6 minute read

Nomination form

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: KFTC Executive Committee and Kentucky Coalition Board. Due May 31, 2021.

You may nominate yourself or any other member for KFTC’s Executive Committee and the Kentucky Coalition Board of Directors. All nominations must be received by 5 p.m. ET on May 31, 2021. You may make your nominations by returning this form to KFTC at P.O. Box 1450, London, KY 40743. You also may email your nominations to nominations@kftc.org, or use an online form at www.kftc.org/nominations. Your Name:





You may nominate as many people as you like for the KFTC Executive Committee. Use additional paper if needed, and a separate form for each nominee.

I would like to nominate: __________________________________________

For the following position(s) on KFTC’s Executive Committee:

Chairperson Vice Chairperson

Secretary-Treasurer At-large Rep

Any of the positions I believe this person is a good choice because: ___________________________

____________________________________________________________ I have spoken with this person about my nomination, and they are willing to be considered (it’s okay if you haven’t). I have NOT yet spoken with this person about my nomination, and I do not know if they are willing to be considered.

I would like to nominate: __________________________________________

For the following position(s) on KFTC’s Executive Committee:

Chairperson Secretary-Treasurer Vice Chairperson At-large Rep

Any of the positions I believe this person is a good choice because: ___________________________

____________________________________________________________ I have spoken with this person about my nomination, and they are willing to be considered (it’s okay if you haven’t). I have NOT yet spoken with this person about my nomination, and I do not know if they are willing to be considered.


You may nominate as many people as you like for the Kentucky Coalition board. Use additional paper if needed, and a separate form for each nominee.

I would like to nominate ___________________________________________ for a position on the Kentucky Coalition Board.

I believe this person is a good choice because: ___________________________

____________________________________________________________ I have spoken with this person about my nomination, and they are willing to be considered (it’s okay if you haven’t). I have NOT yet spoken with this person about my nomination, and I do not know if they are willing to be considered.

You may nominate as many people as you like for the Kentucky Coalition board. Use additional paper if needed, and a separate form for each nominee.

I would like to nominate ___________________________________________ for a position on the Kentucky Coalition Board.

I believe this person is a good choice because: ___________________________

____________________________________________________________ I have spoken with this person about my nomination, and they are willing to be considered (it’s okay if you haven’t). I have NOT yet spoken with this person about my nomination, and I do not know if they are willing to be considered.

Return this form to: KFTC P.O. Box 1450 London, KY 40743


Photo by Melissa Alexander, Survival Media Agency

Meredith Wadlington, KFTC organizer with the Central Kentucky chapter, traveled south to help get out the vote with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) during January’s Georgia run-off elections – an election that had high stakes for the country. SURJ’s primary purpose in Georgia was to organize poor and working class white people to impact the election. They worked in coalition with Black and people of color-led organizations, like New Georgia Project and Mijente, to secure victories for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff and Democratic control of the U.S. Senate.

A similar state-based coalition exists here in Kentucky, with both KFTC and SURJ taking part. Search for a SURJ chapter near you or support their work with a donation at www.showingupforracialjustice.org.

NKY member Kimmy Sandlin was tabling at Roebling Point Books & Coffee and talking to folks about the RECLAIM Act and the Empower Kentucky plan.



Morgan Brown, Ashley Frasher, and Burt Lauderdale P.O. Box 1450 London, KY 40743 606-878-2161 | Fax: 606-878-5714 info@kftc.org


Jefferson County

E’Beth Adami, Corey Dutton, Carissa Lenfert, Shauntrice Martin, and Jessie Skaggs 735 Lampton Street #202 Louisville, KY 40203 502-589-3188

Southern Kentucky

Alexa Hatcher, Laura Harper Knight,and Whitney Kuklinski 958 Collett Ave., Suite 500 Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-282-4553

Northern Kentucky

Dave Newton, Joe Gallenstein, and Caitlin Sparks 306 Greenup Street Covington, KY 41011 859-380-6103

Central Kentucky

Tayna Fogle, Jessica Hays Lucas, Erik Hungerbuhler, Heather Mahoney, Nikita Perumal, and Meredith Wadlington, 250 Plaza Drive, Suite 4 Lexington, KY 40503 859-276-0563

Big Sandy

Jerry Hardt and Jacob Mack-Boll 152 North Lake Drive P.O. Box 864 Prestonsburg, KY 41653

Madison County

Lisa Abbott 210 N. Broadway #3 Berea, KY 40403 859-868-1179

Email any staff member at firstname@kftc.org, except for Jessica Hays Lucas use: jessicabreen@kftc.org and for Whitney Kuklinski use: whitneykuklinski@kftc.org.


Your support makes this publication – and all the important work of KFTC members reflected in it – possible. Thank you!

Here are three things you can do today:

• Become a Sustaining Giver. With an automatic, recurring gift, you can ensure that

KFTC’s work to build grassroots power keeps happening every day, all year long. • Renew your membership. • Invite a friend or family member to join KFTC.

Give online: www.KFTC.org/support

Become A Sustaining Giver: Your automatic, recurring gift provides steady income to support KFTC’s work throughout the year. You get to choose how much and how often you give – and make a bigger impact.

London, Ky. 40743 P.O. Box 1450 Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

NAME: _______________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________

CITY: __________________________________________________________

STATE & ZIP: _____________________________ _____________________

HOME PHONE: ____________________ CELL PHONE:______________________

EMAIL: _______________________________________________________

I will contribute $ _____ every: ⎕ Month ⎕ Quarter ⎕ Year

To update an existing Sustaining Gift, contact Ashley at ashley@kftc.org or (606) 878-2161.

I would rather make a one-time gift of:

⎕$250 ⎕$100 ⎕$50 ⎕$25 ⎕$15 ⎕$5 ⎕Other Amount: $_______

Suggested membership dues are $15-$50 annually, based on ability to pay. Your gift will make you a member or renew your membership for another year.

Payment Method:

⎕ Check or money order enclosed. ⎕ Bank withdrawal: Please return this form with a voided check.

(Best option for Sustaining Givers)

⎕ Credit card: Complete information below. ⎕ Visa ⎕ Mastercard ⎕ Am. Express ⎕ Discover

Card Number: __ __ __ __ -__ __ __ __ -__ __ __ __ -__ __ __ __ Expiration Date ___ ___ / ___ ___

I authorize KFTC/KY Coalition and their authorized third-party processing vendor(s) to debit my account or charge my credit card in accordance with the information provided. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until cancelled or changed by reasonable notification to KFTC/KY Coalition.

Authorized Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________ I would like my donation to go to:

⎕ KFTC: Donations are not tax-deductible. ⎕ KY Coalition: Donations are tax-deductible.

Tell us which issues you care about:

⎕ Just and Sustainable Economy: (good jobs; fair taxes; thriving local communities; good housing, education, and services; more)

⎕ Energy, Health, and Environment: (protect our air, water, health and climate; grow clean energy jobs; invest in a just transition in Appalachia; more)

⎕ Fairness and Equality: (racial justice; LGBTQ equality; fair immigration reform; more)

⎕ Healthy Democracy: (restore voting rights; expand and inform voter participation; reduce role of money in politics; more)

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