Exam idea 1 & 2

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Exam Theme: Growth and Evolu4on Exam Idea 1

Ar4st research

Ka4e Thompson Ka4e Thompson is a fashion and portrait photographer whose work is whimsical, imagina4ve and some4mes darkly humorous. The mirrors image was part of a series, which uses mirrors and reflec4ons. According to an interview with Thompson, for Profoto’s blog, she had ‘always been interested in the idea of self-­‐percep4on and body image’ by using mirrors and reflec4ons. This image takes on a distorted percep4on of the model with a more ‘minimalis4c approach’. Most of Thompson’s work has ‘been on the darker side’ but she is now experimen4ng with high-­‐key light. This image was taken by using small, circular mirrors and also a mirror which she has shaJered and glued together and on top of each other to get a distor4on. I think that because of the name ‘reflec4ons’ the image highlights


the parts of the body a persons eyes see first, the hair, nose, lips etc. It is almost as if Thompson has focused on these aspects on purpose to create this feeling of visual beauty. When taken apart, the face is highlighted even more . This image is also visually stunning due to the white background contras4ng with the few colours in the middle of the image. The image looks almost angelic and also cartoon-­‐like, as if retelling a children's story book tale, or even being on the front cover of one. The peacefulness of the picture somehow reminds me of death, a person being in final peace and being back with nature and the earth. Fashion II

Idea 2

Walker Evans Visual link to ini4al images.

Chrysler Building Construc6on, New York City, 1930

Nicholas Kennedy SiJon The photographs from this series are based on SiJon’s move to San Francisco. The distorted images, of these urban buildings, are used to display his disorienta4on and confusion aSer his move. This image is created using a simple method on Adobe Photoshop. SiJon places a circular marquee tool over sec4ons of the image and then rotates it to create a distorted image. This creates an image which is unlike any other, the image creates a ‘fun house mirror’ effect on the viewer, it is a simple yet affec4ve way of drawing in the viewer. By having many circles which are rotated, the image feels as if it moving, making the viewer feel a slight mo4on sickness, which could relate to his Twisted

feeling in an unknown city, a sick feeling of being lost and disorientated. His work helped me in my developments of my ini4al images, the image being disorientated is similar to how people from the early 1900s would feel now, coming to London which has now completely


changed. Famous landmarks are now amongst new, glass buildings, they are out of place in their own home. This is also similar to how people feel now as the city grows around them. Buy leaving the image in full colour, it allows the viewer to see what he has changed and also makes the image look much more invi4ng. This is just how tourists are drawn into coming to the big ci4es, through the colour and lights, however, the image of the city looks cloudy and cold compared to this image above, of a suburban home.

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