KFTC Voter Guide – Statewide 2020 Primary (U.S. Congress)

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www.kftc.org | May 2020

U.S. Senate – Democratic Primary One of Kentucky’s two U.S. Senate seats, currently held by Mitch McConnell, is up for re-election in 2020. There are both Democratic and Republican primary elections on June 23 to select the candidate for each party to run in the November 3 General Election. Ten candidates are seeking the Democratic nomination. Eight responded to the KFTC candidate survey.

Jimmy Ausbrooks

Charles Booker

Mike Broihier




www.facebook.com/ jimmyforUSSenate

www.facebook.com/ Booker4KY

www.facebook.com/ mikebroihierky


Twitter handle: @booker4ky

Twitter: @mikeforky

Photo not provided

Bennie J. Smith

Maggie Jo Hilliard

Amy McGrath

Eric Rothmuller





www.facebook.com/ ElectMoJo

www.facebook.com/ AmyMcGrathKY

www.facebook.com/ ericrothmuller

www.facebook.com/ BJSMITH4US20

Twitter: @ElectMojo

Twitter: @AmyMcGrathKY

Twitter: EricRothmuller



John R. Sharpensteen

What’s your vision for Kentucky? How will the lives of Kentuckians be improved as a result of your time in office?

Jimmy Ausbrooks: My vision for Kentucky is one of prosperity and renewal. I want to see economic growth for our communities. I want Kentucky to engage in and invest in Green / Renewable Energy so we can bring sustainable jobs to Kentucky. Provide equal opportunity for education and training to meet the needs of this expanding transition from fossil fuels and insure miners of employment and wages. I would like to see true representation by our leadership, expanding equality, human rights, and social justice across the Common Wealth. We will secure living wages for our hardworking families and every single Kentuckian. I want healthcare coverage with affordable prescriptions so Kentucky families do not have to worry about putting food on the table or buying insulin. I want to see

lives saved by responsible and affordable healthcare. I want to mandate changes for pharmaceutical companies. They no longer should be allowed to continue putting profits over the lives of Kentucky families. I see our family farms being supported and provided opportunities for growth and sustainability. Securing high yields and unprecedented prices by protecting farmers in Trade Deals that benefit our farmers and their families. Generation family farms that are working hard and doing the … [response exceeds word limit] Charles Booker: My vision is a Kentucky where people from every corner of the Commonwealth; no matter who you are, where you come from, who you answers continued on next page

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