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Newport City Commission

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There are seven candidates vying for a seat on the Newport City Commission. The top four vote getters in the nonpartisan race win two-year terms. Voters may vote for up to four of the candidates. Thanks to all seven for responding to KFTC’s survey. Their answers follow.

Note: website and social media addresses listed when provided by the candidate


Beth Fennell

www.facebook.com/ VOTE.FENNELL

Gordon Henry

Photo not provided

Frank Peluso

www.facebook.com/ votefrankpeluso

Jerry Rex Peluso Ken Rechtin

www.facebook.com/ ken.rechtin

John Santini Jason Walter

www.facebook.com/ jasonwalternewportky


We’ve seen a lot of focus on making biking and walking safer in northern Kentucky through projects like Vision Zero NKY and community groups like Ride The Cov (with paths in Newport). Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 and budget issues, we are at the same time seeing a decrease in bus routes. What steps can the commission take to promote safe, alternative transportation in northern Kentucky that will lessen traffic issues and provide cost efficient alternatives to driving?

Beth Fennell: It is my honor to be Newport’s OKI Board and Executive Committee representative. All federal transportation dollars for our region go through OKI for project selection and funding. In my time with OKI, millions of federal dollars have flowed to Newport for bike paths, Red Bike installation, improvement or creation of safe sidewalks and other road projects that promote exercise, improve walkability and create safer traffic patterns in all parts of town. Community activists and the City of Newport insisted bike lanes were added to the reconstructed Route 9 project. With funding from OKI, Newport recently opened a pedestrian bridge connecting the floodwall path to Newport on the Levee at the Taylor Southgate Bridge. Although streetcar in Cincinnati is politically hot, an extension to Newport has been considered a logical next step. I’ve been working with OKI and the citizen driven Northern Kentucky Streetcar Committee, to pursue federal funding for preliminary engineering and other first steps. All of the above promote safe, alternative transportation that lessen traffic issues and provide alternatives to driving. … answers continued on next page

Newport City Commission


Gordon Henry: Commission can look at ways to collaborate with different organizations that are active in the transportation community. The walkability of Newport is one of the best features of the city and we need to highlight that more. Creating bike lanes, rideshare programs are just a few options to explore.

Frank Peluso: Without doubt, Newport has been a leader for years in alternative transportation from walkability, encouraging bicycle activities and partnering with Tank and Southbank in the creation of the Southbank lation of bike racks throughout our community. As we move into the future,

shuttle. We worked with the Transportation Department to add bicycle lanes to the recently opened Route 8/9 connector, worked with Red Bike and have provided 7 stations for residents and visitors to use. Some of these stations are among the most heavily used in the Red Bike system. We have also been experimenting with flashing stop signs and vehicle speed signs that can be moved to problem areas. These measures help to reduce traffic hazards which allows for increased reliance upon pedestrian/cycling activities. Historically, other activities or functions that I have supported and voted for are, proclamations for Bike Month, Riding Forward, and bicycle/pedestrian corridor feasibility studies. We have examined several traffic calming methods and are the Monmouth Street corridor. We also recently completed the walking trail around the new dog park which connects Nelson Place to 6th Street next to the library.

Jerry Peluso: I feel that we have been very proactive in working to make Newport both pedestrian and bicycle friendly. In our comprehensive plan our mission statement includes this as one of our main goals. We have worked with the State and local advocacy groups to provide bike routes both permanent and temporary. We worked with Red Bike to bring bike stations to our City which has been very successful. We also continue to support the instal

currently in the design phase of significant pedestrian safety improvements to we continue improvement to Riverfront Commons and are partners on the Purple Bridge. Both of these are heavily used by both by cyclists and pedestrians on a daily basis.

Ken Rechtin: I have always been and will continue to be a supporter of safer, more economical transportation modes which will decrease our carbon footprint. Evidence of this is the bike lane on Route 9.I will continue to advocate for cost effective ways to lessen the impact of “cut through” traffic thereby making our residential streets safer for pedetrians. When the potential for cutting westside bus services was floated by TANK, I attended input sessions and advocated for not only not cutting services but also for expanded services within the urban core of their service area!

John Santini: NO RESPONSE

Jason Walter: Newport can continue to chase private and public grants that will provide them the ability to install bike lanes. We can also continue to embrace the new forms of transportation. Ride sharing and short term electric vehicle rentals are the future. We should embrace this while dealing with the side affects as they come up. Not fight them.


Some communities and organizations in Northern Kentucky are doing work outside of the criminal justice system to support people returning from home from incarceration – things like ban the box, mediation and restorative justice processes to keep people from incarceration, and investment in social services in the community to help address structural concerns. If elected, what initiatives or policies would you advance in order to support people returning from incarceration?

Beth Fennell: City of Newport employment requires criminal background checks. The City has actively pursued hiring people with prior convictions on numerous occasions during my tenure on the board.

Gordon Henry: I would like to promote affordable access to healthcare and therapy. These would help prepare them for the transition back into society. Continuing to bolster social services and organizations that can have a program/department that can focus strictly on supporting people returning home from incarceration.

for our residents being released from incarceration. Over the years we have had quite a few that have been in the employment of the City. Unfortunately, we are a very small employer as we only have 115 employees, with the greatest majority of them being in our public safety departments. Since the judicial system already implemented diversion/mediation many years ago, I believe that program has had a significant impact on reducing the numbers of incidents that previously became part of someone’s criminal record. From a local level we have little authority to enact further policies that would have a major impact outside of our boundaries. We are always willing to express our support through resolution for State action such as decriminalizing many minor offenses if it is prudent and responsible to do so.

Frank Peluso: We have long supported providing employment opportunities

Newport City Commission

ANSWERS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE: support for returning citizens

Jerry Peluso: The City of Newport has always maintained a welcoming environment for all people including those who are returning from incarceration. For example, for years the city has utilized trustees from the detention center to work side-by-side with our public works. This program allows these individuals to rebuild their confidence and give them job training. Further, the City is open to, and has in the past, hired individuals with a criminal history. All people are valuable and the City stands ready to help those in need of a second chance.

Ken Rechtin: Having completed the 40 hour AOC Mediation training program, I advocate for alternative measures to litigation and incarceration. Once an individual has completed their punishment for their crime and “paid back” their victim, opportunities for employment, voting and fully integrating into society should be afforded to them.I will continue to support policies which do just that!

John Santini: Respondent skipped this question

Jason Walter: I would support the city looking into a city wide adoption of “banning the box”


Newport has provided more affordable housing options than many other communities in northern Kentucky, and yet many of those who are being helped by these programs are concentrated in a handful of neighborhoods leading them to feel segregated from the rest of Newport. Some fear being the next to be relocated due to new city projects, or fear rising rents forcing them to move. Others have faced issues with absentee landlords that make it hard for routine maintenance to be done. If elected, what will you do to make sure we have safe, fair, and affordable housing in Newport?

Beth Fennell: In partnership with Newport Housing Authority/Neighborhood Foundations and Brighton Center, Newport has been proactive in the creation of affordable housing in all parts of town. Over 30 first time homebuyer single family homes have been built or rehabbed. Construction has started on new single family homes on Ann Street. Numerous affordable housing options have become available for Senior Citizens including Saratoga Place and the conversion of Corpus Christi. Affordable rental housing options are available through rehab of existing properties or construction of new properties. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been relocated in recent years due to city projects. Newport was the first in the region to implement a regulatory rental license ordinance whereby a landlord can lose their rental license for repeated calls to police and/or numerous code violations. Many cities in the region and around the country have contacted Newport to get more information on this tool and our ordinance.

Gordon Henry: Affordable housing is paramount in the city of Newport as it continues to develop. Many of our residents depend on affordable housing in order to have a place to call home. I would like to see for any future big housing developments that there are set asides for affordable housing to be included. Giving a voice to renters that traditionally aren’t listened to as much as homeowners would help go a long way as well.

Frank Peluso: I agree that Newport has provided much more affordable being concentrated in a handful of neighborhoods, I believe that statement is very misleading. Being a city of only 3.5 square miles and under 16,000 residents, we only have a few neighborhoods. In order to truly accomplish an effective approach to this problem, it needs to be embraced as a regional issue. Historically, such housing has been relegated or placed in areas with the least resistant path. In other words those cities such as Newport and Covington that have embraced it. Since other communities have not been so open to the idea of affordable housing, it has been in effect, relegated to a small area of the region. All future efforts and programs should focus on a wider distribution of opportunities and I would encourage that conversation and advocate for that to occur. We have locally been very aggressive in dealing with sub-standard housing provided by many absentee landlords. Our programs have been proven in identifying and pursuing appropriate action dealing with such owners. We have eliminated or corrected many such landlords and properties through enforcement, condemnations, code liens and foreclosure actions … answer exceeds word limit

Jerry Peluso: As Mayor for the past 12 years, I have appointed housing authority members that have supported high quality, affordable housing to our residents. I also am a member of the housing authority board and serve as an active and supportive member. Our programs have been singled out as fantastic developments throughout the State and at the National level. If re-elected I will continue to support quality housing and continue our efforts to force landlords to comply with applicable housing standards including housing opportunities that most Northern Kentucky communities. As for

quality and safety measures that they should be following.

Ken Rechtin: According to the American Community Survey which is based … answers continued on next page

Newport City Commission


on the census and other publicly reported data, Newport has three census tracts which have poverty rates above 40, 50 and 60%. National studies indicate that strong effective code enforcement coupled with entry level job creation within walking distance to these areas is the most effective solution. The City of Newport’s leadership is committed to and continues to pursue such solutions! Jason Walter: We need to have a neighborhood that works for all levels of income, not just the well off. If landlords are not holding up their end of the bargain then the city inspectors need to step in. Home abandonment contin ues to be an issue our city faces. We need to find creative ways to encourage investment in our neighborhoods while simultaneously providing housing options for all income levels.

John Santini: Respondent skipped this question


Newport has been an active part in the Riverfront Commons project that seeks to connect the river cities and protect the integrity of local riverbanks, and a few years ago added recycling to curbside pickup for all city residences, making our city a regional leader in sustainability. However, there are additional steps our city can take to save residents money and promote sustainability, including enacting an Energy Performance Assessment District (EPAD). Would you support any policies to promote equitable sustainability, including but not limited to an EPAD district? Why or why not?

Beth Fennell: The City of Newport passed legislation creating an EPAD, four years ago. We are also looking into funding from the Volkswagen settlement for electric charging stations. .Again in partnership with OKI, we are planning the South Monmouth Street/US 27 Smart Corridor. Technology infrastructure will be placed to promote technology services and business, EPAD program several years ago and as mentioned voted to provide City

which will benefit all citizens. I would be open to other legislation promoting equitable sustainability.

Gordon Henry: Yes I would support policies to promote equitable sustainability. Climate change is one of the biggest issues we are facing as a whole. As we start to move towards sustainability, this creates new jobs, lowers our carbon footprint and creates healthier living conditions. Ken Rechtin: The City of Newport has created just such a district It may be

Frank Peluso: I was an advocate for and supported the adoption of a master development agreement with the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance. This agreement created an Energy Project Assessment District (EPAD) within invested heavily in changing our old inefficient streetlights to LED on a city wide basis, resulting in a huge reduction in the cost and waste of energy. Most recently, we approved the expenditure of 1.4 million dollars for the purchase of a more efficient cooling system for the city building, again resulting in a significant reduction in energy use and cost. The city has also sponsored and supported tree plantings for well over three decades, the purchase of more energy efficient equipment and many other activities to reduce our energy consumption. We are currently working with Duke Energy to allow the placement of solar panels at the old landfill. As long as I am a member of the board, I will remain committed to and support these type of programs and firmly believe it is our obligation to future generations.

Jerry Peluso: My record speaks for itself when it comes to supporting energy efficiency initiatives and will continue if I am re-elected. We adopted an wide recycling. We have also installed LED lighting throughout the City and have worked with DUKE on various programs in support as well as improving awareness of the importance of efficiency and sustainability.

the City of Newport, this was accomplished in 2016. Subsequently we have named differently: PACE!

John Santini: Respondent skipped this question

Jason Walter: An EPAD would provide a great alternative financing tool to investors who are looking at renovating our old homes and businesses. With our housing stock being on the older side, the upfront cost of renovation can be prohibitive if the renovator wants to provide a modest rental price and still recoup their investment. Providing a low cost loan which is spread across 20-30 years allows the renovator to save the up front cost on one of the most expensive parts of home renovations.

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Newport City Commission


Newport residents pride ourselves on being a place where all are welcome. Regardless of where someone is from, what they look like, if or how they worship, whom they love, or the pronouns they use, we want them to make a home here. Recent state and national events, including the killing of Breonna Taylor at the hands of police in Louisville, have made it clear though that Black people do note feel safe or welcome – here or anywhere. What steps does the city need to take to make sure that community concerns about policing policies or hate groups targeting our community are heard and policing policies and practices are changed to prove that Newport believes that Black Lives Matter? What will you do as a City Commissioner to ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome in our city?

Beth Fennell: Thankfully Newport is not Louisville, with no record or complaint similar to the recent incident in Louisville. Criminal behavior is not rampant in Newport and typically does not require use of force by the police department. Newport Police keep accurate statistics on “use of force”/response to resistance and are constantly observing patterns in officer behavior. Newport Police also conduct constant training covering a variety of topics including diversity awareness and de-escalating potentially flam mable situations. The City of Newport has worked with the local NAACP chapter for over 20 years. President Jerome Bowles conducts training for all City of Newport employees as it relates to ‘Implicit Bias’ and other important issues. President Bowles provides guidance to ensure that we are doing also an early adopter of body cameras and have went to various training

everything we can to better understand and interact with the diverse population in our town. In collaboration with NAACP, Newport has sponsored one of the largest Martin Luther King Jr. annual luncheons in the area, held in Newport at the Syndicate. I would encourage any resident interested in police policy and procedure to apply to Newport’s Police Academy which is a multi-week educational experience for residents.

Gordon Henry: One of things that would go a long way is to promote more diversity, equity and inclusion in all of the departments across the city. Continuing to make sure that police officers are out in the community and not just when bad things are happening. I would ask that police take implicit bias training. As a black male, this affects me greatly. We have a lot of work to do in order for everyone to feel safe and welcome. It takes everyone in the system to promote and fight for that. We must challenge each and every day. As Commissioners we must also be out in the different communities so that people can see that we believe it is safe to be there.

Frank Peluso: Newport welcomes people from all backgrounds, as our diverse population reflects, people feel safe and welcomed. Our community outreach is paramount, and we have a great relationship with our local NAACP President whom offers consistent guidance, such as Implicit Bias training, to all of our public employees. Upon invitation, and during the recent protests in other cities, our police chief attended the NAACP meeting to answer questions and participate in real and honest conversations. The nual Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon at the Newport Syndicate. Newport Police Department has had a, neck restraints are prohibited, policy for sev eral years, and all policing policies are reviewed, and updated as needed, on a regular basis. The City of Newport as a whole, including residents, businesses, and public servants have put forth outstretched arms to anyone that would consider Newport their home. As a City Commissioner, I can attest that we have gone above and beyond in our efforts to attract as many new residents and businesses as possible without even the thought of considering where they are from, what they look like, if or how they worship, whom they … answer exceeds word limiy

Jerry Peluso: Newport has been a leader in this area for many years and sta tistics bear this out. Not only in time of tragic events but as a course of fair and equitable governance. Our Police Department incorporated significant changes incorporating restrictions on the use of force, pursuits, choke holds and many other policies. We also track incidents requiring the use of force to verify that our policies are being followed. The Police Department was City of Newport has, for the last 20 years, proudly helped sponsor an an

opportunities dealing with bias and related issues. If I am re-elected I will continue to champion such a culture.

Ken Rechtin: I believe that black lives matter. My wife and I walked with the Campbell County Public Defenders in a march supporting that effort. I will continue to be a strong supporter of public open transparent policing in Newport.


Jason Walter: I will support directing funding away from militaristic expenditures and towards advanced classroom training that focuses on de-escalation and non lethal personal defense training. Less tanks, more classroom is my official stance.

While Newport City Commission members serve twoyear terms, the mayor of Newport serves a four-year term. That office will be up for election again in 2022.

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