Typography 字體設計
Typography 字體設計
大 馬 青 年 臉 書 粉 專 製 圖
大馬青年臉書專業定 期每個禮拜發佈文章, 類別分 爲 議題及藝文。 我有多次製圖經驗。
The Youth of Malaysia FB page publishes articles every week while the topics vary from current issues to literature and art. I acquired a lot of experience designing the images needed.
大馬青年的目標是成 爲 一個豐富馬來西亞人對本國認知的知識型平臺,於是會定期舉辦讀書會, 歡迎任何有興趣的人參與。讀書會的筆記整理之後會刊登在FB和Medium的平臺, 而我負責設計這次讀書會的封面。
The Youth of Malaysia page Malaysians on the topics of terested in participating. Notes Medium, and I am responsible
一個豐富馬來西亞人對本國認知的知識型平臺,於是會定期舉辦讀書會, 歡迎任何有興趣的人參與。讀書會的筆記整理之後會刊登在FB和Medium的平臺, 而我負責設計這次讀書會的封面。
page aims to become an intellectual platform to educate fellow of our country, which is why book clubs are held for anyone inNotes from the book club are organised and published on FB and responsible for designing the banners above.
文章連結:bit.ly/3qJ2vrz bit.ly/3upPbdQ bit.ly/3kbyGxo bit.ly/2ZEGs9B
這期的題目是《回顧建國歷史,從沙巴及砂拉越的視角看馬來西亞》與 《馬來西亞聯邦體制的未來》,我負責的是後者,利用歷史相關照片當元素結合 鮮明的標題,吸引FB上的瀏覽關注。
The Youth of Malaysia page publishes infographics on themed topics every month, and I was in charge of the theme “The future of Malaysia’s federal institution”. I combined historical photos with bright colored titles to attract the attention of our target audience on Facebook.
大馬青年的特別計划《日記漂流》主旨在采訪在台灣發展的馬來西亞人, 不分行業的選擇對象進行訪談,最後將其剪接發佈在YouTube賬號。 我在此計劃負責的是影片的thumbnail設計。
The Youth of Malaysia team has a special project on YouTube called “Drifting Diaries”,where we interview Malaysians staying in Taiwan. I am responsible for the thumbnail design shown on the videos.
隨著大學畢業季到來,大馬青年推出畢業生去留分 享文,希望提供給其他留台畢業生一個參考方向。
In accordance with graduation season, the Youth of Malaysia team published a series of advice from current graduates to offer some guidance. I designed the template for the theme.
Poster design
Poster design
國際處每年舉辦長達一周的國際周活動,以促 進在校外籍生與台灣學生之間的文化交流。
我負責2021年的國際周主視覺設計,其中包 含海報、食物卷及臉書頭像及banner設計。
The Office of International Affairs holds a week long festival called Culture Week every year. The goal is to provide a platform for Taiwanese students to mingle with the culture of international students. I was responsible for the 2021 festival design which involved posters, food coupons, FB profile and banner pictures.
Event design 國際周主視覺設計
Event design
Booklet design 國際處手冊封面設計 手冊 國立臺灣藝術大學 National Taiwan University of Arts HANDBOOK FOR FOREIGN SCHOLARS TO TAIWAN C M Y CM A4new2.pdf 1 8/23/2021 3:07:30 AM 國立臺灣藝術大學 National Taiwan University of Arts 手冊 international student handbook 2021 Y CM MY CY CMY K A4final.pdf 2 9/6/2021 4:03:37 PM
國際處手冊封面設計 Booklet design
四四南村識別設計 Project
The environmental graphic design course in our syllabus requires us to redesign an existing corporate identity system. From the logo to all sorts of product design, we worked as a team to finish this project.
I designed the wayfinding signage in this project.
四四南村識別設計 Project
大三的環境識別設計課要求我們重新設計一套既有的識別設計, 從logo到各種周邊設計,我們以團隊的方式一起完成這個專案。 我負責的項目是環境指標的設計,包含各分館及鄰近地標。
畢製專題以透過節儉實現客家精神 爲 目的, 重新改造生活中熟悉的物件。設計品項分 爲“日常系列”
及“節慶系列”兩大類。 我在專題中擔任小組組長,負責 創意統籌、標準字設計、攝影及影片製作。
Graduation project
Our graduation project aims to realise the Hakkanese spirit of being thrifty through redesigning everyday objects. Our items vary from everyday objects to festival items. My role as leader oversaw the creative direction of our group, also while designing the typography, and I photographed and filmed everything.
Graduation project 畢業專題
Graduation project 畢業專題
兩用蛋糕盒的設計理念是生日或聚會經常有蛋糕吃不完的情況,這時要分裝帶走也 不方便。我們以此 爲 契機,推出可以分裝的蛋糕盒,只要沿著撕 缐 撕開,就能夠快速
The design concept of our two-way cake box is we observed and found that quite often there will be cake leftover at parties, and it’s mostly inconvenient to take it away in the moment. For this reason, we redesigned a cake box that can be split into two just by tearing the boxes out along the dotted line. Thus the cake box can be reassembled into two mini boxes that are made to go.
If you are interested in learning more, click the link below to see the whole project.
Graduation project 畢業專題