KGFA Newsletter

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K S G R A I N A N D F E E D . O R G

Spring 2011

TRAINING Grain Grading, Manager’s Forum ADVOCACY Legislative Action Day, Moran Breakfast NEWS OSHA Inspections, Wheat Futures


Kansas Governor Brownback, CFTC Commissioner Michael Dunn National Association of Wheat Growers CEO Dana Peterson Spring 2011, GRAIN AND FEED REPORT AN










CONTENTS President’s Message...3 Register for the KGFA Annual Meeting...4 Calling all managers, safety directors...4

President & CEO Tom R. Tunnell

Grain Grading road show winds down...4

COO & Sr. VP of Govt. Affairs Mary Jane Stankiewicz

KGFA hosts Moran Issues Breakfast...5

VP of Government Affairs Ron Seeber

TAL class learns “Lobbying 101”...5

Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Jensen

KGFA hosts Tuesday Night Receptions...6 Members lobby state lawmakers at Legislative Action Day...6

Director of Event Planning Shari Bennett

Opportunity to invest in industry safety...7

Director of Member Services Sarah Sexton-Bowser

Had an OSHA inspection?...7

Director of Mktg. & Comm. Shahira Stafford

Remember to inspect your scales...7

Systems/Insurance Manager Lisa Anschutz

KSU seeks historical storage rates...7 Looking for a structural inspector?...7 KCBT HRW wheat futures contract amendments receive CFTC approval...7 KGFA Board requests action by GIPSA on sorghum odor...8 Cargill grant helps KSU develop feed safety research center...8 KGFA sponsors FFA Agronomy Career Development Event...9 Over 250 students apply for KGFA scholarships...9 Welcome New Members...9 Grain grading manuals, grain quality posters available...9

Administrative Assistant Julie Stueve

The Kansas Grain and Feed Report is published quarterly for the members, friends and affiliates of the Kansas Grain and Feed Association. Mail contributions to KGFA, Attention: Shahira Stafford, 816 SW Tyler, Topeka, KS 66612. The KGFA team welcomes your comments, contributions and suggestions. Annual subscriptions can be purchased for $25.00. © 2011 KGFA Read this newsletter online at

Guide to safe trucking in agriculture...9 Career Center / Marketplace...10


Are you taking full advantage of your KGFA membership?...11

To follow us on Facebook, search for KGFA. For Twitter, visit




“The impact of what was perceived by the industry as a shift in the sorghum line, from what was commonly thought of as a “storage” odor to now being graded as “musty or sour”, was huge.” ...............................................

for determining sorghum odors. A great idea, but thus far the FGIS has not yet adopted this or any other change to their sorghum odor line determination procedures. So, here we are in 2011 and the issue has yet to be resolved. The KGFA Board of Directors instructed me back in February to send a letter to Randall D. Jones, FGIS Deputy Administrator, urging him to “resolve the disparities and to set a line that creates efficient market conditions.”

Tom R. Tunnell President and CEO

We did receive a response from Mr. Jones this month explaining that the FGIS is moving ahead to establish a more definitive and stable “storage musty” odor line. ver the past three years, KGFA has tried to The letter states that they are continuing to initiate and get some definitive answer from the Fed- finance Dr. Chambers’ research to finalize the set of referal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) reerence samples for inspectors. Mr. Jones assures us that garding the “line” on sorghum odors. once the samples are established, the FGIS plans to engage sorghum industry stakeholders for input. The whole issue started back in 2008 when Kansas originated sorghum trains were graded “musty or sour” at In the meantime, several member companies have rethe Texas Gulf by FGIS grain inspectors. The result was cently indicated that odor issues are becoming a probthat most of the trains had to be rerouted or sold at a lem at the Texas Gulf with other grains as well, so there huge discount, costing KGFA members thousands of seems to be more work to be done by the association. dollars. This happened even though the trains were graded clear at the Kansas loading point.


The impact of what was perceived by the industry as a shift in the sorghum line, from what was commonly thought of as a “storage” odor to now being graded as “musty or sour”, was huge. Grain companies no longer wanted to ship sorghum to the Gulf and take a chance on receiving an “off grade”. KGFA and several impacted parties met in Kansas City in June of 2008 with the FGIS Board of Review and were told that the sorghum odor line had in fact not changed but was consistent with past determinations. Following this meeting and after a number of exchanges between the industry and FGIS, the USDA Agriculture Research Agency contracted a study with Dr. Edgar Chambers at the KSU Sensory Department (Dr. Chambers had previously done work with wheat odors) to try and develop a “cocktail” perfume which could be added to normal smelling sorghum and would simulate the line for “sour” odor. This liquid perfume could then be used by all official grain inspectors as an aid in setting the line

(l-r) KGFA officers, Gary Gantz and Stan Stark, and Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association Chairman Randy Whisenhunt visit with newly elected Kansas Congressman Tim Huelskamp in Washington D.C. regarding several industry concerns including sorghum odor.



EVENTS, TRAINING Register for the KGFA Annual Meeting

Grain Grading road show winds down

After nine years, KGFA returns to Manhattan to host the 115th KGFA Annual Meeting and Golf Tournament on April 18-19 at the Holiday Inn by the Campus. The golf tournament will be held at the award-winning Colbert Hills Golf Course.

As the 2011 Grain Grading road show winds down, the vehicles are being serviced, clothes laundered, and damaged grain put away. Each of the 362 attendees were able to learn grain grading techniques with hands-on grading experiences. As a bonus, each attendee was also able to learn some of “Leonard’s Quick Techniques” to grading grain during the fast-pace harvest season. Thanks to each company that supported KGFA and invested in their employees by attending the 2011 Grain Grading Schools. This program would not have been possible without our sponsors:

Don’t miss our exciting line-up of speakers this year including newly elected Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, who has been invited to give the keynote address on Tuesday morning. Following breakfast, our educational sessions are guaranteed to give you new insight into today’s agricultural landscape. Dana Peterson, Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Wheat Growers, will discuss the latest developments in wheat research both on the private and university levels. She will also touch on the NAWG’s advocacy efforts with the new Congress. Commissioner Michael Dunn, U.S. Commodity Futures Trade Commission, will then talk about wheat convergence from the CFTC’s perspective.

Kansas Grain & Feed Association Kansas Grain Inspection Service Kansas Corn Commission Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission Kansas Soybean Commission Kansas Wheat Seedburo Equipment Company Another special thanks to all of the KGIS employees for their time and expertise: Tom Meyer, Leonard Hicks, Allen Trower, Randy McCormick, Mike Page, Lonnie Konrade, Shannon Lenz, Aaron Barnes, Darren Ramsey, Keith Sundbye, Frank Jurek, Jason Davis, Andrew Breese, James Kemmerer, Travis Kiel and Darrek Klahr.

Register at Over 300 members Missed out? There will be one additional program in attended the last KGFA Annual Meeting that was held Moundridge, Kansas on May 26. Register at in Manhattan, so let's try beat that attendance this year! or send in the enclosed form.

Calling all managers, safety directors KGFA is offering a new training opportunity tailored specifically for managers and safety directors. This class will prepare you to address many of the challenges of our highly competitive and fast-paced grain handling environment. The KGFA Manager’s Forum will be on May 24-25 in Wichita. The cost for members is only $100 for one day or $150 for both. Register at or send in the enclosed form.

The 2011 Grain Grading Schools set an all-time high attendance record of 125 at the class in Dodge City on March 10.



LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY KGFA hosts Moran Issues Breakfast

The 2011 class showed astute talent in communicating U.S. Congressman Jerry Moran addressed a room full of the association's message to the Legislature, and we anstate association executives and lobbyists on January 19 ticipate that they will continue to excel during future TAL Sessions. This class showed they truly are the best at the Topeka Country Club for an Issues Breakfast hosted by KGFA and Capitol Strategies. Congressman and brightest in the industry, and they would not be here if it weren't for the generous contributions of the folMoran spoke about several hot topics in Congress including everything from health care reform to the 2012 lowing program sponsors: farm bill and the next presidential election. It was an excellent opportunity to visit with the Congressman and Grand Sponsors Bayer CropScience, Beachner Grain, Cargill Ag Horireceive an inside look at federal politics. zons, Farmers Coop Elevator in Cheney, Frisbie Construction, Kansas Grain Inspection Service, Kansas TAL class learns “Lobbying 101” Wheat, KFSA, Mid Kansas Coop, Monsanto, Norwood The 2011 Tomorrow's Agribusiness Leaders class trav- & Company and Syngenta. eled to Topeka in January for two days and completed Session I. During which, the class enjoyed a policy Full Sponsors breakfast with Senator Jerry Moran and received a brief- Co-Mark, Fairbank Equipment, Farmers Coop on the challenges facing the 2011 Congress. This Haviland, Hooker Equity Exchange, Kansas Corn Comgave the class a taste of things to come when they travel mission, KC Supply Co., Morrill Elevator, Palmer Grain, to Washington D.C. in July. They were thrilled to meet Wilbur-Ellis and Team Marketing Alliance. the newly elected Senator, and as always, he was gracious and accommodating. General Sponsors BASF, Harveyville Seed Co., Offerle Coop Grain & Supply, Pride Ag Resources, Coop Grain & SupplyHillsboro and Sublette Coop. If your company would like to be added to this list of sponsors, or if you or one of your association colleagues is interested in applying for this premier agribusiness leadership program, please visit

(l-r) TAL class members Dan Brubeck, Jeremy Seyfert and Josh Morrill get one-on-one time with Senator Jerry Moran during TAL Session I.

They also met with Kansas Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Chris Wilson, received a colorful critique of the new administration from Associated Press Reporter John Hanna, and introduced themselves to numerous legislators. In addition to the "Rock Star" stuff, they received KGFA staff briefings on the legislative process and the history of KGFA. They also received training on effective lobbying methods and put those practices to good use during Legislative Action Day while wrapping up the second day TAL Session I.

TAL class members participate in a “How a Bill Becomes a Law” exercise during TAL Session I.



LEGISLATIVE ADVOCACY KGFA hosts Tuesday Night Receptions During the months of January – May, the capitol city is buzzing with state lawmakers here for the legislative session. Every year, KGFA is always at the heart of this activity, hosting the longest-standing weekly hospitality event for the Kansas Legislature. On January 11, over 150 state legislators, leaders and lobbyists attended the first reception of the session at the KGFA office. KGFA has been hosting Tuesday Night Receptions for over 25 years, along with 40 other lobbying organizations. Legislators are invited to relax and enjoy a "no-lobbying allowed," catered dinner each week while they're in Topeka. These receptions are an excellent opportunity for KGFA to gain recognition and for your staff lobbyists to visit with lawmakers on a personal level.

Members lobby state lawmakers at Legislative Action Day On January 19, members of KGFA, the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and the Kansas Cooperative Council came to the capitol city to learn about the issues being debated at the Statehouse that will directly affect their industry and for a chance to have their voices heard by state lawmakers. KGFA was proud to have several key political leaders of Kansas address our members on the important issues facing lawmakers this session, including newlyappointed Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman, Speaker of the House Mike O’Neal, Senate President Steve Morris, Senate Majority Leader Jay Emler and House Majority Leader Arlen Siegfried.

KGFA, along with every other advocacy organization in Kansas, is facing serious legislative challenges this year. KGFA lobbyists are working hard, day and night, to advocate on your behalf on issues that include: immigration reform, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, Grain Warehouse program funding, and many more. Please watch for the weekly Legislative Update emailed every Monday to members. This electronic news update is a great way to stay abreast on important bills working their way through the session and how they may affect your business.

Gary Beacher (second from left) enjoys lunch with several Kansas leaders including Secretary of Agriculture Dale Rodman, Senate President Steve Morris and Senate Majority Leader Jay Emler at KGFA’s Legislative Action Day.

After lunch, members had the chance to personally visit with their legislators at the Capitol Building and spread the industry’s message on key agribusiness issues. Several also had the chance to see first-hand how the committee process and Senate floor debate works in Kansas. The event concluded with a dinner reception at the Topeka Country Club where nearly 200 legislators and members were in attendance, despite inclement weather. Over 150 legislators, lobbyists and guests attend the first Tuesday Night Reception of the 2011 Legislative Session on January 12 at the KGFA office in Topeka.



INDUSTRY UPDATE Opportunity to invest in industry safety KSU seeks historical storage rates KGFA, the Kansas Cooperative Council and KFSA have partnered with the KU Fire and Rescue Institute to develop a training program that is the first of its kind. This training will address: 1) prevention of grain engulfment accidents, 2) types of accidents and the dangers of each, 3) appropriate actions when an emergency does happen, 4) roles and responsibilities of grain facility employees, and 5) roles and responsibilities of emergency responders (fire department) during rescue operations. Local (on-site) delivery of this training will be scheduled in communities throughout Kansas in cooperation with local fire departments and grain handling companies.

Dr. Kevin Dhuyvetter, KSU Farm Management Specialist, is seeking information regarding historical storage rates. If your elevator would like to contribute to his research, please forward the below items to Dr. Dhuyvetter at (785) 532-3527 or All information provided will be kept confidential and utilized only for academic value.

To make this program happen, your investment is needed. The cost of this project is $90,000 with project funding being raised by the industry. We are currently at 80% of our funding goal. If you have not yet committed to this critical safety program, please join the effort by sending your sponsorship to KGFA today. Lost your sponsorship request letter? Contact Lisa at Questions about the program? Contact Sarah at

Looking for a structural inspector?

Had an OSHA inspection? This year, OSHA began their Local Emphasis Program inspections for the Kansas grain handling industry. KGFA is collecting information regarding Kansas OSHA inspections. This information will be kept confidential and only used to provide advice to other KGFA members. If you have had an inspection, please complete the survey at oshasurvey. Staff will tally the responses and publish a comprehensive report in the next KGFA newsletter (pending response quantity).

Remember to inspect your scales

  

Storage Rates dating back to 1980 Note if rates vary by commodity Note additional storage stipulations: minimum storage length, dumping charges, in-out charges, etc.

KGFA encourages each member to have their facilities routinely inspected for structural integrity. Thus, we've compiled a list of associate members (enclosed) that provide structural inspection services. The integrity of your facility is directly connected with the safety of your work environment. Please take the time to contact one of these associate members today.

KCBT HRW wheat futures contract amendments receive CFTC approval The Kansas City Board of Trade received Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) approval for amendments to the KCBT's Hard Red Winter wheat futures contract as of the close of business on January 18. The changes will become effective with the September 2011 wheat futures contract month. KGFA has been informing members of developments in this issue since late last year. The KCBT has provided the following list of salient points of the amendments: 

After being approached recently by a member asking about scale testing requirements, KGFA staff wants to remind the industry that commercial scales (including head house scales) are required to have an annual inspection (Kansas Statute 83-304); and head house  weights are required to have an inspection every three years. Why test your scales? If your scale is off 20 lbs, soybeans are at $13 a barrel, and a rail car takes 12 drafts...that is 240 lbs per car = $52 times a 100 car shuttle = $5,200 in costs.

The base storage rate shall be increased from 4½ ¢ per bushel per month ($.00148 per bushel per day) to 6¢ per bushel per month ($.00197 per bushel per day), and shall be applicable during the calendar months of December through June; There shall be a Harvest Storage Premium added during the calendar months of July through November of 3¢ per bushel per month ($.00099 per bushel per day), resulting in a storage rate during these months of 9¢ per bushel per month ($.00296 per bushel per day);




Payment of storage on outstanding warehouse receipts up to the first calendar day of each delivery month (whether or not such receipts will be delivered in satisfaction of futures contracts);

The Harvest Storage Premium shall become effective on September 1, 2011;

The storage payment obligation on outstanding warehouse receipts shall become effective with the September 2011 futures contract, meaning that the accrued storage liability on all outstanding warehouse receipts must be paid through (and payment received by) August 31, 2011, which is the first notice day of the September 2011 contract. Accrued storage shall be paid through and by the first notice day of each successive contract month thereafter;


KGFA Board requests action by GIPSA on sorghum odor The KGFA Board of Directors recently submitted a letter to the Grain Inspection Packers & Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) Deputy Administrator Randall Jones. The letter focused on the importance of setting a sorghum odor line that accounts for industry realities. This letter is a follow-up letter, from previous correspondence with GIPSA in August 2009. KGFA leaders realize the importance of sorghum to Kansas. Without a solid and realistic odor line, the industry is exposed to unstable market conditions.

“The board continues to remain involved in issues that impact the industry,” Gary Gantz, KGFA Board Chairman, said. “Kansas is the largest producer of grain sorghum in the nation, and its value cannot be overstated. The leadership we’ve taken on this issue is directly reEffective with the September 2011 futures contract, lated to its importance to the Kansas grain complex.” deliverable grades of HRW shall contain a minimum 11% protein level. However, protein levels of less KGFA received a response from Mr. Jones this month than 11%, but equal to or greater than 10.5% are explaining that the FGIS is moving ahead to establish a deliverable at a ten cent (10¢) discount to contract more definitive and stable “storage musty” odor line. price. Protein levels of less than 10.5% are not delivThe letter stated that the FGIS plans to engage sorghum erable; industry stakeholders for input throughout the process. Holders of outstanding warehouse receipts following the expiration of the July 2011 contract month will have five (5) business days (August 24-30, 2011) to present such warehouse receipts to the issuing warehouse for upgrading to reflect a deliverable protein level. The issuing elevator must comply with such request and shall, in its sole discretion, make the determination as to the minimum protein level to designate on receipts presented for upgrading. The issuing elevator may charge the holder twelve cents (12¢) per bushel to upgrade receipts with a designation of 11% minimum protein, or two cents (2¢) per bushel to upgrade receipts with a designation of 10.5% minimum protein. Warehouse receipts not upgraded shall not be deliverable against futures contracts from September 2011 forward;

Cargill grant helps KSU develop feed safety research center Cargill announced on January 24 a partnership with KSU for the construction of the Cargill Center for Feed Safety Research. The facility, built in part from a $500,000 grant from Cargill, will conduct studies to address current food and feed safety issues facing the animal feed industry.

Once operational in late 2012, the planned research efforts include feed processing technologies to lower bacterial/viral introduction to animal food livestock operations and the food chain. The facility will be located on the Manhattan, Kansas KSU campus and housed in the O.H. Kruse Feed Mill and Bio-refinery. It will be in close proximity to the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Effective September 1, 2011, the vomitoxin restric- Facility federal laboratory, built by the Department of tion shall be reduced from 4 ppm (parts per million) Homeland Security. The laboratory will be capable of to 2 ppm. conducting food and feed research relating to dangerous and exotic foreign animal diseases.


ASSOCIATION NEWS KGFA sponsors FFA Agronomy Career Development Event

Grain grading manuals, grain quality posters available

Not able to attend the 2011 Grain Grading Schools? Although you won’t be able to learn everything that KGFA is proud to be a sponsor of training provides, you can use the exact same resource the Kansas FFA Agronomy Career provided through the program. The manuals are availDevelopment Event that encourages able for purchase and cover: wheat, corn, grain sorstudents to build and improve their ghum, soybeans, and sunflowers. From grading factors skills in agronomic sciences. At the competition, participants complete a 50-question written to key defects to look for, this book covers it all. exam; identify seeds, insects, soils and crops; demonstrate knowledge of agronomic management and solve a Grain quality posters are a another great tool to have in practical problem. They also give oral reasons explaining your facility. Not only will you use them as a reference, but your customers will more fully understand various their placing of various classes. The sponsorship also supports the winning Kansas team in competing in the types of damaged grain. Building an understanding with your customers will lead to a more positive working relanational FFA convention in the fall. tionship. The poster includes color images and a short, identifying description of the damage. Call (785) 234Over 250 students apply for KGFA 0461 to order.


KGFA received 257 scholarship applications from students across Kansas hoping to receive one of the association’s $1,000 scholarships for the 2011-2012 school year. The KGFA Scholarship Committee will meet on April 18 in Manhattan to choose the winners, and announcements will be made shortly thereafter.

Guide to safe trucking in agriculture KGFA has available on our website the “Manager’s Guide to Safe Trucking.” The guide’s purpose is to educate truck drivers and their managers in the agricultural industry about the importance of safe operation during agriculture’s busy seasons and give them active strategies that they can apply.

Each year, KGFA awards $5,500 in scholarships to high school students wanting to pursue an education in KanWhile government regulations limit truck drivers’ worksas. Six scholarships are offered: one Dub and Inez ing hours, agricultural haulers are allowed an exemption Johnson $500 Memorial Scholarship, and five KGFA from these regulations. Ag operations are accustomed to $1,000 Scholarships. difficult working conditions and familiar with the importance of operating machinery in a safe manner on the Welcome New Members farm and in ag processing facilities. Download the free KGFA welcomes the below members to the association guide at team. We appreciate your membership and support while we continue to represent the grain handling industry in Kansas. Please welcome these companies should you come in contact with them in your business. Ron Seeber to lead Kansas Ag Alliance

Grain Elevator Equipment, Inc. in Shawnee Ebmeier Engineering LLC in Glenwood, IA NOHR Engineering Co., LLC in Yankton, SD Midwest Paint Service in Black Hawk, SD Farmer Direct Foods Inc. in Atchison Bank of the West in Wichita

KGFA’s own VP of Government Affairs, Ron Seeber, was named President of the Kansas Agricultural Alliance in December. This group of 12 agriculturerelated organizations meets regularly during the legislative session discussing policy issues and strategy.



MEMBER CORNER Career Center / Marketplace

The Farmers Coop Assn, Butler, OK is seeking qualified applicants for the position of General Manager. They provide grain, seed, fertilizer, feed, fuel, application, and Job Openings cotton ginning services to their customers. The fully qualified applicant will have experience in Agronomy, Southern Plains Co-op, an established multi-location grain marketing and supervision of employees. Cotton grain company, is looking for an experienced Grain Originator/Merchandiser for in store and on the farm experience is also desired, but not required. Interested applicants should send their resume to ProValue, Attn: grain. Candidate must be willing to make cold calls in Jim Warner 509 S Grand, Cherokee, OK 73728 or fax to country, office phone calls and assist with customer 580-664-5504. Or apply online at walk in business. Must have strong people/ communication skills, ability to build relationships, solid Equity Exchange an established Grain, Ag Chemical and understanding of grain marketing, logistics, marketing Petroleum Coop located in Perryton TX is seeking qualiprograms, ability to manage credit risks, and desire to develop new business. Series 3 license a plus. Excellent fied applicants for the position of Petroleum Department Manager in Perryton Texas. The ideal applicant compensation/benefit package. Please email Vickie will be willing to grow with the company, be an innovaKennedy at to apply. tive leader, with 3 to 5 years experience in the Coop industry as a Location Manager, or smaller Coop General Cairo Cooperative Equity Exchange near Pratt, KS is looking for an energetic, dependable and hard working Manager. Individual must be a quick study and willing to learn the Petroleum business. Having a Texas and Oklaperson to fill the position as Custom Applicator at their Penalosa branch location. This is an awesome op- homa Commercial Retail Wholesale Propane Dealers portunity to join a reputable company. The ideal candi- certificate is a plus, but not required to apply. Equity Exchange offers completive salaries and excellent emdate must have row crop experience, be able to multitask, be mechanically inclined, and have a driving record ployee benefits package including a defined benefit rein “good standing”; and a valid Class A CDL. This posi- tirement plan (Coop Retirement Plan), 401k savings tion requires the employee to work outdoors in various plan, health and life insurance programs, and vacation and sick leave. Interested parties should send their reweather conditions and have the ability to lift up to 50 lbs. Competitive pay and excellent benefits package of- sumes with personal and professional references, to Difered that includes health insurance, retirement, life in- rector of Human Resources, Equity Exchange, P.O. Box surance, and vacation. Please email your interest to the 889, Perryton, TX 79070. General Manager at Equipment for Sale Decatur Cooperative Association, a farmers' cooperative 2005 T-800 Daycab- 588K miles, C-13 Caterpillar enand agri-business located in Oberlin, KS is seeking an experienced Controller. Qualified candidates must have gine 430 HP, 3.70 Rear ratio, 10 Speed, Diamond Interior, 190 WB, Great tires and Brakes, Please contact Tim a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting; minimum of three Cahoon at Tim.Cahoon@MHCTruck or 913-971-1511/ years experience; excellent supervisory skills and solid computer skills including an intermediate level in Excel Cell 816-868-0205. We also have over 600 other used trucks in stock of all makes, if you are looking for some and Word plus a basic working knowledge of Access. AgTrax experience a plus. This position offers competi- other type of truck. Please don’t hesitate to call, we are here to help you find the right truck for your needs! tive salary and excellent employee benefits including health and dental coverage, Co-op Retirement, 401(k) 1963 5TM TracMobile Rail car Mover. 1900 hours. and paid time off for vacation and sick leave. Please Diesel Engine. Good Shape Clean unit! Is mobile can be send resume and cover letter to Attn: Kurt Anderson, used at multiple locations. Asking $35,000. Call the SubPO Box 68, Oberlin, KS 67749 or email to kanderlette Coop at 620-675-2297.



Are you taking full advantage of your KGFA membership? A comprehensive hospital and medical, group life, dental, salary continuation, accidental death and a property/casualty program are offered through KFSA at a rate which is considerably less than could be enjoyed by an individual firm. Exclusively through KGFA, you can have your employee benefit programs customized and tailored to meet your budget and needs through Harrington Health. Whether it is COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA, FSA, Harrington Health has the answers. Regulatory compliance can be a timely and expensive part of your business operations. As a member of KGFA, you are eligible to take advantage of the Asmark Institute's program and products that will help you navigate the regulatory maze. Does your company need new apparel? Looking for appreciation gift ideas for your customers? Get 10% off Cabela's merchandise and 5% off Cabela's gift cards just for being a KGFA member. Turn waiting callers into customers. AMS On Hold Solutions is giving KGFA members a 25% discount on monthly rates. Promote specials, decrease caller agitation, reduce hang-ups and enhance your company's image for only $75/month. A 30-day trial is also available. KGFA and Purple Wave are working together to provide members with the best resource to liquidate your unused assets through an online auction service. Purple Wave will make a donation to KGFA every time a member utilizes their services.

Chairman Gary Gantz D.E. Bondurant Grain Co., Ness City First Vice-Chairman Stan Stark Farmers Coop Co., Haviland Second Vice-Chairman Ted Schultz Team Mktg. Alliance, Moundridge Immediate Past Chair Jerald Kemmerer Pride Ag Resources, Dodge City Directors Mike Barrett DeBruce Grain Inc., Kansas City Gary Friesen Scott City Coop, Scott City Jeremy Girard Hannebaum Grain Co. Inc., Salina Pete Goetzmann ADM Grain Co., Overland Park Glen Hofbauer The Scoular Company, Kansas City Scott McWilliams Bartlett Grain Co., Kansas City, MO Jerry Murphy Bunge North America, Emporia Rob Nordmeyer Cargill Inc., Overland Park Russ Ronnebaum Hammel Scale, Wichita Steve Shaver Andale Farmers Coop, Andale Bob Temple WindRiver Grain, Garden City Vance Westhusin Midland Marketing, Hays



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KGFA’s Website Extreme Makeover

Coming Soon! KGFA’s website is currently undergoing an extreme makeover. Expect to see exciting changes to the new including:   

scrolling sponsor logos digital, interactive membership directory expanded media center

Keep checking back - the launch is coming soon! Draft photo. Names and headlines for mock-up purposes only.




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