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home after no action
Economic Justice
With Kentuckians hurting, McConnell sends senators home after no action
Kentuckians are hurting from the triple whammy of long-term economic distress, the COVID-19 health crisis, and collapse of jobs and income due to the pandemic.
According to a recent story in the Washington Post, half of all adults in Kentucky have lost some employment income since March, one fourth of all Kentuckians say they do not get enough food to eat, and one third of all Kentucky households struggle to pay the rent or mortgage.
Yet Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, arguably the most powerful member of Congress, sent the Sen ate home for an August recess despite having taken no action on several pending federal relief bills.
That includes the INVEST in America Act passed by the House in June – a $1.5 trillion plan to rebuild U.S. infrastructure, including roads, bridges, transit systems, schools, housing and broadband access, while addressing clean energy and health care needs.
The House bill (also known as The Moving Forward Act) includes the RECLAIM Act and reau thorization of the Abandoned Mine Lands Program, essential programs to assist communities where coal once dominated the economy.
It also includes support for local and state gov ernments, and an extension of supplemental unemployment payments that pumped $100 million a week into Kentucky’s economy. (Kentucky’s Republican House members all voted against the relief package; Democrat John Yarmuth supported it.)
This summer, McConnell failed to even introduce a COVID relief bill in the Senate until the very last moment. Then, when he failed to reach agreement on a plan within his own party, he sent senators home without taking a vote on any package of federal aid
The Senate’s failure left millions of people at risk of eviction, homelessness, increased food insecurity – and essential services like the U.S. Postal Service without the funding it needs to maintain services.
An August 11 Washington Post story featured statements from many Kentuckians expressing grave concern, including Jason Bailey of the Kentucky Cen ter for Economic Policy, Wes Addington of the Appalachian Citizens Law Center, Adrienne Bush of the Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky, and many individual workers and small business owners.
“We're seeing huge numbers of people needing help,” said Jason Bailey, the executive director of the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy. “I can't imagine a state that needs additional relief more than Kentucky does.”
“If we don't get the kind of help we need ... a town that had 100 restaurants now has 20, which means 80 percent of the hospitality jobs are gone,” said Dan Wu, the owner of Atomic Ramen in Lexing ton. “The tax revenue is down, and the whole city and state's economy is going to be down.”
Along with many allies in Kentucky, KFTC mem bers have stepped up pressure on McConnell over the summer to provide urgently needed federal aid to people and communities.
On August 12, KFTC ran a full page ad in 11 eastern Kentucky counties featuring an open letter urging McConnell to pass the RECLAIM Act and shore up funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, as part of any COVID-19 relief package. The letter has been signed by hundreds of Kentuckians, in cluding many former miners with Black Lung disease and others concerned about the health and well-being of their communities.
Pressure is building for McConnell to pass a relief package when the Senate returns in September. Here are three ways to help make that happen:
2. Sign your name to this open letter to Sen.
McConnell (https://bit.ly/33bQv7v).
Call Sen. McConnell today. His Louisville office number is 502-582-6304.
Tell him to: “Deliver the federal aid Kentuckians urgently need by passing the RECLAIM Act to clean up old mines, securing funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, keeping expanded unemployment benefits, doing more to help schools and hospitals, and funding safe elections, our postal service, and state and local governments.”
Contact members of Congress
Sen. Mitch McConnell
(202) 224-2541 – Washington Online: https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm/contactform
Sen. Rand Paul
(202) 224-4343 – Washington Online: https://www.paul.senate.gov/contact Rep. James Comer, 1st District (202) 225-3115 – Washington (270) 487-9509 – Madisonville (270) 408-1865 – Paducah (270) 487-9509 – Tompkinsville Online: https://comer.house.gov/contact Rep. Brett Guthrie, 2nd District (202) 225-3501 – Washington (270) 842-9896 – Bowling Green Online: https://guthrie.house.gov/contact
Rep. John Yarmuth, 3rd District (202) 225-5401 – Washington (502) 933-5863 – Louisville (502) 582-5129 – Louisville Online: https://yarmuth.house.gov/contactjohn2
Rep. Thomas Massie, 4th District (202) 225-3465 – Washington (606) 324-9898 – Ashland (502) 265-9119 – LaGrange (859) 426-0080 – Crescent Springs Online: https://massieforms.house.gov/ contact
Rep. Hal Rogers, 5th District (202) 225-4601 – Washington (606) 679-8346 – Somerset (606) 886-0844 – Prestonsburg (606) 439-0794 – Hazard Online: https://halrogers.house.gov/ contact-hal
Rep. Andy Barr, 6th District (202) 225-4706 – Washington (859) 219-1366 – Lexington Online: https://barr.house.gov/contact