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Major grants to improve sports grounds
The Kiama LGA is to benefit from more than half of the $3.7 million awarded to the South Coast for sports ground improvement, to repair and rebuild damaged facilities that were impacted by the February or June floods.
work done at Gainsborough.
The Gerringong people will also appreciate the work being done there, as their grounds have been impacted by the floods as well.” ery Package (CLIRP).
Principal Kristina Goldthorp with Stu Brunsdon (P&C), Maggie Dent and local dads Glenn and Jeremy and grateful grandmother’. Her books include Girlhood: How to raise little girls to be healthy, happy and heard; Parental As Anything: A common-sense guide to raising happy, healthy kids – from toddlers to tweens (also a podcast); and From Boys to Men: Guiding our teen boys to grown into happy, healthy men
Stoic owner Andrew Prosser, a dad of young children, says that the brewery was really happy to work with the community like this in a break-even way.
by Perrie Croshaw
Kiama Council has been allocated $993,600 for drainage and irrigation work on the Gerry Emery Reserve/Athol Noble Oval and $691,120 for the same work at Gainsborough Oval. The funding also covers the replacement of the current cricket pitch with new synthetic pitch at both locations.
Secretary of the Kiama and District Sports Association, John Dawson, appreciates the work being done to get the oval back to what it should be.
“The drainage there has not been maintained over many years and it has resulted in it getting clogged up. With all the rain last year, it meant the ground was flooded for over a year and hasn’t been used for nearly two years now,” John says.
“It will be great to have that sort of
“HavinglivedwithintheKiamaelectorate forover30years,Iunderstandthe pressuresfacinglocalpeople.
I’mstandingfortheGreensbecauseour localcommunitiesaredemanding transparentandhonestdecisionmaking fromourpoliticians.
Thecurrentgovernmenthasdonenext tonothingtoaddresshousing affordability,emergencyaccommodation andtheclimatecrisis.Itspolicieshave widenedthegapbetweentherichand poor.
Asauniversityprofessorwithhigher degreesineducationandhealth,Iam acutelyawarethatNSW’sworkforceis beyondbreakingpoint.
Therearenotenoughteachers,nurses orparamedicsdespitethegovernment’s ownreportswarningofcriticalstaff shortagesforyears.
IfelectedIwillcommittoworking towardsafairer,healthierandcleaner futureforNSW.”
Kiama Tennis Club has also been allocated $220,068 to repair and improve the Blowhole Point Tennis Court (below).
The work includes better drainage, retaining walls, resurfacing the two courts and adding court lighting.
The funding comes from The Essential Community Sport Assets Program, jointly funded by the Federal and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, as part of the broader Community Local Infrastructure Recov-
“The grants awarded will not only improve people’s experience playing and watching sport but also make damaged infrastructure more resilient in the future,” said the Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, on making the announcement.
The State Government has also given Local Sports Grants to the Minnamurra Tennis Club to secure its clubhouse ($6,490), Jamberoo Tennis Club to resurface a court ($10,000), Kiama Junior Rugby League for the purchase of a BBQ trailer ($10,000), and Jamberoo Superoos for the purchase of three gazebos for weather protection for players and officials ($8,256).
ReturnplanningpowerstolocalCouncilsandtheir communities.
Turbochargeactiononclimatechangetoreducesealevel riseandcoastalerosionandtofutureproofourpower needsbyincreasingrenewableenergy.
ListentoandwalkwithFirstNationspeopletowardsjustice andreconciliation.
Supportmorefundingforhealthanddentalcareand greatersupportandwagesforhealthcareworkers. Endthespecialtreatmentgiventopropertydevelopers, gamblingprofiteersandgasandcoalcorporations. Protectthenaturalenvironmentandagriculturallandsfrom excessiveandinappropriateover-development.
Endthecorruption,porkbarrellingandinfluencepeddlingby politicalpartiesthatunderminestheeffectivenessof government.
Protectthenutrientrichandwell-wateredfarmsinthe Kiamaelectorate,ensuringtheircontinueduseforfoodand fibreproduction.
Treatreliable,secureandaffordablehousingasabasic humanright.
Improveeducationopportunitiesbyensuringtertiary education,includingTAFEismoreaccessibleandfree.