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ArchitalkFreshers Evening 19 - 20 .....................................46


Ar. Sanjay Mohe Ar. Sanjay Mohe


5th July 2019 : ”You should learn to bring energy into the building, learn from the five elements of nature.” Students should start looking inside, feeling the space and energy within the space you design around the function. Always fuse nature in your concept of Architecture. Learn to AGREE to DISAGREE. 26th July 2019 : When child is young, you give him a ball, he starts playing. When a ball doesn’t touch the bat the child doesn’t start crying, the child is fully aware that there will be problems and I will keep on trying to hit it. So as a student if you don’t find yourself in that state, then start doubting yourself if you are the one.

Ar. Frank Lyons

Ar. Vikas Dilawari visited our college on 5th December 2019 : “The arts are 12th July 2019 : “You should always have 20th December 2019 : “Its good not 20th December 2019. generated subjectively, it is assumed more than one reason to build a project.” because its old. It is old because its that the finished cultural artefact is also Engaging in a dialogue is very good.” Conservation is bit like a ‘root subjective.” He seeks to unpick the important, always narrate your stories and canal’ than fixing new dentures. ‘The hiscomplex relationships that go to make experiences to one another. Once you torical significance, the cultural context up great works of architecture, to reveal start speaking, you participate and sentiment have to be kept in mind a set of principles that are found to apply yourself more with the designing process. when one works on conservation not only to architecture but also to art, He attempts to move from the known to projects ‘says the architect. Six Inch Six music and culture in general. unknown in search of Timeless Princi- Yard concept : Judge any space from ples. six yard and even six inch with accuracy.

Ar. Neelkanth Chhaya Ar. Ankon Mitra

17th August 2019 : “The apparent chaos of the universe has an underlying order, that order is created by folding processes.” Architect’s lifelong work is to research these folding processes, and to understand the reasons why nature and the Universe uses folding techniques so extensively.

Ar. Verendra Wakhaloo Ar. Vikas Dilawari

Ar. Neera Adarkar

30th August 2019 : She is an architect, researcher and an urbanist whose work is largely informed by her pedagogical concerns and active participation in urban, social and gender movements. She has been part of the women’s group which voluntarily overviewed the proposed Development Plan of Mumbai. Ar. Johanna D. & Yasamen E. Ar. Robert Harvey Oshatz

13th January 2020 : “Architecture has become too complicated to be understood by architects.” The study of the relation of floating settlements with respect to the main land along with the human-water linkage is essential. One has to travel the world as much he/she can to become a better architect. 17th December 2019 : ” I do not try to be different for the sake of being different. If I am different, it is to make a difference.” The client’s program and vision are the seed that grows into the solution of each design challenge. Architect is client’s artist, creator and logician of evolving aesthetic structures.

Ar. Saumya Sampat

27 December 2019 : He has over eight years of experience with Shaheer architects based in New Delhi. He shared his experience working with such a legendary architect and talked about work experience in some famous pojects like Sundar Nursery. He later spent three years in leading the India office for a Hong Kong based firm called One Er. BL Manjunaath

4th January 2020 : ”For him the question to question the innovation is the innovation.” When you look at a product, try and figure out the process behind it. Question the materials, fabrics and forms. Learn to feel the failure, observe the setbacks and analyse. Sensitive observation and logic should overpower greed. Capture the essence and create more. As the name refers, This page contains key points and great words said by Master Architects around the world who come to FEED and also visits our college and share their own journey of architecture. They share their experience working not only as an architect but also as a leader for the society and boosts our own energy and enthusiasm to become more sensitive and socially conscious architects. They present their works on feed platform and inspires many architects and architecture students around the world.

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