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Introductions Application process Loan requirements Key terms & conditions Interest rates Example financial term sheet Time line Project & loan documentation Case studies


FINANCING YOUR PROJECT We offer medium to long-term loans for your purchase from Norway. Grow your business by obtaining credit for up to 10 years. • Choose between competitively-priced fixed and variable interest rates between 3.8 - 6.0% Ari Mathiesen MANAGING DIRECTOR We look forward to do work with you and successfully help you finance your project.

• Receive financing for up to 85% of the export contract value trough GIEK and even up to 100% with International banks. • Get access to financing directly from the Norwegian government in all market conditions • Preserve your existing bank lines for local financing requirements, such as working capital




GIEK is a government owned institution in Norway. GIEK can issue different kind of state guarantees to leverage loans to clients of Norwegian Exporters. A guarantee can be issued for loans to buyers of capital goods and services from Norwegian exporters. The most used guarantee product is the buyer credit guarantee, which covers loan to the foreign buyer. When there is a well defined project GIEK can after receiving an application from the client issue a state guarantee that normally will give access to a loan in the Norwegian state bank Eksport Kreditt AS or international banks or both. If the client is a public entity GIEK can garuntee up to 85% of the project. If the client is a private company the rates from GIEK can guarantee up to 76,5% of a project. The requirement on equity is normally 10-15 %. The interest rates are very low and normally between 4-6% and up to 10 years down payment.


A limited liability company wholly owned by the Norwegian government, Export Credit Norway extends export financing to buyers of capital goods and services from Norwegian suppliers. For exporters, we provide a strong sales argument that can help secure the next export contract. For customers of the Norwegian export industry, we offer medium to long-term financing on attractive terms. We finance export contracts ranging in value from a few million to several billion NOK, across a variety of sectors and worldwide. Our loans comply with the OECD framework on officially supported export credit and are guaranteed by Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK), and/or accept-able financial institutions. Export Credit Norway is a customer-oriented organisation and strives to deliver the highest level of service. Please get in touch to discuss how we might support your project.



/Banker Contractual delivery of goods and services


Export Credit Norway


Client / Buyer / Borrower

GIEK and / or Bank

Loan Guarantee Risk




6 Steps in aquiring a loan




EXPORT CREDIT NORWAY ISSUES INDICATIVE TERM SHEET KRS OR BUYER SUBMITS LOAN APPLICATION BEFORE EXPORT CONTRACT AWARD Contact one of our relationship managers, providing details of the prospective export contract and project or purchase to be financed

Based on the application, Export Credit Norway prepares an indicative term sheet, outlining key terms and conditions and quoting fixed CIRR interest rates. KRS may attach the indicative term sheet to its bid or sales pitch

Loans from Export Credit Norway must be guaranteed by the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) and/or acceptable financial institutions. The guarantors will issue loan guarantees in favour of Export Credit Norway after they have conducted a favourable credit assessment of the project and the borrower. Export Credit Norway cooperates closely with the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) and a range of Norwegian and international banks

EXPORT CREDIT NORWAY NEGOTIATES LOAN AGREEMENT WITH THE BORROWER Provided the prospective loan is approved by Export Credit Norway’s credit committee and/or board, loan agreement negotiations begin. The loan documentation will incorporate Export Credit Norway’s terms and conditions, as well as the terms and conditions set by the guarantors Export Credit Norway may also participate in syndicated loan transactions, collaborating with several other lenders on one common loan agreement

EXPORT CREDIT NORWAY DISBURSES THE LOAN Export Credit Norway disburses the loan, typically directly to KRS, subject to the terms and conditions in the loan agreement. Disbursement is made after KRS has made part or final delivery of the agreed product or service to the borrower

Export Credit Norway manages the relationship with the borrower during the life-time of the loan




GIEK REQUIREMENTS • Minimum 30 % Norwegian content in export contract • Local costs can not be more than 25 % of the export value of the contract • Minimum 15 % cash payment of contract • Standard downpayment terms (there are exceptions): • Minimum 2 years; 5 years is standard, maximum 8,5 years • First downpayment 6 (or 12) months after starting point of credit • Half yearly downpayments • Up-front risk premium payable to GIEK (can be financed) • Credit risk of debtor must be acceptable

Loans from Export Credit Norway must be guaranteed by the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) and/or financial institutions at all times. This means that the guarantors guarantee that they will compensate Export Credit Norway for any losses arising in a situation where the borrower is unable to service the loan. The borrower will need to pay a guarantee premium to the loan guarantors in return for their assumption of this risk. Typically, the financial institutions involved in such arrangements are commercial banks, but may also include insurance companies. The guarantors must have a long-term credit rating of at least BBB, and be approved by Export Credit Norway.

KEY TERMS & CONDITIONS INTEREST RATES • The funding of loans is provided by the Norwegian government. • Loans with Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRR) are available in all OECD cur-rencies. Export Credit Norway quotes fixed CIRR rates before an export contract has been entered into • Loans with market-based interest rates are offered as an alternative to CIRR rates Provided the borrower chooses a market-based floating interest rate during the drawdown period, the choice between CIRR and market-based interest rates during the repayment period may remain open until final drawdown. At that point, the bor-rower may compare the fixed CIRR rate to the market-based interest rate, and opt for the more attractive of the two. REPAYMENT The loan repayment period varies from two to 18 years depending on the project type. The maximum repayment periods are as follows: • For capital goods: 8.5 years

• For projects in developing countries: 10 years • For ships and ship equipment: 12 years • For project funding: 14 years • For renewable energy and water supply and sewerage projects: 18 years FINANCING FOR UP TO 85 % OF THE CONTRACT VALUE

COMPLIANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL RULES FOR EXPORT CREDITS Loans extended by Export Credit Norway comply with the OECD Arrangement on Officially Sup-ported Export Credits, which inter alia regulates CIRR interest rates and maximum repayment periods. OTHER KEY TERMS

• Export Credit Norway must receive the loan application before the export contract is signed • Norwegian content must account for at least 30% of the export contract value. Deliveries from companies based in Norway or companies abroad under SIMPLER AND LESS COSTLY PROCESSING Norwegian majority control generally qualify OF SMALLER TRANSACTIONS as Norwegian content • Local costs cannot exceed 30% of the sum For selected loans of up to NOK 30 million of Norwegian and third country content in we offer a simplified documentation pro-cess, the export contract subject to the guarantors’ approval. The loans are then evidenced by negotiable promissory • All loans must be 100% guaranteed by GIEK and/or financial institutions with notes in lieu of fully-fledged loan agreements, satisfactory credit ratings which reduces transaction costs, mainly related to legal fees, payable by the borrower. • Export Credit Norway applies internatio ally-agreed guidelines for environmental and social impact, as well as anti-corruption measures • Capital goods and renewable energy projects: financing of up to 85% of the contract value. • Ships and ship equipment: up to 80% of the contract value.

INTEREST RATES Export Credit Norway offers two interest-rate alternatives: • Fixed interest rates set by the OECD once a month, referred to as Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRR). • Interest rates on commercial terms in accordance with current market prices, most commonly a reference rate such as LIBOR plus a fixed margin. The offered interest rate must comply with the rules on state subsidies. We quote CIRRs in an “indicative term sheet” before the export contract is concluded. The applicable interest rate is finally set on the date the export contract is signed. The interest payable to Export Credit Norway does not include the guarantee premium payable to the loan guarantors. This will be set in accordance with the guarantors’ assessment of political and commercial risks relating to the project or the company being funded. The total payable interest rate thus equals the interest payable to Export Credit Norway plus the guarantee premium payable to the guarantors.

Pre contract CIRR rates

Loans with attractive interest rates CIRR (fixed) or market loans

TENOR: <5 yrs


5,5-8,5 yrs

9-12 yrs 15 yrs

18 yrs





















EXAMPLE FINANCIAL TERM SHEET Indicative financial term sheet for a client project in East Africa. We indicate a 100% financing of a contract between KRS with Partners and the Client.

Buyer: Lender: Supplier:

If the Client do want to finance the contract with own funds or other loans, it is acceptable to utilize our indicated financing as part of the total financial package. We can arrange the financing as a facility where the borrower only draw what is needed, but limited to 100% of the contract included financial costs. It is, of course, also acceptable to utilize the export credit portion as a stand-alone facility.


85% will be provided through an export credit from Norway and 15% will be provided through a commercial bank. A construction period of up to 1 year is indicated, but could be extended. The repayment period will start 6 months after construction period. All financial cost (guarantee premium, interest during construction, bank fees) may be included in the financing.

the Client Eksportkreditt, Norway or International Bank KRS as main contractor and sub-suppliers advised by the main supplier Payment guarantee from the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) cover 100% of the loan, interest, default interest as well as any other agreed costs. The indicated premium will be calculated on the loan amount and paid up front as one single payment, but can be included in the financing. The premium is calculated based on a construction period of 1 year and repayment periods mentioned below: 10 years: 11.9%

Disbursements: At or after the date of delivery, in accordance with the payment terms of the commercial contract. Dibursements will be made directly to the supplier. Repayment:

The repayment will be made in up to 10 years in up to 20 consecutive, equal semi-annual instalments, the first one due 6 months after final disbursement.


Floating rate: The borrower may choose from all major currencies. The quote will be as 6 months LIBOR + 1.20% p.a. The 6 months LIBOR interest rates dated 21.01.16 were:

A) Export Credit Portion 85% of contract Contract: Facility type: Borrower: Guarantor:

A contract between KRS and the Client Export credit secured by payment guarantee The Client or Owner of the Client The Client or Owner of the Client

EUR: - 0.07% p.a. USD: 0.85% p.a.

Presentation of the GIEK premium as a pro anno margin.

Fixed market rate: Fixed market rate is also available for all currencies. CIRR is provided through the MoF, Norway. Interest rates dated 21.06.16 were: 10 years repayment:

EUR 1.30% p.a.

USD 3.04% p.a.

Commitment fee: 0,8 % p.a. calculated on the committed, but not disbursed market term loan, payable on the interest payment dates, in arrears. Agent fee:

To be agreed upon between the borrower and the agent bank, payable by the borrower. Indication will be 0.8% flat calculated on the loan amount.

B) 15% Commercial Bank Loan Indicative terms for the loan will be as follows: Contract: Borrower: Guarantor: Lender: Supplier: Maturity period: Interest: Upfront fee:

A contract between KRS and the Client The Client or the Owner of the Client The Client or the Owner of the Client International or local bank KRS as main contractor and sub-suppliers advised by the main supplier Up to 5 years. Longer maturity may be negotiated. 6 months USD or EUR Libor + a margin up to 5.00 % p.a. 1.0% flat

Payment guarantee from the Norwegian Guarantee Institute for Export Credits (GIEK) cover 100% of the loan, interest, default interest as well as any other agreed costs. The indicated premium will be calculated on the loan amount and paid up front as one single payment, but can be included in the financing. The premium is actually a pro anno margin (% p.a.) that is discounted to one up front fee. Therefore, the premium for SU/Uganda can also be presented as a margin of 2.6% p.a. if we use a discount rate of 4% p.a., which is equal to OECD’s calculation. The premium of 11.9% is calculated based on a construction period of 1 year and repayment period of 10 years. Export Credit: GIEK premium: 11.9 flat up front Interest on loan: CIRR USD/EUR Equals the following loan based on pro rata basis Commercial loan USD GIEK premium pro anno (2.6%) + CIRR (3.04% p.a.) = 5.64 % p.a. EUR GIEK premium pro anno (2.6%) + CIRR (1.30% p.a.) = 3.90 % p.a. Therefore, our indicated export credit is competitive with all loans (10 years repayment + 1 year’s drawdown) with a higher interest rate than 5.64% p.a. for USD and 3.90% p.a. for EUR. It is important to mention that this is a fixed interest for the total construction and repayment period, all cost included. The customer can also choose floating interest as indicated above

TIME LINE The timeline from the application of financing and disbursement of the loan depends on multiple factors, including the complexity of the project, legal conditions in the customer’s (borrower’s) home country, the borrower’s creditworthiness and the requirements and terms imposed by the guarantors. The loan is disbursed after you have delivered your good or service to the customer. Export Credit Norway strives to process loans as efficiently and quickly as possible. The guarantors’ credit assessment of your customer, the negotiation of the loan agreement and the collection and completion of the loan documentation are the most time-consuming steps in the loan process.

Typical KRS project Normally 1-2 months Initial phase

Normally 1-3 months Pre-Project phase

Normally 4-12 months

Total between 6-17 months

Time 2 Main Project phase Greenlight project

First contact Customer requirements Produce layout building Indicative offer/pricing

Detailed specs Architectural plans Master plan Proposal

1-4 months GIEK & Export Credit application process 1-4 months production time

The minimum project time is 1+1+4=6 months The maximum project time is 2+3+12=17 months

1-2 months shipping time 1-2 months mounting time




Export Credit Norway’s loan documentation comply with recognised international standards.


The loan agreement will contain our general terms and conditions, as well as terms and conditions set by GIEK/the guarantors for each individual loan transaction. For loans totalling less than NOK 30 million, Export Credit Norway and GIEK have developed simplified documentation to facilitate cheaper, quicker establishment of loans. In some cases, we may offer simplified documentation, whereby the loan is documented by means of a negotiableA promissory note instead of an ordinary loan agreement.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Guarantee applicant. Name, address, financial information, contact person and contact details. A comprehensive Web page will do the rest Exporter. Often the same as nr.1 Buyer. Contact person and contact details. A comprehensive Web page will do the rest Borrower, if other than buyer Will there be any external guarantor Contract. Amount, currency, payment terms, time schedule, Environmental aspects. Presume nothing on your projects Agent. Role, payment terms, success fee etc. Very important to do the “KYC” seriously

These are examples of the kinds of documents we may request in the process: PROJECT INFORMATION • Company documents (certificate of registration, articles of association, authorisation to sign, copy of passport, board resolution approving the loan) • Licenses, authorisations, public approvals for the project • If relevant: public approvals for the loan, issue of parent company guarantee/other guarantees/pledges of assets as security /promissory notes, etc. • If relevant: registrations of public approvals for the loan/issue of guarantees, pledges of assets as security and promissory notes, if required by the legislation of the country in which the borrower is resident • If relevant: documentation relating to the environmental and social requirements applicable to the project, including impact assessments (environmental and social impact analyses) and necessary certifications • Confirmation from a lawyer in the borrower’s country that all local conditions/conditions relating to the borrower for taking up a loan from Export Credit Norway are met, i.e. that there are no legal/public-law obstacles to the establishment of the loan

1. 2. 3. 4.


Background for the project. Motivation for buyer, reason for exporter to offer, Description of the market and rationale for the project. Value for money? Structure with description of all parties and agreements between them. Role, scope of works etc. EPC contract. Supplier’s scope and value and origin. Especially Norwegian and local content important to calculate. Other countries may be important to be able to use the Export Credit Agencies in the respective country. General description of the project. Technical and commercial Here it is important to understand that financial institutions do not know anything about the project. Here we need to “teach” them. Information of the sector, sector that the project shall operate in. Here it may be necessary describe the total project if your contract is dependent on other contracts or byers own work.


Scatec Solar AS


Kongsberg Maritime AS.


A project company in South Africa in which Scatec Solar is the controlling shareholder.


Geobam Trading Ltd, Cyprus


Scatec Solar AS has delivered and is a part-owner of the 75 MW Kalkbult solar power plant in South Africa’s Northern Cape province.


Export Credit Norway has made a loan of USD 2,070,000 (85% of the contract sum), at a fixed interest rate of 1.67%. The repayment period is five years.

Guarantee types

GIEK has issued three bond guarantees: 1. Pre-payment guarantee: issued to the purchasing company in South Africa. Amounted to 15% of the value of the power plant delivery contract. 2. Completion guarantee: issued to the purchasing company. Amounted to 10% of the contract value.

Guarantee sum

3. Equity guarantee: issued to the lender by way of security for the payment of Scatec Solar’s share of the equity capital in the purchasing company. ZAR 488 million (approximately NOK 282 million)

Guarantee types

Guarantee sum

GIEK is guaranteeing 90%, while DNB is guaranteeing the remaining 10%. The Kongsberg Group has provided a counter-guarantee for one-third of GIEK’s risk. Lender’s guarantee

USD 1,863,405


Skeie AS


Premium Entertainment GmbH, Germany


GIEK is guaranteeing 90%. SpareBank 1 SR Bank is guaranteeing 10%. The size of the loan meant that simplified loan documentation could be used.

Guarantee types

Guarantee sum

Export Credit Norway has made a loan of EUR 755,000 (70% of the contract sum). The repayment period is three years. Lender’s guarantee

EUR 680,100



Ronatoppen 63A, 4638 Kristiansand S Norway

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