Who is Agni prophet or parmeshwar

Page 1


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rqjh; voLFkk (Turiya Avastha)


rqjh; txr ‫روح اوّل‬


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‫ﺧﺪا‬ ﴿‫﴾وﺣﺪة اﻟﺸﮩﻮد ﮐﮯ ﻣﻄﺎﺑﻖ‬


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﴿‫﴾اﻧﺴﺎﻧﯽ روح‬


(‫ﻣﺎدی اﻧﺴﺎن )ﺑﺸﺮ‬ ﴿‫﴾اﻧﺴﺎﻧﯽ ﺟﺴﻢ‬

Preface There is a mysterious entity in holy Vedas which is called as Agni. No one can confidently say who is He. So I was searching detail about Him. While doing this research work I got detail about How universe was created. Hence in this book also I will not directly discuss about how universe was created. But along with me you also please explore first about Agni, and while doing so get t he knowledge about creation of this universe.

Scientists of physics science are more intelligent than the scientists of other subjects. Because just by their intelligence and imagination they find or realises the fact. For example without physically looking at Atom, electron, proton etc. they correctly predicted about them. Similarly, regarding creation or bi rt h of t hi s universe t heir assumption is very close to the fact. That is big bang theory is very close to the real fact, but it is incomplete theory. Because many thing they cannot answer. For example:

I got lots of knowledge by reading books written by Mr. Abdullah Tariq and Dr. M. Sharif. May God bless them success in both the world.

1) From where that energy seed came from, which exploded to form this universe.

May God bless us wisdom to understand the truth and follow it too.

2) Explosion leads to destruction, then how this first explosion resulted in to such a systematic and precise universe and solar system etc.

Q.S.Khan hydelect@vsnl.com

Only by religions knowledge this big-bang theory or creation of universe, and creation of human being could be understood. In this book we will study some brief knowledge about religious theory of creation along with other religion knowledge. 1

MR. Q.S. KHAN IS ALSO AUTHOR OF FOLLOWING BOOKS. Some of his book are: Management Topics:· Law of success for both the Worlds. · How to prosper the Islamic way? · Yashachi Gurukilli (Marathi Translation of Law of success for both the Worlds.)

Religious Topics:· Teachings of Vedas and Quran (Also translated in Hindi & Marathi) · Daulat Mand kaise banen? (Urdu) · Hajj Journey Problems and their easy Solutions. · Safar-e-Hajj (Urdu, Hindi, Bengali & Gujarati) · Kya har mah Chand dekhna Zaroori hai? (Urdu)

Engineering Topics:1. Introduction to Hydraulic Presses and Design of Press Body. 2. Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic cylinders. 3. Study of Hydraulic Valves, Pumps and Accumulators. 4. Study of Hydraulic Accessories 5. Study of Hydraulic Circuits 6. Study of Hydraulic Seals, Fluid Conductors, and Hydraulic Oil. 7. Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic Presses.

ALL ABOVE MENTIONED BOOKS AND MANY BOOKS COULD BE STUDIED AND FREELY DOWNLOADED FROM: www.freeeducation.co.in / www.tanveerpublication.com (Detail of link to free download are given on last page of this book)


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Book Name Who is Agni? Prophet or Parmeshwar? ISBN No. 978-93-80778-12-9 Edition : First Year : 2011


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Index 1.

Guess who is Agni? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5


Who is first Soul? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6


Who is God? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7


Why people don’t recognize God?--------------------------------------------------------------------11


How universe is created as per science?------------------------------------------------------------12


Creation process as per holy vedas-------------------------------------------------------------------13


Why it was necessary to create first soul for creation of this universe?--------------------15


The secret revealed----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17


Who is emeth or Ahmed?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20


What is the importance of nameAhmed? ----------------------------------------------------------21


What is religious status of Muhammad (pubh)?---------------------------------------------------22


What is in name? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24


Summery of Creation Process-------------------------------------------------------------------------25



Guess who is Agni? A Parmatma or Prophet? ·

From following verses can you guess, who is Agni?


1. All praises and prayers are for Agni.(Rigveda 1-1-1)

(Rigveda 3-29-3)

2. Oh Agni! You are the Indra who fulfils the desires of pious people. Only you are eligible to be worshiped. You are the praised-one Vishnu. You are Brahma and Brahaspati. (Rigveda 2-1-3) 3. Oh Agni! You are the king Varun, who fulfills his promises. You are the praise worthy Minure. You are the real leader Areem. (Rigveda 2-1-4)


5. Oh Agni! You are Sweta who blesses prosperity, who protect the worshipers. (Rigveda 2-1-8)

6. Oh Agni! You are the first (before everyone). You are Bharti (Treasurer of good deeds), you are Ieda. You are Saraswati. (Rigveda 2-1-11) 7. Indra, mitra, Varun, Agni, Guru, Yam, Vayoo are different names of single power. Scholars calls God by different names as per His features. (Rigveda 10-114-5) 8. Oh Agni! Manu accept you as prophet. (Rigveda 1-13-4) 9. Oh Agni! we consider you, religious leader, preacher, t eacher of religious knowledge, ext remely intelligent. (Rigveda 1-44-11) 10. Oh Agni! Manu has distributed (spread) your illumination (Light/ Noor) in all the humen being. (A Regveda 1-36-19)

11. I selected Agni as Prophet (Doot). (Rigveda 1-12-1) 12. Agni is that human-being who gets pleased by worshiper. (Rigveda 1-31-15) Can you guess who is Agni? A human-being, A prophet, or Ishwar (God)?


You cannot guess it. Because God says, only scholar can find the truth about Agni. (Rigveda 10-71-3)


God also said, the secret of Agni could be found only by deep research. And you will become world leader only after recognizing Agni. (Rigveda 3-29-5)


God also said the secret will be researched, and will be found by those group of people who's religion started and spread from desert. (Rigveda 5-3-3)


As per yajurveda (31:18) with out recognising him (Agni) the salvation is not possible.


So let us research about who is Agni?


4. Oh Agni! You are Rur, Pusha and Shankar who protects Swarg-lok. You are the source of power of those nations who stays in deserts. You are the illumination (Light/ Noor) who feeds us. Omni -present like Air, beneficent and protector of worshipers. (Rigveda 2-1-


God also said, when the last torch (source of knowledge), placed on the first torch (source of knowledge) then only secrets of Agni could be found.



Who is first Soul? ·

There are three worlds.


First world is materialistic world, in which we live. It is this earth.


Second world is where souls stay before birth and after death. It is called Pitrlok or “Aalame Barzakh”. No one can confidently say where it is.

· ·




after life cycle they get absorbed in God.


Some time they say God is like large amount of water in a jar, and we all human beings are small glasses with little quality of water. But content of both are same. All this concept is due to considering first soul as God.

Third world is called Swarglok where heaven and hell exists.


When a scholar reads divine books, he understands the purpose of his existence as human being, and purpose of creation of this universe. And also he senses and feels life in difference form on earth.

I nitially Adi-shankaracharya adocated this concept and majority of scholars accepted it. Said philosophy is called Adwitya ( vOnSr). It means there is no two. That is, universe and God are not two, but one entity.


Some of the muslims suphies also got this concept. They call same philosophy as wah-da-tul wajood.


There is another philosophy which is called ¼OnSrokn½ Dwityawad, which means God and this universe are two separate entities. They are not one and same. In muslim suphies this philosophy is called as wah-datush-shahood.


I ncomplete knowledge in such matters leads to wrong belief and faith. Hence prophet Mohammed (s.a) has prohibited discussing destiny and about souls or spiritual world.


Above mention philosophies can not be corrected unless we throughly understand the God and His features. So let us first study God thoroughly.

When he further meditate and continue his prayer of God, his level of spiritual energy and consciousness increases, and he is able to look in “Pitrlok”, where souls stays after and before death. When he performs dedicated prayer, remain physically, and spiritually clean, his energy and consciousness further increases, and he is able to look in “Swarglok”, where he can observe hell, heaven, angels etc. When he further continues his prayer and meditation, and his piousness, prayers are perfect, then he is able to sense or observes the creation process of this universe. At this stage he also aquires some spiritual power.


At this point he feel or realizes that there is one power , or energy or illumination, or Noor or light or Soul, which is involved or used in creating all other things. This power or energy or Noor or light is called first soul. This first soul is also called as “Pram Atma”, or “Parmatma”. (Pram means first- Atma means Soul)


Without a true divine knowledge, the person who meditates, think and accept this first soul or “PramAtma” as God. And as it is involved or used in creating all other souls, and basic material by which all souls are made is same as the basic constitution or material of first soul. Hence scholars, or Yogies says, every soul is part of Parmatma or God. Or Parmatma (God) is in every individual.


Some time they explain their experience as follow:


Parmatma is like sea. Sea water evaporates, become cloud, and rains. Then small pounds get filled, but every drop of water which rains, after passing through the life cycle, ultimately again goes back to sea (may be in form of river or nallah). Similarly God is sea and all souls are like drop of water of rains,



Who is God? their Kundalni, also can move things with a stare of their eyes. From above two examples I assume that like light, eyesight or vision of a person is also like rays of light and have energy like rays of light or electromagnetic waves etc., which we still have not understood scientifically.

We keep on reciting the name of our creator as God, Parmatma, Ishwar, Allah, etc. but do we truly understand Him? Who is He? How does He look like? Where He stays? etc etc. Frankly speaking I also don't know. And in fact, about God, only God Himself knows better, and no one else.

· The great God is the basic and highest source of energy in universe. His vision has highest state or level of energy, which can pass each and everything in this universe. A ray emitted by radioactive material could be blocked by a thick wall of lead. But nothing can stop the vision of God. This whole universe is transparent to God.

Because God says, “There is nothing like God”

(Holy Quran, 42:11, Yajur Veda 10-71-4)

That means we can not give his example. He is unique beyond imagination of human being. Rig veda also says “Oh God! There is no one like you in universe, Nither anyone (Like you) ever existed on earth or will exist in future. (Rig veda 7-32-23)

· Consider that there is a glass in your hand. The Glass is transparent and the water in it is transparent. You can look in it, you can look at it and you can look through it. Like glass in between your fingers, so you have full control over it.

Hence we can not explain or convince you about him. Then also after deep thinking, meditating, reading Holy Scripture etc, scholars get some ideas and information about God. Which could be right or wrong? But with positive intension I will describe some of their views as follow. After reading this article it will be easy for you to understand verses of holy Scriptures related to God.

Concept No. 1 ( About knowledge and awarness of God) · When we switch on a bulb, it emits light. Bulb is a small source of energy; hence the light emitted by the bulb is also weak and could be blocked by a sunglass. A welding arc has stronger level of energy, hence its rays cannot be blocked by plain sunglass, but require a special glass to block its ultraviolet rays.

· Similarly this whole universe is transparent to

X-ray has still higher level of energy and cannot be blocked by welding glass. Even mass of human being cannot block it. It is blocked by denser material like bones.

God. He can look into it, He can look at it and He can also look through it. This whole universe is between the two fingers of God. He can do anything with it according to His wish and He has full control over it.

· Radioactive rays emitted from uranium etc., which are used in atomic plants, have such high energy level that they even penetrate bones of human beings, wooden partitions and brick walls etc. To block them, scientist uses three-feet-thick wall made from lead bricks. Hence higher the energy level, more penetrative the rays emitted.

(God has no shape, for explanation we say, 'finger')

God says: “All that is in heavens and earth belongs to God. Whether you reveal which is in your mind, or you conceal it, God will call you to account for it. He will forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills. God has power over everything.” (Holy Quran 2:284)

· I n hypnotism when a person with a stronger will power looks into the eyes of another person with weaker will power, he takes over the control of brain of the weaker person and the weaker person follows the command of hypnotist.

“Your father knoweth what ye have need of.” (Holy Bible, Matt. 6:8)

· I have seen a person moving a coin on the table with a stare of his eyes. Many Yogis and Rishis, who awake

“Before they call I will answer.” (Holy Bible, Isa. 65:24)


known, such as rays of eyesight, rays of thought energy etc. Eyesight and thought both travel at a high speed similar to light or may be more than that.

· The mind and heart work on complex nature of electrical energy and thought which is generated in the mind; is also some form of energy. That is why in telepathy messages can be transmitted to another person who is far away, but this form of energy is yet to be discovered and defined. · As per news paper I ndian express dated 24 th September 2011 (page 17), European organisation for nuclear research (CERN) has found that sub atomic particles can move more faster than light. · I n line of the above scientific facts, philosophers and thinkers say that no doubt God is some form of energy or (Noor) light, but the nature and speed of that light is not known. It may be having infinite speed. Hence time has stopped for Him. Hence He is in the same condition since eternity and He would remain in the same condition for eternity. Hence He is neither born nor would die.

· We human beings are transparent to God. He hears every beat of our heart; He knows even a slightest thought at the bottom of our hearts. He looks at us, He looks in us, and He looks through us. He is our manufacturer. He knows more about us than we know about ourselves (Holy Quran 67:14) . He loves us. He guards us. He feeds us. He has fixed various norms about how to spend life on this planet earth. If a person obeys His commandments, He makes that person's life easy on this planet, where the person is in form of matter. He also makes that person's life easy (after death), when he will be in form of energy.

· Suppose the universe has a diameter of 600000 kms, a light starting from its centre would reach the edge of the universe in one second. (At a speed of 300000 kms/ sec) Similarly Noor (light or vision) of God has infinite speed; hence He reaches any place in the universe in zero time. Hence He is everywhere all the time; hence He is Omnipresent.

Concept No. 2 ( About Hi s Omni presence) Theory of Einstein says that when the velocity of a thing increases more than light, that is 300000 kms/ sec or (186000 mile/ sec) time starts slowing down for that object.

Concept no.3 ( About f eature of God)

For better understanding let us consider an example of a spaceship or rocket and a wall clock. Suppose a spaceship has capacity of travelling more than the speed of light and a clock is fixed to its cabin wall.

· As per Indian Panel Code (IPC) No.302, if one person kills another person, then killer should be given death penalty.

· Let us consider following example to understand features of God more clearly.

· Where this IPC. 302 or law stays? I n Delhi? I n books of constitution? If yes, then suppose due to any calamity if the books of constitution got washed away, then do you think that in period of re-printing of books, India will remain without a constitution? No.

When the spaceship travels below the speed of light; the wall clock would work with its regular speed. As the speed of the spaceship crosses the speed of light, the wall clock starts slowing down. And at infinite speed it would stop completely. That is, time would stop in that spaceship. It will not age and become old.

· This law is in mind of its citizens. Even if all the books of constitution get washed away, then also this law will remain in mind of juries, and every killer will be punished.

· I nitially it was thought that light has only spectrum of seven colors and seven types of rays. Then it was discovered that other types of light also exist; for example infrared and ultraviolet. Then other types of rays were discovered, such as the x-rays and radiation of radioactive elements. The process of discovery is not over, and still many more types of rays and waves remain to be discovered, some of which we commonly

· Now suppose the law (I PC) 302 got a Divine power, and due to this power as soon as a killer kills someone, killer dies automatically. Now what is your opinion about this law?


Can you define following detail about this new law with divine power? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

punishes, then it need not be like a human being.

· God provided us power or ability to see. He knows our vision or at what we are looking. God can look in all the direction at one time, but He don't have eyes.

It 's shape or outlook. It 's address of residence. It 's mother, father, and children. Can it take a shape of human being? Can you benefit or harm it? Etc

· God can even hear the sound of walking of black ant, walking on a black stone, in a dark night. He provides everyone the ability to hear, but God don't have an ear.

· The right answer may be as follow.

· God defines the process, He designs the process. He provided power for functioning. But He is not part of the system, He is much above the system.

1. Law does not have a figure or shape. 2. It resides nowhere, but applicable everywhere in India. That means, underwater, in sky, in close room etc etc. whatever place may be, if it is within boundary of I ndia, then it will be applicable.

· God was knowing us before our birth. God knows more about human being than what we know about over self. He knows what we are thinking, as well as what we will think in future. He also knows whatever is going to happen till judgment day, before it happens.

3. A law cannot have a natural mother, father, or son, as we human being do have.

· Holy Rig vedas says, the supreme Being (God) manifests the manifest (God create the process by which creation occurs). He fulfils the desires of the good-natured human-being. He is the Lord. He is omnipresent. He is worthy of all praise. He is the Object of all respect. He is Rich. He is the Greatest. He is the Creator of everything and has the knowledge of everything. (Rig veda 2:1:3)

4.Law is power, without a shape. (IPC No. 302) cannot become a worrier to kill a killer. Whatever shape we will give him, it will be pure imagination. That image has nothing to do with law with power. 5. Law 302 neither could be shoot down by criminals nor it could be pleased by offering gifts. So law cannot be harmed or benefitted like human being.

· As this constitutional law is related to India, or a country, hence it could be change in parliament. So now consider anot her universal law, that is gravitational force of earth, which is again a law with power. The law part of gravity is that, every freely falling body will have certain fixed rate of acceleration. And power part of this gravity is that it applies pulling force on all the object which are in field of gravity, toward center of earth. I n this case nothing could be done with gravitational force. Or gravity cannot be changed by human being. And whatever we described about law 302, all will also be applicable to it. For example it has no shape, no address, no family, or it cannot be harmed or benefitted.

· Holy Upanishad says, He (God) who does not need an ear to hear, and yet is the source of the power of hearing, Know that He is Brahma. The Deities to whom you worship are not Brahma! (Upanished)

· God introduce Himself as “He is Noor (light) of heaven and earth” (Holy Quran:- 24:35)

· Holy Quran says, Say (O Muhammad (SAW)): "He is Allâh, (the) One Allâh the Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, (He neither eats nor drinks). He begets not, nor was He begotten; And there is none coequal or comparable unto Him." (Holy Quran Chapter. 112) · Chines philosopher Lao Tzu has described God in best possible way in his book called Tao Te Ching. Which is translated by john Heider in his book Tao of Leadership. Published by Bantam books. Three chapters of said book is are follow.

I don't say that God is a Law with power. What I want to convince you is that His features are like a Law with power.

· Tao means how: Tao means how: how things happen, how things work. Tao is the single principle underlying all ereation.

For example:

Tao is God. Tao cannot be defined, because it applies to everything. You cannot define something in terms of itself. I f you can define a principle, it is not Tao.

1. God do not have a physical shape. 2.He has no address of residence. 3. God has no mother, father, son etc. 4. God does not take shape of human being. 5. God could not be harmed and benefitted.

· From this example we can understand that if there is some power which can creates, destroys, blesses or

Tao is a principle. Creation, on the other hand, is a process. That is all there is: principle and process, how


and what. All creation unfolds according to Tao. There is no other way.

This is what Tao is: It is one; it is unity. It determines everything. It comes before everything. It is the law of everything. The clearest, most helpful word I know to use for Tao is How, because Tao is the principle of how everything works. Remember that while it has no form or qualities, it is everywhere, all the time, forever. I magine four levels of infinity: people are infinite in a sense; the earth is infinite; the cosmos is infinite; Tao is infinite. Although each of these four may be infinite in a way, the first three are subject to the next greater one. People are dependent on the earth. The earth is dependent on the cosmos. The cosmos is dependent on Tao. But Tao is not dependent on anything.

Tao cannot be defined, but Tao can be known. The method is meditation, or being aware of what is happening. By being aware of what is happening, I begin to sense how it is happening. I begin to sense Tao. To become aware of what is happening, I must pay attention with an open mind. I must set aside my personal prejudices or bias. Prejudiced people see only what fits those prejudices. The method of meditation works, because principle and process are inseparable. All process reveals the underlying principle. This means that I can know Tao. I can know God. By knowing Tao, I know how things happen.

· Tao is not a thing: Dig as deep as you can, you will never come to a thing called Tao or God. Tao is not a thing. Tao is a principle or law. Tao means how. All things behave according to Tao, but Tao does not behave. Tao is never an object or a process. Tao is the law of all things, of all events. Tao is the common ground of all creation.

· Holy scriptures says “Nothing resembles God.”

(Holy Quran 42:11, Holy Yajurveda 10-71-4)

Hence there is no way by which we can describe God. We have to just remember that He is one, He neither took birth nor He will die, there is no one like him, and he don't depend upon anyone. After getting some introductions about God let us study how universe was created and philosophy of Adwitwad and Dwitwad. 6666666

Creation consists of things and events. All things and events are vibratory. Vibration consists of opposites or polarities. Polarities may cooperate with one another, or they may conflict to varying degrees. All things and events, whether they are cooperative or conflicting, harmonious or turbulent, take their form and become resolved in accordance with Tao. But Tao is not a vibratory event. Tao is not, for example, a sound. Tao has no opposites or polarities. Tao is one; Tao is unity. As far as I know, nothing comes before Tao. Nothing made Tao. Nothing created God. · Tao: I s and I sn’t · This is what Tao is not: It is not a thing. It is not a sound or any other vibration. It is not divisible into parts. It does not change. It cannot be diluted or augmented. It has no partner or complement.



Why People don't recognize God? ·


I f some one ask me to recognize a master painter from a group to few hundred or few thousand people. Than How could I do it? A master paints don't have a tail or a horn, than how could I recognize him?

How to mediate? • During exile period of 14 years, Hanumanji asked Shri Ram about how to pray God. Then Shri Ram taught him following way of prayer:

From unknown crowd an unrecognized master painter can not be distinguished by looking at his face or personality. The foolproof method of recognizing a master painter from a crowed is to ask them to draw some painting. A master piece drawing will introduce to his genius creator, that is master painter.

izFke% rkjkd% p;okfnfr; naM eqP;rs rhr; dqaMyk dkjeprqFkZ v/ksZ paUnzd% iapa fcUnw la;qDr% vkse feR;t;ksrh :id (Sri Ram Tatwa-amreet)

Translation: first stand straight. And then do “Dandwat” (That means touch your forehead to ground). Then sit on ground (with kundali), then bow down like half moon, then sit down with full concentration and remembrance of God.

But, is it necessary that a master piece drawing will lead us to the genius or master painter? Yes, as well as no. Yes, because a master painter will draw a painting which will be a master piece, and as no other painter can produce a master piece, hence a master painter could be immediately recognised. A master painter also could not be recognised by his painting, because if I don't have an interest in painting or if I don’t have ability to recognize a master piece, than how can I recognize a genius painter, even after looking at his painting?


So to recognise a master piece drawing I should have ability or wisdom to observe various drawings and judge their quality. If I am wise enough then only I will be able to recognise the genuine painter. If I am dumb, then I can not recognise him.


Same thing happens with common people. Common people want a God which they can see, feel, touch or at least could be imagined. But God is something which we can never imagine.

I n this method of prayer the final and most import part of prayer is concentrating and remembrance of God (That is meditation)

Holy Quran says,

"It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves (human being) that fear (knows) God." (Holy Quran 35:28)

"Those who remember God (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted are You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire." (Holy Quran 3:191) •

May God bless us wisdom to understand him and follow his commandment.


God says ” Nothing assemble God.”(Holy Quran 42:11+ Yajurved 10-71-4)

God could be only sensed. and that is also by deep think or meditations, and observing His creations. So only those who meditate or deeply think about universe and it’s creation can sense or recognise the God. Majority of people are over busy in their daily life and don't have much interest in God and life after death. Hence they almost remain non-religious. For such people God says, "They have eyes but can not see, they have heart but can not think, They are like animal, or worst then them.(Holy Quran 7:178) Holy Vedas says, Ignorant people even if they look

at scripture they don't understand it. Even if they listen it, then also they don't understand it. (Rig veda 10-71-4)



How Universe was created as per science? Big Bang cosmology :-

The big bang model is broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe. It postulate that 12 to 14 Billion ago. The portion of universe we can see today was only a few millimeter across. It has since expanded from this hot dense state in to the vast and much cooler cosmos we currently inhabit. We can see remnants of this hot dense matter as the now very cold cosmic background radiation which still pervade in the universe and is visible to microwave detectors as a uniform glow across the entire sky.

I if repeat the above complicated scientific definition in simple language, it will be as follow, This universe was initially a small and something very hot (energy). It expanded or exploded and this universe formed from that single thing (energy) To know further search Big Bang on internet. You can also visit this website link: www.map.gsfe.nasa.gov/ universe/ bb_theory.html So science says that initially their was one seed like entity which was very hot. and complete universe then got created from that hot seed, or energy.




Creation process as per holy vedas


then you may see me." And when God revealed just fraction of his Noor, hill got crushed and prophet Moses who was look at hill fall unconscious.

I nitially when God decided to create this universe. Then by His wish and will power the first soul came into existence. Rig veda says, "He (God) alone by His imagination created something from nothing by His will power. And this way first soul took birth."

(Holy Quran 7:143)

(Rig veda 10-129-4/ 5)

· ·


Rig veda says, "Agni came into existence in swarglok in form of lightning." (Rig veda 10-45-1) Yajur veda says, "First vxz.kh ¼Agni ½ among the dieties (Devtas) took birth before everyone. we salute to that illuminated Brahma." (Yajurveda 31:20) Yajur veda, says "This universe created from that virat purush. All creature created from that virat purush. I n physical form he is most respected. From him this earth and all living being are created."


From this story we can guess that the Noor, or light or initially energy is not simple glow or illumination. But it could be as strong as millions of Atom bombs or as per big bang explosion imagined by scientist. If we try to explain the process of creation by diagram it could be drawn in following way. 1

First initials energy which God created by His will power from nothing. That means God created something (a energy seed) from nothing.

(Yajur veda 31:5)

· 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

So from holy vedas we learn that, God initially created something from nothing by His wish and power. (Rig Veda 10-129-4) God initially created someone who was like lightning (Hot and powerful). (As per Rig veda 10-45-1) From that one source all universe was created.


That initials energy also took human form and is most respectable. ( Yajur veda 31:5) Big Bang scientific theory also says that universe was initially a small hot material. It expanded or exploded to from this vast universe.

Complete universe as well as soul of all human being created from that initial energy of Agni. Agni also took shape of a human soul.


All Human souls took birth as human being. Agni or virat purush also took birth for Guidance of mankind. (But still people don't recognise who is Agni or virat purush in human form. )


(Yajurveda 31:20)

How much st rong and int ense that initial energy ( Agni or first soul) could be? 1) 2)


God says in holy Quran “I am the Noor (light) of this universe.” (Holy Quran 24:35) The word "Noor" (light) is very complicated. As we don’t have exact words to define the religions meaning of Noor, hence we simply say light. But it is not exactly light, but combination of light, intence energy, a software or a principles, and awareness or enlightenment. To understand the intensity of Noor or light we can refer the story of prophet Moses. Once Prophet Moses insisted God to see Him with naked eyes. God says, "You can not see me." When prophet Moses insisted then God said, "Look at that hill. If that hill can bear fraction of my appearance


Those who follows philosophy of Adwait (vOnSrokn) Draw above diagram with some modification which we wil study in next chapter. Because of following two slokes those who belive in adwaitwad say the Agni or virat purush or first soul himself as God.


,de czEge% fOnrh; ukLrs usg uk ukLrs fdapuA That means “God is one, there is no second one, no one is their, there is absolutly no one”. This Shlok is called Braham Sutra. ,de~ ,oe~ vfn~rh;eA¼osnkar½ God is one, without any partnership of other. From first sloke they mean that there is one God. and




That energy took shape of Agni or first soul or virat purush as per desicion of God.

except Him there is nothing. That mean this whole universe is also God or every thing is God (there is nothing except God.) Hence they say the first energy seed or Agni or Virat purush is part of God Himself.


· ·

waa. That time he is like wind (Benefitting all) (Rig ved 03-29-11)

But these sloke could also be interpreted in following way. I f someone says that “this town has only one engineer and no other one”. We mean from this sentence that in resident of town, there is only one engineer and other human being do exist but they are not Engineer. while Adwaitvad means that in this town no other human being exist except that one Engineer. So because of difference of interpretation of Brahma sutra sloke and not understanding the Agni or virat purush, the philosophy of Adwaitwad came in to existence. God and Agni (first soul) are different. This we can conclude from following slokes of Rig vedas. The Agni who’s vast and great form which do not end is called soul without a body (first soul). When he is in human form is called Aasur. (Aasur means that who came at the end), and Narashans. And when he illuminate the universe then he is called Mat-resh-


Agni first appeared in swarglok in form of lighting. His second birth was among human being (human soul) that time he was called Jatved (Learned by birth) His third birth was in water. (Rig veda 10-45-1) (65% of human body is water. And as per holy Quran (21:30) God has created every living being by water.) Hence this sloke mean third stage of Agni will be as human being.


Oh Agni! We (God) know your all three forms. We also know where you stay. We know your secret home and place of birth. And know where you came from. (Rig veda 10-45-2)



All the three sloks clearly state that Agni took birth. And some one was observing him. That observer is God, who created Agni. Rig veda says, "He (God) alone by His imagination created something from nothing by His will power. And this way first soul took birth.” (Rig veda 10-129-4/ 5) Hence God and Agni or first soul are two different entity. 6666666


Why it was necessary to create Agni or first soul for creation of this universe? We will try to understand answer of above mentioned question with following example.

mass he will create universe and human body and a complete living society, where his perfect model and all His desired worshipers can live.

Let us consider the previous example of law with divine power of (IPC302) or gravitational force. Suppose there is a law with divine powers in space, and there is nothing else in space, no star, no air, Just nothing. If said law with divine power wishes to create His worshipers, then what He will do. Law with divine power himself do not posses mass (matter) or energy (as IPC302 don't have a mass or energy) hence from his won body it can not create anything. Then how it will create any thing? As Per Scientist Einstein, matter and energy is convertible. And the equation Governing this convention is express as e=mc2

Same thing actually happened in universe. God (who is not a thing) first created a energy. It is called as Agni or Noor in Urdu. Then He created a perfect Soul. Then he created Soul of all the human being along with first soul in human form. Then he created body of human being to accommodate soul in it and this universe.

So it was necessary to create first soul because God himself is not a thing by which another thing could be created. God is something which could not be explained.

Few slokes which confirms the creation of universe from first soul are as follow. Please remember first soul is refered as Agni or Virat purush.

Holy Yajur veda says,

e = Energy Generated, C= Speed of Light

The universe with is already created and the universe which will be made (in future) the first soul (virat purush) is leader of all of them. He is also leader of this eternal world (Swarglok) and He is also leader of those who survive on food (living being). ( Yajurveda 11-39)

m = Mass So to create any thing, Law with divine power will create a energy first, then from that energy it will create perfect or ideal model of His worshiper, similar to which he want to create in large number for His worship. Then he will create design or blue print or seed of total numbers of worshiper he want to create. Then he will execute his design. That mean He will convert some energy in to mass. From that

This universe was created from that virat purush. From him all living thing are created. He is most respected among those who has got body (Human being). And all living-being who has physical body

If we summaries above process it could be express as follow. 2

First perfect or ideal model of his worshiper


Law with Divine Power

Complete blue print of Human society. (Creating Soul of all human being )


Desire universe with his living worshiper or human society.



Initial energy

Those who follow the philosophy of Dwaitwad (God and creation are separate entity) as well as Adwaitwad draws the above mention diagram in following way with some difference :God as per Adwaitwad first soul as per Dwaitwad B

First Soul


Initial energy

Soul of all human being M



Human Society

Simplified Diagram ijyksd

dkj.k txr


(Karan-Jagat) dkj.k “kjhj

rq;kZrhr ijekRek ¼Dwaitwad½ bZ”oj ¼Adwaitwad½

(Karan-Sharir) B

lw{e txr



rqjh; voLFkk (Turiya Avastha)


rqjh; txr (Turiya-jagat) X

lw{e “kjhj




Actual Diagram

LFkwy txr


(Sthul-Jagat) LFkwy “kjhj (Sthul-Sharir) To understand said diagram read a small booklet written by Dr. M.A sharif on web-site www.freeeduction.co.in. Title of book is “God & creation”. (You can download it from: http:/ / www.scribd.com/ doc/ 65906695/ God-and-Creation-by-Dr-Sharif) 16


The secret revealed ·

From previous chapter we studied following thing.


We studied various slokes about Agni, and tried to understand him.


We got knowledge about first soul as first creation of this universe.


We tried to analyze existence of God.


We studied that science says that this whole universe is made from one hot seed or source of energy or a very hot but small substance which expanded to form this universe. Said theory is called Big Bang theory.


Logically I explained how universe could be created. And from some slokes of holy vedas, we got confirmation that what we were thinking logically is happened actually.


That means meaning of verses of first divine book that is Vedas has to be analyzed or understood with reference to holy Quran, then only secret of Agni could be understood.


So let's study verses of last torch or holy Quran along with first torch of holy vedas which are related to first soul, or initial creation of this universe etc.


Rig veda says, "The agni who’s infinite form never ends is called soul without a body (first soul). When he gets a body then he is called Assur and Narashanse, and (After pralay or Qayamat) when he illuminates the universe then he will be called Matreshwaa. That time he is like a wind. (Benefiting to all) (Rig ved 3-29-11) Above mentioned sloke has described Narashanse.


Holy Narashans was predicted many time in holy vedas but scholars could not recognize him or was unknown since last 4000 years. After studying life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and holy Quran Dr. Ved prakash upaddhyay who is sanskrit scholar and lecturer in prayag university proved in his book “Muhammad in world Scripture” t hat holy Narashanse is no other than prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Hence after reading Vedas & Quran we got one hint that out of three stages, at the middle stage, when Agni is in human form he is prophet Mohammed (s.a) let us further study islamic book to confirm our finding.


Hazrat Abu-Hurairah (r.a.) says, once companion of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked, “Oh Prophet! When you become prophet? Then Muhammad (pbuh) said, I was prophet when Adam (a.s.) was still between his body and soul.” (that mean Adam (a.s) was still in his creation stage) (Tirmizi, Mishqaat,

But still we could not found the secret of Agni. That means who is he? So how to find it. Shloks of holy Rigveda says:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

izfrR;a pk:e/oja xksihFkk; izgq;ls A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ufg nsoks u eR;ksZ egLro Øarq ij% A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ;s egks jtlks fonqfoaos nsoklks vnzg% A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ;s mxzk vdZeku` pqjuk /k`’Vkl vkstlk A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ;s “kqHkzk?kksjoilZ% lq{k=klks fj”kknl% A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ;s ukdL;kf/k jkspus fnfo nsokl vklrs A e:f˜jXu vk xfg ;s bZ³;fUr ioZrku frj% leqnze.kZoe~ A e:f˜jXu vk xfg vk is rUofUr jf”efHkfLRkj% leqnzekstlk A e:f˜jXu vk xfg vfHk Rok iwoZihr; l`tkfe lksE;a e/kq A e:f˜jXu vk xfg


I n all above nine Shloks e:f˜jXu vk xfg is repeated and it means that the secrets of Agni will be researched or disclosed by nation (people) staying in desert, or people of those religions which was introduced in desert.


Bab Sayyed mursaleen, fasal saanee ).


Which is this religion? Christianity originated at Palestine. Palestine is not a desert. Hinduism and Buddhaism started in India. India is not a desert. Judaism originated on bank of a Neil, in Egypt. Bank of Neil is not a desert. Only Islam is originated in desert. So we may get identity of Agni from their religious book Holy Quran.

This verse indicates that the Muhammad is first worshiper of God, or God has created him before every other soul or individual or this universe.

Let us study it and try to explore the Secret of Agni.


Holy Quran says, “Oh Muhammad (pbuh), say to them (to non-believers), that God don't have children. (I know this because) I am the first worshiper (of God).” (Holy Quran 43:81)


Rigveda said “When the last torch (source of divine knowledge, that is Quran)” place on first torch. (Vedas). Then only secrets of Agni could be disclosed. (Rigveda 3-29-3)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that means, “God first created my Noor (light).” (Maktab-Daftar-III part II)

He (puuh) also said that from my Noor this universe


was created.

also confirms that, above incidence of oath taking took place in world of souls, and not in materialistic world.

He further said, Ahmed is also one of my names.


Some of the verses of Holy Quran related to souls are as follow:


Oh Prophet! (Let the people of the world to remember that incidence), when God took out the soul of whole mankind from back of Adam (A.S). (He made witness them on themselves), and asked them, “Is not I am your God?” They (souls) said, why not? Surely you are our God. (God says, We did so, so that). On the Day of Judgment you should not say that we were not knowing that you was our God. (you also should not say that) Idol worship our ancestor started, we only followed them. So why you are punishing us for the crimes which we did not initiated. (Holy Quran 7:172-173)

This verse also indicates that God first made soul of every individual, and then made his human body.


So Agni in human form is known as prophet Muhammad (pbuh). But let us study his detail in first and third stage of creation that is before birth as human being and after death of human being.


To study these three stages, let us study diagram resembling creation of universe which we studied earlier in Vedantic form. But now in Islamic way. I n following diagram, before birth prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was known as Ahmed. In Human form he is known as prophet Mohammed (pbuh). And after death He will be called Mahmood (as per holy Quran 17:79) and Mat-resh-waa as per Rig veda (03-29-

This verse prove that God has created soul of all the human being at the begning of creation process.




Holy Quran Says,” We created you, and then made your (individual) faces.” (Holy Quran 7: 11)

Holy Quran says, “We took oath from you (O Muhammad), and from Manu/ Noah (A.S), Ibrahim (A.S), Moosa (A.S), and Isa I bne Maryam (A.S) and every Prophet. We took firm commitment from them.” (Holy Quran, 33:7)


This verse proves that not only soul of human being but soul of all the prophet were also created before the birth of human being. And at that time also prophets were at the position of prophet only. They were not common human being but more honoured.


As following diagram is related to creation of universe, Hence detail of third stage is not mentioned in it. Third stage we are specifying with reference to verse of Quran & Vedas.


As we studied earlier prophets were prophets even before their birth. Hence the first soul or Agni was also prophet and leader of all other human being and prophets. In first chapter we studied number of slokes confirming Agni as prophet. Till his birth as human being Agni was called Ahmed in pitrlok.

Scholars such as Allama Hazil-Ibne-Qeem (R.A) in his book “Kitab-ur-Rooh”, and scholar Kab-Karfee Haqeeqat-e-Mohammadi

Rooh-e-Awwal (As per Wah-da-tul-wajood)


God (As per wah-da-tush-shahood) A






Lateef Insaan (Human Soul) Maaddi Insaan (Bashar) (Human body)




Ahmed took birth as human being as prophet mohammed (s.a) when human civilization was matured enough for a permanent and ever lasting religious law.


Religious and divine law of God was common for all prophets (only their methods of prayer were different). God has confirmed it in holy Quran (48:23) and holy Rig veda (1:24:10). First soul or Agni or Ahmed took birth in human form as prophet Mohammed, and Re-confirmed the earlier divine laws, established or presented by Manu, (Noah), Abraham, Moses, Jesus-chirst etc. Holy Quran confirm this fact in following words. He ordered you Mohammed (Pbuh) to follow the same religion, which He has ordered Manu (Noah) to follow, same commandment He had also sent to Abraham (abiram) Moses and Jesus Chirst. He also commanded all of them to establish the religion and not divide themselves. (Holy Quran 42:13)


Not e:

On judgement day when all human being will become alive again, and will assemble in court of God to give account of their deed. Prophet Mohammed will be a universal advocate. Trying to save each and every human being whoever worshiped one God. At that time when he will be a universal advocate or savior he will be called Mahmood. (Mat-resh-waa in sanskrit). Mahmood is a status highest among the prophet or human being.


The Agni who’s vast and great form do not end, is called “Soul Without a body” (first soul). When he is in human form is called Aasur. (Aasur means that who came at the end), and Narashans. And when he illuminate the universe then he is called Mat-reshwaa. That time he is like wind (Benefitting all) (Rig ved 03-29-11)

I n Above verse, when it says in human form, it means soul form. For example when a person dies and his body is kept on bed. That time we says body of that person is laying on bed. Because person was basically a soul has departed from body, and now only body is laying.


I n above verse when it says mat-resh-waa will illuminate the universe, it means he will try for salvation of each and every individual whoever is eligible for salvation.


God first created my Noor.


form my noor this universe was created. These are called Zaeef Hadees in Islamic term.

Above mentioned fact is described by Rig Ved in following word. (we are repeating three slokes again)


As per Book " Mauzu aur Munkar Rivayat" written by Dr. Sayed saeed Ahsan Abdi and Book " Zaeef and Mauzu Rivayat" written by Muhammad Yahya Gondalvi. The follow two statements of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are not authentic because of these who recorded them are not reliable.

(Holy Quran 17-79)


Agni first appeared in swarglok in form of lighting. His second birth was among human being (human


15 19


Who is Emeth or Ahmed? ·

All the holy scriptures predicted the first soul or Agni as Ahmed. But why? some of such slokes are as follow


Holy Yajurveda vedas says,

that matreya for whom Gautam buddha has predicted is prophet Mohammed (pbuh). So in Buddhist scripture we have predictions of Ahmed as well as Mohammad.

osnkgesra iq:’k egkUrekfnR;o.kZ reL; ijLrkr~A ·


Ahmed is source of every knowledge (teaching), a great personality, a bright sun who repels the darkness (of ignorance). Only after recognizing him, one can conquer the death, there is no other path. (Yajur Veda 31-18)


I n above verse comforter is English translation of Hebrew name Paraclet. I f Paraclet is translated in Arabic language, we will get the word Ahamed.

vgfef) fir’ifj es/kke`rL; txzHkA vgalw;Z boktfu (Rig Veda 8-6-9)

Ahmed presents the first sacrifice, and became like a glorious sun.


Holy Quran Says, "And when Isa (Jesus Christ) son of Mary said, "O children of Israel! Surely I am the Prophet of God to you, confirming what is written in Tohra and giving the good news of a Prophet who will come after me, his name will be Ahmed." (Holy Quran 61:6)


Let us study in next chapter reason of calling First soul or Agni (s.a) as Ahmed, before his birth, in all holy scriptures.

(Atharva Veda 20-126-14)

When Ahmed comes back, he proves to be most powerful leader and glorious, protector of creature and prosperity. He is the best savior.



v;fen oS izrhorZ vkstLoku lat;ks ef.kA iztka /kuap j{krq ifjek.k lqeMªyAA

Gospel of Buddha says, Gautam Buddha said to his follower Nanda “Oh Nanda! I am neither the first Buddha nor the last Buddha in this world, there will appear a Budha in this world, who will give the teaching of truth and charity. His disposition will be pure and holy. His heart will be clear. He will possess knowledge and wisdom. He will be the leader and guide of all men. He will teach the truth, as I have taught the truth. He will give the world a way of life which will be pure and at the same time complete. O nanda, his name will be maitreya.” (Gospel of Buddha by Carus, page 217)


(That means in every era Buddha will come for guidance of mankind.)


Dr. Radha Krishn writes in his book “Recovery of faith” page No. 154, that in Japan the first Buddha is called Amitabh, and in Japanese language Amit is pronounced as “Emeth”. Abh means light or illumination of Noor or shine. Hence Amitabh means glorious Emeth or light of Emeth.


As language changes, so there is change in pronunciation also. For example Prophet Moses is called Moosa in Hindi or Urdu languages. Similarly Emeth of Japanes is same as Ahmed of Hindi or Urdu. Amitabh means illumination or light or Noor of Ahmed.

Bible says, Jesus Christ said, If you love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray to father (God) and He will give you comforter, he (comforter) may abide with you forever. (St. John 14:15-16)

Dr. ved prakash upadhyay i n hi s book “Mohammed(pbuh) in hindu scripture” has proved



What is the importance of name Ahmed? ·

Agni or first soul took birth in human form as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in this world. No one ever called him by name as Ahmed. Then why he was predicted in every divine book as Ahmed?


Because there is a reason of calling Agni as Ahmed in all the divine books as prediction before his birth in this world as prophet mohammed (pbuh).


Muhammad (pbuh) is a human being, son of Hazrat Abdullah, grandson of Hazrat Adul Muttalib, born and brought-up at Makkah, unknown to Asians, Europeans, Africans and Americans at the time of his birth as prophet and with name as Muhammad (pbuh).


But in Swarglok, Ahmed was created by God as first soul. Then after taking substance (material to create soul) from him God made all other souls. I n Swarglok, when God took aoth from all prophets, then also he (Ahmed in soul form) was present, along other Prophets.


him as Muhammad in human prophet form & than follow him for Moksha or salvation, or eternal success.

Then his name as first soul or Ahmed or as Agni, mentioned in all divine books. He was praised. He was confirms Prophet. For example Rigveda says, “Oh Agni, Manu accept you as Prophet.” (Rigveda 1-13-4)


Many Shloks were in praises for him, so whoever recited their divine book indirectly praised Ahmed or Agni before his birth on earth as last prophet. Or in which ever scripture his name as Ahmed was mentioned he was their own prophet and not a prophet of Arabs.


And practically this has happened for example. Many I ndian tribes, particularly Jat community settled down in Behrain, yamen, and Saudi Arabia. When they asked Muhammad (pbuh) to prove himself as prophet, then God reveal verses of Quran and said, "What was revealed in Zabre-awwaleen (Vedas or vknh xzaFk) are not a solid proof of his prophesy? (Holy Quran 20:133) and as prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has been predicted 31 time in holy vedas. So finally people recognized him and accepted him as prophet and his teaching. And those who rejected Muhammad (pbuh) about them God revealed verses in Quran and said “O Muhammad! they recognize you as prophet as clearly as they recognize their won sons! But because of ego or arrogance they don’t accept you. (Holy Quran 2:146)


So this is the principle God has used for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). God made him first, as Ahmed or Agni or as first soul, then introduced him to every religion before his birth as the last Prophet, and then sent him at last as last Prophet, with name Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). So that he completes the religious laws for whole mankind. Simultaneously God asked the world to search or explore him and recognize him as last savior, through their own divine books. For example, in holy Vedas God too much insisted for recognisation of first soul and said recognising and following him is the only path of “moksha”.

So unknowingly every religious person was aware of him, by name as Ahmed, by his feature as first Soul or Agni and as their own prophet.



(Rigveda 3-29-5)

Swami Tulsidas ji write in sangram puran. Without any partiality I express the teachings of saints, Vedas and Purans.

I f an unknown person born and brought in unknown country, ask world to accept him as a universal Prophet, then everybody will raises objection, or by heart they may not accept at once. But if same world is asked to recognize and accept a holy personality as Prophet, to whom they know very well, because of his prediction as Agni or Ahmed, for long time before his birth. Then in such case they may feel at ease as he is their own prophet, and will not take any objection. Or if anyone raises objection then their own religious books could be used or referred to prove his prophecy.

He will take birth in seventh Bikrami century with rise of four stars (sun). He will be eligible to rule. By logic (love and wisdom) or by force, he will convince his teachings. He will have four subor-dinates because of which his followers will increase. Till the divine book remains on earth, salvation is not possible wit hout Mahamad (Mohammed). People, beggars, insects and animals will all become obedient to God after taking his (Mohammed's) name.

This was logic behind first introducing first soul as Ahmed to every religion, than sending him as muhammad (pbuh) in human form. Then asking every religion to search for identy of first soul or Agni or Ahamed and while doing so finally recognize

After him none shall be born like him. What Tulsi Das says will truly happen


(Sangram puran skand.12, Khand-6, Translated by Gowswami Tulsidasji) (Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) in Bhartiya Dharam Granth, by Dr. M.A. Shrivastav, Page no. 18)


What is religious status of Muhammad (pbuh)? ·

God first created a Noor (or energy) before creation of this universe. From that noor and energy he created whole universe.

What he is not? 1. Agni or first soul or Ahmed or Muhammad or Mehmood or any respected name you may call to this most respected entity. But he is a creature and not creator. He is not God and do not posses any authority or power of God.

God says in holy Quran, (Say oh Muhammad (s.a) God has no children, (and I know if became) I am the first worshiper of God." (Holy Quran 43:81) So he was the first worshiper of God in Swarglok, and recongnised as Ahmed.


In human form he is the last Prophet, and as prophet Muhammad (pbuh). (Holy Quran 33:40)


Then prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was asked to correct the original faith and belief of people. Which every prophet has taught to their followers. This fact holy Quran says in following words.


He ordered you, "Oh Mohammed (pbuh) to follow the same religion, which He has ordered Manu (Noah) to follow, same commandment He had also sent to Abraham (abiram) Moses and Jesus Chirst. He also commanded all of them to establish the religion and not divide themselves. (Holy Quran 42:13)


For a new born child cloths are different, for a teenager clothes are different, for a adolescent cloths are different. Till adolescent cloth changes with time as child grows. And for a matured person cloths are different, but remain almost same for rest of his life.


Basic commandment of God related to worship of one God, charity, humanity etc were fix and same throughout the era. But the procedure and time of prayer changed slightly as per era and maturity of societ y. When human societ y got matured completely, and t eaching could be spread worldwide, then the last Prophet came and fixed this forever. Like a adult cloth, this will not going to be changed till the judgement day.


As per Quran, vedas, and Sangram Puran, salvation or Moksh is not possible without following teachings of last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).


Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as human being scarified everything to spread the massage of God in the world. He always prayed for salvation of mankind. On the day of judgment also, in the court of God when every individual will be trialed for his deed, prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will stand by us (provided we tried to follow him), and he will advocate for our salvation or Mokhsa.


2. God says in Holy Quran, “Oh Muhammad! Declare it that, I do not say that I have treasures of God. I don't know unseen (future), I am not an angel. I only follow what God commonds me.” (Holy Quran 6:50) 3. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said to his daughter Fatime (R.A) that don't remain under impression that being a daughter of Prophet you will get salvation. On Day of Judgment you will be punished or rewarded as per your deeds. (Sahee-Muslim-Kitabul-Eeman)

Hence being his follower is not a guarantee for salvation or Moksha. Everyone will be punished or blessed as per their deed.

4. Rabiha ibne kab was servant of prophet Muhammad(pbuh). In one early morning winter Rabiha ibne kab made good arrange of Wazu (cleaning) and prayer for Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As Rabiha ibne kab took too much effect to serve Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Hence prophet wished to bless him something and asked him to demand anything. But Rabiha ibne kab demanded heaven instead of money or cloth etc. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not said “yes, I grant you heaven”. But said “help me with excess of your prayer (Namaz or prostration or sijda)”. That means I can not grant you heaven, but you also have to help me by remaining righteous and doing good amount of prayer, so that you become eligible for heaven and my supplication (Dua) in your favor will be accepted by God. (Muslim)

So it is duty of man kind to respect his teaching and follow him sincerely.



Once Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “no one can enter in heaven by his own prayer and without help and favour or blessing of God.” some companion asked “Oh prophet of God! even you will not get the salvation? Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said: yes, even I will not succeeds unless God help me and shower his blessing on me!” (Mishkaat)


God address to prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in holy Quran in following words


“Oh Muhammad (pbuh), keep on advising (reminding about God and his commandment) as you are only a reminder, you are not a watcher (controller) over them. (Holy Quran 88:20-22)


“Oh Mohammed (pbuh) surely you cannot guide (Give wisdom to understand truth) whom you love. But Allah guides whom He pleases, and He knows best the followers of the right way. (Holy Quran 28:56) That mean wisdom to understand truth a prophet can not give. It is only God who can give wisdom.


“Oh Muhammad (pbuh) it is the same whether you ask forgiveness for them or not. Even if you ask for their forgiveness seventy times, then also Allah is not going to forgive them, because they have disbelieved Allah and his prophet. Allah does not guide those who are defiantly disobedient people. (Holy Quran 9:80)


Above references clearly indicate that the only God is supreme Authority, no prophet or diety can grant any one any favor without favor and permission of God.


So first soul, or Agni or viraat-purush or Ahmad or Prophet Muhammad) by which ever name you call him, is most respected. He is next to God, but he is not God. He is source of knowledge, our guide, and our saviour. He loves us more than we our self love to our self, and he is eager for our salvation, so we should deeply love him. and follow his all instruction sincerity. In Holy Quran God says, “The prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves”. (Has more right on believers than their own selves) (Holy Quran 33:6) May God bless him, his family, his companion and all who love him.




What is in name? ( vfXu).

· God has many names. Some of His names are as per his features, Such as mercyful, (Raheem), forgiving (Rauf) etc. Such features are also common in human being. Hence some time God address or calls many prophets with his won name which are as per His features, for example God called Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) in Quran with his won name as Rauf and Raheem. (Holy Quran 10:128)

So Agni is a feature of remaining first. And it is feature name of God. And as first soul or ViraatPurush, or Narashans or prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also has same feature. Hence in Shlok of Holy Vedas, God has also referring him with name of Agni. For example Rig Vedas says:

· Similarly in holy Vedas and Purans many prophets are refered by feature name of God, such as Agni and brahma, etc.

"OAgni! Manu confirm your prophecy." (Rig veda 1:13:4) "O Agni! we consider you similar to Manu, the religious leader, preacher, expert of religious teachings, a man with wisdom.” (Rig veda 1:44:11)

For example in Hariwansh puran, first human being “Hazrat Adam” is called as Brahma. It says, Brahma divided his body in to two part. One become man and second women. similar discription We find in holy Quran & Bible also. These scriptures says Eve or Hawaa, was created from left side body of Adam.

In these verses Kalki-Avtar or Narashans or prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is called as Agni, and he is accepted as great prophet before his birth. · So while reading any holy scripture or holy vedas, purana, upnishada, or any religion book. If a sloke contain feature name of God. than we should not blindly consider him as God but we should analysed its and than decide the meaning. By doing so many myst erious slokes of scriptures could be understood.

· Similarly Atharva veda refered Prophet Abraham (a.s) as Brahma in description of human sacrifies. (Atharva Veda 10-2-26)


Bhavishya puran (Creation part 1, chapter.4) calls Abraham as Abiram.

· Similarly Atharva Veda (10-2:28) says, "He who knows this sacred House of God, (that means Kaaba), which is full of life. God and Brahma (Abraham-the prophet of God) grant him insight knowledge of life and children.” Å/oksZa uq l`’Vk 3 fLr;ZaM% uq l`’Vk 3% lokZfn”k% iq:’k vk oHkwokW 3A

· Our soul was created approximately 450 crore year ago, we are on this planet earth only for 65 year (Natural like spane of human being) and again will be in pitrlok for infinite period. Our slight negligence may ruin our future infinite life. As God says, "I may forgive all sins but not Shirk (worshiping more than one God)." Hence let us take religions matter seriously. let us find out right path and follow it sincerely.

iwja ;ks czEgjks osn ;L;k% iq:’k mP;rs AA28AA (Atharva Veda 10-2:28) In this Shlok we clearly understand that God and Brahma are two different entity. Even thou the name of Brahma belong to God and is equivalent to Rehman of Arabic word (name of God). ·

May God bless us understanding of His true religion and help us in following it too.

nso leqnk; esa vxz.kh ,oa mUgsa ¼nsoksa dks½ izdk”khr djus okys, thudk izkdV; lc nsoksa ls igys gh gqvk gS] mu rst lEiUu czEg dks ueu gS AA

Q.S.Khan hydelect@vsnl.com

¼;tqZjosn 31 %20½


In above shlok Agni or first soul is referred as Brahma. What i s meani ng of Agni? As per scholars of Sanatan Dharm and Arya Samaj, Agni ( vfXu) is derived from word vfxz.kh which means first, or before every one. God is first, because when there was nothing in this universe God was there. Hence God is vfxz.kh or ( vfXu) . First soul is first among creature created by God. Hence in this sense he is also vfxz.kh or



Summery of Creation Process Ist stage of creation.


As per science 1370 crore year ago something of very small size (few millimeter in size) but very hot, exploded and by it’s expansion this universe formed. This theory is called big-bang theory.


· ·

per science age of this earth as 450 crore year is true.


As per Rig veda. God created Agni in swarglok by His imagination and will power. At the time of birth Agni was in form of lightning (Rig veda 10-45-1)

Once prophet Mohammed (pbuh) asked Arch Angel Gebrial his age. Gebrial said, “A light (star) arises at horizon after a period of 70000 years. And I have seen it 70000 time. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said that was my Noor. (Zaeef Hadees)


As per above statement Arch angle Gebrial is 490 crore year old.

God says in holy Quran that He is Noor (some form of light of energy) of this universe. (Holy Quran 24-35)


God says we made you than your faces (Holy Quran 7:11) That means God made first soul of human-being than their body. As age of earth is 450 crore year. Age of Arch is 490 crore year. Hence God must have converted initial energy or Noor in to Javted (as per holy vedas) or first soul or Ahmed approximately 500 crore year ago.

On insistance of prophet moses. once God revealed His fraction of Noor on a Hill. That Hill got crushed and prophet moses fall unconscious. (Holy Quran 7:143) Hence we asume that Noor could be more strong than million of atom bomb.


Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said God created first my noor. Then every thing in universe created from it.


Prophet Mohd (pbuh) said, there will be no day and night in heaven, but a pleasant morning or evening like atmosphere. (.............)

God says if He wishes to creat anything then He says “Be”. And that thing take shape as per wishes of God.


One day in life of a nation is equal to 1000 year. (holy

(Maktab Daftar- I II , part I I I )



(Holy Quran 40-68)




Holy Quran & Holy Rig veda says, “There is nothing like God or nothing resembles God. (Holy Quran42-11,

Quran 70-4)

Holy Yajurveda 10-71-4)

(Holy Quran 7-54)

Holy Quran & vedas says “ God neither took birth nor gave birth to Anyone.” (Holy Quran 112-1) (Swet swatra-

One day is symbol of one period. As on judgement day sun surround earth, hence at every place where there will be day only and no night. Similarly outside solar system there is no concept of day and night. It is dark (night) only. God created earth about 500 crore year ago. Big-bang occurred 13700 crore year ago. So six creation day of God may be approximately 900 crore years. Hence one creation day of God may of approximately 150 crore year. So in second stage God finished creation of universe in 900 crore year and created first perfect soul of human being.

God said I finished creation of universe in 6 days.

upanishad 6-9, Part-II , Page 263)


One day of judgement day will be of 50000 year (holy

Hence we conclude that, in first stage of creation, God by His will power, imagination and wish created something Hot and very powerful, from which this universe was created. That entity or something Hot is not part of God or Noor of God, because God says He has not given birth to anyone. That means nothing is created from entity or existence or part of God.

Second stage of creat ion


Holy Rig veda says Agni in human form is called Javted (Rig veda10-45-1)


Human form mean soul form. Because human being is soul. A dead body is never called by name, but refered as body of that person. That means that person who was soul now has departed and only his body is laying.


Science says this earth was created 450 crore year ago.


In banglore city (I ndia) there is a lal bag garden (spread in 100 Acre). In that Garden there is a hill which is 300 crore year old. Hence we assume that as

Third stage of creation:-


Holy Yajur Veda says: The universe which is already mode and the universe which will be made The first soul (virat purush) is leader of all of them. He is also leader of this eternal world (Swarglok) and He is also leader of those who survive on food (living being). ( Yajurveda 11-39) This universe was created from that Virat Purush. From him all living thing are created. He is most respected among those who has got body (Human being), and all living-being who has physical body are created from him. (Yajurveda 7-39)



Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "God made every

thing from my noor. (Maktab Dafter-I II , part I I )


The perfect life cycle on earth what we have got today is evolve in 450 crore period of time. It has passed many cycle of life (For example ice age etc etc.)


Human existence on earth is only 10,000 year old. Hence we assume that in last 500 crore the initial energy or Agni remained in form of Jatved or Ahmed.


God says in holy Quran that He created Adam from soil (Holy Quran 55-13)


Various Tradition says that God collected soil from earth by Angels. Than made body of prophet Adam than made him alive.


From body of Adam, God made eve or Hawwa and all human being are their children.


long time, then start contracting and become a solid mass or a black hole. When the gaseous sun engulfs the earth, there would not be any night and that continuous single day would last for a very long period of time. · The Earth has a gravitational force, which attracts everything towards the center of the earth. When the giant sun-ball engulfs the earth, the gravitational force of the sun may balance or neutralize the gravitational force of the earth and everything on the earth may feel weightless as astronauts experience in space. Hence everything on the earth starts floating or drifting as items float in the cockpit of rockets in space or clouds float in the sky. · Holy Quran says on judgement day sky will be like smoke. (Holy Quran 44-10)


(Holy Quran 55-37)

Science says that as per Archaeological excavation, human existence on earth is since from 10,000 BC. So in 3rd stage of creation God created every desired thing on earth from (Virat purush)or Noor-Ahmed. This process started 450 crore years ago and completed 10,000 year ago. Because when Adam arrived on earth, it was ready in all respect.

4 t h concluding stage


As per science our solar system will collapse in following in way.


In the sun there is a continuous process of fusion. Two atoms of the helium gas combine and form a byproduct. In this process heat and light are generated, which our solar system and we receive. As oil and petrol in the crest of earth is in limited quantity and would get exhausted after a certain period of time, similarly the helium gas in the sun is limited and would get exhausted after a certain period of time. Scientists guess that it would take a very long time, but no one can predict when it would happen.


The earth will lose its gravity and mountains will float like clouds or cotton balls. (Holy Quran 70-9)


On judgement day the sun will be just above heads and the earth will be red hot like copper. (Holy Quran 70-8)


So what science says, was predicted by holy Quran 1500 year ago. And it will surely happen. Holy Rig veda says, Agni in form of mat-resh-waa is like wind trying to benefit (the desired) people.(Rig


In fourth stage this universe will collapse. All human being will be collected together after there death. Their deed will be checked. And as per there deed they will be segregates and accommodated in hot or pleasant atmosphere (Hell or heaven).


On judgement day the sky will become pink like rose.

veda 3-29-11)


Holy Quran says “ Oh Muhammad! God may place you in position of Mehamood”. (Holy Quran 17-79)


On judgement day in position of Mehmood, Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) will be a universal Adocate. I n court of God where each and every individual will be trailed he will support to those who are eligible for heaven(worshiper of one God). For example: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Under Islamic rule, non-Muslims are guaranteed protection of their life, prestige, and wealth. If any Muslim forcefully usurps their property, exploits them or make conditions unbearable for them, then on Judgment Day, when the case of non-Muslim will be presented in court of God, then I (Prophet Muhammad) will be their advocate (and will fight their case against Muslims).” (Abu Dawood, Safeena Najaat 151)

· When helium gets exhausted and fusion stops, the sun would start cooling and the process of the death of the sun and this solar system will begin. The sun would become pink and start expanding and shall engulf Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth and few planets beyond earth also. It would remain in this state for a

So on judgement day prophet Muhammad (pbuh) will fight for justice, and will try to protect all the innocent and true religious worshipers.



To become success God gave some divine laws in holy Quran (103-1-3), which are as follow:

1) Belive in one God. 3) Have patience.

I f you repeat above mentioned procedure, slowly your nature will change. You will develop understand of religion, and slowly you will love to follow the true religion.

4) Spread truth. (Spread message of God to ignorent human being)

I f you don't find any difference in few week, then recite "Yaa Haadi, Yaa Raheem" 100 times in a day.

2) Have noble deed.


After collaps of solar system human being will have infinite life spane or as desired by God. And the standard of life after death will be as per deed on earth. Hence let us have noble deed and firm faith is one God for eternal comfortable life after death.

Yaa Hadi means " Oh who guides" and Yaa Raheeem means "Oh merciful" These are names of God, and had tremendous effects in refining and purification nature of human being.

How to become religious?


What should you do when logically you want to become religious, but heart don't believe in religion?


There are few steps which if you follow, will help you to become righteous and religious.


Step 1: ·

Become absolutely clean.


Avoid illegal income.

Eat clean. Eat only Halal mutton or remain vegetarian. ·

Remain physically clean. Hairs absorbs water and chemical such a shampoo etc. They also absorb sweat, semen and menstrual blood. Hence remove hairs at armpit and around sex organs after every 1520 days time. ·

Wash away urine and stool. Your under garments should not have a single drop of it. ·

Step 2:


Remember atleast once in 24 hour that one day you will die. We have got unlimited lust for money and wealth because at bottom of our heart we consider ourself as immortal.

Step 3:


Remember or convince your self that Parlay or Qayamat or judgement day is bound to happen, and you will be forced to give account of your deeds to God. Then He will decide your fate of infinite life after death.

Step 4:


Say in your heart (few times in a day), "Oh supreme power who alone created this world, please guide me." God says, "Those who struggle to reach God, God (Himself) guide them His way." (Holy Quran: )


May God bless wisdom to understand truth and follow it too. Amen 6666666

Books written by Mr. Q.S. Khan Name of Books with their links to download (free of cost) Management Books

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Law of Success for both the worlds http://www.scribd.com/doc/37987436/Law-of-Success-for-both-the-Worlds-English

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Yashachi Gurukilli (Marathi translation by Sushil S. Limay) http://www.scribd.com/doc/19486457/Yashachi-GurukilliComplete-Marathi

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Safalta ke Sutra (Hindi Translation by Dr. Vimla Malhotra) http://www.scribd.com/doc/47173217/Safalta-Ke-Sutra-Hindi



How to proper Islamic way http://www.scribd.com/doc/76445976/How-to-Prosper-the-Islamic-Way

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Engineering E-Books: (Books will be re-printed in 2012) 5.

Vol.1-Introduction to Hydraulic Presses and press body. http://www.scribd.com/doc/17599574/Volume1-Introduction-to-Hydraulic-Presses



Vol.2-Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic cylinders. http://www.scribd.com/doc/17375627/Volume2-Design-and-Manufacturing-ofHydraulic-Cylinders



Vol.3-Study of Hydraulic Valves, Pumps and Accumulators. http://www.scribd.com/doc/17527393/Volume3-Study-of-Hydraulic-Valves-Pumps-and- E-Book Accumulators


Vol.4-Study of Hydraulic Accessories http://www.scribd.com/doc/17599472/Volume4-Study-to-Hydraulic-Accessories



Vol.5-Study of Hydraulic Circuit http://www.scribd.com/doc/61740687/Vol-5-Study-of-Hydraulic-Circuits


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11. Vol.7-Essential knowledge required for Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic Presses. http://www.scribd.com/doc/18996385/Volume7-Essential-Knowledge-Required-forDesign-and-Manufacturing-of-Hydraulic-Presses




Religious Books:

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12. Hajj. Journey Problems and their easy Solutions. http://www.scribd.com/doc/8966044/Hajj-Guide-Book-English-PDF

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13. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Urdu) http://www.scribd.com/doc/7949973/Hajj-Guide-Book-Urdu

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14. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Hindi) Transliteration by Khalid Shaikh http://www.scribd.com/doc/15223840/Hajj-Guide-Book-Hindi

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15. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Gujarati) Transliteration by Jamal Qureshi http://www.scribd.com/doc/8965793/Hajj-Guide-Book-Gujarati


16. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Bengali) Translated by Shaikh Qasim http://www.scribd.com/doc/8997495/Hajj-Guide-Book-Bengali


17. Teachings of Vedas and Quran http://www.scribd.com/doc/18753559/Teachings-of-Vedas-and-Quran

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18. Pavitra Ved aur Islam Dharm (Hindi) http://www.scribd.com/doc/48562793/Pavitra-Ved-Aur-Islam-Dharam

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19. Kya har Mah Chand dekhna Zaroori hai? (Urdu) http://www.scribd.com/doc/40483163/Kya-Har-Maah-Chaand-Dekhna-Zaroori-Hai


20. Holy Quran in Roman Urdu http://www.scribd.com/doc/31660372/Holy-Quran-in-Roman-Urdu-Surah-BaqaraThe-Cow


21. How the Universe was created? http://www.scribd.com/doc/65050005/How-the-Universe-Was-Created


22. Agni Kaun? Paigambar ya parmeshwar? (Hindi) http://www.scribd.com/doc/65049788/Agni-Kaun


23. Who is Agni? Prophet or Parmeshwar? http://www.scribd.com/doc/65762146/Who-is-Agni-Prophet-or-Parmeshwar


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Books Written By Mr. Q.S. Khan

Hindi Translation of "Law of success for both the worlds" By Dr. Vimla Malhotra

Marathi Translation of "Law of success for both the worlds" By Mr. Sushil S. Limye

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