so touch manual

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So touch Presentation and Presentation Plus Software manual. So touch Presentation Plus Player and content manager Last update: 14.12.10

Contact: So touch customer care +44 20 3239 3912

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General ................................................................................................................................. 5 1.

Installers ....................................................................................................................................... 5 1.

Full installer .............................................................................................................................. 5


Player only installer .................................................................................................................. 5


Microsoft Windows’ user profiles ................................................................................................ 5


Activation, inactivation and re-activation.................................................................................... 6 3.

Activation (installation) ............................................................................................................ 6


In-activation (un-installation) .................................................................................................. 6


Re-activation (re-installation) .................................................................................................. 7


Trial versus license ....................................................................................................................... 7


Multi-screens installations ........................................................................................................... 7


Playing different content on different screens ............................................................................ 8


The Player ........................................................................................................................... 11 1.

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 11


Homepage .................................................................................................................................. 11 6.

Load a folder .......................................................................................................................... 11


Load a recent folder ............................................................................................................... 12


Upper right corner buttons .................................................................................................... 12



General views ............................................................................................................................. 13 9.

Lower right corner buttons .................................................................................................... 13


Long touch menu ................................................................................................................. 14

Manipulating an image / group ................................................................................................. 15 11.

Open an image / group ........................................................................................................ 15


Close an image / group ........................................................................................................ 15


Scale an image ..................................................................................................................... 15


Flick between images of a group ......................................................................................... 15 So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved Š



Open an image attachment / external link .......................................................................... 16


Close an image attachment ................................................................................................. 17


Coming back to the Player from an external link ................................................................ 17


Annotate images .................................................................................................................. 18

The Content manager .......................................................................................................... 19 1.





Standard version vs Plus version................................................................................................ 19 19.

Standard Content manager ................................................................................................. 19


Plus Content manager ......................................................................................................... 20

Update........................................................................................................................................ 20 21.

Check for updates ................................................................................................................ 20


Install an update .................................................................................................................. 21

Settings....................................................................................................................................... 21 23.

Background (Plus version only)............................................................................................ 21


Display settings .................................................................................................................... 21


Interactions settings ............................................................................................................ 22


Automatic cover play ........................................................................................................... 22

Homepage .................................................................................................................................. 23 27.

New project ......................................................................................................................... 23


Existing project .................................................................................................................... 23

Content management ................................................................................................................ 24 29.

Home button........................................................................................................................ 24


Reload button ...................................................................................................................... 24


Add file(s) button ................................................................................................................. 25


Add file(s) drag and drop ..................................................................................................... 25


Organize button ................................................................................................................... 25


Save button .......................................................................................................................... 25 So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved Š



Trash icon............................................................................................................................. 26


Play project button .............................................................................................................. 26


Image settings ...................................................................................................................... 26


Zoom an image .................................................................................................................... 27


Create groups....................................................................................................................... 27


Close a group ....................................................................................................................... 27


Open a closed group ............................................................................................................ 28

Other .................................................................................................................................. 28 1.

Performances ............................................................................................................................. 28


Minimal computer specifications............................................................................................... 28


Limitations.................................................................................................................................. 28


Video weight limitation.............................................................................................................. 29


RAM Memory ............................................................................................................................. 29


Maximum resolution .................................................................................................................. 29

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1. General 1. Installers 1. Full installer So touch Presentation latest full installer including the Player and the Content manager can be downloaded at the URL below: 

This installer installs both So touch Presentation Player and Content manager on your computer. Shortcuts for each program are created on your desktop.

If you need a separate installer for So touch Presentation Content manager, please get in touch at

2. Player only installer So touch Presentation latest Player only installer can be downloaded at the URL below: 

This installer installs So touch Presentation Player only on your computer. A shortcut is created on your desktop.

So touch installers run on the following Windows OS: XP, Vista and 7. Just follow the installer’s steps to perform the installation. 

Please note that the multi-touch capabilities of So touch Presentation Player will work only if installed on Windows 7. You can control So touch Presentation Player in mono-touch only if installed on Windows XP and Vista.

2. Microsoft Windows’ user profiles So touch Presentation software will be working for the Microsoft Windows’ user you have performed the installation with and only this user. 

Ex: If you install So touch Presentation using you own Windows user profile then So touch Presentation will be available for your own Windows user profile only.

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So touch Presentation software do not work with Microsoft network users yet.

3. Activation, inactivation and re-activation So touch Presentation software is activated by your license key, which has been sent to you by email after we received confirmation of your order. If you haven’t received your license key or if you need to e reminded of your license key, please get in touch at

3. Activation (installation) 

To successfully activate your software, the computer you perform the installation on has to be connected to the internet in order to check your license key.

Once activated your license key is flagged as ‘Activated’ in our data-base and actually linked to the machine you have performed the installation on.

To re-use your license key with another machine, you need to free it in order to flag it as ‘Inactivated’ in our data-base.

4. In-activation (un-installation) 

To successfully free your license key, you need to uninstall our software on the original machine it has been installed on: o Logged in as the same Microsoft Windows user as the one you have used to perform the original installation. o While being connected to the internet for the software to update our data-base.

If you un-install our software with a different Microsoft Windows user as the one you have used to perform the original installation or while you are not connected to the internet, our data-base will not be updated and your license key will not be set free.

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5. Re-activation (re-installation) 

To successfully re-activate your software, the computer you perform the installation on has to be connected to the internet in order to check your license key.

Once activated your license key is flagged as ‘Activated’ in our data-base and actually linked to the machine you have performed the installation on.

If you experience troubles activating, inactivating or reactivating your license key, please get in touch at

4. Trial versus license The trial version of So touch Presentation is fully featured. The only differences with the full version are: 

The ‘Trial’ markers on the Player and Content manager;

The limitation in the number of PDF and Microsoft Office documents conversions.

To buy a license, get in touch at: 

So touch customer care | +44 20 3239 3912 |

5. Multi-screens installations So touch Presentation can play content on different screens. 

So touch Presentation full license, including Content manager and Player, allows you to play content on 1 screen.

To play content on additive screens you can order additive Player license of So touch Presentation Player only.

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So touch Presentation Player and Content manager on the same machine

So touch Presentation Player and Content manager on different machines + additive Players

6. Playing different content on different screens So touch Presentation Content manager can create one or several content folder(s) that can be played on one or several Players. 

Each Player can play a different content folder.

Content folders can be stored either on a local PC or on a network folder.

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So touch Presentation Players playing different content folders on local machines

So touch Presentation Players playing the same content folder on a local network

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So touch Presentation Players playing different content folders on a local network

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2. The Player 1. Introduction So touch Presentation Player is a very graphic and intuitive interface allowing you or your clients to manipulate your content with natural multi-touch gestures. So touch Presentation is optimized for 4:3 images (PowerPoint format) and comes with 3 different graphical presentation view (carrousel, grid and 3D), a multi-touch zoom mode, a full-screen mode, an integrated video Player as well as an annotation tool allowing you to annotate both images and videos.

2. Homepage

6. Load a folder The Load a folder (see screenshot) button allows you to load a content folder into the application from 

A local machine;

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A local network.

7. Load a recent folder The Load a recent folder (see screenshot) button allows you to directly load a content folder you have previously saved with the Content manager when the Content manager and the Player are installed on the same machine and in this case only. The list of recent folder will not be automatically updated if the Content manager and the Player are not installed on the same machine.

8. Upper right corner buttons The upper right corner of the application shows 2 buttons. 

Both buttons can be hidden for public use, see Content manager > Settings.

Minimize button (see screenshot) o The minimize button allows you to minimize the application. Once minimized, you have to click on the ‘Return to the menu’ button to restore the Player to its original size.

Close button (see screenshot) o The close button allows you to close the application.

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3. General views 9. Lower right corner buttons

The lower right corner of the application shows 3 buttons. 

Refresh button (see screenshot) o The refresh button allows you to manually refresh the content of the application if the content has changed. o This button can be hidden for public use, see Content manager > Settings.

Folder button (see screenshot) o The folder button allows you come back to the homepage. o This button can be hidden for public use, see Content manager > Settings.

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Help button (see screenshot) o The help button displays contextual help to control the software. o This button can’t be hidden.


Long touch menu

If you hold your finger still on the background of the Player for more than 1 second, you’ll see a long touch menu (see screenshot) appearing, giving you the choice in between 3 different general views. To choose an option, you have to slide your finger towards one of the three menu options and release it once you are on the chosen option. The three options are: 

Carrousel o Giving you a carrousel view of your content.

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Cloud o Giving you a 3D cloud view of your content.

Grid o Giving you a grid view of your content.

4. Manipulating an image / group 11.

Open an image / group

To focus on an image or open a group, you just have to do a tap gesture on the image / group you want to focus on or open. 


If it’s a group of images you will see a small number in the lower right corner of the image indicating you the number of image within the group.

Close an image / group

To close an image or a group, you just have to do a tap gesture on:  


The background around the image; Or on the arrow button in the upper right corner of the Player.

Scale an image

To scale an image, you just have to do a pinch gesture it in multi-touch with two fingers. The pinch-out gesture will zoom in the image and the pinch in gesture will zoom out the image.


Flick between images of a group

To flick in between images of a same group, do the lateral flick gesture from right to left to access the next image and from left to right to access the previous image.

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Open an image attachment / external link

To an image, can be attached and play, within the Player the following formats:  A video file;  An SWF animation;  Or a 3D model. But also, taking into consideration that it will open outside of the Player, an image can be linked to:  Any external file or application;  Or a website. You’ll notice the attachment / external link (see screenshot) to an image by the upper vignette indicating:  The name of the file linked;  A specific icon depending on the file linked;  A name if a name has been typed in the Content manager. In both cases there is two ways to open the attachment / link:  Just do a tap gesture on the upper vignette indicating the name(s) and the icon;  Or double tap on the image if the double tap options has been enabled in the settings (See Content manager > Settings); So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved ©


Close an image attachment

To close an attachment, you just have to do a tap gesture on:  The background around the image;  Or on the arrow button (see screenshot) in the upper right corner of the Player.


Coming back to the Player from an external link

When you open an external link, the application minimizes into a small vignette (see screenshot) in the lower right corner of the application. To come back to the Player from the external application, just do a tap gesture on the vignette.

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Annotate images

Once you have focused on an image, the annotation button appears in the lower right corner of the application just next to the help button. Just tap on this button and the annotation mode is enabled. The annotation tool has a session memory of annotations done, meaning that if you don’t erase your annotation on an image, there will remain on the image until you close the folder or the Player. You can still pinch images in and out while you are in annotation mode. Once enabled the annotation controls are: 

Colours (see screenshot) o You can choose in between three colours (red, blue and green) by flicking the colour indicator.

Eraser (see screenshot) o The eraser tool just erases the annotations on the visible image. If you have done annotations on other images you need to display it and press the erase button again to delete it.

Annotations on/off (see screenshot) So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved ©

o By taping this button you open and close the annotation tool and turn annotation on and off.

3. The Content manager

1. Standard version vs Plus version So touch Presentation is delivered with a very easy to use and visual Content manager.


Standard Content manager

The Standard version of the Content manager reads the following formats:  Image formats o JPG, PNG and BMP 

Video formats o FLV, F4V and MOV H264

Flash animation o SWF So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved ©

3D animations o DAE and 3DS

The Standard version of the Content manager also allows you to:  Group images,  Name images,  Arrange images,  Play the following files formats within the Player: o FLV, F4V and MOV H264 video formats; o SWF flash animation; o DAE and 3DS 3D files formats. 


Link images to any external application or web address (URL).

Plus Content manager

The Plus version of the Content manager includes, all the standard specifications, as well as: 

A PDF and Microsoft Office documents converter allowing you to directly add these documents formats to your project folder;

The ability to change the background image of the Player, see Content manager > Settings > Background.

2. Update So touch Presentation Content manager come with an automatic update check button and shortcut button. 

The automatic update check button (see screenshot) is located in the upper right corner of the Content manager;

The automatic update check shortcut is located in the your start menu in either: o The latest application installed menu; o The following folder:  So touch > Presentation


Check for updates

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To successfully check for updates, the computer on which So touch Presentation Content manager is installed has to be connected to the internet. By pressing the update button or shortcut, you check on our server if a newer version is available. 

If no new version is available, you’ll be informed that you have the latest version installed.

If a new version is available, you’ll be offered to download it.


Install an update

Once downloaded, you’ll need to uninstall your current version (while being connected to the internet, see General > Activation, inactivation and re-activation) before to install the latest version.

3. Settings So touch Presentation Content manager come with some settings accessible through the Settings button (see screenshot) in the upper right corner of the Content manager. These settings are global to the software and can’t be specific to a project content folder.


Background (Plus version only)

In the Plus version of the Content manager you can change the background of the Player using the ‘Select’ button. To restore the original background, just click on the ‘Default’ button.


Display settings

The display settings are:  3D to high quality mode (more CPU intensive) o If ticked, set the Player general views 3D quality to high. If this option is ticked, the Player will take more CPU on the machine. 

Display casted shadow on the ground (more CPU intensive) o If ticked, displays shadow of the floating images in the general views. If this option is ticked, the Player will take more CPU on the machine.

Hide all buttons except the help and draw buttons (press esc to quit)

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o If ticked, hides all button except the help and draw buttons. In order to quit the Player without ‘Close’ button, press ESC on your keyboard. 

Hide draw button o If ticked, hides the ‘Draw’ button.

Hide the file title, link and pagination, after few seconds o If ticked, hides the file title, link and pagination, after few seconds.


Interactions settings

The interactions settings are: o Double tap in zoom mode to launch attachment (replace full screen mode) o If ticked, a double tap on an image launches the attachment or file linked. If un-ticked, a double tap on an image, display this same image in full-screen. o Automatically close a video when ending o If ticked, automatically close the Player and comes back to the attached image, when a video reaches its end. o Play a video in full screen mode by default o If ticked, play videos directly in full screen mode.


Automatic cover play

So touch Presentation Content manager allows you to play your content automatically when no one is interacting with the screen. o Activate the automatic cover play o If ticked, each image (only the first image in the case of groups) in the general view will automatically be brought forward in the Player after and for the amounts of time set in the options below. o Start after o The value entered here in seconds set the time length of inactivity after which the automatic cover play starts. o Display each cover for o The value entered here in seconds set the time length for which is cover is automatically displayed.

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4. Homepage 27.

New project

The New project button (see screenshot) allows you to load any folder. o The selected folder can be empty or containing images or documents. o If the folder already contains images, they will be automatically added to your project. o If the folder already contains PDF and / or Microsoft Office documents and you have a Plus license key, you will be offered to directly add them to the Content manager.


Existing project

The Existing project button (see screenshot) allows you to re-open a content folder that you have previously opened and saved with the Content manager.

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5. Content management


Home button

The Home button (see screenshot) allows you to come back to the homepage. o If you have not saved your content folder, a pop-up will ask you if you want to. If you don’t save your folder, all change will be lost.


Reload button

The Reload button (see screenshot) allows you to reload the content of your folder. If you directly add content into your folder without going through the Content manager, this option allows you to show any new content in the Content manager.

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Add file(s) button

The Add file(s) button (see screenshot) allows you to either: o Add file(s) o Add one or several files to your folder. To select several files to add at the same time, press CTRL when selecting the files. o If you have a Plus license key you can directly add PDF and Microsoft Office documents as PowerPoint, Word and Excel documents. o Add a folder o Add all the compatible content of a selected folder. You can’t select several folders at the same time. o If you have a Plus license key you can directly add PDF and Microsoft Office documents as PowerPoint, Word and Excel documents. Adding a file or a folder, physically copy the files into the selected folder.


Add file(s) drag and drop

You can also add files to your folder by drag and dropping it into the Content manager. Adding a file or a folder, physically copy the files into the selected folder.


Organize button

The Organize button (see screenshot) allows you to arrange your images and group into a chosen order. To arrange your images or groups, just drag it from its original position and drop it to its new position. To confirm the arrangement is successful, your image or group should remain in its new position. Pressing the ‘Organize’ button switches the Content manager into a mode where you can’t move your images and group around freely, it has to be arranged and ordered. To move your images and group around freely, un-press the ‘Organize’ button.


Save button

The Save button (see screenshot) saves your presentation with the name you’ll have typed in.

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Trash icon

To delete images from your folder, drag and drop it to the Trash icon (see screenshot). Drag and dropping an image or a group of images will physically remove it from your folder and move it to the Microsoft Windows trash. o To restore deleted images, you have to open the Microsoft Windows trash and restore it from there by right clicking on the item and choosing ‘Restore’.


Play project button

The Play project button (see screenshot) allows you to directly play the currently open folder into the Player.


Image settings

To open the image settings, just click on an image within the Content manager to make the Settings button (see screenshot) appear. Once it has appeared, click it to open the setting. Then you can choose in between the different options to: 

Name the image;

Link the image to: o File: you can link the image to any external file or application. 

It will open outside of the Player and the Player will be minimized when users will access the file linked.

o Web: you can enter any web address here. The web address has to start with ‘http://’. If you type an address in without the ‘http://’, it will not be opened from the Player. 

It will open outside of the Player and the Player will be minimized when users will access the file linked.

o Video: you can browse for any video here and link to an image. 

If the video format is different from the video formats compatible with So touch Presentation (FLV, F4V and MOV H264), it will open outside of the Player and the Player will be minimized when users will access the file linked.

o Flash: you can browse for any SWF flash animation to link to an image.

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You have to specify the size (width and height) of the SWF flash animation to make sure it open properly within the Player. The size can’t be superior to the screen resolution.

o 3D: you can add .DAE and .3DS files formats to be played directly within the Player. 


You have to specify the scale of your 3D model for it to appear clearly in the Player.

Zoom an image

If you need to zoom into an image to better see it, you can double click on it. Then, the Content manager displays: o The name of the image; o A link to open it with Microsoft Preview.


Create groups

To group your images together, you just have to draw a rectangle around the images you want to group together. Your images will then appear on a grey overlay highlighting your chapter. 

You can create as many groups / chapters as you want.

You can merge groups / chapters.

A chapter features two icons: o Inward green arrows (see screenshot) o Pressing this icon closes your chapter in order for you to visually and easily integrate it within your content. o Outward red arrows (see screenshot) o Pressing this icon ungroup the images contained into the chapter.


Close a group

To close a group you can either: 

Press the ‘Internal green arrows’ icon; So touch Ltd | | +44 (0) 20 3239 3912 | All right reserved ©


Or double click on the grey area symbolising the group.

Open a closed group

To open a closed group, double click on the grey area symbolising the group.

4. Other 1. Performances So touch Presentation Player and Content manager performances are directly linked to your computer specifications. Please check the minimal computer specifications below to make sure you have the minimum required configuration.

2. Minimal computer specifications In order to run So touch Presentation smoothly, your computer minimal specifications should be: 

Windows XP, Vista or 7

1.6GHz Processor (Core2 Duo)

2Gb of RAM

512Mb graphic card

3. Limitations In order for the software to operate smoothly and to prevent any dysfunction, both the Content manager and the Player come with the following independent limitations: 

The maximum number of images loadable is 144 images.

These limitations do not mean that you can load 144 images of 2Mo each, they are independent of each other. Please perform your own test to assess the performances with your computer specifications.

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4. Video weight limitation The videos whether they are played within or outside the Player are not limited because they are streamed and not loaded.

5. RAM Memory So touch Presentation Player and Content manager perform a RAM check before to load content in order or prevent either the Player or the Content manager to crash because of insufficient RAM memory. If the RAM memory check highlights an insufficient RAM memory on your computer to load images, you need to either: 

Re-size your image either in weight or resolution;

Add RAM memory to your computer.

6. Maximum resolution So touch Presentation Player can reach a maximum screen resolution of 4050 x 4050 pixels. The maximum size of an image is 8192 pixels in width or height and the maximum number of pixels is 16 777 216.

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