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Tentative schedule
KFTC 2021 (VIRTUAL) ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Friday, July 30 – Saturday, July 31
We can make a future where every Kentuckian has a safe home, clean water, and health care. Where we can send our kids to public schools that equip them to pursue their dreams. Where our jobs earn us a good living and help us live a good life. Where we all have a say in the decisions that impact our lives. We can make a future where we all thrive.
That future is possible, but first we have to imagine what we truly want for ourselves, our families and communities, for KFTC, and Kentucky. And then we have to organize and take action together to create it.
That’s why KFTC members are envisioning and implementing an Organizational Change Initiative to set the course for KFTC’s future as we celebrate our 40-year history. It’s why we push for visionary policies like the THRIVE agenda, and work to impact elections and elect bold candidates.
At this year’s virtual annual meeting, members will celebrate the first forty years of KFTC while we learn with each other about issues and strategies that can help shape the next forty years in Kentucky and of KFTC – starting now.
See the full schuled and register for KFTC’s 2021 Annual Membership Meeting at kftc.org/annual-meeting
FRIDAY, JULY 30 (all times are eastern)
7 p.m. Opening Session
• Welcome and Land Acknowledgement • Introduce Theme • Group Agreements • Break into small groups for introductions and sharing
7:30 p.m. Story telling (Celebrating Burt Lauderdale’s Organizing Legacy and 40 Years of KFTC)
An interactive timeline of organizing in Kentucky, the South, the nation. With a special emphasis on stories about retiring Executive Director Burt Lauderdale and his impact.
10 a.m. Morning Opening and Plenary Session
• Chapter petitions • Organization Change Initiative report
10:30 a.m. Morning Workshops (choose one)
Deep canvassing: It’s just good organizing
Our Time To THRIVE: How Kentuckians are organizing for climate justice.
It’s our money and we need it now!
Abortion is a Human Right! The Grassroots Fight for Reproductive Justice in Kentucky
2 p.m. Annual Business Meeting
• Elect new statewide officers and Kentucky Coalition board members • Announce new Steering Committee Reps • Chapter petitions • Gratitudes