The Bugle 9 March 2024

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Kiama residents have a clearer understanding of what the proposed $66 million development on Akuna Street will look like after the developers, Level 33, made a trove of new documents available for exhibition.

Last month, Level 33 lodged its initial development application, which will see 344 basement car parking spaces, 24 retail premises, two supermarkets and 82 residential units built on the property.

With the latest round of documents lodged, residents will have some of their lingering questions answered, while other issues remain unresolved, such as what residents and workers who currently park their cars at the Akuna Street car park will do once construction begins.


One of the most immediate aspects of the development that will impact everyone, from residents to workers to

tourists, is the visual amenity.

Kiama Council controversially agreed to raise the building height limit for Akuna Street to six storeys after selling the property to Level 33, leading residents to question how much of the town’s skyline the new building will occupy.

The latest Visual Impact Assessment created by Urbaine Design Group shows exactly how much of the horizon will be blocked, especially for those already living on Akuna Street where the building height limit was not increased.


One of the recently lodged documents was a Traffic Impact Assessment commissioned to Traffix, which shows that 163 of the planned 344 parking spaces will be reserved for residents of the above dwellings, while 181 parking spaces will be set aside for supermarket and retail shoppers and workers. The development

will also include 21 adaptable car spaces for residents, and one accessible car space for visitors. For the retail component, there will be eight accessible car spaces.

The Traffic Impact Assessment also looked at the impact that increased traffic will have on the centre of the town, stating that “...the development proposal will not result in any unacceptable traffic implications, and all nearby critical intersections are expected to continue to operate satisfactorily, and as such, there are no road improvements or intersection upgrades required.”

The report showed that there will be 136 additional vehicle trips per hour (cars going in and out of the car park) during the morning peak period, and 490 trips per hour during the afternoon peak.

The Bugle has previously asked Kiama Council and Level 33 about where

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Kiama motorists rejoice! The potholes consuming the Akuna Street car park have been filled in, which should help you skip your next wheel-alignment.

Workers confirmed to The Bugle that Level 33, the owners of the car park, arranged to fill in the many potholes

that line the car park. Level 33 bought the car park from Kiama Council for $28 million in mid-December 2022.

As well as the obvious threat of damaging cars, the potholes had gotten so big that they posed a serious risk of causing personal injury to anyone walking through the lot at night.

There’s still no word yet on when construction of the $66 million development will begin, which will see 82 residential units, 24 retail premises, two supermarkets and 344 basement car parking spaces built on the current lot. The DA is still under review and must first be approved by the Southern Regional Planning Panel before work can begin.

A representative from Level 33 told The Bugle that the

company has received various offers to introduce paid parking to Akuna Street but has decided to leave it free for public use at this stage.

Residents who use the car park are still in the dark as to where they will park once construction begins.

Kiama Council says “Parking considerations are being undertaken as part of the assessment,” while Level 33 says it's looking to work with the community to help provide a solution.

We want to hear your ideas. Do you have any solutions for Kiama’s parking predicament? Is there anywhere in town that residents and workers can park during the day without fear of parking fines?


In a dramatic incident that unfolded outside the Woollies at the roundabout Thursday 7th March, a car collided with the orange construction barricade, resulting in a visually jaw dropping yet potentially dangerous scene.

While the precise details of the incident remain unclear, what is certain is that no injuries were reported at the accident site.

Swift and coordinated action by local law enforcement, fire department per-

sonnel, and traffic controllers ensured a rapid response to the situation. The immediate deployment of a crane facilitated the safe removal of the vehicle, allowing traffic to resume smoothly.

More information to come..

INSIDE THE BUGLE 9-22 MARCH Bombo Stairs p3 Expanding Kiama p7 Irvine st sale p12 Pickle Ball p37

Sunday morning 25 February 2024, parishioners and church officials gathered to celebrate the centenary celebration of the soldier war memorial at Kiamas iconic Anglican Church. Among the attendees, local dignitaries, MP Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips and invited guests.

The bell was rung 100 times in honour of all who came to share in the memories of service across our community in Kiama.

The commemorative service was a celebration of the bell tower constructed 100 years ago to remind us of the local brave men and women whose lives were taken in WW1.

Reverend Steve Stannis, (Senior Pastor at Kiama Anglican Church) welcomed the congregation as the grand organ played.

The sermon by Reverend Rod Harding echoed the words that have adorned the Bell Tower for a century “This tower is dedicated to the glory of God in grateful memory of the men of this parish who laid down their lives in the Great war, and all of their comrades in arms who by divine grace were spared to testify to their glorious deeds.” Words written a century ago.

Reverend Harding expounded on what was meant by these words “To the glory of God” and looked at God’s


attributes such as faithfulness, courage and sacrifice echoed by those who served. As the parishioners and visitors took part in communion they were encouraged to say a prayer or have a moment of reflection for the brave soldiers, nurses and workers who served our country. Upon leaving, Reverend Stannis implored guests to read the names of those whose lives were lost, engraved in stone on the entryway to the church and allowed each attendee to toll the bell on their exit.

For some congregation members, the bell tower is close to home. Bryan and Margot Fuller, regular church goers, remember their late

cousin who served as a nurse during The Great War. Her name is etched into history in the historic bell tower.

Ms Phillips remarked on the wonderful turn out and support from the community to mark a historic day of remembrance for our fallen loved ones. “They were much loved sons, daughters, husbands/wives, siblings, workers and Kiama community members. One hundred years on, we remember.”

After the early morning service, attendees were treated to a marvellous “100” cake to celebrate the momentous occasion.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Rev Steve Stannis, Fiona Phillips, Rod Harding & Bill Humphreys

The long-awaited opening of the Bombo Quarry staircase could finally be in sight as contractors started work to rectify lingering issues on Monday 26 February 2024.

The work is expected to take six weeks and once completed, contractors can hand back ownership to Kiama Council to officially open and manage the stairs.

Initially slated to open to the public in 2022, the


Bombo Quarry staircase has sat dormant without officially being declared open for more than a year while the public continues to use the stairs without explicit permission.

In September 2023, Kiama Council revealed that the stairs didn’t pass compliance inspections or achieve an Occupation Certificate required before any new buildings or infrastructure can be used. While the stairs

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Future growth and community engagement

Despite the Mayor being on leave for the month of March to address a health issue (get well soon, Mayor!), Council is well and truly back into the swing of things as evidenced by the foreshadowing of a plethora of engagement activities and the Kiama Central Precinct having a packed agenda at their last meeting.



are structurally sound, issues such as stair treads need to be addressed before contractors can hand management back to Kiama Council.

Kiama Council has repeatedly warned that while the stairs are structurally sound, they still cannot be used until they’re officially opened. That hasn’t stopped the public from continuing to use the stairs, and it’s no secret that walk-

ers have made a habit of ignoring the warning signs while using the track between Kiama and Minnamurra and the Bombo headland.

Kiama Council received a $500,000 grant from the NSW State Government for the project in 2018, along with concrete and steel.

Brendon Foye

Council will be embarking on a new Community Engagement Strategy which is “taking a fresh new direction, engaging with diverse voices alongside traditional stakeholders, ensuring we have a strategy that truly represents our community".

The Bugle looks forward to hearing about this new way of engaging with the entire community, because it is important to hear the views of not just one age group, or a particular cohort of locals.

If we want to continue to prosper, we need to ensure we are listening to everyone. Arguably, we as a community have had the same conversation over and over again, how did we protect, how do we stop, how do we stay the same. It appears that Council wants to take a different approach and hear from the younger generation and other parts of the community -

those that are looking for jobs, those that are providing jobs, and those that are struggling to obtain and even provide basic services and amenities for our area.

The Bugle is all for this fresh new direction and hopes that it provides for more equitable outcomes.

After a significant delay, it appears Council will now be engaging on its Growth and Housing Strategy which presumably will include how Council will address the significant housing affordability crisis in Kiama.

This coincides with some significant milestones for future growth proposals across the region:

• The Southern Region Panel refused the Dido Street subdivision,

• South Kiama is in the midst of progressing its development application,

• Springside Hill planning proposal has been lodged and is now being assessed by Council.

However one proposal has re-emerged and caught our attentionBombo Quarry.

Bombo Quarry was the only proposal to be mentioned twice by Council in its media release regarding future growth and community engagement. There are proposals that are in ‘the system’ and can deliver housing in the short term, but is Council focused on the very longterm vision at Bombo?

Jasper Gippel from Kiama enjoying his Bugle Newspaper, latest recipient of a Bugle Mug

The Bugle understands that there are multiple landowners involved in the quarry that would all need to agree on the future plan for the area. And then presumably there’d be a need for remediation and ‘filling’ the site to make it suitable for development now.

That is why the last we (officially) heard; Bombo Quarry was a ‘medium term’ solution.

We also heard direct from Boral, one of the largest landowners at Bombo, that their plans look to be providing houses ‘in 5-10 years’.

Is there something that we’re all missing? Is Bombo Quarry ready for development now?

The Bugle’s View is that these are questions that need to be answered, and we look forward to Council consulting with the community and giving us the facts. 3
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This week, Michele Adair, CEO of Housing Trust, joined the Traders in Purple team to discuss Springside Hill and the opportunities this brings to both of our organisations, and more importantly to you, the community.

This will be our third project with Housing Trust, and we cannot wait to get started.

If you’re sick and tired of hearing terms like “housing accord”, “housing crisis”, “housing affordability”, “housing supply” and “housing stress”, then chances are

you worked hard to own your own home and have been living the Australian Dream for a number of years. However, it is also pretty

likely that you have friends or family who are not as fortunate as you and are desperate to stay in the area and are looking for that opportunity.

More than half of locals in Kiama do not own their own home outright.

The average cost of a home in Kiama is around 13 times the average income.

Around a quarter of homes in Kiama are rental properties.

If you’re renting in Kiama, you’re spending more than one-third of your pay on rent.

In a few short months there will be no affordable rental homes in Kiama. Zero.

People who are renting want the opportunity to buy. And those that cannot afford to rent, who may be staying with friends or relatives, want the opportunity to leave home and live near their parents, not with them.

Our work with Housing Trust is

not a gimmick. Traders in Purple is committed to a 25 per cent guarantee which is an opportunity for people that are currently locked out of the housing market to live at Springside Hill, and most importantly, to keep locals local.

Subject to planning approval, Housing Trust will administer the community and affordable rental housing components of Springside Hill. This will significantly increase the amount of affordable rental housing in the area.

We launched our Springside Hill website in early February. We did so because feedback through our community research was clearyou wanted to know more about development projects as they are happening and have input into the process.

The Springside Hill team have been responding to feedback, questions, and concerns from the community since day one and we will continue to do so. You may not always love what we have to say

but we are committed to providing you with information so you can be informed of the project and its progress.

To date, more than 90% of feedback received from the website has been from people wanting more information about when the project will start construction, and when homes can be purchased. Every day more than one person from the community asks us about pricing and timing of delivery.

We are ecstatic at the positive response we have received, and we wish we could give you definitive answers!

However, at this point in time, the ball is in Kiama Council’s court. They are currently undertaking an assessment of our proposal and we hope to meet with them shortly to discuss next steps.

Positive feedback and support from the community will be crucial over the coming months, so we encourage you to get involved and attend one of our community infor-

mation sessions - details to be released shortly.

Ultimately, we want to be delivering beautiful homes and creating jobs for locals, as quickly as possible and your positive words and engagement will help.

We understand that Council will be holding their dialogue on future growth in the coming months where they will ask the community its position on a number of proposals, including Springside Hill, which can be brought to market early and others that are longer term. This will be an important time not only for our project, but for the community and those aspiring to live or rent a home in the area.

Most importantly, it will be an opportunity for you to voice your support for Springside Hill.

Gerringong Bowlo gearing up for a greener tomorrow


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The bugle is a free independent newspaper, available fortnightly throughout the kiama LGA - brought to you courtesy of our advertisers. Get a copy from your local supermarket, your nearest drop off point, or our office.


Office 2, Edessa Arcade 88-90 Terralong St, Kiama


Gerringong Bowlo is installing two EV charging stations in response to limited availability across the Kiama LGA.

CEO Nathan Lawrence extended a warm invitation to everyone, whether patrons of the bowlo or beachgoers, to take advantage of their new technology.

“We are conscious of our carbon footprint and want to work towards a green future” Nathan said.

Nathan saw the scarcity of public EV charging infrastructure in the community, noting that many existing charging stations in public venues are often limited to guests or members.

Having been operational for just a week, the EV char-

gers have already generated considerable interest within the community. Nathan Lawrence will see to the growing demand and affirmed that, if necessary, the club will explore the possibility of adding more chargers in the future, aligning with their ongoing commitment to reduce their carbon footprint.

Furthermore, the initiative coincides with the Federal Government's New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) announcement, which aims to unlock the supply of cleaner cars that are cheaper to run for Australians. The NVES is crucial for driving down transport pollution, which is Australia’s second-largest source of emissions after the energy sector.

With the NVES in place, Australians can expect a 3-in-1 deal of cheaper running costs, cleaner air, and more choice in vehicles. The adoption of this standard will result in new cars, utes, and vans using less fuel per kilometre, translating to substantial savings for consumers. An average new vehicle purchaser in 2028 could save $5,710 over five years and $17,000 over the vehicle's lifetime, contributing to over $108 billion in fuel savings for Australians collectively.

Moreover, the NVES addresses the pressing need for reducing fuel expenses, especially after record-high petrol prices in 2023 added to the cost-of-living pressures for many Australians. As

pollution from inefficient petrol-guzzling cars continues to fuel harmful climate change, initiatives like the NVES become increasingly essential for mitigating environmental impact and alleviating financial strain on households. Despite a slight delay in the installation process, attributed to grant delays and bad weather, the EV chargers are now operational and adorned with the vibrant Gerringong Bowlo logo. While there will be a charge for using the chargers, implemented by the EV company, the cost will be significantly cheaper than traditional gasoline, aligning with the broader efforts towards sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

Concept images reveal future of Hindmarsh Park

Kiama Council has unveiled concept art that offers a sneak peek into what the new Hindmarsh Park will look like once renovations are completed.

The $4.5 million project includes new footpaths for the park and the surrounding area, new landscaping, upgrades to the Orry Kelly stage, and entirely new


You can check out the images for yourself below:

As seen above, the new playground is aimed at being inclusive and accessible to everyone. The new park includes an inclusive trampoline, seesaw and carousel, a sensory trail and balance walls, covered picnic furniture and more.

The park will also have an array of new native plants, while the Orry Kelly stage will receive a new canopy, upgraded accessible ramp and a new accessible pathway leading the stage.

The $4.5 million upgrade is being funded through the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, Stronger Country Communities Program and Active Transport Program.

Growth Civil Landscapes Pty Ltd is responsible for landscaping and installing the new playground, while the new equipment will be supplied by Proludic Pty Ltd. The project is expected to be completed by September 2024.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, but we are only human
by :
Brett Robinson
Brooke Pittman
We’re working with the best in affordable housing at Springside Hill This article is paid content*
Hindmarsh Park Concept Imagery

A new tobacconist has been spotted setting up shop at 140 Terralong Street, across the road from Kiama Village where the ‘Framed By Us’ picture framer’s shop was until two months ago.

The new business, Kiama Tobacco, is adorned with a multicoloured flashing neon sign that

lights up the roundabout leading into Kiama Village. The vivid lights have already attracted the attention of locals, as The Bugle spotted Kiama High School students taking photos of the neon sign. The sign advertises, “tobacco and accessories,” which often means e-cigarettes and vape products, though there is noth-

ing that specifically indicates that Kiama Tobacco will sell vape products at this stage. The opening of a new tobacconist is surprising given the impending introduction of legislation from the Commonwealth Government to crack down on tobacco and vape sales.

From 1 April, the general sale of vapes that contain nicotine will be banned, and the only way they can be purchased is from pharmacists with a doctor’s prescrip-

Mayor Neil Reilly takes leave until Easter, Deputy Mayor Draisma to step in

Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly has taken temporary leave from his mayoral duties and will take annual leave until the end of March 2024, returning to the role after the Easter Break.

Mayor Reilly will take a short stay in hospital to address a health issue that requires additional support and intends to take annual leave afterwards.

During Mayor Reilly’s ab-

sence, Deputy Mayor Imogen Draisma will fulfil the role of Acting Mayor. "I know Kiama will be in safe hands with Acting Mayor Draisma at the helm during the next month," Mayor Reilly said.

"I trust the Acting Mayor and Councillors will continue this good work in my absence and very much look forward to returning to my role as Mayor on 2 April,” I am feeling very positive


Even with these restrictions just over a month away from being introduced, the number of businesses selling vape products in NSW has skyrocketed. Research obtained by The Guardian found that more than 600 additional shops began selling vape products in the first half of 2023.

Even with the importation of disposable vapes banned at the start of 2024, reports of businesses continuing to sell these products has


The number of complaints the NSW Health Department received related to tobacco and e-cigarettes increased from 909 in 2020 to 2,407 in 2022. Between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023, there were 1,654 reports of non-compliance.

Receiving approval to sell tobacco products in NSW is easier than selling other restricted products such as alcohol or firearms.

Businesses must notify NSW Health of their intention and

register their details with Service NSW to receive a retailer identification number, which they must provide to tobacco wholesalers to obtain products. Businesses do not require a DA or permission from council before selling tobacco products.

Additional research thanks to Malcolm King.

and looking forward to a break and the chance to recharge and relax. Happy Easter to you all."

The next Council meeting takes place on 19 March 2024 at 5pm. Residents will have the opportunity to provide input on agenda items at the Public Forum the night before on 18 March at 5pm.

The Bugle wishes Mayor Reilly well in making a speedy recovery.

Rock Ridge


The suburb of Yellow Rock will be renamed to Yellow Rock Ridge from 1 March after receiving approval from the Geographical Names Board of NSW (GNB).

The name change will help distinguish between the local Yellow Rock, which falls in both the Kiama and Shellharbour LGAs, and the Yellow Rock found in the Blue Mountains.

Kiama and Shellharbour Councils held community consultation in early 2023 and endorsed the proposal in September 2023. The GNB also sought community feedback and found a

majority supported the name change choice.

The final process requires Council to notify all affected residents directly and update all Council records. They will also notify Australia Post, Valuer General's Office, Telstra, Integral Energy, Sydney Water, Australian Electoral Commission, Australian Bureau of Statistics and Spatial Services NSW. 5
Yellow Brendon Foye Brendon Foye
Hindmarsh Park Concept Imagery

Kiama artist Samuel Hall pays tribute TO


Kiama mural artist Samuel Hall is gaining wide-spread recognition for his most recent mural on the side of the Rural Fire Service (RFS) station in the Southern Highlands town of Hill Top, depicting two of the local brigades longest serving members, Brian Coates and John Matters.

Now residing in Corrimal, Hall was commissioned to do the artwork after completing a mural on the regeneration of the area after the horrific bushfires the side of the local general store last year.

“These two men are a beacon to the community after a lifetime of dedication to the RFS and both men, who are now in their late 80’s, and with more than 150 years of service between them, went above and beyond to help with their town was threatened by the Wattle Creek blaze,”

“As the fire raged, the two

men grabbed torches and bravely led the way on foot to allow earthmoving equipment and fire trucks to move through an old track to help build fire breaks from Buxton to Hill Top.”

Hall said.

According to Sam, the two men were a bit reticent to be part of the project, but in the end were happy to take part.

“I met with John and Brian in a local park at we just chatted and I was able to get a few nice candid pics I could use for the project,” he added.

The 20-metre-long mural took more than 75 hours to complete and it appears the whole town took special interest in its progress, with many dropping off drinks and food as Sam worked.

“In the end it was a very special project and one that is very close to my heart,” Sam said.

Australian War Memorial director coming to Kiama

The Kiama Historical Society is inviting everyone to attend a special discussion with Dr Karl James, one of the most senior figures at the Australian War Memorial.

Dr James is the Head of the Military Section at the Australian War Memorial and has worked as a historian since 2008. His area of research focuses on Australia’s involvement in WWII. He has worked on several major exhibitions for the Australian War Memorial,

including as lead curator of “From the Shadows: Australia’s Special,’ and the 70th anniversary exhibition of “Rats of Tobruk.”

Dr James will be discussing what happens behind the scenes at the War Memorial and will offer a preview of the new exhibitions in the works. This talk will not be one to miss!

It takes place on Saturday 16 March 2 pm at Kiama Library.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Is hearing loss affecting your life? Join our free event to hear from a cochlear implant recipient who has been through the process. When: Thursday 14 March 12–1pm Where: Wollongong Library Theatrette, Ground floor, Wollongong Library, 41 Burelli St, Wollongong NSW 2500 1300 581 391 To register:

community issues

Respect for Heritage:

Preserving heritage sites is crucial for maintaining a sense of identity and history. It is important to ensure that any new development plans take into account the preservation of heritage sites and buildings. This can be achieved through careful planning and consultation with local communities and heritage experts.

for recreation, mental well-being, and biodiversity.

· Increased Traffic Congestion: More houses mean more cars on the roads. Residents worry about traffic congestion, longer commute times, and reduced air quality.

expanding kiama

There was an almost palpable tension in the air upon arriving at the Kiama Central Precinct Meeting on 27 February 2024 as attendees lined up to enter a packed Joyce Wheatley Centre.

It was immediately obvious that the majority of attendees came to discuss one of two topics: the Akuna Street development or the Springside Hill development. There would no doubt have been some there to discuss the Dido Street development if not for Kiama Council recommending rejecting the application to build 67 new dwellings on the street.

The $66 million Akuna Street development would see 82 residential units, 24 retail premises, 2 supermarkets and 344 basement parking spaces built on the current car park. The Springside Hill development would see 1000 new homes built on the western side of Kiama. Both developments are currently under review.

With a stacked agenda for the meeting, it wasn’t long before the flood gates opened with questions surrounding the two upcoming developments and how the community can have a meaningful say on Kiama’s future.

This is something that we’re going to hear paraphrased a lot in the coming years, but it bears repeating here: Change is inevitable for Kiama. It’s up to us to decide what that change looks like now to ensure it betters not just current residents, but future generations.

That sentiment was shared by residents and public officials who spoke during the meeting, including NSW Member for Kiama Gareth Ward, and Kiama Councillor Karen Renkema-Lang. Both public representatives shared the view that while Australia’s pressing housing crisis needs to be addressed, so too does the surrounding community infrastructure and services that will support these new homes.

Councillor Renkema-Lang raised the importance of addressing the need for affordable housing, especially for key workers. However, none of that will be possible without proper funding.

“Even what I hear tonight underpinning all of this is all we can see is a big opening up of housing supply. We cannot see any plans, or money actually, put aside to improve our sewerage system,” said Councillor Renkema-Lang.

“It’s OK to talk the talk but we need the money and we need the plans in place and we need the timeline. I would really call on Gareth to take this to the State Government, if they’re going to open the land like this, we need money.”

Gareth Ward agreed while stressing the need for the community to try to influence the NSW Government in particular when it comes to growth.

“One thing I’m going to make very clear to the government is that it’s not just simply about targets, it’s not just simply about numbers, it’s just as important as to how communities grow as the growth themselves,” Mr Ward said.

“It’s incumbent, I think, on the Government that if they’re going to have a discussion around the sort of number of houses they want to put in a particular area, that they actually talk about roads, they should talk about schools, they should talk about hospitals.”

Roads, schools and hospitals are just three of a raft of concerns raised during the Central Precinct Meeting.

Lynne Strong, who attended the meeting, put together a list of all of the issues discussed at the meeting along with additional comments from Kiama Facebook.

In attendance was Jessica Rippon Kiama Council’s Director Planning, Environment and Communities who valiantly handled questions from the raucous crowd

while echoing the same sentiment that the community needs to get involved on the ground floor to enact real change.

One comment that was more difficult to address came when someone from the audience claimed that “a lot of people in Kiama have lost faith in Council and taking on community engagement,” especially when it came to the Akuna Street development.

“In regards to Akuna Street, there were numerous workshops that were undertaken, which all are opposing the six-to-seven storey height limit, none of that was taken onboard. I feel like the community’s not being listened to,” the commenter said.

“The infrastructure in Akuna Street, the parking study was done during COVID, so it doesn’t truly give an indication of how many cars are coming in and out every day. Or the fact that a lot of the parents from the primary school park their car there with nowhere else to park.

If you have a disabled child, there is nowhere else to go, you’re going to lose all that parking. And to say there’s going to be another 300 parks, the majority of that will be for the units. There will be nowhere for workers to park.”

The Bugle has received numerous letters from readers sharing similar sentiments that they feel Kiama Council’s official communication channels do not produce results, or even a positive experience. For example, Council voted to raise the maximum building height for the Akuna Street development height only after selling it to developers Level 33, and despite more than 100 submissions from the community opposing the decision. It’s not difficult to see how the community can feel left out by such a move.

The meeting came at an auspicious time for Kiama Council, which two days later

announced plans to launch two “conversation pieces”: growth and community engagement.

What that means in practical terms is that Council is preparing to launch a new Growth and Housing Strategy, which will be a vital document when it comes to lobbying the NSW Government for infrastructure funding, and a refreshed Community Engagement Strategy.

For the Housing and Growth Strategy, Jessica Rippon says: “We will be hosting robust discussions, be seeking online feedback, partnering with the NSW Government Department of Planning and conducting meetings with our stakeholders and community members to capture ideas and views on growth.”

“This will include discussions about some of the development proposals that are before Council and future opportunities such as development within Bombo Quarry.”

As for the Community Engagement Strategy, Kiama Council’s Communications and Engagement Manager Claire Doble said the process will start by meeting key stakeholders and various community pop ups this month.

“Once we have prepared a draft strategy, community members will once again get an opportunity to provide feedback. The finalised strategy and accompanying report will outline how community feedback has shaped the strategy,” Ms Doble said.

So now’s the time to have your say about how to have your say!

The Bugle also wants to hear from you,

What do you want to see in Kiama’s Growth and Housing Strategy?

What have your experiences been like engaging with Kiama Council?

Brendon Foye

· Inadequate Sewage Infrastructure: Inadequate sewage infrastructure can have serious health and environmental consequences. It is important to ensure that any new development plans include provisions for adequate sewage infrastructure. This can be achieved through careful planning and consultation with local authorities and environmental experts.

· Effect on Residents

Views: New developments can have a significant impact on the views and quality of life of local residents. It is important to ensure that any new development plans take into account the views of local residents and minimize any negative impact on their quality of life. This can be achieved through careful planning and consultation with local communities.

· Access to Public Transport: Access to public transport is essential for ensuring that people can move around easily and efficiently. It is important to ensure that any new development plans include provisions for public transport infrastructure and services. This can be achieved through careful planning and consultation with local transport authorities and experts.

· Phone Coverage: Phone coverage is an important aspect of modern life. It is important to ensure that any new development plans include provisions for adequate phone coverage. This can be achieved through careful planning and consultation with local telecommunications providers and experts.

· Infrastructure Strain: Many communities feel that existing infrastructure (roads, public transport, schools, healthcare facilities) is already stretched to its limits. Building more houses without adequate infrastructure upgrades exacerbates congestion and reduces the quality of life for residents.

· Loss of Green Spaces: As housing developments expand, green spaces, parks, and natural habitats are often sacrificed. Communities value these areas

· Pressure on Schools and Education Services: Growing populations strain local schools. Parents fear overcrowded classrooms and reduced educational quality.

· Affordability Concerns: While more houses may address housing shortages, affordability remains an issue. Some residents feel that new developments cater to higher-income buyers, leaving others struggling to find affordable homes.

· Loss of Character and Identity: Rapid development can alter a community’s character. Historic neighbourhoods lose their charm, and unique local features disappear.

· Environmental Impact: Clearing land for housing affects ecosystems, wildlife, and natural habitats. Residents worry about the loss of greenery and its impact on climate resilience.

· Strain on Healthcare Services: Increased population puts pressure on healthcare facilities. Longer waiting times and reduced access to medical services are common concerns.

· Noise and Light Pollution: High-density housing can lead to noise pollution from increased traffic and crowded living conditions. Bright streetlights and commercial areas disrupt residents’ sleep patterns.

· Community Consultation and Transparency: Some residents feel left out of decision-making processes. They want more transparency and meaningful consultation before major housing developments occur.

· Impact on Local Businesses: Rapid growth can affect local businesses. Increased competition and changing demographics may harm small businesses.

· Loss of Agricultural Land: In areas with prime agricultural land, residents worry about losing valuable farmland to housing developments. Balancing urbanisation with agricultural preservation becomes critical.

Lynne Strong 7

I was just 21 when my hard working and loveable dairy farmer dad died of heart disease. He was 54, the same age I am now.

He never saw me marry and his grandchildren didn’t get to meet him.

As a teenager in class at high school I was left wondering, not if but when, my father would have another heart attack – or my family waiting until I finished my university exams to tell me dad was in intensive care again.

Sadly, coronary heart disease is Australia’s number one killer, with one life claimed every 12 minutes. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Like most things

prevention is everything.

That’s why regular heart health checks are vital for the early detection of symptoms of heart disease. To enable that genuine conversation with your health practitioner and to take action to prevent heart disease.

It’s why you will regularly see me out walking with my dogs, riding my bike and enjoying our great outdoors. It’s why I love our fresh local produce made with heart and soul from the South Coast community.

And every sunrise and sunset is a reminder of being thankful to be alive.

I made a promise to myself long ago, to do everything possible to be around to see

my children marry, and one day meet their kids too.

It’s also the reason I am the Co-Chair of Parliamentary Friends of Rural and Regional Health, to help improve health outcomes for people in my communities and across rural and regional Australia.

Last week, Novartis, in partnership with Wesfarmers Health, brought a day of free heart health screening for people to the Nowra Centre Plaza. HeartScreen was literally brought into the community my dad lived in, so more people could get their heart health checked and to spark that conversation with their health practitioner.

Tomorrow, in Parliament, Novartis will launch their report “Cardiovascular Disease Impact Model Report” to learn how we can better test, treat, and track Australia’s leading cause of death.

We know that Cardiovascular Disease costs our Australian health system more than $10 billion annually and that every dollar put back into prevention, helps save lives.

It might be too late for my dad, but if we can help save more lives across rural and regional Australia, then that is definitely worth it.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Federal Member for Gilmore PHILLIPS MP FIONA Authorised by Fiona Phillips MP, Nowra. I’m here to help with issues like Medicare, Centrelink, aged care and pensions, the NDIS, Veterans’ Affairs and community grants. I can also arrange flags, and special birthday and anniversary messages. Please let me know how I can help you. (02) 4423 1782 3/59 Junction St Nowra NSW 2541 & 1/6-8 Orient St, Batemans Bay NSW 2536 Fiona Phillips, MP for Gilmore JAMBEROO GAINSBOROUGH, JONES BEACH Pavilion Top Shop Grocer Kiama Pharmacy Grand Hotel Council Chambers Service Station / Newsagent Kiama Bowlo Elders Real Estate IGA Jamberoo Bowlo Post Office KIAMA JAMBEROO GERRINGONG IGA News Agent Gerringong Bowlo Ampol Garage Highway Mecure Retirement Home Gerroa Fishos Club JONES BEACH NSW Services Sebel Hotel Blue Haven Terralong St Blue Haven Bonaira GET YOUR BUGLE Find your closest pick up point below! Newsagency Leagues Club Kiama Tourism Blowhole Point Woolworths Gerringong Library Fire Station Business chambers Bugle Stand TERRALONG ST. Burnetts on Barney Kiama Smash repairs Library BARNEY ST, RAILWAY PDE MANNING ST AKUNA ST COLLINS ST BLUE HAVEN Post Office Foodworks Jones Beach IGA Kiama Downs Golf Club GERRINGONG & GERROA WHY HEART HEALTH MATTERS TO ME

$60 MILLION for wellbeing nurses in NSW schools

The NSW Government has allocated $60 million over four years to extend the Wellbeing and Health In-Reach Nurse (WHIN) Coordinator program, ensuring continued support for students' health and wellbeing.

Since its inception in 2018, the program has helped provide essential support to more than 10,000 students across the state through the dedicated work of wellbeing nurses. Now, with approximately 100 wellbeing nurses deployed across metropolitan, rural, and regional areas of NSW, serving around 400 public schools, an estimated 150,000 students will have access to this invaluable service.

In the Kiama Electorate, wellbeing Nurses are sta-

tioned at North Nowra Public School and Kiama High School. Additionally, outreach services are extended to students at Illaroo Road Public School, Bomaderry High School, Bomaderry Public School, Minnamurra Public School, Kiama Public School, Gerringong Public School, Jamberoo Public School, and Albion Park Rail Public School.

The WHIN Coordinator program, a collaborative effort between NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education, embeds wellbeing nurses in public primary and secondary schools. These nurses play a pivotal role in coordinating early intervention strategies, conducting assessments, and facilitating referrals to health and social


services, ensuring students receive the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

NSW Premier Chris Minns stated, "Students receiving support from wellbeing nurses experience improved health outcomes and better educational engagement."

Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car not ed that the boost will provide ongoing support to students in approximately 400 public schools.

Sarah Kaine, Labor Spokesperson for Kiama, commended the NSW Government's commitment to the program, acknowledging the crucial role of wellbeing nurses in identifying the health and social needs of students and their families.

Brigadoon at Bundanoon

Saturday 6 April 2024 - $105

Includes: entry to the wonderful annual Brigadoon at Bundanoon highland gathering and return coach transport. Lunch during the day at own expense.

Please note: Walking involved BYO seating

Richmond Heritage & History Day

Friday 17 May 2024 - $125

Includes: Light morning tea en-route, guided tour of the heritage and history of Richmond with our brilliant tour guide Judith Dunn, delicious lunch at the Richmond Club and return coach transport.

Glenalvon House, Campbelltown

Tuesday 21 May 2024 - $100

Includes: morning tea and tour of Glenalvon House (a colonial Georgian Townhouse) and Garden, lunch at Campbelltown Catholic Club (own expense) and return coach transport.

Note: Limited walking involved

& Juliet the Musical

Wednesday 19 June 2024 - 1pm matinee show,- $145

Includes: stalls ticket to & Juliet showing at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre and return coach transport 9

Technology and the eye

Technology has changed the ways of many professions and industries over the past several years, and the world of optometry is no different. Optometrists today have many different scans that we can use to get a better picture of your overall eye health.

One of the most important is called an OCT scan. You may have heard this is like a CT or ultrasound for your eyes. Imagine the back of your eye is like a cake, with many layers to it. The top of the cake is easy to see but the inside is not. The OCT scan cuts through the cake for us and shows us every layer of the retina from top to bottom all at once. An OCT scan can detect the very earliest signs of macula degeneration and glaucoma. The scan is great at showing changes which lets us know whether things are worsening, improving or staying the same over time. It can also pick-up things that are otherwise almost invisible to us, like some signs of diabetic eye disease. It does all of this without anything touching your eye in just a few minutes! I personally feel very privileged to be working at a time with access to such amazing technology. It not only gives me new and exciting things to see each day, but it gives me confidence that I am able to provide the best care for all my patients’ eyes.

Jean Anderson

EyeQ Optometrists

124 Terralong St, Kiama 4232 2610

Convenient online bookings

Developers dish on plans for Akuna Street car park

Unveiling the Talent of Foxground's Well-Kept Secret: Robyn Sharp

Nestled amidst the serene beauty of Foxground, an artist’s enclave lies hidden, known to only a select few who stumble upon its treasures.

Robyn Sharp, a quietly remarkable artist, has been weaving her magic in this picturesque haven, creating art that speaks volumes about her personal journey and the landscapes that inspire her.

Robyn is a hidden gem tucked away ‘far from the madding crowd’! Robyn’s works adorn the walls of the retreat and her home and sculptures populate the landscape.

Robyn’s artistic journey spans decades, and showcasing her work dating back to when her daughter was born in 1988. Since then, she has been evolving her style, and delving into various mediums, including sculpture.

Her formative years were

Continued from Page 1 workers who currently use the car park will park during construction. We will update readers if we hear a satisfactory response from either party.

spent in London, where she honed her skills in figurative sculpture along with life drawing and painting. It was a period enriched by the vibrant art scene of the city, where Robyn immersed herself in the creative energy pulsating through its streets.

Attending art school in Chelsea proved to be a pivotal experience for Robyn, where she says she was fortunate to have remarkable teachers who imparted invaluable knowledge and insights. Their guidance laid the foundation for her artistic prowess, shaping her distinctive style that seamlessly blends different genres and materials, from nudes to landscapes to deeply personal pieces.

Teaching stints in Sydney and Los Angeles further enriched Robyn’s artistic journey. However, it was her idyllic retreat in Jamberoo, acquired in 1979, that truly


HillPA Consulting was commissioned to provide an Economic Impact Report, which found the Akuna Street development will generate around 170 jobs on

became the canvas for her artistic expression. It was here amidst the tranquil beauty of the countryside that Robyn found inspiration in the lush landscapes and rustic charm, translating them into engaging works of art.

Robyn’s artistic repertoire is as diverse as the landscapes that inspire her. From poignant sculptures reflecting the theme of empty nests as her only daughter remained in England, to evocative drawings capturing the essence of the bush charcoal, each piece is imbued with Robyn’s unique vision.

One of the distinctive features of Robyn’s art is her meticulous framing technique, inspired by Japanese craftsmanship. Each piece is framed with precision, with intricate grooves lending a touch of sophistication and elegance to her creations. It’s this attention to detail that

the site, including 111 in the two supermarkets and 54 in other retail shops. These employees will contribute around $9.6 million to the local economy each year. For a wider context, potential retail

sets her work apart, elevating it to a realm of timeless beauty.

In May and June, art enthusiasts will have the opportunity toglimpse Robyn’s world at GLAM, where some of her works will be showcased alongside the revered Lloyd Rees at his exhibition. Another opportunity at Cin Cin’s wine bar in Kiama where she will be displaying her work. It’s a testament to her enduring legacy as an artist and the profound impact of her creations that there is so much public interest.

Yet, amidst the accolades and recognition, Robyn remains humble, yet needs another house to showcase her art – or be able to part with some to buyers! As her husband tends to his separate library, Robyn continues to weave her magic, capturing the essence of Foxground’s beauty and the soul of the landscapes that inspire her.

sales in Kiama’s town centre is expected to increase from $242 million in 2022 to $371 million by 2036, according to HillPA.

The report also states that “there will be no adverse impacts on other centres” like the CBDs of Gerringong and Jamberoo. “Given that the site is inside the Kiama Town Centre the overall impacts of the development for the town centre as a whole will be net positive,” the report states. The report however does not take into account the impact on the existing businesses on Terralong Street which the new development will overlook.

You can check out all the planning documents for yourself on Kiama Council’s Development Application Portal here. You can also provide your feedback to Kiama Council and Level 33 directly from the portal.

The Development Application for Akuna Street is on exhibition until 15 March 2024. The Southern Regional Planning Panel will have the final say on approval for Akuna Street, which is composed of experts appointed by the State Government and Council.

Brendon Foye

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March 11




owners is an

part of our work as a local council,” Ms Milevski said.

“To ensure we develop a Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy that meets the needs of our community, whether dog owners or not, we need our community to share their experiences and expectations at the start of this process.”

The survey will remain open until 22 March 2024.

A property situated at 22b Irvine Street, Kiama that remained empty for decades has sold for $1.225 million, or $375,000 above reserve price.

The lot was previously owned by Kiama Council and reserved as a park, but

the property itself only consists of a large, empty space and a few large boulders.

The lot spans 644 metres squared and is located at the top of Thomson Street, about 900 metres away from Kiama Village.

There were nine bidders registered to buy the property on 17 February 2024, with 86 bids made and more than 23 contracts sent out.

First National Coast & Country Kiama, which managed the sale, told The

Bugle that the buyers are locals and plan to build a house on the lot.

Kiama Council voted to offload the parcel of land, with proceeds from the sale going towards its 2023-24 budget as part of its Strategic Improvement Plan.

Bardsley IRVINE STREET PARK SELLS FOR $1.2 MILLION Brendon Foye GET IN THE KNOW, DOWNLOAD THE APP Council has released a new survey to assist in developing a Companion Animals Management Plan, which includes a Dog-Friendly Spaces Strategy.
Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy is intended to achieve the following objectives: Balancing Needs: strike a balance between the needs of dog owners and the broader community for accessible and safe public spaces Equitable Distribution: identify gaps in off-leash dog areas and ensure fair distribution across our Municipality. Future Planning: planning for off-leash areas in alignment with anticipated population growth and trends in dog ownership Council invites all locals and residents to complete the survey and have their say on the matter. To complete the survey and have your voice heard, follow this link: dogsinpublicspaces Printed copies of the survey are also available at Councils Customer Service Centre as well as Kiama and Gerringong Libraries. Manager Environment and Compliance Julie Milevski said the views of our community and those who visit our Municipality were critical in shaping the future of our public spaces for people as well as their furry companions.
the highest
ownership rates in the world, with
enjoyable public spaces
Australia has one of
half of them being dogs, so
inclusive and
and their

Adélaïde Ferrière’s Kiama debut

Adélaïde Ferrière held Kiama under her musical spell on Saturday 24 February 2024. The events organiser, Daniel Rohen, welcomed Kiama locals, playfully thanking them for choosing the ‘right’ decision - to be there insead of the rugby!

The night consisted of a musical composition of classics, such as Bach, Handel and Debussy and new styles including Blue Smoke, a composition by Michael Burrit remastered for marimba, the first time ever being played in Kiama.

Adélaïde, known for her exceptional talent on the marimba, carefully crafted each piece to be compatible with the instrument, adding a new experience for the audience. For compositions

I was more familiar with, such as Rhapsody In Blue from Gershwin, it almost felt like a whole new song. The meditative, soft and mellow sounds of the marimba are almost a direct dichotomy from the bright timbre of a piano. Still, Adélaïde played them with conviction, effortlessly navigating the massive instrument with four mallets.

A highlight of the evening was the debut of a new arrangement of "Blue Smoke" by Michael Burritt. Those in attendance had the privilege of being among the first in the world and the first in Kiama to savour this rendition. Daniel Rohen expressed pride in the overwhelming community support, evident in the filled church, and eagerly announced the upcom-

Rita Sullivan, owner of Knickerboxes in Kiama has received recognition for her contributions to the community after more than 20 years.

Gareth Ward MP acknowledged Rita’s dedication and hard work with a community recognition statement letter.

Rita’s impact extends

ing classical concert on 7 April, featuring the 30th and final tour of Goldner String Quartet.

We were very thankful to be able to chat to Adélaïde after her performance. She was ecstatic to be doing her first performances in Australia - and more excited for her holiday here after the tour. She explained to me that the technique of using two mallets in each hand took her ten years to master. Her dedication to her craft is evident in her precision and musicality.

Check out these amazing images from the show and keep an eye on our whats on page to stay up to date on upcoming Classical Kiama Concerts.

Kiama resident Nardia

Guillaumier has won a gold medal at the World Indoor Rowing Championships this February in Prague. She finished her category, the women's 45-49, 2000m, in 7 min -utes and 16.4 seconds. This marked a personal achievement for her, where she clinched a silver medal in the same category the year prior with a time of seven minutes and twenty seconds.

In a nail-biting photo finish,

Nardia outpaced the competition, securing the top spot over Germany by six seconds. Adding to her achievements, she also claimed a commendable fourth place in the women's 45-49 500-metre indoor rowing category, completing the distance in 1 minute and 33.7 seconds.

Nardia told The Bugle that the event being held in Prague opened up the event to the world's best indoor rowers to compete in person or from home - which Nardia did.

Because of the time difference, the race began at 8:30pm when most people

were winding down for the evening. Nardia agreed with her coach, Alan Swan, that endurance and patience would set up a good race and allow her a new personal best if all went well. But she went well beyond that. At the 1000m mark, halfway, Nardia was 29 metres behind the leaders of the race, in fourth position.

The commentators were certain that the leaders were a shoe in for the first two places. She began her power home at the 750m mark. With 350 metres to go, Nardia moved into 2nd and with 300m left powered into 1st. She said she was concentrat-

ing so hard she didn't at first realise that she had won “I had practised to concentrate on my split breathing so I didn't get caught up in the moment” said Nardia.

Coach Allen said “This is a moment that I will never forget. I am extremely proud of Nardia, she's a champion athlete and now has the title to prove it”

As Nadia continues to prove herself on the world stage, representing Australia, she continues to be an inspiration for us all. We wish Nadia luck as she continues to try to beat her personal bests and earn awards for her hard work.


beyond the Kiama community. She and her team travel between several locations across the Shoalhaven, Southern Highlands and beyond to ensure access to not only the lingerie and garments sold but also a safe haven for women who have undergone breast cancer sur

geries. Rita has built a space and a service to help restore confidence and provide comfort when it’s most needed.

The Knickerboxes name also exemplifies generosity and community commitment by collecting and donating necessities to women in Fiji undergoing breast cancer

surgery. Gareth Ward commended Rita’s remarkable contributions, acknowledging her as a beloved and respected member of the Kiama community.

As Rita looks at a new chapter of life, she is selling her thriving business in Edessa Arcade. The Kiama

We are pleased to announce that Dr John Salmon and his wife Rebecca are joining our team.

community expresses heartfelt gratitude for her selfless dedication. Her legacy of kindness and compassion will forever resonate within the hearts of those she has touched. 13
Offering maximal care and minimal intervention to ensure your oral health. Call 4233 1313 for appointments 3/5 Railway Parade Kiama (next to Kiama Library)
Veronica Bardsley

The Dealing with Disappointment seminar leaves guests satisfied

‘The Dealing with Disappointment’ seminar held at the Church Point Centre last week was a great success!

About 50 women gathered in a welcoming setting to explore the topic. The Shine Women team hosted the discussions and participated in a role play that featured many different responses to a person experiencing a redundancy. Folks discussed which alternative would be the most helpful for them.

Brene Brown, an international expert in this field, stated that disappointments cannot be compared and all need to be treated individually. Helpful and unhelpful responses for a healthy way forward were suggested.

Emma Fox, a local counsellor, introduced ‘The House of Disappointment’ as a tool to mind map the process.

The final speaker was Liz Maude, an experienced coun-

sellor, supervisor & manager, who came from Richmond to share her incredible story of multiple life disappointments, including losing her home & possessions in the 2001 bushfires. She spoke of the help the “Serenity Prayer” had been to her & concluded with advice from the Bear Hunt story i.e. “You can’t go over it, you can’t go round it, you can’t go under it…you have to go through it”. What an example of someone who had been through so much, but survived with her faith, hope & love still intact.’

A former participant in one of the eight-week Shine Women courses shared how helpful it had been to her. Brochures and registration for further courses for 2024 are available by contacting Simone Hunt on simone@ or by phone on 4232 2066.

Friday nights in Kiama come alive with the curated jazz rhythms of Steven Peacock, a former New Yorker who has found a harmonious home on Kiama Community Radio. Every week, from 6 to 8 PM, you can join Steven the ‘New Yorker Downunder.’ He shares amix of classic and contemporary jazz tunes, seamlessly blending the fastpaced energy of New York City with Kiama’s laid-back charm.

Hailing from Brooklyn, Steven’s cultural journey began amidst the streets of Manhattan. Navigating the challenges of New York City, he worked at 16 and pursued engineering and economics at New York University and Harvard. Immersed in the city’s music scene, he frequented jazz clubs, witnessing iconic performances. Steven reflects, “New York City is a place of contrasts – from lively jazz clubs to tranquil Sunday afternoons in Washington Square Park.”

A local celebration of Indian Culture

Black Beach came alive with KiamaSala on Sunday 25 February, the first major Indian festival in the region. Festival goers were blessed with a dazzling summer’s day as the perfect backdrop to the day’s festivities, where food and market stalls complemented a stage packed with entertainment.

Stand out stalls offered Indian fashion, Henna artists, and traditional Homewares and Décor, with plenty to take home. A selection of Indian food kept attendees nourished, with Kiama local JJs a clear favourite.

The main stage was the hub of the action. A dynamic MC kept the energy flowing, and excited the crowd with

Rooted in the bohemian spirit of Greenwich Village, Washington Square Park's music scene harks back to the Beat Generation and the folk revival of the 1950s and 1960s. In Steven’s day it was a haven for free-spirited expression, attracting artists and musicians who embodied the countercultural ethos of the neighbourhood.

“It was a cultural melting pot. These experiences shaped my understanding of music and community.”

Steven played drums from age eleven at the Buddy Rich School of Drumming. He also gained a scholarship to teach others. Steven backed numerous bands including ‘Cold Sweat.’ “We played a lot of Chicago, lots of blood, sweat and tears, great fun!” Asked to name drummers he admired, he listed the drummer from the Japanese band Juno Sereto, Stewart Copeland, Neil Pert, Carlos Santana and Joe Morello.

Steven speaks fondly of the

giveaways, facts about India, and Kiama-based trivia, with one lucky person going home with an Adam Gilchrist signed cricket bat.

A packed event schedule kicked off with a morning Yoga class and a welcome to country, and later included traditional drum performances, DJ’s and musical talent, and a host of Bollywood dancers.

The highlight of the day was the performances by the students from Bollywood Exclusive Dance. In vibrant traditional costumes, they wowed the audience with their blend of traditional Indian and modern western dance styles, and even joined the crowd on the

great jazz club on 7th Avenue where the Breker Brothers performed,” Horn, trumpet and sax, they cranked out unique sounds. People lined up around the corner. There were so many funky places in my neighbourhood, the Bowery was often full of drunks but then became uber trendy. On one memorable night I witnessed the Sex Pistols at their best.”

Steven turned producer for the album ‘Introspection through Jazz’ with Paula Potocki. Steven recalls building a stage in their apartment where they had visits from jazz royalty including the likes of Albert Daily.

When Steven came to Australia he lived in Surrey hills, Mosman and Balmain for a while before venturing south to Bowral. In Bowral he volunteered at Highland FM and then created 2WYR, an ACMA licensed youth radio station at 97.5FM. Steven has always loved adventure and has travelled extensive-

grass to share some Bollywood moves in a joint performance. Dance teacher, Viji, was ecstatic, and had glowing praise for her students.

“They’ve all worked so hard in the lead up to this, and they’ve done an amazing job”

For one event goer, this event was a highlight of their year so far.

“It’s been such a great vibe. I loved watching the performances, and it was really nice to see everyone get involved”

With the success of the event, we’ll be sure to see KiamaSala return next year even bigger and better.

ly around Australia on his Harley.

Steven’s exposure to New York’s diverse musical landscape deeply influenced his taste. Playing in jazz clubs and collaborating with musicians, he brings this rich, musical background to ‘New Yorker Downunder’ ensuring a mix of classics and newer sounds on the Kiama airwaves. He creates a bridge between the fast-paced rhythms of New York City and the laid-back lifestyle of Kiama. Through his eclectic playlist and personal anecdotes, he brings the universal language of jazz to a community that may be worlds away from the Big Apple but shares a common appreciation for good music. “Jazz is about the communities that form around it. Whether in the streets of New York or on Kiama Community Radio, the shared love for jazz connects us all.” Catch Steven every Friday night between 6 and 8pm on 15 1 Stafford Street, Gerroa 11a Whistlers Run, Albion Park 13 Tingira Crescent, Kiama 15 Northpoint Place, Bombo27a Anembo Crescent, Kiama Heights SoldSold 16 Henry Parkes Drive, Kiama Downs 12 Noorinan Street, Kiama 56 Windang Road, Primbee 2/62 Manning Street, Kiama Sold RESULTS speak louder than words Experience | Energy | Results Daniel’s February Sales Over $12 Million SoldSoldSold SoldSoldSold


The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March 2
1 84 841 311 138
53 563
31 556
525 645 51 556
42 Tingira Crescent, Kiama 26 Attunga Avenue, Kiama Heights 25 Taylor Street, Kiama 6/1 Kendall Street, Kiama 13 North Street, Minnamurra 150 Shoalhaven Street, Kiama Daniel Dajcic | Director 0432 660 440 Revived coastal hideaway! Supreme developer’s dream in coastal paradise! Loved and cherished family abode! Potential Plus! Versatile central residenceOptions aplenty! Riverside magnificence in grand style! Opulent beachside oasis in iconic locale!

Local Schools Turn Their Back on Controversial App

Local schools have moved away from a controversial communication app, which has been accused of pitting students against each other and creating a “culture of surveillance.” Until recently, several schools across Kiama and Shellharbour LGAs have been communicating with parents via the Class Dojo app—a popular platform, which is used by over 50 million teachers and families, globally.

As of February 2024, the NSW Department of Education, however, does not list Class Dojo in their ‘Administration Marketplace Panel of Schools’ —a list of department-approved apps that have undergone an assessment to ensure they match school syllabus and meet data and cyber requirements.

One of the reasons is, Class Dojo stores its data overseas in America . It has also been criticised by educational professionals for its ‘behaviour management’ features, which includes a points system, where students can earn ‘positive points’ for admirable

behaviour and nominate each other for points. Parents also must pay a fee to access ‘pro’ features.

Currently, Minnamurra Public School is transitioning from Class Dojo to the popular app, School Bytes, which has a heart-warming backstory . The app was first launched in 2015 by Blake Garrett, whilst he was in year 12 at Chatswood High School. Since then, it has been adopted by schools across the country. It is not, however, the only app available.

Globally, the ‘ed tech’ sector is booming with developers racing to create a digital product that solves every school’s problem (how to communicate with parents, track absences, collect payments, process permission slips, and more). The problem is that no platform currently ticks all the boxes, leaving schools juggling several applications and online tools, which are putting parents and educators at risk of digital overwhelm.

Many schools use Google Classrooms to communicate

with families but also use additional apps, including School Bytes, Compass, Flexischools, Edsmart, Hero and Sentral. Kiama High School has taken a proactive approach with the development of its own app. They also use School Bytes so parents can make payments, including for school excursions.

Amongst other features, School Bytes allows parents to receive real-time push notifications for school-related news. Some parents, however, will miss the directness of Class Dojo. Gone is the ability to send your child’s educator an instant message (a key feature of the Class Dojo app). Instead, parents at Minnamurra Public School have been told to email the school or to send in a handwritten note via a student.

Although this may feel inconvenient to parents, it will help educators to have better digital boundaries. There have been reports of parents messaging educators late at night, getting frustrated when they don’t receive a fast reply.

“The problem with Class Dojo is, it feels too much like social media,” an educator based in Kiama told The Bugle. “During the pandemic, many teachers became very relaxed with boundaries and now they’re struggling to re-establish communication expectations.”

To avoid email overload, some teachers are adopting a ‘three before me’ approach. If you’re a parent looking for an answer to a question, don’t email a teacher directly until you’ve attempted to source an answer in three ways

(for example, the school’s website, a school app and a parenting Facebook group).

“Teachers do want to be there for families, especially if a child is vulnerable,” says our source. “But there currently isn’t one digital platform capable of doing everything that we need, and parents want.”

In February, it was announced , that the NSW Department of Education will be trialling an Artifice Intelligence tool for students in 16 public schools across the State, including

primary schools and high schools. The app, called NSWEduChat, will respond to students' questions relating to school activities and educational-related topics. It has embedded safeguards to monitor and remove inappropriate content.

If successful, it will open the gateway for AI to be used in communications between students, parents and teachers – another option for streamlining interactions in the future. 17 Located in the heart of idyllic Kiama, Cedar on Collins is a unique retirement residence offering a range of one, two and three-bedroom apartments. Residents can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle within this warm and friendly local community as well as benefit from exclusive concierge services and on-site amenities including a gym, lounge, wine cellar, roof-top terraces and more. Overseen by our Community Manager, Concierge and Maintenance staff, the on-site team thrive on providing a comfortable and tailored experience for all who call Cedar on Collins home. KIAMA’S PREMIUM COASTAL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. Visit our Sales Office at 33 Collins Street, Kiama ENQUIRE NOW ON 02 4255 0454 CEDARKIAMA.COM.AU You may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.




A large collection of historic photographs hidden away in a suitcase for 90 years has been found.

The photographs were taken by journalist-turned -ventriloquist, Thomas Frederic Parnell (later known as Frederick Russel). The suitcase was discovered by the children of their late grandmother in a house in NSW last year.

Tales of old GerrinGonG - The BaTTle of omeGa PuBlic school

Through the lens of Fred Russel, we can take a step back in time. The photographs that have never been seen before depict a range of events from significant sporting moments, royals on tour and the Belfast War.

The collection of 360 photographs were taken from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s and feature incredible moments of history.

The collection was auctioneered at Lloyds Auctions.

“These are extremely rare moments in time that have never been seen until now and Lloyds Auctions are proud to bring them to the public, via auction for them to be treasured by

the next custodians for years to come” said Lee Hames, Chief Operations Officer for Lloyds Auctions.

“We hope that museums or libraries will capture these important photos of history, to document and preserve for future generations to come.”

My father Clive Emery loved history, and often recorded local stories, some of which were written up in The Kiama Independent, the precursor to The Bugle. Looking through my father’s many stories, I came across a story my great grand father recalled from his days at Omega Pub -lic School. It makes for an amusing tale.

Before I hand over to my father’s writing I need to set the scene with a number of points.

Firstly: the railway in the 19th Century was a boon to country areas. The South Coast Railway ended at Bombo in 1887. It was proposed to be extended to Bomaderry but there was one problem. The mountains rolled steeply into the sea between Gerringong and Omega flats.

It meant that five tunnels had to be built. In those days there were none of the boring machines which make tunnelling relatively easy these days.

Tunnelling required the services of railway workers known as fettlers, who would dig the tunnels using a combination of dynamite and pick axes. They would set up a camp with their families. They were tough, hard men and their families were equally tough.

While the men worked, their children would attend the local school, in this case Omega Public School, which was established in 1860 to

Building trust and avoiding greenwashing to enhance community

In the world of urban development in Australia, local councils and land developers face a complex landscape, balancing the need for community engagement with stringent economic and regulatory demands.

A pivotal issue in this balancing act is the perception that the community may not possess a comprehensive understanding of the constraints and pressures faced by developers and councils. This perception can lead to a cautious approach towards community engagement, influenced by concerns about the project’s financial viability and the ability to meet housing targets within tight economic and policy frameworks.

At the core of this dynamic is the perceived knowledge gap between the community and the professionals driving development projects. Urban

cater for local farm families. The school, originally known as Omega Retreat School, finally closed in 1945.

It took six years for the railway line from Bombo to Bombaderry. Omega Station opened in 1893.

Secondly: Omega Public School was located in what is now a private house about half down the hill towards Gerringong on the left hand side of the road as you head South. Children would usually walk ( no buses or private cars) to school. After school they would head home and start their chores on the farm. There was no television or computer games back then.

Many children had dogs. The dog would follow them everywhere, even to school, sitting outside the fence waiting for their owner to return home after school. These dogs had a loyalty to their owner and would do anything to protect them.

One of these children was a boy named James J. Quinn, the ‘hero’ of our story. There have been many great families in Gerringong and one of those is the Quinn family. In sport they have excelled. The most famous was a farmer named Paul Quinn who played for Gerringong rugby league. He represented Australia and later played for Newtown. He used to travel to Sydney from Gerringong for training after milking. The person he travelled with used to complain that on the trip all Paul did was sleep.

But back to the story as my father wrote it.

"Prior to my family leaving

involvement in urban development

development is characterised by its complexity, including detailed planning regulations, environmental assessments, and financial modelling.

There’s a prevailing belief among developers and councils that the specialised knowledge required to navigate these challenges might be beyond the general public’s grasp. This belief can foster a reluctance to fully engage with communities, underpinned by the notion that fostering meaningful dialogue about project constraints and compromises is difficult.

The imperative to deliver a return on investment and to meet housing targets promptly further complicates the situation. Developers are usually constrained by rigid financial models with little room for deviation, while councils face the dual chal-

lenge of addressing housing shortages within stringent budgetary limits. These economic realities may encourage a streamlined development process that minimises community engagement.

However, it is important to recognise that community engagement is a crucial aspect of urban development. The community has a vested interest in the development of their neighbourhoods and should be given a voice in the process. By engaging with the community, developers and councils can gain valuable insights into the needs and concerns of the people who will be affected by the development.

This can lead to more informed decision-making and ultimately result in better outcomes for everyone involved.

It is also pivotal that both developers and councils

Omega, the railway, which had formally ended at Porter’s Garden Beach, or Bombo, was in the process of being extended to Nowra. The necessity of quarrying through the rocky spurs running down to the sea caused the planners to baulk, but now the work had begun on the four tunnels.

The biggest was at the Omega end, and work commenced at either side to meet at the middle. This was achieved with a disparity of only two inches (five centimetres).

The fettlers pitched their camps at the job, and their children, some 16 years old, attended the Omega, swelling its enrollment to nearly 100. The boys had been reared on hard times, where only the fittest survive. By their numerical as well as physical strength they proposed to take over the school playground.

Fights almost to the death ensued but the fettler’s sons had not gauged the toughness of the farmer’s sons. The battles raged during every dinner hour down by the fig tree while Richard Hall, the teacher, was at lunch. Bruised and battered the game little lads of Omega gradually fell to their bigger opponents, and it was left to James J. Quinn of Omega to uphold the honour of the school. He had to take on the biggest and toughest of the fettlers. It was a fight that had to be fought, and in recollection it is suspected that the teacher, Richard Hall, knew that, and kept wisely and discreetly inside

during the conflict.

There was no cheering that would have brought out the teacher, just a grunting and punching match for the whole dinner hour, while the supporters had bunched into their respective camps to watch.

James Quinn, overmatched by his larger opponent, refused to give in, and fought with the tenacity of a tiger. There was one stage when he tripped on a root of the figtree and his assailant fell on him to deal the killer blow. That was deemed unfair by both camps and they were hauled apart and made to stand up and fight.

Early in the fight James’ blue cattle dog, who always followed the three Quinn boys Tom, Jim and Peter to school, came in to lend support. He rushed in and grabbed the fettler boy by the calf of his leg. With a roar of pain the fettler boy kicked away the dog but he had left his mark. He prowled around at the back of the crowd of onlookers during the rest of the fight, hoping for another opportunity.

It never came. The five minute bell rang and the antagonists were pulled apart and taken to the creek nearby to wash themselves down and prepare for school again.

As for the fight, neither had won. A silent truce manifested itself and the two camps settled into a more or less peaceful coexistence."

run the risk of losing trust if the engagement is seen as a greenwashing box-ticking exercise.

Developers and councils should also be transparent about the constraints and challenges they face, and how they are working to address them. By doing so, they can build trust with the community and demonstrate their commitment to creating better outcomes for everyone involved.

Community engagement is a critical component of urban development, and developers and councils must take it seriously. By fostering a culture of open communication and collaboration, and avoiding greenwashing, they can build trust with the community and create better outcomes for everyone involved.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
From local historian, Mark Emery

Kiama to Host Illawarra’s First Women’s Mental Health Summit with Keynote Speaker Dr Cindy Pan

Trusted medical practitioner and popular media personality Dr Cindy Pan, who you may have seen on Channel Seven’s ‘Sunrise’ and ‘The Morning Show’ will be headlining the ‘IAMPOWER Mental Health and Wellbeing Summit’ at The Sebel, Kiama on 25 May. Her expertise in women’s health is extensive, and extends across many areas such as sexual health, women’s medicine, stress management, relationships, and family issues. Speaking at this inaugural event - the first of its kind in the Illawarra, Dr Cindy will be sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience to enlighten and empower women.

On the day there will be several accomplished speakers in the field of women’s

health, such as Sulin Sze, women’s health naturopathy expert, Desiree Savage journalist, broadcaster and editor, Juliana Scopel wellness movement specialist and renowned psychologist and founder of The Shellharbour Clinic, Natali Lazaroski.

This first ever Illawarra summit is the brainchild of two passionate, Illawarra women - Deborah Devaal and Sonia Houria who both work in the mental health arena – Deborah is an accredited art therapist and well-being coach, while Sonia is an apnea survival instructor, spiritual and empowerment coach. She is also well known within the Illawarra as the visionary behind ‘Women Make Waves’ - a venture bringing together an array of spiritual practices,

mindfulness, breathwork and tools borrowed from the art of surfing to guide women on their transformative journeys. The pair have teamed up to create an event that will raise mental health awareness, empower women, and make a positive impact on the well-being of women.

Deborah and Sonia explain this collection of speakers has been carefully curated – to ensure their expertise and specialties embody the theme of the event. This summit has been created to offer women the tools they need to transform their lives and reignite their spirit. The focus is on raising awareness, providing education, a supportive community and fundraising, to help women feel empowered and able to take control of their mental

health and wellbeing. It is important, says the pair for this event to be designed by women and to feature inspirational women as it is rooted in the celebration of women, their talents, creativity, and abilities.

The summit offers keynote speakers, step by step exercises, engaging Q and A sessions, bonding time and group exercises, real life stories and a delicious morning tea and lunch provided by the talented chefs at The Sebel Kiama. And be sure to look on Facebook and Instagram for an early bird giveaway where one lucky ticket holder will win a luxurious one-night stay and breakfast at The Sebel Kiama!

Deborah adds “when you look at the statistics surrounding women’s mental

health, you can see how necessary it is to have an event for women specifically. 50% of women in Australia are dealing with mental health issues- with depression the most widespread. That is why we will be donating a percentage of sales to ‘The Liptember Foundation’ an Australian charity dedicated to women’s mental health

and research.”

Tickets are limited to 100 people only and available online (details below)


Saturday 25 May 2024 from 10am – 4pm

The Sebel, Kiama

Tickets are available online at

Australia’s largest organisation of newspaper publishers has attacked the announcement by Meta that it will no longer negotiate deals with publishers once current agreements expire.

Country Press Australia represents more than 230 regional, rural and outer suburban publications across the nation.

The organisation was advised through an email from Meta early Friday afternoon that “our company priorities have substantially shifted in the past year and, as a result, we will no longer be making Facebook News Tab available in Australia”.

Meta also confirmed “This doesn’t affect our agreement with Country Press Australia which will continue in accordance with its terms and conditions until it expires”.

In a subsequent meeting on Friday afternoon between Country Press Australia and Meta it was made clear that Country Press Australia’s agreement with Meta would not be renewed.

This is a devastating blow to our members who are party to the agreement. All are publishers of regional and local public interest journalism.

Meta has been providing grants to Country Press Australia publishers which has provided vital sustainability.

There will be publishers who close the doors and won’t be able to continue supporting their communities with news in the wake of this announcement. These regional and local publishers are the major, and in most cases sole, providers of local public interest journalism in their communities.

In times of trouble and in emergency situations, such as during floods and in major

bushfire events, the local publisher’s Facebook page is never more important or appreciated by people in our communities.

Meta’s actions undermine our democracy in the way the company displays such disdain for the work of the news industry. It also undermines public confidence in the media sector.

The most popular Facebook pages in most regional and rural communities are those of the local news publishing company, yet Meta says people don’t go to Facebook for news or political content.

What about in times of bushfire and floods or when the chips are down and someone in the community needs help? Local experience would suggest otherwise.

If, by Meta’s own admission, Australians don’t go to Facebook for news or political content, then the federal government should heed the advice of Meta and immediately cease advertising on Meta’s platforms.

Sadly, jobs will definitely be lost as a result of Meta’s decision, but it’s hard to put a number on this.

Given the already well-documented challenges our industry faces (major cost increases for newsprint, ink, energy and the decline in federal government advertising spend), this announcement will force many publishers to confront the issues ahead of them and cut staff.

The reaction from our members in the aftermath of Friday’s announcement has been one of deep concern, alarm and even anger.

The federal government must act to give assurance to our industry and to support the democratic infrastruc-

ture that is the newspaper industry. And it needs to move swiftly, decisively and with purpose.

We need government to support the news industry and invoke the news media bargaining code.

Our government must also do what it can to assure Australians that the government values the news industry’s role in our democracy to mitigate disruptions to the news industry.

Facebook reaped the benefits of our members’ unique local content for many years, and has paid those local and regional publishers for only the last three years and will now not renew their agreement with Country Press Australia.

A democracy cannot function without a healthy news sector, and this is now heavily at risk in regional and local communities after Meta’s decision.

It is important that the federal government responds swiftly to this decision and considers all possible action including designating Meta under the News Media Bargaining Code and other options available to them and the ACCC.

It is vital that news media is adequately compensated for the content that Facebook has been able to build their business from over many years and ensure a strong and robust news media industry which is vital for a healthy democracy.

It is also vital that the federal government ensures strong support of the industry now more than ever before and ensures the News Media Assistance Program (News MAP) is finalised urgently.

CPA 19
Deborah Devaal and Sonia Rivas, the founders of the IAMPOWER summit. Picture supplied by The Murcury

Werri Beach & Gerringong Garden Club

Dazzling Dahlias

Dahlias are such gorgeous and colourful flowers, it’s no surprise they are so popular. On Wednesday 13 March, Dahlias are the focus with Gerard and Olwyn Oldfield of Highlands Dahlias talking about dahlias, the various types, and how to grow and care for them. It’s sure to be a colourful spectacle as they will be bringing plenty of dahlias in flower.

As well as being entertaining, Gerard is a fount of knowledge, as we found out the last time he spoke to us about preparing and feeding the soil.

Our meeting starts promptly at 10am, with morning coffee served from 9.30am.

Uniting Church Hall, 28 Fern St, Gerringong. Cost is $5 to attend.

Members and visitors welcome.

Enquiries call Barb on 0419 498 072 or email us at

Werri Beach/Gerringong Garden Club visits...

Jamberoo Gardens

Members of the Werri Beach Gerringong garden Club spent a wonderful morning visiting gardens in Sproule Cres, Jamberoo. This visit followed our talk last meeting on Making the most of small gardens”. The gardeners of Sproule St have many splendid examples of beautiful small gardens, and we came away with our heads filled with inspiration and great ideas.

We are very grateful for the generosity of Elisa and Gloria Dalla Valle and other residents for hosting the garden club for morning tea, then showing us around some of their picturesque gardens.

Thank you to everyone who made us feel so welcome. A special day indeed!

65 Years of Fundraising Pays Off !

Gerringong Town Hall was a fitting venue on Saturday 2nd March for the celebration of 65 years of continuous fundraising for Children’s Medical Research Institute Gerringong Committee. It was here that the first meeting of the Gerringong Committee took place, under the leadership of first President Dorothy Bailey, on 23rd March,1959.

Life Members, Mena Sharpe and Joyce Sharpe, were at that, meeting and are still active members today. Other Life Members include Past President (1984-2009 ) Margaret Weir OAM, Rhonda Bailey, Kate Quinn, Jenny Bolden, Dawn Miller and Edith Burgess. Guest speaker, Professor Roger Reddel, Director of CMRI and Jennifer Philps, Community Relations Manager, congratulated the Gerringong Committee on reaching this milestone. President Lucy Hill outlined the history of the Committee and its success over these 65 years in donating $2,262,000 to medical research. Professor Reddel focused on the research of scientists at the labs at Westmead. Cancer and genetic disease make up the majority (85% ) of the work done. These are the areas of greatest unmet need. Neurobiology and Embryology make up the rest.

When CMRI scientists first began working on gene therapy under the guidance of the late Professor Peter Rowe, most of his peers felt gene therapy was science fiction. Today, thanks to the past 30 yrs of the Jeans for Genes National Campaign, Gene Therapy is changing lives for the better. Cancer research centres around the ProCan research unit based at Westmead and has yielded better diagnosis of childhood cancers and because of its huge data base of cancer tumour samples, targeted treatment of different cancers. It’s a global effort and CMRI is leading the world.

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a devastating disease that causes big nerves to die off and the ability to use large muscles is lost. Some children die before age 2 , others may be in a wheelchair for years. Gene Therapy most commonly involves replacing or repairing a faulty gene. The most efficient delivery systems are based on viruses and the current SMA Gene Therapy uses a harmless virus named AAV. One injection gives children a normal life.

During question time at the conclusion of Professor Reddel’s speech, the audience heard, quite unexpectedly, from Adam Sharpe who revealed that his daughter ,Alessia, had been diagnosed at birth with SMA and received gene therapy treatment that reversed the disease. Alessia has a very active, happy, normal life. Adam and his wife, Adriana, expressed their appreciation to Professor Reddel who described the moment as “ spine tingling” .The audience agreed and all were delighted to be part of this wonderful revelation. CMRI Gerringong Committee is committed to continued fundraising knowing that 82 cents in every dollar goes directly to research, 1 in 20 kids face a birth defect or genetic disease, 160,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer.

New members are always welcome. Next meeting is Monday 8th April at Gerringong Town Hall 7pm. Email and go to

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March EG R R ON G ZE T ET


Lloyd Rees Revisited

A wonderful exhibition, “Lloyd Rees Revisited,” organised by members of the Gerringong and District Historical Society, (GDHS) opens to the public on March 8th 2024, at GLaM Gallery, Gerringong Library and Museum complex. There will be a collection of Lloyd’s work, a display of biographical detail and memorabilia and a survey of local contemporary artists’ work paying homage to Lloyd.

Rees was born in Brisbane in 1895 and died in Hobart 1988, but lived most of his life in Sydney. From 1939 he and his family holidayed at Gerringong, and in 1947, built a cottage, Caloola, at Werri Beach, which still stands today.

The best known of Rees’ local works is The Road to Berry, painted in 1947, showing the main coastal road winding around the hills south of Gerringong. Rees selected earth tones for his palette, rather than depict the countryside in the varying shades of green associated with the area, and emphasised the physical character of the land with its generous undulations. Most artist are very familiar with the work and Brett Whitely was enchanted by the painting, making his own version. The original hangs in the Art Gallery of NSW but visitors to the exhibition can see a print of The Road to Berry in the Gerringong Heritage Museum in the permanent exhibition.

Thirty local artists, who, like Rees, have been attracted to the beauty of our district have been invited to use Rees’ painting, The Road to Berry, altered to “The Road to Gerringong”, as a starting point for their own personal exploration and engagement with the magnificent landscape of escarpment, hills, valleys, coast and bush, surrounding the district of Gerringong.

As part of the exhibition, On Thursday 14 March, distinguished architect and close friend of Lloyd Rees, Richard Leplastrier AO, will provide an insight into the artists’ approach to life and painting. Doors for this event will open at 5 pm, and the talk will commence at 5.30pm. There will be an entry fee of $10 and light refreshments will be served. Following the talk, the exhibition will be formally opened by Lloyd’s son, Alan Rees.

Students at Gerringong Primary School will also be exploring the art of Lloyd Rees, and expressing their own appreciation of the local landscape and their work will be exhibited in the library as part of Lloyd Rees Revisited. You will find this a varied and stimulating exhibition, with the bonus of viewing a survey of new work by the district’s local artists; beautiful and skilfully rendered original drawings, acrylics, oils, pastels and watercolours, available for purchase at a reasonable price.

8 – 21 March, 2024 , 10am – 3pm closed Mondays

GLaM Gallery, The Heritage Museum and Library

10 Blackwood Street, Gerringong

Of Gerringong Probus Club

Valentine’s day has come and gone. However, long before Valentine’s Day was even a ‘thing’ in Australia many Probarians chose to make love and romance a 365-day celebration. Our President Ken Freeman and his wife Marj are amongst several couples nudging more than 60 years of marriage.

This year our Events Manager, Peter Jeffrey, picked the Gerringong Boat Harbour to share chocolates and yummy slices for a BBQ picnic. Discovering the fantastic cuisine skills of the retiree generation might be the secret to their years of marital bliss.

Yet not to over emphasise the attachment of marriage to the kitchen sink many of us whipped into IGA and the local butcher for a more liberated modern day easy pre-cooked meal.

In recent years Peter has been better at selecting a rainy day than the Bureau of Meteorology. Yet, this year it was a Goldilocks day – just perfect. 21

The Lions and their partners shared a Prawn and Chicken dinner at The Gerringong Rugby League Club where they were addressed by Jen Elrington from the South Coast Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service.

Jen spoke about an increasingly disturbing issue that is affecting our communities and her Service’s role in assisting victims of domestic violence. At the end of the evening The Lions were able to present Jen with a cheque for $2,000 for her Southern Women’s Support Group.

Gerringong Lions Club recently held their annual Car Show / Motor Fest at Cronin Oval Gerringong. Over three hundred cars turned out, for a picture perfect day. Money raised, from participants, spectators, sponsors, donations and raffles at the event is to be donated to the Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation.

This year the Lions topped up this amount to $15,000 with some funds from their Return and Earn Project. There are no administrative costs associated with this donation and all the money will go directly to Childhood Cancer Research.

Tickets will begin selling in the annual Lions Mother’s day raffle on 13th April. All the proceeds from the sale of these tickets will go to the Warilla Women’s Refuge. Tickets will be on sale in Fern St outside the Gerringong Pharmacy.

30 Year Anniversary

On Thursday 21st March

The Gerringong Lions Club will be commemorating the beginning of the club thirty years ago.

The Gerringong Club was sponsored by The Kiama Lions Club in 1994 and began with 38 charter members, of whom 7 are still involved in the club. The celebrations will be held at The Gerroa Boat Fisherman’s Club.

Work will resume on the Werri Beach dunes next week, clearing out invasive weeds such as asparagus fern and lantana and maintaining the walkways to the beach.

At the Lions meeting at the end of January Jeff Trott, from Shellharbour Marine Rescue, provided an interesting talk about his volunteer service that covers the coastal waters to the north and south of Shellharbour and well out to sea.

Jeff outlined the dos and don’ts for safe boating as well as sharing a number of interesting stories of the adventure that comes with being involved in the Marine Rescue organisation. Lions were able to present Jeff with a cheque for $500 to assist Shellharbour Marine Rescue branch.

The Lion's Club is sponsoring two participants going on the Expedition programme. Both are local boys 16 years of age. They will be headed off to Tharwa in the ACT to commence the course on 15th - 24th April.

They will be trekking into the mountains in a small team, and doing a series of adventurous experiences, cooking and camping. Always a great time for the kids. On their return we will have a special night for them at the Mercure Motel where they will recount their 10 days' adventures.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March EG R R ON G ZE T ET

Fire Hydrants

Fire hydrants on the water mains enable fire fighters to directly access the water supply.

Fire services use the hydrants for a continuous flow of water which is vital to firefighting operations. A fire truck carries only enough water to make an initial fire attack. In the first minutes of a fire emergency a continuous water supply from the water mains must be accessed through a hydrant.

In every fire emergency, getting a hydrant to work is one of a firefighters’ priorities. Accessing a hydrant without delay ensures that firefighters who are already inside a burning building tasked with search and rescue or attacking the fire can continue for as long as required.

Often firefighters find that hydrants are hidden or not maintained and cannot be used at a fire emergency. This is not only frustrating for firefighters, but it can lead to serious consequences in delaying operations.

A much greater awareness of the importance of hydrants in the community is needed so people will ensure hydrants near them are useable. Being able to find the nearest fire hydrant can save precious time in an emergency.

Hydrants may be hidden or unusable when.

Grass or vegetation has grown over the hydrant cover.

Dirt, earth, or rubbish has been piled over a hydrant.

Cars are parked on top of a hydrant.

Gardens have been grown over a hydrant.

Hydrants have been relocated due to building construction.

Markers have worn out or been dislodged Insects have infested a hydrant.

Finding Hydrants

In NSW hydrants are located just a couple of metres underground on a road or pathway and have a cover known as a surface fitting. In rural areas they are supplied by Sydney Water and are located close to the shoulder of the road about 180 to 220 metres apart.

Hydrant Markers

Firefighters use hydrant markers to identify the location of a hydrant. These markers are critical in locating a hydrant in a timely manner during firefighting operations. Hydrant indicator plates are fixed at a height of 2.1 metres on power/light poles, directly facing the hydrant. Where there are no poles, the plates are on fences or walls facing the hydrant. Kerbs may also be marked. The numbers on indicator plates show the distance to the hydrant and the size of the water main. SWS markings show static water supplies which are suitable to use in emergencies and in some areas, blue ‘cats’ eye’ reflective markers are used in the road, as a secondary marker for hydrants. Alternatively, ‘H’ markings are painted at the edge of the road.

Most importantly always remember in an emergency to: Call Triple Zero (000)

If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment, call 106.

When visiting Gerringong, I always enjoy rummaging around in the eclectic shop on Fern Street and regularly leave with one or more great second-hand bargains. You never know what you‘ll find (that you never knew you couldn’t live without!) on the crowded but we-kept racks and shelves: perhaps beautiful vintage earrings; a designer dress; artisan glassware; old English bone china - or a game, book, or other collectible item. A few years back, I pounced on a stunning straight kneelength black leather skirt, priced at $15, which became a useful staple and firm favourite in my wardrobe for many years.

At Gerringong’s Mayflower Nearly New shop, you can pick up a fashion or decorative piece, last-minute gift, household item, or something to entertain the kids - all at bargain prices - while helping both the environment (via recycling/circularity) and those less fortunate.

Staffed by a group of friendly, helpful and hard-working volunteers and loved by locals and passing visitors alike, the shop is as popular with children, teenagers and fancy-dress party attendees, as it is with adults and seniors.

Margaret Mitchell has volunteered in the shop for the last five years. She recalls an eight-year-old boy sorting through piles of plates, emerging triumphantly with a piece of English fine-bone china. He had recently started a collection, and his mother remarked that she fully expected to see him soon on Antiques Roadshow. Another volunteer remembers an entrepreneurial ten-year-old handbag connoisseur, who was extremely excited to shell out his pocket money on a wellknown international designer bag, in excellent condition and at a miniscule fraction of its original price.

A woman from Boston in town to attend her son’s wedding at Seacliff the next day came in frantic because she’d only brought with her winter clothes. Margaret and another volunteer Ronwyn Miller, worked together to kit her out for the wedding, with a day and evening dress, two pairs of shoes and a fascinator! After the wedding, the wedding-goer found Margaret to thank her and raved about the compliments she’d received on her ‘boutique’ outfits.

On another occasion, a visiting family of campers had all their belongings stolen, so they came into the shop to restock essential household items needed for their stay.

On Tuesday mornings, a team of dedicated volunteers receive and sort donations at a sorting shed on the corner of Rowlands Road and Belinda Street.

The shop’s earnings go towards various initiatives and items to enrich the lives of Mayflower residents, which last year included:

A final payment for the stained-glass windows in the chapel; Modern wheelchairs for residents and family or carers use; Concerts for residents; and ‘Pets for Therapy’ visits to the nursing home.

Other worthwhile donations from the shop’s proceeds included to: Salt Care in Nowra - to assist with a womens’ refuge and to purchase backpack kits for the homeless KEBECET - towards a Kiama High program for children with learning difficulties Light Home - assisting the very poor in India

Homestead of Hope, Kiama 23 EG R R ON G ZE T ET

world day of prayer

Kiama Anglican Church held its World Day of Prayer on 1 March with the theme of ‘Unity’.

East when the service was written four years ago?

This same service was held right across the world, on this day, so thousands of prayers went up for Palestine at the same time.

the history and background of Palestine from local resident David Kerr. He has visited the Middle East many times as a peace advocate.

from the Anglican church, who challenged us to keep working on ‘striving for unity and learning to forgive.’

The focus country this year was Palestine. Who could have imagined the present situation in the Middle

Our local celebration began as folk from the six local churches gathered for morning tea in the foyer of the church point centre. Over 80 people moved into the auditorium to hear a summary of

Death is a Part of life

Rest in Peace Champion of Australian Dads

One of the greatest fighters for Australia’s many separated dads, Barry Williams, founder of the Lone Fathers Association, has passed away aged 85.

His funeral was held in Canberra Wednesday 6 March at Norwood Park Chapel in Canberra.

Warwick Marsh of Dads4Kids fame writes:

“Barry Williams (18 April 1938 – 23 February 2024) has saved more men from suicide than anyone else I know. He has also been the greatest advocate for single fathers, their children and their families in the history of our nation.

“In the early seventies, Barry Williams became acutely aware, as a single father to four young children, including a 13-month-old baby, of the lack of support for men and fathers.

“As a result, Barry established the first branch of The Lone Fathers Association in 1973 in the Australian Capital Territory. Over the next five decades, Lone Fathers branches were established in every state of Australia. The phones in their offices would ring around the clock, often with calls from men who were extremely distressed, sometimes suicidal, due to the trauma of their

families breaking up. The anti-male bias in the Family Law system exacerbated the problems and multiplied the trauma.

“The Lone Fathers Association has grown to become perhaps the longest and most successful family law reform organisation in the world, helping both men and women throughout Australia by providing advice, help and direction, and free legal support.

Lone Fathers have also played a crucial role in suicide prevention in Australia over the last five decades. Barry has personally helped save thousands of men’s lives.”

Few Australians are aware that the Labor government railroaded major changes to Australia’s Family Law Act last October. In a tried and true manner, the government held an extremely short and poorly publicised inquiry, thereby minimising community input, before ramming through legislation which took away any notion of shared parenting or so-called shared parenting responsibility from the Family Law Act.

Barry Williams was a tireless advocate for reform of Australia’s family law and child support systems, which he viewed as extremely

destructive towards fathers, children and the country’s social fabric and would have been extremely disappointed to see these changes, regarded as retrograde across Australia’s fatherhood movement.

The Bill removed the objects section of the Act which stated that family court decisions should encourage the participation of both parents in their children’s lives. The aim of involving both parents was first introduced some 20 years ago by the conservatives after massive public backlash over the extremism of Australia’s family law, the well acknowledged fact that the highest rates of suicide in the country are directly related to mistreatment of fathers during family law and child support matters, and the desperate concerns not just of fathers but mothers, sisters, daughters, grandparents over the extreme damage the court system was inflicting on the nation’s children.

As prominent social commentator Bettina Arndt wrote: “Chances are most people reading this wouldn’t even know the Family Law bill had passed. Men across Australia wouldn’t have a clue that their rights as parents are now far more precarious, their chances of

This article contains discussions of end-of-life care, voluntary assisted dying (VAD), and related medical processes. Content may be sensitive and emotionally challenging for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) has been legal in NSW since 28 November 2023. It stands as an option for individuals grappling with intolerable symptoms at the end of life. This legislation marks a significant milestone in the state’s approach to holistic healthcare.

NSW is the last state in Australia to approve legislation of this kind, following in the footsteps of Victoria who was first to commence in 2021 with Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland following suit.

In the last month, the Illawarra Shoalhaven Compassionate Communities and the NSW Government worked together to provide information sessions in Kiama to facilitate understanding and education about the new legislation.

The ‘ask anything’ sessions gave members of the community the opportunity to come and discuss the topic in a confidential and respectful environment.

Key points discussed during the sessions include the voluntary and person-centric nature of the process. VAD complements the right to high quality palliative care and also the importance of informed consent when making decisions about a person’s own medical care.

There is a lot of infor-

being a proper father after divorce severely reduced. The likelihood that fathers will end up as victims of false allegations is also much increased.”

Sue Price of the Men's Rights Agency, a woman who has herself been an enormous help to thousands of distressed fathers, said Barry Williams served as the beacon of hope for countless separated fathers and their children as he took on the mantle of President of the Lone Fathers Association.

"His dedication and advocacy were born from a keen recognition of the need for a collective voice for those navigating the complexities of family separation," she said.

"Under his leadership, the

He was described as ‘pro Israel, pro Palestine, pro justice and pro peace’.

Interspersed with songs and mediations we heard stories of Palestinian families read by members of different churches. The speaker was Helen Webber,

mation on legislation and the safeguards in place to ensure the process of voluntary assisted dying is conducted ethically and safely. There are several requirements for the multiple medical assessments, clear eligibility criteria and strict procedures for administering the medication.

The process involves several medical practitioners that follow the patient through their end of life care, conducting the assessments and steps required. Healthcare professionals that are involved in the process undergo specialised training to ensure they understand the legal and ethical implications of the process.

NSW typically provides support services for patients considering VAD, as well as their families and carers. These services may include counselling, information about alternative options and assistance with accessing palliative care or other forms of support. The support follows the patient and their family from beginning until the end.

There is a structured 11 step process that is required to receive the end-of-life medication. There are a series of assessments, consultations and waiting periods. The initial request starts the process when a patient expresses their wish to access VAD medication. The request must be clear and unambiguous. Following this there are several assessments and waiting periods that take place before the medication is dispensed. There are several ways the medication can be

organisation swiftly became a notable force in Canberra, championing the rights and needs of fathers facing the challenging terrains of family court, domestic violence, false allegations, and child support issues.

"With a steadfast commitment to the cause, Barry's influential lobbying efforts resonated within the political corridors of Canberra, yielding significant results that have helped reshape the dialogue and policies affecting separated families. Inspired by his vision and tenacity, similar chapters of the Lone Fathers Association emerged across various states, united by a common mission to advocate for justice and support for fathers and their children in

It was a prayerful, meaningful time together and in the concluding minutes, the baton for next years’ service was handed on to the Catholic Church, which will focus on the Cook Islands.

administered, all depending on the patient and their wishes.

This decision is highly sensitive and intimate and takes place during an extremely vulnerable time in life. Overall, the legalisation of Voluntary Assisted Dying in NSW marks a significant milestone in providing end-of-life options for those facing intolerable suffering, ensuring dignity and autonomy in their final moments.

Legislation says the cause of death resulting from VAD is not recorded as suicide but attributed to the existing condition the individual is suffering from. This guarantees the decision to pursue VAD gives individuals a sense of empowerment and control over their circumstances. It’s a personal process that is extremely sensitive and unique to the individual.

Many legal and ethical considerations are in place throughout VAD legislation in NSW to address legal and ethical considerations, such as protecting the rights of healthcare professionals who object to participating in the process, ensuring that patients are fully informed about their options and rights.

There is a wealth of information on Voluntary Assisted Dying available here.

Compassionate Communities also host a ‘death cafe’ meeting each month. The next one is set for 18 April at Kiama Library and encourages people to come for an open discussion about death.


"Though Barry has since passed, the legacy of his words and the impact of his work continue to influence and guide the Lone Fathers Association. His contributions have laid a strong foundation for ongoing advocacy, ensuring that the Association remains a stalwart defender of paternal rights and the well-being of children in the complex aftermath of family separations."

Vale Barry Williams. We will never see the likes of you again.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Brooke Pittman

Justice for Rachelle Childs:

Younger Sister Urges Increased Reward for Killer's Capture

The sister of Rachelle Childs, a victim of an unsolved murder in 2001, has called upon New South Wales Police to boost the reward from $200,000 to $500,000. The intention is to rekindle public interest and possibly unearth new evidence in this long-standing cold case.

Kristy Morris, Rachelle's younger sister, who was only 18 at the time of the tragedy, expressed the enduring pain caused by losing her quick-witted and beloved 23-year-old sister. A lively and cherished individual, Rachelle left an indelible mark on those who knew her.

"The petition is about raising the reward to $500,000, which is definitely not unheard of — it's quite common," Ms Morris said. "The reason why is because we want people to be talking about it.”

"We want people thinking about that time, where they were, if there are any details they can remember, and just raising the award will get Rachelle's case back into the public eye, which is what we are hoping for."

Rachelle's father, Graham, passed away in 2021 without learning who took his daughter's life. The family remains hopeful that the mysteries surrounding the case will be unveiled in due course, allowing Graham to find peace.

About the crime

On the evening of Thursday, 7 June 2001, 23-year old Rachelle Childs was last seen driving her 1978 Holden Commodore, registered as GV-2000, from her workplace in Camden to her residence in Bargo at approximately 5:15pm. After concluding her duties at her work, a car dealership, located about a 20-30 minute drive away, Rachelle returned home.

It is believed that she then travelled a short distance to Bargo Pub, possibly to meet someone. Later, her 1978 Holden Commodore was discovered abandoned in the parking lot behind the venue. Notably, during the police investigation, the driver's seat and steering wheel lock of her car were found in an unusual position, prompting scepticism about whether Rachelle had last driven the vehicle or if someone else had taken control of it.

At 2:2 am on 8 June, Rachelle's still burning body was found in Gerroa, 60 miles from her home. The discovery, made by a security guard, was nothing short of traumatic Fiona Shaw, a colleague of Rachelle's at Camden Holden, arrived at Rachelle's home on the morning of 8 June, unaware of the gruesome discovery. Rachelle's house lights and television were left on, leading to concern about her whereabouts. The family was informed two days after the discovery of Rachelle’s body.

A 2008 coronial inquest, prompted by statements from Rachelle's former boss, Kevin

Correll, reportedly said that Childs' fingers had been cut off because of her ‘interest in bikies’.

Rachelle's body was exhumed and state coroner Jane Culver concluded that her fingers were severed before she was burnt. Culver assumed Rachelle's death was a homicide. Ms Culver also made an extensive list of recommendations during her inquest on how police should conduct murder investigations in future. These mainly involved better cooperation between local detectives and the Homicide Unit.

"The police investigation in the early period following Ms Childs' death unfortunately was not able to capture some items of evidence which are no longer available to the current investigating police," she said. I was unable to find out what specific evidence she was referring to.

Police identified nine possible suspects, focusing on one as the potential perpetrator.

To date, eight have been ruled out, with no further details provided.

Her family says their greatest fear is that her killer may only be caught after the person strikes again.

In 2018, Homicide Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Scott Cook said “The movement of Rachelle’s car is of particular interest to investigators, and while it was 17 years ago, her car was distinctive and we believe this could refresh a memory,” Det Supt Cook said.

“We believe her car travelled to the Gerroa area and was driven back to Bargo –so we are very interested in speaking to anyone who was on the road around that time and may have seen her car”

“Further, we know that her body was burnt with petrol, so we are also keen to speak to anyone who may have seen her vehicle at a service station between Bargo and Gerroa that evening.

“Someone out there knows something, so, if you know anything that may help us provide answers to Rachelle’s family, now is the time to free your conscience and speak to us."

The late Graham Childs fondly recalled how his daughter cherished her horses, dogs, cats, and family, emphasising that there wasn't a single day when they were unaware of her whereabouts.

The heinous act committed against this beloved sister and daughter, who had her entire life ahead of her, points to the presence of a sinister and malevolent force.

If you have any information regarding this crime or details about her car's movements on the critical night, we urge you to reach out to Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000. Your assistance could be vital in finally bringing closure to this tragic case. 25
Rochelle with racing legend Peter Brock Rochelle Childs.webp



winning 6/1 6/2 in just over one hour. It is the 28-year old Australian’s first title at the WTA 500 level. Perez is to be promoted to a new career high ranking of world number 8 doubles in next weeks rankings.

Australian startup Spoony has announced its founding team and set a launch date for the rollout of its new online dating app. The app will be available from a date set in Q4 of 2024.

Spoony aims to revolutionise the dating landscape for neurodivergent, chronically ill and disabled individuals.

Founders Kenneth Liang, Blake Crichton, and Nicholas Carlton built Spoony in response to Nicholas’s experiences as a chronically ill person.

Today’s dating apps are a frustrating experience for most people but for those that face existing challenges from their chronic illness, disability or neurodivergence the frustration can feel more intense and distressing and many of these users are

Some people are born naturally optimistic. Happy, healthy, productive, they just laugh at the many challenges life throws at us on a daily basis. Not me.

Only just last winter, having finished writing the book, Australia Breaks Apart, done a flurry of interviews and revelled in the somewhat unusual sensation of reading positive reviews, I decided I’d celebrate for a week. Go to the pub. Drink, smoke, party like I was still in my 20s.

One week turned into another week, and soon enough into a month and beyond.

It wasn’t long before I found myself sitting in the kitchen drunk, depressed, smoking way too much. At my age, early 70s, it wasn’t just clinically ill advised, it was downright insane, in effect slow suicide. I was becoming a person I did not want to be: a totally miserable sod.

Through the fog one voice kept repeating in my head: “The solution is in front of you.”

It was around this time I went down to Bunnings for the odd bits and pieces we

all go to Bunnings for, and outside doing the sausage sizzle that day was a funny mob calling themselves the Sudu Dragon Boat club.

I stopped, ordered the more or less obligatory $5 drink and sausage package, and asked them about dragon boat racing.

It truly was the last thing on my mind. But for some reason, that voice in the head again, I was drawn to it. The people were friendly, funny and encouraging. Now, after all these months, I know them all as separate characters, but back then they were just a bunch.

Not long afterwards, I looked up their website, rang one of the organisers, and was invited down to Deakin Reserve on Lake Illawarra at the back of Oak Flats. The legendary Norman, known as a tough task master, took me aside, found a paddle whose length suited me, showed me the basic steps, and all of a sudden I was out on the water with a bunch of people I didn‘t know.

That evening I got home and I swear, every muscle in my body ached; muscles I never knew existed. But that

voice in the head kept going, “the solution is in front of you”, and I kept showing up for those mid-winter practices in the freezing cold. Slowly, I would have to say very slowly, I got fitter. A repetitive strain injury in my shoulder from years of pounding away at the keyboards as a big city journalist got better.

And best of all, I got to know people, after the long isolation of lockdowns, and the equally long isolation of book writing.

My work as a journalist was often adversarial, we weren’t out to make friends. While journalism has changed a lot, back in the day we were paid attack dogs. Many of the people we staked out or interrogated were not in the least bit happy to see us. But with dragon boat racing, you have to cooperate with the entire team. You have to keep in time with everyone else in the boat. If you slacken off, the entire boat suffers.

At first I really didn’t think I would persist. The failure to succeed at dragon boat racing would be just another reason to cement my misery, to stare at the world through

a glass darkly. But I did persist. And I couldn’t be more grateful for it.

The fitness that comes with dragon boat racing is a positive, being forced to cooperate with others has been very good for my mental well being, and being out in the early morning on one of the most beautiful waterways in the country, well, that’s a huge plus, soul tonic if you will.

So, if you have a voice in your head telling you to get out of the house and get back into life, you could do a hell of a lot worse than joining the Sudu Dragon Boat Club.

*** The Sudu Dragon Boat Club is participating in the Shellharbour Festival of Sport Regatta on Saturday 2 March at Skiway Park, Mt Warrigal. There will be a “Come and Try Day” on Sunday 17th March at Deakin Reserve, Oak Flats, where one and all are welcome to give dragon boating a try (Contact Jody 0412 939 312).

It’s not all that easy, but it’s great fun. And it just might change your life.

already socially isolated.

The founders have ambitious plans to become the leading dating and friendship app for the billions of people globally who are neurodivergent, living with a chronic illness and/or a disability. The app is designed to fix the problems of mainstream online dating services.

Spoony has a strong focus on inclusion, safety and understanding where individuality is celebrated and connections are deeply valued.

With plans to launch in Melbourne first, it’s only a matter of time Spoony reaches wider populations. Spoony is poised to make a meaningful impact on the lives of millions worldwide, soon to reach the rest of Australia.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Local tennis Ladies doubles specialist Ellen Perez from Shellharbour has claimed her sixth career title at the WTA doubles in San Diego on the weekend. Ellen Perez and US partner Nicole Melichar-Martinez dominated No1 seeds Jessica Pegula and Desirae Krawczyk

Discovering the Extraordinary Experience Vietnam With Travel Focus Group

On the startling beautiful waters of the Mekong River, I expected my journey aboard the luxurious Mekong Princess to be an adventure. But what unfolded was far more moving than your average tourist encounter, a connection I made that promises to linger with me for a lifetime. It was in the charming village of Hoa An where I had one of the most truly touching experiences of my life.

Our morning tour led us through vibrant flower gardens to a small craftworks factory, where we were shown the craft of traditional conical hat making, the distinctive Vietnamese hats that have sheltered workers in the rice paddies for generations, a craft that speaks to the local heritage.

The highlight of our visit was the warm welcome we received from a local family; an experience that brought us closer to the authentic essence of Vietnamese life. Within the simplicity and beauty of their home, it was Mrs. Thuy, the family's grandmother, who left her mark

on me. With a smile reminiscent of the Vietnamese sun itself, Mrs. Thuy enveloped us in stories of her ancestors, the village's rich history, and the joys and challenges that life on the Mekong Delta brings.

Her hands, though worn from years of labour, made us the most exquisite tea, which she served with pride and humility. In those moments, as we sipped on tea and hung on her every word, I found myself understanding the true spirit of Vietnam – a spirit of resilience, warmth, and unbreakable bonds.

As the Mekong Princess cruised further along the river, it wasn't just the breathtaking landscapes or the cultural experiences that I carried with me; it was the warmth of genuine connections, particularly the memory of Mrs. Thuy.

For those interested in embarking on their own Vietnamese adventure and uncovering the layers of this vibrant culture, we invite you to learn more about a dedicated tour being organised

by Travel Focus Group which incorporates a private charter of the Mekong Princess.

Discover the details of our upcoming information evening in the advertisement on this page.

The Mekong Princess is known for its luxury and attentive service. This all-suite river ship, designed to echo

the French colonial era's elegance, offers an intimate experience with a one-to-one crew to guest ratio, ensuring supreme service and attention.

With 28 dedicated crew members catering to just 28 guests, the level of personalisation and care is unmatched. From French

balconies in every stateroom to sunset cocktails on the alfresco sun deck, every aspect of the Mekong Princess has been considered to enhance your journey. Whether it's the fine dining restaurant, the lounge, the deluxe chaise day beds, the gym, or the spa centre, this standout river boat promises a journey

through the heart of Vietnam in luxury and comfort.

Join us on this journey, and let the Mekong Princess be the vessel that carries you through the captivating landscapes of Vietnam, into the heart of its people, and towards an experience that promises to be as enriching as it is unforgettable.


The mist was the highlight at The Robertson Show this year, just SO Robertson!

After a 40-minute trip from Kiama through picturesque Jamberoo, one was immediately enveloped in fog with very limited visibility.

The mist rolled in and out, clearing sporadically between events. The cattle judging, the stalls, the cowboy hats, and the rides all added to the iconic Southern Highlands atmosphere. From the classic sausage sandwiches to Devonshire teas, and of course, the spud creations – there was something for everyone. The outdoor fire pits created some fantastic combinations to savour.

Rodeo, dodgems, fairy floss, and the show hosts put on a fantastic event, and people were not deterred by the episodes of mist or rain.

The main pavilion was getting muddier after each activity leading up to the

famous potato races. It was hilarious to watch from the sidelines. The entrants grabbed their potato bags (in varying weights up to 50kg for the men), took off and disappeared into the mist –reappearing out of the mist near the finish line!

Announcers ad-libbed the progress of the racers no one could see. The final of the men and women’s races were torn with tension on the finish line with surprises right in the last second. The $1000 prize money up for grabs meant competition was fierce. The men's winner had just run a 50km marathon that morning in Sydney! A whip-cracking performance for the rodeo and music and fireworks led to an epic weekend.

All in all, a great little trip away without having to hassle with airports and all the associated travel involved. 27

If you feel like you’ve suffered enough, and pretty much all of us feel like we’ve endured enough daily tribulations in the “Lucky Country” about now, there’s always the grand escape.

The cruise industry is booming, with punters

we decided to trade up and spend it now, rather than wait. And also people felt they wanted smaller ships, with less passengers. Again a throwback to Covid.”

offer unlimited drinks and food, free on shore tours.

Bridge views while Aussies sail out of the Illawarra.

cashed up after years of Covid restrictions forced them to save whether they wanted to or not. And instead worrying about the cost of the cruise, they’re going top drawer.

Peter Lynch, editor of Australian travel magazine Cruise Passenger, said business was up some 20 percent on 2019 levels, particularly at the luxury end of the market.

“The perceived wisdom is that after Covid we went on a revenge spending free, and

Lynch said the days when cruise ships had a well earned reputation as floating casinos were well and truly over.

“There is big growth in luxury cruises, but there has also been lots of growth in the premium or middle market, which is the Princess, Norwegian, Celebrity and Royal Caribbean lines.

“The strongest value proposition is Viking, which runs ships of 920 passengers. They have only been available in Australia for seven years, but have carved a very big share of the market. They

“And their advertising insists there are no kids, and no casinos, which makes them very popular with the over 50 demographic.

“They are very classy, with specialty restaurants, fine dining and celebrity chefs.”

The days when cruises were also regarded as the expensive way to travel Europe, for example, are also well and truly over.

As Lynch explains it, if you’re travelling on the Regent Seven Seas, for example, which is around $700 a day, or the Silver Sea, which is around $600 a day, that might sound expensive.

“But here’s what you get: transport, service, a room, as much food as you can tuck in, plus afternoon tea. Viking, Regent and Silver Sea, you get all your drinks and onshore excursions. And you only have to pack and unpack once. Because your hotel travels with you”

If you’re travelling overland on your own, you have to pay something in the order of $500 a night for a hotel, plus the costs of flights and taxis, plus the costs of food, breakfast, lunch and dinner, wine, along with the cost of local guides and entry fees to historical sites.

And so, the reverse of what one might think, luxury cruising is the cheaper option.

With the cruise industry booming, and both White Bay and the Overseas Passenger Terminal in Sydney booked solid, one move which might change the entire cruise experience for south coast residents is talk of establishing a cruise facility at Port Kembla.

The boss of the NSW ports is pushing to make Port Kembla Sydney’s “third” cruise terminal, allowing overseas cruisers to enjoy the Opera House and Harbour

Port Authority of NSW chief executive and director Phil Holliday is gathering support for the plan among political leaders and state bureaucrats so he can prepare a business case.

Holliday admits it is early days. But he has received some support.

“There’s a process for us to follow as a government entity to take others on the journey and say to people: we think this is a strong option. And if there’s agreement on it being the lead option, then we start to do a bit more or spend a bit more money, do a full business case on it and take it to its conclusion.”

Peta Godfrey, owner of Travel Focus Group Gerringong, confirmed the trends outlined by Cruise Passenger Magazine.

“I don’t think anyone was expecting the market to come back so quickly because of the troubles during Covid,” she said. .

“We are doing a lot of the smaller cruises, to the Arctic, Antarctic, the Kimberleys. People are looking for more of an experience than just going for the cheapest option.

“It’s been interesting in seeing the shift to the smaller ships, rather than the larger 3-500 ships.

“Opening up Wollongong would bring a lot of tourism to the South Coast, create more jobs for onshore excursions, and open up the South Coast to international and national cruise passengers. It would be great for business.

There are expected to be 1.2 million cruise passengers in Australia this year, with the industry worth some $5.7 billion.

What’s o n


Kiama Farmers Markets

Every Wednesday weekly 3pm - 6pm (2pm-5pm in winter)

Coronation Park, Kiama

Kiama Seaside Markets

Third Sunday monthly

9am - 3pm

Black Beach Kiama

Berry Markets

First Sunday monthly

8.30am - 2pm

Berry Showground

Berry Village Markets

Fourth Sunday monthly 10am - 3pm

Berry Bowling Club

Berry Farmers Markets

Every Thursday weekly 2pm - 5pm

Berry Bowling Club

Kangaroo Valley Farmers Markets

Second Sunday monthly

9am - 1pm

The Friendly Inn, Kangaroo


Waterfront Markets

First Sunday monthly

9am - 2pm

The Marina, Shell Cove

Gerringong Rotary Markets

Third Saturday monthly

8.30am - 2pm

Gerringong Town Hall Jamberoo Village Markets

Last Sunday monthly 8am - 3pm Reid Park Jamberoo

Club socials & meetings

Sing Australia

Every Wednesday weekly

7.30pm - 9pm

Joyce Wheatley Community Centre

Werri Beach Gerringong

Garden Club meeting

Second Wednesday monthly


$5 cover Gerringong Uniting Church

Hall Knit & Chat Kiama

Social meeting - Wrap with Love

First Thursday monthly

Kiama Library

Knit & Chat Gerringong


Family Free Squash Day

17 March & 24 March, 2pm4pm

Cronin’s Hotel, Gerringong Next Sense information seminar

Cochlear implants for the elderly

14 March, 12pm - 1pm

Wollongong Library

Gerringong Anglican


Easter Services: Good Friday: 29 March, 8am10pm

Easter Sunday: 31 March, usual time

Sunday Services: Traditional service: 8am

Family service: 10am Contemporary/Youth service: 6pm

Jamberoo Youth Hall

Heritage and Youth Commemoration

23 March 2024, 1pm

Jamberoo Youth Hall

NSW Seniors Festival

Theme: “Reach Beyond” 11-24th March

Various locations across Kiama

KHS: Karl James talk

A Day in the Life of An Historian

16 March 2024, 2pm $5 cover

Kiama Library Auditorium

Parkinson Support Kiama talk

Dr Joel Maamary & Dr James Peters

15 April, 10am - 12pm

$15 cover Kiama Leagues Club


High Tea by the Sea Margot the Tarago

10 March, 12pm - 2.30pm

Bookings essential

The Pavillion, Kiama

Purple Day Fundraiser

Epilepsy Action AustraliaGolf and Dinner 16 March, 1pm (golf), 5pm (dinner)

Bookings essential

Gerroa Boat Fisherman’s Club

Live Music

Kiama Jazz and Blues


8-10 March

Various locations across

Kiama Program available online

Gerringong Surflife Music


Blues n Grooves

22-23 March

Gerringong Town Hall

Estampa World, folk and jazz music

10 March, 11am - 12.30pm

Gerringong Town Hall


Lloyd Rees Revisited 8-21 March, 10am - 3pm

Gerringong Library and Museum A Night at the Museum

Lloyd Rees Revisited Opening Night

14 March, 5.30pm - 8pm Gerringong Library & Museum

Floral Tempest Art Exhibition by Carolyn McNally

11-24 March

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
T H E B U G L E N E W S P A P E R Come say hello! L o c a l s t o r i e s s t r a i g h t f r o m t h e s o u r c e ! W e r e l y o n y o u f o r n e w s , t e l l u s y o u r s t o r y a n d h a v e t h e c h a n c e t o b e f e a t u r e d i n T h e B u g l e N e w s p a p e r Tell us your story
Fern St Gallery, Gerringong For the Wild Group Art Exhibition 22-27th March, 10am - 5pm The Old Fire Station, Kiama

Every parent is familiar with the symptoms of ‘after-school overwhelm’. You drop your child at school, happy and excited, or quiet and wistful. You pick them up from the school gates or the bus stop, and they’re exhausted and emotional, or bouncing off the ceiling.

According to educational consultant, Kirstie Wishart, owner of The Starfish Store — a sensory specialist store

based in Shellharbour — there is a “transition period” for most children at the start of the school term, regardless of their age. “Following school pickup, many children experience the challenge of extreme exhaustion or intense hyperactivity,” says Wishart. “It’s common and, in a way, it’s a compliment. You’re a safe space. They don’t have to conform at home.”

It can, however, be a challenge for care-givers, especially if they have one sibling who experiences hyperac-

tivity whilst another child is exhausted and tearful. “This isn’t about fixing or changing a child,” says Wishart. “It’s about putting supportive ‘offerings’ in place so they have different options. Kids tend to gravitate towards what they need.”

If your child is experiencing afterschool overwhelm, consider these helpful strategies.

Just add water

Dehydration can exacerbate exhaustion, increase anxiety, and affect mood and concentration. It’s not just about how much a child drinks, it’s also about what they drink from. “For those who are exhausted, ensure they can access water easily. For example, drinking straight from a cup or a squeeze bottle,” explains Wishart. “A hyperactive child might benefit from a bottle that requires extra ‘work’,


Tourist in my own town

Hi there, I have just been wandering today, being a ‘tourist! in my own town and am saddened by the condition of the gardens around our historic post office, court house and building in between, they are unkept and unimaginative!

The library also is in need of some care. When tourists visit us, they are probably disappointed that our heritage buildings and gardens are not up to scratch like other beautiful towns. The council guys do a great job in the Main Street, it’s a pity whoever owns our historic buildings can’t match their efforts!


Council Code of Practice

Dear editor, I must admit to being bemused by your article about the Supreme Court action being taken by Cr Karen Renkema-Lang against Kiama Council. The article quoted comments made by the general manager that seemed to indicate a certain irritation on her behalf about the expense to Council in defending itself against such action. It would be interesting to find out from the general manager how much was spent in the last calendar year on the redecoration of her office. I am sure any enquiry by your newspaper on this matter would be met with a stony silence.

I have personally been present at public meetings in the past on matters associated with Blue Haven, and when and where the Mayor has been challenged on his

role in previous Council’s as to why cost overruns weren’t identified, the Mayor has wrung his hands and lamented that he probably should have been asking questions.

Cr Renkema-Lang appears to be guilty of exactly that ‘crime’ – asking questions of Council staff and seeking explanations for actions. How ironic then that the Mayor himself has been identified as the one who initiated the Code of Conduct violation against Cr Renkema-Lang!

You can't have it both ways

Cr Reilly!

Allan Holder

Development questions

Just wanted to lob some comments in regarding some articles in the Bugle dated 24 Feb - 8 March.

I don't claim particular knowledge on these topics and only know what I read in the paper and hear on the news - but given the track record of Kiama Council, I am more than happy to support anybody that holds them to account.

Akuna St Development - I would be gobsmacked if anyone thought Kiama does not already have a pressing shortage of car parks. It's easy for Council to say that "parking considerations are being undertaken as part of the assessment" but in reality what are they thinking about?

The long term solution may sound attractive, but it is the transition detail that looks somewhat untenable. For the duration of the build project, not only are we going to lose 100 all day parking spots, but in addition there will be

like a water bottle with a narrow straw or a ‘curly’ straw.”

This oral stimulation can help to ease excess energy.

Rest in routine

As a child is adjusting to a new school routine, it’s beneficial to make their homelife as predictable as possible, especially in the short term.

“For those who are emotionally or physically exhausted, maintaining a gentle predictable low-demand routine removes any extra anxiety or fear around ‘what am I doing now?’” says Wishart. “After a week or two, you can ease the routine. You’re creating a safe place for them to land as they’re adjusting to the school day.”

Wrap them up

competition for any available all day spaces by dozens of construction worker dual cab utes - it is going to get ugly! And certainly won't help the local shopkeepers.

Dido St Development - I am bewildered by the Council's opposition to the development on the basis of floods cutting off access four times in two decades! This restriction is primarily for public access, and even in these times I'm not convinced a large 4WD emergency vehicle couldn't negotiate the flooded crossing. If we do accept the Council position, what value do they place on existing residents who are currently in exactly this predicament? One might infer that the Council is waiting for a developer to fix a known and existing problem… That said I'm not a civil engineer, but it doesn't seem like rocket science to simply lay pipes transversely over the existing bridge and raise the roadway sufficiently to weather the floodwater (it doesn't need to be raised any higher than the adjacent Jamberoo Rd which is not much higher).

Springside Hill Development - I am pleased to read that at least this development recognises that existing utilities have a finite capacity. The ability of existing freshwater, sewage and electricity services to accept further duplex and low(?) rise developments in the Kiama CBD must be very close to exhausted (assuming someone is actually accurately monitoring these numbers...). Jamberoo is already there and Kiama must be knocking on the

will benefit from sensory strategies that ‘wrap’ or put pressure on their body”, says Wishart. A popular technique is ‘the sausage roll’. If you have a blanket, lie your child down and roll them up in it like it’s pastry. For children who are hyperactive, however, it’s important to expend some energy before you expect them to lay down and rest. “Children experiencing hyperactivity tend to crave more intense movement, like running, rolling or jumping on a trampoline,” says Wishart. “Then follow up this activity by applying physical pressure to their body.”

Key takeaways

o Every child is different.

“Generally, both children who are experiencing ex haustion and hyperactivity

door. Keep up the good work looking at the issues. Rigby

Thank you for your article on the terrible potholes in the parking area behind the Main Street shops. Great news today they are fixing them.

How disappointed, and horrified, we were to see that a Tobacconist has been allowed to open (just across Terralong St from Woolworths) so close to a Primary School, where many, many young kids pass by and will grow up thinking that smoking (or vaping?) is a normal part of life! How many young lives will be tempted towards a premature death in a few decades time? J&D

Dear Bugle

Last week I was horrified to see a large purple and red flashing neon sign reading 'Tobacco and accessories' outside a soon to be opened tobacconist at the Woolies roundabout. Is this the sort of thing we want in downtown Kiama? How was it approved? Will it sell vapes? If so it will be a slap in the face for the government's attempts to stamp out teenage vaping. And is there a risk of it being firebombed like all those other ciggy shops in Sydney?


What works for one may not work for another. And, what helps now may not be what helps next week! Stay flexible, observe and communicate with your child to find what best supports them.

o Your child has almost certainly been doing their best to manage themselves during the entire school day. When they are finally with you it can be like a switch is flicked. See this as a compliment.

o If significant challenges persist beyond a few weeks, consider consulting with a therapist or an occupational therapist for personalised guidance.


The Saltwater Kiama family is mourning the sudden loss of Jason Orange, their talented chef and dear friend, who passed away on Tuesday, March 5.

Jason was the rock who supported us from the beginning, staying on in the kitchen when we took over the cafe in May 2021, and easing our entry into the community.

Jason’s contribution to Saltwater’s success is measured in the thousands of customers who enjoyed and praised his food, especially the many who made a point of visiting the kitchen to thank him.

Illawarra born and bred, Jason, 47, was a vital member of the local community and a passionate family man. His passing is a heavy burden for his three children and three grandchildren, who were ob

viously unprepared and have no funeral or life insurance to support them.

His daughter, Annalyce Orange, has set up a GoFundMe appeal to raise money for his funeral, to help family, friends and colleagues give him a fitting send off.

All who knew Jason through Saltwater will no doubt share and understand their grief. The staff are struggling with this unexpected loss, so please forgive them if their trading hours are shorter and their faces not as cheerful as you’ve come to expect.

For those who wish to pay their respects to Jason, we will post details of the funeral service as soon as we receive them. 29

Bugle Collaboration with JAMES SEYMOUR

Gerringong author James Seymour and The Bugle announce exciting collaboration.

We are pleased to announce that we have been given the exclusive opportunity to serialise Turner’s Rage, James’ first book on our app The Bugle.

Head to the Apple or Android app store to download The Bugle app and keep up to date as the story unfolds each fortnight, one chapter at a time.

The first instalment is available on the app Sunday 10 March. With 25 more chapters to come, keep an eye on The Bugle for your next historical fiction fix. Scroll to the bottom of our Features section on the app to find the Turner’s Rage tile.

James hosted an author talk 24 February at the Gerringong Library and Museum. A captivated crowd listened to him discuss his books ‘Turner’s Rage’ and ‘Turner’s Awakening’, the beginning of a historical fiction series based on his great grandfather’s exploits. James has been working closely with The Bugle recently and together we organised a giveaway of his works to one lucky reader. Lucky winner Geoff English received

both Turner’s Rage and Turner’s Awakening to enjoy.

Turner’s Rage synopsis:

Guildford, England, 1826. When sixyear-old William stumbles onto a shocking scene, his innocence is shattered. Catapulted into maturity and burdened with a heavy secret, how can young William stay safe and placate his domineering father, Jonathan Turner?

The author values your opinion on the books and would encourage you to email a review to him once you have finished each book. Also, James appreciates comments, either praise or criticism, as they help him to improve the books. Please understand there may be a delay in receiving a reply.

You can contact James at to purchase the books online, we recommend Vivid Publishing, as they will supply at the recommended retail price of $35.00 each plus postage (usually between $9 to $11.00).

Chapter 1

William pressed his nose against the small bedroom window far above High Street and noticed puffs of mist drifting across the Guildford meadows and disappearing behind the castle ruins. The house was quiet – almost too quiet. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he remembered the horrible scene he encountered last night. A chill came over the boy of six. He dropped back under the blanket stopping the shivers, hiding from the memory that was blazing on his mind.

Opening his eyes again, he noticed his big toe sticking out from under the crinkled blanket. He pulled it under quickly as if a fox chased it. What was his father doing? Why was he beating her? The memory put fear in his heart. He was sure his father saw him peeking around the bedroom door. Would he receive a belting again today?

From downstairs came a muffled cry of alarm. Then footsteps came running up the stairs. His sister, Anne, broke into the room and cried out, “Sim! Quick, run and fetch Doctor Stephens. Mother is very unwell!”

Simeon, waking from a deep sleep, turned over and faced her.

“Hurry! Once you have told Doctor Stephens, run to the bakery and tell father that mother has taken ill. He should return home!”

She stood there, ensuring Simeon was awake. Anne Turner was a thoughtful, quiet girl of seventeen, helping in the house and working mornings at her father’s bakery. Her elder sister Bethany excelled in education and found a position as governess with the Reverend Charles Upton at Woking. With Beth being away, Anne was now the eldest daughter at home and took on more domestic responsibilities. Her mother’s health was slowly fading, worrying both sisters for some time. Anne would advise her sister of the home situation – sending a letter today! She ran back down the stairs.

The moaning cry came again. This time louder, and William was sure it was his mother. He heard Clementine’s alarmed, loud voice, “Simeon, hurry and fetch the Doctor.”

Clementine was three years younger than Anne and of an age and nature where panic came too quickly. Her voice was loud and usually achieved a quick result, but never calming. This time it worked, with Simeon climbing out of bed half asleep. William’s elder brother by two years was a calm and methodical boy, always sent on missions that needed someone reliable.

...... continued on the Bugle App Features - Turners Rage

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Winner Geoff English with carer Lee Steuart

around 250,000 operations performed in Australia each year. Cataracts, characterised by a clouding of the eye's lens, can significantly diminish visual clarity. Those afflicted may experience symptoms such as blurred vision, heightened sensitivity to light, glare, and a perceptible dimming or discoloration of their surroundings.

Vision Eye Institute Sydney says that age is the biggest risk factor for developing cataracts, with diagnosis mainly in people over 60, but they can occur at any age. A cataract can also be associated with eye trauma, prolonged use of steroids, sun exposure or previous inflammation and infection in the eye.

Vision Hospital Group Melbourne points out that being diagnosed with a cataract does not automatically mean you need surgery. Cataract removal is only recommended if your vision is impaired and affects your ability to carry out daily tasks (e.g. driving, being safe and looking after yourself at home, participating in hobbies). People with early

cataracts can often manage with prescription glasses, low-vision aids and other adjustments (e.g. increased lighting, increased font sizes on digital devices).

Modern cataract surgery involves precise procedures such as phacoemulsification or extracapsular surgery, where the cloudy lens is meticulously removed and replaced with a clear artificial lens. This outpatient procedure, typically lasting less than half an hour, necessitates local anaesthesia and may involve a sedative to ensure patient comfort.

The benefits of cataract surgery include improved vision and reduced dependence on glasses, reduced risk of falls, fractures and surgical complications, increased safety and confidence, reduced anxiety and depression, continue ability to carry out daily tasks and hobbies, continued ability to work and drive, reduced/ delayed need for a nursing home or carer.

Despite its efficacy, the cost of cataract surgery varies depending on factors like hospital, insurance coverage, surgeon, and lens choice. Private health insurance can largely cover expenses, but without insurance, the cost can exceed $3,000 per eye, underscoring the importance of considering individual circumstances and financial planning.



The National Youth Mental Health Foundation, headspace, is urging young women to actively seek opportunities for social connection within their communities. Recent research reveals a trend indicating that young women are more susceptible to feelings of loneliness and isolation compared to their male counterparts.

The headspace National Youth Mental Health Survey has uncovered some statistics stating two in three (67%) young women report feel ing left out often or some of the time, while more than three in five felt they lacked companionship (62%) and felt isolated (61%) from others.

seek support from mental health professionals than their male counterparts.

Though, despite their willingness to seek help, over half (67%) of the group said they preferred to cope with emotional challenges independently.

The survey indicated that young women between 18-21 experience loneliness more than any other age group among Australian youth.

Nicola Palfrey, head of Clinical Leadership at headspace acknowledges the difficulties associated with this stage of young adulthood, usually marked by significant milestones and life transitions. People in their late teens and early twenties are gaining independence, leaving school, adjusting to new routines and expectations leave young women susceptible to feelings of loneliness. These things can be exciting and full of potential but they can also be overwhelming and a cause of stress.

However, there is some good news. The survey also shows results that indicate women are more likely to

The survey also shows that social media is a prominent cause of feeling lonely, isolated or overwhelmed. Women between 18-21 are shown to engage in social media ways. Social of people having a great time, surrounded by friends, and seemingly ‘perfect’ lives. The constant exposure to these unrealistic standards can often worsen feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Headspace encourages young women to take proactive steps to combat loneliness by exploring options for community involvement. Getting involved in activities such as volunteering or joining university or community clubs that align with personal hobbies and interests.

There are a variety of reasons why young adult women may feel lonely or isolated.

For more information you can visit the headspace website, visit a headspace centre for support or access eheadspace seven days a week 9am-1am AEST (1800 650 890).

support local ating Contact Steve or Melissa for a friendly and professional service 0424 325 580 0414 534 990 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 0435125750 Plumbing drainage and Gas fitting Commercial and domestic New installation and maintenance Blocked drainage and camera inspections. Lic262955c. RBP Ross Barber Plumbing 1300 516 474 solar and storage made easy Roof repair solutions Specialising in tiled roofs 0400909852 0484 488 488 6am - 6pm Monday - Saturday Bookings Essential Other times pre booked available T r a n s p o r t D A I S Y W e ' r e T h e r e F o r Y o u Veteran Guitar Group Kiama-Jamberoo RSL sub-Branch , 1 Allowrie Street Jamberoo Veterans & Families, Play the guitar with mates! Every second Wednesday 1830 - 2000 Craig 0408 711 966 Veteran Guitar Group About Lawns & Gardens mowing - garden clean-ups - maintenance - weed control - pruning -hedging -planting - mulching - fertilisationrubbish removal. Matthew: 0479 101 474 BASED IN KIAMA, SERVING THE ILLAWARRA & SHOALHAVEN CALL0419 240302 GUITAR INSTRUCTOR FOR ALL LEVELS MOBILE TEACHER BASED IN KIAMA DAN CHALLIS MUSIC 0402 708 163 Call now for a free quote! Mitch Santich. Qualified Horticulturist and Arborist. lawn care gardening Licensed and Insured. hedging minor tree work weed control
Donna Portland


26 Speaker in defence of an issue (9)

27 Mature, develop fully (5)

28 Old fashioned pen holder (8)

29 Short-sighted (6)


1 Erected once more (7)

2 Bottomless gulf (5)

3 Underwater missile (7)

5 Torn (6)

6 Relating to the surrounding area (7)

7 Source of fruit for wine-making (9)

8 Landed properties (7)

10 Printer brand (5)

14 Conglomeration of fabric scraps (9)

16 Paraguayan monetary unit (7)

17 Fix (a problem) (4,3)

19 Ridge (5)

20 Demolish (7)

21 Iceberg’s victim? (7)

22 Sight (6)

25 Eagerly accept (3,2)

13 Tropical storms (8)


1 Landed property (6)

4 Before chapter one (9)

9 Purchaser (5)

10 Eager; anticipatory (9)

11 Offspring (5)

12 Most pungent (9)


15 Song’s words (6)

16 Style of the Middle Ages (6)

18 Conclusive trial (4,4)

23 Ancient Greek goddess (9)

24 Cleave (5)










No. 128




The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
218 CROSSWORD A E L F I E P C R Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Two have been filled in for you, can you work out the rest? Can you find all the words listed? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. To solve a Sudoku puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 20 words: Good 30 words: Very good 41 words: Excellent Today’s Aim: afire, cafe, calf, clef, face, facer, facile, fail, fair, farce, fare, fear, feel, feral, feria, fierce, file, filer, fire, FIREPLACE, flair, flap, flare, flea, flee, flier, flip, frail, free, leaf, leafier, lief, life, lifer, pelf, pilfer, preface, reef, relief, rife, rifle CODEWORD: 1 = K, 2 = U, 3 = R, 4 = D, 5 = V, 6 = F, 7 = A, 8 = S, 9 = G, 10 = P, 11 = Y, 12 = E, 13 = W, 14 = Q, 15 = C, 16 = X, 17 = I, 18 = O, 19 = B, 20 = M, 21 = N, 22 = J, 23 = H, 24 = Z No. 168 CODEWORD WORD SEARCH SUDOKU 48 1 39 27 3 49 53 28 64 912 6 8 195 49 56 82 61 EASY 26 8 419 36 5 81 34 17 25 25 59 97 48 MEDIUM 372645891 237419685 483296517 815937462 198562374 721854936 946128753 654783129 569371248 EASY MEDIUM 329486175 268349751 942673518 516237489 153728964 785912346 874195632 497561823 631854297 SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTIONS APLOMB BALLON BARRE BATTU BRISÈ CHANGEMENT CHASSÈ CODA COUPÈ COURU CROIX DÈBOULÈ DÈGAGÈ DEMI DOUBLE ÈCARTÈ EMBOÎTÈ ENTRÈE ÈPAULÈ FAILLI FRAPPÈ JETÈ PASSÈ PIQUÈ PLIÈ POINTE POSÈ QUATRE RETIRÈ SECOND POSITION SICKLE SOUBRESAUT SPLIT TENDU TIGHTS TOMBÈ TURNOUT TUTU 1. Who is the creator of comic strip Calvin and Hobbes? 2. Myocardial infarction is the medical name for what bodily occurance? 3. Quentin Tarantino’s (pictured) 2021 debut fiction book is a novelisation of which of his films? 4. Belmopan is the capital city of which Central American country? 5. In which decade was the Rubik’s Cube invented? 6. Lion’s mane is one of the largest species of which marine animal? 7. The geometric shape torus can be colloquially described as what kind of shape? 8. The annual music festival Coachella is held in which US state? 9. What is the main flavour of the sweet spread kaya? 10. Novelist and poet James Joyce was born in which country? QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Bill Watterson 2. Heart attack 3. Once Upon a Time: in Hollywood 4. Belize 5. 1970s (1974) 6. Jellyfish 7. Doughnut 8. California 9. Coconut 10. Ireland
PUZZLES AND PAGINATION © 0803 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 L 13 26 T No. 218 No. 218 No. 128 SECRET MESSAGE: A dancer is full of grace and grit

The Bugle (kiama)

1 The Statue of Liberty (pictured) is found in which city in America?

2 What month does autumn start in Australia?

3 How many are in a dozen?

4 What type of animal is a Scottish Terrier?

5 Name the four suits in a deck of playing cards.

6 What sport would you be playing if the umpire said “Fifteen-Love”?


1 The average golf ball has 336 dimples

2 In the 1904 Olympics, archery was the only women’s sport

3 Originally, the soccer World Cup was made of papier-mâché

4 The first professional basketball game was held in Toronto, Canada

5 Greece is the only country to have participated in every Olympics under its own flag

Junior crossword

Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.

7 What type of insect makes honey?


8 Which planet is bigger: Venus or Jupiter?

9 What popular treat is made from the cacao plant?

10 A kilt is a type of traditional clothing from which country?


Can you find five differences between these two images?



Can you find all of the words listed below? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.



1 Where your arm bends

2 What your nose can sense

3 The opposite of exit

4 Ball of ice-cream

5 Furry or woolly

6 This punctuation sign ,

7 A baby might wear one

8 Begin



















Secret message: Getting the job done 33 Elevator on
Sign 2. Bird
Chimney 4.
5. Saloon doors
ANSWERS: 1. New York City. 2. March. 3. 12. 4. Dog. 5. Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs. 6. Tennis. 7. Bee. 8. Jupiter. 9. Chocolate. 10. Scotland.
0903 35 WEDNESDAY 20 THURSDAY 21 FRIDAY 22 Parliament. 3.00 Cook And The Chef. 3.25 Tenable. 4.15 Antiques Roadshow. 5.10 Grand Designs. 6.00 Back Roads. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 The Weekly. 9.05 This Is Going To Hurt. (M) 9.50 Planet America. 10.20 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 11.00 News. 11.15 The Business. 11.35 Rosehaven. 12.30 Grand Designs. 1.15 Parliament. 2.15 Tenable. 3.05 Rage. 4.30 Catalyst. 5.30 7.30. Bites. 3.35 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. 3.45 The Cook Up. 4.15 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.30 Australia’s Sleep Revolution. 8.30 Jimmy Carr’s I Literally Just Told You. 9.30 Kin. 10.25 SBS News. 10.55 Blinded. 11.45 The Wall: The Chateau Murder. 3.05 Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage. 4.00 Bamay. 5.00 Late Programs. Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The 1% Club. (PG) 8.35 The Front Bar. (M) 9.35 Crime Investigation Australia. (MA15+) 11.05 Seven News. 11.35 Talking Footy. 12.35 Parenthood. (PG) 1.35 Harry’s Practice. 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 News. 5.30 Sunrise. Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Married At First Sight. 9.00 Under Investigation. (PG) 10.00 9News Late. 10.30 See No Evil. (MA15+) 11.30 The Equalizer. (M) 12.20 Tipping Point. (PG) 1.10 Pointless. (PG) 2.00 Destination WA. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 ACA. 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today. 10.30 Judge Judy. 11.00 Dr Phil. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Australian Survivor. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Ambulance Australia. 8.30 FBI: International. 9.30 FBI: International. 10.30 FBI: International. 11.30 The Project. 12.30 Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning. 6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. 12.00 News. 1.00 Whale With Steve Backshall. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Cook And The Chef. 3.25 Tenable. 4.15 Antiques Roadshow. 5.15 Grand Designs. 6.00 Back Roads. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Foreign Correspondent. 8.30 Grand Designs NZ. 9.20 Antiques Roadshow. 10.20 Better Date Than Never. 10.50 News. 11.05 The Business. 11.20 This Is Going To Hurt. 12.05 Grand Designs. 12.55 Parliament. 1.55 Tenable. 2.40 Rage. 4.30 Catalyst. 5.30 7.30. 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Surviving An American Concentration Camp. 3.00 Where Are You Really From? 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. 3.35 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. 3.45 The Cook Up. 4.15 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.35 Bettany Hughes: The Silk Road Treasures. 8.30 Stanley Tucci: Searching For Italy. 9.20 The Vanishing Triangle. 10.10 SBS News. 10.40 Late Programs. 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: A Glass Of Revenge. (2022) 2.00 Your Money & Your Life. 2.30 Border Security: Int. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly. (PG) 8.30 America’s Got Talent: Fantasy League. (PG) 10.30 The Latest: Seven News. 11.00 The Amazing Race. (PG) 12.30 Fortitude. 1.30 Medical Emergency. 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 Married At First Sight. 1.30 My Way. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 3. Penrith Panthers v Brisbane Broncos. 9.55 Thursday Night Knock Off. 10.40 9News Late. 11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime. 12.00 A+E After Dark. 1.00 Tipping Point. 2.00 Getaway. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 ACA. 5.00 9News Early. 5.30 Today. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. 8.30 Neighbours. 9.00 Bold. 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Judge Judy. 11.00 Dr Phil. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Judge Judy. 2.00 Dr Phil. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Dog House Aust. 8.30 Gogglebox Australia. 9.30 Law & Order: S.V.U. 10.30 Blue Bloods. 11.30 The Project. 12.30 Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning. 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Planet America. 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show. 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. 12.00 News. 1.00 Silent Witness. 2.00 House Of Gods. 2.55 Cook And The Chef. 3.25 Tenable. 4.10 Antiques Roadshow. 5.10 Grand Designs. 6.00 Back Roads. (PG) 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 Gardening Australia. 8.30 Happy Valley. (M) 9.35 Hard Quiz. (PG) 10.05 The Weekly. 10.35 QI. (M) 11.05 News. 11.20 Grand Designs. (PG) 12.10 Tenable. (PG) 12.55 Belgravia. (PG) 1.45 Rage. 5.00 Rage. 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind Aust. 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. 3.35 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. 3.45 The Cook Up. 4.15 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Aust. 6.30 News. 7.30 The Good Ship Murder. 8.25 Treasures Of Gibraltar. 9.20 Queens That Changed The World. 10.15 SBS News. 10.45 Departure. 11.35 Devils. 12.30 Devils. 2.25 Devils. 3.20 Devils. 4.15 Bamay. 4.40 Late Programs. 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: The Perfect Parents. (2017) (M) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: Maid In Manhattan. (2002) (PG) 10.45 MOVIE: Argo. (2012) (M) 1.15 The Arrangement. (M) 2.30 Home Shopping. 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 NBC Today. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.30 9News Morning. 12.00 MOVIE: The Story Of Love. (2022) 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 3. Sydney Roosters v South Sydney Rabbitohs. 9.55 Golden Point. 10.45 MOVIE: The Infiltrator. (2016) (MA15+) 1.10 Tipping Point. (PG) 2.05 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Postcards. (PG) 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop. 5.30 Skippy. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Ent. Tonight. 8.30 Neighbours. 9.00 Bold. 9.30 Deal Or No Deal. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Judge Judy. 11.00 Albert Park All Access. 12.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Round 3. Australian Grand Prix. Day 1. From Albert Park Circuit, Melbourne. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Ready Steady Cook. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. 10.30 Albert Park All Access. 11.30 The Project. 12.30 Fire Country. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Shopping.


A magnificent day greeted the Kiama Kingfishers for their last Point Score for the season.

The Junior Lifesavers were keen to participate in the beach activities and then made their way to the water events, where they really showed their skills.

A small swell presented some great waves and the older Kingfishers displayed their board skills with some terrific action.

Special mention should be made of the Safety Crew and the Life Savers who volunteer their time and ensure the young surfers can enjoy their water events, knowing that there is always a helping hand close by. Well done!

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March



Kiama Junior Basketball Mini-ball and Senior Mini-Ball Competitions are in full swing and the teams showed great form on Monday afternoon at the Kiama Leisure Centre Courts.

Spectators were treated to some terrific action as the teams battled it out for honours and of the 4 games on Monday afternoon, there were 2 draws which shows how close the teams are at the moment.

Great to see the girls competing in the mixed teams and their solid contribution to the results.

Well done!


Pickleball is a ‘racquet and ball’ sport with a perfect balance of court dimensions, rules, and equipment to afford all skill levels and age groups enjoyment on the court. It has become wildly popular overseas and now Jones Tennis Co. hosts a social competition that all ages are welcome to attend at Kiama High School.

The weekly meeting in Kiama is organised by local tennis coach Daniel Jones from Jones Tennis Co. He is passionate about delivering group classes and social events, with a primary focus on developing skills for life. He has been actively involved in the sport in the area, most recently with the adaptive tennis day held recently in Gerringong.

The meeting has been running since November 2023 and has rapidly grown in number since the beginning. The sport is akin to a mixture of table tennis and tennis and is very easy to pick up. New members pick it up quickly as it is an equaliser of skills, making it accessible for all ages and skill levels.

The group is nearly at capacity it has been so successful, but there is always room for new members to come along on Tuesdays and play a game or two and meet some new people. You can email Daniel for more details at 37




A fantastic day of Rugby at the 52nd Kiama Sevens Rugby Competition on Saturday 24th February 2024.

44 teams battled it out on Chittick Oval and the Kiama Showground for a piece of the $30,000 prizemoney

Teams from across NSW and one from WA, made the journey for the best Sevens Rugby tournament in Australia.


It’s the third year for Beach Tag in Kiama, aptly organised by locals Keiron Duncan and Steve Emmett.

Held at Surf Beach initially and successively at Kendall’s Beach, the event has attracted over 75 teams of juniors and seniors competing in the round-robin event.

It will be a jam-packed day. There will be parachute landings, live streams, food trucks, the Hilltop bar, and some NRL legends – yet to be named- will be showing up to give autographs and spend the day with the crowd. The mix of ex-Dragon and NRL players will be going up against the Oztag international team at 1:20pm.

It's a community affair with the Kiama Surf Club on beach patrol and the Kiama Knights hosting a barbecue. The Lions Club is helping with car parking and there is live music and lots of food trucks.

With $25,000 in prize money, you can be assured of tense competition! All in all a fantastic excuse to get down to the beach this weekend and soak up all the action.

The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March

Lifesaving future bright

NSW showcases young talent

An impressive group of the state’s brightest young lifesavers will come together on the Northern Beaches once again this April for the Ingenia Holiday Parks Junior Lifesaver of the Year (JLOTY) program – Surf Life Saving NSW’s flagship youth development programs.

Held from 24-26 April at The Collaroy Centre, JLOTY provides a platform to assist young lifesavers in growing their networks, establishing lasting connections and building knowledge through fun and interactive activities.

The JLOTY program brings together all 22 of the Junior Lifesavers of the Year, nominated and awarded at Branch level. Winners for male and female overall NSW Junior Lifesavers of the Year winners are announced at the end of the program,

Two individuals from the South Coast were selected:

Archie Weir from Kiama Downs SLSC and Poppy Nelson from Kiama SLSC.

The three-day camp is built around skill development, where the budding young lifesavers will work with like-minded volunteers to build a greater awareness of opportunities and individual abilities in the membership.

“It was very nerve-racking, but it was also chill. You learn very quickly that

everyone there with you is deserving of the title as well,” 2023 co-NSW Lifesaver of the Year, Kaylah Broadhead of Nobbys SLSC said.

“We got to really learn and understand where everybody comes from and what they do, and it was a big part of our development,” said fellow NSW winner, Coogee SLSC’s Calum Reiter.

Ingenia Holiday Parks is once again on board as Naming Rights partner of the JLOTY program, with Executive General Manager of Tourism, Matt Young stating the East Coast holiday park operator was proud to be supporting our future leaders.

“We are extremely proud to support the Junior Lifesaver of the Year program again in its 34th year to recognise the next generation of volunteer lifesavers and lifeguards,” he said. “It is truly inspiring to watch these kids actively ensure the safety of our beaches and communities, especially knowing that many of our holiday park guests go swimming at the beach.

“These junior lifesavers make Australia a better place, and we are grateful.”

The Ingenia Holiday Parks Junior Lifesavers of the Year will be awarded at a presentation on 26 April – livestreamed on Facebook.

In its 39th year, the Shoalhaven Dressage Club proudly maintains its status as the South Coast of NSW's largest Official Dressage Club. Throughout its rich history, the club has consistently drawn in top-tier riders, many excelling at State, National, and even International levels.

The past year has been no exception, accomplished equestrians such as Alycia Targa, Pamela Bice, James Collin, Catherine Chittenden, and Charlotte Phillips represented the club and the region with distinction at numerous major competitions across the country.

The club recently hosted its 39th Annual Awards ceremony—an anticipated evening announcement of the Completely Equine Horse and Rider of the Year. The deserving recipient of this award was James Collin, demonstrating his exceptional riding atop Bellissimo Stud & Agistment Centre’s Horse, Bellissimo Laurenzo. The memorable moment was captured in a striking photo by B M Photography. (photo here)

The event also celebrated other riders, with Abigail Kus winning the Nowra Coaches Junior Rider of the Year title riding CP Lord Alfred. Tanya Lekluse secured the Bishop’s South Nowra Preparatory Champion of the Year award riding The Mockingbird.

Further acknowledging


free eye screening for Little Nippers a huge success

excellence in various categories, the club honoured the following individuals and their equine partners:

Bellissimo Agistment Centre Preliminary Champion of the Year: Teale Drummond riding George

Illawarra Equine Veterinary Novice Champion of the Year: Linda Elkins riding Floki

Salway Rural Development

Elementary Champion of the Year: James Collin riding


Neversfelde Medium

Champion of the Year:


Chittenden riding Bluefields Bellini Jervis Bay Stockfeeds

Pony of the Year: Kaleena


riding Kirrang Rosewood

PB Dressage

Veteran Horse of the Year:


Hartley riding Mister Pipster

The Shoalhaven Dressage Club continues to be a thriving hub for equestrian excellence, fostering a legacy of skilled riders and their exceptional equine partners.


Kiama Lions Club tested the eyesight of 31 Little Nippers on 3 March 2024, the first club in the district to roll out the Children’s Vision Screening program. Members of the club received training the day prior so they could screen kids from the Little Nippers Club in partnership with the Kiama Surf Life Saving Club. Kids were tested in the Surf Life Saving Club House

for three different criteria: visual acuity, colour vision, and stereo depth perception. This journalist even had his eyes tested in between the kids, which involved standing a metre away from a camera that took a photo of my eye for astigmatisms, near and farsightedness, anisometropia and other visual issues. It was an incredibly quick and easy process, and Kiama Lions conducting the

screenings made everyone instantly feel welcomed and at ease. Lions members can’t diagnose anyone with a condition, but were able to refer five of the kids to an eye specialist for further tests.

Lions members told The Bugle that the whole event was a worthwhile activity that was a good alternative to the traditional BBQ fundraiser!



Bishop’s South Nowra Preparatory Champion of the Year Tanya Lekluse Horse The Mockingbird
Sails Bistro Open 7 days Lunch 11.30am 3pm Dinner from 5pm Two Children’s Play Areas MONDAY BINGO 10.30am Kiama Kash Prizes TUESDAY CASH TRIVIA 6.30pm Free to play HAPPY HOUR 5 - 6pm WEDNESDAY MEMBERS CASH 3-Draws 5.30 - 6.30pm (Only members signed into the club after 2pm enter draw) HAPPY HOUR 5 - 6pm
Shoalhaven Dressage Club SADDLE UP FOR
BINGO 10.30am Kiama Kash Prizes POKER $1000 Game 6pm Entry $25
MUSIC 8.30pm
Scan for menu
The Bugle Newspaper 9 March - 22 March
Kiama has welcomed Nicole O’Brien as our new Executive Officer and Market Manager for the Kiama and District Business Chamber and Seaside Markets. Excited to take on the role, Nicole will continue the work using her experience from her previous work with non-profit organisations, local government and businesses within the Kiama area.
Kiama Business Chamber gathers at Padua
13. From left to right Michael Hatfield-Kells Lawyers, Fiona Pollard, Ann Marie Campbell - H. Parsons Funerals and Andy Wharton From left to right Anna Saunders (Leadership creativity), Kathryn Martens (Release Coaching) and Meg Storey (Marketing Movement)
3rd 8th 10th 17th 24th 31st Every Sunday @ 2pm zACH GERVAISE Mitch Grainger Olivia coggan dingo Penny Hartgerink cameron little james burton March Music (6:30-8:30pm) (1:00-2:00pm) (2:00-3:00pm) Kiama Historical Society Satur day 16 March at 2pm Dr Kar l Jame s A Day in the Life of a War Historian Karl is head of Military History at the Australian War Museum Kiama Library Auditorium Ground Floor Railway Parade All Welcome Afternoon Tea $3 Members / $5 Non-Members
From left to right Trent Hilaire-Hill To Air, Craig Morris, and Mark Jacoub-Snap Fitness. Susan Spence (Hartwell Floral) and Trish Fallon (celebrant)

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