Core Posture

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Hip Crossovers Lay on your back with your knees and hips in a 90 degree angle. Rotate your knees to the right, bring your knees as close to the ground as you can. Extend your legs straight out, immediately bring them back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your shoulders on the ground ÂŞ Keep your motion controlled THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Lower Diagonals Laying on your back, your arms out at your side, and your legs extended straight out. Keep both legs straight. Raise and rotate one leg towards the opposite hand. Alternate legs.

Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your shoulders on the ground ÂŞ Keep both legs straight THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Upper Diagonals Lay on your side, knees together and slightly bent, palms together down by your knees. With a continuous motion, reach past the bottom hand as far as you can, then rotate your hand up and back on an angle while maintaining your reach. Return to the original position.

Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain eye contact with the moving hand. ÂŞ Stretch as far as you can as you rotate your torso. THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Knee Hugs Start in a standing position. Pull one leg up to your chest, while balancing on your post leg. Holding your knee tight, raise yourself up on your toes. Alternating legs.

Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Backward Lunge Start at the head of the mat. Arms extended out to your sides, take one large step backwards. Lower your body down, keeping your forward knee behind your toes. Lean to the side of the forward leg and rotate your torso reaching back toward your foot. Return to the head of the mat and alternate legs. Focus Points ªKeep your balance ªKeep your core muscles contracted ªKeep your forward knee behind your toes



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Lateral Lunge Take a wide stance. Keep your upper body relaxed, shift your weight from side to side. Not allowing the knee to go beyond your toes.

Focus Points ªKeep your balance ªKeep your core muscles contracted ªKeep your knees behind your toes THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Inverted Hamstring Stand with arms extended straight up with one leg kicked back. Bend at the waist keeping your torso, leg, and arms on the same plane. Go as far as you can while maintaining your balance. Alternating legs. Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Double Leg Trunk Rotation Stand with your feet together, knees slightly bent and your arms extended out. Rotate your torso and arms from side to side around a solid base not allowing your pelvis to move. Allow your head to rotate with your body.

Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Double Leg Flex-Extension Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent throughout this exercise. Relaxing your upper body, allow it to slowly fall forward, crossing your arms when you reach the bottom. Slowly return to the original position, then extend backwards with your arms up and back as far as you can. There should be no movement below the waist. Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain bent knee position. ÂŞ Maintain balance and core contraction. THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Single Leg Straight Toe Tap Stand with your feet together and knees slightly bent. While maintaining your balance extend your leg out tapping your toe at the 12, 3, and 6 o’clock positions, alternately.

Focus Points ª Keep your balance ª Keep your core muscles contracted



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Double Leg Squat Stand with your feet together, your knees slightly bent and arms straight out in front of you. Slowly squat down as far as you can, keeping your knees behind your toes. Try to keep your upper body straight. Return to the original bent knee position.

Focus Points ªKeep your balance ªKeep your core muscles contracted ªKeep your knees behind your toes THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Shoulder Lift Lay on your back, extending your legs and arms toward the ceiling. Reach with one hand toward the ceiling as far as you can, contracting your core muscles, hold for 10 seconds. Return both arms to the original position over your head before repeating on the other side.

Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain leg position and core contraction. ÂŞ Reach as far as you can. THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Diag Arm-Leg Lift Start on all four, legs and arms directly under your body. Raise one arm and the opposite leg straight out. Keep your arm and leg on the same plane as your torso. Hold for 10 seconds. Alternate sides. Strive to keep your balance with as little movement as possible.

Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain balance and core contraction. ÂŞ Reach forward with your hand and back with your

toes. THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Quad Oblique Crunch Start on all four, legs and arms directly under your body. Place one hand in the vicinity of your neck. Rotate the torso up toward the ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds. Rotate your elbow down and toward the opposite knee. Hold for 10 seconds. Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain balance and core contraction.



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Single Knee Pull Lay on your back, legs stretched out. Pull one knee up toward your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Alternate legs.

Focus Points ª Keep your body relaxed ª Keep a slight steady pull on the knee THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Double Knee Pull Lay on your back. Bring both knees up to your chest. Hold for 10 seconds. Slowly spread your knees apart, keep your feet together, and allow your feet to drop to the floor. Once your feet come to rest, place your hands on the inside of your legs, pushing your knees down towards the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Bring your knees back together, and repeat. Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your body relaxed ÂŞ Keep a slight steady push on your knees THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Leg Crossover Lay on your back with your arms stretched out. Raise one leg to a 45 degree angle, allowing your leg to fall to the opposite side, keeping your shoulders on the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Alternate legs.

Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Seated Calf Stretch Sitting up, spread your legs apart as far as you can. With your right hand, reach and grab your right toes.

Give your toes a slight pull and hold for 5 seconds.

Focus Points ª Keep your balance ª Keep your core muscles contracted THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Seated Trunk Rotation Extend your legs straight out. Place one foot on the outside of the opposite knee. Place your elbow on the outside of the knee, stretching your leg over. Rotate your torso, extending your arm behind you. Allow your head to rotate towards the back. Stretch and hold for 10 seconds. Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Crossbody Start on all four with your knees mat-width apart. Place one hand underneath you, palm side up. Reach and stretch straight across as far as you can, allowing your hand to glide across the floor. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with other arm.

Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain straight back and continuous stretch.



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Groin Stretch Start on all four with your knees mat-width apart. Lean back on your feet, with your arms stretched out as far as they can. Hold for 10 seconds. Pivot forward raising your feet up off the mat. Allow your pelvis to relax towards the floor while you gaze up. Hold for 10 seconds.

Focus Points ÂŞ Maintain straight arms and continuous stretch. ÂŞ Do not bounce into this stretch! THE GILBERT CLINIC Chiropractic


Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

Kneeling Quad Stretch Kneeling on your mat extend one leg forward as far as you comfortably can. Shift your weight forward, placing your hands on your hips, give them a slight push forward as you gaze up. Hold for 10 seconds. Shift your weight backward, grabbing the toes of the forward foot while stabilizing your knee with the opposite hand. Hold 10 seconds. Alternate legs. Focus Points ÂŞ Keep your balance ÂŞ Keep your core muscles contracted



Core Concepts

(810) 765-4100

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