Keynshamvoice September 2013

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FREE EVERY MONTH for people and businesses in Keynsham & Saltford September, 2013 Issue 18

Weddings W ddi Eight-page guide inside


Back to school shopping, P44 | Baking with Cake, P53


Demand for action to avoid ‘gridlock’ P2

Campaigners wait for verdict on green belt P8

On your marks for debut Santa P15 Dash!

Shoppers top up Foodbank’s store See Page 5

Ambitious blueprint could shape town’s future

River at centre of jobs and homes plan P2

Back to the drawing board for artwork? P6 Live acts lined up for fourth Youth Fest P12 Letters... p14 Books... p48 What’s On.. p50 Business of

the month.. p54 Property... p55 Sport... p58 Classifieds p61


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

News Keynshamvoice contacts Emma Cooper Publisher

Joni Mann Editor

0117 908 2121/ 07715 770448

07887 561567

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October deadline Our September edition will be going to print on September 30. To ensure your news or letter is included, please contact us by September 26. Advertisers are also asked to contact us by the same date.

Your views Letters for publication can be sent to the above email addresses or by post to Letters, Keynshamvoice, 16 Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1NR. The editor reserves the right to edit your letter.

Local information Council Connect 01225 39 40 41 Keynsham Town Council 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham 0117 986 8683 Keynsham Citizens Advice Bureau 0844 848 7919 Police

General inquiries: 101 Emergency: 999 Fire Inquiries: 0117 926 2061 Emergency: 999 Anti-social behaviour team 01225 842462 NHS Direct 0845 46 47

PUBLISHER’S NOTE: Keynshamvoice is independent. We cannot take responsibility for content or accuracy of adverts, and it is advertisers’ responsibility to conform to all relevant legislation. We cannot vouch for any services offered. Opinions are not necessarily those of the editor. Keynshamvoice is distributed each month to Keynsham residents. If for some reason you do not get a copy, please collect one from local pick-up points. Feedback is always welcomed, contact Emma Cooper on 0117 908 2121 or This month 11,000 copies will be distributed around Keynsham, Saltford, Burnett, Chewton Keynsham, Compton Dando, Queen Charlton, Corston and Woollard.

Have your say... Every month there are opportunities for residents to meet with councillors, police and the local MP to raise any issues they may have. Here is a list of events to be held in coming months.  Keynsham North/South Police beat area ‘Have your Say’ public meeting, at Queens Road Methodist Church, October 18.  Keynsham East police beat area ‘Have your Say’ public meeting, October 14 at 7pm, at Community Room, Wellsway School, Keynsham

 Keynsham North and South beat surgeries, Saturday mornings, at Keynsham Baptist Church, High Street, 10amnoon. The surgeries are subject to operational demands, so please call 0845 456 7000 to check availability beforehand.  Saltford police beat ‘Have your Say’ meeting, October 29 at 7pm at Saltford Hall, Wedmore Road, Saltford  Keynsham Town Council, Full Council, September 17, at 7.30pm, Council Chamber, 3rd Floor, North Block, Riverside Offices, Keynsham.

An ambitious to bring life to A group hoping to revitalise the River Avon in Bath and North East Somerset has been given the go-ahead to explore plans for hundreds of jobs, new homes, a marina and leisure and tourism facilities in Keynsham. The River Regeneration Trust unveiled its vision to B&NES Council leaders last month, who have now commissioned a study by the group into the potential of the Broadmead Peninsula. The blueprint put forward by the group for the site near the Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Park includes more than 450 marina berths, around 350 houses, holiday homes, houseboats, recreational areas, an aquatic centre, microbusinesses and the potential for hundreds of new jobs. If the initiative became reality it would help offset some of the recent loss of employment suffered by Keynsham, says trust member and the council’s River and Canal Champion Councillor

Dave Laming. He said: “We have established key relationships with Wessex Water, the Canal and River Trust, The Kennet and Avon Canal Trust and Curo Homes, together with Memoranda of Understanding with major Broadmead Peninsula landowners. “These partnerships, together with the allocation of £100,000 from the council for river corridor regeneration, mean the trust can now concentrate on using the river to help Keynsham reclaim hundreds of the jobs lost by the closure of Cadbury’s, and add to the 1,000 promised by Taylor Wimpey at Somerdale.” Geoff Dunford, chairman of the trust and a Keynsham resident, said a report from 2011 by the group had identified Keynsham as the best location to create hundreds of jobs in a sustainable community on the River Avon. “We are delighted to have been commissioned by the

‘Act to save town from gridlock’ Keynsham must have a transport plan if the town is to avoid gridlock in coming years as new developments get under way, say local councillors. Bath and North East Somerset Council is being pressed to come up with a blueprint for the town’s road network to help it cope with increased traffic. Conservative councillor Marie Longstaff has tabled a question to the next Cabinet meeting, asking that work begin soon. She said: “It’s absolutely essential that the council has a proper transport plan in place to ensure the town can cope with all new developments coming forward in Keynsham over the next few years. B&NES has already agreed to start work on a transport strategy for Bath, but we believe it’s important that the council produces an overarching transport plan for Keynsham as well. If there isn’t a transport plan in place, there is a risk that all these new developments could cause gridlock in the town.”

Around 1,200 new homes are set to be built in the town in coming years, at the Somerdale site and the K2 developments. At the same time Conservative councillors are also asking B&NES to consider pedestrianising the High Street or to make it one-way as part of a trial to see if there are any benefits. Cllr Charles Gerrish said: “Whatever traffic proposals the council ultimately brings forward for the High Street should fit in with an overall transport plan for the town. “In the meantime, B&NES ought to consider trialling both a one-way system and full pedestrianisation for a limited period to see whether either could work. The idea of making the High Street more pedestrianised is clearly popular among many residents, so it would be wrong for the council to ignore this. But obviously we need to find out whether any such proposals could work in traffic terms.”

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September, 2013


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vision river

council to undertake a scoping study to identify economic development opportunities in the Broadmead Peninsula.” Paul Crossley, leader of the council, added: “We are delighted that the River Regeneration Trust is investigating a land improvement scheme. Our long-term ambition is for Keynsham to have a significant role in the wider West of England. This will be an exciting place to live, work and be entertained. The Cabinet and I look forward to receiving the study.” The group’s timescale could see them reporting back within six to eight weeks. The trust brings together a number of experts in various fields to work with landowners, the council and other organisations to come up with initiatives to help reconnect residents with the river.

Company unveils plan to build Keynsham Marina Plans to create a 306-berth marina next to Avon Valley Adventure and Wildlife Park have been revealed to residents. Proposals for Keynsham Marina have been drawn up by Next Phase Development for agricultural land next to the River Avon, and the company hopes to be able to submit a planning application to Bath and North East Somerset Council by midOctober. Besides the marina, the proposals include a tea room, chandlery, bathroom facilities, car park and marina office. Next Phase managing director Christopher Whitehouse, who spent a day in Keynsham High Street talking to residents about the plans last month, said the site would be open to the public and there would be signs directing visitors to the town from the marina to connect the two. There would also be cycle paths and bike hire on-site.

Christopher Whitehouse of Next Phase Development on Keynsham High Street with information on the company’s plans for a marina He said: “The idea is that it creates a two-way connection between the people of the town and tourism – it would provide new leisure facilities for people to use and a new source of jobs and tourism spend to be spent in Keynsham. The facility would point people towards Keynsham in and around the site and not elsewhere." The berths at the marina would be for short-term leisure use and not residential, Mr Whitehouse said, and he estimates it could create around

15-20 new jobs. Traffic lights would be proposed at the two points where the access road meets the railway line, at Broadmead Lane and Pixash Lane. The plans were not revealed as part of the Broadmead Peninsula blueprint. Anyone who would like more information on the plans or to share their views can email mail@nextphasedevelopment.  See the company’s public notice on page 44.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Shoppers top up foodbank Generous shoppers have helped Keynsham Foodbank fill its shelves during its first solo collection. Volunteers from the charity spent Saturday, August 31, outside the town’s Co-op supermarket handing out leaflets to customers about donating to the cause. And it wasn't long before the crates started filling up with tins, tea bags, cereal and more as customers added a few extra items to their shop to go to people in need. Co-ordinator Alan Hale said: “Right from the outset the response has been unbelievable, I know the community in Keynsham is extremely generous. It’s a desperate shame that we have to do this but it’s absolutely heart-warming to see the response and I would liketo

say thank you to Co-op for their support too.” The donated food was sorted by volunteers before being taken to the group’s store at Broadlands School. One shopper who donated some items on the day said: “It’s about awareness that many people find it difficult to cover the basics, and if those that can contribute a small amount do so, it can make a big difference. It’s very sad that here we are in what we consider to be an affluent part of the world yet there are still people who are struggling.” Keynsham Foodbank will hand out its first food parcels to those referred by a health worker or other professional at the end of September, with weekly distribution on Mondays at Victoria Methodist Church and Thursdays at St Francis’ Church.


Public loos in line for an upgrade Public toilets in Saltford and Keynsham are in line for an upgrade as part of a £2 million deal. Facilities at the Memorial Park and The Shallows in Saltford are among 12 public conveniences earmarked for improvements as part of a plan by B&NES Council, which will soon be awarding a contract to run the toilets for 15

years from April 2014. Councillor David Dixon, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said: “Improving standards, hygiene and cleanliness for the people who use them is paramount. We also look forward to opening a new set of facilities in Keynsham as part of the town centre regeneration from autumn 2014.”

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Neutering your pet As a pet owner you are faced with the decision of if and when to neuter your pet. Left to their own devices our cats, dogs and rabbits are usually prolific breeders which is not necessarily in the pet’s or the pet owner’s interest even before considering finding homes for the resulting offspring. Neutering has various additional health and management benefits. A female cat or queen will come into season at around six months of age and will continue to do this every 14 to 21 days during the breeding season if not mated. Cats will actively seek a mate and may be at greater danger of being injured in a road accident or cat fight as they do this. Fighting and mating between cats also poses a risk of tranferring diseases, some of which can be fatal. Un-neutered toms are frequently very territorial, fighting aggressively with other males and also spraying unpleasant smelly urine to mark their territory, which includes their owner's home. If you are not planning to breed from your cat we advise spaying (females) or castration (males) at around five months of age. We also advise spaying of female dogs (bitches) which are not intended to be bred. The myth that it is good for a bitch to have one litter is exactly that – a myth. In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies and the potential risks and costs of these, early spaying will help to prevent mammary tumours in later life, and removes the possibility of

pyometra, a life-threatening condition which affects the uterus. In most cases we prefer to spay bitches 3-4 months after their first season, which can occur from six months of age onwards. This is a routine procedure but still a major abdominal operation. Although this operation is still available we are now able to offer keyhole or laparoscopic spays which are safer and less invasive. Neutered male dogs are frequently more docile than un-neutered dogs. Neutering controls inappropriate sexual behaviour and reduces testosterone driven behaviour such as scent marking, straying and hostility towards other dogs. Usually it is best to castrate dogs at around 5-6 months of age although large breeds should be a year old. Neutering at an early age will remove the risk of testicular cancer in later life, and greatly reduce the incidence of prostate disease. The procedure of castration involves removing the testicles under general anaesthesia and is normally straightforward. Isabel Evans BVMS MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon, Keynsham Veterinary Centre

September, 2013


Call for halt to art project Plans for a new piece of public art for Keynsham need to go back to the drawing board, councillors say. The call for a temporary halt to the project and a “complete rethink” follows the results of a survey on the proposed sculpture to sit in the regenerated town centre when it is opened. The design, by artist Seamus Staunton, went on show at Keynsham Library last month where 107 people took the opportunity to leave feedback – with 50 saying they disliked the proposal, 14 saying they liked it and 43 remaining unsure with no strong opinion either way. Keynsham councillor Brian Simmons said he felt it was clear from this response the current design was not popular among residents. He said: “B&NES needs to

listen to this feedback and have a complete rethink of this art project. They should go back to the drawing board and come back with options taking on board the comments made by the public. “One of the main things people have said throughout the town centre redevelopment is that they would like to see a new town clock to replace the old clock tower. Rather than spending more money on a controversial art project, the council should consider putting this towards bringing forward designs for a new clock instead. If there is money left over, they can then look at an additional art feature as well.” The issue of a clock for the centre was raised at a town council meeting in July when councillors questioned the team com-

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013

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Cemetery headstones to be tested Feedback from the public on the design for a piece of public art is being discussed by the team behind the project missioned by B&NES Council to deliver the project whether they would be providing a replacement as they believed many residents would like to see one. The design has also come under fire from the town’s Civic Society, with chairwoman Iris Lerpiniere branding it a “childish depiction” and criticising the use of cow parsley as inspiration rather than the town’s heritage, from Roman times to its role as a pioneer of the industrial age. She said: “Cow parsley we are not. I would like a meeting place that recognizes these important, relevant facts. A lamppost – not the same as Corky’s but 21st-cen-

Headstones will be tested for safety at Keynsham Cemetery over the next few months, the town council has announced. The test, devised to meet national standards, will involve a visual inspection followed by light pressure by hand to the top of the headstone by a trained member of staff. Where any headstone is found

to be unsafe, the owner of the grave will be contacted. Anyone who has changed address since purchasing a grave at the cemetery is asked to contact Keynsham Town Council on 0117 986 8683 to update their records. Anyone wishing to find out more about the testing procedure can call the same number.

tury and appropriate, surrounded by plaques with names or industries or dates to inspire questions and further study.” The artwork advisory group was due to meet to discuss the feedback from the public exhibition on Thursday, September 5, as we went to print. A member of the group said the feedback was mixed with a number of responses mentioning a new clock, adding: “We had quite tight timescale for the project to ensure it would be ready for its launch date. We may have to delay that in order to get it right and to make sure everyone’s views are considered.”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013


Verdict due on green belt Campaigners outside the Fry Club ahead of the public inquiry

Campaigners who turned out to protest against plans to build up to 99 homes on green-belt land at Saltford are now awaiting a verdict from a planning inspector. On August 13, around 100 residents waved placards and chanted “save our greenbelt” on the steps of the Fry Club, the venue for a four-day public inquiry into proposals by Crest Nicholson to develop land off Manor Road. Planning inspector John Gray heard arguments on behalf of the developer, and from Bath and North East Somerset Council, as well as evidence from Saltford Parish Council, Saltford Environment Group and statements from members of the public.

He is due to deliver his verdict on the proposals before September 27. Resident Adrian Betts, a member of the Save Saltford Green Belt Group who helped collect a petition of more than 1,000 signatures in protest at the plans, said the turnout ahead of the inquiry showed overwhelming opposition. "Do local people decide where houses are built or is it the developers?," he said. "People are concerned for the green belt and also concerned about the precedent it might set in terms of other green-belt land. “It could have repercussions for B&NES as a whole and the wider situation.”

Jackie Harper with granddaughter Holly Robinson, 10

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September, 2013


Ahoy there, fundraisers! A group of shipmates who have spent the last few weeks building a pirate ship on the river at Keynsham will soon be setting off for London. The group, who all live on the river near Hanham, will be hoping to find plenty of treasure en route in the form of donations from members of the public, which will go to Keynsham and District Mencap Society. After restoring an old boat found on the riverbed, complete with Jolly Roger skull and crossbones, the group have now moved the vessel to Bristol until September 16, before rowing to the capital. Their voyage will bring them through Keynsham on September 17, near the Lock Keeper pub, where they hope people will come along to say “ahoy there”

and donate to the cause. Clive Harris, a member of the crew which he hopes will be 12-strong by the time they leave Bristol, said the group had picked the local Mencap group after hearing it didn’t receive any national funding. He said: “It seems more and more widespread that there is no help for local charities. The idea just grew from there and more people got on board.” The boat will be moored near the Arnolfini gallery at Bristol’s Harbourside until September 16 after which it will be all hands on deck to get to London, waved off by members of Keynsham Mencap. They will stop in towns along the way, including Keynsham, to play music and raise funds, with the journey expected to take around two weeks.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448.


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013


‘Parking rules not enforced’

Company vehicles hit by vandalism A Keynsham company has reported that its vehicles and advertising boards have been the target of a spate of vandalism. Polar Bear Windows’ managing director Mark Price said he was “devastated” after discovering signs torn down, smashed windows on a branded car and four slashed tyres on a company van. The damage took place over several weeks, beginning in

July, with the van targeted on August 13. Mr Price said the incidents had all been reported to the police, who were making inquiries. He added: “I would like to say a huge thank you to the local business owners and customers that have supported us throughout these terrible acts of vandalism, and to the Polar Bear team for keeping spirits high.”

Residents say drivers are parking their vehicles on double yellow lines and across junctions near their homes because of a lack of enforcement by B&NES Council. People living in St Keyna Road, Westbourne Avenue and West View Road say there has been a marked increase in visits by wardens and a CCTV van since concerns were raised on Twitter with the council a few weeks ago and the problem has improved. But one resident said he fears it will soon become clear to drivers it is a short-term fix unless the council ploughs more money into enforcing the rules – which could come from the £5m surplus raised from parking charges across B&NES, he suggests. “You only have to walk down West View Road to see the issue – cars rammed along both sides of the road make it difficult for larger lorries and emergency vehicles to get through,” he said. “Go to the side roads and the issue is even more pronounced. We have specifically reported vans and cars parked on double

yellow lines, particularly at the junction of the road, and protruding across the junction.” The resident, who asked not to be named, said he had lived in the area for 10 years and had seen the problem get worse, even preventing ambulances reaching a care home in Westbourne Avenue on occasion. He added: “With the amount of money being made from across the authority I’d be interested to know how much of that is ploughed back into the service. What is clear is that enforcement needs to happen regularly and consistently. Perhaps if money is tight, a parking hotline for reporting issues but coupled with swift, responsive action.” A council spokesman said parking enforcement was focused on busier areas such as the High Street but residential areas were also regularly patrolled. He said: “The council patrols Keynsham on average four or five days out of seven in different areas of the town – a proportionate response to the level of contravention.”

Views sought on custody contract Residents are being asked for their views on the way the new custody suite in Keynsham will be run. A private partner could be used to manage the service on behalf of Avon and Somerset Police, which would include staffing the units at Keynsham,

Patchway, Yeovil and Bridgwater, carrying out identification services and transporting people who have been arrested to the suites. The proposal is being considered by police and crime commissioner Sue Mountstevens. Email views to custodyfeedback@

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T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013


Live acts join youth festival Keynsham Youth Fest is returning for the fourth year, bringing live performances to the Bandstand for the first time. Dance troupe Dark Angels and hip-hop act Scribes, pictured, have signed up to join the event, which will be held in the Memorial Park on September 21. There will be plenty to watch elsewhere, too, with BMX and scooter demonstrations at the skate park and displays by local sports organisations. Young people will have the opportunity to get involved in a range of activities too, including a kickabout on a giant inflatable football pitch provided by Keynsham Town Football Club. Local youth organisations will also be running stalls on the day providing information on the range of services available to young people in the town.

Keynsham youth worker Mark Willcox said: “Youth Fest is our biggest youth event in Keynsham and we celebrate our youth with something for everyone and free activities happening from 12-4pm. “Also, Youth Fest 2013 has a wicked line-up of local performers, free activities, scooter demonstrations, youth dance and all kinds of awesome things for you to do on a Saturday.”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

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Don’t speak for association As a former Chair of Residents of Somerdale Association it has come as a disappointment that I find myself writing this letter to explain the true outcome and hard work that was undertaken by the committee members and myself! It has become obvious to see that many people have taken it upon themselves to write to local free papers including the Voice with ill-informed and incorrect information and use the name of Residents of Somerdale Association (ROSA) within their correspondence. I would like to clearly point out the ROSA worked on behalf of the residents and adhered to a set of rules laid down by the

Your views Send letters to Keynshamvoice, 16 Chandag Road, Keynsham, BS31 1NR. Alternatively, email news@keynsham, find us on Facebook or Twitter @keynshamvoice or go to our website constitution. In the last AGM the chair (myself) resigned from the position as I felt I couldn't take the committee forward any further. As no one came forward within the local community to stand up to replace the chair and be voted for, the ROSA has now under the constitution rules officially been placed into a dormant state. Therefore, no comments will be made or should be made without a chair present to ensure the committee is fairly representing the residents. Once a date is set for the start of construction works an AGM will be arranged for the final opportunity for a chair to be elected and voted for by residents or failing this it will be officially disbanded and the outstanding funds of £275 will be given to a local charity within one week of the AGM. The charity will be nominated by the vice chair, chair and one other. For all those that have been concerned on all decisions made and a brief summary of the two and half years of hard work that myself and committee members have done, I would advise you to look at the planning application and the comments made by local residents and a statement by myself as chair of ROSA. Link provided banes Planning Applications. (Reference:13/01780/ EOUT). In conclusion to this letter, I would ask that any opinions refrain from using ROSA and remain individually. Malcolm Thomas Ex-ROSA Chair

Spend cash on keeping loos Residents will be forgiven for being more than just a little vexed by the announcement from B&NES Council that is to invest £2 million in improving public toilets – while at the same time closing many down. Our Lib Dem-run council says that the £2 million contract will result in a plush makeover of the remaining toilets, including automatic doors and new “easy clean” surfaces, as well as new turnstiles so that the private company can introduce charges to pay for cleaning and maintenance. Yet at the same time, toilets in Larkhall, Weston, Twerton, Peasedown, Combe Down, Ashton Way in Keynsham and Gullock Tyning in Midsomer Norton are still set to close their doors for good. This announcement gives lie to the claim by B&NES that it has to close these toilets due to lack of money, and it has to be questioned whether this £2 million is money well spent. What people want from their public toilets is for them to be convenient, clean and open. All the other bells and whistles can wait for another day. With each toilet costing only around £11,000-12,000 a year to keep open, it seems implausible that it would not have been possible for B&NES to tender a contract which allowed more toilets to be kept open.

September, 2013

Did B&NES even include the option of keeping more toilets open when inviting bids for the contract? Where public toilets need some work to bring them up to standard this of course should be done, but ploughing a large amount of money into expensive renovations when communities are fighting to save their local loo from closure simply doesn’t seem to make sense. Before this new maintenance contract comes into force next April, B&NES should listen to its residents, go back to the drawing board and bring forward more sensible proposals which allows more local toilets to remain open. Cllr Geoff Ward, Conservative Shadow Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods

Time to send off special gifts Every year the members of St Keyna Townswomen’s guild pack shoeboxes for underprivileged children in other countries. We like to get the wider community involved and we are once again asking for your help. If you are one of the kind people who packed a box last year or if you would like to find out what is involved then please contact Heather Mealing on 0117 9869422. We also have people who knit for our boxes and are always greatful for donations of unwanted wool. Last year we sent 124 boxes and with your help we hope we can increase that total this year. Heather Mealing Keynsham

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013

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Debut dash to see scores of Santas on run A festive five-mile run through the lanes of Saltford and Keynsham promises to be quite a spectacle, with all participants dressed as Santa as they follow the route. Organisers have announced the first ever Saltford Santa Dash, which will take place on December 8 this year, with entries now being accepted. The run will raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) in memory of Saltford teenager Jack Boulton, who died of cardiac arrest aged 17. Roger Spooner, one of the organisers, said: “We had seen photos of a Santa Dash and thought it was a wonderful, family-friendly and eye-catching event that people would love to take part in and support. “Knowing the parents of Jack Boulton and the heartbreak they have been through since his untimely death, they and we were

keen to create a new fundraising event which would help to raise funds for CRY. “The charity undertakes important work and research into how such cardiac conditions can be prevented.” As well as the main race there will also be a one-mile fun run for Santa’s elves, which younger runners are invited to take part in. The fun run will begin at 10.15am with the Santa Dash starting at 11am. Entry to the main race is £12, while the fun run is £5 per entry, with Santa and elf suits included. More information for entrants, sponsors and volunteers – as well as entry forms and a bespoke training plan by personal trainer John Hennessy – can be found online at www.saltfordsantadash. or email saltfordsanta Anyone who would like to discuss sponsorship can call 07889 977508.

A flurry of parakeet sightings has been reported since Keynshamvoice published a photo by John Aldridge of one of the birds spotted in Manor Road Community Woodlands last month. The ring-necked parakeet has been seen – and heard – by a number of residents, visiting Dapps Hill, the Memorial Park and back gardens, including the one belonging to one of Keynshamvoice’s gardening columnists, who wonders if it is a sign the birds could be about to flock West from the south-east where they have settled. This picture was taken by Pat Andrews, who spotted the green bird tucking in while hanging from one of her bird feeders.

Jane Boulton, mum of Jack Boulton, with the first Santa Dash entrant and organiser Roger Spooner

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September, 2013

Group’s graffiti art is unveiled Artwork by young people from Keynsham is helping to brighten up the hoardings at the town centre regeneration site. The group, from Keynsham Youth Service’s TimeOut Drop-in Centre, spent three days during August working with graffiti artist Adam Yoell to come up with colourful designs, and then make their ideas a reality by painting them on to boards to display at the site. One member, 15-year-old James, said: “I like working with the paint. It was a really fun project. I’d love to do it again.” Jodie, 16, said she felt everyone had had their say in the design and Brandon, 13, agreed: “Everybody had their own ideas and they were all put on the piece.” The project was organised in partnership and sponsored by Willmott Dixon, Keynsham Crime Reduction Partnership and Keynsham Town Council. Willmott Dixon building manager at the town centre site Martin Dando said part of the project’s aim was to show young people how graffiti could be used positively to enhance the environment when carried out with permission. “The final result of their hard work is great. It shows their perception of the building

work being undertaken and really boosts the impact of our hoarding. We have had lots of positive comments from passers-by.” Dave Dixon, from Keynsham Business Crime Reduction Partnership, said he was impressed with the eyecatching artwork the group had produced. “Keynsham Business Crime Reduction Partnership is delighted to have had the opportunity to work in partnership with Keynsham Town Council and Willmott Dixon on this very exciting graffiti project. A large number of local young people have worked extremely hard to create a very impressive and striking piece of street art. Congratulations to all who took part.” The artwork is now on display on the hoardings surrounding the site.

Keynsham Town Council Youth Service TimeOut Drop-In Centre, 1-2 River Terrace, Temple Street, Keynsham Call Mark Willcox on 0117 986 8683 or email Open drop-in sessions: Mondays and Thursdays, 7-9.30pm. Project nights: Wednesdays, 7-9pm. Detached Work.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448.

September, 2013

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Stepping stone to university St Brendan’s Sixth Form College in Brislington has been providing post-16 education for the young people of Bristol, Bath and the surrounds since the 1970s. It is a state-run sixth-form college that specialises in A levels and BTECs as well as GCSEs and the International Baccalaureate. It is one of only two dedicated sixth-form colleges in the South West and offers over 70 different courses which, because of its size (over 1,600 students), can be taken in any combination, which is not always the case in smaller sixth forms. The teaching staff are experts in their fields and all facilities are specific for 16-18 education. St Brendan’s is something of a secret world, it nestles behind a big wall on the A4 between Bristol and Bath and many people do not even realise it is there. Yet once through the gates you see that it is a modern, purpose-built campus sitting on huge grounds

Students at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College with fantastic facilities both inside and out. Its location, right opposite the Brislington Park & Ride, makes it easy to get to from a large geographical area, and the college subsidises public bus passes as well as running its own coaches. In October 2012 it was inspected by Ofsted under the

new much tougher inspection framework which focuses more strongly on the quality of teaching and learning provided, and it was rated “Good” in every single inspection band and was praised highly for its teaching and also for its wide range of enrichment activities that are on offer to all students. It features in The Good

Schools Guide, which says: “Welcome to the real student world! More of Bristol’s young adults see this as the right compromise between school and university or work. Staff strike us as in tune with this age group and the whole place buzzes. A great place to make friends and learn independent study skills. University would be less of a cultural shock after two years here.” St Brendan’s is holding a series of open events in October starting with an open day on Saturday, October 12 (10am-2pm) then two open evenings on October 23 and 24 (5-8pm) for those who are interested in studying there in 2014. All are welcome to attend and to bring along their friends and family for a look at the facilities and to talk to staff and students about courses and college life. More details can be found on the college website – stbrendans

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September, 2013

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Search for former students It was the year of the UK’s worst snowfall, David Bowie was born, the then Princess Elizabeth got married and former Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin died. 1947 also saw the forming of Norton Radstock College which has launched a hunt for former students as it is just days away from the opening of its new stateof-the-art engineering building in September. It has also unveiled its new branding and announced plans to expand adult education courses in Keynsham. Shirley Arayan, principal, said: “We’ve been providing local people with the skills to find work and develop their careers since 1947 and have trained many of the local business owners, managers and skilled workers running the local businesses of today. “Just as the Radstock and Keynsham areas are being regenerated, we wanted to create a

brand which is going to take us forward into the next decade and beyond. We are the college that works.” The rebrand comes as the college grows its adult education courses in Keynsham which by day is a specialist centre for teaching veterinary nursing and equine studies with practical horse care sessions held in nearby HorseWorld. Lorna Crouch, marketing manager, said: “The number of evening classes run in Keynsham has grown over the years and we’re looking to expand further in the new year. “Current classes include

French, Italian, Spanish, German, Get Connected computer club, watercolour painting and PhotoShop basics using Elements 10. “We also run a free bus service from Keynsham and surrounding areas to the main campus in Radstock.” The college is looking to bring together ex-students, staff, local employers and supporters and want to hear stories and see pictures of times gone past. Were you a former student? Like the Friends of Norton Radstock College Facebook page: Friends-of-Norton-RadstockCollege/431304823651751 or write to the college with your story at Marketing Department, Norton Radstock College, South Hill Park, Radstock BA3 3RW. To find out more about courses in Keynsham or Radstock, log on at or call 01761 433161

Norton Radstock College is hoping former students, staff and others will come forward to share their memories

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September, 2013



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Tree festival back for 2013 The success of last year’s debut Keynsham Christmas Tree Festival means the event will be returning this December, organisers have announced. Fifty community groups joined the festival last year, each decorating a tree and putting them on display to the public at St John’s Church for a weekend. Now organisers are hoping to expand the event and are aiming to get 60 trees on show from December 6-8. Community groups, schools, sports clubs and more are among those invited to take part, with more than 100 letters being sent out this month. One of the organisers, Jane Stockall, explained the plan was to hold the event every other year, but enthusiasm from local groups had encouraged the committee to bring it back for 2013. She said: “We were thrilled with how last year’s festival

went and hopefully it will be as good this year. The range of groups involved was just what we wanted – from residential care homes right down to nurseries and toddler groups. It showed just how many groups there are doing things in the area." There is a fee of £20 to enter, which includes a tree, with many groups last year opting to use decorations that reflected their activities, from Keynsham Badminton Club's? silver shuttlecocks to the twinning association’s tricolourwearing fairy. There is no entry fee for visitors to the festival, but refreshments will be on sale and donations are welcome, with all proceeds from the event to be split between St John’s Church and Keynsham Foodbank. Groups wanting to get involved in the festival can call 0117 986 3354 or email

Trees on show at last year’s Christmas Tree Festival

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News Art groups can get their bids in Groups are being urged to apply for funding to support arts projects and activities that benefit the residents of Keynsham. The town council is now accepting bids for Arts Grants, which are awarded by the authority annually. Any groups who are interested can download an application form from the town council’s website, uk, or collect a form from the council’s offices at 15-17 Temple Street. The forms are available now and the deadline for applications is November 30, 2013. Each bid for funding will then be considered by the Arts Working Party on December 16, 2013. Applications should be sent to uk or Keynsham Town Council, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1HF.

September, 2013

In Good Health with Anna Casey, pharmacist at Chandag Road Pharmacy It’s September already, which means the children are back to school. We look at head lice this month to get mums and dads one step ahead! What are head lice? Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that live in human hair. They are a common problem, particularly in school children. People often think that they jump or fly and they are a result of poor hygiene but this is not the case. Head lice can affect all types of hair regardless of its condition and they spread by head-to-head contact, climbing from the hair of an infected person to the hair of someone else. What is their life cycle? A female louse lays eggs by attaching them to hairs, often close to the root. The eggs are difficult to see at this stage as they are grey-brown in colour

and only pinhead size. However, after 7-10 days the lice hatch and the empty eggshells, known as nits, remain glued in place and glisten white so are more noticeable. Another 6-10 days and lice will be fully grown and able to crawl from head to head. What are the symptoms? Itching is usually the main symptom of head lice, caused by an allergy to the lice. However, not everyone is allergic so the head lice infestation may go unnoticed until they become visible. Detection combing can be carried out on dry and wet hair. Draw the comb down to the ends of the hair and with every stroke check the comb for lice. Each section of hair should be checked three or four times and any lice found on the comb should be wiped off with tissue or rinsed in water. Treatment should be carried out only after

live head lice have been found. What treatment is available? Head lice have the ability to develop resistance to more traditional insecticides contained in some medications, although it is thought they will not develop immunity to the newer silicone and oil-based preparations which work by a physical process which drowns the louse. Crème rinses and shampoos, although more convenient, are less effective than the eighthour or overnight treatments. Seek advice at your local pharmacy about the products available. It is usually necessary to re-treat after seven days and regular combing with a nit comb is important. Try to make it part of the routine every time you wash your child’s hair.  Our opening hours are: 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri; 9am-1pm Sat

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September, 2013


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Doctors fear fall in flu jabs GPs in Keynsham fear they could see a drop in the number of eligible patients taking up their flu jab when the vaccination clinics open from the end of September. Doctors at the Temple House, West View, St Augustine’s and Saltford surgeries say they are concerned that a government decision not to fund a publicity campaign about flu this year will lead to fewer people in at-risk groups making appointments to get vaccinated. The practices are now hoping to get the message out locally before winter through the press and by raising awareness among their own patients. One GP said: “We have all seen at first hand how dangerous and debilitating flu can be in vulnerable adults and would urge those qualifying for the vaccination to have it.

“It is a simple, quick injection which can prevent a serious, several-day illness.” Anyone who falls into the following groups can contact their practice to get a vaccination:  People who are 65 years or older (or turn 65 by 31.3.2014)  Pregnant women  Carers for someone elderly or disabled who could not cope if you were to be ill  Healthy children aged two and three years on September 1 (immunisation by nasal spray)  Anyone six months or older and in one or more of the following clinical risk groups because of chronic health problems: heart disease; respiratory disease; stroke/TIA; liver disease; diabetes; chronic neurological disease; immuno-suppression – spleen dysfunction, no spleen, on chemotherapy, HIV.


Trio take trip to capital for charity A trio of cyclists from Sport Wellsway joined hundreds of others on the Action 100 Bath to London Bike Ride on August 25. Manager Mark Collins and personal trainer Will Ballard were joined by member Andrew Crookes, setting a time of six hours and 43 minutes to beat next year. The Action 100 ride, which follows the A4, raises money for Action Medical Research for Children. Anyone who wants to join the team on the challenge next year can get in shape at the sports centre. Visit

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September, 2013


Take Off by Linda Horne, above; Driver Carl Helling at Avon Valley Railway by Roger Harvey, below left; Poppy Field by Linda Horne, below right

Cameras at the ready! With the summer break over, Keynsham Photographic Society’s 2013/14 programme is in full swing, with members looking forward to competitions, a visit to Bath’s Royal Crescent and talks on wildlife photography, digital techniques and more. The group has shared some more of their photos with Keynshamvoice readers and are keen to hear from anyone who would like to join them at their Wednesday meetings at the Fear Hall, Keynsham, 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. Find out more at

Hettie by Anne Law

Mannequins of Kotor by Tom Caburn

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September, 2013


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Market is in Join salon for official launch night festival spirit Keynsham’s monthly farmers’ market is extending its hours and offering live entertainment to coincide with the town’s food festival this month. On September 14, the market will run from 9am to 2pm with music from Joanna Swan, also known as The Vintage Diva, pictured. The festival-day market will also be the venue for the misshapen vegetable contest, which will be judged by members of the Keynsham in Bloom group, and residents are urged to bring along their oddly-shaped homegrown produce on the day. A spokesperson for the farmers’ market said regular stallholders would also be joined by some new suppliers this month. “While chefs’ demonstrations take place inside the nearby Scout

hall, the farmers’ market will be bursting at the seams with additional producers launching at the market such as the very local Bath Soft Cheese Company based at Park Farm in Kelston." The family-run firm, which uses old recipes as well as traditional techniques, will also be joined by the Somerset Cheese Company, which recently scooped gold at the World Cheese Awards with its farmhouse Cheddar. The spokesperson added: “Keynsham has now arguably the best line-up of cheeses around!” For more information on the market visit or follow us on twitter @SFMMarket. Find out what’s on at Keynsham Food Festival in our fourpage festival section, Page 33.

The owners of a new Keynsham beauty salon opened the doors to their business just a few weeks ago and already have two events planned for residents to enjoy. Sisters Hannah and Lauren Saunders share 10 years' experience in the industry and launched Beauty at Serendipity in Temple Street on August 12.

On Friday, September 20, they are inviting the community to meet the team and find out about the treatments on offer at the official opening from 6pm. The first 20 people who book a place at the event will receive a goodie bag and there will be offers and discounts available on the night as well as a raffle with

all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support. The salon will also be hosting a coffee morning on September 27 to raise funds for the same cause. To book a place at the official launch, call the salon on 0117 986 9672 or email beautyatserendip

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September, 2013

News Plea as lollipop service marks 60th An appeal has been made for a lollipop lady or man to help youngsters on their way to a Keynsham school. The plea for recruits came as Bath and North East Somerset Council’s School Crossing Patrol Service celebrated its 60th anniversary. Councillor Caroline Roberts, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “The council’s

lollipop patrol service is one of most highly valued services to the public that we provide to help children, parents and teachers to get to school safely.” Chandag Junior School in Keynsham is one of seven schools that need a lollipop patrol. For more information on the role, go to or call 01225 394922.

Going behind taking chance From archaeology to recycling, the annual Heritage Open Doors event will be shedding light on hidden aspects of Keynsham’s past and present this month. Pixash Lane Archaeology Store will be inviting visitors to examine historic finds, including Roman mosaics and Abbey stonework, on Thursday, September 12, from 10am-2pm. Then on Saturday, September 14, May Gurney Recycling Deopt in Ashmead Lane will be offering an insight into what happens to our recycling after it’s collected on guided tours between 10am and 2pm. The venues are among around 20 that will be welcoming visitors between September 12 and 15 across Bath and North East Somerset to give people access to places that aren’t usually open to the public.

A Georgian house and its restored garden, at No4 The Circus in Bath, will be open on Friday, September 13, from 10am-noon and from 1-3pm. The following day from 11am-3pm, historic spa equipment will be on show at St John’s Store, Upper Bristol Road, where there will also be a trail for children, a display of postcards and furniture by local craftsmen. Councillor Ben Stevens, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, said: “Bath & North East Somerset Council is proud to support Heritage Open Days and celebrate our unique places and beautiful surroundings which help create neighbourhoods where people are proud to live.” More than 60 venues in Bristol will also be throwing the doors open on September 14, celebrating both the historic and

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September, 2013

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closed doors to explore... Take tour as centre takes shape The restored Georgian garden at No4 The Circus, Bath the modern with landmark such as the Clifton Suspension Bridge, Colston Hall, Bristol Old Vic and Bristol Cathedral all taking part. Nearby in Brislington, there will be tours of the Victorian Arnos Vale Cemetery from 10am3pm while Bristol Blue Glass on Bath Road will host demonstra-

tions and give visitors the chance to blow their own glass bubble.  For more information on Heritage Open Days 2013 in B&NES visit For more on Bristol Doors Open Day visit www.

Residents are being invited behind the hoardings to get a closer look at the redevelopment site in Keynsham town centre. Developer Willmott Dixon is offering guided tours of the construction site on September 27 and 28, with the chance to put questions to the team as the new buildings take shape. The tours are part of the Open Weekend initiative run by the construction industry. Martin Dando from Willmott Dixon, who is coordinating Open Doors visits to

the Keynsham site, said: “This is a tremendous opportunity to see behind the hoarding and get a rare glimpse of how we go about building such an important project. “I hope we get as many people as possible taking advantage of this unique weekend as we really want to show what the construction industry is all about.” Places are limited and must be booked online at Email martin.dando@willmottdixon. for more information.

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September, 2013


Richard’s race raises £2,000 A Keynsham man has raised more than £2,000 in honour of his stepson after taking on a tough triathlon challenge. Richard Franklin headed to Sweden last month to compete in the Kalmar Ironman Triathlon, in a bid to raise funds for a local

charity that supports his disabled stepson Ryan, 15. The event included a 2.5-mile swim, a 112-mile cycle followed by a 26.2-mile marathon, and Mr Franklin undertook months of training supported by Kingswood Triathlon Club.

The hard work paid off when he completed the swim in around one hour 25 minutes, the bike ride in five hours and 37 minutes and the marathon in three hours and 57 minutes. He said: “The total time to complete it was 11 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds, which was beyond my wildest dreams. I was thinking it would take more than 12 or 13 hours to complete it. “I would like to thank Kingswood Tri Club and coach Kes for all their help to get me there and over the finishing line.” Money raised by Mr Franklin will go to Keynsham and District Mencap Society, which runs several groups and activities for people with a range of learning disabilities, including a Tuesday Club, which Ryan attends. Find out more about the challenge or donate at www.just

Richard Franklin at the finish line of the Kelmar Ironman Triathlon

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September, 2013



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Inside Abacus Travel Alide Hire Services Beauty at Serendipity Cocoa Hair Design Debs Design Fairytale Weddings Hanham Community Centre

Keynsham Royal British Legion Keynsham Rugby Club The Kendleshire Top Tier Services Wild About Flowers Special Day & Appletons

Photo courtesy of Special Day & Appletons

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September, 2013

Weddings – Advertising feature

First step to a memorable first dance

Time 2 Dance (T2D) was established in 2012 by myself, Lauren Humphries, and Chaz Murray. We offer unique choreography and edited music for couples who are looking to do something different for the first dance. We specialise in funny routines, though we can offer a wide range of styles, depending on the individuals’ needs. Anybody can dance and we are there to ensure that every couple we work with has the perfect first wedding dance. We are patient and reliable for every customer. We are always at the end of the phone in case of any changes the couple may want or simply to offer support or last-minute rehearsals. We offer a variety of packages

Lauren Humphries and Chaz Murray; right, a wedding dance that each have an option of a step-by-step guide DVD that they can use to practice at home. In some cases couples will involve bridesmaids or best men which is

fine – we cater for whatever they need, even if this is just some simple guidance on how to move on the dance floor for the first dance. We are keen to make the first dance as important as other aspects of the wedding. We offer reasonable prices for our service and genuinely enjoy playing a small part in people’s big day! The music we edit for the first dance is done by ourselves and

we are constantly getting approval from the bride and groom to be! After all it is all about them and what they want, we are there to help. T2D also does hen parties or any form of dance party – if you need choreography for any occasion, from Beyonce to burlesque, we can offer it whatever the theme. Visit or call me on 07791 298089 or Chaz on 07540 288696.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013



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Wild about flowers and weddings! Our small team of highly skilled florists have over 15 years of experience to guide you through transforming your ideas in to beautiful wedding flowers to decorate your special day. The most important bridal accessory is the bouquet! We love being part of weddings taking place at our favourite local venues: Priston Mill, The Old Manor house and St John’s to name a few! To discuss your requirements in detail you can visit us in our local shop on Keynsham high street for a free consultation,

browse our online pages at www. wildaboutflowers-keynsham.;; www., or contact us on 0117 986 3328.

Styles to put a smile on your face Cocoa Hair Design is celebrating its seventh birthday. We have seven stylists who aim to give you a touch of excellence in friendly, non-intimidating surroundings. Giving you that moment of indulgence and luxury in a clean and contemporary environment. A little of something special, so that when

you leave the salon and step out onto the street it’s with a smile on your face. We tailor for the whole family from your child’s first hair cut, that restyle you have always been dreaming of or your wedding day. Call us on 0117 987 3131 to make an appointment.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Weddings – Advertising feature

Top tier food for all tastes Top Tier Services has enjoyed years of experience in the catering industry, offering a professional and affordable catering service to ensure your event is both pleasurable and memorable. Menus are designed for ultimate flexibility, allowing us to cater for anything from a large wedding party to a selective corporate event. Our food is high quality, with exquisite flavours and carefully selected ingredients guaranteed, whether you book for an exclusive table service dinner or a busy outdoors hog roast. Top Tier Services provide a wide variety of menus, catering to suit any occasion. To make sure we always meet your needs you can choose from an extensive selection or have a menu created just for you. Using only locally sourced produce, we guarantee that

whatever your tastes, your chosen dishes will be of the very best quality. Our inspiration comes from a deep love of food and a background of authentic Italian cuisine. We love our food and we know that you too will enjoy the varied dishes from authentic recipes included in our menus list that capture the taste of Italy. Experience the high standards of our menus with a free tasting service for the bride and groom, giving you that reassurance in the preparation for that big day. We are proud to offer a wedding catering package, which covers the whole day and includes a reception drink, canapĂŠs service, two bottles of wine on each table, a wide variety of dishes to choose from for your three-course meal. An evening buffet is also provided as part of our wedding catering.

Hand-crafted floral creations Debs Design Flower Sculptures are unique, contemporary floral arrangements that you will not find anywhere else. Impressive creations handcrafted personally by Deb, in her purpose-built studio in Saltford and can be delivered anywhere in the Bristol & Bath area.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Food Festival This year there are many local businesses attending to bring you local produce to both sample and buy. Pomegranate Cafe Farrells Restaurant Bath Bakeries Tandoori Garden Restaurant Heavenly Hedgerows Top Tier Services GB Italia (uk) Newton Farm Shop Chewton Farm Keynsham Fish Bar

The Upton Cheyney Chilli Company Chandag Pharmaceuticals CafÊ Crème Grasmere Court Hotel Co-op Supermarket Bath Harvest Rapeseed oil Tesco Supermarket Food Bank

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September, 2013

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Food Festival

All aboard!

Time of departure

Pick-up point


35 Time of arrival

Keynsham & District Dial-a-Ride will be operating a FREE Bus Shuttle Service between the Co-operative Store, Keynsham and Ashton Way, Keynsham. There is also FREE parking at the Co-operative Store. It will be a half-hourly service from the Co-op starting at 9.45am with the last bus returning from Ashton Way at 4.15pm. So leave your car and jump on the bus!

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T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Food Festival

Battle it out in the bake-off! Do you enjoy baking? then enter our cake competition to become the winner of Keynsham’s own bake-off. This year the competition will be open to all with a range of categories: Best Sponge Cake, Best Fruit Cake, Best Muffins/Cupcakes/

Small Cakes and for the younger ones the Best Decorated Cake 0-5 years/6-10 years/11-14 years. All you have to do is fill in the form (available on the website) below and deliver your masterpiece between 9am and 10am to the Guides Hut on Ashton Way. Forms to be placed in an

envelope under your cake plate. For more information contact Vi Francis on 0117 9868695. Cakes will be sold on behalf of the Women’s Section of The Roy-

al British Legion in Keynsham, with the proceeds from the sale of the cakes entered into the Adult Categories will be donated to the R.B.L.W.S. Benevolent Fund.

Judging will take place between 11am and 11.30am and winners will be announced at noon in the demonstration room.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Weddings – Advertising feature

Amanda White, gift wrapping and wedding craft Do you ever put a lot of time and effort into choosing a gift but struggle to wrap it beautifully and end up feeling disappointed with the overall effect? My job is to help you! I run gift-wrapping workshops and they can be arranged for you and a few friends. I’ve always loved gift wrapping and my business, Gift Frippery, has simply grown from my passion. I’ve always been a collector of “stuff” like fir

cones, shells etc which was fine when I was a primary school teacher, and now the ideas have grown along with the ribbons, shells and driftwood collections. You’d be amazed at what looks good on a gift and how things can be tweaked to suit your style or the recipients. I’m pretty keen on recycling too so I use a lot of plain paper in my wrapping and leave any sparkly bits for the tags. Recently


my daughter was married, I threw a big festival-style garden party and loved doing all the crafty bits and pieces. I also made favours, seed bombs, button holes and her bouquet (fabric flowers) for the wedding. This has developed into bridal wedding craft workshops, particularly for brides loving the boho or vintage style. It adds a personal touch to a very special day and helps keep everything budget friendly! I also love giving demonstrations if they are local and I offer a gift wrapping service. If you would like to arrange a workshop with a few friends, please contact me via the website. They are really good fun and hands-on! Book onto Amanda’s courses (gift wrapping and wedding) at Stoke Lodge Adult Education Centre, Stoke Bishop. Berwick Lodge also offers Amanda’s wedding craft workshops as a hen-do. Contact:, http://giftfrippery.wordpress. com,, or follow me on Twitter @GiftFrippery.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Weddings – Advertising feature

Discover your dream dress Special Day & Appletons wedding wear specialists offer Bridal and Bridesmaid gowns to Mens Formal Hire and Mother of the Bride/Groom outfits. We can meet a wide range of requirements with bridal gowns from £350 and, for brides in a rush, gowns to go from £150. We also have more than 500 bridesmaid dresses to choose from. As the only member of the Retail Bridalwear Association in Bristol or Bath, every bridal gown we sell is automatically insured for free. We store gowns and dresses free of charge and have several dressmakers to help to make your dresses a perfect fit. In our store we also stock a large range of tiaras, veils, jewellery, hats to hire or buy and fascinators, as well as shoes and handbags, which can be dyed perfectly to colour co-ordinate with outfits. With our fabulous range of

Special Day & Appletons wedding wear specialists are hosting a Designer Day on October 26 prom dresses, we are the ideal place to shop for those special occasions, and the latest designs will arrive in December. We are hosting a Designer Day by Sottero & Midgley, by

appointment only, to showcase the latest 2014 designs on the weekend of October 26, 2013. For one of the largest showrooms in the South West and the very best of service and the

highest of standards, look no further. Visit us at 12 High Street, Keynsham, call us on 0117 986 0303 or 0117 986 3582 or visit www.specialdayand appletons.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Weddings – Advertising feature


Taking stress out of big occasions If we can help take the stress out of your special day ay Keynsham Royal British Legion we will. Our team of workers can arrange the Function Room exactly as you wish, so when the caterers arrive or the music providers, everything will be in place to ensure nothing spoils the continuity of this auspicious occasion. Drinks on arrival can be ca-

tered for, you can spend as little or as much as you wish, booking times can be altered to suit your needs. We encourage you to hire your own caterers with alcohol available to buy on the premises. For your tables we have a wine available, our prices are extremely reasonable. For your toasts we have a selection of Champagnes and Cavas to suit every budget.

A history of hosting special days Hanham Community Centre has a long history of providing a safe and friendly venue for family occasions, and our two function rooms are ideal for both weddings and engagements. The larger Elbrow Suite has a bar and carpeted seating area and a large stage suitable for disco and bands and is approx 20m x 10m and can hold up to 200 people; depending on the layout. The smaller Wessex Suite has

its own bar and a smaller stage, is approx 10m x 10m with a separate food area, and can cater for 120 people. In addition, the centre has two kitchens, ample parking and easy access to decorate your suite – enabling you to decide on your own catering and entertainment, making this a flexible and affordable venue For more details and offers see the website www.hanham

We’ll help plan the perfect event At Keynsham Rugby Club we have many years of experience in hosting big occasions, so relax and let us plan your special day. Keynsham Rugby Club has two rooms available to hire, a main function room and a lounge room, both have bars and can be hired for daytime and evening events such as meetings, Christenings, parties and weddings. A DJ is also available to hire, who comes very well recommended prices depend on the parties’ start and finish times. We have several different

packages to suit all budgets, ranging from a sit-down menu to a less formal buffet or BBQ. We also offer a range of affordable drinks packages from a selection of fruit juices to Champagne. Our aim is to make sure you have a memorable day for all the right reasons, we are here to help and we strive to ensure your day is perfect. For more information on the wedding packages we offer please contact the club on 01179872520 to arrange a meeting

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T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Weddings – Advertising feature

Top-notch travel on big day Since the success of local company KMJ Cabs, Kirsty and Martin can now provide a new luxury travel service with their Mercedes E220 and 7-seater full leather Hyundai i800. Abacus Elite Travel Services are for clients who would like just that bit more comfort and style, whatever their travel needs. The cars are top of the range and fully air-conditioned. With our dedicated team, Abacus Elite Travel Services offer unrivalled customer satisfaction and an excellent service making us your best choice for luxury travel in Bristol. We aim to supply a top-class experience whatever your travel requirements.  Executive travel  Business travel  Leisure and events  Special occasions  Courier service  Dock transfers

 Stag and hen weekends  Airport transfers  Weddings Driven in clean, air-conditioned and well-presented executive vehicles. We cover all the major airports and docks and can pick you up from any destination any time of the day or night. Dropoffs are just as easy, you're supposed to enjoy your holiday even on the ride home. We understand that and do our best to make it

happen. No matter the size of your business, we're here for you for your business travel. We can provide you with an affordable and professional solution if your business has employees that travel a lot – ask our customers who already do use our services. We also have various payment options to suit your requirements too. Our experience in airport transfers will also see any clients you may have visiting or returning from overseas brought

directly to you from any airport. Abacus Elite Travel Services specialise in top-notch travel for you all year round including special occasions or events, birthdays, anniversaries and for that memorable prom. If you are off for some fun? Off to a gig or festival? The zoo? A theme park? Even just out for the night out. At Abacus Elite Travel Services, we understand how special your wedding day is and how much hard work and time goes into making it perfect. Our experienced drivers will ensure your journey to your venue goes smoothly and are committed to ensuring our service is of the highest level. All our cars are immaculate vehicles and are the finest in luxury – the perfect cars for any bride and groom. Need a luxury vehicle to transport your guests to the wedding or bridemaids to the church? Ask us for a quote.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Mark’s Exodus ride a success Cups of tea and the thought of the projects he would be helping to fund both kept Mark Penny going during a 114-mile overnight cycle ride last month. Mark, a member of Keynsham’s Transition Group, was in the saddle for nine hours and 20 minutes when he joined the challenging Exmouth Exodus. Leaving Bristol from the Clifton Suspension Bridge at 9.15pm on August 17, Mark was one of 260 people taking on the overnight ride to arrive in the seaside town early the next morning. The route featured many challenges, including Cheddar Gorge and the steep climbs at Burrington Combe and Blagdon Hill, as well as a number of welcoming pitstops for tea and cake. Mark said: “I set off on the last 30 odd miles to Exmouth – the sun was

We meet Erica Davies of the Keynsham Wombles... I’ve lived in and around Keynsham for almost all my life and love it here. Over the years I’ve noticed more and more litter on walks with my dog and it really upsets me that some people obviously don’t feel the same sense of care and respect for the community they live in that I do. My husband and I started to pick up what litter we could while we were out and about (as I know many others do) but we soon realised that something bigger and more organised was needed if we were to make any real impact. Through Transition Keynsham we organised a couple rising, the light getting better by the minute and the realisation I had made it through the night without the need to fall asleep once was great.”

of litter-picking events by the Lock Keeper pub and were really touched by the number of people who turned out to help. However, within a couple of weeks the litter was coming back, and this made me realise that to really make a difference litter picking has to be done regularly and this was the birth of Keynsham Wombles. We now have a network of The ride has raised £360 for the Transition Group, whose activities include growing vegetables at the Plot in the Park, litterpicking, a knitting group, film

nearly 30 people across Keynsham who regularly litter pick in an area which is convenient for them. The idea is that this really should be easy for you and not necessarily take any extra time. For instance one of our volunteers picks up the litter between her front door and the first litter bin each time she walks into Keynsham. Please join us if you can. I remain convinced that people are more likely to drop litter if they see litter already there. Keynsham Wombles is a Transition Keynsham project – email womble@transition if you would like to help. showings and more. People can still donate money and find out more about Transition Keynsham at http://keynshamt.wordpress. com/sponsored-bike-ride/.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121


Legal matters

Store to stock pre-owned items

Kimberley Bailey, for Woolley & Co, Solicitors family law specialists, looks at divorce myths

A Keynsham shop is doing its bit for recycling by branching out into second-hand items. Keynsham Bathrooms and Hardware, in Temple Street, is now offering a range of preowned items, including hardware, in a section at the back of the store. The proceeds from each item that sells are split between the shop, the item’s owner and 10 per cent goes to a charity of the owner’s choice or to Children in Need if none is specified. Drop in to the shop at 23 Temple Street on Mondays or Saturdays to find out more and to discuss any items you might like to sell.

Art group show St Dunstan’s Art Group is holding an exhibition of work by members and friends with cream teas on Saturday, September 7, from 2-5pm. Visitors can look at the group’s work and admire the award-winning gardens.

If you are getting your divorce advice at the pub you will probably find many people who believe all of the following statements about divorce and marriage to be true, but for advice you are better off going to a lawyer. We are common law husband and wife so I have the same rights as if we were married. If you are just living together you should be aware that there is no such thing as a commonlaw husband or wife. To protect your rights, you would need a “living together agreement”. In some cases, a court may award a share in property to an unmarried ex partner, but there are very many cases where they will not award them anything at all, even if they have lived together for many years or have brought up children together. The law is very complicated.

My husband/wife can stop me getting a divorce. In the vast majority of cases, one spouse wants to end the marriage and the other does not— at least at the onset. Sometimes the reluctant spouse stalls the process of a divorce in the hopes of a change of heart or out of spite. The spouse who starts the divorce can find ways around this and more often than not once proceedings are started the reluctant spouse does not want to spend money contesting the proceedings. Getting divorced is going to cost me a fortune! I regularly hear from clients that they have been told it will cost about £20,000 to get divorced. That is not my experience. There are some cases where costs can be staggering, but the advice to all clients is that the more they can agree either

September, 2013

between themselves or through mediation or collaboration, the more likely they are to be happy with the outcome and the less will be spent on tying up the loose ends and making sure everything is documented properly. My experience is that where financial and child-related matters are all agreed sensibly, it can usually be documented and the divorce completed for around £2,000-£3,000. Divorce is never easy, the way the spouses handle themselves goes a long way in determining how the marriage ends. Life, after all, is tough, and most people don’t want to go through it alone.  For a free half-hour telephone consultation contact Kimberley Bailey, family law solicitor on 0845 680 1541/ 0744 622 7046, or email

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013



Team effort to win 47 medals An impressive haul of 47 medals and a trophy was the reward for a Keynsham team that took part in this year’s Bob Cook Games for people with a range of learning and physical disabilities. Twelve members of Keynsham and District Mencap Society’s Football and Fitness Club travelled to the Swindon County Ground to compete in track and field events on Sunday, August 11. The team took part in races of 60m, 100m, 200m and 400m, relay and wheelchair races, javelin, shot, bowls, discus – and even welly-throwing. The group earned medals in a range of events and had even more reason to celebrate when team member Rebecca Shelley was awarded the Joy Cook Trophy as the female competitor who best represented the “true spirit of determination” at the games. Laura Jefferies, activity manager at Keynsham and District Mencap Society, said: “The Bob

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The Keynsham and District Mencap team at the Bob Cook Games, left; Rebecca Shelley receives the Joy Cook Trophy, far left

Cook Games are a fantastic way for our members to take part in athletics competitively. Our members have such a great time and are so proud of their achievements and medals. To have one of ours win the Joy Cook Trophy was truly wonderful. “Chippenham Lions do a great job of putting on such a well organised event. This is only the second year we have taken part but we hope to continue to do so for many more years to come. We would like to thank the Lions Club of Keynsham for inviting us to be a part of it.”

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121




September, 2013

Keynsham High Street has everything you’ll need to ensure you’re well prepared for the new school term

Monsters Inc, backpack, £6 – Peacocks

To iPad or not to iPad? asks Nick Leonard of NIKL Designs Welcome to the new technology blog where each month I'll aim to provide useful and interesting information on all things technical. A question I often hear is: “Should I buy an iPad or an alternative model?” Performance and functionality wise there’s less of a gap between Apple and the competition than there used to be, so rather than suggesting

which is better, I’ve tried to present some questions which help you decide which best fits your needs.  Which matches your budget? Generally iPads are more expensive.  Do you already have an iPhone, Android or Windows phone? Sticking with what you know means less effort on your part and less to learn.

 Do you have other Apple products, accounts or services such as a Mac, iTunes, Apple TV? If you primarily use Apple products it makes sense to stick with compatible equipment.  Which mail or cloud storage services do you use? You can set up the devices to use each other’s services, but it’s not always easy and will mean a bit of learning.

 If using for business which Office applications do you use? If you predominantly use Microsoft products you may need to convert files for use on the iPad equivalent By answering the above questions you’ll hopefully be in a better position to decide which device to research more closely.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Village art group celebrates by Ros Anstey Compton Dando Art Group recently celebrated its eighth anniversary in the village hall, with a buffet lunch supplied by the Bird in Hand of Saltford. The art group was founded in July 2005 after a previous art class in Saltford, which members attended, had closed. Some of these members decided to set up a new group in Compton Dando, near Pensford, which has retained the 23 founder members. Tutors and artists come in to art classes to advise, demonstrate and hold workshops, and wellknown local artist Mary Shaw, who was the artist running the classes at Saltford, also comes in regularly to help. The group also have a number of social events throughout the year, and members are advised of local exhibitions and demonstrations helping them to expand

Ross Durber (right) presenting a cheque for ÂŁ150 to Jenny Davis (left), who represents the hall committee, with (left to right) art group members Trish Baker, Christine Walchly, Graham Crimmings, Dough Matthews and Carol Vaughan their knowledge and interest. The group, which is a committee-run group, also holds open demonstrations each month,

which have been very successful. Group organiser Sonia Priest said: “At our last open demo local artist Paul Weaver gave an in-

teresting demo and finished two super paintings, a street scene and a harbour scene. “As usual he imparted very many constructive tips and we will have him back for a workshop at a later date.â€? The group now takes a break until October, when once again classes will resume, along with an open demo on Wednesday, October 16, with Glasgow-born artist Ronnie Ireland. He will be demonstrating Drip, Scumble and Slap, which, said organiser Sonia, “will be a very different demoâ€?. During the celebratory lunch a cheque for ÂŁ150 was presented to Compton Dando Village Hall in appreciation by the art group, with Sonia saying: "Thanks to Lorraine and the hall committee, who provide us with this wonderful hall." For further information about the group, please ring Sonia on 01761 490551.

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A Tool Hire Company supplying the Building Trade and DIY enthusiast To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

On the Plot

In the Garden I like coincidences. In the August issue there appeared a short article about the sighting of an unusual bird (pictured by John Aldridge, right). On July 28 I had written, ready for this month, a short piece... I was working in my shed and heard an unusual bird call. A week or so later it was repeated and I went to investigate. The bird was in the top of an ash tree but hidden in the foliage. It called several times, and then took a short flight to another branch. I was unable to see it clearly but it appeared to be the size of a crow, and have an olive green tail. The call is short and like a squeaky hinge. Is it, I wondered, the advance party of parakeets from south-west London where they live in abundance? Moving to the West in advance of global warming? Anyone with a cherry tree look out. I have seen a mature tree stripped of fruit in an afternoon by these birds! The hot weather eventually ran out at the beginning of August and we were brought several thunderstorms and heavy rain. Quite a few grumbles were heard. How the big white dasies were beaten down, the lawn turned from a Bakewell tart to a green jelly, and generally dissatisfied everyone. What I do find disheartening is the damage to the lawn. The pundits do say leave the lawn in a drought, it will recover at the next rain. That is all very well for those lawns that are well laid, on a good base and well nourished. But for our patch on clay and rubble it looks sorry for itself. Watering became quite

a chore during the very hot weather. All our water butts were empty and the garden hose had to come into play. Soaking a bed every couple of days did the trick and we lost very little in the way of permanent plants. Some years ago I devised a routine when planting new specimens. Dig a hole twice the depth needed and fill the bottom half with damp leaves. When thee plant went into the hole so did a piece of 3-inch rainwater pipe. About 12 inches long, 9 inches reached the roots and 3 inches above showed where to apply the water. This worked well and sustained the plants. To my surprise I read in an article by a noted horticulturist this is a waste of time as the water is just dissipated. All I can say is that our plants treated this way survived. There are downsides and upsides in gardening. I think an upside is that after all the horrors of cold spring and baking summer we can have a relaxing time. Some judicious deadheading has produced a flush of roses and some delphiniums. The soil is warm and moist and it’s a good time to think of new plants, enough time for them to establish themselves to over winter. Don’t wait until it is too late, do it now.

This is the time of year when activity on the plot is mainly about cropping as there is little in the way of opportunity to plant or sow. Hopefully you are seeing the results of your efforts and it is time to reflect on what went well or not. Overall this has in my view been a good year despite the late start due to cold weather and the long periods of dry weather. w Every year y something th goes wrong w despite the th fact that I attempt to repeat p the success suc of the previous year ye but nature na has a way w of deciding de what w is best regardless re of o what it says s on the t seed packet. pac This year for me it was germinating beans but despite these delays the crop has been excellent. If like me you miss a few beans when picking them, don’t worry as these will provide seeds for next year. Simply allow the beans to swell and as autumn approaches they will eventually turn yellow and dry. Pick the dried bean pods and remove the seeds from inside, allow them to dry before storing them over the winter in a dry, frost-free container. This has been a good year for fruit and my late summer

raspberries are doing really well. If you “inherited” raspberries and are not sure what type you have there are a couple of simple rules to solve your confusion. There are two types: early and late summer cropping. The latter are cropping now and fruit on this year’s new growth so they need to be pruned to within a few inches of the ground in February. By contrast the early varieties will have finished cropping a few weeks ago and fruit on growth from last year. This means that the growth that fruited this year needs to be removed leaving this year’s new growth alone. The recent dry spell has meant that watering needs to continue, especially for plants that are always thirsty. This includes beans, pumpkins, marrows, courgettes and squashes but it won’t be long before these will stop growing and cropping will end. Don’t worry about root crops as they will find moisture deep in the soil. This year I have done well with butternut squash and have already picked a few as soon as they are ready to allow the plant’s energy to swell up the remaining smaller squashes which will be picked later. This is a really tasty vegetable which can be stored well into the winter provided they are cured before storage in a dry, frost-free place. To cure them the squashes need to be put in a warm, sunny spot for a few days, pictured. Butternut squashes require a lot of space for their foliage to trail so give them a miss if space on your plot is limited.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Producers dazzle at the ‘food Oscars’ Two local food producers have wowed the judges in the “Oscars of the food world”. Rigorous taste-testing saw Lavender Jelly from Keynsham’s Heavenly Hedgerows and the fillet steak produced by Newton Farm Foods each awarded three stars in the Great Taste Awards 2013 last month - the highest accolade. Heavenly Hedgerows’ Chris Westgate, whose Wild Plum Jam and Hawthorn Jelly were each given a star in the awards, too, said: “Because of the bad weather, much wild fruit had a poor harvest last year. So I decided to concentrate on flower jellies, and spent much time ‘perfecting’ their nuance and depth of flavour. “In retrospect, this was the best decision I could have made.” The fillet steak from Newton

People who joined Heavenly Hedgerows’ Chris Westgate for a walk last month left knowing much more about the wonders of weeds and wild food than they did before. Chris has begun leading forages in the local area, holding her first in Saltford on August 31.Those who joined the 1.5hour walk were shown forgotten Farm Foods and Shop, proved to be a cut above for the judges, who sampled 10,000 entries across a range of categories this year. Owners Hugh and Celia Gay said: “This is the first time we have entered the Great Taste Awards, so to have received two

foods growing underfoot and overlooked treats hanging overhead from trees and bushes. There was also an introduction to the etiquette of foraging and plenty of warning that not all wild plants are edible, with some tips on what to be alert for. For more information on the forages, visit www.heavenly hedgerows. or call 07828 786513. coveted awards was an amazing accomplishment - three gold stars for our exceptionally tasty fillet steak and one gold star for our delicious rump steak. "We will proudly display the GTA 2013 logo, and share our joy with the local community and our loyal customers.”


Church appeals for a musician Can you play the organ or piano? Whitchurch United Reformed Church, which is next to Whitchurch village school on the main Wells Road, needs someone who could join the rota to play for Sunday morning services. The church has a fairly modern, well maintained electronic organ, and the organist or pianist will be paid. If you are interested, contact Margaret on 07779 443435 for more details.

Coffee morning Stirling Way Residents’ Association will be holding a Macmilan Coffee morning on Friday, September 27, from 10am to 12.30pm at Stirling Way Community Centre Keynsham. Coffee at £1 and cakes at 50p will be on sale. There will also be a raffle with some very nice prizes so come along and help support this most worthy cause, say organisers.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

Adult Fiction  Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro This is undoubtedly a strange, unsettling, even haunting book. It is told from the viewpoint of Kathy, once a pupil at the idyllic Hailsham School,, where she led d a sheltered existence, alongside close friends Ruth and Tommy. Without knowing why, all HailHail sham’s pupils were brought up believing that they were somehow special and that their ongoing welfare was of paramount importance to the outside world (which remains a shadowy entity throughout the novel). Now in her 30s, Kathy begins to question what went on at Hailsham and what emerges is the gradual unravelling of a haunting mystery that underlines the essential fragility of existence. Susan Hill described Ishiguro as the “most original novelist of his generation” and this thought-provoking novel, shortlisted for the MAN Booker Prize, does much to support that claim. NB. The DVD of Never Let Me Go, starring Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan, is also available through the library’s reservation system. Adult Non-Fiction  Gardening for Seniors: How to maintain a beautiful outside space with ease and safety in later years by Patty Cassidy A richly illustrated, practical gardening book aimed at the

with Sarah Wookey from Keynsham Library library’s special senior customers. It deals with issues such as e supportive equipmentt and techniques, safety s, measures, low maintenance gardens, downsizing, commuens working nity gardens, around disabilities and other health issues, sensory planting and warm-up exercises, and all in a positive and straightforward, step-by-step style. As the author (herself a horticultural therapist) comments: “Whether you have a window box, a courtyard or a large plot, gardening will revive your spirit and help keep you strong and happy.” Poetry  Jubilee Lines by Carol Ann Duffy As an ardent poetry fan, I couldn’t resist bringing this title to your attention, albeit a year late! To commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy asked 60 of her contemporaries to submit a poem inspired by each of the 60 years of Her Majesty’s reign. The poems reveall the th personal or political significance of particular events/years to well-known poets such as Simon Armitage, Brian Patten, Philip Gross, Andrew Motion and Jo Shapcott, as well as to less well-known poets. Jubilee Lines provides us and future generations with a fascinating and unusual insight into life in Great Britain since 1953. Young Adult  Exodus by Julie Bertagna It is the year 2099 and 15-year-old Mara lives on the dystopian island of Wing, an island that is being lost to the ocean as the th ice i caps melt. lt A meeting with a mysterious boy called Fox leads Mara to embark on a journey to a new “sky city”, built on the remains of the city of Glasgow, in an attempt to find a new, safer home. Described by The Scotsman as an “environmental wake-up call”, this book will appeal to those interested in the longterm effects of global warming. Exodus has been shortlisted for many children’s book awards and was described by the

September, 2013

author Artemis Cooper as “the most exciting book I’ve read all year”. The story continues in Zenith and Aurora, both of which are available through the library’s reservation facility. Junior Fiction  Oranges in No Man’s Land by Elizabeth Laird Ayesha livess with her Granny and two youngerr brothers in a war-torn building in Beirut, since e the death of their mother in a shell attack. Now her sickk Granny has G h run out of vital medicine and Ayesha decides that she must cross the dangerous no man’s land to find a doctor to help them. Elizabeth Laird is a highly acclaimed children’s author who has won many awards and who lived in Lebanon during the Civil War. This was an easy read for my nine-year-old daughter, but she was nonetheless touched by its humanity and gripped by its adventurous storyline.

Library news For our 4-11 year olds: don’t forget that the Summer Reading Challenge doesn’t finish when you go back to school! In fact, you have until Saturday, September 14, to complete your six books and earn smelly stickers, a medal and a certificate. And for all you Gromithunters out there: our very own Gromit is with us until midSeptember, so do come and pay him a visit if you haven’t already done so.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013


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Discover your Bounce! with holistic therapist and writer Nicky Marshall Need a break after the summer break? We all love spending time with our children, but the summer holidays can really zap your energy if you’re keeping young children entertained for six weeks. This month I wanted to share my top three tips for recovering from a period of energy draining activity. 1. Turn off the TV and read a book when the kids go to bed. Grab a hot chocolate (or sneaky glass of wine!), a blanket and curl up with Mr Darcy or other literary heart-throb of your choice. The silence will give your head a muchdeserved rest while still keeping you entertained. 2. Grab some lemon essential oil and use an oil burner to diffuse it in the house. Lemon is well known for its energising properties and will also give your house a fresh, clean smell

which means you can skip the dusting for today! 3. Get yourself into a routine, too. The kids will be doing homework and going to bed on time, so now is the perfect time to start your own. Have a waking up routine and a bedtime routine so that your body knows what is expected of it each morning/night. Don’t forget to eat well and keep hydrated – the tips above will help you with some extra energy but without looking after your body you’ll have none! And if all else fails, there’s nothing like an early night. I’ll have more advice for you next month, but for regular inspiration you can read my blog by visiting www.holistic Find our latest deals at www.beeptreat. com.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa Directed by Declan Lowney Starring Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge The film starts in familiar territory with hapless DJ Alan Partridge broadcasting “MidMorning Matters” on local radio in Norwich. The feeble jokes, pedantic use of language and daft phone calls from listeners are as funny as ever but the show has entered the digital age with North Norfolk Digital Radio and a takeover by Shape, an American media company. This prompts a visit to the boardroom by Alan where the directors are discussing the takeover in heavy corporate speak. Alan soon realises that it is either him or Pat Farrell, an out-of-time Irish DJ, that are up for the sack and he tries to convince the board with an excruciatingly bad “presentation” that they should keep him on. However, Pat takes the situation in hand himself by acquiring a shotgun and taking the board hostage at the launch party of the new station. At first this seems a little over the top but it really works well. Events take a surreal turn (one of many) with the hostages trying to placate Pat by composing an anti-takeover jingle to be played on his radio show. Meanwhile Alan has been taken on by the police as chief negotiator to end the siege.



with film reviewer Chris Worthington


One to Watch


September 12

He does this with surprising aplomb until he climbs through a window leading to the loss of his trousers and a very bravely acted scene where he attempts to conceal his nudity. Armando Iannucci had a hand in writing the script and, like The Thick of It, the film is full of sharp one-liners and satirises anything from middle-of-the-road radio to police procedural clichés, racial stereotypes and political correctness. And when Pat, Alan and Michael take to the road in an outside broadcast van, cheered on by crowds of locals thronging the pavements of Norwich it is quite authentic. The “Fine City” of Norwich has taken Alan Partridge to heart, with the local Tourist Information Centre even offering a Blue Badge guide-escorted Alan Partridge walking tour. Altogether a brilliant film about a character who, in the words of Steve Coogan, is “part of everything I hate about Britain”.

Keynsham Film Works showing Quartet at Fry Club, Somerdale, 7.45pm. Free parking, wheelchair access, refreshments. The film club is a non-profit-making society funded by membership, available at £30 (includes admittance to all season’s films). Non-members can pay £5 on the night. To see the forthcoming films visit www.keynshamfilm

September 14 Keynsham Food Festival, Scout Headquarters, Ashton Way, Keynsham, 10am-4pm. Local produce, demonstrations, food and drink tasting. Plenty to see and try. Park and ride available from the Co-op at Broadmead Lane from 9.45am. Free entry. KRFC Beer & Cider Festival, Crown Field, Bristol Road, Keynsham, 2-11pm. Live music, local refreshments. Tickets £5 per adult, children free.

September 21 Who Let the Dads Out. St John’s Church is holding a monthly toddlers session specifically for dads, stepdads, grandads and male carers and their babies and pre-school children. Bacon butties and coffee will be available for grown-ups and refreshments, toys and craft activities for younger members. £2 per family. Contact John Wilkinson at for more information.

September 22 Corston Village Hall, BA2 9AZ, Big Breakfast, 9am-noon. English breakfast £4 inc toast, cereal, juice, continental £2, tea/ coffee 50p.

September 27 Coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support is being held at Beauty at Serendipity, 40a Temple Street, Keynsham at 10am-2pm. All proceeds go to Macmillan. There will be a bakeoff where the winner will receive a free back massage. To enter the bake-off, please contact

September, 2013

Beauty at Serendipity on 0117 986 9672. There will be mini file and paints available for £5, all proceeds to Macmillan again.

October 3 Keynsham Film Works showing The Artist at Fry Club, Somerdale, 7.45pm. Free parking, wheelchair access, refreshments. See September 12 for details.

October 11 Avon Wildlife Trust, Keynsham Local Group. “Birds, Wildlife & Landscapes in East Germany” by Roger White, 7.30pm, Baptist Church Hall, High Street, BS31 1DS. Adults £2.50, children £1. Refreshments, bring and buy book stall.

November 26 Saltford Floral Club with Bath Floral Club at Saltford Hall, Norman Road, at 2pm. International demonstrator Hans Havercamp will be delighting us with Fresh ‘n’ Funky for Christmas 2013. For more details, please contact Janet Gough on 0117 977 1813.

What’s on in Keynsham on a regular basis Passionate about local libraries, communities and history? Why not join the Friends of Saltford Library? The group organises author visits, coffee mornings, poetry evenings, writing workshops and visits to nearby places of historical interest. Call 01225 394041 or email june_wentland

Monday The Women’s Section of the Royal British Legion Keynsham would be delighted to welcome new members. They meet upstairs at the RBL Club on the first Monday of each month at 7.30pm. Occasional speakers, social events and outings, why not come along and meet new friends? Key Voices, Keynsham’s friendly community singing group is looking for new members. Monday between 7.15pm and 9.30pm during term-times at Castle School in Newlands Road. Cost £4 per sessions, £3 concessions. Call Roy on 0117 949 8587. Keynsham Writing Group meets in the library on second and

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013

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Have you got an event you would like to publicise? Or do you run a club, society or community group in the Keynsham area? Send details to emma@ or call us on 07715 770448 and we will make sure thousands of people in and around Keynsham know about it. fourth Monday of the month, from 2.30-4pm. We are a small, friendly group and welcome new members of all abilities. For further information, call Pat on 0117 986 4722. Keynsham Machine Knitting Club. We meet on the second Monday in the month at Stirling Way Community Centre, Keynsham, 2pm until 4pm. We have two club machines to practise knitting. Help and tuition will be given to get you knitting again. We try to have at least four speaker/demonstrators a year. Please come along and join us. We are a very friendly club. Please call Margaret, chairperson, on 0117 986 5559. Short mat bowls. Learn to play with a really friendly mixed group at Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham on Mondays 1.304pm and/or Fridays 7.30-9.30pm between September 2 and mid-May. Everyone welcome, free trial. Ring Clive on 0117 986 6793 or just turn up and ring doorbell.

Tuesday Free 45-minute buggy walk for parents, newborns, babies and toddlers, first and third Tuesdays of the month, 9.55am meet for 10am start at Keynsham Leisure Centre, Temple Street. Email, Facebook: Bristol NCT. Keynsham new parents and babies coffee and tea morning. First and third Tuesdays of the month, 10.45-11.45am Victoria Methodist Centre, Charlton Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 2JA. Wellsway Ladies’ Badminton Club, 7.30-9.30 pm at Keynsham Leisure Centre. For more details, contact Jenny on 0117 986 8331. KOPS = Keynsham Older People’s Social group. This friendly group of local, older people meet on the first Tuesday of the month at Community @ 67, Queens Road, Keynsham, at 2pm. The group is free to join but members usually bring along a small item

for the raffle table. New members welcome, call Paula on 01225 484510 or Phyllis on 0117 986 8623. Residents’ Fellowship Association, based at Hawthorn Meeting Room in Carpenters Lane, 2pm-4pm. We do different activities, eg. luncheon, quiz, games including darts and a committee meeting. On a Thursday afternoon, we do crafts and also have a community garden. Contact Jim Lingard on 0117 986 1551. St Keyna Townswomen’s Guild. A friendly, outgoing group of various ages who meet on the second Tuesday of each month at the Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham, 9.45-11.45am. With interesting speakers and coffee/ tea and biscuits. We have many sub-groups, including theatre and local interest trips, an art group, book club, Scrabble, cards, walkers, singers, bowls and more! Popular sequence dances at the Fear Hall, Keynsham, 7.3010pm. Anyone interested in dancing is welcome, friendly atmosphere, first visit free. Further details on 0117 986 2819 or 0117 986 4014.

Family’s rallying call to all bikers A family is urging motorcyclists across the three counties served by the Royal United Hospital to join a rally to raise funds for its new cancer unit. The Ride of Support, on September 21, is being organised by Amanda and Mark Rowell, pictured with son Luke, following Amanda's diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer a year ago. Mark is a keen motorcyclist and the family are now hoping bikers across North East Somerset, Bath and West Wiltshire will join them on a fundraising ride in support of the £5 million Forever Friends Appeal to fund a new cancer centre at the hospital. Mark said: "After having first hand experience of supporting my wife through breast cancer, experiencing the entire process including the emotional impact of the day of diagnosis, through each remarkable treatment, not forgetting the support you can count on from the Macmillan nurses, we would really like to give something back." Hutchinson on 07793 983040 or visit

Friday Badminton. Join a very friendly mixed group who meet up every Friday to play from 10am to noon at Keynsham Leisure Centre. Everyone welcome regardless of ability. Just turn up or ring Clive on 0117 986 6793.

Wednesday Keynsham Photographic Society, Fear Hall, 7.30pm, to enjoy all aspects of photography. Visiting speakers, competitions, sessions to share and discuss own photographs with opportunities to view the best amateur work from the South West. Visit www. keynshamphotographicsociety. Come along to share this enthralling hobby.


Try short mat bowls! Learn to play with a really friendly mixed group at Fear Hall, High Street, Keynsham on Fridays 7.30-

The rally will take riders on a route across three counties, with checkpoints along the way, and everyone can complete it at their own pace. People who aren’t motorbike riders can also contribute to the fundraising total via the event’s Just Giving page. For more information and to register, visit www.rideof

9.30pm and/or Mondays 1.304pm between September 2 and mid-May. Everyone welcome, free trial. Ring Clive on 0117 986 6793 or just turn up.

Saturday Healing on the Streets has returned; we can be found on Keynsham High Street every Saturday morning. We can be identified by our badges and the ‘A’ boards. Whether you have an emotional or physical problem we’re available to listen, talk and pray.

ChoirJam, Keynsham’s fun pop choir, meets on Wednesdays, 11am-12.30pm during term-time at Fear Hall, Keynsham. We sing everything from James Taylor to Adele and perform with a live band! Adults aged 18 - 80+ are welcome to join; there’s no audition and no experience necessary – just enthusiasm and a love of singing! To book a free taster session call Emma

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013


Find your way out of that rut These days many people seek the support of a professional coach. The reasons are numerous but being stuck in a rut with no obvious way out is often the motive. Coaching is helpful in many ways but works very effectively to get clarity about what you really want in life and nail down a plan to get there. A traditional image of a coach might conjure up pictures of someone who guides or advises others. We can all relate to a football coach who gives instruction to a budding football star. However in professional coaching, quite the opposite it true. I don’t dish out advice, or tell my clients what they should do, but instead ask testing and challenging questions so they arrive at their own decisions.

I have worked in many settings, using coaching to support people to make significant change. I work on a personal 1-21 basis or with teams and across many business sectors. I am based in Keynsham but work across the South West. I am currently working with Community @67 and Bath Community Learning to provide career coaching to local people who want to move forward in their lives to gain new or different employment. So if this article resonates with you in any way, maybe take at look at my website www. There is more information along with some free resources that you might find useful. Andrea Harding Life and Career Coaching 07918 658021

A bucket-full of fun! The summer holidays aren't just for children to enjoy. The Complete Control studio has used the holidays to have some fun developing and putting into production our own ideas for some new games. With such a talented team of animators, designers and programmers at Complete Control, we always aim to spend some time in the year creating the next big thing for ourselves alongside working with the best brands in children's media including Cartoon Network, CBeebies, Nickelodeon, Penguin Books. To help us with the new ideas, Leah Barnett and Matt Hazel joined us on work experience placements from Wellsway School along with Ellie Hitchins. They helped to develop ideas for a fun family iPad game called Chicken Nuggets. Chicken Nuggets is just

one of the new games we are currently working up, and we wanted to involve students in the early stages of the game’s development to bring in their own creativity and ideas. Glynn Hayward, Complete Control's creative director, said: “The ideas that Leah, Matt and Ellie brought to the project in their week of work experience were totally brilliant and gave us some really interesting concepts. “They were tasked with researching popular games on the AppStore that they liked to play and breakdown what made a good game. They were then given the Chicken Nuggets game brief and from this produced a full game document of ideas, which they pitched to the company – it was a lot of fun!”

Expert view on living more simply An expert on sustainability and economics will be giving his views on “living simply” in the last of a series of events hosted by Keynsham Action Network (KAN). Dr Chris Priest, from Bristol University, will be the speaker at a talk entitled Live Well, Spend Less and Consume Less on Sep-

tember 17 at St Dunstan’s Hall, Bristol Road. Following a talk on meeting the challenge of living more sustainably, Dr Priest will then discuss the issues with William House and the audience. The event begins at 7.30pm and more information is available online at

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September, 2013

Gluten Free Chocolate and Hazelnut Cake with Abi Smith of Cake Ingredients For the cake: 250g/9oz whole blanched hazelnuts 200g/7oz butter, cubed, plus extra for greasing 200g/7oz dark chocolate, broken into squares 6 medium eggs, separated 200g/7oz caster sugar, preferably golden For the topping: Chocolate hazelnut spread (as much as you like)

Method Place 200g/7oz of the hazelnuts in a food processor and blend them until they are fairly finely ground. If you blend the nuts to the consistency of fine breadcrumbs, they should work a treat, but leave a few coarser pieces to add texture. Set the remaining 50g/2oz hazelnuts aside. Tip:

No food processor? Then use a seal-able sandwich bag and rolling pin, it works just as well and you get a few more crunchy bits. Put the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl and set it above a pan of gently simmering water. Stir occasionally and as soon as nearly all the chocolate


has melted, remove the bowl from the pan and continue to let the chocolate melt in the residual heat. Stir in the ground hazelnuts and leave the mixture to cool for five minutes. Beat the egg yolks and sugar together with an electric handwhisk for at least five minutes until pale and creamy, then stir into the chocolate mixture until thoroughly combined. Wash and dry the beaters well. In a clean bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff peaks form – they are ready when you can turn the bowl upside down without the eggs sliding out. Do not over whisk. Add a couple of tablespoonfuls of the whisked egg whites to the chocolate mixture and stir until thoroughly combined, then gently fold in the remaining egg whites. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and bake in the centre of the oven for 35–40 minutes or until the cake is well risen and firm. When the cake is cold, spread it with the chocolate and hazelnut spread and sprinkle with the hazelnuts that you set aside – these can be whole or chopped, whatever you prefer.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

For September, we meet Gregory Budd, owner of G W B Plumbing

Tell us about your company. G W B Plumbing is a small, family-run business which is locally based in Brislington and Keynsham, we have been working safely and legally on domestic gas appliances for the past seven years. I trained at Swindon College, where I did a day release, which means I studied one day a week at the college and for the other four days did an apprenticeship with a local plumbing and heating company in Thornbury for five years, until I qualified. I decided to set up my own business because I already had a GNVQ in business and my father is a self-employed carpenter and joiner, so I always aspired to run my own company. It has been great for us as we have worked together many times – having a carpenter and a plumber at the same time for many people has been extremely useful. What service do you provide to the people of Keynsham? Personally I offer installations, servicing, maintenance and repairs for plumbing, boilers, gas central heating and gas appliances, bathroom refurbishment, kitchen remodeling and landlord gas safety inspections. We always work to a high standard and because we provide a

reliable service, we have loyal customers who return time and again. What is the best part of running your business and working in Keynsham? I really love the Keynsham area, and my family are local to the Keynsham area. People are polite and friendly. I really enjoy working for myself and having the freedom to work on my own. What makes your service different from other companies? Most importantly I give good customer care and because I run my own business you always know who will be working for you. I enjoy providing a quality service. Because I have a great working relationship with my father customers also have direct contact

with a carpenter and joiner and this can be very handy. I also like to advise to all home owners to be safe in their homes. Here's a few things everyone should do:  Install a carbon monoxide alarm for extra safety and peace of mind  Know where your gas meters are  Know where your gas stop tap is, so that if you ever smell gas you can turn off the gas and isolate the problem  Know a contact number to call in case of an emergency. To help with this one, mine is 07850 002828 What are your plans for the future of the business? I always keep up with various developments in the gas and

plumbing world. I am an Accredited Installer for Ideal Heating and am supporting Gas Safety Week. This year it is September 16-22. I strongly advise everyone to get their boiler checked before winter hits. I always try and grow my business by building good relationships so I get repeat business. Much of my work comes from recommendation and word of mouth, which is something I pride myself on. Contact: Gregory Budd, G W B Plumbing Tel: 0117 904 3165/07850 002828 Email: greg@gwb-plumbing. Website: www.gwb-plumbing. Twitter: @GWBPlumbing

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Bath Road, Keynsham


If you want a spacious family home, then we feel this may tick the box, with four/five bedrooms and two reception rooms. There is easy access to and an outlook over the Wellsway School playing fields. The property offers excellent parking facilites and double tandem garage. The accommodation comprises lounge, study/additional bedroom with en suite, dining room, kitchen, cloakroom/WC, and four bedrooms. The kitchen has a Belfaststyle sink, spaces for dishwasher, cooker and fridge/freezer, a breakfast bar and ceramic tiled flooring.

Open house viewings – September 7, 10am to 6pm Outside there is an extensive Avon Cobblestone driveway to the front and, to the rear, a generous-size cobblestone effect patio, with tap and light, leading

to a lawn, mature pergola with ivy and rambling rose as well as a shed/workshop and greenhouse. There is also a garage with space for washing machine,

dryer and freezer. Find Your Move Williams Rose at 64 High Street, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1EA, or call 0117 986 4815.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Sport Keynsham Town FC News from the Crown Field Unfortunately it has been a poor start to the season for the Keynsham Town Senior Team, who suffered five defeats in the Toolstation Western League Division One before the end of August. The season began with a 3-1 home defeat against Wellington at the AJN Stadium. On Tuesday, August 13, Keynsham’s first away match of the season saw an unchanged team pay a visit to The Lawns, home of Cribbs FC. Both teams were seeking a change in fortune after opening day defeats, with Cribbs having been on the wrong end of a 7-1 drubbing at Bradford Town. However it was the hosts who emerged victorious with a 1-0 win. Next up on August 17, Almondsbury UWE were the visitors to the AJN Stadium and left with a 3-1 victory. For the first 20 minutes of each half, Keynsham Town dominated this game and the goal came during a period of fluid pressure in the second half when Connor Kingdon was perfectly placed to head in a great cross from Lewis Morgan. However Keynsham were already two goals down at this point and a defensive mistake soon after allowed Almondsbury UWE to regain their two-goal advantage. The following Tuesday, Welton Rovers were the visitors to the AJN Stadium for a battle between two sides with only a single point between them from their opening three fixtures. Unfortunately, injuries to some of the team’s key players meant

that manager Steve Cains had to reshuffle his pack, with more teenagers thrown into the fray and a 0-5 scoreline by the end of the match. Saturday, August 24, saw a much better performance when Keynsham visited Shepton Mallet, although they again returned empty-handed. Keynsham started brightly and looked threatening in the opening 20 minutes. Centre-forward Pat Davison forced Shepton Mallet’s keeper Adam Garlick into two smart saves and then wasted a glorious chance, shooting wide with only Garlick to beat. However, as has been the pattern with the season so far, Keynsham were made to pay for their profligacy in front of goal when George Booth gave the home side the lead in the 41st minute. The second half saw a more dominant Shepton Mallet and an early goal on 47 minutes by Lucas Ward put them 2-0 up and set the tone for the rest of the match. Lionel Fear was again excellent in goal for Keynsham, pulling off several

fine saves. However, with Ben Cleverley pulling the strings in midfield for Shepton Mallet and Ryan Mitchell a constant threat on the left, Keynsham did well to restrict the home side to two goals. So after five games, Keynsham find themselves at the foot of the table and still seeking their first point of the season. Although this is naturally disappointing, some positives can be taken from the performances of several teenagers “thrown in at the deep end” in these early matches.

Forthcoming fixtures  Saturday, September 7 Home – Fleet Spurs (FA Vase 1st Round) 3pm kick off  Saturday, September 14 Away – Chippenham Park (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick off  Wednesday, September 25 Away – Oldland Abbotonians (Western League Div 1)

7.45 pm kick off  Saturday, September 28 Home – Barnstaple Town (Western League Div 1) 3pm kick off

500 Club We are also relaunching the Keynsham Town FC 500 Club, which gives individuals a fantastic opportunity to win cash prizes, as well as helping to raise vital funds to support and improve football at all levels within the club. Monthly prizes range from £10 to £250, and there is also an Annual Prize Draw offering the chance to win £2,000, £1,000, £500 or £250. 500 Club members will also be entitled to half-price admission for home League games. It only costs £3.35 per month to join, so why not give yourself a chance of winning some cash as well as supporting your community’s football club? If you want to hear more about the 500 Club, please contact Julian French on 07814 609853.

Cider and beer festival to help kick-off a new season at rugby club Do beer, cider and rugby mix? Yes, they do, writes our correspondent. The season kicks off on Saturday, September 7, with the second XV at home and continues with the following Saturday, which is the second Beer and

Cider Festival put on by the club, sharing top billing with the first XV hosting Chew Magna RFC. It’s very much as before at the Crown Field with the teams captained by Matt Randle, Briden Tanner, Dan Shearn and Mike Marsh.

Jason Wheatley and Mike Jeffries carry on as 1st team coaches and Kevin Appleton the seconds; Sam Williams remains as coach for the emerging players (under 18s). Pre-season training has gone well and all are hoping for a better start to the season than

last year’s. Both the RFU and KRFC websites have confounded your reporter who is obviously too old to carry on, so we are unable to give you any further fixtures for the month of September except to say that 1st and second teams usually alternate!

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013

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Team battle hard but fail to stay in league It was a sad day for Keynsham Cricket Club on August 24 as they lost their struggle for survival in the West of England Premier League when they were beaten by Bristol CC at the Frank Taylor Memorial ground on Wellsway. At the same time the seconds, who lost against the same club at Failand, threw away any chances they had of winning their league; to compound it all, the club were unable to raise a Saturday 3rd XI. The Bristol game, where the bowlers had done their job by bowling out the visitors for 158 (Sam Wheller 4-37, Reggie Keates 3-18) but the batsmen again failed to come up to scratch being bowled out for just 107, came at the end of a three match losing streak. The last match of July against Ilminster was abandoned due to rain with Keates again shining with 4-11 and Paul Robbins 4-41 which was a disappointment but they then lost to Taunton St Andrew, Ashcott/Shapwick and Bath with the batsmen having to shoulder the blame, no-one scoring higher than Dan Jarman’s 49 in any of these games. The seconds had won all three games leading up to August 24, beating, Taunton St Andrew, Ashcott and Bath. Ben Whittington with 44 from the bat and 4-6 with the ball was backed up with 321 in the Taunton game, Ant Cains top scored with 41 with evergreen John Courtney taking 4-28 versus Ashcott. Whitttington scored 58 not out against Bath where Tom Bryan took

Photo: Alan Webster

Jack Weston batting against Corsham 3-34 and Courtney 3-26. Three dropped catches put pay to Keynsham’s chances in the Bristol CC game, Pete Tweedie scored 46 and Jack Weston 43 in K’s total of 202-8 and the best bowling analysis by far was young Johnny Rood with 7-3-12-1 as Bristol won by 5 wickets. The Saturday 3rds completed just two games, losing both. Antony MacLoughlin scored 78, Scott Tweedie 62 and Ian Fiebelkorn 44 in Keynsham’s total of 235-9 chasing Bristol CC’s 238-4 – John Rood’s 8 overs costing just 21 runs. Dan Gerrish took 2-25 and hit 52 as they went down to Mels CC by 12 runs. The Sunday 1st XI had some fine performances as they won two of their three games. With the bat Tom Bryan scored 74 not out and Scott Tweedie 44 v Bitton, Alex Taylor 88 and Harry Jones 63 against Westbury Wilts,

44 each for Jones and Tristan Hawkins v Filton Wayfarers. Bowling honours went to Sam Polling’s 3-13 and Courtney 3-19 (v Westbury) and Chris Britton with 4-25 at Filton. The Sunday 2nds tied with Churchways CC (Andy Kitchen 71, young Harry Mattingly 2-8). They lost to Hinton Charterhouse by a street, Kitchen again top scoring with 54 and lost again against Brislington failing to chase down 188 with Pete Browne top scoring on 44.


Record fails to scoop salver Matt Kippen broke the course record at Saltford but it still wasn’t good enough to win the club’s Saltford Salver 36-hole scratch competition. Kippen who plays off plus two at Enmore Park, had shot 81 in the opening round, but hit back with a 7 under par 64 second round, despite going out of bounds on the last hole. His score of 145 got him into a three-way play-off with Jonny Grace (Saltford) and the eventual winner Matt Pearson (plus 1, Burnham and Berrow) who took the Saltford Salver thanks to a birdie on the first play-off hole. Saltford’s junior team finished fourth in the English Golf Junior Champion Club at Woodhall Spa. The team of Kieran Babbage, Tom Roach and Huxley Howell had qualified for the finals as Somerset champions. The format was stableford with the best two scores to count on each day. On day one Babbage and Howell both had 37 points and we were 12 points adrift of Gloucester G.C. (44,42) but 40 points from Howell and 39 from Roach gave them a 153 total and fourth place out of more than 30 teams. Kieran Babbage followed it up by winning the Taunton Vale Junior Open.

Wardle wins weekend open event Jacob Wardle defeated Jamie Hawkins in the final to win Keynsham’s Sunday Open snooker tournament on August 18 at Keynsham Snooker Centre. In earlier matches Wardle also scored wins over Mitchell

Hooper, Paul Bayley and Colin Streams. Aiden Murphy defeated Nigel Dykes in the junior snooker final and completed the double when beating Kyle Mockridge in the pool final, both played on Saturday, August 17.

Do you belong to a local sports club? Tell us your news on 07887 561567 or email

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:


T: 0117 908 2121

September, 2013

Sport Fitness focus with personal trainer Craig Weeks At last September is here which means one thing; kids are back to school at last! So now is the time to get motivated and start the exercise and healthy-eating regime that you have been putting off for the last six weeks. So here are five steps that you can follow which will almost guarantee your fitness will increase and that unwanted fat that has accumulated from eating the kids’ ice creams etc will burn away. 1. Make adjustments to your calorie intake. Reduce your intake by 500 calories per day and you can lose 1lb per week. You will however need to calculate your BMR first which can be easily done online. 2. Perform a type of cardiovascular exercise that you find hard but enjoy. Cardio burns calories – fact! 3. Incorporate intervals into your cardio workouts. This will improve your overall fitness and ensure maximum fat burn.

4. Lift weights to increase your muscle mass and tone. Added muscle causes a spike in metabolism. Research shows that just 3lb of added muscle will cause you to burn up to 1,000 calories extra per week. 5. Try to attend a class a week such as yoga, pilates or core stability. This will improve your balance, stability and flexibility which can dramatically reduce the risk of injury. For more advice on this or any aspects of weight loss, weight gain, nutrition or fitness, please feel free to contact me. Healthy Regards Craig Weeks adv dip pt CW Fitness Solutions craig@cwfitnesssolutions., 07917731401

 You should always consult with a professional before embarking on any fitness or nutritional program

 On Sunday, August 11, the Ship Inn in Keynsham hosted its annual Ship Masters Petanque competition. There were entries from clubs across our area and the good weather and attractive venue helped to ensure a day enjoyed by all. Ship Inn Petanque Club president Alan Hulme praised the high standard of play. The eventual winners of the

main competition were the Old Barn team from Wraxall, Kevin Mildon, Robin Mildon and Roy Partridge. The plate competition was won by the Gamekeeper team from Compton Dando, Raymond Rey, Jim Britton and Richard Spencer. Thanks to Maureen Pollard for our picture showing Alan Hulme presenting the Bristol Blue trophies to the winning team.

Club in strong position near end of season As the bowling season nears its end, it has been a busy month for members of Keynsham Bowling Club. The final league fixtures are being played, and members are battling it out with one another for a place in the club’s Finals Day. The ladies have notched up wins against Bloomfield, Alexandra Park and Chew Stoke despite losing six of their players who have been playing at times for the County side. At present they are situated close to the top of their league. The men are also in strong positions in a number of leagues, and also did particularly well in the area cup competition – the Turnbull Cup. Having beaten local rivals Frys, and Congresbury in earlier rounds, they were drawn against Bath at the neutral green at Banwell in the semifinal. On the night they lost to the better team who went on to win the cup. When playing a friendly against Ardagh in Bristol, one of the rinks registered a Hotshot, something that is rather rare in the world of bowling. This means that all of their eight woods were closer to the jack than those of their opponents. What was more remarkable was that while three of the players were experienced bowlers, John Conway, Ian Lees and Tony Hunter, the fourth, in his early 20s, was Alex Smith playing his first competitive game. A week later the club played against Frys in their annual Alsop Shield game. Keynsham

won and in recognition of his Hotshot achievement Alex was presented with the shield by the Fry’s captain. One of the club competitions, the Tom Pells Cup, was played between 10 teams on a Sunday during August. The cup was presented to the club by Lyn Pells, the current ladies’ captain, in memory of her husband who was a long-standing club member. After a very close contest the team of Pam Rose, Dick Ollis, Henry Chambers and Mike Barrow were declared the winners. On the social side, club members entertained councillors from Keynsham Town Council to a challenge match. An enjoyable evening was had by all, with the agreement that no one should be declared the winner! The annual game between the club’s ladies and gents was played with friendly rivalry apparent on all five rinks. The gents won three rinks, the ladies one, with the other tied. However, such was the size of the score on the ladies rink – 34 shots to 6 – the overall score was only 94 to 92 in favour of the gents. The picture shows the two teams standing in front of the pavilion before the game. Behind them is the recently erected canopy which was paid for from a legacy the club received in memory of an ex-member, Les Hanson. He was a long-standing and much respected member of the club and when he moved to York in 2003 to be closer to his family he was made a club Life Member.

To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013









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To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:




September, 2013






To advertise, call Emma on 0117 908 2121




To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

September, 2013





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To advertise, contact Emma on 0117 908 2121 or 07715 770448. Got news? Call Joni on 07887 561567. Email:

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