Grain and Feed Report, Summer 2013

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K S G R A I N A N D F E E D . O R G

Summer 2013

2013 Kansas Legislative Session Concludes with Several Victories for Grain Industry Congressman Yoder takes Kansas agribusiness tour KGFA elects new Chairman and Board Members Cranor registration open











CONTENTS Member Spotlight: Karen Hill, Elkhart Cooperative Equity Exchange...3 Many KGFA-backed bills signed by Governor...4 Cranor registration open...5 Combustible dust workshops offered...5

President & CEO Tom R. Tunnell Senior Vice President, Government Affairs Ron Seeber

“Champions of Agribusiness” at 2013 Expo...5

Senior VP and Chief Financial Officer Stephanie Jensen

KGFA awards college scholarships...6

Vice President and General Counsel Randy Stookey

Support the Scholarship Auction...6

Vice President of Event Planning Shari Bennett

Congressman Yoder takes agribusiness tour...6 KGFA sponsors 4-H Plant Science Award...6

VP of Member Services & External Operations Sarah Sexton-Bowser

GIPSA Advisory Board approves resolutions...7

VP of Marketing & Communications Shahira Stafford

New Wheat Standard rule published...7

Senior Director of Internal Operations Lisa Anschutz

Workers comp notice provision changes...7

Executive Assistant to the President Julie Stueve

OSHA grain handling facility sweep auger enforcement policy...7 Annual Meeting attracts large attendance to Wichita...8 Thank you, Annual Meeting sponsors...8 Charles “Dick” Webb wins Sunflower Award...9 KGFA elects new officers, board members...9

The Kansas Grain and Feed Report is published quarterly for the members, friends and affiliates of the Kansas Grain and Feed Association. Mail contributions to KGFA, Attention: Shahira Stafford, 816 SW Tyler, Topeka, KS 66612. The KGFA team welcomes your comments, contributions and suggestions.

Committees assigned for 2013-2014...10

Annual subscriptions for members can be purchased for $25.00. © 2011 KGFA

KGFA welcomes new members...10

Read this newsletter online at

Trade Talk...10 Are you taking full advantage of your KGFA membership?...11

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MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Member Spotlight: Karen Hill, Elkhart Cooperative Equity Exchange Beginning this year, the Grain and Feed Report is featuring a new member in every issue. Let’s get to know each other better and share in each other’s industry successes. Thank you to Karen for answering the call; but beware, you may be next! Name: Karen Hill Age: Old enough to know better than to give out my age :) Job title: General Manager Company: Elkhart Cooperative Equity Exchange, Elkhart Kansas Business started in: 1917 Company specializes in: Grain, Agronomy, and Energy. Those are our three departments in which we excel. Services provided: We provide fertilizers, chemicals and seed (all of your input needs) as well as fuels and oils. We provide dry fertilizer spreading, crop scouting, and soil sampling. We offer fuel tankwagon delivery, as well as a route oil delivery. We can Direct Ship products or we can deliver depending on the needs of the producers. And then of course we have Grain Elevators strategically located throughout our trade territory. Something unique about your company: I think the fact that we have been in business for 96 years is a "unique" feature. But also the fact that we have not lost the "human touch" factor when working with our customers. We are able to adapt to the unique needs of our customers. If they "need product shipped direct," we can do; if they "need fields walked,” we can do; if they "need assistance marketing grain," we can do. Where do you consider your “hometown” or where you grew up: Small town outside of Norfolk, Nebraska. I went to high school in Norfolk. How long have you been in the grain business: I have been working in coops for 21 years and have always handled grain. When I was located in Northeast Nebraska, I did not know what "wheat" was; we grew corn and beans. Then when I moved to Northeast Colorado (Yuma), I discovered wheat and lots of irrigated corn. How did you get started: Started at a small hometown coop in Allen, Nebraska. That coop merged with a larger one located in South Sioux City, Nebraska. I worked in that area for four years. Then I relocated to Yuma, Colorado where I spent 12 years as the CFO. In 2008, I moved to Elkhart, Kansas to become the CFO and was promoted to GM in 2010. What KGFA services are the most valuable to you and your company: The education and training that KGFA offers are beneficial to our organization. They offer information that relates or is directly beneficial to our industry. I do also enjoy the networking. Since moving to Kansas, KGFA has allowed me opportunities to meet individuals that are willing to share experience and knowledge.



LEGISLATIVE REPORT Many KGFA-backed bills signed by Governor The Kansas Legislature wrapped up its veto session at 2:15am, Sunday June 2nd. This concluded a record-breaking session lasting 99 days and the first time the legislature has worked into the month of June. Please find a summary below of many of the bills approved this session. KGFA monitored hundreds of bills this session and was successful in sending many to the Governor’s desk. KGFA was also successful in sending several bad bills to the policy landfill. Kansas Restraint of Trade Bill The Governor signed into law SB 124, legislation that amends the Kansas Restraint of Trade Act (KRTA) to specifically require the Court to weigh alleged violations of the act against a reasonableness standard, following the approach taken by the majority of states and under federal law. The law states that an arrangement, contract, agreement, trust, understanding, or combination shall not be deemed unlawful, void, prohibited, or wrongful under any provision of the act if it is a reasonable restraint of trade or commerce in view of all of the facts and circumstances and does not contravene public welfare. The bill also directs the courts to construe the act in harmony with ruling judicial interpretations of federal antitrust law by the United States Supreme Court, however, the Kansas law is controlling over federal law in any conflicting issue. The law removes full consideration damages as an eligible remedy, bringing Kansas in line with the vast majority of other states’ antitrust remedy provision. The law retroactively ratifies all existing contracts. The law became effective April 18, 2013. KGFA played a crucial role in the passage of this bill keeping the state of Kansas from becoming a target of frivolous class action litigation. State Led Immigration Legislation Several controversial immigration bills remain in House committees. Some bills mandate the use of e-verify (the federal immigrant verification system) for businesses that contract with any government entity within the state, and provides for liquidated damage penalties of 25% of the amount of the contract. Many bills also include laws enforcement provisions similar to a law passed in Arizona empowering local law enforcement to detain individuals suspected of being in the country ille-



gally, and include language making it a felony to harbor 10 or more undocumented workers. Language in previous bills would subject your business to a $1,000 fine the first time you are caught with an illegal employee, $25,000 the second time and a permanent loss of your business license on the third offense. KGFA worked with a coalition of 27 other business and farm organizations to make sure that any immigration reform legislation protects businesses and does not unfairly shift the burden of enforcement from the government to employers. We killed the issue for the session. KGFA is on record supporting legislation which allows the state to enter into an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security which allows for a guest worker program. Ag Nuisance The Governor signed into law SB 168 , the bill amending the agriculture nuisance laws. SB 168 would allow owners of farmland who conduct agricultural activities on their land to expand the scope of agricultural activities without losing protection from nuisance complaints. The expansion could include: increasing the acreage, increasing the number of animal units, or changing the type of agricultural activities. Any expansion must be in compliance with all applicable county, state, and federal environmental codes, resolutions, law, rules, and regulations. The bill would also allow for the transfer of protection to any successor and could not be waived by temporarily ceasing or decreasing the scope of agricultural activity. SB 168 would clarify that agricultural activity would include activities related to the handling, storage, and transportation of agricultural commodities. KGFA worked for passage of this law to preempt civil agriculture nuisance litigation. The law becomes effective July 1, 2013. Grain Warehouse Funding Approved KGFA was able to again persuade the Governor to include $75,000 in his budget to keep the Grain Warehouse program solvent. Thus far in the legislative process the funding remains in the budget, but the budget has not been approved. KDA has urged KGFA to find a funding source other than from the State General Fund. Our concern is that the State Grain Warehouse program may be eliminated or severely compromised if not fully funded. This would force all licensees to enroll with the federal inspection program.

UPCOMING EVENTS Historic Environs Bill The Governor signed into law HB 2249, a bill dealing with property rights and historic environs. Under current law, proposed projects within 500 feet of the boundaries of a historic property located in a city, or within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of a historic property located in the unincorporated portion of a county, are subject to historic design and appearance restrictions in constructing a new improvement or modifying an existing structure on their own properties. Testimony in support of the bill described the adverse effects imposed on those private property owners within the affected proximity of historic properties. This bill deletes provisions of current law related to those environs restrictions from historic property reviews. The bill limits historic reviews conducted under the act to proposed projects that would directly involve, damage, or destroy a property included in the National Register of Historic Places or the State Register of Historic Places. KGFA worked to secure passage of this bill. The law becomes effective July 1, 2013. Cranor registration open!

Combustible dust workshops offered In order to increase safety awareness at grain elevators, feed mills and other grain processing facilities, Kansas State University’s Department of Grain Science and Industry, in conjunction with the Kansas Grain and Feed Association, is offering FREE workshops to address combustible dust hazards. Workshops will be held at the following locations:     

August 13, in Garden City August 14 in Colby August 16 in Wichita August 19 in Salina August 20 in Seneca

Register online: “Champions of Agribusiness” at 2013 Expo “Champions of Agribusiness” will be the theme of the 2013 Kansas Agri Business Expo, and who better to have give our keynote address than Greg Marshall, coach of the Wichita State University Shockers basketball team, who took his small Kansas school to the NCAA Final Four Tournament!

It's time to register for the 2013 John Cranor Memorial Golf Tournament on August 11-12 in Salina! Join hundreds of other members at one of KGFA's most popular events. Keep checking the website,, for more It sells out fast, so don't delay. speaker announcements coming soon. Attendee registration will be open in September. The reception and dinner starts on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at Bright Built Hot Rods. Then golf reg- Exhibitors urged to register now for Expo istration opens bright and early Monday morning at 8:00 Vendor registration is now open for the 2013 Kansas a.m. at Salina Country Club. Agri Business Expo on November 20-21 in Wichita. Visit www.ksabeorg to reserve your booth space for the The reception and dinner cost is $30, and the golf tour- largest, indoor agribusiness tradeshow in the Midwest! nament costs $160 and includes breakfast, golf shirt sponsored by Hammel Scale & Charm Sciences, green Hotels filling up – make your reservations soon fees, cart rental, beer and non-alcoholic beverages, lunch On November 20-21, the Kansas Agri Business Expo on the course, and prizes. The course is limited to 144 will be in Wichita and hotels fill up fast. So, be sure players, so register today! See the enclosed form. you're making your hotel reservations early. KABE has reserved room blocks at several hotels, all of which are **Golfers must turn in your shirt size no later than July 8 to in very close proximity to the convention center. Visit guarantee the request and allow for embroidery. for a list of participating properties. Attendee registration will be open in September.



ASSOCIATION HAPPENINGS Yoder was receptive to the tours and briefings and unKGFA awards college scholarships KGFA has chosen the following six Kansas high school derstands the positive impact of agribusiness to Kansas and our country as a whole. graduates to receive college scholarships for the 20132014 school year: Payton Delong, Admire - agronomy at KSU Paul Gutsch, Herington - accounting at KSU Kenneth Kays, Weir - agribusiness at KSU Christa Milton, Hudson - veterinary medicine at FHSU Roxanne Ochs, Russell - chemical engineering at KSU Kristen Powell, Pretty Prairie - business at Benedictine 199 applications were received and considered by an independent Scholarship Selection Committee made up of association members. Support the Scholarship Auction Each year, the Scholarship Auction at the Expo raises thousands of dollars on behalf of Kansas high school students wanting to pursue an education in agriculturalrelated fields. The Live Auction will take place Wednesday, November 20 at 4:30 p.m., and the Silent Auction will open at the start of the show on Wednesday and close at noon on Thursday, November 21. If you'd like to donate an item to the Scholarship Auction, see the enclosed form or visit Congressman Yoder takes agribusiness tour KGFA staff and third district Congressman Kevin Yoder toured Farmers Coop in Haviland on Friday, June 7 and WindRiver Grain in Garden City on June 8.

(l-r) KGFA Senior VP Ron Seeber, Congressman Kevin Yoder, and WindRiver Grain Merchandising Manager Charlie Sauerwein during the Congressman's Kansas agribusiness tour.

KGFA sponsors 4-H Plant Science Award On May 30, KARA VP of Member Services Sarah Sexton- Bowser attended an award banquet for 4-H state project winners. KGFA is a joint sponsor of the award with the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association and are Patron sponsors of Kansas 4-H. Congratulations to the 2013 Plant Science Project winner, Karen Schneck from Lawrence.

Congressman Yoder recently was appointed as the vice chair of the Appropriation Subcommittee on Agriculture and wanted a tour of agribusinesses in Kansas and briefings on industry concerns. This committee will oversee all farm bill funding once signed into law. KGFA invited the Congressman so he could have a hands-on demonstration of the positive impact agribusiness has on our nation's food supply and the safety standards implemented by the industry. Charlie Sauerwien, Merchandising Manager, conducted the tour of the WindRiver facility and explained the importance of a farm bill, the need to keep federal regulation in check, the need for a stable workforce and the importance of allowing for maximizing crop land by reducing CRP acreage. 6


(l-r) Warren Weibert, Kansas 4-H Foundation Trustee; Karen Schneck, 2013 Plant Science Winner; Sarah Sexton-Bowser, KGFA VP of Member Services; and Dr. Barbara Stone; Assistant Director of 4-H Youth Development.

INDUSTRY NEWS GIPSA Advisory Board approves resolutions On June 18-19, Sarah Sexton-Bowser attended a Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Advisory Board twoday meeting at the National Grains Center in Kansas City, MO. The advisory board heard staff presentations ranging from the Genetically Engineered (GE) event in Oregon to the implementation of the sorghum storage must reference sample.

enough. GIPSA will not make the shrunken and broken grade changes but may propose in future rulemaking. The final rule will be effective on May 1, 2014 to coincide with the 2014 wheat harvest.

Workers comp notice provision changes During the 2013 legislative session, changes were made to the Kansas workers compensation law under SB 187. These changes reduce the amount of time an employee The advisory board approved the following resolutions: has to report a work-related injury to 20 days following the date of the accident. This is a decrease from the pre1. The Advisory Committee recommends that GIPSA vious 30 days allowed. Also, if the employee no longer works for the employer, the employee now has 10 days initiate research to determine the feasibility of exfrom the last date of employment to report a worktending the theory of “equivalency” to multipleconstituent instruments in order to utilize standard- related injury to the former employer. ized technology while maintaining accuracy and con- These changes became effective on April 25, 2013. Employers are required to post these new requirements, and sistency in measurement of wheat protein. 2. The Advisory Committee recommends that GIPSA the Kansas Department of Labor notice form can be continue its work in support of the APHIS investiga- found at, as well as a summary of changes. tion of the GE wheat issue. More importantly we encourage engagement with the entire value chain in efforts to retain and recover markets as well as pro- OSHA grain handling facility sweep auger vide regular updates of the investigation. enforcement policy Earlier this spring, the OSHA National Headquarters The Advisory Committee supports the use of waterreleased a memorandum to its regional directors conbased mycotoxin test kits in the official inspection sys- taining OSHA’s latest policy directive regarding the optem. The Advisory Committee recommends seeking of- eration of sweep augers inside grain storage bins during ficial agency and industry stakeholder input regarding employee entry. The memorandum clarifies OSHA’s the implementation timeline. policy on grain bin sweep augers as regulated by 29 CFR 1910.272(g)(1)(ii). New Wheat Standard rule published On May 13, the Federal Grain Inspection Service pub- The memorandum is now official national OSHA policy lished a final rule for US Wheat Standards. The final rule for all regions. The new policy allows employees to enter addresses: 1) The definition of contrasting classes in a grain bin with an operating sweep auger as long as spewhite wheat and 2) A revision for the shrunken and bro- cific criteria are met, and the employer can establish that ken kernels in U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No 2 wheat grades. it protects its workers from the dangers of a sweep auger through the use of specific engineering controls and Hard Red Winter and Hard Red Spring were previously work practices controls so that a danger is not present to categorized as contrasting classes. Under the new rule employees. Hard Red Winter and Hard Red spring are classified only as wheat of other classes. In GIPSA’s proposed KGFA strongly advises each member to review their bin rule the shrunken and broken grade limits were only re- entry standard operating procedures and amend as necstricted for U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 grades. essary to incorporate the principles in the new OSHA policy or ensure strict compliance those principles. GIPSA received comments from several organizations raising concerns such as Oklahoma’s competitive disadvantage in meeting the new standards to wheat millers’ concerned that the changes did not restrict grades Summer 2013, GRAIN AND FEED REPORT


ANNUAL MEETING Annual Meeting attracts large attendance to Wichita Over 230 members gathered in Wichita on April 8-9 for the 2013 KGFA Annual Meeting. The event started with the popular Prime Rib Dinner and Hospitality Receptions, where members had the opportunity to network with other industry professionals. KGFA was honored to have Congressman Mike Pompeo provide breakfast attendees with a straight-forward analysis of current politics in Washington D.C., followed by educational sessions by attorney Bob Overman and CME Group President Terrence Duffy. Members then played golf at Reflection Ridge golf course.

Tom Meyer and Alan Woodward enjoy the opening reception at the Annual Meeting.

Morey Cade and Ted Schultz visit after the prime rib dinner on Monday evening.

Doug Biswell and Thomas Meierotto networking during the hospitality receptions.

Ted Schultz (left) awards Stan Stark with a plaque thanking him for his two years of service as KGFA Chairman.

Members wait for the general sessions to begin at Annual Meeting.

Terrence Duffy, CME Executive Chairman, speaks on global commodity markets and MF Global during an educational session.

Congressman Mike Pompeo gives the welcome address during the breakfast.

(l-r) Chase Demaree, Zach Barnes, Chris McMillan and Kevin Miles play in the Annual Meeting golf tournament.

Rod Schlatter, Rich Arpin, Tom Tunnell and Michael Walton enjoying an afternoon of golf at Reflection Ridge Golf Club.



ANNUAL MEETING Charles “Dick” Webb wins Sunflower Award The 2013 Sunflower Award was presented to Watco Companies, on behalf of founder Charles “Dick” Webb. KGFA’s most prestigious award is given annually to recognize someone who has made a significant contribution to the industry.

KGFA elects new officers, board members KGFA elected Ted Schultz, chief operating officer for Team Marketing Alliance in Moundridge, as its new chairman during the Annual Meeting. Schultz was appointed by the 16-member board of directors to serve his two-year term as Chairman through April 2015.

Webb founded Watco Railroad in 1983 and the company has since grown to be the largest privately-owned short line railroad company in the country with 30 railroads and 4,500 miles of leased and owned track.

Schultz is the 84th industry leader to serve at the helm of KGFA. He also serves on KGFA's Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Schultz previously served two-year terms as first and second vice chairman, respectively. KGFA members also elected Pete Goetzmann, vice president of ADM Grain Group in Overland Park, as their new vice chairman. Scott McWilliams, senior location manager of Lansing Trade Group in Overland Park, was elected KGFA’s new second vice chairman.

Family members, friends and employees of Watco Companies accepted the 2013 Sunflower Award on behalf of Charles “Dick” Webb, founder of Watco Railroad, during the 2013 KGFA Annual Meeting.

Gary Beachner, chief executive officer of Beachner Grain in Parsons, and Rich Arpin, general manager of Palmer Grain in Palmer, were elected to serve a two-year term to the KGFA Board of Directors. James Jirak, general manager of Pro-Ag Marketing in Kensington, was appointed to fill a vacancy of an unexpired term. Thank you, Annual Meeting Sponsors…

Underwriter $15,000+ KFSA

Union Pacific Railroad Watco Companies

Founders $7,000 Kansas Grain Inspection Service Inc. Kansas Soybean Commission

Builders $1,500 Bartlett Grain Company, L.P. First National Bank of Hutchinson Gavilon Grain, LLC Hooker Equity Exchange INTRUST Bank Jade Millwrights Inc. Kansas Corn Commission Louis Dreyfus Commodities McPherson Concrete Storage Systems The Scoular Company

Patrons $3,000 ADM Companies BNSF Railway Company Cargill Ag Horizons CHS Inc. CoBank ACB Cornerstone Ag LLC Frisbie Construction Co., Inc. Frontier Ag Inc. Hannebaum Grain Co. Inc. Kansas City Board of Trade Kansas Wheat KC Supply Co. Inc. Korol Financial Group LLC

Donors $500 ADM Investor Services Inc. AgChoice Feed and Grain AgTrax Technologies Andale Farmers Coop Bank of the West

BarnesCo Inc. Central Plains Coop Central States Fumigation Cereal Byproducts Co. Cline Wood Agency Co-Mark Inc. D.E. Bondurant Grain Co. Drake Inc. Gamet Mfg. Inc. Hammel Scale Co. Inc. IBT, Inc. Irsik & Doll Feed Service Kansas Coop Council Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission Ken Babcock Sales Inc. Lifeline Foods LLC Offerle Coop Grain & Supply Co. Palmer Grain Inc. Rolfes @ Boone Skyland Grain LLC Team Marketing Alliance Summer 2013, GRAIN AND FEED REPORT


MEMBER CORNER Committees assigned for 2013-2014 The KGFA committees have been assigned for 20132014. If you volunteered to serve, please look at the enclosed list and confirm the information is correct. Email changes to Please note the recent placement guidelines. With the exception of the Legislative Committee, only one representative from each company was chosen per committee, and only one committee per person was assigned. KGFA is based on a strong committee structure that thrives from input and active participation from all sectors of the industry. We appreciate your understanding. KGFA welcomes new members Thanks to the reputation of our membership and industry, KGFA continues to grow and provide useful products and services for grain handlers in Kansas. Please welcome these companies to KGFA:

Carl Ice, BNSF Railway President & COO, and Tom Tunnell, KGFA President & CEO, attend the BNSF Agricultural Products Summit in Irving, Texas.

International Solutions, Inc., LaHabra, CA Ses, Inc., Merriam Sunflower Service Center LLC, Moundridge Trade Talk If you have a short business announcement you’d like included in the newsletter, email Charles Stark joins the Department of Animal Science and Industry as the Jim and Carol Brown associate professor in feed technology and manufacturing and faculty coordinator of the O.H. Kruse Feed Technology Innovation Center.  American Feed Industry Association welcomes Katharine Gausmann as the new Membership and Meetings Coordinator and Paul Keppy as the new Legislative and Regulatory Specialist.  White Commercial welcomed Brice Elnicki to the team, effective July 15.  Ken Root, longtime ag journalist and Public Relations Director of the Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI) has announced his retirement from television broadcasting and AAI. . He will continue reporting for the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network and writing a weekly column for the High Plains Journal. He also is an interviewer for Agri-Pulse, a weekly agricultural policy electronic newsletter. 



(l-r) Tom Tunnell, KGFA President & CEO; Stan Stark, KGFA Immediate Past Chairman and Farmers Coop General Manager; and Clark Bibb, Farmers Coop Board Chairman at the 100th Celebration and Annual Meeting Dinner of Farmers Coop in Haviland.

Scott A. Anderson, KFSA Risk Management Area Manager; and Ron Seeber and Sarah Sexton-Bowser, KGFA staff; attend the open house and grand opening of the Kansas Wheat Innovation Center.

Are you taking full advantage of your KGFA membership? For details on the following benefits, please visit or call (785) 234-0461. Thanks to KGFA’s Underwriting Sponsor, comprehensive hospital and medical, group life, dental, salary continuation, accidental death and property/casualty programs are offered through KFSA at a rate which is considerably less than what could be enjoyed by an individual firm. In today’s competitive business climate, it is essential that you engage your customer base, and KGFA and Agri-Services Agency has just the program for you. As many of your producers struggle to find health insurance, ASA lets you extend insurance to your customers at no cost to you. Does your company need new apparel? Looking for appreciation gift ideas for your customers? Get 10% off Cabela's merchandise and 5% off Cabela's gift cards just for being a KGFA member. Turn waiting callers into customers. Spectrio On Hold Messaging is giving KGFA members a 25% discount on monthly rates. Promote specials, decrease caller agitation, reduce hang-ups and enhance your company's image for only $75/month. A 30-day trial is also available. KGFA and Purple Wave are working together to provide members with the best resource to liquidate your unused assets through an online auction service. Purple Wave will make a donation to KGFA every time a member utilizes their services.

Chairman Ted Schultz Team Mktg. Alliance, Moundridge Vice-Chairman Pete Goetzmann ADM Grain Co., Overland Park Second Vice-Chairman Scott McWilliams Lansing Trade Group, Overland Park Immediate Past Chairman Stan Stark Farmers Coop Co., Haviland Directors Rich Arpin Palmer Grain, Palmer Gary Beachner Beachner Grain, Parsons Brad Cowan Frontier Ag, Goodland Jeremy Girard Hannebaum Grain Co. Inc., Salina Glen Hofbauer The Scoular Company, Kansas City James Jirak Pro-Ag Marketing, Kensington Deb Miller Farmers Union Merc. & Shpg., Stockton Jerry Murphy Bunge North America, Emporia Rob Nordmeyer Cargill Inc., Overland Park Russ Ronnebaum Hammel Scale, Wichita Steve Shaver Andale Farmers Coop, Andale Bob Temple WindRiver Grain, Garden City



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