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On Your Side.
I am your representative in the Australian Parliament. I can help with issues like Medicare, Centrelink, aged care and pensions, the NDIS, Veterans’ Affairs and community grants. I can also arrange special birthday and anniversary messages, and information for pensioners and seniors. You can contact me on 4423 1782.
29. Railway station as close to the beach as it gets
32. City holding the 2024 Olympics
33. One who looks after a flock of sheep (not the dog)
34. Brown undersea vegetation
38. Violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd
39. Roy Rogers’ horse, and what you pull on a gun
41. Handgun
42. Which English prince is now known as Duke of Edinburgh
9. Volume of live Rock n Roll music
10. Person who cultivates grapes for a living
15. First Nepalese to climb Mt Everest
17. Egyptian/Greek goddess. Mother of all gods.
18. An ammunition storage and feeding device for a repeating firearm
21. Liberals candidate for the seat of Kiama
22. Smooth-bore gun for firing small shot at short range
24. Northernmost coastal river in the Municipality
26. One who rides race horses
28. French for black
30. Oldest monarch at the start of his/her reign
31. Southernmost coastal creek in the Municipality
35. School student
36. Slang for mescaline
37. Largest continent
40. Supernatural being
Both! Being outdoors is important for normal vision development, particularly for children and adolescents, where outdoor time has been shown to reduce likelihood of myopia. Importantly, this does not mean being in the sun, just being outside is protective against myopia.
But, we all know the effect of ultraviolet light (UV) on our skin, and it can have ageing effects on our eyes too. Excessive UV light can cause eye surface problems like eyelid skin cancers, as well as growths on the surface of the eye called pinguecula and pterygia.
Deeper in the eye, cloudiness of the lens called cataract is probably infl uenced by UV light exposure. UV is a major contributor to macular degeneration, and is second only to smoking as a causative factor.
The good news is that all these problems can be prevented by wearing appropriate eyewear. Wrap sunglasses are important to protect the eye’s surface. For people with macular degenaration I recommend sunglasses are worn even when the sun is low in the sky, as more UV light makes it through to the back of the eye than when the sun is overhead.