Fatah Al-Islam organization – The political Committee: The Palestinian card and the ghost of fall of the regimes
: (Those before them did indeed devise plans, but Allah demolished their building from the foundations, so the roof fell down on them from above them, and the punishment came to them from whence they did not perceive) 26 Surah An-Nahl It’s not surprising that the beginning of the flame of the revolution in Syria made the fall of its regime a ghost that looms on the governments of the region and behind it the world that who is afraid in his interests, since Syria which is ruled by the security giant in considered a midpoint between these countries that are considered gates to what is beyond it. Jordan is the gate of the Gulf, Iraq is the gate of Iran, Turkey is the gate of Europe, not to mention that Syria controls the routes of transportation and trade between these countries in a high percentage that might reach 100% to some like Lebanon and 60% for Jordan, and above all that it’s the strongest in security and military in the region. So if this security giant fell what is going to be the fate of the remaining regimes surrounding it which weaker than him? In the Syrian revolution there is a hot spot that is absent and present which is the Palestinian card and its position from revolution and the Syrian regime and the neighboring countries. And if we read the history, present and future of this card with the countries surrounding Syria we find that the Palestinians and their cause might be the center of the coming conflict in the region, since most of the refugees are present in the countries surrounding Syria and especially Lebanon and Jordan, and if we want to know the fate of the Palestinians in these countries we have to review the history of the regimes of these countries with the ramshackle regime and with the Palestinian refugees living in it. The relation of Lebanon with the Nusayrian regime in Syria: For long Lebanon was one of the most important ambitions of the Nusayrian regime in Syria to be a card in his hand on the Western countries and the Zionist entity because it is located on the Northern Palestinian borders which its cities are filled with Jewish settlers and turning it to a scene to operations of settling
accounts between the countries because it is characterized with a sectarian diversity that belongs to several Western and Eastern parties, and maybe the civil war which Lebanon witnessed was a historical opportunity for the Nusayrian regime to control it which interfered with its army and began to support all the sides against each other to deepen the division and made itself a reference for all the sides by drawing a map of Lebanon on the bases of sectarian proportion and that is what happened. The Nusayrian regime enthroned his interference in Lebanon by the Taif Agreement which made him an occupier of this small country for 30 years where acted as he willed. So he installed and removed governments and made the conflicting leaders of the sects’ followers to it either by will or by force so it was the opponent, judge and only reference to solve the disputes because it owns the sectarian map of that country. It changed its administrative regulations depending on employing the sons of the sects that are loyal to it at the expense of the others, and the Nusayrian regime didn’t stop at this point but it established the state of Hezbollah inside the Lebanese state under the name of resistance and reluctance and the army of Hezbollah inside the Lebanese army so at that its shadow remains hunkered on the chests of the Lebanese if they one day revolted and expelled it. After it went out from Lebanon humiliated after the assassination of Hariri in 2005 the Nusayrian regime remained present with the power of the so called resistance. It went out with its army and stayed with its agents and security agencies which its activity appears now clearly by kidnapping the activists of the blessed Syrian revolution, this is from the political aspect. Regarding the geographical and economical aspect the regime controls in the incoming and outgoing because Lebanon has land borders only with Syria and the volume of imports and exports through Syria is almost more than 90%. Based on what we mentioned the collapse of the Nusayrian regime in Syria will have its bustling affect on the Lebanese arena since that the Lebanese parties will lose the guarantee reference to draw the governments and will open the arena before a war of settling of accounts between who supports the regime and opposes it and will open the files of revenge from the regime and its agents and this war might turn to a “civil” war because of the previous policy of the regime which depended on striking the parties against each other to tighten the control on Lebanon, and Allah knows better. The Palestinians and the Lebanese regime Lebanon embraced the Palestinians who entered it and settled in it in 1948 and were distributed to several camps between the north, center and south. Their life
was quite and comforting until the entrance of the Palestinian revolution to it in 1970 and it’s embracing it after the events of Black September in Jordan. So the Palestinians in Lebanon turned carriers of arms to liberate Palestine and the financial and military support were poured on it from everywhere under the title of supporting the resistance. And when the PLO managed to spread its influence on the camps and kept bases of it in Lebanon it’s corrupt leaderships tried to repeat the Jordanian experience and establish a state inside the state, so it spread corruption and humiliated many under the power of arms and the image of Palestinian refugee reversed in the eyes of all the Lebanese from a poor refugee to an enemy and aggressive occupier who called Lebanon “Fatahland”, which made the Lebanese with all their parties agree on the necessity of expelling this beetle (the PLO) even if it was through the Zionists who invaded Lebanon in 1978 and 1982 because of the presence of the PLO in it. After the split of the organization and the retreat of its forces and it’s exodus to Tunisia many of the Lebanese parties poured their anger on the Palestinian camps which received the lion share from the massacres because of the conflicts of the organization with it, from Tel Al-Zaatar and Damour during the presence of the organization to Sabra and Shatila and the siege of the camps after its exodus, all that made the trust between the Palestinians and Lebanese lost. The Palestinian keeps his weapons and the Lebanese besieges him in his camp without work, medical services, education and reconstruction. And the successive governments consistently is closing in on the Palestinians and refuses to grant it civil rights as a prelude to expel them and considers their presence on its land a problem that should be solved either by displacement or return to their country. There is no doubt that the camps in Lebanon live now a state of big pressure since the Palestinians in Lebanon who belong to organizations are divided to two sections, a section is with the parties that are supporting the Syrian regime like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the General Command (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) and Fatah Al-Intifada and their relationship with Hezbollah, and a section is with the opponents of the regime like Fatah and the factions of the PLO and their relationship with the Future Movement, and if the regime collapses and the war begins in Lebanon those will be dragged behind them and they will drag the camps to it and most of the refugees in a state of loss between the two combatants, and the fall of the state of in Syria might be a chance for some parties to displace the Palestinians to Syria to get rid of them and the Palestinians of Lebanon will be refugees with the refugees in Syria in a new migration after 1948 and that matter is not ruled out with the presence of many evil souls and the beneficiaries from the corrupt
leaderships inside the organizations that sold itself to everyone. The solution for the Palestinians to get out from what is coming might be that they turn against their organizations and expelling them from their camps and in the same time to remain calm and not to be drawn to any war with keeping their weapons to secure the their lives and the lives of their children and women, and Allah knows better. Jordan and the Nusayrian regime in Syria: The relationship between the two regimes, the monarchy in Jordan and the republican in Syria in the past five decades is a cold war relationship which often was dominated by tension especially that both regimes belong to two different blocs. The Jordanian regime belongs to the Western bloc while the Syrian regime belongs to the Eastern bloc, and often the two sides accused each other of treachery. In 1967 “Naksa” war the deceased king Hussein accused the Syrian regime that it gave the Golan to the Zionists as a gift that he received it’s price in advance when the Syrian regime refused to involve it’s warplanes in the war and withdrew its soldiers from the Golan for it to be occupied without any noteworthy fighting, and the Zionist enemy officers recorded their testimony on this war in a way that they affirmed the saying of the deceased Hussein, when most of their officers said about their entering the villages of Golan in a unified phrase (We entered it empty), and in Black September 1970 when the tension reached its peak when the Nusayrian regime moved its tanks to occupy Jordan under the pretext of defending the Palestinians while the Jordanian regime asked for the help of the Zionists who hastened and answered the call under the pretext of repelling the Syrian invasion of Jordan, and the entrance of the Palestinian fighters to Syria and the besieging Jarash by the Jordanian forces and killing Abu Ali Eyyad the deceased Hafiz Assad expressed that he is prepared to support the “PLO” against Jordan and equipping it weapons and give it the freedom of entering fighters to Jordan in a letter that he responded to Arafat who accused him then of abandoning the support of the organization to breaking the siege of Jarash. The letter exactly stated “From Hafiz Assad to Yasser Arafat didn’t we say to you repeatedly that you can enter all the Fedayeen in the world to Palestine through Jordan and we are prepared to equip you with 46 BTR armored vehicle”, and in 1973 the deceased Hafiz Assad accused the defunct Hussein of treachery and disclosure of the secret of the wart to Golda Meir. And in the beginning of the eighties Jordan supported the Al-Ekhwan Al-Moslemin (Moslem Brotherhood) against the Nusayrian regime after the Hamah massacre, and the Jordanian regime gave the Ekhwan the freedom of transferring of weapons through the Jordanian territory to fight the Nusayrian
regime after many of the Ekhwan organization took refuge in Jordan. In 1994 the disputes were deepened and the tension increased because the deceased Hussein signed a peace treaty with the Zionists that was culminated with the humiliating Wadi Araba treaty that gave the Zionists what they didn’t dream of getting by force, which is security with more land under the pretext of renting for 25 years with the ability to renewal. This treaty made the Nusayrian regime isolated from the so called “peace”, so it resorted to pressure through the resistance card by increasing its support as a response for the progress of the neighboring countries towards the alleged peace without the Nusayrian regime and linked the Lebanese course with its course by force. After the death of heads of the two regimes Hussein and Hafiz and their two sons taking over the reins the tensions somewhat eased between the two sides with the permanence of some of the old political files that are outstanding between them. And today after the birth of the Syrian revolution the Jordanian regime has become in a clear state of dispersion and it became between two options the sweetest of them is bitter. Does it stand with the regime and lose its Western bloc and keep itself in an untenable position if the revolution triumphs over the regime, or it stands with the revolution so that it would be dragged to it afterward despite of the attempts of fortifying it by the Gulf support and Peninsula Shield Force. This state of dispersion is explained by its position from the situation in Syria by standing on thin ice, it’s with the regime by the so called solution, dialogue and reforms under the pretext of the need of Jordan for the Syrian crossing economically hoping in the same time that a miracle stops the revolution, and it is with the revolution by turning a blind eye on its activists and allowing the refugees to enter its territory so that it won’t lose the Western bloc, and Allah knows better. The Palestinians in Jordan: It’s often that the demographic factor in Jordan have caused concern to the royal family since the Palestinians make 75% from the population of Jordan which has the longest border with occupied Palestine, and the follower of the life line of the Palestinians in Jordan finds that they passed through several pivotal historical stages in the relationship with the Jordanian side. In 1948 Jordan opened its borders to the Palestinians and made them live several camps the most notable of them are the camps of Wihdat, Aqaba and Irbid and due to the tribal relations between the two peoples the Palestinians managed to create one body with the Jordanians, so they served in the Jordanian army and took administrative posts and the assassination of the deceased Abdullah bin Al-Hussein on the doors of Al-
Aqsa in 1952 didn’t affect the relation between the two peoples in Jordan, until the beginning of the flame of the armed Palestinian revolution in 1965 and Jordan was a brooder of it and a starting point for fighting the Zionist enemy through its territory and in 1967 Jordan opened its borders once again to receive Palestinian refugees from the West Bank, and in the Battle of Karameh in 1968 between the forces of Fatah and the Zionist entity the Jordanian army intervened in the interest of Palestinian Fedayeen without orders from its military leadership. Two years after this battle the Fitnah of Black September broke out between the Palestinians and the Jordanians because of the practices of the PLO in Jordan and the need of Hussein to get rid of them. This Fitnah for the Palestinians in Jordan was the straw that broke the camel's back because their relationship with the Jordanians torn to pieces, since the PLO made Jordan, which was the basis of its operations against the entity, armed the Palestinians inside Jordan and tried to create a state inside the state taking advantage from the weakness of the Jordanian regime and the support of the majority of the population to the organization because they are Palestinians. And the organization began to promote for the idea of no sovereignty except for the Palestinian sovereignty and the upmanship between the two sides began. The Palestinians said that Jordan was made by the West to be a container to evacuate the Palestinian people in it and that it is an eastern bank that is an expansion to the Western Bank and that the royal family is paving to control of the revolutionary tide and that Hussein is an agent like his grandfather that was killed by the Palestinians in Al-Quds. The Jordanians responded by saying that the PLO penetrated the Jordanian sovereignty and it’s trying to sell Palestine and make Jordan an alternative homeland to achieve the Zionist American project. Due to these accusations the people split and gatherings separated and the tribes were mobilized against each other, the Jordanians against Palestinians and the army split between the two sides and the security was lost, chaos spread and lives were lost, and the Palestinians of the camps had the lion share of the slaughter of September where tens of thousands of refugees were its victim. So the Palestinians lost their revolution that was present on the longest land border with Palestine and lost their administrative privileges in the state and the dream of returning through armed struggle was lost by detaching the Palestinians of Jordan from resistance, and mobilizing the Zio-crusade camp for the vacuum that happened in Jordan. In return the deceased Hussein won his sovereignty at the expense of enmity of the Palestinians when he said after the exodus of the organization from Jordan: “Now I can rule independently” referring of him deposing from the organization that was according to him was contending with him his kingdom and sharing with him
his rule, and Hussein was able thanks to this Fitnah to eliminate the Jordanian army from the mostly Palestinian element due to dissention of most of the Palestinian servicemen headed by Al-Yarmouk forces and joining the revolution and then their resorting to Syria because they refused to shoot at the innocents in the camps, and the Zionist entity benefited so much from this Fitnah either on the Palestinian side by crushing their revolution and oppression of their people and on the Jordanian side by securing its borders in addition to what we mentioned previously. And now after more than 41 years for the September massacres the wind of Arab Spring blow and sends to Amman cool breezes through the storm of Damascus and maybe these breezes might turn to storms in case it dragged with it rainy clouds that grows from its seeds a Fitnah that was buried before four decades, since the figures of the Fitnah and its makers are still present, and because the blood cannot be forgotten this wretch king Abdullah II falls the victim of the policy of his father that neutralizes the Palestinians because he and his administration are blundering in the way to manage this structure and is it from their interest to win the Palestinians at the expense of the policy of the previous decades, that if we assume for argument that the Jordanian people really supports it’s king and we doubt that because the monarchy in Jordan isn’t different in its comprehensiveness from the rest of the Arab regimes except that it is with the Western bloc that claims democracy falsely. The Syrian revolution and its consequences on Jordan and who is beyond it: The arrival of the revolution to Jordan will be a real horror for several parties the most important of them are the Gulf states that consider Jordan it’s gate and the Zionist entity whose existence is threatened, and the West headed by America the sponsor of the entity and the milker of the petrol of the Gulf cow, and the Palestinians who expect to be a card that is played by these parties that control the past leaderships in the PLO. Let us learn the positions of these parties in case the outbreak of the revolution in Jordan we have to study the reading of these parties to the reality of this revolution if it erupted either on the negative or positive part passing through the expected solution. The Gulf States headed by “Saudi Arabia” it finds that concern for Jordan now is more important from Yemen who its president gave in to the American Gulf
Council and signed on the initiative, since the Gulf headed by the Kingdom will be between the jaws of the pliers of the revolution, Yemen in the south and Jordan in the north, and thus the possibility of the revolution reaching to these countries is inevitable in case the fall of the monarchy in Jordan especially that they are monarchies like it, as the revolutions swept through the republican countries so it is not strange that it prevails the unjust kingdoms, this is what explains the quickness of these countries to aid the Jordan monarchy from the fund of the so called Cooperation Council (in sin and aggression) and the propose the idea of making it enter the Peninsula Shield Force maybe it might find an excuse to stand with it against any popular movement to overthrow it, and the question here is can the Peninsula Shield Force cover the states of the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan? And can these states by offering financial aid to Jordan for the so called “reform” be useful before the ravages of the royal family? The reader of the stances of these states from the Syrian revolution we find that its interest is to calm the storm of Damascus by killing its rebels and giving their killers more time and adopt their lies that their war is with armed gangs, in an attempt to ensure the safety of the Jordan and that the revolution doesn’t reach it and the proof for that the many deadlines of the Arab League under the leadership of these states for the Nusayrian regime and the recent position of Jordan from it. If we read the comments of the Zionists and their studies about Jordan we see that the dream of the Zionist enemy in making Jordan an alternative homeland for the Palestinians will dissipate and evaporate if the revolution reaches it because this dream was depended basically on the chess game by removing the stone of red keffiyeh and placing the stone of white keffiyeh on the head of a similar regime that ensures the borders and gives the entity the right of existence in addition to making the cause die through stages. The entity fears that Moslems will reach to power so it will be surrounded by a corona of brotherhood that might quickly turn to a corona of Salafi brotherhood and it is fully aware of what that means, the safety of the entity from the Jordanian front is under threat more than any other front and especially Syria because Golan is considered an interval between its borders and Syria while nothing separates the West from the East bank, and maybe the Zionists see their exit from the dilemma if the revolution erupts in Jordan by hunting in murky waters and playing politics by proposing the idea of Eastern Palestine that will depend on pushing the Palestinians against the Jordanians in another war that it’s result will be the entity and the West standing with the side that will give bigger concessions to them, either the Jordanians by ensuring the borders and abiding with new treaties and more, or the Palestinians by accepting
the alternative homeland and Eastern Palestine, and the entity has its agents on both sides, since war the constant solution of the Zionists and especially the protocols of their Elders is a proof for that and the issue now threatens their existence either Abdullah stayed or departed, and the dropping of this option remains according to the awareness of the coming revolutionaries in Jordan. Regarding the position of the West that’s financially tottering the revolution in Jordan will relatively the final blow for its economical interest if it extended to the Gulf the milky cow of petrol, and especially that the riches of this region is the biggest cornerstone for the economical wheel of the West, that’s why the West will seek to ensure its interests by all means by supporting the remaining or supporting the coming and inventing cardboard oppositions that sit on the helm of the revolutions ruling, and thus the most important thing that the West seeks now is that it remains the reference of the disputants to take the greatest possible concessions by playing politics. Last but not least, the Palestinians are the center of conflict and the winning joker card, so the owner of this card is the winner in Jordan, since the PLO and it’s figures are still present and the pink dreams of the entity and the West will remain as long as these figures remain and maybe toppling these rotten figures will topple the project of the Zionist American entity, and makes the cards in a state of confusion where alignment is hard and if the Palestinians want the solution they shouldn’t be dragged to a new war by exhuming the past and maybe beating on the hand of who exhumes the past is from the priorities, let the revolution and change in Jordan on the hands of the original Jordanians since confrontation with the Jordanians is useless and you won’t get your revenge, and perhaps staying on the fence with supporting the Jordanian revolutionaries will close the doors of the Fitnah and opens the doors of brotherhood between two peoples in one country and makes from the Jordanians mujahidin to liberate all Palestine, and since information now forms a basis in the revolutions and the internet is its pillar, and stay away from wrangling in it especially that most Jordanian Palestinian forums is not free from nervous wrangling that sometimes reaches 80% according to many reports, these steps might be capable of keeping obstacles against any project of Fitnah and at the same time it forms a solution that opens the door of harmony and closes the doors of feuds in the face of the treacherous ruling family and others. The Palestinians in Syria and the Nusayrian regime:
We made this paragraph final because the revolution is now in Syria and because it’s the only country that the PLO entered to it and didn’t cause in it a Fitnah of fighting between the two peoples, Alhamdulillah. Most of the Palestinian refugees who are present in Syria entered to it in 1948 and despite of their privileges from their peers the refugees in other countries by enjoying civil, employment and administrative rights and freedom of work and traveling, and free health service but they weren’t safe from the oppression of the regime like the Syrian people who they shared with it the sweetness and soreness of life and shared with them the pains caused by the Nusayrian regime who called one of its harshest branches unjustly and criminally ‘Palestine Branch’ from its big love to it, despite of the regime’s support to organizations that are puppet to it under the pretext of resistance and reluctance but it stroked with a hand of iron everyone who thinks of resistance to liberate Palestine starting from the Golan, so everyone who wishes to take this step he would be badly tutored either he was Syrian or Palestinian, under the pretext of that the regime has sovereignty and the army is a regular army which is engaged in regular warfare, and in this revolution the regime tried to drag the Palestinian card to its side through the organizations headed by Hamas which its leader declared recently the prisoner exchange deal with the Zionist entity from Damascus like he is saying to us ‘The Nusayrian regime is sponsoring us despite that it is bombing the Al-Ramel camp in Latakia, and the leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command wasn’t is not ashamed from stating of standing with the Nusayrian regime heart and mind against the revolution of the Syrian people, and because the revolution is in Syria we have to pose several questions, where do the Palestinians stand in the Syrian revolution? Do they stand with the regime to gain the enmity of the people? Or with the people and take the oppression of the regime which is still standing? Will they stand on the fence by considering themselves guests or is AlSham their second homeland? The reality says that the Palestinians became before two options either the people or the regime so they have to do a simple comparison between the two sides to make their decision, the Syrian people gave them shelter, support and aided them in every battle and lost a lot because of their support to the Palestinian cause and suffered from the scourges of its regime which brags about supporting the resistance and the people were in the lead with the one who stands with the Palestinians in their revolutions, uprisings and sufferings.
While the Nusayrian regime despite that it provided some privileges for them but he always used them as a pressure card and banned them from resistance through the Golan and recognized the Zionist entity and supported selling 80% of the historical land of Palestine by it recognizing a state on 1967 territory and killing many Palestinians in Lebanon (Tel Al-Zaatar) and made the resistance of the Palestinian people an excuse to ride the Syrian people adding to that its supporting ripping the Palestinians and it’s encouraging the splits between them to become rival organizations and thus the Palestinian decision remains in its entirety in its hand through these organizations, and last but not least it’s bombing of the AlRamel camp in Latakia. The summary of this study is that we say if the Palestinians want the independence of their decision and not using them as a card in the hands of anyone they have to support the revolution in Syria and any revolution in any Arab country and not be dragged to a fighting in Lebanon or a Fitnah in Jordan since the people of the country are more trusted about their revolution and to strike on the heads of the splitting organizations that are loyal to the West and the puppet government to overthrow the plans that target to use them and let them lift the slogan that says the people wants to overthrow the organizations that claim it represent this people as the peoples lifted the slogan ‘The people want to overthrow the regime’ since every people has a tyrant and dictator, and the Palestinian people have tyrants and dictators called the organizations. As-Sal mu `alaykum wa Rahmatu l-l hi wa Barak tuh The Political Committee of Fatah Al-Islam organization 7 Safar 1433 A.H. corresponding 2012-01-01