Zodiac Passcode

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Z odiac Passcode

屬鼠的人(1922、1936、1948、1960、1972、1984、1996) 優 點: 直覺力強,反應快,有很強的環境適應力和應變能力。機智、點子多,善解人意。有一副樂天命的 模樣。多才多藝。女性特別喜愛乾淨,會將家務整理得有條不紊。伶俐乖巧,具有樣樣都學的靈巧 和樂天性格。個性比較活躍多變化且利欲心強。富幻想力,識時務,很會利用機會,爽朗活潑,討 人喜愛。屬鼠人感覺敏銳無所不能而且善於多角經營。好奇心強對任何事情都想很快插上一手且能 巧妙地處理。 缺 點: 缺乏膽識、做事魄力不夠,缺適當指揮能力,不足以擔任商業機構或其他團體之領導,欠威嚴。有 固執已見之性格,有見利妄行之缺點。有晚睡習慣,因為鼠是夜間活動的動物。本性善良但態度有 些不禮貌。具自私的本位主義或桀傲不馴的個性。善於投機取巧,愛挑剔,心胸不夠遠大。

Y ear of Rat (1922、1936、1948、1960、1972、1984、1996) Personality: Strengths People under this sign are usually smart and wealthy and will work for success. They are sanguine and very adaptable, being popular with others. Rat girls have a flair for cleanliness and tidiness. They are clever and adorable, personable and materialistic. They are also by nature thoughtful, sensible, judiciously and curious. Personality: Weaknesses They are usually timid, lack of concentration and stability. They are in need of courage, principles and responsibility. They do not look authoritatively, incapable of assu ming a leading position. They stick fast and refused to be influenced. They are easily guided only by their private interests. They have natural goodness but look impolite. They are also obstinate and selfish. They are likely to speculate and they profess their greed as a virtue.

屬牛的人(1923、1937、1949、1961、1973、1985、1997) 優 點: 做事謹慎小心,腳踏實地行動緩慢,有穩扎穩打的習性。不輕易受他人或環境的影響,依照 自已意念和能力做事。在采取行動之前,早有一番深思熟慮,而且有始有終擁有堅強的信念 和強壯的體力。有牛脾氣,明辨是非按部就班,事業心強最具耐力。內心有強烈的自我表現 欲,故不適合作默默無聞的工作,天生優秀領導人物。女性持家有方,是傳統的賢內助,非 常重視子女教育。雖然婚姻方面不太協調,卻能以旺盛的精力投入事業中成為有成就的企業 家。有耐性肯上進,所以能達成自已所設定的目標。溫厚老實是終生天性,對國家有強烈的 熱愛,有理想有抱負,重視工作與家庭,是尊重傳統的保守者。 缺 點: 女性較缺乏嬌柔,如果能意識到自己的不足,改變一下拘謹冷漠的態度積極表現自已則在感 情上亦能稱心如意。因任勞任怨加上個性固執不聽勸告,時常忘了准特進餐,而有腸問題。 如頑石般不知變通且毫無情趣。口才木訥不善交際應酬。為人不太相信別人多執己見,沈默 寡言。喜歡我行我素,固執己見,不善溝通。

Y ear of Ox (1923、1937、1949、1961、1973、1985、1997) Personality: Strengths Ox people are probably honest, industrious, patient, and cautious, and do things steadily. They are talent leader with strong will and faith, strong devotion to work. They are not easily affected by others or their surroundings but just follow their concept and ability. They are contemplative before taking actions and can make a clear distinction between right and wrong. Women are usually good wives who pay attention to their children’s education. In short, people under the ox sign are tender-hearted, having a miable temper and a honesty nature. They are usually conservative. They hold respect to the tradition and value job and fa mily highly. Personality: Weaknesses They are obstinate and poor at communication. Leaders in their career may not discover their abilities. They looks prudish and distant, but not feminine, charming or lively enough. They usually do not get a great facility in speaking, being silent and persistent in their old ways. In their old age, they are usually bestowed with happiness.

屬虎的人(1924、1938、1950、1962、1974、1986、1998) 優 點: 個性較為固執強硬專斷獨行,喜冒險逞強,越挫越猛,雄心萬丈,對自己充滿信心。富男子 氣慨且熱情勇敢,冒險精神過於常人。做事積極大膽表達自己,處事有霸道。一言九鼎說到 做到,絕不反悔。喜愛活動好出風頭有俠義心腸,性情坦白磊落容易得到信任。肖虎者外表 不怒而威深具自信,屬領導型人物,性格剛毅頑強永不低頭,凡事不完成絕不甘休,凡領導 之職務皆可適任。對任何事不善先作准備他們不會把東西囤集起來以備將來不時之需。屬虎 的人天生喜歡接受挑戰,不喜服從別人卻要別人服從他們。 缺 點: 頗具叛逆性往往過於自信無法與他人協調溝通,喜歡獨來獨往,經常表現極瑞性。缺乏浪漫 情調,對待妻子也使用獨裁手腕,缺乏愉快的家庭生活。相識雖廣但都無法深交,固執己 見,為達目的不擇手段,專橫霸道,喜歡剌激,自我意識強。投資方面喜歡短期內即能回收 者。過長時則不感與趣。鄉村家畜生產時不讓肖虎者看,因為他的磁場會令畜母感到不安而 會吃幼子以示抗拒。

Y ear of Tiger (1924、1938、1950、1962、1974、1986 、1998) Personality: Strengths Tolerance, loyalty, valor, being respected are their nice characteristics. They like challenges and speed and they are active and good at expressing themselves. They have strong sense of errantry. They are frank and easily win others’ trust. In their middle age, their fate may be uneven, but afterwards they will enjoy a bright prospect. Most women under the tiger sign are intelligent, faithful and virtuous. Personality: Weaknesses Tigers usually tend to show off before others. They are given to deep thinking and capable of great sympathy, however, they can be short-tempered without interest with long-term endeavor. Sometimes, they come into conflict easily with the seniors and people in authority. Their hasty mind and decisions may cause poor results. Weakness of characteristics such as over confident and traitorous may result in unsuccessful communication and cooperation with others.

屬兔的人(1915、1927、1939、1951、1963、1975、1987、1999) 優 點: 心思細密,個性溫柔體貼體諒別人。有語言天才與犀利的口才,頗 受人歡迎個性善變,相當保守,頭腦冷靜。喜愛平穩無波的愛情生 活。善交際為人和氣,話題豐富談笑風生,風度翩翩,處事謹慎。 厭惡與人爭執,帶有能化敵為友的柔和氣質。豪放有膽,作風一但 顯露出來就變得勇敢果決。無論男女都是主張家庭至上。肖兔者很 講究美觀,家庭布置和陳設都很優雅生性好客,禮貌周到富同情 心,樂於助人。屬兔的人似乎都是心腸善良慈悲的,工作績效都是 卓越的,平時不很堅持自已之主張。他們絕不會輕易動怒,因為他 們心地仁厚。 缺 點: 有博愛及眾的傾向及大眾情人時心態,易生感情糾紛。缺乏思慮決 斷力,常因多情失敗。表面好好先生且凡事唯唯是諾,然而內心卻 相當頑固。大都不甘生活過於單調乏味,會不斷制造生活情趣,但 對事物不善深入鑽研。凡事過於謹慎不願向人吐露心事,具有逃避 現實的傾向,過於保守而失去機會。女性多愁善,溫柔纖弱。

Y ear of Rabbit(1915、1927、1939、1951、1963、1975、1987、1999) Personality: Strengths People born under the sign of the rabbit are gentle, sensitive, compassionate, a miable, modest and merciful, and have a strong memory. They like to communicate with others in a hu morous manner. They cannot bear dull lives, so they are good at creating romantic or an interesting spice. They are soft-spoken and welcoming, being fond of a peaceful love life. They hate arguing with the intention of converting an enemy into a friend. They are homebodies and hospitable. They can work with speed and efficiency, they do not insist and get angry easily. Personality: Weaknesses They lack meditative abilities and often sink money into ideas that may cause failures in their career. They are a morous and not determined, soft in appearance and stubborn inside. They usually do not submit to dreary life, but create romance. They are not good at delving deeply and likely to escape the reality. They may lose good chances because of reserved characteristic traits.

屬龍的人(1916、1928、1940、1952、1964、1976、1988) 優 點: 有強壯的體魄,精力充沛活力無窮朝氣勃勃,有高尚的理想,富羅曼蒂克氣氛,是愛面子派頭的人。 凡事不服輸,做事過於自信,自我意識強烈,有遠大目標,個性坦率,有領導才能有強運勢。為人坦 誠少有卑鄙惡劣的虛偽行為,更不喜歡搬弄是非,不怕艱難,每件事都想做到盡善盡美。是十足急進 分子,很自大驕傲,自比人強的超俗觀念。女性豪爽熱情慷慨,善解人意,是一般男性喜愛的對象。 不管什麼職業都厭惡受人指使,所以喜歡獨自計劃行事,男性有大男人主義。屬龍者像微權勢,天之 驕子得天獨厚,他的智慧過人膽識夠,才氣足,慷慨大方,神氣活現氣軒昂。 缺 點: 情緒不穩,富夢想,茫然不可捉摸,性格傲慢缺乏寬大心胸。無法抗拒溫柔粉紅陷阱,一生中有數不 盡多采多姿羅曼史。極少真心去愛別人,因此在愛情上不會感到失望,反而那些愛上他的人卻飲盡其 苦酒。常無法忍受他人差勁的辦事能力而批評他人,有完美主義心態。才華出眾不免自負,好大喜功 有時經不起挫折和考驗,一失敗即落慌而逃,缺乏堅忍不撥的個性。

Y ear of Dragon (1916、1928、1940、1952、1964、1976、1988) Personality: Strengths Good characteristis of Dragon people are lively, intellectual, energetic and excitable. They often can be leaders and try to go for perfection. When they have difficulties, they are not discouraged. They are magnanimous, romantic and sensitive about their reputation. They usually have great a mbition and an ingenuous personality. They hate hypocrisy, gossip and slander. They are not afraid of difficulties but hate to be used or controlled by others. Personality: Weaknesses They are a little arrogant and impatient, while dragon women can be over- confident. Sometimes, ‘dragons’ are unable to control their moods very well due to being eccentric, tactless, fiery, intolerant and unrealistic. They may feel blank about the future. There is no lack of romance in their life over all, but they seldom give true love. Therefore, they do not usually show disappointment in love. They may criticize others for their inefficiency at work. They have a nature ardent to excess and couldn’t withstand.

屬蛇的人(1917、1929、1941、1953、1965、1977、1989) 優 點: 有神秘浪漫斯文外表與熟煉處世態度,風度翩翩善於辭令很會鑽 營。冷靜沈著,具有特殊才能,有貫徹始終的鬥志與精神。不 會炫耀自已才能而是暗自砥礪並按照計劃逐步前進。天生感受性 及知性很強,對別人卻有善意關懷的應變力強。機運上往往獨占 先機,夢想以自已力量來創造飛黃騰達的事業,但若缺乏合作精 神,而容易失敗。沈默寡言不輕易動怒,凡事三思而行,是有頭 腦的知識份子。很了解自已的能力,很重視精神生活,擁有來生 的第六感及超人的洞察力,對事物觀與判斷很強。一生在財運上 非常幸運,從不缺錢用,對金錢欲很強。思路敏銳,雖然生性平 淡,但能當機立斷速戰速決,有頭腦,靈感豐富不可思議。 缺 點: 表面冷漠占有欲很強,個性上有柔弱的一面不易親近也不輕易表 露真心,更不隨便與人交往。生性愛虛榮,常帶懷疑的眼光。情 緒不穩,感情易生波折。知進退善交際,心稍帶有嫉妒,不易與 周邊人相處,重感情與金錢。態度雖然謙恭有禮,實際上是個不 服輸的頑固者。愛得深且專一,無法容忍對方的負心。

Y ear of Snack (1917、1929、1941、1953、1965、1977、1989) Personality: Strengths Good temper and a skill at communicating but saying little are their good characteristics. They possess gracious morality and great wisdom. They are usually financially secure and do not have to worry about money. They have tremendous sympathy for others and would like to take actions to help ther fellow hu man beings. They are determined to accomplished their goals and hate to fail. Although they look calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. They have a rich source of inspiration and understand themselves well. They are people of great perception. Women under the sign of the snake do well in housework but are irritable. Personlity: Weaknesses They are likely to be jealous and suspicious. They should be cautious about what they discuss with others, as it might cause them to lose friendship and opportunities. They tend to overdo things. They prefer to rely on themselves and have doubts about other people’s judgment. They are courteous with polite manners, but they can be headstrong. They are fickle and usually have problems in relationships or marriage problems.

屬馬的人(1918、1930、1942、1954、1966、1978、1990) 優 點: 性情開朗浪漫熱情,善於詞令,且有爽朗樂天的人生觀。英雄主義很重,常替人打抱不 平。做事積極,有不服人的氣質,凡事不能久,愛情表現直率好動,愛吹法螺,異性緣 多在遠方。自由奔放不善保密,說做就做,交友廣闊,與他人相處融洽,喜愛親切照顧 別人,經常開胸以對。演講很動聽且有領導群眾能力,由於領悟力強,往往別人還沒發 言他就知導對方的思想和動向。有靈性點子多,有種不認輸的潛在意識,決定做的事縱 使遭到挫折也會堅持到底。各方面天賦極高,領悟力也強,頭腦和四肢敏捷。肖馬頗講 究衣著服飾的華麗,老愛在鏡子前反覆整容。 缺 點: 血氣剛強有忍耐力,脾氣暴燥,沈迷於酒賭中。憎恨自己孤獨的干活,需要群眾團體的 掌聲,喜愛別人的稱贊和崇拜。主觀獨立性強,不接受別人建議,喜歡隨心所欲,討厭 被束 。愛情上男性是生活的一部份,女性是生命的全部。喜歡在富麗豪華的場合中飛 來飛去,所以喜愛從事引人注目的工作,凡事插一腳,做事往往半途而廢。最不善於理 財,往往只知開源而不懂節流。常有好面子愛慕虛榮的心態。

Y ear of House (1918、1930、1942、1954、1966、1978、1990) Personality: Strengths Most of them are born with nice personalities, such as warm-hearted, upright and easygoing, so they usually have a lot of friends flocking around. Independence and endurance makes them more powerful, and they will never give in facing the bitter suffering. Positive attitudes lead everything to a bright direction. Personality: Weaknesses: Over spending is their problem, for they need a great a mount of money to support social activities and decent dressing. Frankness allows them to let out secret easily. Persistence is what they lack on the path leading to success.

屬羊的人(1919、1931、1943、1955、1967、1979、1991) 優 點: 凡事考慮周到,對四周事務處理妥當,有進取心,人際圓融,善於交際,個 性溫柔具舍已成仁胸懷。個性內向勞碌操心,有外柔內剛之特質。做事慎重 給人可靠的感覺,是多愁善感,個性細密,顧慮周到的人。干勁十足勇往前 進,一生困擾煩事多,對事宜采多方進行。跪乳羔羊,一生孝順,做事忍耐 力強,前進不懈。見青就吃,表示能刻苦耐勞,但很主觀固執偏好神秘色 彩,多半相信鬼神之說,是虔誠的教徒。求知欲旺盛,連微不足道的細節都 不放過。不隨便浪費金錢,懂得節儉,待人親切,熱愛大自然,有高貴大方 的儀態。很得人綠並能獲得貴人扶持而掌握機運,發展事業。 缺 點: 有時悲觀猶豫不決,喜歡聽天由命,不喜歡例行工作。生性喜愛被人照顧, 喜阿諛奉承和旁人的贊美及朋友的建議。不敢做大膽地愛情表白。很主觀很 固執但個性柔弱膽怯。羊年生的女性心地善良喜歡照顧別人,通常是位身材 勻稱五官端正的美人。羞怯是他的特性,對奇特古怪學說興趣頗濃。

Y ear of Sheep (1919、1931、1943、1955、1967、1979、1991) Personality Strengths: With low profile, people born in the Y ear of Sheep are very mild, diligent, and practical. They don’t care about what others judge and just do the right things they deem. They show filial obedience to their parents. They are reliable partners to cooperate with, as they are considerate and prudent. They do not squander money on flashy or unpractical articles and have the habit of saving money. They are not very tall and strong, but very persistent. Once they obtain the favor of their leaders, their genius will be presented to the highest degree. Personality Weaknesses: To some extent, they are pessimists. Sometimes, they simply do things with the guidance of destiny. They love to be attended and flattered. The compliments from their friends and partners may please them a lot. When it comes to love, they are shy and dare not express their feeling to the people they have a crush on. However, if they want to give up the negative personality traits, those shortcomings can be totally overcome as long as they have the strong will.

屬猴的人(1920、1932、1944、1956、1968、1980、1992) 優 點: 才智高且具優秀的頭腦,行動活潑好動且伶俐。好競爭,手腕敏捷有俠義心情,反應快,能見機行事。社交手腕高明善解人意,很快 與人打成一片,但不喜歡被人控制,喜愛追求新鮮事務。聰明、機智、創新有才華,能言善道,有極強的自我表現欲。非常適合演藝 和推銷工作猴年生的男性精力充沛身體健壯,常表現達觀機智勇敢,對環境變化有很強的適應能力生性頑強不服輸,擁有多項才能而 能居主導地位。求知欲很強,博覽群書,記憶力驚人,頭腦靈活很有創造力。善於把握機會擴大發展,造成時勢,成為大企業家。 缺 點: 平常愛說大話,有時有反對人之意見虛語或偽詐行為。忽略必需遵守社會全體規範,有點不腳踏實地。生性愛玩缺乏耐心毅力,眼光 看得不遠,犯有今朝有酒今朝醉的毛病。依賴心很重,好誇張和愛慕虛榮且喜新厭舊,不管做任何事都不會持續太久。狡滑偽善,無 耐心不忠實狂妄自大,過份樂觀,自負心強喜投機。為了達成目的喜愛說謊騙人,盡管才智出眾八面玲瓏,卻不能以德服人,是典型 的機會主義者。猴年生人無論說話做事一定要誠實踏實,否則會一塌糊塗。有自以為是急就章的毛病,所以常導致錯誤失敗。

Y ear of Monkey (1920、1932、1944、1956、1968、1980、1992) Personality: Strengths There are more erratic geniuses in their character and life. Those born in the Y ear of the Monkey are lively, flexible, quick-witted and versatile. They love moving and sports. Being talented problem solvers, they are self-assured, sociable and innovative, with competent practical ability. They are even willing to put their own business aside to help others. They have strong desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. When communicating, they do not like to be controlled and have a strong desire to present themselves. They will show a mazing creativity in their work. Personality: Weaknesses Their shortcomings on the characteristics are jealous, suspicious, cunning, selfish and arrogant sometimes. They tend to look down upon others. If they are not impatient and mouthy, they can gain more achievement.

屬雞的人(1921、1933、1945、1957、1969、1981、1993 ) 優 點: 做事很穩定,有現代新潮派的大志向,腦筋轉動很快。性急,喜歡打 扮自己,善於交際,有貴人相助,有心和毅力如雞司晨一樣有信心。 交友廣闊善於言辭,善於辯論又具說服力。對色彩有獨到之處。想到 什麼便說什麼毫不保留,常與權威抗衡剛愎自信力很強,喜愛豪華氣 派。愛好別人恭維,同時喜歡贊美別人,看不起那些不修邊幅的人。 坦白活躍,勇敢風趣,機智多謀,專心一意,勤奮熱情慷慨。個性好 勝專注,凡事不願落人之後,頭腦反應快。深思熟慮勤奮能干,富責 任感嚴守紀律,討厭游手好閑的人。 缺 點: 具有忽冷忽熱的心理,處事往往紙上談兵很少付諸行動。心理一有不 滿馬上反應毫不隱瞞。一切以自我利益為中心,處事樂觀但刻薄短 視,常自以為是喜愛自吹自擂。說話不保留,易忽視旁人的感受與尊 嚴。出言欠謹慎為社交上最大阻力。不會接納別人的勸告卻會名正言 順地去教訓別人。不喜歡正式傳統的裝扮,而偏愛奇特的式樣。喜歡 嘮叨,心胸狹窄,傲慢自大,性情急躁,愛慕虛榮。

Y ear of Rooster(1921、1933、1945、1957、1969、1981、1993 ) Personality: Strengths They are deep thinkers and considered to be honest, bright, communicative, a mbitious, capable and warm-hearted. Strong self-respect and seldom relying on others are their basic characteristics. As most roosters are born pretty or handsome, they prefer to dress up. They have a quick mind and hot temper. They like to be busy and neat. They are not reluctant to fall behind others and hate dawdlers. Personality: Weaknesses They might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon might be impassive. They are often a bit eccentric and have difficulty relating with others. They are critical and think they are always right. Like their fortunes, their emotions swing from very high to very slow. They can be positive but selfish, caustic and too outspoken. They are narrow-minded and vain. They probably refuse suggestions but would like to lecture others. If they can overcome their arrogances and being sincerely in speaking, they will make more progress.

屬狗的人(1922、1934、1946、1958、1970、1982、1994) 優 點: 富於正義感講義氣,重人情道義,做事全力以赴。豪爽勇敢,見義勇為,謹慎小心,守本份謙 虛、忠心。生性純樸正直,誠實友善,為人忠實可靠。富同情心,個性坦白無心機。直覺銳 利,為人忠誠,頗愛主持公道,很受人尊敬。個性勤勉敬業,具有大志大望。行動敏捷頭腦聰 明反應快。感情上,愛上對方不會輕易變心,寧可自己吃虧也不願給人添麻煩,不會為自己利 益做出違背道義的事。明辦是非,腦筋靈活且有領導能力,心地善良,奉獻作為,博得人望。 事物是正確的話會極端固執,毫不忍讓,一生忠誠盡責。心性靈巧待人和顏悅色,風趣詼諧, 好打抱不平。 缺 點: 感情起伏大,易燥易怒。依賴心強,杞人憂天,倔強逞勇。重理論而在現實中缺乏行動力及判 斷力,不可獨斷獨行否則易遭極大的挫折。喜愛批評別人追根究底,善猜疑喜挑剔。有時會莫 名的自我封閉或沉默不語。

Y ear of Dog (1922、1934、1946、1958、1970、1982、1994) Personality: Strengths People who born in the Y ear of Dog have a straightforward characteristic. In their career and love, they are faithful, courageous, dexterous, smart and warm-hearted. They know how to keep secrets and inspire other people’s confidence. Those people make good leaders. If they fall in love with someone, they would not change. They can be terribly stubborn with the right things. Personality: Weakness Most women under this sign are appealing but lack stability. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Their characteristics are irritable and usually bothered by unwarranted anxiety. They sometimes try to flaunt and be brave. They are likely to be an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience.

屬豬的人(1921、1935、1947、1959、1971、1983、1995) 優 點: 真誠正直,凡事認真實行,人緣極佳。性情率直,心地善良,個人主義至上,內心剛毅慷慨大方,直接了當,正義感強 烈,光明磊落,不拘小節,天真浪漫。豬年生的人思想單純天真,不會與人斤斤計較,肖豬的人絕對不是詐欺和出賣朋 友的人,坦誠真意很能容忍與人沒有多大的競爭,除非在萬不得已的情況下不會說謊,舉止正當態度和善。肖豬者智力 豐富求知欲強,慷慨大方,直接了當。朋友友誼長久,不交則已,一但成為摯友便會對朋友照顧得無微不至。肖豬人樂 天主義,不需要過份操勞便可維持生計。女性非常著重家庭,有計劃地安排家務。最能容忍別人譏笑,逆來順受。 缺 點: 好睡重眠心地善良,對人沒有猜疑而常受騙上當。好批評不善交際。性情燥脾氣粗暴而容易衝動,缺乏溝通協調精神。 女性好猜疑嫉妒氣短淺見。固執俗氣,貪玩樂無進取心。屬豬人最大惡劣個性就是會存心搗蛋、惡作劇,決不會中途而 廢,一定會弄到別人一敗塗地方肯罷休。

Y ear of Pig(1921、1935、1947、1959、1971、1983、1995) Personality: Strengths People born in the Y ear of the Pig are honest and frank, chivalrous and gallant. They have a calm appearance and strong heart. They do whatever they want with their strength. They are tolerant and optimistic. They are quick tempered, but hate argu ments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. They are not afraid of difficulties and problems but try to work them out. They treat friends sincerely and they do not tell lies unless they have to. They are kind and light hearted and usually go to sleep easily. Personality: Weaknesses Shortcomings on their characteristics are easily trusting people so they may easily fall in traps. Although they are loyal to friends, they do not have many friends. They are hot-tempered and impulsive. They are not good at communicating with others. If they play pranks on people, they will not know when to stop.

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