1 minute read
The brief was to build an IT park which responds to the Future.Our proposal aims to create an IT park which responds the the problems in future like the rising see level and depletion of Natural resources.
The Concept
The concept arrived from deeply analyzing and studying the current and the futuristic technological advancements and to provide a buildings which co hesively reacts with each other.

The Tower
The concept of tower arrived from the shape of the Cobra and the outer ring provide The orientation of the buildings were kept in mind in order to maximize sustainable design and the tower was provided on the riverfront to maximize the view.

The Pavillion
The pavillion was given on the riverfront side in order to maximize the views and give max recreational space.
Housing Module
05. Cafe Book Store Interior Design Studio
Memories with which we attach ourselves to places are more important than our work experiences. The comfort and ambience that welcomes us leave us a lasting impact. Our mental belongingness to places is a result of a sen- sitive design, movement patterns and spatial transitions that we encounter. Bookstores are spaces that enhance our learning and interaction and have always been at the core of idea development and budding friendships. Reading broadens mind and interac- tion over a coffee emboldens these ideas. With this pursuit, a bookstorre has been conceived at a prime academic location at Cadell Road in Mumbai to suit the interests of college and school students that offers them a unique experience with well-thought interior sense - a bal- anced creation of textures, materials and colours in a wholesome planned bookstore café.
CROSS the WORD - the Mosaic in Design

Memories with which we attach ourselves to places are more important than our work experiences. The comfort and ambience that welcomes us leave us a lasting impact. Our mental belongingness to places is a result of a sensitive design, movement patterns and spatial transitions that we encounter. Bookstores are spaces that enhance our learning and interaction and have always been at the core of idea development and budding friendships. Reading broadens mind and interaction over a coffee emboldens these ideas. With this pursuit, a bookstorre has been conceived at a prime academic location at Cadell Road in Mumbai to suit the interests of college and school students that offers them a unique experience with well-thought interior sense – a balanced creation of textures, materials and colours in a wholesome planned bookstore café.

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