The Kansas
Summer 2014
The official publication of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association
Comprehensive 2014 Legislative Report Enclosed Register for KARA Annual Meeting August 18-19, Manhattan
Summer 2014
K S A G R E T A I L E R S . O R G
CONTENTS Bill Clarifying Commercial, Industrial Machinery Becomes Law...3 Board of Tax Appeals Changes Approved...3 President & CEO Tom R. Tunnell
OSHA Study Approved...3 CDL Education Approved for Community Colleges and Technical Colleges...4 KDA Law Allows for Programs to Continue...4
Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Jensen
Lesser Prairie Chicken Bill Approved...4
Vice President and General Counsel Randy Stookey
Unemployment Rate Cut Is Now Law...5 Farm Implement Bill Law Signed...5
Vice President of Event Planning Shari Bennett
Governor Signs Trespass Law...5
VP of Member Services & External Operations Dana Minihan
Tort Reform Signed by Governor...5 Overweight Sealed Containers Law Implemented...5 KARA Hosts Fundraiser for Brownback...6
Staff Conducts No-Ties Tour...6 Register for the 2014 KARA Annual Meeting...7 “Blazing New Trails” at 2014 Kansas Agri Business Expo...7 Exhibitors Urged to Register Now for Expo...7 Hyatt Nearly Sold Out for KABE!...7 Would You Like to Support Agricultural Education in Kansas?...8
Senior Director of Internal Operations Lisa Anschutz Executive Assistant to the President Julie Stueve The Kansas Agribusiness Update is published quarterly for the members, friends and affiliates of the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association. Mail contributions to KARA, Attention: Shahira Stafford, 816 SW Tyler, Topeka, KS 66612. The KARA team welcomes your comments, contributions and suggestions.
Free Membership for New Retailers...8 Update Your Membership Profile...8 Trade Talk...8
Annual subscriptions for members can be purchased for $25.00. © 2014 KARA
KARA Welcomes New Member...8
Read this newsletter online at ........................................................................
KARA Committee Sign-up Available...8 NEW! Advertising Opportunities...8 WOTUS Meetings with EPA Administrator McCarthy...9 Water Vision Team Finishes Statewide Tour...10 THE KANSAS AGRIBUSINESS UPDATE
VP of Marketing & Communications Shahira Stafford Director of Member Services & Education Mauri Ann Domer
Industry Awards $6,500 in Scholarships...6
Senior VP, Government Affairs Ron Seeber
Summer 2014
To follow us on Facebook, search for KARA. For Twitter, visit ksagretailers.
Where the classification of property may not be otherwise clearly determined, appraisers would be required to utilize a three-part fixture-law test (generally involving annexation, adaption, and intention) in determining classification as real or personal. The bill also clarifies that the “basic factors for clarifying items as real or personal property are their designated use and purpose,” which reflects the “adaptation” leg of the three-part test. Finally, the bill clarifies that the three factors are not to be used as a balancing test, but rather, “all three parts of the three-part fixture test would have to be satisfied for an item to be classified as real property.” Another provision in the bill stipulates that, beginning July 1, 2014, owners of property constructed or purchased with the proceeds of industrial revenue bonds (IRBs) that are exempt from property tax would be required to notify county appraisers within 30 days of the completion of the projects, and the county appraiser would then be required to immediately classify the improvements as real or personal property. Property owners aggrieved with that classification could appeal the classification determination to the Court of Tax Appeals. For properties identified as “complex properties,” either the property owner or the county commissioners would be authorized to request that the Department of Revenue’s Property Valuation
Bill Clarifying Classification of Commercial and Industrial Machinery Signed into Law On May 14, Governor Brownback signed HB 2643 into law. This bill, effective July 1, clarifies legislative intent from a 2006 law exempting certain commercial and industrial machinery and equipment from ad valorem property taxation. The intent of this bill was to create a global solution to the issue of misclassification of commercial and industrial machinery and equipment as real property. House Bill 2643 states that, in determining the classification, a county appraiser must follow the factors set forth in the personal property valuation guide prescribed by the director of property valuation division (PVD). In making the classification determination, county appraisers would be required to conform to the definitions of real and personal property provided elsewhere in Kansas law.
Division (PVD) provide an independent appraisal to classify and appraise the property. PVD would be required to contract with qualified appraisers who are certified real property appraisers with at least three years of experience in classifying and appraising complex properties. Counties would be responsible for paying all costs of the independent classifications and appraisals, regardless of which party made the request. Determinations made by independent appraisers would be deemed admissible before the courts and the Court of Tax Appeals. The House Committee of the Whole amended the bill with language dealing with the tax treatment of property used directly in the manufacture of cement, lime and similar products, and the Senate Committee of the Whole amended the bill to clarify the circumstances under which taxpayers or county appraisers could request PVD-approved contract appraisals; and added a severability clause which stipulates that if a portion of the bill were to be held invalid, such invalidity would not affect any other provision of the act. Association staff was instrumental in drafting the various provisions of this bill and played a principal part in working with a coalition of complex industries to ensure passage of this which is widely viewed as the best resolution to the issue of property misclassification in recent years. Board of Tax Appeals Changes Approved On May 14, Governor Brownback signed SB 231 into law. Effective July 1, this bill makes a number of changes to the power, duties and functions of the Court of Tax Appeals (COTA). The intent of this bill is to make the court more responsive to the needs of taxpayers and to treat the court/board in a manner that is more consistent with the Kanas Administrative Procedures Act. Principally, the bill renames the court as the “Board of Tax Appeals (BOTA),” renames the court officers as “board members,” and makes several other changes that are explained in detail on KARA’s website. OSHA Study Approved On May 12, Governor Brownback signed HB 2616 into law. Effective July 1, this bill requires the Secretary of Labor to study and make recommendations on whether the State should propose a safe and healthful employment plan that is at least as effective as the standards set by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Summer 2014
CDL Education Approved for Community Colleges and Technical Colleges On May 12, Governor Brownback signed Senate Sub. for HB 2693 into law. Effective July 1, this bill requires the Secretary of Revenue to authorize community colleges and technical colleges, upon request, to administer the skills tests required for a person to obtain a commercial driver’s license. The bill also requires the Secretary to grant priority status to any community or technical college with a truck driver training course in place on July 1. The Secretary will authorize testing that complies with federal requirements in an agreement between the requesting community college or technical college and the state. The Secretary will also be required to adopt rules and regulations to implement the testing procedure by January 1, 2015. The bill requires the Secretary to accept the results of a person’s skills tests administered by either a community college or a technical college. Finally, the bill specifies that third-party driver’s license examiners will not be included within the classified service under the Kansas Civil Service Act.
state as having the sole regulatory authority to govern the management, habitats, hunting, and possession of lesser and greater prairie chickens that exist within the state. In addition, the bill establishes that lesser and greater prairie chickens and their habitats existing within the state are not subject to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act) or to any federal regulations or executive actions related to the Act. In addition, any federal regulation or executive action pertaining to the federal Act that purports to regulate the lesser or greater prairie chicken, their habitats, farming practices that affect these species, or other human activity that affect these species are to have no effect within Kansas.
The bill allows the county or district attorney, or the Kansas Attorney General, to seek to enjoin any official, agent, employee of the federal government, or employees of corporations providing services on behalf of the federal government from enforcing any federal regulation or executive action pertaining to the Act that purports to regulate the lesser or greater prairie chicken, their habitats, farming practices that affect these species, or other human activity having an impact on these species within Kansas. The bill KDA Law Allows for Programs to Continue provides that its provisions must not be construed to On May 14, Governor Brownback signed SB 286 into law. Effective July 1, this bill extends the sunset infringe on the authority of the U.S. Department of from July 1, 2015, to July 1, 2018, on various fees that Agriculture, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or state agencies that have delegated are currently charged by the Kansas Department of authority to administer the federal Water Pollution Agriculture (KDA). Without extending the sunset, Prevention and Control Act or the Clean Air Act KDA would have lost $700 million in revenue and when the entities are administering conservation would not have been able to administer its programs or engaging in other activities that may programs. The bill also establishes the Local Food apply to the lesser or greater prairie chicken, their and Farm Task Force, that will be responsible for habitats, farming practices that affect these species, or preparing a local food and farm plan containing other human activity having an impact on these policy and funding recommendations to increase species or their habitats within Kansas. In addition, locally grown food production. The bill also the bill is not to be construed to infringe on the designates the last Saturday in July of each year as authority of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, National Day of the Cowboy. Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) or any citizen participating in a management plan or a conservation Lesser Prairie Chicken Bill Approved On May 9, Governor Brownback signed Senate Sub. plan pertaining to the lesser prairie chicken that may be developed in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and for HB 2051 into law. This bill establishes the State Wildlife Service (USFWS) and applies to the lesser or Sovereignty Over Non-Migratory Wildlife Act. The bill contains a provision which declares the authority greater prairie chicken, their habitats, farming practices that affect these species, or other human for the State Sovereignty Over Non-Migratory Wildlife Act comes from the 10th Amendment to the activity having an impact on these species or their habitats within Kansas. U.S. Constitution and Article II, Section 1 of the Kansas Constitution. The bill also establishes the
Summer 2014
Farm Implement Bill Law Signed The legislature approved and the Governor signed into law HB 2715. This bill would create a law related to transportation of farm implements by implement dealers on the highways. During the committee process, your association was able to amend the bill so our members were not inadvertently affected by the bill. The bill allows an implement dealer who obtains a permit for an oversize or overweight vehicle would be allowed to move or transport farm tractors, implements of husbandry, combines, fertilizer dispensing equipment, or other farm machinery on certain highways in Kansas. The bill would create an annual permit available to an implement dealer and would specify an implement dealer could use a single-trip permit for this purpose. Such movement would be required to meet certain conditions related to load size, would be restricted to daylight hours, and could not use any highway that is part of the Interstate. The bill would allow the equipment or machinery to be moved on a trailer or semi-trailer, pinned to a truck or truck tractor and traveling on its own wheels, or under its own power. The bill would allow an implement dealer or its employees to move farm machinery when towing such machinery behind a farm tractor within a 100-mile radius of the implement dealer’s place of business when both the
Unemployment Rate Cut Is Now Law The Governor signed into law HB 2576 providing for an unemployment insurance rate cut. This bill includes language which offers positive balance employers a 15% rate reduction for the 2014 tax year. This bill also allows a company which relocates to Kansas to choose between the new employer rate of 2.7% or the rate associated with the reserve ratio from their former state. It creates a new definition for "entering or expanding employers" who experience a 100% growth in taxable payroll over the previous year, allowing that employer to qualify for the new employer rate of 2.7% if that employer is a positively balanced employer. It also removes the cap on voluntary contributions. Currently employers can only buy up five rate groups through voluntary contributions. This cap is removed and if an employer so chooses, can make contributions to move up an unlimited number of rate groups. The law became effective April 10th.
farm tractor and the equipment or machinery are equipped with flashing lights on both the front and rear; any machinery designed for or normally moved at speeds less than 25 miles per hour would be required to clearly display a slow-moving vehicle emblem. The bill would define an “implement dealer” as a person or business that buys, sells, or services farm tractors, implements of husbandry, or other farm machinery in the regular course of business. The bill went into effect on July 1, 2014. Governor Signs Trespass Law The Governor signed into law the conference committee report for HB 2447, a bill dealing with trespass liability. Effective July 1, the bill states that anyone in possession of any fee, reversionary or easement interest in real property, including the owner or lessee, owes no duty of care to a trespasser except for those circumstances in which a common law or statutory right of action existed on or before July 1, 2014. Tort Reform Signed by Governor The Governor signed into law SB 311 . This bill addresses the concern from the Kansas Supreme Court regarding caps in non-medical practice cases and the fact that caps on non-economic damages had not been increased for some time. SB 311 proposes an increase from the current $250,000 cap to $350,000 over the next eight years. Additionally, the bill includes a pro-business tort reform initiative by Daubert expert evidence standard (eliminate "junk science" opinions). KARA was key in getting this bill approved. The law became effective on July 1. Overweight Sealed Containers Law Implemented The Governor signed into law, SB 344. This bill fixes several concerns that came to light after the opening of the new BNSF Intermodal and Logistics Park in Edgerton in October 2013 regarding over-dimension or overweight non-divisible loads. KARA lobbied hard for passage of this bill. The bill went into effect on April 24.
Summer 2014
KARA Hosts Fundraiser for Brownback In June, KARA held a successful fundraiser for Governor Sam Brownback at the Association Office. Several association members were in attendance and sponsored the event, including Dow AgroSciences and J.R. Isch. All attendees were given the opportunity to have in-depth discussions with Governor Brownback and share many concerns facing the industry.
KARA hosts a fundraiser for the Brownback for Governor campaign in June at the Association Office.
Over 35 applications were received and considered by an independent Scholarship Selection Committee made up of association members. Each year, KARA awards one $500 Jim Lee Memorial scholarship, one $1,500 Dr. David Whitney Agronomy scholarship and three $1,500 KARA scholarships. Staff Conducts No-Ties Tour Ron Seeber, KARA Senior VP, conducted a no-ties tour in July. While visiting members, Ron was also able to receive an update from the Kansas Water Office on their preliminary thoughts on the Governor’s 50-year water vision at a forum in Garden City. The preliminary report can be viewed at Also during the tour, Ron and many KARA members were able to deliver a number Kansas Agribusiness Council Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to several of agribusiness friendly legislative candidates.
Industry Awards $6,500 in Scholarships KARA has chosen the following students to receive college scholarships for the 2014-2015 school year:
Ruth Bartel, Cimarron – studying Agronomy at Kansas State University Michael Baumgartner, Sabetha – to study Agronomy at Kansas State University Sadie Boline, Allen – to study Ag Communications & Ag Education at Kansas State University Samuel Knauss, Paola – studying Agronomy at Ron Seeber visits Hugh Mounday and Kim Barnes at Larned Coop. Kansas State University Jessica Woofter, Chapman – studying Agronomy at At the conclusion of the tour, Ron represented the Kansas State University industry as part of the Kansas Freight Advisory Committee meeting in Wichita. This is the third of four meetings at which the Committee provides input to the Kansas Department of Transportation to ensure that multimodal freight needs are addressed in the planning, investment and operation of the Kansas transportation system.
Congratulations to some of the KARA scholarship winners: Jessica Woofter, Michael Baumgartner and Ruth Bartel.
Summer 2014
To close the event, the Chairman’s Golf Tournament will be held at Manhattan Country Club on Tuesday afternoon, with lunch and registration at 12:00 noon and a shotgun start at 1:30 p.m. See the enclosed form to register. “Blazing New Trails” at 2014 Kansas Agri Business Expo “Blazing New Trails” will be the theme of the 2014 Kansas Agri Business Expo. Who better to perform on the trade show floor than “Loop Rawlins Wild West Show”? From jumping through the world’s Sonia Offerle and Duane Boyd with Offerle Coop present a PAC smallest loop to gun spinning and lighting a match check to Representative John Ewy. with a rope, Loop Rawlins is something you don’t want to miss. Keep checking the website at Register for the 2014 KARA Annual Meeting for more speaker information and for The 2014 KARA Annual Meeting will be held on online registration coming in late August. August 18-19 in Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn. Featured speakers include: Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, who will speak on the 2014 legislative session and its impact on the agricultural segment of the Kansas economy; Scott Rawlins, Director of Regulatory & Governmental Affairs with WilburEllis Company and Treasurer of the Responsible Ag Board of Directors, who will provide the most recent developments with the Responsible Ag initiative; and last but not least, KSU’s Head Men’s Basketball Coach Bruce Weber, who will give insight into the 2014-2015 season as well as his thoughts on leadership in collegiate sports. Loop Rawlins Wild West Show scheduled to perform at the 2014 Kansas Agri Business Expo.
2014 KARA Annual Meeting speakers: Kansas Governor Sam Brownback; Scott Rawlins, Director of Regulatory & Governmental Affairs with Wilbur-Ellis Company; and KSU Men’s Basketball Head Coach Bruce Weber.
Exhibitors Urged to Register Now for Expo Vendor registration is now open for the 2014 Kansas Agri Business Expo on November 19-20 in Wichita. Visit to reserve your booth space for the largest, indoor agribusiness trade show in the Midwest or contact Shari Bennett, Expo Manager at or (785) 234-0464.
Hyatt Nearly Sold Out for KABE! The Hyatt Hotel (headquarters) is almost sold out of Come take a break with your fellow KARA members rooms for the Kansas Agri Business Expo on and enjoy some good food, education and golf. A November 19-20. KABE has reserved blocks at “Night at the Races” video horseracing event will be several hotels, all of which are in very close proximity held at Kite’s Legend Room on Monday evening. to the Convention Center. Visit for a Transportation to and from Aggieville will be list of participating properties. provided.
Summer 2014
Would You Like to Support Agricultural Education in Kansas? KARA is excited to announce that the 2014 Scholarship Auction at the Expo will be held on Wednesday, November 19 at 4:30 p.m. at the Century II Convention Center. All proceeds from this auction directly benefit high school and college students in Kansas wanting to pursue an education in agricultural -related fields by providing much needed financial relief for deserving kids and their families.
KARA Welcomes New Member Thanks to the reputation of our membership and industry, KARA continues to grow and provide useful products and services for agribusinesses in Kansas. Please welcome this company to KARA:
Free Membership for New Retailers If you are a member of KARA, hopefully you are aware of the value of your membership dues. For those non-member retail companies across the state, we’re offering to pay your dues for one year, so you can see what you’re missing. This is for “retail” members only that have never joined the association.
Website - Reduced rates! Each month, hundreds visit for access to industry knowledge and resources. By placing your logo online as a “KARA Partner,” you can attract business and further your brand.
Blackstone Environmental Inc., Topeka, KS
KARA Committee Sign-up Available KARA is looking for volunteers to serve on one of our many committees for 2014-2015. Our committee This auction is the only fundraiser for the scholarship volunteers shape some of the most important program, and your donation will be a huge part of its decisions KARA makes. success. Not only will your donation and company be published in the auction program, but several of the If you are interested in getting more involved in your higher value items will also appear on KARA’s Association and want to have a voice in KARA's website weeks prior to the event. affairs, we have a place for you. See the enclosed form to sign-up. Because of donations from individuals and businesses, we can continue to support agricultural education in Kansas and further our industry's future workforce. See the enclosed flier to donate. NEW! Advertising Opportunities
Update Your Membership Profile Did you move or take a new job? Have a new phone number or email? KARA wants to know, and we’ve made it easier than ever to update your profile.
Annual Rate: $500, $700 (non-members)
Newsletter - NEW opportunity! The Kansas Agribusiness Update is Visit and click on Member KARA's quarterly newsletter and Directory. Then, enter your login information and includes industry headlines, make your changes directly online. Forgot your association news and member username or password? Email, and updates. By purchasing 1/4 page, we’ll get it to you. you can announce a product launch, introduce your business or simply increase awareness. Trade Talk If you have a short business announcement you’d like to share Per Issue Rate: $250 $350 (non-members) with fellow members, email
David Cron: new General Manager at Cairo Coop 20% discount for directory advertisers. See the enclosed form.
Summer 2014
WOTUS Meetings with EPA Administrator McCarthy On Wednesday, July 9th, KARA General Counsel Randy Stookey represented KARA and Kansas agriculture concerns at an EPA roundtable discussion on the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule held in Columbia, Missouri. What the EPA intended as a small, invite-only event with the head of the EPA, however, turned out differently. A half-hour before the meeting began, the room had already beginning to fill to capacity to the point that they had to open a partition wall to expand the room. It didn’t appear that they were expecting the crowd, and the EPA Security detail started getting a little excitable. Stookey asked Administrator Gina McCarthy why the EPA decided to move forward with the proposed rule before the EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) had presented its final report on the issue of “connectivity,” which goes to the very heart of the issue of whether there exists a “significant nexus” between any two bodies of water. Without a showing of a significant nexus – establishing connectivity – to an upstream tributary, the EPA cannot establish jurisdiction to regulate the surface (or ground) water under Clean Water Act. Administrator McCarthy responded to the effect that they were rushed to get the proposed rule out, but that the final rule will not be published until the SAB final report has been made public. This could happen within the next month, and should give the industry plenty to review its official comments. Other comments provided sound examples of the clear inconsistencies between EPA’s statements of its intent, and the plain language of the proposed rule. Regarding the interpretive rule, many comments were made discussing our industry concerns. A comment was then made that, at this point, the only real remedy would be to withdraw the interpretive rule. EPA Administrator McCarthy was present for the majority of the meeting, and openly received each of KARA’s comments. However, EPA’s response to most of the comments was that if the rule is not currently written right, then KARA should address those concerns in our written comments. To date, however, the EPA has already received 204,118 comments, which must be some form of a record with more than 3 months yet to submit comments. On Thursday, July 10th, Association staff were present at a Kansas City Agri-business Council luncheon where EPA Administrator McCarthy again spoke on the WOTUS regulation to an audience of about 120 people. Administrator McCarthy spoke for about 20 minutes and then took a few questions. For those that have met with Region 7 or big EPA on this regulation before, nothing much new was stated, however.
Summer 2014
Underwriter $15,000 KFSA Founder $7,000 BASF Helena Chemical Co. Koch Ag & Energy Solutions, LLC Patron $3,000 Bayer CropScience CHS Inc. CoBank ACB Coffeyville Resources Crop Production Services Dow AgroSciences Heartland Ag, Inc. Lang Diesel Inc. Monsanto SFP Syngenta United Suppliers Wilbur-Ellis Co. Builder $1,500 Allied Environmental Consultants Inc. DuPont Crop Protection FMC Frontier Ag Inc. J.B. Pearl Sales MKC Morrill Elevator Inc. Rosen's Inc. Winfield Solutions LLC Donor $500 AGChoice Central Prairie Co-op Farmers Coop Conway Springs Farmway Coop Inc. Heartland Tank Services Inc. Kansas Coop Council Kugler Company Nachurs Offerle Coop Grain & Supply Co. Palmer Grain Inc. Powercat Seed Treating, LLC Purple Wave Auction Riggins R-Co. LLC. Skyland Grain LLC
In short form, Administrator McCarthy made the following comments on EPA’s position on the WOTUS regulation (most of which, the ag-industry disagrees with or believes conflicts with the proposed rule): Administrator McCarthy stated that EPA proposed the rule because it was directed to do so by the U.S. Supreme Court SWANCC and Rapanos decisions McCarthy stated EPA that came to “stop misinformation from becoming the story” and to “ditch the myths” McCarthy stated that jurisdiction over groundwater was a “myth” McCarthy agreed that the rule must be reasonable and must rely on science The rule defines small tributaries as WOTUS or waters with a significant nexus to a WOTUS because drinking water for millions of people “comes from smaller sources” – for this reason McCarthy stated (multiple times) that some dry streams must be defined as WOTUS McCarthy stated that “ephemeral streams have always been jurisdictional” Regarding whether “ditches” are jurisdictional: McCarthy stated that some buy not all ditches are WOTUS, and that the “ditch” definition needs clarified and specifically requested language on this definition from us in our comments McCarthy stated that EPA intends to amend the interpretive rule. McCarthy stated that all "normal farming practices" that were previously exempt from permitting would remain exempt. McCarthy stated that EPA did not intend the 56 enumerated NRCS practices to be an all-inclusive list, to narrow current allowed exemptions. Regarding new 402 permits for spraying chemical around water: McCarthy said there should be no new permits required. Anyone wishing to submit a comment on the WOTUS regulation before the October 20, 2014 deadline may go to the website and submit an electronic comment – which is a very simple process. KARA staff will also be submitting comments on behalf of the Association.
Summer 2014
Water Vision Team Finishes Statewide Tour Recently, the Governor’s water vision team traveled approximately 1,500 miles and talked with more than 825 citizens on the statewide water vision public input tour. Twelve listening sessions were held for citizens to provide comments, suggestions and reactions to the first draft of the 50-Year Vision for the Future of Water in Kansas. Last fall Governor Sam Brownback issued a call to action for a 50-Year Vision to ensure a reliable water supply for Kansas citizens. The vision team has been meeting with stakeholders and organizations associated with all water uses since December 2013 to put together the Preliminary Discussion Draft. Including the recent tour, the team has now attended more than 180 meetings and met with approximately 10,000 Kansans for input. “The team would like to thank everyone who attended a session and contributed feedback,” said Kansas Water Office Director Tracy Streeter. “While there were many points shared by attendees, one of the most consistent messages received was that vision goals should be focused on regional areas while reflecting the specific needs to that area.”
“The tour provided the vision team the opportunity to present a compilation of ideas and action items gathered from Kansans over the last seven months and to hear back from stakeholders what they supported and what they did not support,” said Secretary Jackie McClaskey. “We look forward to continued discussions over the next few months to gather additional input and suggestions in order to develop the next vision draft.” For more information or to view the preliminary discussion draft of the Vision for the Future of Water in Kansas, visit Comments will continue to be collected and can be emailed to: . The final discussion draft will be shared later this fall at the Governor’s Conference on the Future of Water in Kansas, November 12 -13, in Manhattan, Ks.
Are you taking full advantage of your KARA membership? For details on the following benefits, please visit or call (785) 234-0463. Thanks to KARA’s Underwriting Sponsor, comprehensive hospital and medical, group life, dental, salary continuation, accidental death and property/casualty programs are offered through KFSA at a rate which is considerably less than could be enjoyed by an individual firm. Regulatory compliance can be a timely and expensive part of your business operations. As a member of KARA, you are eligible to take advantage of the Asmark Institute's program and products that will help you navigate the regulatory maze. Does your company need new apparel? Looking for appreciation gift ideas for your customers? Get 10% off Cabela's merchandise and 5% off Cabela's gift cards just for being a KARA member. Turn waiting callers into customers. Spectrio On Hold Messaging is giving KARA members a 25% discount on monthly rates. Promote specials, decrease caller agitation, reduce hang-ups and enhance your company's image for only $75/month. A 30-day trial is also available. KARA and Purple Wave are working together to provide members with the best resource to liquidate your unused assets through an online auction service. Purple Wave will make a donation to KARA every time a member utilizes their services.
Summer 2014
Chairman Mike Shirley SFP, Oakley Vice Chairman Kevin Brady Lang Diesel Inc., Benton Second Vice Chairman Clark Pearson Miller Elevator Inc., Reading Immediate Past Chairman Doug Wright MKC, Moundridge Directors Scott Anderson KFSA, Hutchinson Brian Bucl Crop Production Services, Wichita Bill Conrey Koch Fertilizer Co., Wichita Troy Coon Gavilon, Nickerson Roger Cunningham Beachner Grain, Parsons Kevin Dieckmann United Suppliers, Olathe Jon Ingebretson CHS, Overland Park Kirk Kennedy Valley Coop Inc., Atlanta Dustin Kuntz Harveyville Seed, Harveyville Roger Long Rosen's Inc., Great Bend Lance Nelson Farmers Coop Co., Haviland Brian Norton Syngenta, Girard Johnny Schaben Golden Valley Coop, Rozel Larry Shivers SFP, Salina Andy Smarsh Helena Chemical, Garden City Tim Stoehr Wilbur Ellis, Kansas City Steve Taylor Fairbank Equipment Inc., Wichita Kevin Tomka Dow AgroSciences, Overland Park Dave Wilcox Farmway Coop, Beloit Craig Zwick B.Z. Bee, Lyons
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Blazing New Trails Kansas Agri Business Expo
November 19-20, 2014 Century II Convention Center & Hyatt Regency Hotel, Wichita REGISTRATION COMING SOON l A jointly-sponsored trade show of the Kansas Grain and Feed Association and Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association.
Summer 2014