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Field hospitals personnel were involved e.g. in the missions in Albania, Turkey, Afghanistan or Iraq, medical teams were deployed in several peace keeping operations.

Since 2003 the Czech medical teams have been embedded in the UK, Dutch, German and NATO Field Hospitals.


At present the Czech military medical service is developing a medical module (based on Multinational Medical Task Force) which will be ready to provide medical support to V4 EUBG 2019/2.

Civilian Military Cooperation

The Military Hospitals are fully integrated in the civilian healthcare system.

Air Rescue Service and Emergency Medicine Depart

ment Pilsen-Line has become an integral part of the state sponsored emergency medical services and acts as an important part of the Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic. Currently The Armed Forces of the Czech Republic have been fully covering the Air Rescue Service in the regions of South Bohemia, Karlovy Vary and Plzen.

The Institute of Aviation Medicine in Prague serves the military and civilian flight personnel and air traffic control service. The Biological Defence Centre in Techonin serves as a training and education facility both for military and civilian specialists from the Czech Republic and within NATO (CBRN Centre of Excellence).

The department is also a part of the Integrated Rescue System of the Czech Republic, and at the same time, it is involved in the NATO biological defence system.

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