynsham’s keenest gardeners will be aiming for the top award next year after a successful result in this year’s South West in Bloom competition. The efforts of community groups, schools, churches and residents across the town were rewarded with a Silver Gilt Award, one step up from last year’s Silver and just a step away from Gold. From brightening up the High Street with planters and growing vegetables in the Memorial Park to creating wildlife-friendly flower patches and floral displays at the train station, there was a wide range of projects to impress the judges when they inspected Keynsham on July 16. The hard work paid off and Keynsham in Bloom chair Denise James said the fact so many people from the town were involved was key. “We took on board the judges’

Town’s gardeners to go for gold next year Photo: D&D Carrington Photographers

Mr Jackson’s entry comments from last year and put together a much stronger entry this year and we are really, really pleased with the result. “It’s not just about hanging baskets and flower borders now, but also environmental responsibility and community involvement. It really is down

to the hard work and dedication that everybody put in.” Denise also paid tribute to the volunteers, particularly local Scouts, who helped improve areas by litter-picking and painting fences and play equipment. Looking ahead to next year, the Keynsham in Bloom committee is now hoping to recruit more volunteers for next year’s contest. Anyone who is interested can contact Dawn Drury, deputy town clerk at the town council, on 0117 986 8683 or email deputytownclerk@ An awards evening was also held on September 24 for all of those who entered the Keynsham in Bloom competition. Winners included Liz Fox, who was named overall winner for 2013, and Mr W B Jackson, whose garden was named most inspiring. For slideshows from all of the entries and the awards evening, visit

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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Telling story behind Fry’s sweet success An author fascinated by business histories is aiming to tell the full story behind Fry’s rise, reinvention and the role of its Somerdale site. John Bradley, who lives in Canada, has published his latest book, Fry’s Chocolate Dream, in which he says he sets out not just to tell the “what happened” but also “the why and how”. As well as charting the key events in the company’s history, he says he aims to answer questions such as how Fry’s rose to be the world’s biggest manufacturer of cocoa and chocolate before the outbreak of the First World War and tell the “real story” behind the closure of Somerdale. He said: “Just how bad for both firms was the amalgamation between Fry’s and Cadbury’s? “Why, after Fry’s had just

successfully completed one of the largest industrial relocations in Britain, did Cadbury’s arbitrarily force the liquidation of J.S. Fry & Sons?

“How did Fry’s, by then under the leadership of a renegade son of George Cadbury, completely reinvent itself during and after the Second World War to become Britain’s most vibrant chocolate company? “It is a fascinating and surprising story.” Mr Bradley worked for Cadbury’s for 24 years, a career which eventually took him to Canada. Before then he was a frequent visitor to the factory at Somerdale, the closure of which he examines in the book. He said: “One job I did in the UK for several years was marketing manager for seasonal products which included several Somerdale-produced lines such as selection boxes, Mini Eggs and Assorted Nuts, so I made many trips to Somerdale and was always fascinated by the history

behind it and Fry’s.” Fry’s Chocolate Dream is 190 pages long and features more than 200 archive images to help tell the firm’s story. Mr Bradley, who has also written Cadbury’s Purple Reign and two other books, is visiting the Keynsham area at the end of October to promote his latest publication in local bookstores. Before then, it is available online at Amazon, priced at £19.95.

Charity needs help to win grants A fast-growing Keynsham charity that supports families living with autism is hoping to find a volunteer to help it win funding for the many activities it organises. Butterflies-Haven needs someone who could spare a couple of hours each week to apply for grants. The volunteer would need to be computer-literate, as many applications are made online, and previous experience of the process would be an advantage. Anyone who feels they could

help can contact founder Trisha Williams on 0117 3290123 or 07760 405941 or email Butterflies-Haven runs groups for youngsters with autism of all ages, their siblings and their parents and carers, including a new youth group for teenagers called Step Up, which launched in September. Organisers are now hoping to create links with local employers to give the youngsters the opportunity of work experience placements.

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T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

On the beat with PC Lisa Hawtin Well, where did September go? The children are back at school with their feet under the desk and heads down studying hard and if as parents you are anything like me then you will be restocking the food cupboards and getting the house back together. I was delighted to be part of the Keynsham Youth Festival again this year and thankfully escaped having to perform the Macarena. I had to keep reminding myself that I was there to work as I got drawn in by the acts on the Bandstand, especially The Scribes – nice work, boys. I attended some of the Youth Fest meetings and I saw how much work and dedication goes into pulling it all together. Thank you Keynsham Town Council and our Youth Services, great work. At the time of writing I am planning my visit to St Keyna School where I look forward to meeting the boys and girls and

talking to them about policing, crime and the consequences. I will also be dispelling the myth that the police are not going to take them away when they are naughty or don’t brush their teeth at night. When I see parents out with their children, I often hear the parents saying: “See that police lady, she will take you away if you don’t behave.” NOT TRUE, KIDS, don’t listen to it! PACT meetings – if you’ve never attended one of these meetings then you may be asking yourself what it’s all about. This is where you have the unique opportunity to meet some key figures within your community all under one roof. We are dedicated to working together for the good of those who live and work in Keynsham. The meeting is open for all to attend and potentially air any local issues that perhaps

need to be tackled or just shared. You may find others are experiencing the same issues, or in fact we are already aware and are dealing with it. We aim to agree on three priorities that will be actioned by either one or all of your representatives. This is your meeting, it’s productive and is an effective channel for you to use so do join us and let us know what you think. Our next meeting is going to be slightly different in that we are amalgamating all the sectors in Keynsham – North, South and East. The plan is to have a B&NES councillor, neighbourhood police officer, Keynsham Town councillor and Curo representative, all in attendance to report back on local issues and to listen to any new ones. We will meet at 7pm on Thursday, October 10, at Victoria Church Hall, High Street,

Keynsham. Future meetings are run quarterly and the dates are advertised on our website www. It sounds like I have the best job in the world doesn’t it? Well, I believe I have but there’s always room for a moan. There has been a period of settling in to the new term for parents and children at schools in Keynsham. However, complaints about irresponsible parking are still being received from residents and other parents. A number of verbal warnings were issued last week but now it’s time for tickets. Please consider other road users, residents and essentially the safety of the children walking to school. Kids, tell your parents: “You see that police lady over there, well if you don’t park sensibly then she’ll take your car away!”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013

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Youth and education


Youth Fest a hit with all ages Live music, BMX and scooter demos, sporting activities and more brought hundreds of people to Keynsham’s Memorial Park as it hosted a celebration of youth on September 21. The fourth Keynsham Youth Fest has been hailed a huge success by the organisers – Keynsham Town Council Youth Service – bringing together young people and the many organisations offering them support and opportunities as well as providing a day of fun and entertainment. Photos by Jacob Nash.

Keynsham Town Council Youth Service TimeOut Drop-In Centre, 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street, Keynsham m Call Mark Willcox on 0117 986 8683 or email Open drop-in sessions: Mondays and Thursdays, 7-9.30pm. Project nights: Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Detached Work.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Youth and education

Scouts tackle an invasion!

Scouts from Saltford rolled up their sleeves to battle an invasion by an alien species – Himalayan balsam. Working with Saltford Environment Group, the youngsters cleared an area overgrown with the fast-growing plant, carefully collecting its seeds before pulling up the roots. SEG now hopes to turn the cleared site, next to the cycle path, into a native wildlife haven. The hard work followed research carried out by the 1st Saltford Scouts, Cubs and Beavers during their Community Week in June, when they surveyed wildlife and mapped local footpaths. To find out more about the

Ryan and friends youngsters’ work with SEG, visit www.saltfordenvironmentgroup., or for more about local Scouting go to www.wansdyke

Roll up for family fun at the circus Preparations are under way at St Keyna Primary, in Monmouth Road, for a fun-filled afternoon for all the family when the school hosts Happy’s Circus in its grounds. Tickets are selling fast for the one-off performance on the afternoon of Saturday, October 12, and families are being invited to roll up and enjoy the show. Sarah Brown, parent governor and member of the Friends of St Keyna, said: “We’d like to invite children of all ages and their families to come and enjoy what promises to be a fantastic show in the big top. This is the first time the Friends of St Keyna

have hosted an event like this. We’re very excited about the prospect of working with Happy’s to raise funds for the school while offering what promises to be a fantastic circus experience.” Established in 1992, Happy’s is a traditional, family-owned circus which tours the country each year and has performed to hundreds of thousands of people. There will be stalls open from 1pm with the big top doors opening at 1.30pm for a 2pm performance. Tickets are £7 each from the school office on 0117 986 3852 or contact Sarah Brown for more information on 07846 736307.

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October, 2013


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Youth and education


The adventure starts here... Youngsters looking for adventure will certainly find it with a group that is recruiting new members. Keynsham’s Open Award Centre is holding an open evening on Monday, October 14, for young people aged 14 and up to find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. To earn a bronze award, youngsters set their own personal goals in various categories, including volunteering, improving a physical skill and developing a personal interest, before heading off on an expedition. This year’s bronze group volunteered at charity shops, and with Cub and Brownie groups, worked on physical skills including football coaching and dance and chose a skill to improve, from cooking to photography. Most of the sessions are focused on plan-

ning and training for the expeditions, which this year were in the New Forest and Exmoor. Centre co-ordinator Cathryn Bartrum said: “The biggest thing the award offers is independence. “The way the award progresses means it is completely about your own achievements and targets, you set your own goals according to the areas you want to improve. You push yourself to whatever you can achieve and for every individual that’s different.” The Open Award Centre is at Somerdale Lodge at Fry’s and the open evening will begin at 7.30pm. The group meets on Mondays from 7.30-9pm. Volunteers are also needed to help run the group, and anyone who wants more information can email Cathryn at cathryn_

A Keynsham DofE team on an expedition earlier this year

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October, 2013


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Next step for core strategy A blueprint for future development across the Bath and North East Somerset - including greenbelt sites around Keynsham - is moving on to the next stage of public inquiry. The news comes despite concerns raised by an independent planning inspector over the core strategy document produced by the council. The plan aims to set out how the authority will meet future housing and employment need for the next 15 years, and included proposals that 450 homes could be built on land to the south-west and east of the town, near the K2 site and off the A4. The blueprint proposes locations for 12,700 new homes across B&NES in all, some of which are on green-belt sites, as well as brownfield sites. But the council was told its

revised strategy did not take into account unmet demand from neighbouring areas. However, it has been announced the consultation process will still go ahead, giving everyone the chance to have their say on the number of new homes proposed and the locations suggested. Councillor Tim Ball (Lib-Dem, Twerton), Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, said, “It is good news that the core strategy will proceed. “Let’s be clear. Had the Inspector called a halt to the process, this would have played into the hands of developers and encouraged speculative development proposals around our area in unsustainable locations. Most probably, these locations would have resulted in a free for all green field land grab.”


with Keynsham Town Council chairman Gill Hellier September has been a very eventful month! We are thrilled that Keynsham won a Silver Gilt award in South West in Bloom, the wonderful community spirit of Keynsham was reflected in the judges’ comments – we are looking for volunteers to help us make next year’s a Gold! Keynsham in Bloom certificates and cups and certificates for the “It’s Your Neighbourhood Award” entries in South West in Bloom, were also presented to the winners at a very enjoyable evening in St John’s hall, where photos and slides of all the entries were displayed. The Youth Fest in the Memorial Park was blessed

with warm and dry weather. Everyone enjoyed a few hours of music and dance at the Bandstand, an inflatable football pitch run by the coaches from Keynsham Town Football Club and a number of community stalls. A major hybrid planning application was passed at the Bath & North East Somerset development control committee for the Cadbury site. The town council had opposed the application, as major concerns over the site access/ egress with only one entry had not been resolved to our satisfaction. Enjoy the rest of this balmy autumn and we hope that winter will not come too soon.

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October, 2013

News in brief Residents join coffee mornings People across Keynsham have been enjoying coffee and cakes for a good cause. Chandag Pharmacy in Chandag Road, Beauty at Serendipity in Temple Street and Stirling Way Residents’ Association were among those supporting cancer charity Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on Friday, September 27. The event at Beauty at Serendipity rounded off a busy week at the salon which celebrated its official opening on September 20, where alongside demonstrations in the treatment rooms visitors also enjoyed refreshments and a fundraising raffle. Along with the coffee morning on the Friday, the team have raised £180.05 and Hannah and Lauren also thanked local businesses Wild About Flowers and Studio 9 for their donations. Customers at Chandag Pharmacy, Chandag Road, found a selection of cakes to choose from

alongside the more usual items, raising £103.80 on the day with just a few treats left over to sell the next morning. And at Stirling Way organiser Pat Britton thanked all the guests who dropped in, saying they were “more than generous” towards the cause.

Club strikes a deal with pub

Keynsham Town FC have announced a new partnership deal with The Crown Inn, where the pub will provide post-match catering for the football club, which in return will give the venue publicity in its matchday programmes and online. Julian French, Keynsham

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October, 2013


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News in brief Town’s marketing officer, said: “We have been looking for ways to promote our community’s football club and encourage more people to visit the AJN Stadium, so we are delighted that Shaun and Natalie have agreed to become a partner of the club. “Our interests dovetail nicely: they will deliver our post-match food to the ground, as well as advertising forthcoming fixtures in their pub, while we will publicise them as one of the best places to have a meal or drink in Keynsham.”

Security firm to offer free advice A Keynsham company is offering free advice on security for homes and businesses at an open day next month. Security Group is welcoming members of the public to its Lays Farm Trading Estate premises on November 1 to discuss how they can improve protection for their property, from alarms and CCTV to access control and more. A spokesperson said: “People

often don’t realise how affordable it can be and how important it is to protect their homes or offices. We will give free advice on the simple things they can do.” The event – at Unit 9, Lays Farm Trading Estate, Charlton Road – runs from 10am to 4pm with refreshments available.

meeting to talk to members and look at displays. The evening starts at 7.30pm and will be held at St Dunstan’s Church Hall, Bristol Road, Keynsham. Visit

Annual meet for twinning group Keynsham and District Twinning Association will be reviewing a successful year as well as looking ahead to the next at the group’s annual general meeting on October 18. As well as the official business of an AGM, such as voting in a new committee, members will also be enjoying some French wine and a buffet. Keynsham is twinned with Libourne, in France, and the association works to strengthen links between the two towns, hosting social events and exchange visits. Anyone who is interested in finding out more about the group and its activities can attend the


members and provides a link between the town and surrounding villages as well as to Bath and journeys within Keynsham. Visit or call 01225 395321. Pictured above are, from left, Dial-a-Ride manager Terry Hopkins, B&NES chairman Cllr Neil Butters, and Dial-a-Ride chairman Cllr Brian Simmons.

Gifts galore at Fry Club’s fair Marking decade of Dial-a-Ride A decade of Dial-a-Ride in the Keynsham area was celebrated on Saturday, September 28. Residents who use the transport service and the volunteers who run it were joined at the event by Bath and North East Somerset Council chairman Councillor Neil Butters at Keynsham Methodist Church, Queens Road. Keynsham and District Dial-a-Ride has around 1,000

More than 50 stalls offering handmade gifts and goodies will be taking part in the first craft fair hosted by the Fry Club at Somerdale in several years. Doors will open from 10am until 4pm on October 20, and admission is £1 for adults, free for children. Refreshments will be available, with the bar open from noon. An organiser said: “It could be an ideal time to purchase some Christmas shopping items as it will be only 65 days away.” Contact the Fry Club on 0117 986 5787 or visit

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October, 2013

News in brief like MODA, Amy Butler, Michael Miller, Robert Kauffman and Riley Blake, as well as ribbons, threads, buttons, craft and sewing kits and more. The store is the third opened by sisters Rachel Le Page and Becki Noble, pictured left with Ruth Le Page, with the first in Frome, which is now home to the Millie Moon Sewing School, and the second shop in Wells. Keynsham’s shop is open Monday to Saturday from 10am5pm. Visit www.milliemoonshop. to find out more.

Haberdashery opens its doors A new shop that opened its doors in Keynsham last month will be a welcome addition to Temple Street for craft lovers. Millie Moon Haberdashery Boutique welcomed its first customers on September 7, who were keen to explore the wide range of fabrics from designers

Appeal for tales of wartime life Local historians are urging anyone with memories of the First World War to add them to an archive for future generations, ahead of the conflict’s 100th anniversary next year. Keynsham and Saltford Local History Group is taking part in the Somerset Remembers project, to collect stories and documents, such as photos and newspaper cuttings, relating to people in the county who lived through the war. Brian Vowles, who is coordinating the information for the society, said it was important to recognise that the lives of those at home, as well as those who left to fight, were transformed by the conflict – often for ever. Anyone from Keynsham, Saltford and the surrounding villages who would like to share memories or documents with the project to pay tribute to the county’s contribution during

and after the war can contact Brian at brian-trish@supanet. com.

Group launches story evenings

Anyone who enjoys a good story, from myths and legends to more modern tales, is invited to join a new group. The Mendip Storytelling Circle has been launched this month following May’s successful MendipFest, bringing storytellers from Keynsham, Wells, Frome and Bath together. The group will meet each month at The Court Hotel, Chilcompton, hosted by local storytellers Martin Horler, Colin Emmett and Terence McCarthaigh. Colin, who has been telling stories in local folk clubs for many years, said: “We want both storytellers and listeners to come along and share a story or just to enjoy an evening’s entertainment.” The next meetings are on Thursday, November 7, and

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October, 2013


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News in brief Thursday, December 5. Entry is free with contributions welcomed.

Advice for safer, healthier lives Free advice about personal safety and living healthily will be on offer to Saltford’s older residents on Tuesday, October 29. Swing into Life, Swing into Action is being organised by B&NES Council and Saltford Parish Council for Saltford seniors to provide a relaxed, informative event with tea, cakes and a chance to meet new people. Age UK, Dial-a-Ride, West of England Care and Repair, B&NES Active Lifestyle Team and the community policing team will be represented at the event, which will be held in the Avon Room at Saltford Hall from 2-4pm. Any Saltford residents who would like to attend should contact parish council clerk Tricia Golinski on 01225 873300. Anyone who needs transport should call Dial-a-Ride on 01225 395321 and mention the event.

The search is on for panto stars Goodies, baddies and everything in between are wanted for this year’s Fry Club panto, Babes in the Wood. All parts are available and producer Louise Smee and her team will be looking for two good actors to fill the parts of the “Babes”, as well as dancers and singers. Auditions are being held on Sunday, October 6, at 1pm at the Somerdale Lodge at the Somerdale site. The Fry Club Pantomime Section started life after World War II to produce plays for Somerdale employees with the cast drawn from company workers. Since the factory’s closure, the shows have continued with performers from the wider community.

claiming the “Best in Show” title. The five-month-old beat 46 other dogs to win the award and also won the Pedigree Gun Dog and Best Puppy categories. Woody is pictured with owner Gill Brown and Roger Taylor and Jennifer Ball of Taylored Pet Care, the show’s sponsor. The event raised £1,250 for the Compton Dando Community Association.


Photo: Emily Dunford of Water Reed Photography

Woody named ‘best in show’ Golden retriever Woody fetched the top prize at Compton Dando’s Dog Show on September 14,

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In Good Health with Anna Casey, pharmacist at Chandag Road Pharmacy As Chandag Road Pharmacy has just started providing a diabetes screening service, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about diabetes this month. Diabetes is a common lifelong health condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. The amount of sugar in the blood is usually controlled by a hormone called insulin which is produced by the pancreas. When food is digested and enters the bloodstream, insulin moves glucose out of the blood and into cells where it is broken down to produce energy. However, if you have diabetes, your body is unable to break down glucose into energy. This is because there is either not enough insulin to move the glucose or the insulin produced

does not work properly. There are two main types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes, sometimes known as juvenile or early onset diabetes is less common than type 2 diabetes. The body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin and as no insulin is produced, glucose level increase which can damage the body’s organs. As the glucose can’t provide energy, the body breaks down stores of fat and protein instead which can cause unexpected weight loss. Type 1 diabetes is treated with daily insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes usually appears in people over the age of 40 and occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or the body’s cells do not react to insulin. It can sometimes be controlled by a healthy diet, increased physical activity and

October, 2013

monitoring your blood glucose level. However, many people will need medication, usually in the form of tablets. The tablets either work by stimulating your body to produce more insulin or by helping your body to use the insulin produced more effectively. Some type 2 diabetic patients will need insulin injections if the tablets are ineffective. The main symptoms of diabetes are feeling very thirsty, urinating frequently, feeling tired, weight loss, blurred vision and increased infections of the skin, particularly thrush. It is important to remember that not everyone has symptoms and many people with diabetes feel fine. If you are worried, please pop in to the pharmacy for a free diabetes screening test and healthy eating ideas and advice.

Club taking to stage with farce Saltford Drama Club will be taking to the stage again next month with a comedy mystery play. Jack Starkey’s farcical The Murder Room, described as a “mixture of Agatha Christie, Monty Python, and Abbott and Costello”, follows newlyweds Edgar and Mavis Holister and will be performed at Saltford Hall. Directed by Corinne-Anne Richards, the show will run from Thursday, November 21, to Saturday, November 23. Tickets are priced at £10 and £8, with concessions for the over-60s, and are available from the ticket hotline on 01225 872499 or via the website www.

What’sOn Tell us about your event by emailing details to emma@ or call 07715 770448

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October, 2013

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Photo: Adam Gasson / Virgin Media



Step towards safer cycling Paralympian arrives on 40-day run A Paralympic gold medallist running the length of Britain with a marathon a day passed through Keynsham on his route through the South West. Double-leg amputee Richard Whitehead completed 40 marathons in 40 days, covering 977 miles between John O’Groats and Land's End, reaching the finish line in Cornwall on September 23. Just over a week before, the 200m sprinter, who won gold at the London 2012 Games, came

through Keynsham, running along the High Street. Richard said his aim was to “prove that any barrier can be overcome” as well as to raise thousands for Scope, a charity that aims to ensure disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else, and cancer charity Sarcoma UK. So far he has raised more than £170,000, with donations still being taken at www.richardwhiteheadruns

I am pleased to congratulate Keynsham Town Council for offering their unanimous support for a cycle path running alongside the Keynsham Bypass at their meeting on September 17. Although appearing a little bizarre of the council to encourage people to bypass the town, they recognised the safety need for such a track, as cyclists risk their lives venturing down such a fast and busy road. Following the cycle path which runs parallel to the dual carriageway from Twerton to the Globe, at Corston, this would be another significant step in creating a safe route along the entire A4 from Bath to Bristol


and would mean a complete path from Saltford right into the centre of Bristol. Following a question I asked of the B&NES Cabinet, I know that they have appointed Sustrans to conduct a Cycle Audit across the region which will include three public consultation events and a web-based mapping tool in order to find out the preferred route of any new cycle paths. It is my hope that through this audit, it will become clear that a cycle path along the Keynsham Bypass would be a popular and safe choice which may give access to the recent government allocation of £150 million for safer cycle tracks. Andrew Wait

Your views Send letters to Keynshamvoice, 16 Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1NR. Alternatively, email news@keynsham voice., find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @keynshamvoice or go to our website

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‘Bake and Brew’ supports cause People in Keynsham are invited to enjoy a cake and a cuppa while helping to support disadvantaged youngsters across the country. A “Bake and Brew” fundraising coffee morning will be held on Saturday, October 12, in St John’s Church Hall in aid of The Children’s Society. The charity runs drop-in services for runaways, children’s centres and offers support for young carers. It works with those at risk on the streets, disabled children, young refugees and those within the youth justice system. The Keynsham committee is organising the Bake and Brew, which will run from 10am to noon. Members of the public are invited along for refreshments, to browse a number of stalls offering cakes, books, bric-a-brac and more and to take part in a raffle. For more information on the charity and its work, visit www.

October, 2013

Legal matters Kimberley Bailey, for Woolley & Co, Solicitors family law specialists, looks at fathers’ rights after separation The law holds the view that parents have responsibilities towards their children and that it is the child that has a right to have an ongoing, meaningful relationship with both parents. That relationship will be upheld by a court, as long as it is safe and appropriate for that to happen. Both parents have responsibilities towards their children, to meet their needs in every way: emotionally, physically, psychologically and financially. Some fathers automatically have legal responsibility for their child. This is known as “parental responsibility”. You will have parental responsibility for your child automatically if you are or were married to the child’s mother or if you are named on the child’s birth certificate if the birth was registered after December 1, 2003. If you do not automatically have

parental responsibility then you can enter into a written agreement with the mother or seek a parental responsibility order or residence order from the court. The law defines parental responsibility as “all the rights, duties, powers, responsibilities and authority which by law a parent of a child has in relation to the child and his property”. But what does that involve? It gives a parent responsibility for taking important decisions in the child’s life in relation to issues such as education, health and religion. It gives a parent responsibility in making day-to-day decisions, such as where the child can go and who with and what they might eat. However, it is much more than that. It involves having a duty to talk to each other as parents to agree what is in your child’s best interests, even if you are no longer in a relationship.

It involves showing respect towards each other as parents and listening to what your child has to say, and their views about contact arrangements. If you cannot agree about when you will see your child or how often, then consider mediation or a collaborative approach to try to agree a way forward. If you have to go to court to ask a judge to decide, remember that the court’s view is what is in your child’s best interests, not necessarily what either of you as parents want. More often than not, for a child to maintain a good, close and loving relationship with both of you is in his or her best interests and a court will make orders to ensure that happens.  For a free half-hour telephone consultation contact Kimberley Bailey on 0845 680 1541 or 07446 227046 or at kimberley.

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October, 2013



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Getting your business online with Nick Leonard of NIKL Designs

Keynsham Light Opera Group performs Annie earlier this year

Bringing magic of Motown to stage Audiences will be dancing in their seats at Keynsham Light Opera Group’s latest production. Motown Magic will feature classics from the likes of Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, The Jackson 5 and more. The show will be held at Saltford Hall from Tuesday, October 22, until Saturday, October 26, with a matinee performance on the Saturday. Tickets, priced at £12, or £8

concessions on Tuesday evening or at the Saturday matinee show, can be booked in advance from Tracey English on 07580 259757 or by email at klogs@hotmail. The group, who performed a successful version of the classic musical Annie earlier in the year, are also looking ahead to next April when they will stage The King and I. To find out more about KLOGs, visit

When starting a small business, one of the key considerations will be how you market it. Depending what your business is, the internet has the potential to be one of the strongest marketing tools at your disposal. At the end of January 2013, 45.5 million adults (86 per cent) in the UK had used the internet, with over 33 million using it every single day. It’s estimated that 90 per cent of households now have broadband internet access. From a consumer perspective 89 per cent turn to search engines to find information on products and services prior to making a purchase. What this tells us is that it’s a very good bet that, as a business, your target market is likely to be online. Here are some top tips

on making the most of the internet:  Be unique – stand out from your peers, try to avoid generic templates and imagery.  Be consistent – ensure your branding matches across online and offline materials.  Use social media – this will help raise your profile, drive traffic to your site and build the personality aspect of your brand.  Use passive content – investigate the use of adverts and banners to increase revenue.  Write a blog – again this helps with profile building and helps set you as an expert in your field. To read more information on this article, log onto and check out the blog section.  See advert on Page 21

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October, 2013


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Early Years – Advertising feature


A chance to be Majestic! Majestic Gymnastics is a friendly recreational club based in Longwell Green, Bristol. We have a brand new sports unit kitted out with exceptional gymnastic facilities, new equipment, reception space and party room for adults and children to enjoy. The club is directed by Michelle Prideaux and Candice Fry and has a team of experienced coaches volunteering and working with the children to help them achieve their gymnastic goals. Our classes are recreational gymnastic and trampoline sessions for all ages and abilities from pre-school to adults, helping everyone improve their balance, flexibility, strength and co-ordination. Everyone has the opportunity to improve their skills on floor, tumbling, vaulting, trampet, bar and beam and are also given the opportunity

to achieve British Gymnastics Award scheme badges and certificates. Our club motto is simple, “Every child can be Majestic!” Our club is British Gymnastics registered and promotes all ages and abilities being able to participate in a safe environment. We pride ourselves on being an enthusiastic and positive club with a friendly atmosphere making everyone feel welcome when they join!

Exciting term ahead for little ones At Here We Grow Pre-School, we have an exciting start to our new term. Among our many visitors will be Peter Rabbit and owls. Also we will be learning to converse in French. This will make our Harvest celebrations even more exciting as we will

be able to sing some songs in French. We very much want to be part of the community so will be making donations to the Keynsham Foodbank. Come and meet the team at our Peter Rabbit Open Day on October 17 – we look forward to seeing you.

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October, 2013

Early Years Putting the fun into new skills Keynsham Leisure Centre has a fantastic range of fun junior activities to keep children active and entertained! Why not enrol your little ones onto a soccer, gym or dance tots course? Older children can take advantage of the football development course or take on the challenge of our giant “commando run” pool inflatable! We also offer a comprehensive swimming lesson programme for all ages and abilities. If your child needs to learn to ride a bike and you can’t face long walks in the park and the imminent cold weather, why not try one of our Balanceability courses? Balanceability is the UK's first and only accredited “learn to cycle” programme for children aged 2½ to 6 years old. It develops confidence, spatial awareness, dynamic balance and the skills to ride a bicycle without stabilisers. Using balance bikes and other equipment sessions are constructed around games, chal-

lenges and new experiences proven to achieve desired objectives. All equipment, including helmets and bikes, is provided. Courses beginning in November are available now to book, call us on 01225 3951564. For more information about any of the junior activities we offer visit .

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October, 2013


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Early Years – Advertising feature

Young stars shine at well-respected school In the centre of Brislington village lies the 300-year-old White Hart Hotel, now transformed into White Hart Lodge, home of the Bristol School of Performing Arts. The school moved into its new headquarters just over three years ago and since then has continued to build on its reputation of being Bristol’s oldest, largest and most professionally connected young people’s theatre school in the West Country. The building, which is still undergoing development, houses several studios, including two dance studios, a music room, a wardrobe department, a fully equipped in-house theatre and a parents’ coffee bar! In addition, the large car park takes the headache out of that all-too-frequent parking problem. Future plans include the addition of a purpose-built sound/recording

studio. The School has enjoyed a particularly close association with the Bristol Hippodrome, having provided young performers to join professional touring productions visiting this theatre as well as the Bath Theatre Royal and the region’s other major theatres. Just a few of the productions over this period have included Whistle Down the Wind, Evita, South Pacific, Joseph (over 450 performances), The Sound of Music (and national tour), The Lion King (and national tour),

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (and national tour), Half a Sixpence, Hello Dolly, Fiddler on the Roof, Jesus Christ Superstar, Annie and over 50 years of pantomime seasons! The School is extremely proud of the fact that many faces from the professional world are now patrons of BSPA including Vanessa Redgrave, Bill Kenwright and Kevin Wood (Head of the pantomime wing of First Family Entertainments). In October, 24 youngsters will appear at the Hippodrome in Evita. This will be followed by a further 24 chosen from our Dance Department to appear in Cinderella, this year’s Hippodrome pantomime. That’s showbiz!  Bristol School of Performing Arts, 07714495373, email info@, website


Active, happy and healthy At Kingswood Gymnastics and Trampoline Club all our pre-school sessions run alongside The British Gymnastics Fundamentals Scheme, which is supported by Lord Seb Coe. This offers a wide range of activities, including musical agility, physical, sensory balance, coordination and development of social and emotional skills. The children work towards the Fundamental award scheme, earning badges and certificates. The gymnasts will have full use of all our equipment including trampolines, vaults, soft play, hand apparatus and lots more. At three, your child may join our structured class where they are in our care for the duration of the lesson. This transition prepares them for school and encourages independence. Our pre-school gym is an inclusive sport that encourages a healthy, active lifestyle alongside learning and fun.

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October, 2013

Early Years

Living life to the full at clubs At Keynsham & District Mencap Society we provide social, leisure and learning opportunities for local children with learning disabilities, many of whom also have physical disabilities. We promote inclusion at all levels and aim to support our young members in living life to the full. We run four children’s clubs: Super Saturday for 5 -18 year olds, Radstock Juniors for 11-18 year olds, two Keynsham Juniors Clubs for 5-11 and 12-18 years olds respectively. Our Keynsham Juniors Tuesday Club offers vital social opportunities for up to 20 local children aged between five and 11. The children who attend Keynsham Juniors (KJ’s) have a wide range of learning disabilities, some also have physical disabilities. Some of our members are educated in special schools or units but others attend mainstream schools. KJ’s provides a planned programme

specifically devised for children with additional needs. There is a wide and diverse range of activities to suit all ages, abilities and preferences including music; drama; sports, crafts, games; cookery and themed sessions. For many members KJ’s is their only opportunity to have regular social contact outside of a school setting. KJ’s enables our young members to mix with their peers and to enjoy the friendship, support and personal development. Keynsham Juniors is led by Ruth Bright, an experienced play worker with children with additional needs. Ruth is supported by a Deputy Leader and a team of trained volunteers. The clubs meets weekly during term-time at Frys Lodge in Keynsham. For more information please contact our activities manager, Laura Jefferies, on 0117 9865659 or at laura@keynshammencap., or visit www.keynsham

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October, 2013


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Advertising feature


Quality will be the jewel in The Crown as pub reopens A local pub is to reopen its doors this month under new ownership and management. The Crown, located on Bath Road in Saltford, is now owned by BWW Limited and will be managed by Mark and Michelle Smith. The pub is set to open on 11th October.

A traditional carvery, as well as home-cooked specials, made using quality, fresh produce will be served, alongside real ales on tap. Registered as a pub since 1765, The Crown has undergone a complete revamp and with its refreshed contemporary look it now feels warm and welcoming,

a pub well worthy of having a family meal in, and for all those who wish to have a relaxed time enjoying a refreshing drink they can do so in front of our open log fireplace. Customers can expect a separate restaurant and a quality bar, where dogs will be welcomed. A function room will be

available to hire and there is also private hire for corporate meetings in our fully equipped meeting room. BWW Limited – an independent, family-run business – also owns the Horseshoe in Siston Common, King William IV in Staple Hill and the Rising Sun in Backwell.

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T: 0117 908 2121

Food festival

October, 2013

Crowds showed real appetite Photo: Joe Hardwick

The promise of tasty treats from some of Keynsham’s best restaurants, cafes and shops brought crowds flocking to the town’s food festival – and they weren't disappointed. The event on September 14 saw more than 2,000 people descend, with stallholders each selling out by the end of the day. Besides food to sample, there were also cookery demonstrations from Chris Westgate of Heavenly Hedgerows, Top Tier and Tandoori Garden. A cake competition hosted by the Keynsham Branch of the Royal British Legion Women’s Section attracted many entries, raising £73 for the group. Chairman Vi Francis said: “The cakes were throughly enjoyed by members of the public with a cup of tea or coffee and we were left with only crumbs! Thank you all once again for your generosity.” A spokesperson for the Food Festival’s organisers said the event had been more successful than anyone could have imagined.

She said: “At one point in the afternoon there were so many people in the Scouts’ HQ you couldn’t even see the floor. “We had a great range of exhibitors during the day and most have already rebooked for next year’s event. “Everyone had a great time and this is really something we can build on for 2014.” Keynsham’s Scouts allowed their HQ on Ashton Way to be the base for the festival – and the youngsters got stuck in too, cooking a two-course meal over an open fire and making pizzas. A spokesman said: “Three great reasons why the Scout group wanted to get involved with the food festival were young people being given the opportunity to express themselves, learn about food and try something new – you could call it a food adventure. “Scouting in 2013 is about adventure and trying new things and it was a pleasure to allow use of the Scout HQ facilities for this year’s Keynsham Food Festival.”

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October, 2013


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Food festival


for what festival had to offer Photo: Joe Hardwick

Photo: Joe Hardwick

Photo: Joe Hardwick

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T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013

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On the Plot

In the Garden Last week a friend called on an impromptu visit, full of grumbles. We sat looking out of the window at the garden. I asked him what he saw beyond the window – the garden, obviously. “Anything else?” I inquired. What about the hypericum Hidcote bristling with yellow flowers, better than midsummer. And the cotinus with its plum-coloured leaves, and the sun making them almost transparent. Look at the roses, 3ft bushes now almost 6ft tall laden with scented blooms. The sedum at the edge of the lawn soft dusky pink. The crabapple tree with the fruits a mass of red. Two baskets of begonias, the biggest and brightest yet. A small caryopteris between a picolo rose and the spent spirea. And at the end of our neighbour’s garden a silver birch with yellow-golden leaves. Enough colour to go on with for a while. He went home a happier man. Now, what about the lawn.


Remember it could do with a little tender loving care. I have just spiked part of it with a fork, a long and tiring job. It is a part which takes a lot of traffic and becomes very compacted. I mow and then I spread some of my own mix of top dressing, part fine leafmould and part old compost. I spread this quite liberally and then use my besom to work it into all the small holes left by the spiking. I did this last year and it appeared to have a beneficial effect. And remember to check the mower before putting it away. It is time to split some of the perennials. We have two big clumps of small asters, one lavender purple and the other a pastel pink. It seems wrong somehow to disturb something which is growing so well, but to ensure vigour for the next few years it is necessary. The rhubarb is finished and needs tidying and the crocosmias must be cut down. Is there ever a quiet time in the garden?

With days shortening and temperatures falling this means that some cropping will soon end. My courgettes and runner beans have all but finished and the pumpkins and squashes are picked for storage. This leaves the vegetables that stand the winter still in need of attention. For example, winter cabbages, purple sprouting, sprouts and leeks will continue to mature over the coming weeks so keep them clear of weeds to give them the best chance. October is a good month to sow Japanese onion sets, garlic and broad beans as the ground will remain warm enough to start them into growth until winter takes a hold but select an area that does not become waterlogged. The first to sow are the onion sets which I buy loose so that I select healthy sets and the exact number I need. Plant them no less than 4 inches apart with 12 inches between the rows. Gently push the sets into prepared ground so

that the tips are just visible. For garlic the old adage is to sow before the shortest day and crop after the longest. Split the garlic into individual bulbs and use the same spacing as the onions but make a small hole first. Garlic need to be planted so the tips are buried by about an inch. Broad beans can wait till last and choose a hardy variety. Make a shallow trench 2 inches deep and about 4 inches wide and scatter the seed evenly so that the spacing is approximately 4 inches. Broad beans can grow quite tall so leave 24 inches between each trench. This time of year, some people think it is the end of the gardening season but I prefer to think it is the start of the next season. Once this year’s crops have finished, clear the area and dig as much as you can. Effort put in before winter sets in will pay huge dividends next year. Add well rooted manure or compost to improve the soil condition.

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T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Travel Quality and fun in equal measure This month Rich Coulter discovers that the appeal of Disneyland Resort Paris is found in its high quality .... and that it is easily accessible, and affordable, from Bristol They say that children change your life ... in my case, they also changed my attitude to Disneyland. Our first trip to Disneyland Paris was well over 10 years ago now and until then I had bought into the idea that the giant theme park near Paris represented nothing but queues and adults, who should know better, wearing Mickey Mouse ears. As it happens, both of those things, along with a few more of my preconceived notions, actually do happen but do you know what? I love it and I loved it from the first minute of the first trip. Not because I am especially a big fan of all things Disney. Not because of the “magic” or the parades or the fireworks. And not even because of

the rides (although some are spectacular). No, I have loved Disneyland from Day 1 because of the sheer quality of the place, the attention to detail and the feeling that, having spent a fair sum of money, those who have taken my cash have actually made an effort to give me something in return. Having endured the sheer misery of one or two British theme parks, with their surly staff, inadequate parking and

lack of attention to getting it right, Disneyland is a joy. Interesting enough, as a family down the years, we have often found that the quality extends to not just the headline attractions but also those which are less well known. We especially love the big “theatre shows”, not least because it is a relief to sit down for 30 minutes in a spacious, air-conditioned auditorium in the knowledge that we are going to be given some genuine entertainment. This year, we discovered Cinemagique, a slightly cheesy ride through movie history courtesy of a cast member (actor) who begins the show as part of the audience and – as if by magic, there, I’ve said it – finds himself seemingly part of the greatest movies of all time.

We loved it so much we went twice. Yes, the queues can be brutal and it makes sense to consider whether a ride is really worth the wait. One of our original favourites, Peter Pan, has gargantuan queues seemingly all day yet the ride itself has become more and more uninspiring over the years. On the other hand, Big Thunder Mountain never fails to disappoint, the queues are in a cool recreation of a Wild West prospecting cabin and the ride itself is both spectacular and not over in a flash. Of course, a consideration is travel but from the Bristol area there are several options – flying to Paris, driving with ferry or Eurotunnel or the Eurostar, which takes you directly to Disneyland. We went for the

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October, 2013


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latter and found it surprisingly inexpensive, quick and comfortable. We also opted for a Disneyland area hotel but not one of the actual Disney hotels. This


Disneyland Paris facts and figures

had its own shuttle to the parks and, while there was a certain element of mayhem, as a base it was clean, comfortable (with pool etc) and great value. For three

of us, for five days, we spent less than ÂŁ800 for hotel, Eurostar and train connection from Bristol Parkway. Park tickets are extra but packages are available.

Europe’s number one tourist destination, Disneyland Paris has welcomed more than 265 million visits since opening in 1992 (16 million visits in 2012). The resort boasts two spectacular theme parks (Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park) and seven themed Disney hotels with around 5,800 rooms (2,200 more are available in Selected and Associated Hotels). Two full-service convention centres and a world-class 27-hole golf course are also present. In addition to this, the destination is home to Disney Village – one of the largest entertainment complexes in the Ile-de-France region. Spread over more than 30,000m², Disney Village offers themed dining, shopping and cinema experiences. Disneyland Paris comprises 58 attractions, 62 shops, and 58 restaurants.

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A Tool Hire Company supplying the Building Trade and DIY enthusiast To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

News Shop for crafts and support hall A range of handmade goods will be available at a fundraising event to be held in Farmborough. The village’s Memorial Hall management committee is organising a craft and gift fair on Saturday, October 19, from 11am to 4pm. There will be a range of stalls and refreshments available during the fair, which is being held to raise money to pay for repairs to the roof and improvements to the toilets at the hall, which is used by many members of the public from within the village and beyond. For more information, ring 01761 471585.  Residents can book a free safety test for their electric blanket on Monday, October 7, from 9.30am to 2pm. Tests will be carried out at St Francis Church Hall, Warwick Road, Keynsham, and booking is essential. Call B&NES Council’s public protection team on 01225 396759.

Adult Non-Fiction  Miss Savidge Moves Her House by Christine Adams – recommended and reviewed by Kerri This fascinating book is the true story of Miss May Alice Savidge. When her 500-year-old cottage in Ware, Hertfordshire, was threatened with demolition, she decided to do something that seemed impossible: move the house. She bought land 100 miles away in Wells-Next-TheSea and proceeded to dismantle every brick, beam and lintel, keeping a precise and accurate record of how every piece fitted together. Afterwards, all the bits were transported by a road haulage company to the new location. Miss Savidge was 56 when she started and she spent more than 11 years reconstructing her home, while living in a caravan on site with her cat and dog. Single-handedly, she put her house back together again. The book is written by the ex-wife of May’s nephew. The

with Sarah Wookey from Keynsham Library couple were bequeathed her cottage and took over completion of the work after the amazing Miss Savidge died aged 81. Items of value and interest were discovered, but it was through the eccentric hoarding nature of Miss Savidge that they could track May’s life. A truly inspirational read and an indication of what can be achieved if you really put your mind to it! Adult Fiction  Charm by Sarah Pinborough – recommended and reviewed by Rosey

October, 2013

Forget everything you thought you knew about Cinderella and her ugly stepsisters. This isn’t a Disney tale of romance and destiny, but an exploration of the real motives of the characters we all think we know. Motivated by greed and lust, the real Cinders will do anything to leave behind her drab life. Her Fairy Godmother has her own reasons for wanting to help Cinderella into the castle, and haven’t you ever wondered why her Stepmother was so desperate for her daughters to marry into aristocracy? Magic may get Cinderella to the ball, and win her the hand of an (in)eligible bachelor, but can it really guarantee her long-term happiness? Sexy and twisted (think EL James meets The Brothers Grimm), Sarah Pinborough’s take on this classic tale is definitely not for children! Young Adult  Lament by Maggie Stiefvater From the author of the bestselling Shiver and Linger, Lament is the tale of Dee, a “cloverhand” (a person who can

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October, 2013

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see faeries). Dee meets a beautiful boy called Luke and falls for him, unaware that he is, in fact, a faerie assassin and she is his next target. it Fans of Twilight willl love it. Junior Fiction  Friday Forever by Annie Dalton Lenny enjoys his Friday at school so much that he wishes it could be Friday every day. When he wakes up the next morning, he discovers that his wish has come true, but will he begin to regret what he wished for? This title is produced by Barrington Stoke, an independent publisher, dedicated to producing books for young readers with reading difficulties (from dyslexia through to simple reluctance to read). The book’s paper colour, font size and page layout have all been designed to help children enjoy reading. Friday Forever

is aimed at readers aged 8-13 with w a reading age below 8 years. The library holds a large selection of Barrington Stoke titles. Picture Book  Loch Ness Ghosts by Jacques Duquennoy, translated by Antonia Parkin Henry, Lucy, George and Edward are friendly ghosts who live in a castle. They discover that the Loch Ness Monster has appeared again and immediately leave for Scotland to try to find it. Will they be successful? This is one of my favourite children’s books: the illustrations are a joy and the text makes me laugh out loud. What’s more, the ending is just great!  And finally, our beloved Gromit bids you farewell. He asked me to let all the children on the Summer Reading Scheme know that he was very impressed with all the books they read over the summer. He never seemed to say very much, but he assures me that he was always watching from his little corner!



Artist Adele displays work at cafe An artist who combines drawing, textiles and Photoshop is displaying a selection of her work at Keynsham’s Pomegranate Cafe. Adele Morris is the latest exhibitor at the Temple Street cafe and restaurant, where her colourful designs will be hung on the walls throughout October. Adele’s pictures are created with a combination of drawing, fabrics, Photoshop and embellishments, such as Swarovski crystals. A range of designs including high heels, cupcakes,

birds and designs for children is available, as well as personalised artwork, in which Adele draws a family or couple from a photo, and can include pets or dates too, before adding fabric and other finishing touches. Adele’s framed pictures are on sale for £22. She also makes fabric and canvas shopper bags. To find out more, email, search for DoodleStitch on Facebook or visit www.notonthehighstreet. com/doodlestitch.

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T: 0117 908 2121





Have you got an event you would like to publicise? Or do you run a club, society or community group in the Keynsham area? Send details to emma@ or call us on 07715 770448 and we will make sure thousands of people in and around Keynsham know about it.

October 8

person or £10 for a family ticket and can be obtained from Julian French on 07814 609853.

St Keyna Townswomen's Guild, 9.45-11.45am, meeting at the Fear Hall, Keynsham. Guest speaker Mr R Thomas from Avon and Somerset Search and Rescue. New members are welcome to go along to the meetings.

RBLWS disco with ploughman’s supper, 8 till late, Royal British Legion Club, 8-10 Charlton Road, Keynsham. £5 p.p. For tickets, ring Gill on 0117 986 8868. All welcome.

Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society. Illustrated talk by Stuart Burroughs, director of The Museum of Bath at Work, on “Horstman Cars and Clocks”. Key Centre, Victoria Methodist Church, Charlton Road, Keynsham, 7.30pm. Visitors welcome, £2.50.

October 11

October 19

October 26

Avon Wildlife Trust, Keynsham Local Group. “Birds, Wildlife and Landscapes in East Germany” by Roger White, 7.30pm, Baptist Church Hall, High Street, BS31 1DS. Adults £2.50, children £1. Refreshments, bring and buy book stall.

Who Let the Dads Out. St John's Church is holding a monthly toddlers session specifically for dads, stepdads, grandads and male carers and their babies and pre-school children in the Church Hall from 10-11.30am. Bacon butties and coffee will be available for grown-ups and refreshments, toys and craft activities for younger members. £2 per family. Contact John Wilkinson on for more information.

Hanham Ladies’ Choir. Charity concert in aid of Great Western Air Ambulance, 7.30pm at Hanham Tabernacle Church, Tabernacle Road, Hanham. Tickets available on the door or from choir members, £6. Call Anne Neal on 0117 949 1162.

October 12 Keynsham Town Football Club is holding a race night at the AJN Stadium, Crown Fields, at 8pm. Tickets are priced at £5 per

October 21

November 1 Bath Old Time Dancers, 7.3010pm at St John’s School Hall, Oldfield Lane, Bath BA2 3NR. Traditional and classical sequence, everyone welcome. Inquiries on 01225 335740. The first Friday of every month, visit

November 2 Gluten & Free From Christmas Food Fair, Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Melksham, SN12 6ES, 10.30am-2.30pm. Entry £1 each. Over 25 specialist gluten and free from stalls and producers. Plus get a gluten-free fish and chips lunch!

November 5 Saltford Ladies’ Gardening Club meet at Saltford Hall (Wansdyke Room) at 10am on the first Tuesday of the month. The speaker will be Mr C Clarke on the subject of “Bougainvilleas the British Way”. £2 including refreshments, new members welcome. Call Debbie on 01225 872450.

November 7 Keynsham Film Works to show About Elly at Fry Club, Somerdale, Keynsham, 7.45pm. Free parking, wheelchair access, refreshments. The film club is a non-profit-making society funded by membership, which is available at £30 (admittance to all season’s films). Non-members can pay £5 on the night. For forthcoming films see www.

October, 2013

November 26 Saltford Floral Club with Bath Floral Club, Saltford Hall, Norman Road, 2pm, international demonstrator Hans Havercamp will be delighting us with Fresh 'n’ Funky for Christmas 2013. For more details, please contact Janet Gough on 0117 977 1813.

What’s on in Keynsham on a regular basis

Passionate about local libraries, communities and history? Why not join the Friends of Saltford Library? The group organises author visits, coffee mornings, poetry evenings, writing workshops and visits to nearby places of historical interest. Call 01225 394041 or email june_wentland

Monday 50+ Light and Easy Exercise classes welcome new members to their group. Fun, friendly and social class on Mondays 1011am at Keynsham Methodist Church, Key Centre. Cost £4 per session. Call Jenny for further information on 0117 961 3327. The Women’s Section of the Royal British Legion Keynsham would be delighted to welcome new members. They meet upstairs at the RBL Club on the first Monday of each month, 7.30pm. Occasional speakers, social events and outings. Key Voices, Keynsham’s friendly community singing group, is looking for new members. Monday, 7.15-9.30pm during term-times at Castle School in Newlands Road. Cost £4 per session, £3 concessions. Call Roy, 0117 949 8587. Keynsham Writing Group meets in the library on second and fourth Monday of the month, from 2.30-4pm. We are a small, friendly group and welcome new members of all abilities. Call Pat on 0117 986 4722. Keynsham Machine Knitting Club. We meet on the second Monday in the month at Stirling Way Community Centre, Keynsham, 2-4pm. We have two club machines to practise knitting. Help and tuition will be given to get you knitting again. We try to have at least four speakers/demonstrators a year. Please come along and join us. Please call Margaret on 0117 986 5559.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013

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Short mat bowls. Learn to play with a really friendly mixed group at Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham on Mondays 1.30-4pm and/or Fridays 7.30-9.30pm until mid-May. All welcome, free trial. Ring Clive on 0117 986 6793 or just turn up and ring the doorbell.

Tuesday Keynsham free 45-minute buggy walk for parents, newborns, babies and toddlers, first and third Tuesdays of the month, 9.55am meet for 10am start at Keynsham Leisure Centre, Temple Street. Email, Facebook – Bristol NCT. Keynsham new parents and babies coffee and tea morning. First and third Tuesdays of the month, 10.45-11.45am, Victoria Methodist Centre, Charlton Road, Keynsham, BS31 2JA. Email purple Wellsway Ladies’ Badminton Club, 7.30-9.30pm, at Keynsham Leisure Centre. For more details, contact Jenny on 0117 986 8331. KOPS is Keynsham Older Peoples Social group. This friendly group of local, older people meet on the first Tuesday of the month at Community@67, Queens Road, at 2pm. The group is free to join but members usually bring along a small item for the raffle table. New members welcome, call Paula on 01225 484510 or Phyllis on 0117 986 8623. Residents’ Fellowship Association, based at Hawthorn Meeting Room in Carpenters Lane, 2-4pm. We do different activities, eg. luncheon, quiz, games including darts and a committee meeting. On a Thursday afternoon we do crafts and we have a community garden. Contact Jim Lingard on 0117 986 1551.

Badminton – join a very friendly mixed group who meet up every Friday to play from 10am-noon at Keynsham Leisure Centre. All welcome regardless of ability. Just turn up or ring Clive on 0117 986 6793.

November 8 To find out more about hedgehogs and how you can help them, come to a talk for all the family – “How Hedgehogs Can Save the World” by Hugh Warwick, ecologist and author. The event is at Wellsway School, Keynsham, at 7pm for 7.30pm and is organised by the Keynsham Group of Avon Wildlife Trust. A live hedgehog will be in attendance courSt Keyna Townswomen’s Guild. A friendly, outgoing group of various ages who meet on the second Tuesday of each month at the Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham, 9.45-11.45am. With interesting speakers and coffee/ tea and biscuits. Popular sequence dances at The Fear Hall, Keynsham, 7.30-10pm. Anyone interested in dancing in a welcome, friendly atmosphere, first visit free. Further details on 0117 986 2819 or 0117 986 4014.

Wednesday ChoirJam, Keynsham’s fun pop choir, meets on Wednesdays 11am-12.30 pm during term-time at Fear Hall, Keynsham. Adults aged 18-80+ are welcome to join; there’s no audition and no experience necessary. For a free taster session call Emma Hutchinson on 07793 983040 or visit www.


tesy of local charity Hedgehog Rescue. Tickets are available in advance from Smith’s Jewellers or Kathy Farrell on 0117 986 9722, email kathyfarrelluk@ or on the door, adults £4, children £2.

Friday CAMEO is a friendly group providing fellowship and a wide range of activities for those living on their own. We have no set membership and we are open to all denominations or to those with no affiliations. Anyone is welcome to come to any event which interests them. We meet for coffee (10am-noon) at Victoria Methodist Church on the first Friday of the month and we also enjoy excursions and entertainments, talks, meals out and organised holidays. If you are interested please come for coffee or contact the Church Office on 0117 914 9408 or Christopher Bailey on 01225 872784.

Avon Wildlife Trust, Keynsham Local Group. Winter talks, second Friday of each month between October and April, 7.30pm at the Baptist Church Hall, High Street, Keynsham, BS31 1DS. Adults £2.50, children £1. Refreshments and bring and buy book stall. Note November meeting is at Wellsway School. Try short mat bowls! Learn to play with a really friendly mixed group at Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham on Fridays, 7.309.30pm and/or Mondays, 1.304pm, until mid-May. Everyone welcome, free trial. Ring Clive on 0117 986 6793 or just turn up.

Saturday Healing on the Streets can be found on Keynsham High Street every Saturday morning. We can be identified by our badges and A boards. Whether you have an emotional or physical problem we’re here to listen, talk and pray.

Keynsham Photographic Society meets at the Fear Hall at 7.30pm to enjoy all aspects of photography. We have visiting speakers, competitions, sessions to share and discuss our own photographs and opportunities to view the best amateur work from the South West. Find us on our website at www.keynshamphotographic and come along to share this enthralling hobby.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:





T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Head to the High Street to find plenty of new – and nearly new – gifts and essentials for those new arrivals




1 Decorative heart – Polkadot, £3.99 2. Lamaze toy 0-24 months – The Entertainer, £10 3. A large choice of nearlynew baby equipment from Practically Perfect 4. Pack of 3 bibs – Peacocks, £3.50 5. Pair of keepsake pots first curl/tooth – Smith’s Jewellers, £12 6. Soft baby toy – Card Factory, £1.99

3 4

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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For October we meet Robin Eveleigh, partner at Eveleighs Estate Agency Association, Mind Keynsham and Mencap Keynsham.

Tell us about your company. I launched Eveleighs in July 2011 because I had long felt there was room, especially in the Saltford and Keynsham market, for some fresh competition. I wanted to bring a new feel to the local estate agency market – not setting out to be the biggest, but hopefully proving to be the “best”, with personal recommendations being my priority in helping to grow the business. Starting an estate agency in the current climate was a challenge of its own. However, we continue to compete against other agents by carrying out market research and working very hard behind the scenes. I live in Saltford and have children at local schools, so I’m determined to build a highly successful agency with an excellent reputation for personal service, honesty, openness and, most importantly, enthusiasm and determination about wanting to sell your house. We have a small team of local, experienced staff who are very dedicated and hard-working. What service do you provide to local people? We provide extended hours, allowing buyers or sellers to contact myself or business partner from 8.30am-8pm on weekdays, with only slightly reduced hours over the weekend. Viewings are

What makes your service different from other companies? With a huge majority of people using the property portals such as Rightmove, Zoopla and Finda-Property as their main point of call when looking for a property, I decided not to open an office but run a local online estate agency. How many agencies do you walk past in the high street every day that are always empty apart from staff? Our aim was to be refreshingly different and we genuinely believe we have achieved this. We are open for longer, and we have had great success using QR codes on all of our sales boards – buyers standing outside a property can scan the code on their smart phone and it will link straight to the website for the relevant information. also very flexible – how many agents can say that someone could phone up on a Sunday morning and potentially be viewing their dream property by that afternoon? I like to go that extra mile for customers. Spending the time and having the commitment to follow the sale through from start to finish helps to really understand the chain, and therefore any issues which may arise and trying where possible to sort them out before they become a chain breaker. What is the best part of running your business and working in the area? We get loads of recommendations with really positive feedback and comments. One local home-

owner said: “What a fabulous, effective, professional service. Friendly, approachable and informative. We couldn’t ask for more in an estate agent. A truly bespoke service and a cut above the rest. Well done Eveleighs and many thanks!” When Eveleighs Estate Agents sells a house, a whole section of the local community benefits. Mental health groups, community associations and a children’s holistic health charity are supported by us as we donate part of our fees from every sale upon completion. We are proud to be a part of the community of Saltford and Keynsham and will continue to donate money to our five chosen charities: Saltford School, Clover House, Saltford Community

What are your plans for the future of the business? Our plan is to continue growing the business by increasing stock levels for both sale and rental properties and to continue to build the superb reputation that we have already established. We launched during tough times but had a very good start. With continued hard work and a positive attitude from all staff, the business has gone from strength to strength and we hope it’s a good year ahead for us all. Contact: Robin Eveleigh Tel: 01225 360360 Website: Facebook: Eveleighs Estate Agents Twitter: @EveleighsBS31

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T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Chalfield Close Keynsham 0IEO


Located on a highly sought-after development, on the desirable Wellsway side of Keynsham, is this executive, four-bedroom, modern, Georgian-style detached residence offering easy and versatile accommodation that would suit a wide range of buyers. Internally this home is decorated to a high standard throughout and comprises an entrance hallway, cloakroom, sitting room leading onto a dining room, a fitted kitchen/breakfast room with integrated appliances, utility room, study and a superb, high quality conservatory all on the ground floor. There are four sizeable bed-

rooms with an ensuite shower room to the master bedroom

and a family bathroom all on the first floor. Outside you will find

a double-width driveway and double garage to the front with a landscaped, fully enclosed, lawned rear garden with feature patio terrace. This property is within 0.8 miles of Wellsway School and an internal inspection comes highly recommended. Contact Andrews’ Keynsham branch on 0117 986 9000 to arrange a viewing.

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T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


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Teams drop out of leagues As the season ended, Keynsham Cricket Club’s Saturday first and third teams both were relegated from their respective leagues, the Saturday seconds missed the opportunity to top their league and the two Sunday sides finished mid-table. The firsts failed on the batting front with nobody reaching a “ton” this season, Alex Taylor’s unbeaten 91 at Downend being the highest individual score. Dan Jarman topped the averages with a paltry 26.5.The bowling was fine with 3 “five-fers”; 6/29 by Dave Burston, 6/69 Paul Robbins who was top wicket taker with 24, and 5/46 by Kiwi Harry Jones. Skipper Ben Whittington led the 2nds from the front and scored 623 runs averaging 56 as well as taking 11 wickets including 4/6. There were returns of 5-19 from Jones and 5-26

for Simon Knowles, with John Courtney, still going strong, was top wicket taker with 25 which included a 4-28. Nick Lowe averaged 76 and scored an unbeaten 100 for the thirds and was top wicket taker for the thirds with 13. Jack Tweedie (aged 13) took 5-6 in one game and Lowe also had a “fivefer” (5-33). Dan Jarman, Alex Taylor and Paul Robbins (150) all notched up “tons” for the Sunday 1s. On the bowling front, Andy Applin took a haul of 5-38 and Chris Britton 4-25 with Jack Stiff the leading wicket taker. The evergreen Les Hubbard scored 397 runs for the Sunday 2’s with four 50s included but was pipped to best batting average by Andy Kitchen with 37.56. Fourteen-year-old Harry Mattingly topped the wicket takers with 11 and a best of 3-29, and

 On a beautiful September day at Wells Golf Club, Saltford Senior Somerset Bowl Team beat a powerful Bath team by three games to two in the semi-finals of the Senior Somerset Bowl. Coming down to the last putt of the last group on the difficult 18th at Wells, Saltford prevailed and managed to squeeze through to the final. another “old un”, Richard Morris returned a 4-13. Keynsham Cricket Club – Junior Section Cricket is over for the season for KCC Junior section and the

ground is being readied for its autumn makeover. Over 100 boys and girls have been involved in coaching and playing cricket this summer from Under 9s to Under 15s. For more on their season see

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Sport Keynsham Town FC News from the Crown Field

September saw fluctuating fortunes for the Keynsham Town 1st Team. Having started the month bottom of the Western League Division One with seven straight defeats to their name, September 7 saw a welcome break from league action when Fleet Spurs of the Wessex League Division One were the visitors to the AJN Stadium for an FA Vase 1st Qualifying Round tie. Although Spurs took the lead from only their second real chance of the game, Keynsham’s heads didn’t drop and the home team’s luck finally changed after half time. A Chris Lewis corner on 56 minutes saw the enthusiastic Rich Healey get his second goal of the season when he thumped home a header at the back post, giving the keeper no chance. There then followed a flurry of chances for Keynsham and their pressure finally told on 73 minutes. Paul Ewins’ long free-kick was expertly controlled by centre-half Ben Stiff with his back to goal, who blasted an

Luke Lipinski bursts into the Ashton & Backwell penalty area overhead kick into the top corner, and the home side deservedly held on for a 2-1 victory. Keynsham Town’s improved form continued the following Saturday with their first points of the season in Toolstation Western League Division One. They faced a tough away fixture at league new boys Chippenham Park, who are a fledgling team formed last season. Buoyed by their morale-

boosting FA Vase success, Keynsham dominated from the start and the first goal in the 36th minute came from an inspired long shot from right-back Connor Kingdon. Keynsham’s defence weathered some pressure from Chippenham for the first 10 minutes of the second half, but the game was effectively sealed when, following a free-kick, forward Chris Lewis found himself with time and space to turn and beat the goalkeeper from short range. They then closed the game out for a comfortable 2-0 victory, which temporarily moved them off the foot of the table. However, Keynsham’s defensive problems which have blighted their season so far returned to haunt them in the FA Vase 2nd Qualifying Round on September 21, when they suffered a 3-1 home defeat against fellow Western League Div 1 side Ashton and Backwell United. Things began well enough for Keynsham, and they took the lead after only four minutes with a scrappy goal by full-back Connor Kingdon. However Ashton & Backwell gradually came into the game and were soon level, when an error in the Keynsham defence on 24 minutes presented an opportunity to Jack Dicker, who made no mistake. The rest of the first half was an even contest.

Ashton ‘keeper Gary Clarke pulled off a fine save from a Rob Sheriton free-kick, but Oliver Woolland gave Ashton the lead right on half-time. Keynsham were forced to reshuffle in the second-half when centre-half Ben Stiff had to be substituted at half-time with a leg injury, being replaced by fullback Ryan Beak. They started the second-half in pursuit of an equaliser, and Luke Lipinski was particularly influential in a more forward role than usual. It was Lipinski who offered the most threat to a resolute Ashton back-line and a fine break into the penalty area on 50 minutes was only thwarted by a last-ditch tackle. However Ashton made sure of the victory on 64 minutes, when more slack defending gave Lee Nichols a free header at the far post and he gave Lionel Fear no chance. So after eight league games, Keynsham remain at the foot of the table: P W D L F


17. Calne Town 7 2 1 4 11 13 18. Corsham Town 19. Oldland Abbotonians

5 2 0 3


GD P -2

Keynsham’s reserve team have also had mixed fortunes so far in the Somerset County League Division One. Following the departure of Nigel Lee to Oldland in the summer, the club appointed a new management team to run the reserves, with Chris King as manager, supported by Chris Gardner and Terry Saunders. They have won three of their league matches so far and lie 11th in the league table: P W D L F 11. Keynsham 8 3 Town Reserves 12. Purnell 9 3 Sports FC 13. Burnham 6 2 United 14. St George 9 1 Easton In Gordano 15. Banwell 10 1 16. Shepton 7 0 Mallet Reserves



0 5 16 21



0 6 10 27

-17 9

1 3 17 16



4 4 12 20

-8 7

3 6 16 32 4 3 11 16

-16 6 -5 4

17. Castle Cary 6 1 0 5 11 22

-11 3

18. Saltford

-16 1

5 0 1 4




15 -11 6

7 1 1 5 10 15

The club’s forthcoming fixtures are as follows: Saturday, October 5 Away – Bradford Town (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick-off Saturday, October 12 Away – Oldland Abbotonians (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick-off Tuesday, October 15 HOME – CALNE TOWN (Western League Div 1) 7.45pm kick-off Saturday, October 19 Away – Welton Rovers (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick-off Saturday, October 26 HOME – DEVIZES TOWN (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick-off Saturday, November 2 Away – Warminster Town (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick-off





20. Portishead 7 1 0 6 Town



21. Keynsham 8 1 0 7 Town


22 -15 3

If you would like some publicity for your business, the club now offers a range of sponsorship deals. If you are interested, please, contact Julian French on 07814 609853 who will be able to provide you with further details.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013


Follow us on Twitter @keynshamvoice


Victory to give firsts confidence they need Keynsham Rugby Club’s first and second XV’s have played three games and the thirds and fourths two games so far this season. The firsts started with a narrow loss at Oldfield RFC, where they lost the game, rather than the home side winning. Far too many scoring chances were spurned in the 17-19 final result. K’s points came from two tries by Joe-Luca Smith and a spectacular solo effort from winger Marlon Dorset with Paul Edson adding a conversion. They then played Chew Valley at the Crown Field and again came away second best against a side that will be hard to beat all season. There was plenty of effort, and also skill, in the 14-25 reversal. Joe-Luca Smith scored another brace of tries in this game, one, a particularly good effort, and kicked both conversions. In the third game they defeated Midsomer Norton at ‘Norton 24-16. A previous problem with ceding penalties, seen in the first two games was eradicated, but a new fault appeared; that of losing possession too easily. Nevertheless it was a much better showing and hopefully the team will gain confidence from the victory. Smith made it five tries for the season with another fine score and there were two tries for centre Will Byron; Gaz Deere added nine points with his boot. The seconds have got off to the worst possible start in Somerset Premier Division, losing all three of their games. 0-49 against Winscombe, 27-36 against Wiveliscombe and 17-30 v Bristol Barbarians. Try scorers have been Sam Challenger, Sam Stuart, John Pearce and Dan Harvey (v Wivvy): Dan Harvey (2) and Rob Pine (v Baba’s). The thirds beat Old Culverhaysians 30-11 with three tries from James Marsh and one each by Adam Fennell and Paul Williams; Greg Dix added the extra

Photo courtesy of Richard Angell

Scrumhalf Paul Edson in action for Keynsham at Midsomer Norton points from his boot in their first game. With four colts making promising debuts the future looks bright. A further convincing win 31-3 win against Oldfield 2’s at Bath followed with tries for Paul Williams, Callum Fennell, Andy Griffiths, Lee Tattersall and Damien Cummins with Geoff Green adding the extra points from his boot. The stand-out players were 17-year-old Calum Fennell and veterans Andy Griffiths and Lee Tattersall; youth and experience combining well. The fourths with pretty much a scratch side in their first outing lost to Old Edwardians 0-30. It was just 10 points at half-time but a sin binning for Keynsham’s man of the match Phil Tanner allowed the home side to add a further 17 points in that 10 minutes. Thereafter the game became competitive again. They were grateful for clubman Gary Breckon to stand in when no referee turned up for their game at home against Barbarians 2’s. They won 12-7 in a good, close encounter. Ashley Sweeting and Chris Arthurs scored tries and Paul Greatbanks added a conver-

sion. Luke Anderson, playing his first ever rugby match was a revelation, not least for creating a try and a try saving tackle. Home games in the coming weeks are:- 5th October 2nds v Yatton; 12th October 2nds v Old Reds; 19th October 1sts v Matson; 26th October 2nds v Weston s Mare; 2nd November 1sts v North Bristol.


Club starts new season with win Chew Park Badminton Club played their first match of the season on Friday, September 27, at Keynsham Leisure Centre. The Ladies team plays in Bristol Division 2 and they faced Clevedon Feathers, who were demoted from Division 1 last season. The match was close and competitive but Chew Park Ladies managed to win 4-2. Chew Park Badminton Club have played badminton in Keynsham for over 30 years. The club currently plays at Keynsham Leisure Centre on a Monday evening between 7.30pm and 10.30pm. It is competitive but friendly with teams in the Bristol and Mid-Gloucester Leagues, playing home matches on a Friday night. Last season both the Bristol Mixed Teams won promotion to Bristol Divisions 2 and 3 respectively. The new badminton season has begun and the club has vacancies for new experienced players. Contact Mary on 0117 932 2686 or the visit the club website for further details.

Do you belong to a local sports club? Tell us your news on 07887 561567 or email

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

October, 2013

Sport Fitness focus Mixed pairs winners Joan Harvey and Dave Bendall being presented with their trophy by Keynsham Bowling Club president John Mead

with personal trainer Craig Weeks Over the past few months I have really started to notice that skipping has become very popular again, especially with the ladies. Skipping has to be one of the most effective cardio exercises you can do. It burns more than 10 calories a minute while strengthening your legs, butt, shoulders, and arms. And it doesn’t take long to reap major rewards. You can burn more than 200 calories in two, 10-minute sessions each day (that’s 1,000 calories a week)! Try adding this routine to your existing strength plan or do it alone as a cardio workout. For best results, do the full workout three to five times a week. The body weight and core exercises will give your body time to recover between jumps while tightening your tummy and providing a full body toning session. Skipping and press-up combo – 10 skips then 10 pressups, 20 skips, 20 press-ups, and so on until you complete 50 skips and 50 press ups. 30 sec rest. Skipping and bicycle crunch combo – 10 skips then 10 bicycle crunches again until you reach 50 of each. 30 sec rest. Skipping and mounting climb combo – same as above until you reach and complete 50 of each. This is a fantastic all-over body conditioning workout that will leave you feeling

energized and the best part is the only equipment needed is a skipping rope! Why not try it guys? I would love to receive your feedback. Send me your completion times via my CW Fitness Solutions face book page and the person with the fastest time will receive a training hoodie. Good luck! CW Fitness Solutions are now relocating and coming back to Keynsham. In the next few weeks we will be opening a new personal training and fitness studio at Lays Farm, Keynsham so if you need any assistance with your training then feel free to pop along and check out our facilities. For more advice on this or any aspects of weight loss, weight gain, nutrition or fitness please feel free to contact me. Healthy Regards Craig Weeks adv dip pt CW Fitness Solutions craig@cwfitness 07917731401  You should always consult with a professional before embarking on any fitness or nutritional program

Rotary’s boules team is on a roll Keynsham Rotary club have progressed through to the final stage of the Rotary District boules competition. By winning five of their six mini league matches the Keynsham team were due to take part in the knockout competition to be held in Malmesbury on September 28. Club President Adrian Dodd expressed enthusiastic surprise as this is the first such boules success for the club, stating: “Our

Rotary activities include social as well as fundraising for charity. I am delighted that the team has enjoyed this success; for the first time in this competition. “No doubt we benefitted from playing our home games at the Bird in Hand, Saltford, with its excellent boules facilities and wonderful food.” New members are very welcome. For more details please see the web site www.keyshamrotary. org.

Growing club rounds off a strong season The last outdoor woods have been bowled as members of Keynsham Bowling Club consider the options for the next six months. Some will bowl on inside rinks, while others will patiently wait for the first week in April of next year. The final month of the season, September, is always the time when all the effort of the previous months come to a head, with the final league positions being decided, and the club’s Competitions Finals taking place. Throughout the season members compete against one another in various combinations of matches, in an attempt to win a place in the finals played on the first Sunday of September. This year the weather was good and the green looked in fine condition with good support present from non-playing members. All of the rinks were in use and the morning session started with the Ladies’ and Men’s Triples with the winners being Maureen Cavill, Ann Newbury and Joan Harvey, followed by Rodney Backes, Arthur Ritson and Alan Brown. The Men’s Plate winner was Bob Edge, the Novice Cup John Telford, the Men’s Two Wood Paul Pope and the Over 70’s Handicap Pete Filliter. The afternoon session started with the Ladies’ and Men’s Championships where the winners were Don Rees and Joan Harvey. The Ladies’ and Men’s Handicaps were won by Mo Dickinson and Dave Manning. The day concluded with the Pairs Finals where the Ladies’ winners were Margaret Church and Jan Iles, and the

Men’s Paul Pope and Rodney Backes. Our picture shows the winners of the Mixed Pairs, Joan Harvey and Dave Bendall being presented with their trophy by the club president John Mead. The club competed very successfully in the leagues in which it participated. The Ladies Team play in the North Somerset League and completed the season in second position. The Men field three teams and all performed well. The A team were semi-finalists in the Turnbull Cup, they were joint second in the Bristol & District League and fourth in the Somerset East League 1. The B Team won Division 4 of the Bristol & District League, gaining promotion and was also promoted from the Somerset East League 2 due to finishing as runners up. This last achievement means that the club’s A and B Teams will be doing battle against each other next season in the Somerset League. The C Team won the Somerset East League 3 hence gaining promotion. The final feather in the cap for the club was achieved by the Men’s Triples Team who won the Bristol Triples League. While there was much success on the green, the club also attracted 20 new members during the season. With a number of clubs reporting dropping membership, this increase at Keynsham shows that the club is building a sound membership base for the future. Everyone eagerly awaits the start of the 2014 season.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013















To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


October, 2013






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To advertise, call Emma on 0117 908 2121

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

October, 2013











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To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

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