KARA Winter Newsletter

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The Kansas

Winter 2011


The official publication of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association

Register for KARA’s Winter Trainings Crop Production Update, January 11-12 NH3 Safety Workshops, February 7-9, 14-16

Kansas Applicator Named Finalist for Operator of the Year

Winter 2011


K S A G R E T A I L E R S . O R G

CONTENTS Kansas Agri Business Expo attracts over 1,000 to Overland Park...3 Auction raises $13,000 for scholarship programs...4 CEU Bonus Session provides CCAs with final credits...5 Support the industry at Legislative Action Day...5 KARA, KSU to hold Crop Production Update conference...5

President & CEO Tom R. Tunnell Senior VP, Government Affairs Ron Seeber Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Jensen

CCA banquet at Crop Production Update...5 NH3 Workshop dates set...5 Applications accepted for college scholarships...6

Vice President and General Counsel Randy Stookey Vice President of Event Planning Shari Bennett

Ten members selected as 2012 TAL class...6 KARA hires Randy Stookey as General Counsel...6 KARA committees assigned...7

VP of Member Services & External Operations Sarah Sexton-Bowser VP of Marketing & Communications Shahira Stafford

Welcome new CCAs in 2011...7 Member visits continue through the fall...7

Senior Director of Internal Operations Lisa Anschutz

KARA hosts Tri-Rinse recycling program...7

Executive Assistant to the President Julie Stueve

KARA welcomes new members...7 PAC fundraising drive for 2012 elections...8 MSDS Manuals available through Asmark Institute...8 KARA attends DHS AN Security Public Listening Session...8 Kansas applicator named finalist for AGCO’s Operator of the Year...9 EPA provides Pesticide General Permit fact sheet...9 Trade Talk...10 Are you taking full advantage of your KARA membership?...11

The Kansas Agribusiness Update is published quarterly for the members, friends and affiliates of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association. Mail contributions to KARA, Attention: Shahira Stafford, 816 SW Tyler, Topeka, KS 66612. The KARA team welcomes your comments, contributions and suggestions. Annual subscriptions for members can be purchased for $25.00. Š 2011 KARA Read this newsletter online at www.ksagretailers.org/printnewsletters. ........................................................................ To follow us on Facebook, search for KARA. For Twitter, visit www.twitter.com/ ksagretailers.



Winter 2011


Kansas Agri Business Expo attracts over 1,000 to Overland Park The 2011 Kansas Agri Business Expo drew over 1,000 attendees last month to Overland Park, where the latest technology, products and services in the agribusiness industry were showcased in a sold-out tradeshow floor. In addition to the 150 vendor tradeshow, members also attended educational sessions led by BNSF Railway President & COO, Carl Ice; National Pork Board VP of Strategic Communications, John Johnson; and EPA Region 7 Senior Advisor, Josh Svaty. Thank you to the hundreds of exhibitors and sponsors listed below that contributed to the success of this year’s show. Mark your calendars now for the 2012 Expo on November 14-15 in Wichita.

John Johnson, VP of Strategic Communications with the National Pork Board, talks the U.S. Farm & Ranch Alliance at the 2011 Expo.

Sponsors ADM Grain Co., ADM Milling. Co., ADM Wholesale Fertilizer, Agrilead Inc., BarnesCo Inc., Bartlett Grain Company, L.P., BASF, Bayer CropScience, Beachner Grain Inc., BNSF Railway Company, Bunge North America, Cargill Ag Horizons, Charm Sciences Inc., CHS Inc., CoBank ACB, DeBruce Grain Inc., Dow AgroSciences, Drake Inc., DuPont Crop Protection, Essmueller Co., Fairbank Equipment, Inc., First National Bank, FMC Corporation, Frisbie Construction Co., Inc., HABCO Inc., Hammel Scale Co. Inc., Heartland Ag, Helena Chemical Co., Industrial Maintenance Inc., INTX Microbials LLC, Jade Millwrights Inc., KFSA, Kansas Corn Growers Assn., Kansas Grain Inspec(l-r) Brian Norton, Syngenta Crop Protection; Roger Long, tion Service Inc., Kansas Soybean Commission, Kansas Rosen’s; Kirk Kennedy, Valley Coop; Deb Miller, Farmers Wheat, KC Supply Co. Inc., Koch Nitrogen Co., Kyle RailUnion Merc. & Shipping. road, Landis AG Placement & Consulting Inc., Lang Diesel Inc., McPherson Concrete Storage Systems, Mears Fertilizer Inc., MFA Incorporated, MFS/York/Stormor, Monsanto, MOSAIC, Mycogen Seeds, Poole Chemical Company, Purple Wave Auction, Riggins R-Co. LLC., Specialty Fertilizer Company, Specialty Fertilizer Products, Syngenta Crop Protection, Tessenderlo Kerley, The Scoular Company, Union Pacific Railroad, United Sorghum Checkoff Program, United Suppliers, Watco Companies, Winfield Solutions LLC

(l-r) Marc Hoobler, Syngenta Crop Protection; Bill Hocraffer, Rosen’s; Mike Fraser, Pride Ag Resources.

Shawnee Mission North Strolling Strings Orchestra performs for members during lunch on the tradeshow floor.

Winter 2011

KARA Chairman Doug Wright and KGFA Chairman Stan Stark, along with their wives Lori (left) and Tracey (right), welcome members to the Chairmen’s Golf Reception.




Exhibitors 4B Components Ltd., Adams Fertilizer Equipment, ADM Wholesale Fertilizer, Advanced Biological Marketing, AFLAC, Ag 1 Source, LLC, Ag Leader Technology, Agricharts, Agrilead, Inc., Agrium U.S. Inc., AgTrax Technologies, AgVision Agribusiness Software, Agworks, Inc. , Allied Environmental Consultants Inc., American Vanguard Corporation (AMVAC), Ameropa North America, Asmark Institute, Assured Occupational Solutions, BarnesCo Inc., BASF Corporation, Bayer CropScience, Becker Underwood, Inc., Ben Trei Fertilizer Co., LLC, Bolivar Contracting, Inc., Brothers Equipment, Inc., Bunge North America, CCS Group LLC, CEN-OK, Central Life Sciences, Central States Hydroseal, Charm Sciences, CHS Crop Nutrients, Circle K Manufacturing, Coady Insurance Concepts, Consolidated Grain & Barge, Convey-All by Hamilton Systems, CPS Wholesale, CrustBuster/Speed King Inc., C-Tec, Inc., DASCO, Inc., DeBruce Fertilizer, Don's Tire, Dow AgroSciences, Doyle Equipment Mfg. Co., Drake, Inc., Dultmeier Sales, DuPont Crop Protection, El Dorado Chemical Company, Electro-Sensors, Inc., E-markets, Inc., Essmueller Company, Exactrix/ Ag Associates, Fairbank Equipment, Fairbanks Scales, Farm Chem Corporation, Farm Works Software, a Div. of Trimble Navigation, Farmers Edge Precision Consulting, Frisbie Construction Co., Inc., Gamet Mfg. Inc., Grain Belt Supply Co. Inc., Greystone Construction, H & H Restoration, HABCO, Inc., Hammel Scale Co., Inc., Heartland Ag Inc., Heartland Tank Services, Inc., Helena Chemical Co., Hi-Pro Mfg., Inc., Integra Plastics, Intersystems, INTX Microbials, J & S Scales, Inc., Jade Millwrights Inc., John Deere, JR Simplot Company, Kansas Corn Commission, Kansas Grain Inspection Service Inc, Kansas Highway Patrol, Kansas Soybean Commission, Kansas Wheat, KBH Corporation, KC Supply Co. Inc., Ken Babcock Sales, Inc., KFSA, Koch Agronomic Services, LLC, Korol Financial Group LLC, KSU - Department of Agronomy, KSU - Grain Science and Industry Department, Kugler Co., Lang Diesel, Inc., Legacy Building Solutions, M & L Equipment, Mack Robotics, Inc., Manhattan Data Systems Inc., Marcus Construction Company, Mathews Company, Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C., McPherson Concrete Storage Systems, MFA Incorporated, MFS-York-Stormor, Microsource, Mid-State Tank Co., Inc., Midwest Laboratories Inc., Midwest Paint Service, MK Minerals, Inc., M & M Specialty Services LLC, Monitor Technologies, LLC, Monsanto, Mosaic, NAB Automation, National Billing, Neville Welding Inc., New Century Ag Recruiters, Plain Jan's, Precision Grain Management Consultants Inc., Premier Components, Purple Wave Auction, R.J. O'Brien & Associates, RBH Mill & Elevator, Riggins R-Co. LLC, Roadrunner Manufacturing, Rolfes @ Boone, Rosen's Inc., Schaben Industries, Seedburo Equipment Co., Show-Me Shortline, Shuttlewagon Mobile Railcar Movers, Simpson Farm Enterprises, Inc., Software Solutions Integrated LLC, Specialty Fertilizer Products, Squibb Taylor, Inc., Star Seed, Stueve Construction Company, Summit Software, an iRely Company, Sweet Manufacturing Company, Syngenta, TMHC Services, Tri-States Grain Conditioning, Inc., Tucker Testing Service, United Sorghum Checkoff Program, United Suppliers, Inc., Valent USA, Valleywide Sales, Inc., Van Diest Supply Company, Vertical Software Inc., Waconia Mfg., Inc., Ward Laboratories Inc., Webcon, Inc., Weitl's Aeration Service, Westheffer Co. Inc., Winfield Solutions, Woofter Construction Irrigation, Inc., Wylie Sprayers. Auction raises $13,000 for scholarship programs Thank you to every member that contributed to the Scholarship Auction at the Expo this year in Overland Park. Because of your generosity, the auction raised nearly $13,000 this year! KARA, along with the Kansas Grain and Feed Association, awards hundreds of dollars each year to deserving high school and college students in Kansas wanting to pursue an education in agriculturalrelated fields by providing much needed financial relief for them and their families. The auction is the only fundraiser for both scholarship programs, so thank you for helping support agricultural education in Kansas and further the industry’s future workforce.



Winter 2011

Auctioneer Bob McBride with Purple Wave, and Brian Rosenhagen with Fairbank Equipment, scan the crowd for bidders at the Scholarship Auction.


CEU Bonus Session provides CCAs with final credits On December 8, crop advisers from across the state had the opportunity to learn about subjects ranging from the Ogallala Aquifer to pest control in alfalfa during the CEU Bonus Session in Hutchinson. This program provided CCAs with a last-chance opportunity to receiving continuing education credits prior to the end of the year. A special thank you to all of the speakers for their donation of time and expertise. Support the industry at Legislative Action Day Jeff Whitworth with KSU talks about alfalfa pest KARA, along with the Kansas Grain and Feed Association and Dr. control at the CEU Bonus Session. Kansas Cooperative Council, is hosting the 2012 Legislative Action Day on January 25 in Topeka. The groups have joined together to portray a unified message to Legislators and to show how we’re “working together for a better Kansas”. Attendance is free for members. The day’s events will be held at the Topeka Country Club and begin with a briefing on legislative issues affecting Kansas agribusinesses. Attendees will also hear from Senate and House Leadership on their overview of the 2012 Legislative Session. After lunch, attendees will head to the Capitol for an afternoon of committee meetings and personal legislator visits. KARA will have an open house at the Association Offices followed by a reception for legislators and members back at the Topeka Country Club. Join us for this excellent opportunity to have your voice heard in Topeka and to make a difference in the laws that govern your business. See the enclosed form to register. KARA, KSU to hold Crop Production Update conference The 2012 Crop Production Update conference will be held on January 11 & 12 in Junction City. This program, presented in cooperation with KSU, is the annual update in the latest technology on weed control, insect control, fertilizer and chemical recommendations, soil fertility concerns, and much more. CCAs will receive approximately 11 CEU and 2.5 1A credits for this conference. See the enclosed flier to register. CCA banquet at Crop Production Update An exclusive banquet for CCAs will be held at 5:45 p.m. on Wednesday, January 11 at the Courtyard Marriott in Junction City. Take advantage of this opportunity to network with fellow CCAs and recognize accomplishments of Kansas CCAs over the past year. Kansas CCAs, Future CCAs signed up for the February Exam, KSU Students signed up for an exam in Spring 2012 and special guests of the Kansas CCA program are all invited to attend. The cost for those registered at CPU is free. If you are not registered for CPU but would like to attend the banquet, the cost is $15/ person. See the enclosed form to register for CPU, or contact Lisa at lisa@kansasag.org or (785) 234-0463. NH3 Workshop dates set Be a responsible user of anhydrous ammonia and attend one of KARA’s six NH3 Workshops in February. Please invite your community firefighters, law enforcement, and emergency responders to hear important information about responding to NH3 accidents. See the enclosed flier for dates, locations and to register.

Winter 2011




Applications accepted for college scholarships Each year, KARA awards $4,500 in scholarships to high school students wanting to pursue an education in Kansas. Five scholarships are offered: one Jim Lee $500 Memorial Scholarship, one Dr. David Whitney $1,000 Memorial Scholarship, and three KARA $1,000 Scholarships. If you know of someone that could benefit from a scholarship, please encourage them to apply. Applications and details can be found at www.ksagretailers.org. Ten members selected as 2012 TAL class Congratulations to the applicants chosen to be part of the 2012 Tomorrow’s Agribusiness Leaders (TAL) class! The TAL program is the premier leadership program for agribusiness leaders in the nation, and KARA, along with the Kansas Grain and Feed Association, is proud to welcome these individuals to the group: KARA Theodore Behring, Farmers Coop Equity in Isabel Sean Cravens, Frontier Ag in Bird City Jackie Mundt, Dow AgroSciences in Pratt Michael Spade, Harveyville Seed Company in Harveyville John Watts, Farmers Coop Assn. in Manhattan KGFA Monte Broeckelman, Pride Ag Resources in Dodge City Lincoln Hillyer, Ag Partners Coop in Hiawatha Ryan McCoy, CoMark Grain Marketing in Cheney Matthew Porter, Mid Kansas Coop in Benton Troy Presley, Pride Ag Resources in Dodge City If you would like to invest in a more positive future for the agribusiness industry, please consider becoming a sponsor of the TAL program and see the enclosed flier. Your sponsorship will significantly reduce the financial burden of these students and will ensure a top-quality educational experience. KARA hires Randy Stookey as General Counsel Last month, KARA welcomed Randy Stookey as Vice President and General Counsel. Stookey will also serve as the administrator for the Kansas Agricultural Remediation Board. Stookey comes to KARA after spending six years as a staff attorney for the Kansas Department of Agriculture, where he regularly worked with laws and regulations regarding pesticides, fertilizers, grain warehouses, weights and measures and agricultural commodities. He is very familiar with the Kansas Food Safety and Kansas Agricultural Remediation Acts. Following his time at KDA, Stookey briefly served as Assistant General Counsel for the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. Stookey was raised on a small family farm in northeast Kansas and received his undergraduate degree in Agribusiness from Kansas State University. He then obtained a Juris Doctorate degree from Washburn University Law School and served 12 years in the United States Marine Corps Reserve. He is also a Captain in the Kansas Army National Guard and serves in the Judge Advocate General, Trial Defense Service.



Winter 2011


KARA committees assigned Thank you to everyone that volunteered to serve on one of KARA’s committees. These volunteers truly have a say in KARA’s affairs, and we look forward to having your input to help shape some of the most important decisions made in the association. Please see the enclosed flier for a complete list of committee assignments. Welcome new CCAs in 2011 The Kansas Certified Crop Adviser program would like to welcome the following individuals to the group: Derek Belton, Brice Bunck, Brian Creager, John Frise, Mike Hampel, Ryan Harms, Bryan Hatcher, Joshua Jennings, Kent McKinnis, Daniel Niblock, Adam Noellsch, Justin Rowan, Garrett Russell, Allen Shive, Darrell Schulle, Michael Smith, Lloyd Stuteville, Tristan Thomas, Jason Unruh, Jerry Voth, Scott Wetter, Yancy Wright, Kelly Yunghans and Andy Zweygardt. Member visits continue through the fall KARA’s “No-Ties” tours are no longer just a summer tradition. This fall, staff continued to travel the state visiting members at their locations and learning more about their business operations. Thank you to everyone that welcomed Tom Tunnell, President & CEO; Ron Seeber, Senior VP Government Affairs; Randy Stookey, VP General Counsel; Sarah Sexton-Bowser, VP Member Services; and Tom Meyer, President & CEO of Kansas Grain Inspection Service into their facilities.

(l-r) Randy Stookey; Gary Cless and Steve Taylor, Fairbank Equipment in Wichita; Sarah Sexton Bowser.

(l-r) Tom Tunnell, Lance Nelson and Stan Stark, Farmers Coop in Haviland; Tom Meyer.

KARA hosts Tri-Rinse recycling program This year, KARA members recycled 543 mini-bulks at Garden City and Gardner, Kansas. KARA members completed inventory surveys early last summer to establish a need within Kansas. Thanks to Helena Chemical and Beachner Grain for their generosity in providing the drop-off locations. If demand continues to exist next year, KARA plans to work with Tri-Rinse Recycling again to provide another program in the fall. KARA welcomes new members KARA would like to welcome the following members to the team:

B&B Hydraulics in Hutchinson, KS Powercat Seed Treating LLC in Lenexa, KS Roadrunner Mfg. LLC in Levant, KS SGS North America in Brookings, SD Tank Builders Inc. in Euless, TX

Winter 2011




PAC fundraising drive for 2012 elections Your KARA staff, in cooperation with the Kansas Grain and Feed Association and shared members of the Kansas Cooperative Council will be implementing a five month fundraising drive concluding June 1, 2012. This effort will have the goal of raising an additional $10,000 for the PAC and better secure the industry’s position as we approach this VERY pivotal upcoming election. This year is key to bolster the PAC because both the House and Senate are up for reelection. Also, the legislature will draw new House and Senate legislative districts based on the 2010 census data. Rural Kansas looks to lose at least one Senate seat and a few house seats to more populated/urban areas of Kansas. We must ensure that the candidates elected are friendly to agribusiness, understand the value of Kansas agriculture and realize that sensible government is the key to prosperity. Please read the following testament from Garden City Coop’s John McClelland. After your staff assisted GCC with solving a costly and timely regulatory issue, he wrote and submitted the following challenge: “It is apparent to me that we need to give you the tools to continue to do your good work in support of the industry. When pressure heats up on us we need to step up and increase our commitment to you. I am convinced it is the best long term investment that we can make this year. For that reason we are gladly paying our dues and including an additional $2,000 contribution to the PAC. We hope that this will serve as a small acknowledgement and thank you. I hope you share our appreciation with your Board and membership. In addition, we hope that this will serve as a challenge to others in our industry that are facing the same frustration to step up and increase their support for our PAC. It truly is in our best interest to invest our dollars with you on the front end rather than paying many multiples of that on the back end to a law firm to contain the damage.” For those of you that gave during your membership renewal, we thank you. And for those that would like to contribute more or at all, you may now contribute to our PAC online at www.kansasag.org . Be forewarned, a friendly member of our association staff may be calling on you in the next few months. Thank you for your consideration. MSDS Manuals available through Asmark Institute The 2012 MSDS Manual, published by the Asmark Institute, is designed especially for agricultural retailers and contains, 1,880 pages of information for more than 1,000 products. OSHA requires each employer to maintain a current file of the MSDS for the hazardous substances used or handled in the workplace. This manual is the best solution to help with this requirement. It makes compliance easier and at less than $45, more economical than trying to update the file yourself. Order online at www.asmark.org. KARA attends DHS AN Security Public Listening Session Ron Seeber, KARA VP of Government Affairs, attended the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Ammonium Nitrate (AN) Security Program Public Listening Session in Kansas City last month. This was one of several public listening sessions being held across the country this fall. The current DHS proposed regulation goes well beyond the intent of Congress and industry as it appears to be more of a perpetual registration and vetting program rather than registering the AN facilities and AN purchasers buying and selling the product. KARA, in cooperation with the Kansas Cooperative Council, submitted written comments to DHS by the Dec. 1, 2011 deadline.



Winter 2011


Kansas applicator named finalist for AGCO’s Operator of the Year AGCO Application Equipment received numerous nominations throughout North America and selected Michael Spade as one of four finalists for the 2011 Operator of the Year award. Operator of the Year is an annual program that recognizes the outstanding achievements and professionalism of the industry’s premier custom applicators of crop nutrients and protective chemicals. Spade is an applicator with Harveyville Seed Co. in Harveyville, Kan. Being an applicator does not start and stop at the field for Spade. His sincerity and continuous pursuit of excellence in every aspect of the job translates into new and repeat customers. He is a state-certified custom applicator who is working to achieve Certified Crop Advisor status. Spade regularly attends workshops and meetings to further his knowledge of the products and the issues and trends affecting the application business. Spade is an active member of his church. He has served as a city council member and on the board of directors for North Lyon County Youth Association.

Michael Spade (far left), applicator with Harveyville Seed in Harveyville, Kansas, is recognized as one of four finalists for AGCO’s Operator of the Year award during the Agricultural Retailers Association Conference and Expo held in Florida in November.

Judging criteria for Operator of the Year includes exceptional service, professionalism, personal character and community enrichment. All nominees received a certificate recognizing their nomination for this prestigious award. A panel of judges selected the four finalists from a nationwide call for entries. Dustin Kuntz, who works with Spade, submitted the nomination.

“Michael is an example of the values and integrity often remembered in simpler times gone by and forgotten in today’s society,” says Kuntz. “If he found a $20 bill while spraying your field, he’d stop by the house on the way out to see if it was yours. Michael’s simply a great applicator and great employee. We are lucky to have him work for us, but most importantly, I am blessed to have him as a friend.” EPA provides Pesticide General Permit fact sheet On October 31, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Pesticide General Permit (PGP) for point source discharges from the application of pesticides to waters of the United States. This was in response to a decision by the federal court in the case of National Cotton Council, et al. v. EPA. The EPA PGP covers pesticide discharges in areas where EPA is the permitting authority. In Region 7, which consists of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and nine tribal nations, the EPA PGP only applies on tribal lands. Region 7 states have their own pesticide permit. EPA's PGP covers operators who apply pesticides that result in discharges into waters of the U.S. from mosquito and other flying insect pest control; aquatic weed control, such as cattails and algae control; aquatic animal pest control, such as zebra mussels; and forest canopy pest control. Most farmers in Region 7 are not involved in these types of pesticide applications. As a result of the court's decision, NPDES permits are generally required for these types of discharges beginning on October 31. All eligible operators will be covered under the pesticide general permit without being required to submit an application, called a Notice of Intent (NOI), until January 12, 2012. After January 12, 2012, pesticide operators on tribal lands within Region 7 must notify EPA. They should contact Kimberly Hill, 913-551-7841, hill.kimberly@epa.gov, who will provide the procedure to continue permit coverage. EPA has developed an electronic NOI (eNOI) online system to make it easy for permittees to obtain permit coverage. However, EPA Region 7 will provide compliance assistance for the first 120 days after October 31.

Winter 2011




In Region 7, most farmers planting row crops will not likely notice a change in their practices or need for permit coverage when applying pesticides, as long as they follow the pesticide label instructions. These instructions typically advise turning off spray jets and/or avoiding spray drift when over water. Farming activities most likely affected would be those in which pesticides are applied to crops immersed in water, such as rice. The Region 7 state PGPs will more than likely affect agricultural districts, irrigation districts, homeowner associations, or larger municipalities that conduct the covered pesticide applications. Activities outside the scope of the EPA PGP:  Permit coverage is not required for pesticide applications that do not result in point source discharge to waters of the U.S., such as land applications for the purpose of controlling pests on agricultural crops, forest floors, or range lands.  Agricultural runoff, irrigation return flows, and spray drift continue to be exempt from permitting under the Clean Water Act. The pesticide label remains the law in these situations. Tribal operators will not be required to submit NOIs to EPA, unless they exceed the following annual thresholds:  Mosquito control areas and forest canopies, 6,400 acres.  Waterbodies, 20 linear miles or 80 acres. For more information on the NPDES requirements for discharges from pesticide applications; EPA's final federal permit; and an interactive tool to help potential permittees determine their permitting requirements under the federal permit, go to: www.epa.gov/npdes/pesticides. Trade Talk If you have a short business announcement you’d like to include in this newsletter, please email shahira@kansasag.org.


Agrotain International LLC has been acquired by Koch Agronomics LLC, effective October 1.

Dr. Allen Scarborough has assumed Bayer CropScience’s state affairs responsibilities for the Midwest region effective November 26.

Farm Kan LLC no longer has a McPherson location. All operations are now at Halstead.

Congratulations to Doyle Pearl for completing his term as Chairman of the Agricultural Retailers Association. Pearl was recognized at the 2011 ARA Conference & Expo in December and will continue to serve on the Board of Directors as Immediate Past Chairman.

R. Lynn Teeter of Ulysses is retiring after 38 years in the grain business in Kansas. He started for Sullivan, Inc. in 1973 and became manager in 1991 when Arch DeBruce retired. In 2006, Sullivan Inc. was purchased by Garden City Coop Inc. where Lynn continued as Operations Manager. He has been a great asset to the grain industry and will be missed.

Congratulations to Sarah Sexton-Bowser, KARA, and her husband Jarrod Bowser for being honored as one of Kansas Farm Bureau’s Farm Families of the Year.

Congratulations to Shahira Stafford, KARA, for being honored with the “Excellence in Newsletter Publishing” award at the 2011 Out of Focus conference held in California in October. State agribusiness associations across the country gather annually at Out of Focus to share ideas in association management.


Winter 2011

Are you taking full advantage of your KARA membership? A comprehensive hospital and medical, group life, dental, salary continuation, accidental death and a property/casualty program are offered through KFSA at a rate which is considerably less than could be enjoyed by an individual firm. Exclusively through KARA, you can have your employee benefit programs customized and tailored to meet your budget and needs through Harrington Health. Whether it is COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA, FSA, Harrington Health has the answers. Regulatory compliance can be a timely and expensive part of your business operations. As a member of KARA, you are eligible to take advantage of the Asmark Institute's program and products that will help you navigate the regulatory maze. Does your company need new apparel? Looking for appreciation gift ideas for your customers? Get 10% off Cabela's merchandise and 5% off Cabela's gift cards just for being a KARA member. Turn waiting callers into customers. AMS On Hold Solutions is giving KARA members a 25% discount on monthly rates. Promote specials, decrease caller agitation, reduce hang-ups and enhance your company's image for only $75/month. A 30-day trial is also available. KARA and Purple Wave are working together to provide members with the best resource to liquidate your unused assets through an online auction service. Purple Wave will make a donation to KARA every time a member utilizes their services.

Winter 2011

Chairman Doug Wright Mid-Kansas Coop, Moundridge Vice Chairman Mike Shirley Frontier Ag Inc., Oakley Second Vice Chairman Kevin Brady Lang Diesel Inc., Benton Immediate Past Chairman Randy Whisenhunt Ag Service Inc., Hillsboro Directors Scott Anderson KFSA, Hutchinson Bill Conrey Koch Nitrogen Co., Wichita Roger Cunningham Beachner Grain, Parsons Kevin Dieckmann United Suppliers, Olathe Alan Goldsby CHS Crop Nutrients, Hillsboro Jon Ingebretson DeBruce Fertilizer, Kansas City Kirk Kennedy Valley Coop Inc., Atlanta Dustin Kuntz Harveyville Seed, Harveyville Roger Long Rosen's Inc., Great Bend Lance Nelson Farmers Coop Co., Haviland Brian Norton Syngenta Crop Protection, Girard Clark Pearson Miller Elevator Inc., Reading Johnny Schaben Farm Service Center, Ellinwood Larry Shivers Specialty Fertilizer Products, Salina Andy Smarsh Helena Chemical, Garden City Steve Taylor Fairbank Equipment Inc., Wichita Kevin Tomka Dow AgroSciences, Overland Park Tommy Warner CPS, Garden City Dave Wilcox Farmway Coop, Beloit Craig Zwick B.Z. Bee, Lyons



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Winter 2011

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