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Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE

(Scholar No.: 2018BARC032)

Under the guidance of Ar. Ajay Kumar Vinodia





“While nature is important for the community, I also feel that it is important for an individual. If he is able to take in and enclose his own piece of air, sky and rain, he will have a much stronger awareness that he is living that he has been given life.” –Tadao Ando

Stress is a primary trigger element in today's environment, which is quicker, more demanding, and more competitive than ever. Happiness and serenity are the most significant aspects of a person's existence. Without a doubt, man has advanced to the age of virtual existence, managing goods and interactions digitally. However, fundamental survival necessities continue to push an individual to retreat to his bare minimum. The basic need of the people is to nourish their bodies and souls.

This raises design challenges that might increase wellbeing. The project's goal is to create places with characteristics that improve the user's surroundings while they receive treatments and therapies. Depression, stress, emotional trauma, anxiety, lifestyle problems, and other difficulties must be addressed first in order to reach inner peace, healing, and well-being. To address this issue, venues should be constructed in such a way that they connect individuals to natural and rural surroundings, causing them to relearn the harmful contemporary lifestyle subconsciously. It would then guide the individual to a healthy and healed physique.

When a user comes with the purpose of getting relaxed and rejuvenated, both internally and externally, there is a necessity to provide spaces with such design elements that help a person experience some special transformative energy which can subsequently enhance wellbeing, and heal a person. With the increasing urbanisation, such healing spaces are imperative in today’s time as they cater to both, the poor health of mind and body and consequently in the self-healing of a person from both- outside and inside.

Keywords: Therapeutic , wellness , biophilic




Project Background

In today's society, individuals are often trapped in a monotonous routine, chasing material wealth and neglecting their mental well-being, leading to a surge in depression and anxiety levels. While physical ailments receive immediate attention, mental health is frequently disregarded. However, maintaining good mental health is essential for overall well-being. A wellness resort serves as a destination for healing sessions during a vacation. The wellness and tourism industry are thriving, particularly in South India, where there is a lack of integrated upscale wellness destinations for international tourists. The coastal regions of Karnataka, specifically Kagal, offer abundant opportunities for nature and adventure tourism, making it an appealing location that can attract both primary wellness tourists who prioritize wellness and secondary wellness tourists who seek additional tourist activities alongside wellness programs.


Wellness Tourism

A quest for physical health, attractiveness, or longevity, as well as an increase in consciousness or spiritual awareness, and a desire to connect with others, the natural world, or the divine mystery, are all components of wellness tourism. A study estimates that the worldwide wellness tourism market is worth $439 billion, or 14% of all tourism spending. As a location for wellness tourism, India has an edge.

1.1.2 Wellness Resort

A wellness resort is a collection of different leisure pursuits where people go to unwind. to receive a variety of therapies in order to unwind, revive, and rejuvenate their bodies and minds. They are a premium resort that provides wellness amenities including a spa, fitness centre, area for yoga and meditation, etc.

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1.2 Project Brief

A wellness resort that offers a wide variety of therapies together with top-notch amenities is the proposal that is being suggested. This project is a go-to option for an enriching vacation that includes the advantages of yoga, meditation, and contemporary wellness therapies since it offers a distinctive combination of traditional abilities and practices passed down through generations with current high-end luxury.

The retreat offers a distinctive Ayurvedic experience to its visitors from all over the world and across India. While the Yoga Centre is ideal for practicing various postures and breathing techniques, the Ayurveda Centre will have qualified medical professionals who can offer the appropriate treatments and services. Both indoor and outdoor leisure opportunities are offered at this resort.

1.3 Rationale

Wellbeing is currently a popular design trend, focusing on creating structures and environments that enhance individuals' positive experiences. To achieve true wellbeing, a lasting partnership between people and their surroundings is crucial. This partnership encompasses both social and psychological aspects, such as fostering a sense of community and facilitating positive emotions, as well as physical and ecological elements like providing access to nutritious food and incorporating nature into the environment. In my lecture, I extensively explored these psychological factors and integrated them into my design approach.

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1.4 Aim

This project's primary goal is to create a wellness resort based on the local environment to provide travelers a retreat.

1.5 Objectives

• To understand the role of architecture in stimulating the healing process.

• To study and analyze the functioning of wellness resort.

• To design landscape and outdoor activities to engage people and sooth their mind and body.

• To provide a healing and rejuvenating environment for an intimate and unique user experience.

• To design a dedicated wellness zone with a delicate blend of ayurvedic therapies and a holistic approach towards wellbeing.

Can we really design settings that bring out the best in people? Wellbeing is quickly becoming one of the hottest buzzwords in design. A sustained partnership between people and their environment is necessary for wellbeing. Some of these alliances are social and psychological, like community and experiencing pleasant emotions, while others are physical and ecological, such having access to wholesome food and being in nature.

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Figure 1 (Source : Author)
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Figure 2 (Source : Author) Figure 3 (Source : Author)


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2.1 Community Health and Wellness

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have developed measurable criteria to improve societies as ideal living, learning, working, and recreational environments, focusing on "community health and wellbeing."

This concept encompasses a holistic state of physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness, incorporating social connectedness, spiritual fulfillment, life satisfaction, and happiness. It goes beyond the absence of disease, infirmity, or poverty and is considered vital for individuals and communities to thrive and reach their full potential.

To enhance community health and wellbeing, the WHO has identified specific categories that include the following criteria: [list categories]. These elements are scientifically assessed and combined using validated weights to provide a comprehensive evaluation.

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Figure 5 WHO criterias to make society better


It proposes that humans have an innate affinity for landscapes as a result of our ancestors' migration from forests to grasslands. Even though this idea has been criticized in recent years due to the existence of other valid hypotheses, it is one of the oldest and most popular hypotheses allowing us to understand the split of humans from other great apes, dating back to the old times of Charles Darwin.

• Habitat Theory and Potential Refuge

In 1975, English geographer Jay Appleton created the prospect and refuge hypothesis to explain why there are locations that provide a sense of security and comfort. Appleton's primary necessity is the capacity to watch (prospect) without being observed (refuge). This idea is utilized to determine the influence of natural characteristics on generating a sense of safety or terror.

• Information Treatment Theory

The presence of the provided criteria in the preference matrix (created by Rachel and Stephen Kaplan) should be greater for a certain setting to be more desired. Among different landscape ideas, this is the most important and popular. This may be utilized in any environment, natural or artificial.

“Preference Matrix (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989)”


It denotes the ability to sustain any thing, product, or process across time. The primary purpose of sustainability is to meet current requirements while without jeopardizing future generations' needs. The two basic philosophies of sustainable design are as follows:

• Stability and resilience of the ecosystem.

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Table 1

When the ecosystem gets disturbed, we can measure the ecosystem stability based on its response.

The stability can range from persistence to resilience to regeneration.

• System Theory

L. von Bertalanffy, a biologist developed the theory of system which explains that within a setting, when a group of things affect each other forming a bigger model which is not similar to any other component’s parts, instead of staying in static balance it is always involved in a dynamic process

2.4.3 Hypothesis of Biophilia

Human beings have an innate need to connect with nature. This notion meets our need and need to feel connected to nature. Edward O. Wilson introduced and supported this theory in his book Biophilia (1984). "Biophilia" is defined as "love of life or living systems."

According to Erich Fromm, there is a psychological alignment to be drawn to anything living and essential.

● The Biophilia Hypothesis, Biophilic Design, Health and Well-Being

As mentioned in the theory, humans have an inbuilt affinity to connect with the natural environment. Biophilia, as postulated by Kellertt and Willson, is the result of cultural and biological co-evolution. This evolution has emphasized basic human needs and the connection to the natural environment.

Association with the natural world has been highlighted in this development.

The following table is the complete list of the parameter of biophilic design based on Kellertt, 2008.

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Table 2 Domain 1 of Kellertt's typlogy of environmental values

Table 2.3

Domain 2 of Kelleryt's typlogy of environmental values

Table 3- Domain 3 of Kellertt's typlogy of environmental values

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2.5 Understanding the Parameters

2.5.1 Domain

1 - Nature in the space

A) Environmental Features

The Visual Linking with Nature model has demonstrated several positive effects, including reduced stress levels, improved mood, increased attentiveness, and higher recovery rates. Visual connectedness to nature has been associated with decreased blood pressure, heart rate, attention deficits, depression, anger, and rage, while promoting attentiveness, calmness, and overall happiness.

Studies on visual preferences have identified specific views that are preferred, such as looking down a slope towards pleasing scenes like shaded trees, vibrant flowering plants, non-threatening animals, clean streams of water, and signs of human life. However, achieving all these factors in urban areas can be challenging, necessitating indirect access to the natural world. Remarkably, positive mood effects have been observed within the first five minutes of viewing nature or engaging in physical activity in green environments.

Experiencing scenes of nature stimulates a larger portion of the visual cortex compared to non-nature scenes, activating more pleasure receptors in the brain. For instance, spaces with access to glass windows providing views of nature have shown to have 1.6 times faster recovery rates compared to spaces without any view.

Overall, the Visual Linking with Nature model highlights the significant impact of visual connectedness to nature on various aspects of well-being and underscores the importance of incorporating nature views and environments in urban settings for improved mental and emotional health.

B) Natural Pattern and Process

Research on view preferences has demonstrated that spaces feel stimulating, relaxed, and appealing when they incorporate good Biomorphic forms and patterns (Joye, 2007). The study reveals that such forms and patterns have the ability to lower stress levels, improve attentiveness, and evoke a sense of connection with nature. While these forms and patterns are not actual living things, they serve as symbolic representations that our brains can recognize. The key objective of incorporating Biomorphic forms and patterns in the built

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environment is to provide users with a means of connecting with nature and creating visually preferred views. By achieving this objective, the aim is to enhance intellectual performance and reduce stress levels.

C) Light and Space

Good dynamic and diffuse light can create an atmosphere of drama and intrigue while enhancing the perception of time and movement within a space.

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood of a space and eliciting various psychological responses. Extensive research has been conducted on the impact of lighting, including the effects of daylight on attitude and well-being.

Studies have consistently shown that spaces illuminated by natural daylight promote higher productivity, whether it is in retail stores or children's classrooms. For instance, students who have access to quality daylight in their classrooms have been found to exhibit better moods and lower levels of dental decay compared to students in classrooms with average lighting conditions.

Considering light as a complex field encompassing both science and design, its profound influence on human experiences and well-being underscores the importance of utilizing lighting strategies to create visually appealing and psychologically supportive environments.

2.5.2 Domain 2- Natural Analogues


Stimulation of Natural Features

Long established that humans have been ornamenting their living spaces with nature illustrations. Innumerable patterns on fabric are of depiction of flowers, animals and other natural occurrences and many characteristic building elements are based on natural forms. It has been seen that building with more softer edges have been established in contemporary architecture.

To experience a feeling of warmth and authenticity, the space should have good material connection.

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It has been discovered that substantial decrease in diastolic blood pressure and increase in pulse rate and lowered activity of brain is observed in a room having decent ratio of wood (45% coverage). Hence such spaces could be used in restorative spaces such as spas and doctor’s room.

Experience of color green before conducting any task increases creativity part but does not have any impact on analytical performance as concluded in a research (Lichtenfeld et al., 2012). There are more varieties in green color than any other color as seen by man (Painter, 2014). Though it is still not figured which of those green color most influence creativity.

To make a space feel more exciting and captivating, the space should have good Complexity and order. Provoking positive psychological and intellectual response by providing geometries and symmetries is the key role of this pattern (Salingaros, 2012).

2.5.3 Domain 3- Human-Nature Relationship

A) Place Based Relationship

There should be a connection between built environment to where it is located. With the reference of historical, geographical and other connections to the place it is likely to create place-based relationships. Also, through the use of native materials and topography this parameter can be achieved.

B) Nature of the Space

The ability to see and not being seen establishes the complementary relation of prospect and refuge. A space to convey a sense of safety and control especially when moving in an unfamiliar environment, should have a good prospect which means it should feel open and liberating.

A Space that provides a sense of retreat and withdrawal and as well impart a feeling of safety is considered as a good refuge space. It is usually distinct from its immediate surroundings and feels protective. A space having a sense of eagerness making the user want to further investigate the space is considered to provide good mystery experience.

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3.1 Location

Location: Katra Vaishno Devi, Jammu and Kashmir

Co-ordinates: 32.98°N 74.95°E.

Elevation: 875 meters (2,474 feet)

At an elevation of 914.4 meters (3000 feet) above mean sea level, Katra the base camp for the pilgrimage to Shree Mata Vaishno Devi Ji is situated at the foot of the Shivalik hills, a sub-Himalayan range. The villages of Katra, Arli Hansali, Purana Daroor, and Kundorian make up the town. On National Highway IA, Katra Town is situated 635 km north-west of the National Capital and 50 kilometers from Jammu, the state's winter capital, which is currently connected to the rest of the nation by rail and air. The 18 km connection between Katra town and Udhampur, the district headquarters town, is good. There are around 22 kilometers between Tikri and Udhampur on the Katra-Panthal National Highway IA. It is also connected to Reasi and then, via Pamla, to the districts of Rajouri and Poonch via a road

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Figure 6 (Source : google)

that is maintained by the Border Roads Organization (BRO). Katra is located at 32° 59′ latitude and 74° 55′ longitude.

Currently, the town has an area of about 400 hectares (4 sq km), up from 162 ha (1.62 sq km) in 1971. About 50 years ago, the town was merely a village with houses arranged around a single pedestrian bazaar. Its rise was extremely gradual, as seen by the census data from 1911 to 1961 A.D. After 1951, this community began expanding linearly, and both Katra-Domail Road and Katra-Panthal Road saw this growth. Katra has steadily encroached on the neighboring villages due to the increase of pilgrims and general development. Since the town serves as the pilgrimage's starting point

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Figure 7

Katra town has a good linkage with the district Head- quarter town of Udhampur by 18Kms. Katra-Panthal National Highway IA at Tikri And about 22 Kms from Tikri to Udhampur. It is also linked with Reasi and thereafter with Rajouri and Poonch Districts via Pamla by a road maintained by Border Roads Organization.

Figure 8 (Source : Author)

Figure 9

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The holy Shrine of Shri Mata Vaishno Devi in India is a revered pilgrimage site situated in the Trikuta mountain. Known as "Moonh Maaangi Muradein Poori Karne Wali Mata," or "The Mother Who Fulfils Whatever Her Children Wish For," devotees from India and overseas visit this sacred cave to seek blessings. Starting the trek from Katra, a bustling town located 50 miles from Jammu, worshippers are drawn to the shrine due to their unwavering faith. Katra itself is surrounded by various places of worship and tourist attractions. Visitors often explore the nearby areas, where they can enjoy a range of activities including winter sports,

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excursions, trekking, shopping, and water rafting amidst the picturesque landscapes of Jammu and Kashmir.


11 (Source : Author)

Maximum ground area permissible = 35%

max F A.R =150% max height = G+4

setbacks = 1/3 rd of the height of the building or 25' ECS = minimum 1 ecs per dwelling

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Figure LAWS

Figure 12 (Source : Author)

3.1.1 Topography

The town's contours are created by removing elevation information from Google Earth. The aforementioned approach is used to comprehend the geography of the town in the absence of a topography survey map. Katra is located at a height of 754 meters (or 2,474 ft). The town slopes with a about 400 m drop from the northeast corner to the south-west corner.

The property is distinguished for its steep slopes, flora, and undulating topography. In the north of the site, the Banganga River runs from northeast to southwest, and Bhoomika Nalla runs from north to south along its eastern side. The water channels have been protected in regions that can be built on. Along the water body's breadth, a 30 mt. buffer line overlaps the steep, undevelopable hills.

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(Source : Author)

3.2 Connectivity

The 18 km connection between Katra town and Udhampur, the district headquarters town, is good. There are around 22 kilometers between Tikri and Udhampur on the Katra-Panthal National Highway IA. It is also connected to Reasi and then, via Pamla, to the districts of Rajouri and Poonch via a road that is maintained by the Border Roads Organization (BRO). Katra is located at 32° 59′ latitude and 74° 55′ longitude.

Nearest railway station = 6.3 km, Nearest bus stand =

Figure 15

4.4 km site accessible from 7 m wide domal Katra road (Source : Author)

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Figure 13 Figure 14

3.3 Site context and characters

Figure 16 (Source : Author)

The history of Katra revolves around the holy shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi. Geological studies date the cave to be more than a million years old. The place has innumerable legends surrounding its origin. The Trikuta mountain, where the cave is located, has been referenced in the Rig Veda, the oldest of the four Vedas. According to the Hindu epic Mahabharata, Lord Sri Krishna advised the Pandavas to seek the blessings of the Goddess. Legend states that Pandavas were the ones who built the temples at Bhawan and Kol Kandoli.

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Figure 17 (Source : google)

Manasar lake - located 52 km (1.5hr drive) away towards south from site Sana and Sar- located 20 kilometers (12 mi) west of Patnitop, Ramban district Trikuta hills - constitute a part of outermost hills of Jammu Shivaliks.

Figure 18 (Source : google)

Katra has a rich cultural heritage, being located close to the temple of Vaish-no Devi. Navratri is the most important festival in Katra, celebrated during the months of September and October celebrated.

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Figure 19 (Source : google)

Figure 20 (Source : google)

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21- Existing Vegetation (Source : author)

Table 4

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Figure 22- Slope Analysis (Source : author) Figure 23- Soil Typology (Source : author)

3.3.1. Design considerations on slope

23: Design considerations on slope

(Source: Internet)

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Katra has a short, hot, and humid summer with clear skies, while winter is brief, cold, and partly cloudy. Summer temperatures range from 93°F to 71°F (May 1 to July 23), while winter temperatures range from 39°F to 59°F (December 7 to February 27). Precipitation is around 27% Rainfall :0.4 inches to 6.2 inches Wind speed: 4.7 mph to 5.5 mph.

Figure 24 (Source : google)



Katra's climate can be divided into two distinct seasons. The hot season spans 2.7 months, starting from May 1 and ending on July 23. During this period, the average daily high temperatures surpass 87°F. The peak of summer arrives in June, with an average high temperature of 93°F and a low of 71°F.

After the hot season, Katra transitions into a cool season that lasts for an equivalent duration, from December 7 to February 27. Throughout this season, the average daily high temperatures remain below 66°F. January marks the coldest month in Katra, with an average low temperature of 39°F and a high of 59°F.

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The month with the most rain in Katra is July, with an average rainfall of 6.2 inches. The month with the least rain in Katra is November, with an average rainfall of 0.4 inches.

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3.4.3 WIND

Katra exhibits a mild variation in average hourly wind speed throughout the year. The windier period stretches over 4.6 months, starting from February 18 and ending on July 5, with average speeds surpassing 5.5 miles per hour. Among these months, May experiences the highest average hourly wind speed, reaching 6.4 miles per hour.

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Figure Figure

On the other hand, the calmer time of year lasts for 7.4 months, spanning from July 5 to February 18. During this period, December is the calmest month in Katra, with an average hourly wind speed of 4.7 miles per hour.

Figure 27 (Source : google)



In Katra, the earliest sunrise occurs on June 12 at 5:21 AM, while the latest sunrise is observed on January 8 at 7:33 AM, which is 2 hours and 13 minutes later. Additionally, the earliest sunset takes place on December 4 at 5:23 PM, whereas the latest sunset is observed on June 30 at 7:42 PM, which is 2 hours and 20 minutes later.

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Figure 28 (Source : google) Figure 29 (Source : google)
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Figure 30 (Source : author) Climate Inference Map Figure 31 (Source : author)

3.5 Inferences and design strategies

Location: In cold weather, warmth of the building is mandatory. the building block should be located on the south facing slope of a hill to have natural and direct sunlight throughout the day.

Open spaces and built forms: Building blocks in cold weather conditions should be clustered together to minimize exposure to cold winds. Building can be located on the leeward side of site which will naturally acts as wind break

Open space should be designed such that they allow the huge amount of sun rays into the buildings. They can be treated with a hard and reflective surface so that they reflect solar radiation onto the building.

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Figure 33: Clustered design Figure 34: Figure 32: South Facing slope Figure 34: reflective surfaces Figure 35: street width

(Source: Internet)

Street width and orientation: the orientation of lanes should be east-west to permit maximum amount of sun into the building. The street should be designed wide enough so that the building does not shade each other by maintaining a proper solar spacing between built blocks.

Compact form can reduce exposure to cold. The building should be designed such that the form is compact, having small opening to prevent heat loss during cold harsh weather conditions.

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Figure 36: Sunspaces Figure 37: compact form Figure 38: south facing living areas Figure 39: Skylight (Source: Internet)

4.5. Comparative analysis

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The areas of the four different case studies have been compared and then have been compared to the standards. This gives a basic proposed area programming.

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6.1 Concept of Biophilia

The theory emphasizes the fundamental human need to establish a connection with nature, recognizing it as an essential requirement for our well-being. It acknowledges our innate inclination as individuals to align ourselves with the natural world, as postulated in the hypothesis. This theory brings attention to the intrinsic relationship between human needs and our association with the natural world, emphasizing their interdependence and significance in shaping our overall fulfillment. - NATURE IN THE SPACE - NATURAL ANALOGUES - HUMAN NATURE RELATIONSHIP.

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Wellness comprises of social mental and physical bell being of a person. The environment, space as well as the surrounding people plays a important role in a social and mental well-being of a person. There are certain intangible aspects of wellness used in the design like providing social gathering spaces like bonfire, cooking sessions, music pavilions. And considering the nutrition aspect a restaurant for special health cuisine is being provided.

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The tangible aspect of wellness is related to the built environment and the human sense like for smell scented plants are used in landscape, use of natural material for touch, providing maximum views for vision and introducing elements of sound like water channels and fountains

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6.2 Landscape and gardens

The therapeutic landscape theory offers a comprehensive perspective on wellness tourism, examining how individuals seeking well-being experience healing in specific locations. While three key elements natural environment, social interaction, and symbolic landscape contribute to the therapeutic process for tourists, the symbolic landscape assumes a central role, particularly influenced by the culture of longevity. This theory recognizes the interconnectedness of these themes and highlights the significant influence of the symbolic landscape in facilitating wellness and rejuvenation for individuals engaging in wellness tourism.

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