Ethical standpoint project

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MEET THE AUTHOR Personal Ethics Stance

My personal stance on ethics mixes Aristotle’s Golden Rule and Virtue Ethics. I find that treating others as you wish to be treated is always the best way. Also virtue ethics are important as they relate to our human nature and how we deal with situations on a more cognitive level. I believe in altruism, however, I do find it rare. I believe the qualities can be present, in which I try to abide by. Putting the good of others before yourself can be a difficult thing to do, but in times of need it can be completely necessary. I find that being the best person you can and leaving the world a better place than it is can be one of life’s most rewarding gifts. I also live by Gandhi; I feel that his principles on life are a fantastic way to achieve greatness and happiness.

Ethical Theory of Application The ethical theory I find most important in my decision making process is Aristotle’s Golden Rule. I was always taught as a child to treat others how you wish to be treated. I think when faced with an ethical dilemma, it is important to put yourself in the other person’s shoes to understand how they feel. At the end of the day, it is who you are that is important, which is why I truly believe that Aristotle’s approach is the most correct and least selfish.

3 Learned Ethical Lessons o To listen to your gut always because your gut feelings tend to be always correct o Ethics is different for each person, therefore don’t judge someone based on the decision they make for themselves o To hate takes as much energy to love

3 Most Shocking Ethics Views

1.People are easily overcome by greed rather than doing what is ethically and morally correct (Hidden Cures) 2.Following systems of Deontology and Utilitarianism can be difficult to follow for most people 3.Nothing is black and white. There is no simple answer for one question or situation. You must be in the moment and think about what is really right to do in those situations.

Forbidden Cures Notes

Forbidden Cures was an eye opening film. It was interesting to see how industries are overcome by wealth and greed. After seeing the natural cures for cancer and the medical industry not supporting them, it brings light to the true greed. This is sad to me because companies are allowing people to suffer to make more money.

Zeitgeist Notes

Money can bring out evil and dark sides of people. You see their true motives and what they care about. After watching this film, I believe that us having a Federal Reserve will only cause more debt and hardship. I think we need to deal with our current debt, before we go further into debt.

Ethical Note to Self in 10 Years After taking ethics courses, I would want to tell myself to remember that life is about the entire journey we embark on. It is not about the end goal, because the time passes anyways. Enjoy each moment and live life to the fullest, because you never know which day is your last. And I vow to always live by Gandhi’s words, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

3 Topics of Choice on Ethics

Ethical Principles in Marketing

Marketing can be an unethical practice if not conducted properly. Johnson claims, “Ethical marketing puts people first and serves the needs of society.” We must engage customers through fair marketing and realize when we have met those boundaries.

Altruism and Altruistic Behaviors

Altruism is a difficult peak to accomplish. To put someone else and their needs before your own tends to be difficult for most people. Johnson states, “Altruism seeks to benefit the other person, not thy self.” I would like to have more altruistic qualities and help others as much as myself.

Standing Up for Others

Standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves is important to me. After my situation at work where one employee was harassing another, I have learned the importance of standing up when you see a wrong situation. I am glad I came forward to help my coworker and show the right thing to do.

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