English customer success stories electroimpact

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Success Story

Electroimpact Inc, Mukilteo, WA (USA) moved to production phase with keytech PLM Electroimpact

Electroimpact’s mission is to be the premier supplier of automated equipment to the worldwide aircraft industry. To enable this, they hire the best specialists and remove all barriers which could prevent them from doing the best job possible. In their pursuit of this goal they embarked on an extensive PLM software evaluation project. They had some major requirements: Replacing the existing Solution, PDMWorks Workgroup for SolidWorks, which was no longer sufficient for their requirements. Incorporating their extensive mixed engineering environment, mainly SolidWorks and CATIA, had to be implemented into one central Product Lifecycle Solution. Setting up a bidirectional link to Vantage ERP, the Electroimpact ERP System, to

control and speed up the manufacturing and purchase processes was also part of story.

High Level of integration with the help of keytech PLM

Following this intensive investigation and after a first pilot phase into acquiring the best PLM solution for their needs, the company decided to move to the production phase with keytech PLM. “After just five days, incorporating a workshop and training session, we reached a status of our implementation that allowed us to start a first intensive pilot phase. This was a status that we never reached with other evaluated system even after months.” said Scott Hogan Project Engineer and responsible for Data Management SolidWorks. keytech PLM was selected because it

Electroimpact - best solution with keytech PLM

provided the highest level of integration to both CATIA and SolidWorks. Also the CAD companies were not able to deliver anything comparable to the keytech Solutions.

“This is the first system we have looked at that appears to have the power we need.“ keytech PLM handles multiple CATIA versions on a project basis, it provides import and export facilities, incorporating file and reference renaming, revision control and release procedures that were essential in meeting the stringent requirements of customers such as Boeing and Airbus. The solutions fast implementation methodology (“Think Big, Start Small”) and its multiCAD capability were crucial to the current and future requirements of Electroimpact. keytech’s responsive support structure

within a few days.“We were relieved to find a vendor willing to support all versions of our CATIA and SolidWorks software. We have also been very pleased with the high level of technical competence exhibited by those setting up our system and by their quick responses to our requests for changes. This is the first system we have looked at that appears to have the power we need without being bloated, hard to use and hard to change.” , said Rob Flynn, Project Engineer, Responsible for PLM Evaluation.

About Electroimpact

Electroimpact was founded in June of 1986. The company is a highly experienced provider of factory automation and tooling solutions. They have grown to be the largest integrator of aircraft assembly lines in the world. Electroimpact‘s customer base includes amoung others Airbus, Boeing and Xi‘an Aircraft of China.

About keytech

ensured, where functional additions were required, e.g. the support for referenced CATIA V4 and CGR files, that this was generated and added to the keytech standard

Electroimpact, Inc. HighBay 4503 Chennault Beach Road Mukilteo, WA 98275 Phone: (425) 348 8090 Fax: (425) 348 0716 www.electroimpact.com

keytech is a leader in the integration of CAD-, ERP- and Data Management-systems into cohesive, yet affordable, environments that fulfill its customers’ requirements and boost their productivity across many areas of the enterprise. With integration of major 2D- and 3D-CAD-systems and integrations into major ERP-systems, keytech’s flagship offering, keytech PLM, is a scalable solution, beginning with simple document management and ending in a complete Product Lifecycle Management solution.

keytech Software GmbH Suderwichstraße 68 45665 Recklinghausen Phone: +49 2361 985 80 0 Fax: +49 2361 985 80 23 info@keytech.de www.keytech.de

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