Nuclear News

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June 5, 2009











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Nuclear Energy

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NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear Energy, a form of energy, a reliable resource, an answer to all our energy problems? Maybe... Nuclear Energy isn’t reusable, but its the next best thing. It lasts a LONG time, and so powerful, it could lower America’s demands for foreign oil by 300 barrels in a year. Doing this, would lower our need to burn fossil fuels. Fossil Fuels, what ARE they? You might be asking. Well, they’re the stuff that makes your cars move, its the stuff that works our factories, and of COURSE it is the stuff that pollutes our ocean, kills our animals, and disrupts our ecosystem. But, Nuclear Energy might just be the answer. Nuclear Energy, just might be the future of energy. Sure, we have Nuclear power plants all around the globe. That may be true, but WHAT IF, what if, instead of Fossil Fuels, we just use Nuclear Energy. The world would be a much cleaner place. Cars running on Nuclear Energy instead of Fossil Fuels, the horizon NEVER ends... Nuclear Bomb This is what the title says: a Nuclear Bomb, well a Nuclear bomb CASING to be exact.

Nuclear News • 1234 Main Street • Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-722-1033

June 5, 2009

Energy used All Around the World As you can see from the bar-graph to the right, Nuclear Energy is one of the LEAST used. Nuclear energy is a environmental form of energy. Sadly coal and gas, which are VERY pollutant to the environment, are two of the MOST used forms of energy.

Environment Nuclear Energy is very “kind” to the environment, as it doesn’t release any REALLY harmful chemicals into the air. Such as Carbon Dioxide, or any Fossil Fuels.

Energy used All Around the World: Nuclear- 6% Hydro-6% Coal- 23% N-Gas- 21%

The image below, is how Nuclear Energy is made, through Fission, later I’ll go into detail, and will also talk about the WONDERFUL WORLD OF NUCLEAR FUSION.

Petroleum- 33% Biomass- 10% Other- 1%

Nuclear News • 1234 Main Street • Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-722-1033

June 5, 2009

SA ILI N G Fission Nuclear Fission is one of the processes where Nuclear Energy is made. It is usually man-made, which is done by the help of Nuclear Reactors. Man-Made Nuclear Fission occurs in a Nuclear Reactor by shooting Neutrons at Nuclei. When a Neutron hits an Nuclei, the Nuclei the does Fission, and the energy released from the Fission is Nuclear Energy. There is also a type of Fission that is called a “Chain Reaction” this occurs when the element Uranium’s Nuclei is split. The reason this is a chain reaction is because when the Nuclei is split, it releases even MORE Neutrons, which in turn, split even MORE Uranium Nuclei.



Fusion occurs in outer space. This type of Fusion is done by stars and the sun. The extreme heat causes the stars and the sun to Fuse, which when they combine creates a lot of energy.

This is a picture of an Atom. The grape looking thing is actually the Nuclei of the Atom. The Nuclei of the Atom is what is split during Fission in order to create Nuclear Energy.

Fun Facts: -Nuclear Energy does not harm the environment -Nuclear Energy is dangerous if misused -Is very delicate -Is mined in some places.

Nuclear News • 1234 Main Street • Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-722-1033

I J E V D R H S S R F W W Q O N C N A F R Y U A P S R J V B Y E I O B L P T H F A I T G L S V L S V E S J F R Z R C S C Z C W N H D U O D E U I K G I O U O N E N F N N O U Q I D S U O L M C E X N I T R Q R L I S E L H X E U B C A I B S K N G G L L N R A S T R U U T J C L U T Y S T Y D F X Q U O S B A O N P O S Y P N P V C C F K A M J M atom fusion energy nuclear environment nuclei fission pollution fossil star fuels sun

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