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就地球村的視野來說,世界音樂是一種突破文化藩籬的藝術 語言。 就音樂發展史來說,世界音樂是啟發和促進流行音樂深度的 重要元素。 不論是從土地、從文化、或從獨特創意上發展起來的世界音 樂,正深深影響著當代音樂人的創作思維,在全球音樂發展 上如此,在人文多彩、創意多元的臺灣更是如此。 從多元族群特色出發,融合流行元素,讓世界音樂欣賞人口 擴增到更廣大族群、讓台灣特色音樂創作者及演出團隊與世 界舞台接軌,是本部影視及流行音樂產業局舉辦此特色音樂 活動的重要目的。 2016 世界音樂節,邀請了 4 組國際團隊和 6 組臺灣團隊共同 展演這獨特的音樂生命力,續三天的音樂演出、國際策展人 講座.媒合會及工作坊,聚集了來自歐洲、美洲、澳洲和亞 洲的音樂力量,合力在臺灣土地上薈萃出絢麗的音樂光譜。 我們相信,透過這系列精彩的音樂節活動,不僅能帶動在地 世界音樂團隊在國際舞台上的能見度、進一步輸出在地獨具 特色的演出團隊,也能為親臨現場的觀賞者帶來難忘而美好 的音樂回憶。 2016 世界音樂節 @ 臺灣,邀請您。



Biung & Friends

Taiwan 臺灣

王宏恩 feat. 朋友們


22 週六 Sat.




Indigenous fusion and pop 原音跨界 尬流行

王宏恩︱ 2002 年之前,王宏恩的音樂創作滿載對故鄉、對土 地的溫柔話語,那時的他背負著布農孩子的鄉愁,音樂想法 單純、充滿民謠風格,如同一股清新和風吹拂當時樂壇,觸 動許多人的心。2004 年之後,他躋身流行音樂領域,創作從 母語轉為中文,旋律接近主流、節奏更為強烈,逐漸形成融 合傳統與流行的獨特語彙。主持節目之外,沉潛內心的音樂 靈魂讓他於 2015 年重回出道時的創作信念,以融合布農文化 底蘊的音樂語言,吟唱一路走來的精彩故事。 這次演出,王宏恩將邀來流行音樂界的好友共襄盛舉,將流 行音樂融入各自族群音樂元素中,於舞台上展現難得一見的 即興創作能力,架構流行音樂與民族傳統的新對話,讓世界 音樂的創作內涵浸潤於流行中。

《情歌歌姬》- 梁文音︱從小就愛唱歌的台灣原住民女孩。她 說爸爸比她更愛唱,也更愛比賽,常鼓勵她挑戰各大比賽。 參加第二屆超級星光大道》Million Star 歌唱選秀節目,獲得 亞軍。發行首張專輯《愛的詩篇》即入圍金曲獎最佳新人。 並參與演出寫下台灣電影賣座史第一名的華語電影《海角七 號》Cape No. 7。 溫暖富感情的歌聲,與清新高亮的嗓音, 以述說故事的方式詮釋歌曲,在新生代歌手中獨樹一格,有 「情歌歌姬」美譽。 這次演出,王宏恩將邀來流行音樂界的好友共襄盛舉,將流 行音樂融入各自族群音樂元素中,於舞台上展現難得一見的 即興創作能力,架構流行音樂與民族傳統的新對話,讓世界 音樂的創作內涵浸潤於流行中。 4


地球 舞台

Before 2002, Biung’s music was known as a gentle dialogue with the land and with his Bunun tribe hometown, for which he frequently felt homesick. His ideas for music were simple and brimmed with a folk song feel, and like a fresh breeze, he touched many hearts upon entering the professional music scene. In 2004, he got into pop music and wrote a number of songs translated into Mandarin from his native tongue. The mainstream style melodies and energetic tempo characteristic of his work gradually formed into a unique musical vocabulary with both traditional and pop aspects. In addition to hosting events, during his second debut in 2015, his inner musical spirit brought out a musical language of true Bunun tribe culture in singing out his amazing story.

Earth Stage 5

Love Song Diva—Rachel Liang Rachel is a Taiwanese aborigine who fell in love with singing at a young age. She says her father loves singing more than she, and he loves contests even more. He often encouraged her to participate in big contests, and so she entered the second season of the talent contest program Million Star and won second place. The release of her first album Poem of Love got her a nomination for the Golden Melody Best New Artist Award. She also performed music for the number one Mandarin language film in Taiwanese box office sales history—Cape No. 7. Her warm, clear, bright voice is full of sentiment. The way she interprets songs into stories is quite unique among the new generation of singers, and as a result, she has become known as the “love song diva”. For this performance, Biung has brought friends from the pop music scene to work together in fusing pop with musical elements from various ethnic groups. This unique improvisation of creativity on stage serves as a dialogue between traditional folk and modern pop music in which world music gets immersed into pop music.


Teresa Salgueiro Portugal 葡萄牙


22 週六 Sat.




里斯本的 故事 經典女聲

Lisbon Story soundtrack vocalist

Teresa Salgueiro 1987~2007 年間,泰瑞莎.薩古耶蘿是紅遍全球的世界音樂 樂團「聖母合唱團」主唱,透過《里斯本的故事》這部膾炙 人口的音樂電影著名於世。因音樂理念漸行漸遠,2007 年 離開聖母,重新開展自己的世界音樂之路。她先後與 Septet João Cristal、Lusitânia Ensemble 、Zbigniew Preisner 等樂 團或作曲家合作錄音及演唱會,同時受邀於全世界各地表演, 也創作心目中理想的世界音樂。2012 年,泰瑞莎發行了個人 首張創作專輯《OMistério》,並與理念相同的音樂家組成樂 團,更積極地投入音樂創作及全球世界音樂之旅。 Teresa Salgueiro It was in 1986 that a teenager from Lisbon surprised two of Portugal’s best pop musicians, Rodrigo Leão and Pedro Ayres Magalhães. The public was equally surprised with the revelation of the group known as Madredeus in 1987. Between 1987 and 2007, twenty years on the road and sales of over five million albums turned Madredeus into the prime international ambassadors of the music of Portugal, and Teresa Salgueiro’s pristine, discrete presence and interpretive power was at the forefront of their popularity. As the travels of Madredeus slowly came to a halt, Teresa began to sketch her own way as a solo artist with such albums as Você e Eu recorded with the João Cristal septet, La Serena with the Lusitânia Ensemble, and Matriz. In 2012, she released her first solo album O Mistério and formed a band with musicians of like-minded concepts, putting more into musical creation and taking pushing journey of world music to new reaches.



Yoshida Brothers


23 週六 Sat.




地球 舞台 Earth Stage

吉田兄弟 來自北海道的三味線組合,哥哥吉田良一郎和弟弟吉田健一 組成的「吉田兄弟」,1999 年推出首張專輯《Ibuki》後一炮 而紅,連續 3 年舉行巡迴演奏會,2003 年更於美國推出首張 海外專輯,陸續在美國、丹麥、瑞典、西班牙、香港、台灣 等地演出。吉田兄弟的音樂風格成功揉合傳統民謠和爵士樂、 搖滾樂、科技樂器等元素。追求音樂上的變化但不捨棄傳統, 表演時的形象也融合了傳統與現代。《波士頓環球報》、《紐 約時報》均形容其音樂充滿爆炸力、激情與勁道。 Yoshida Brothers

Japan 日本

突破聽覺 新境界的 絢麗三味線

Breaking into a New Realm with the Shamisen

The Yoshida Brothers were born and bred in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido. Each picked up the shamisen at the tender age of five, and began studying Tsugaru shamisen under Takashi Sasaki I in 1990. After sweeping prizes at national Tsugaru shamisen conventions, the brothers made their major debut in 1999 with an album that sold over 100,000 copies. In 2002, the brothers went on their first national tour entitled "Live Soul" performing in 30 cities. The following year, they made their US debut with the album YOSHIDA BROTHERS from Domo Records and performed in New York and Los Angeles. In following years, they toured in Korea, the US, Spain, Hong Kong, Canada, and New Zealand, and they have worked on projects including a TV commercial for Nintendo’s Wii and the theme song for the Japanese manga Naruto that has sold over one hundred million copies. As one of the artistic groups whose scope of activities go way beyond that of traditional Japanese music, the Yoshida Brothers continue to take not only Japan but also the US, Europe, and Asia as their stage.


許嫚烜 × D.J. Ray Ray 跨界古箏 尬刷盤女王


23 週

日 Sun.

1 6 : 3 0


1 7 : 3 0

許嫚烜︱音樂製作人、古箏演奏家、作曲家,集多重身份於 一身的音樂人。多年在唱片公司的工作經驗,延伸她在音樂 上的視野與觸角,也因擔任身心靈音樂的製作,啟發她在古 箏創作上的靈感。10 多年來陸續寫下許多古箏樂曲,從扎實 的傳統音樂根基上探索新的古箏語彙,2014 年發行《弦色流 轉》專輯,入圍第 25 屆傳藝術曲獎《最佳跨界音樂專輯》。 DJ RayRay ︱ RayRay 曾就讀台灣大學人類學系,以 22 歲之 姿站上競爭激烈的 DJ 台。從 15 歲開始接觸 Hip-Hop,音樂 對於 DJ RayRay 來說是生命中不可或缺的重要元素,隨著音 樂的擺動,她將活潑的力量隨著唱盤轉動注入音樂之中,音 樂風格從 Hip-Hop, Jazz Hip-Hop, Old School,一直到 Funk, Disco。目前為台北指標夜店 OMNI 首席駐場 DJ、W TAIPEI 駐場 DJ,曾經在許多台灣重要嘻哈盛會中擔任指定 DJ,也 曾擔任嘻哈歌手以及各種關於嘻哈音樂的活動表演 DJ,甜美 的外表加上完美的選歌技巧所散發的音樂魅力,不容小覷, 更多次參與台灣音樂節春吶、春浪,國際音樂節 SXSW、ADE 等演出,個人特色以及表演經驗極為豐富。為 2013 年 Red Bull Thre3Style 首屆台灣區冠軍,代表台灣前往加拿大,和 來自美洲、歐洲、亞洲等最強 DJ 高手爭取全球總冠軍賽。目 前也積極參與許多藝人專輯製作,包括柯有倫、陳芳語以及 JPM 等,2014 年更參與了小時代 2 的電影音樂製作。2015 年 RayRay 更受邀到 TED X Taipei 以及 Google 等學術平台演 講,目前 RayRay 更積極於她第一張全製作的專輯,並不定期 在世界各國巡迴演出 8

Hsu Man-hsuan

Taiwan 臺灣

Techno and DJ show

Hsu Man-hsuan × D.J. Ray Ray

Hsu Man-hsuan is a musician who possesses the multiple identities of music producer, guzheng performer and composer. Many years of working with Wind Music have expanded Hsu’s musical horizons. Being responsible for the production of music for the body, mind and spirit, she began a new conversation with herself which led to inspiration for new creations with the guzheng. Originally an academic, she has moved from her roots in traditional musical to the exploration of a new language for the guzheng. In a period of over ten years, she has written many compositions. In the end, like a gold panner who has picked through a myriad of possibilities, her polished efforts yielded this album of contemporary guzheng music that brims with extraordinary meaning. In 2014, she released the album Splendid Strings on the Move, which was later nominated for Best Crossover Music Album at the 25th Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music.

島嶼 舞台 Island Stage

RayRay An ancient Greek philosopher suggested it takes a certain madness to be a true artist. Taipei native, RayRay, like all great artists, manifests this into music. She's been a hit in the circuit of major music festivals and DJ venues across Asia, working with some of their top music makers. She was crowned champion of the 2013 Red Bull Thre3style DJ competition. The same year, she presented Taiwan to Toronto in the International DJ Championship. With so much strength under her belt, she's garnered further foreign interest, having been invited to perform at SXSW in 2013 and 2016, ADE in Amsterdam in 2015, Glastonbury UK Festival in 2016, and the Midem France Music Festival in 2016. She has been invited to present her ideas on music and life for TEDx Talks and Google Talks. She is also the producer for WiFi Grapes. Be on the lookout for RayRay. The music she brings is the next generation of creativity. 9

Eunha Kim


月 週

1 5 : 3 0

Eunha Kim ( 金銀河 ) Eunha 自 2014 年 起 擔 任 亞 洲 文 化 中 心舉辦的 ACC 世界音樂節策展人,負 責統籌音樂節相關活動,固定於每年 8 月舉辦的音樂節,邀請來自世界各 地,代表不同地區、不同流行元素的 音樂家。

她所服務的「亞洲文化中心」為目前 為亞洲中規模最大,旨在關注亞洲藝 術,因此 ACC 世界音樂節希望透過提 供更多元的表演項目,讓各種不同的 亞洲音樂產生激盪。憑藉著這樣的理 念,Eunha 試著將亞洲各地、不同屬 性之音樂相互連結,組織成一個亞洲 音樂網絡。

她具有智利國立大學藝術行政管理碩 士學位,曾在不同的劇團公司工作, 具有豐富的國際策展經驗,如智利、 墨西哥中的韓國文化中心籌辦藝術節 相關活動,更把韓國的眾多藝術創作, 推展到許多國際知名、重要的藝術與 音樂節。


五 Fri.

1 4 : 3 0



Angelina Bateman

主 講 人

從指標性音樂節 看當代 世界音樂發展



Main speaker:

Angelina Patricia Bateman 馬來西亞雨林世界音樂節官方策展 人。Angelina 生於馬來西亞的砂勞越, 具有英國萊撤思特大學人力資源科學 的 碩 士 學 位。 目 前 為 砂 勞 越 旅 遊 局 (Sarawak Tourism Borad STB)活動 與企業關係主任,是沙巴旅遊局的創 局元老之一,負責制定其政策與策略。 因其具有豐富的銀行財務經驗,也曾 任砂勞越旅遊局財務管理與企業公關 部門。 自 1998 年 開 始 的 雨 林 世 界 音 樂 節, Angelina 就開始參與規劃,讓雨林世 界音樂節從最初僅有 400 位觀眾,累 積成長至過去幾年內平均有 20000 人 次的參加,替當地經濟貢獻近 3 千 7 百萬馬幣的收入,也讓音樂節每年擁 有 6 成的回客率。Angelina 同時負責 與當地相關姊妹活動,如在砂勞越北 邊度假城市- Miri 舉辦的婆羅洲爵士 季,促成兩者共同合辦雨林音樂季。 兩者兩個音樂節活動皆扮演推動砂勞 越觀光的重要角色,吸引觀光客造訪 為首要目標。音樂節同時也獲得當地 社區的大力支持,尤其是年輕世代的 居民,由此更願意加入保存在地音樂 與文化的工作。

Lectures 1

講座 Lectures

Seeing the Development of Contemporary World Music from the Viewpoint of Important Music Festivals

Eunha Kim

Angelina Patricia Bateman

Eunha Kim has been in charge of ACC World Music Festival organized by Asia Culture Center since 2014. She currently is officer in charge of festivals including the above music event. The music festival presenting musicians from and outside home every late August introduces to public where contemporary music is going today in different regions worldwide. In the same context, Eunha Kim tries to promote Asian music and a bond of the region through organizing an Asian music network.

Angelina Patricia Bateman hails from the state of Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo. She is currently the Director of Events and Corporate Relations of the Sarawak To u r i s m B o a rd ( S T B ) , w h i c h w a s established in 1995 to boost the tourism potential of the state. Angelina has been with the Sarawak Tourism Board since its beginning, helping to formulate policies and strategies.

She previously was working for different theater companies and performing arts festivals in Korea and Korea Culture Center in Mexico and Chile where she took a master course of Arts Administration at National University o f C h i le . S h e h a s b e e n a t te n d i n g internationally important markets and festivals of arts and music to introduce K o re a n p i e ce s a n d t o s e a rc h fo r international works to program.

Angelina has also been involved with the organization of the Rainforest World Music festival in various capacities since its inception in 1998. Angelina now heads the division of the Sarawak Tourism Board that is tasked with the organization of the festival together with its sister event, the Borneo Jazz festival that is held in the resort city of Miri. 串場主持人 李岳奇 Host Roger Lee


音樂工作坊 Workshops

10/22 六 Sat. 14:00-15:00

工作坊 Workshop 1

夏威夷 尬 雲南 Hawaii

and Yunnan


Daniel Ho、山人樂隊

工作坊 Workshop 2

Main speakers

Daniel Ho, Shanren

10/22 六 Sat.15:30-16:30

鼓聲咚咚 . 漫遊塔布拉

Drum Beats . Wandering with the Tabla

講者 Main speakers ︱ Dilip Mukherjee

※ 此場次為大師級工作坊,歡迎各方塔布拉鼓 愛好者參加


@ 大帳篷 Tents

來看音樂人相互鬥陣 . 順便加入即興演出 好聽好看又好玩 . 最具臨場感的超值體驗



Main speakers

Daniel Ho 六 Sat.18:30-19:30 吳昊恩

Daniel Ho Wu Hao-en

工作坊 Workshop 3


A Chat between Guitar Musicians

※ 此場次為 YAMAHA 吉他工作坊,歡迎吉他同好參加


日 Sun.14:00-15:00


Main speakers

王宏恩 Biung 戴曉君 Tai Siao-chun

工作坊 Workshop 4


A Chat between Indigenous Taiwanese Singers

13 13



從世界音樂的多元風格出發, 邀請具有原創特色的作品,

一起打造地球市集的幸福樣貌。 14

10/21 五 Fri. 13:00-22:00

音樂鋪子、創藝市集、食藝市集 Music Bazaars, Creative Bazaars, Food Bazaars

10/22-23 六 Sat.- 日 Sun. 13:00-22:00

音樂鋪子、創藝市集 食藝市集、野餐會藝 Music Bazaars, Creative Bazaars, Food Bazaars, Picnic



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入 口



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