Dear Kharisma Bangsa School Family and Community, I am thrilled and honored to be part of this dynamic family of dedicated, talented, caring, and committed teachers, students, and parents and am excited to be working with our wonderful and brilliant students. One of our school’s greatest strengths is our powerful family and community support. Our staff keeps providing a challenging curriculum and instructional activities designed to meet the educational needs of students and is committed to providing caring and safe learning environments that educate the minds along with encouraging the hearts and spirits of our students. Communication between home and school is valued. Parents are the child’s first and greatest teachers. We can not be successful without you. Please keep up the great work you have done so far with creating the best learning environment for children together with school. Our students continue to make us proud as they excel in academics, sports, and art. This semester was full of achievements and progress. I would like to tell all our students that the most important thing is working on yourself every day. Today mustn’t be the same as yesterday. Life is about becoming a better version of yourself.
It might be a little bit awkward for a new student. At MPLS (Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah) some of us feel like where am I, who is he/she, and what I’m gonna do here?
Fortunately, you’re not the only one.
Two days of MPLS at Kharisma Bangsa consist of many things that make the days fun. Every new student joins one group. Not only to know each other but also to learn essential things like teamwork, empathy, tolerance, and creativity.
The MPLS day also tells them the things they should know about the area and school system, who the homeroom teacher is, who their classmates are, and where their class is.
And for the old students, the first day of school always has an impressive moment. We reunited with friends and teachers, looked at each other, and shared many stories about what we’d done during the holiday before. Also, we can see our whole school building again, such as the class, canteen, corridor, and many other things. But, wait, let’s say we don’t forget our friend’s face.
Somehow, MPLS and the first day of school have come. It means everyone is ready to start a new season with a new spirit.
Mama, Papa. Don’t worry if we can’t meet 24 hours like before.
Here, we study well and prepare for our future. With the best teachers, we learn everything we know about life and knowledge.
Believe me. I will do my best.
New Season, New Spirit!
Indonesia has many local identities. This means diversity is one of the most seen in our country. One group is not similar to others. Each identity has a unique symbol, characteristic, as well as a value of themselves. And, also we can know some groups from their customs which represent their origin. Kharisma Bangsa celebrates Independence day through traditional custom campaigns. Our elementary school students wear the custom which has been decided. So they know how the custom looks, where its origin is, and obviously they all laugh when they look at each other with the custom. It’s our commitment to present a diversity value in our learning activities. It was held on August 19, 2022.
August 16, 2022
Student council is a place where students learn a lot about social activities. There they meet random people and work together based on what they agreed together. It means the group provides benefits to them especially to improve social skills such as self-confidence, empathy, critical thinking, trustworthiness, communication, collaboration, and many more. Realize how important this group is to make the school present an election for president and vice president student council. Each candidate campaigns for themselves to convince everyone so they can choose the one that they trust. However, the participant who can vote is just junior to the senior high school level. Neither elementary school level nor teachers. Finally, on 3 October 2022, a new student council is set. All members are appointed After all, we must be proud of our students who are brave enough to put up with themselves. (October 3, 2022)
There are many interesting things along with the independence day ceremony at Kharisma Bangsa. The school arranged each activity well. Day to day around two weeks of the ceremony consist of friendly competitions such as balap karung, tarik tambang, makan kerupuk, tangkap belut, futsal, and photography, also we had a traditional costume exhibition from our little friend. They wear it to represent any region of Indonesia which makes independence day at our school look so lively. The other interesting thing is the Paskibra team who perform their action to hoist the Indonesian flag. Even though it was the first time they did it within the practice in a short time, they did well. Everyone looks to enjoy the activities. Happy Independence day to all!
The college counseling department aims to provide all of our students with the academic, social and career support they need in the time of transition into higher education and the world of work. This semester started busy for our department since our students are in the process of their university applications in Indonesia and overseas. Below some of the programs Counseling Department organized since 2019:
One of the most dilemma issues for final year students is choosing a college for the next study. There’re so many options out there that attract student interest. The other reason is to decide which subject that they want to focus on. To solve this confusion our school engages senior-high-school students to visit Sampoerna University and University of Indonesia. This program was initiated by the college counseling services department where we introduced the whole campus to our students. Campus tours, the system flow, and program offerings are provided to students when we come. This visit is typical as a preparation for our high-school students so that they can face the next day with full confidence. It was held on November 5, 2022 (Sampoerna University) & November 26, 2022 (Universitas Indonesia).
One of the most dilemma issues for final year students is choosing a college for the next study. There’re so many options out there that attract student interest. The other reason is to decide which subject that they want to focus on. To solve this confusion our school engages seniorhigh-school students to visit Sampoerna University and University of Indonesia. This program was initiated by the college counseling services department where we introduced the whole campus to our students. Campus tours, the system flow, and program offerings are provided to students when we come. This visit is typical as a preparation for our high-school students so that they can face the next day with full confidence. It was held on August 11, 2022.
Welcoming meeting was a special method of how our school presents new members either a teacher or staff. The meeting which lead by our management advisor Mr. Kanybek Umetov introduces to all one by one including their role at the school. When Mr. Kanybek called the new member, the person standing then followed an applause from others as a mark and welcome to their new family. This tradition always happens when we want to start the new academic year. Through the meeting, everyone has put respect to the others, specifically new members and appears good impression so all can make great collaboration for the school success. (July 14, 2022)
Kharisma Bangsa defines one student as equal one family. Each student comes to the school not just by themselves but with their parents. That’s why we always include parent participation in the learning progress of their children because we know parents are as important as a teacher. Family breakfast is one of the ways we provide to keep good harmony between the school and parents. We invite parents to have breakfast together. This activity we plan each week for each grade. A funny game, tasty food, a warm meeting, a unique story, and also a new friend. Family breakfast gives us full of new experiences. It was started in every saturday during August 20 - December 3, 2022.
Idul Adha is a holy ceremony day for moslem around the world. This activity is marked by slaughter of several animals like a cow, goat, camel, or sheep depending on the region. After they did it, the meat was given to everyone, specifically the people who live nearby. Kharisma Bangsa did the same thing. After collecting donations from donors, our school slaughtered 17 cows and 9 goats which were divided into 924 meat packages. Those packages are distributed to many people like nearby neighbours, the teachers, and the donors. Also, on this time, we had a virtual charity concert where our students performed their music skill. During the event, all spectators could donate for the Eid Adha program. (July 10, 2022)
October 13-28, 2022
Market day is a part of our charity program. Teachers and all students asked to bring food from home then sell it to everyone in the school. Someone sells kebuli rice, the other sells donuts, coffee, and juice. Sosis, meat ball, and puding also there. In just around 15 minutes they sell and buy to each other. When it’s finished they go back to the class. The revenue of this activity during two weeks is more than 90 millions rupiah which is directly distributed to social-education institutions and similar related to. On the other hand, market day encourages our students to grow their self-confidence. Sell, promote, count, and control all goods is not an easy thing. Through the market day, they learn a lot of soft skills.
The club is one of the most favorite things in school. The club not only could break our stuck or boring feelings while studying in class, but also func tions to expand our friendship. We could meet new people who have the same interest. So, a new perspective, a new booster, as well as a new teacher can be gained if we join a club. On the other hand, the club is the fittest community for us to improve our skills. With time and prac tice, we can be a winner at any race competition that suits our interests. Here, Kharisma Bangsa has many clubs you can select. Our school provides students with a space to ac commodate their hobbies. Just pick one whatever you want. It was held on July 22, 2022.
ANBK (Asesmen Nasional Berbasis Komputer) is an evaluation exam for final year elementary or high school students. The test takes place at our computer laboratory on October 31 - November 1 for elementary school students who followed junior high school on August 19-20 and senior high school on 29-30 August. The ANBK was pleasant for them because our school provides new goods such as 24 tables, 27 set computers, and 10 headphones. This one is our way to maintain all facilities that are good and proper to use. It equals the core value of “excellence” where we put the highest learning so our students get satisfaction during studying activities.
Instead of a stranger because they had graduated from the school, Kharisma Bangsa always sees alumni as other students whether they’re from this school or sister schools. Even though they live in a far place or they studied in the school for a long time ago we still feel alumni as a part of our family. That will encourage us to organize an alumni sport and culinary festival in 2022. We invited our alumni around Jabodetabek to join a gathering of nostalgia. Taste food, warm meeting, happy pictures, until friendly sport. About the last one, ILUMSA (Ikatan Alumni Kharisma Bangsa) won the basketball tournament. They still get the skill, rhyme, technique, and teamwork they did then when they were in school. A champion is permanent.
Python is one of the newest topics in the last decade. Even though it is still new, the demand for it is increasing rapidly. We realize the factor why it’s happening is because of the trend for digitalization in which Python skills can meet the needs. Somehow, there are a few people who can master the skill and among the others is Praditya Farell Raffa Faadilah. Within his teacher, He successfully got first place in Indonesia National Qualifiers, Phyton Advance after beating 651 other participants. Awesome! Python is one subject among others that our school provides to students. It’s our commitment to give them the best and update learning so they can familiarise themselves with the latest topics the world is talking about.
School of Global Education Success 6th Issue 12
Kharisma Bangsa
Some people don’t like history because it’s hard to remember what was in the past. While the others consider history to just give a little impact for life. However, it’s not for Rainer Tevander Sutisna. Instead of thinking so, he adores the subject and joins the competition about that topic. His love about history has brought him being a gold medal achiever in Olimpiade Siswa Berprestasi Nasional Hari Pahlawan on November 13, 2022. From love to a winner, Rainer is one representative of all our students.
How do we measure our learning progress? How do we know that we master a certain topic? One of the best ways to get the result of those is to join the competition. Competition makes us realise our standard among others whether we gain as we expected or not. It means we can evaluate and improve for the next chance. As you can see here, Annabelle seems to love chemistry. She got a gold medal in olimpiade sains akbar at the provincial level. This achievement marks that she successfully enough understands chemistry issues. Well done, Annabelle!
Axel is Luthfi’s classmate. They are in the same class at 12
LMNAS (Lomba matematika nasional) UGM is one of the top competitions for student around Indonesia. We can see it through how many events have been presented until now. On 20th November 2022 LMNAS UGM was present 33 times. At this time, 4 of our students got the achievement. They are Axel Giovanni Hartanto for a gold medal, Anak Agung Gde Krisna Kesumawijaya and Aryo Jati Kusumo with their bronze medal, and Avicenna Rahman Artala is the finalist.
What is astronomy? What does it look like? Well, actually astronomy is an exciting thing. The resource is limited and a little bit hard to learn so there are just a few people who can observe it. However, that is what makes astronomy special. Even though we can’t touch as easy as let’s say biology, astronomy helps us understand what is in the universe, so much more than in our daily life. That interest motivates us to learn astronomy deeper and try to follow an astronomy competition at Institut Teknologi Lampung (ITERA) in Lampung city. Luckily, we successfully got 3rd place in the competition. We just start with our curiosity about astronomy, studying, and winning the competition. What a moment we had. Great job, team!
A level. Both push and motivate each other during learning activities. When Axel knows that Luthvi got a gold medal in mathematics competition, He is inspired and successfully obtains a gold medal in Mathematics Competition for Senior High School (MCSHS) 2022. We should feel happy our students inspire each other when studying. And, also it’s an advantage for us that our child is in the same school with a smart student. LMNAS 33 UGM LOMBA CERDAS CERMAT ASTRONOMY COMPETITIONAvicenna Rahman Atala (7 oxfords) is one of the students that represent our profile as a school of winners. Even though he was just a 7th grade, he could beat fear and stand with full self-confidence to grab a gold prize in an international mathematics contest in Singapore. International competition means he beats participants from other countries and successfully solves an international standard test. Big thanks to his teacher and parents who keep motivating him all the time. Well done, Avicenna!
Gold Medal:
1. Audwi Putri Revania (Bahasa Indonesia & Matematika) 2. Taqiya Fikri Radhiya (Bahasa Inggris) 3. Keisha Khairina (Bahasa Inggris & Matematika) 4. Charlina Najibah (Bahasa Inggris) 5. Naura Aziza (Bahasa Inggris)
Silver Medal: 1. Naura Aziza (Bahasa Indonesia) 2. Lazhia Yz Abidin (Bahasa Indonesia) 3. Alfitra Nayfa Bella Pramitha (Bahasa Indonesia) 4. Lu’lu Minhati ‘Ulya (Bahasa Indonesia) 5. Naya Adelia Friyadi (Bahasa Indonesia) 6. Razwa Amira Nasution (Bahasa Inggris) 7. Nursen Unsal (Bahasa Inggris) 8. Naura Tsaniya Melati Syakira (Bahasa Inggris) 9. Donita Dhanardhani Michelli (Bahasa Inggris) 10. Farra Neisya Azalia (Bahasa Inggris) 11. Yasemin Nur Sefika (Bahasa Inggris) 12. Syahra Qurani Iskandar (Bahasa Inggris) 13. Naya Adelia Friyadi (Bahasa Inggris) 14. R. R. Iqrayla Tifka Desriza Khairani W.(Bahasa Inggris)
Azka Fayza (Bahasa Inggris)
Kerensa Farrah Vincent (Bahasa Inggris)
Amanda Chiquita Santoso (Bahasa Inggris)
Callista Puti Ulung (Matematika)
Andi Sarah Rahmat (Sosiologi) Bronze Medal:
Collaboration is needed at this time. This skill guides us to make something more impactful and efficient. We are pleased to know that 3 of our students successfully grab 2nd place in the KEN (Kompetisi Ekonomi Nasional) UGM 2022. They are Ahmad Hasib Haidar, Muhammad Amadeus Ihsan Candra, Abyana Zahida. However, instead of winning it as individuals, they just win it as a team. Collaboration makes them support and care for each other.
Basically, winning a competition has two advantages. First, to measure the understanding of something. Second, to inspire others. The first one seems fit for Melisa Lee, Azraf, and Muhammad Nabil Alhanif (A level class) where they successfully reach 3rd place in Olimpiade Information System Airlangga Competition on 25 September. The competition aims to examine the logic ability, coding, and information system knowledge of all participants. Great job, team!
Nayma Azanov (Bahasa Inggris)
Hayrunnisa Nur Cil (Biologi)
Fawzia Kamila (Matematika)
Genius olympiad is an International high school project competition focused on environment through science, art, short film, robotics, music, creative writing, and business. The competition took place in New York City, USA on June 18, 2022 where our student Kharisma Bangsa School Students got 3 Silver Medals, 4 Bronze Medals, and 4 Honorable Mention there. We should be happy for this great achievement. Our students have beat their own fears to compete abroad. They not just represent Kharisma Bangsa, but also Indonesia. What a moment they had. Outstanding!
Silver Medal:
1. Faiza Shabira Fauzan (creative writing)
2. Zahra Zarifa Avrilla (music solo singer)
3. Andi sarah rahmat & Raya Dhevari S. (short Film)
Bronze Medal:
1. Mazaya Faiza Azeli & Nayla Muna Sholiha (Business)
2. Mazaya Faiza Azelia & Mahir (Short Film)
3. Alisha Clea Chandra (art)
4. Nara Bellamy Santosa (music solo singer)
Honorable Mention:
1. Charlina Najibah (art)
2. Clarinta Putri Hutomo (art)
3. Danish Amiftama (Creative Writing)
4. Reyhana Falisha Ady (Creative Writing)
25 project submitted & 12 project passed to be finalists. Total 11 project get medals and honorable mentions.
It’s our standard to recruit only competent teachers so that learning progress is impactful for students, and Ms. Sri Utami is one of the teachers that represent our qualified teachers. In Kharisma Bangsa, we have many competent teachers because we want to build the best learning experience rather than just transfer knowledge. Through this event, Ms. Sri Utami got his bronze medal among 125 other teachers in chemistry. This achievement means that our teacher not only teaches but also learns. It will keep her dominance about the subject alive day to day. Well done, Miss!
M. Amadeus Ihsan Candra is one of the outstanding students that is shone several times through the economic olympiad. In the latest update, we got the news that he successfully won first place in the 19th economic olympiad at Airlangga University. This achievement followed a great result in which he got a gold medal in the national economic olympiad (NEMO) competition at IPB University. In that latest win, he persuaded his junior Ahmad Hasib Haidarto to join the competition. Both teach each other to surpass all participants. By this, they have shown our school’s core value “collaboration” as the great modal in the learning progress. Well done!
Collaboration is so important in our life. It makes our work easier, faster, and more efficient as a result of many ideas united as one. Knowledge and experience from one person might be different from others similarly in a point of view. Good collaboration affects great achievement. That’s what our students did here. They are Melisa Lee, M. Nabil Al Hanif, and Ahmad Fikri Azhari who won 1st place in a programming and logic competition. They show our collaboration has a high impact. When we unite, we will have stronger and bigger efforts. Therefore, Kharisma Bangsa put collaboration as one of the school’s core values.
This online competition is dedicated to Ainun Habibie who has the ambition to create 10000 young Habibie. There are two categories: social and science, each category consists of topics related to grade level. What is interesting is that the competition has some stages. If we want to get the medal, we have to win first, a selection stage. Then, a semifinal, and last, the final stage. At that time, Kharisma Bangsa was selected in the top 10 in Banten province. Some of our students brought home their medals. This means they are winning every stage. Great job!
The FIBA U-18 Women’s Asian Championship is one special moment that Lidwina Ruth Riratri Dwi Saputri never forgot in her life. Our 12th grade student join a Indonesia National Team Junior Women to compete in the basketball competition which was held in India on 5-11th September. Some of us travelling abroad is quite challenging. Lidwina feels more than that. She and her team battled with other participants from Australia, Chinese, Chinese Taipe, India, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand. Not everyone can solve this challenge. However, being selected as one of the players to join the team is a great achievement. Lidwina is a student full of Independence and self confidence.
One more medal? Yes! Implementing a Cambridge curriculum that focuses on STEM (science, engineering, technology, math) in learning progress doesn’t mean the school ignores other subjects. We view all subjects at the same importance level. Because we realized every student owns their potential as well as their desire and it’s our main responsibility to guide them to find out. That’s why we always encourage teachers to build a great connection with their students daily. As you can see in this post, Amadeus has won a gold medal in the economic olympiad. This achievement not only means an increase in the Kharisma Bangsa collection. But also break the assumption that the school has little emphasis on other subjects excluding STEM. Big thanks to Amaedues Ihsan Candra and his supervisor teacher. Both of you make us proud.
Luthfi Bima Putra (12 A level) is one of the most outstanding students our school has. His interest in mathematics makes him win many mathematics competitions whether it’s domestic or abroad. On 15 October 2022 he achieved a gold medal in International Young Mathematician Convention (IYMC) 2022 which made him earn a champion trophy. This is inspiring his junior Avicenna Rahman Artala (7 Oxford) who got a silver medal. Our school is lucky to have them.
We proudly inform you that some of our students successfully got 7 medals in OSN 2022 (Olimpiade Sains Nasional). This achievement is the top stage of OSN. It means the students got their medals after winning before stages, at the provincial and city level. A long journey to the final is over with a great result. Olympiad coaching is one of our school commitments to build a high olympiad culture in the school. The student will unite with others and learn together guided by an olympiad coach. This achievement also makes our school known as an olympiad winner stronger. Big thanks to TOSKA students (Kharisma Bangsa School Olympiad Teams) who have done their best in the National Science Olympiad (OSN) 2022. Also, our other friends who have won at the city level and province. We value your courage. We love it.
You might know that OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional) is one of the favourite competitions held by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The competition has 3 stages (city level, provincial, and national) which participants must take.
To reach the maximum result on the olympiad the participants must take a lot of preparations. Therefore our students joined a tryout competition which was held by Pusat Olimpiade Nasional (POSI) on August 12, 2022. We were very pleasant. While it’s just a tryout, our students achieve great results and it’s continued to the real OSN at provincial level where 11 students got the medal. This prize brought them to the final stage. Through this, they just teach us how the value of excellence benefit for everyone.
Astronomy (Gold Medal)
1. M. Ababiel Alief Anbara 2. Fauzan Akhmad Naufal
Chemistry (Gold Medal) 1. Annabelle Q. P. Setyawan
Biology (Gold Medal)
Farrassyifa Fuad Salim Farah Fakhirah K. Danish Amiftama
Math (Gold Medal)
M. Amadeus I. CandraGold
A. Hasib Haidar-Gold
Abyana Zahida-Silver Computer
Yogyakarta city is known for its culture and feel around there. Some people said the city often left memories for the tourists. Andias Alfitra Santoso feels more than that. It’s because she won 2nd place in Top COP UGM 2022, a physics competition on 12th november. We guest Andias felt more than happy when she was in the city. She has double memories. The Yogyakarta memory and a winning moment. How lucky he is.
Calisya Shinkawa (7 Cambridge)
Dibbo Laurell Wiryasasmita (7 MIT)
Amellia Syifa Zahra (8 Cambridge)
Mikko Aquila Novantoro (8 MIT)
Zahra Anandhita Satwika (9 Harvard)
Muhammad Rafi Qsan Baskoro (9 MIT)
Abiyu Izzaky Tarmizi (10 MIT)
Khalisha Kyandhra Putri Haryadi (10 Cambridge)
Mahir (11 MIT)
Keisha Khairina (11 Cambridge)
Melisa Lee (12 A Level)
Axel Giovanni Hartanto (12 A Level)
Reading has a lot of benefits for our lives. It can make us know something that we didn’t know before or we can get a deeper understanding of the topics which we know a little bit. Also, reading helps us master vocabulary. So when we talk or write, we have many ideas to deliver it. Even though there are a few people who have
high skill in reading. Among them is Mahnoor Malik (6 Columbia). The 6th student achieve a top reader prize from Learning A-Z institution in the Indonesia Reading Contest 2022. Mahnoor is a lucky person, She has a good hobby which makes her earn an award.
Our school means every effort that students do equal positive things not just in academics, but also others. Because we love their attempts, we give them a green card as a symbol of appreciation. The student which collected the most green card in a month will receive up to Rp. 50.000 Gopay. This method is one of the ways Kharisma Bangas builds a culture in the school. We apply the core value “respect” so all school members have a mindset about the value. Also, we encourage all students to do good things during learning in the class and hopefully, they bring that habit out there.
Aryo Jati Kusumo (7 MIT)
Pocut Almaira Kalyani (8 Cambridge)
Kenzie Lintang Hakim (8 MIT)
Raisya Ramadhany Kostaman (9 Harvard)
Rachel Rachima Rachma (7 Cambridge)
Azka Naufal (9 MIT)
Melisa Lee (12 A Level)
Prabu Andhika Adrian (10 MIT)
Reischya Annisa Aishyara Puteri Soepeno (10 Cambridge)
Axel Giovanni Hartanto (12 A Level)
Gibran Fadillah Lubis (11 MIT)
Lu’lu’ Minhati ‘ulya (11 Cambridge)
Sabina Elaine Merandia (4 Harvard) successfully face mathematics topics in Olimpiade Siswa Tingkat Nasional. She achieved a gold medal. Wow! This result means Sabina got a deep understanding of what she learned in the class with her teacher. Also, Sabina really knows the patterns of each question. It’s not easy to fit the feeling between in the classroom and in the competition. However, Sabina showed her class, Well done, Sabina!
team. The first one is
one, it doesn’t mean
In the tarventure competition, they successfully got the first place. They
JISMO is Japan’s international science and mathematics olympiad that provides students a chance to measure their understanding of those two subjects. It’s an international competition which means the test uses international standards and consists of participants from several countries. Proudly, six of our students have successfully achieved the achievement after taking the test 6 times each Saturday. Even though they’re just elementary school students it doesn’t scare them to follow this competition. The exercise week to week has paid off. It’ will make us want more and more to join other international competitions.
Our pretty archer. Tabina Maritza Himawan is her name. Do you know her? Is she your classmate or your student?! Be proud...
On 4 October, she got an invitation from Sach Archery Club to compete in an Archer competition in Kapengda Banten trophy, its located at Tjisadane Archery Range, she successfully beat other participants. She won 1st place! She got an offer, she accepted the challenge, and she won. Kharisma Bangsa has a lot of talented students, and Tabina is one of them.
An international competition might seem a little bit scary. We must adjust our language to communicate, like understanding the message, asking some questions, or just following instructions. Fortunatudh misely, in daily school activities, we familiarise ourselves with English. It helps us a lot so we can speak and understand something fluently. That model also makes us win a southeast Asian mathematics olympiad. We realize the competition uses international standard tests that are less different from the Indonesian standard. But the teacher always motivates us to be brave and confident in ourselves. Finally, we got a proud achievement.
Every student has a hobby, whether they know it exactly or not. Within a hobby, they can be an expert if they take it seriously like a practice day to day, following the competition, or join a community that fulfils the people who have the same hobby as them. Kiara is one of our students. Her hobby is Karate. She knows Kharisma Bangsa has a Karate club, therefore she joins it. She follows the practice of the trainer. How the technique is, what she should do or not day to day, and of course, she needs to apply what she has learned. So, she found a karate competition. Through hard work, persistence, and advice’s
teachers, she got the first prize! Find a hobby, and join its community, everyone can be a winner like Kiara.
One of the clubs our school has is Karate. The club is known to have good training for its members. As you can see here, eight members successfully got awards in the ministry of youth and sport 2022 trophy, even though they are just at the elementary school level. Usually, the practice is coming from the instructor. All members follow the movement, knowledge, and main rules regarding karate sport. Besides, this club has a solid relationship with each member. So, when they join a karate competition, they will exercise together. Pretty cool.
We realize each student has their own potential. Not just in academic things but also others. We interpret the potential need of help whether through to facilitate it, motivation, appreciation or anything else in order to grow maximum. When we know Muhammad Fathurrahman Nataatmadja (12 Oxford) is among the members who represent Indonesia team in Indonesia Ice Hockey Youth League we were very pleasant. He has help his team got a bronze medal in that hockey competition. Being selected, joining with others, and
winning for the country is such an honor for Fathurrahman. Pretty cool!
Go Up For Winning!
Her name is Bilqis Talenta Kusumardani from 8 Cambridge class. We inform you that she successfully won first place in a wall climbing competition. The contest which is presented to girls U-13 student covers participants from Banten provincial, DKI Jakarta, and West Java. Some people may feel scared if they are in a high place and towards acrophobia if it’s getting worse. But it’s not a problem for Bilqis. While she’s just an 8th grader, it doesn’t stop her from being brave. Step by step her footsteps one by one to the top. Her hard work during exercise paid off. He reached the top in the fastest time.
Karate club is one of the most stand out clubs in Kharisma Bangsa. Its members often win the competition. Last month 15 students successfully grab 9 for first place and 6 for second place in the International Karate Championship MGMP PJOK CUP V 2022. We’re lucky to have them and we’re proud of this inspirational achievement.
Kharisma Bangsa Kindergarten-Elementary School
Outing class is one program in which our school provides learning through outdoor activities. We not just entertain the students but also insert the knowledge across activities. The program often arranges towards evaluation achievement standardized exam (EASE) 1. At this time we had two times the outing class. The first one is for upper grade elementary school students in Dufan and the other is for kindergarten students in Kidzania. By the school bus, both groups traveled together with their classmates and teachers. Through this program we delivered other knowledge that the student can’t find in the class. It is suitable with our core values “excellence” which is we want our students to get the highest learning result in many ways. It was held on
Edufair is an education exhibition that is presented to education institutions to promote their learning product or service. This event was held regarding the 14th South Tangerang’s city birthday on 18-19th November at teras kota mall BSD. As one of the participants, Kharisma Bangsa brought a micro bit as a student’s cre-
Edufair is a way that describes how seriously we convince everyone about our school. We offering them the most suitable school that fit their need.
Youth is a symbol of energetic, freshness, and agility. It’s the answer why the people who have declared a pledge then are youth. Their ideation provides a significant impact in uniting the nations. Therefore, we should respect what they have done for us. It’s not just because to drive value “respect”as one of our school’s core values but also the essentiality of the message they delivered. To commemorate the youth pledge day, Kharisma Bangsa arranged some competitions for the students such real video read aloud, video jingle read aloud, presentasi makanan tradisional, tebak gaya, dan rangking satu. Through this contest we hope growth the sense of respect and nationality to the students. It was held on October 28, 2022.
Batik is one of the prouds of Indonesian. Even though there are many patterns and colours, every batik gives the same emotional feeling for everyone. To emphasise how important batik is, our school celebrates batik national day by wearing batik uniforms for all school members. Besides, we arrange photography contests for all. Actually, these activities show how we apply respect value as one of our school core values in the whole of learning activities. Through the batik national day, we can learn that we should respect our culture. It was held on October 4, 2022.
We love to meet new people, especially those who want to join Kharisma Bangsa. Explaining what we have and discussing to find out their needs through our offering is one of our most satisfying activities. That’s whata we did in Open House. This annual program design is interesting. We invite par ents to explore everything about Kharisma Bangsa. The curriculum, facilities, program, and also we have a school tour. All we did on Open Day was to convince them that Kharisma Bangsa is the best choice they can trust to send their children to study. We very much welcome everyone who wants to know more about Kharisma Bangsa. It was held on August 13, 2022.
In Kharisma Bangsa, the teacher doesn’t just tell the student about the subject from the theoretical side. We won’t let them listen to or follow what the instruction is during studying in the class. We arrange the learning much more pleasant with creativity instead like we did in Physics week. Physics week is a learning based on three fun competitions. Those are mouse trap, water rocket, and spaghetti bridge. In our school, students can feel various ways of learning whether it’s in the classroom or outdoors, by themselves or a team, and through a competition. Providing the Physic week is another attempt to provide impressive learning so the students love to study. It was held on November 1-4, 2022
Experiments are always exciting. Experiments help us understand something that we never knew before whether it is similar to our assumption or not. The activity is more interesting because we practice. Yeah, we brought learning from the class to the laboratory. Do you think we ran the experiment well because we knew the theory? Not really. We must recognize the tools first. Then, we observe the materials along with their nature. Carefulness, focus, and patience are requirements here. It seems easy to do but a little bit hard. Trying a new thing is fun. We all love this activity. Thanks to the teacher for your patience during teaching us. It was held on September 7, 2022.
A studying report measures the student’s result of achievement with the test. In our school, a report is not just presented by the score, but also the progress of how students follow the subject. That’s what we did in the midterm report distribution. We invite all parents to come to the school and
meet the subject teachers. The parent could discuss and ask the subject teacher how the learning progresses their child during school such as does the child follow the lesson properly. And also, the parents could meet the homeroom teacher then they could ask how their child behaves along in class or interact with other students. Midterm report distribution provides a wide opportunity for parents to know exactly about their child in the school. It was held on October 7, 2022.
Science provides us with a deep understanding of nature. It explains how something is formed, how if one thing mixes with another, almost everything in our life is related to science. Science helps us run a better life day to day. To emphasise the importance of science, we had science week for the elementary school level. At the time, we had an experiment at the biology laboratory with our beloved teacher. Dissolving something, putting it, and observing what the result is, are among the activities that we did. We enjoy it so much.
Instead of a stranger because they had graduated from the school, Kharisma Bangsa always sees alumni as other students whether they’re from this school or sister schools. Even though they live in a far place or they studied in the school for a long time ago we still feel alumni as a part of our family. That will encourage us to organize an alumni sporat and culinary festival in 2022. We invited our alumni around Jabodetabek to join a gathering of nostalgia. Taste food, warm meeting, happy pictures, until friendly sport. About the last one, ILUMSA (Ikatan Alumni Kharisma Bangsa) won the basketball tournament. They still get the skill, rhyme, technique, and teamwork they did then when they were in school. A champion is permanent. (September 10, 2022)
Indepence is crucial for each person. It’s the center of self improvement. When someone has the character it means they have strong desire, power, and belief which motivates them to achieve something. In that view Kharisma Bangsa always strives to deliver the value. At this time we have the profession day for our kindergarten students. The main goal of this program is to instill an independent mind through introducing some professions nowadays. What the professions are about and how they work. We hope they know it and get a sense of independence value to achieve what they want to be for their future. It was held on October 28, 2022.
Healthy Friday is a gymnastics activity for elementary school that runs up to two times a month on each Friday. Before the lessons start, all students gather at the ceremony field in the backyard. They arrange an orderly line to the side and backward and are ready to follow the instruction from the trainer who stands in front of them. Within energetic music, they begin to move their body. Elementary school students often show their funny actions. Instead of following the trainer’s movement, they made their own movement. After 30 minutes, the activity is done and all of them are ready to start studying in the class. (September 9 & October 14, 2022).
Eduversal mathematics competition (EMC) is a national mathematics olympiad competition that is presented to the 4th to 12th grade students. The final competition was held on November 29, 2022, in 35 test centers across Indonesia including Kharisma Bangsa. On the day, we welcome 420 finalis participants from various schools that come within their parents or teacher and set 25 exam rooms and 60 committees. Snacks, a photo booth, audio-visual room, half circle, mom’s club bazaar until corridor are the things our school provides so the visitors could enjoy the exam session until it finishes. Above all, the prodest of this event is Kharisma Bangsa winning the grand champion after 13 of our students reached the 9 medals.
Student council is a place where students learn a lot about social activities. There they meet random people and work together based on what they agreed together. It means the group provides benefits to them especially to improve social skills such as self-confidence, empathy, critical thinking, trustworthiness, communication, collaboration, and many more. Realize how important this group is to make the school present an election for president and vice president student council. Each candidate campaigns for themselves to convince everyone so they can choose the one that they trust. However, the participant who can vote is just junior to the senior high school level. Neither elementary school level nor teachers. After all, we must be proud of our students who are brave enough to put up with themselves.
a good relationship so the collaboration value is well presented. It was held September 20, 2022.
Speech and writing are two basic skills that everyone must have. Those skills help a lot who master it everywhere in almost every situation. Self confidence, ideation, and knowledge are the power of a person who is strong in speech and writing. To increase awareness of this fact, Kharisma Bangsa organises English Week which is divided into speech and essay writing competitions for junior and senior high school students. Through this, instead of finding out who the winner is, we encourage students to build their imagination and creative thinking by their magical words. We view how important the value of independence is. Thus we presented this learning activity. (November 11, 2022)
As a native language, Bahasa Indonesia is used everyday in almost every situation. We want to say something using the language, Even if we mumble just a moment we apply Bahasa Indonesia. This language is part of our daily life. To enhance the dominance of the language, we held Bulan Bahasa Kharisma Bangsa. Student can join many competitions there like menulis cerpen, membaca puisi, mendesain poster, menulis esai, menulis puisi, berpidato, dan menyanyi solo. By following this contest, students must prepare and know deeper about Bahasa Indonesia knowledge.
The open day is a pleasant moment in which we invite students from other schools to experience how it feels to study at Kharisma Bangsa. We arranged the activities to start from picking them up at their school, welcoming them all, giving them snacks so they wouldn’t be hungry during the program, learning in the class as they expect, short presentations about what Kharisma Bangsa has, until the school tour. The open day is one of the best ways to promote and convince them about our school’s quality. Through Open Day, other schools not only make their students happy because they travel together but also establish good relationships between two parties. (September 17, October 15 & November 19, 2022.)