The Bugle Newspaper 1 June 2024

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Magical: A Season

The whale watching season has begun, a ripple of excitement moving up the coast as enthusiasts perch on headlands to watch and record one of the world’s greatest natural wonders.

Humpback whales were hunted almost to extinction during the 1800s and well into the 1900s, before killing them was outlawed in 1978. Their numbers were variously estimated to have crashed to as low as 250 individuals, and have now dramatically recovered, with current estimates placing their population at around 40,000.

At up to 10,000 kilometres, the whale migration route is believed to have evolved over a period of 55 million years as food sources drifted apart. Whale watching tours have just begun out of both Jervis Bay and Shellharbour Marina. Keen whale watchers, cameras in hand, have already begun appearing on various headlands, includ ing at the Kiama Blowhole, Minnamurra, Bass Point and Bushrangers Bay.

Anthony Crampton, 76, a retired fisherman, regularly described as a “whale tragic” and highly respected amongst the whale watching community, has been out on the headlands photographing the whales virtually every day during the season since 2011.

There’s thousands of people right up the coast watching for them, all crazies like me. There have been sightings the last three weeks, just one or two, but a few days ago they fired up.”

Whale watching websites, most particularly the Shellharbour Whale and Wild

ages, including spectacular drone footage of whales swimming with schools of dolphins.

The whale watching season extends from May to November as the behemoths travel up from the Antarctic to their breeding grounds off the Queensland

same route back with their new born calves.

There are no reliable statistics, but it is estimated that more than 1.5 million Australians will go whale watching this season. Why not be one of them? If nothing else, these majestic animals stir the mystic in us all.

John Stapleton

Head to the app for the full story.

INSIDE THE BUGLE 1-14 June KIAMA WINS TOP TOWN p3 FEDERAL FUNDING p10 GERRINGONG GAZETTE p18 ENCHANTED FOREST p4 Hidden in this paper are a number of sneaky, playful cats. Can you find them all? Tell us how many you find by emailing and go in the draw to win a copy of David Graham's book series. Here's your first one comp etitio n time!

back in black Council plans to be BY 2026-2027

Kiama Council has come out swinging and plans to land a surplus, eradicate structural losses and establish a balanced budget with a cash balance in the black, by 2026-2027.

Its Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) wants to eliminate operating deficits, and ensure cost increases in services and borrowings, are financially sound.

The council is working to answer all of the Performance Improvement Orders (PIO), which stated amongst other matters, that there was, “evidence to suggest that Council has failed to meet its legislative responsibilities in relation to its financial management.”

Council has worked hard to clear the nine matters posed by the Minister Wendy Tuckerman in November 2022.

Even so, the Auditor wrote in the 2023-2022 council statements, that there are

Council legal bills keep lawyers in work

still doubts the council’s records stated its true financial position.

Council will be able to pay its debts as long as Blue Haven Bonaira is soon sold. To remain fiscally sustainable, it will need to sell Blue Haven Terralong.

Yet before moving to a sale, the council will examine, “options to retain and refurbish Blue Haven Terralong to conform with contemporary independent living units.”

The remaining $15m owed to TCorp is slated for August 2025 but payment depends on the sale of Bonaira.

According to the council’s Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2023-2024, the sale of these assets and others will improve the council's unrestricted cash balance and its working capital position by $14.7M by the end of June

Kiama Council’s estimated legal bill to March 2024 has blown out to a staggering $4,477,976 when compared to the $222,024 it spent in legal fees, according to the 2018-2019 annual report.

Last financial year, its legal fees were $1.7m. The year before that, it was $484,916.

Mayor Neil Reilly said the estimated legal bill alarmed him as it exceeded budget limitations.

"But we are adequately covered. In the grand scheme of things, $4.7m is not going to cripple council,” he told the Illawarra Mercury.

“We will make allowances to [pay] that, but it's not going to impact any other services that we provide,” he said.

The Mayor did not expand on how the council would pay the estimated legal bill.

The Supreme Court has officially ruled that Kiama Council’s censure of Councillor Karen Renkema-Lang was invalid.


There are early plans to consider subdividing Halivah Place as per the original Kiama Development Control Plan 2020.

“The zoning on (this) site allows for residential development and, as part of the preparation of this DCP, an option was created for a mix of apartments and terrace houses,” the Development Control Plan states.

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal also awarded a 3.75 per cent sal-

As reported in Kiama Council's May Council meeting, legal costs have already exceeded $400,000, and the total expenditure will be substantially more.

Full details of costs will be produced in the July 2024 Council Meeting.

In a statement, Councillor Karen Renkema-Lang said Council had ample opportunity to reconsider the matter.

“It is incomprehensible that so much time and scarce council funds have been spent on the censure matter given Council’s financial position and the importance of elected Councillors being able to express their opinion on Council issues,” she said.

A large chunk of the cost is the $3.2m litigation to defend in the Federal Court litigation from developer Nicolas Daoud over Akuna Street development plans. The matter is before the court.

Malcolm King

ary increase to mayors and councillors from 1 July 2024. Each Kiama councillor will be paid $22,540 and the Mayor will receive $49,200 per annum.

Council must also staunch the $4M already spent on legal fees this financial year, up from $1.7M the year before.

Rates - A wicked problem

Council provided an excellent example of a ‘wicked’ or paradoxical problem in the recent business papers.

Setting the rates at a spe-

cific return every year (rate pegging) protects rate payers but it also restrains the council's ability to provide services.

The council was told by the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal the rate peg for 2023/24 was 4.2 per cent or approximately $800K yet CPI rose by 7 per cent.

For the same period, the Local Government (State) Award required a 4.5 per cent wage increase or about $1.6M.

Councils are exposed to many other increases in materials, contracts, insurance, electricity, fuel and other costs, all to be absorbed in the annual budget.

Excessive cuts to infrastructure expenditure creates mounting pressure on the asset renewal and maintenance, and may pass on cost to the next generation.

According to council business papers, it spent the following on legal matters:

$3,285,222 - Federal Court

$536,765 - DA appeals, Mediation conferences and the NSW Land & Environment Court

$176,945 - NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal

$149,180 - Legal/Probity Advice

$76,061 - Property Development, including road closures, caveats, etc

$43,795 - Anti-Discrimination

Below is the case-by-case legal fee estimates, according to the council business papers:

$90,000, Probity Advice, 6/07/2022

$135,600, Michael Joseph v KMC, 1/09/2022

$2.5M, KMC v Daoud, Federal Court, 6/10/2022

$40,000, Enzo Developments vs KMC, 7/12/2022

$93,000, Michael Joseph v KMC & Spencers, Not dated

$140,711, Vortex Developments et al, v KMC, Refusal of DA, Not dated

$128,786, Grant v KMC, Unsafe Rides, 27/10/2021

$43,725, John Giles v KMC, Unlawful Discrimination, Federal Court, 21/04/2022

$95,000, Fountaindale v KMC, Refusal of DA, 1/05/2023

$15,000, D&L Sharp v KMC, Refusal of DA, 23/08/2023

$95,350, Blue Haven Bonaira Probity Advice, 23/08/2023

$24,857, Michael Joseph v KMC Appeal Fee estimate, 14/08/2023

$45,908, KMC v Josef Fischer, Swamp Road Cycleway, Supreme Court, 12/10/2023

$20,000, Cole & Hennessy v KMC, Refusal of DA, 17/01/2024

$29,000, Forte Kiama Heights Development v KMC, Refusal of DA, 12/01/2024

$28,000, Harwood v KMC, Refusal of DA, 13/03/2024

$32,000, Enzo Developments vs KMC, 12/04/2024

$28,000, EPLANNING v KMC, Deemed Refusal of DA, 4/03/2024

$39,000, DA House v KMC Refusal of DA, 15/04/2024, $444,511.99, Karen Renkema-Lang v KMC, Revocation of Censure, Supreme Court, 22/02/2024

$5200, Code of Conduct Complaint (Councillor), 30/04/2024

Section 8A of the Local Government Act sets out the guiding principles for local councils. They include conducting its functions to provide the best value for residents.

1 - 14 June 2024
Secure your Foundation Membership Kiama is Coming Soon MISSDON’T OUT! Join Now month-to-month $17.95 / per week* 12-month membership $15.95 / per week *Prices are subject to change Key Member Benefits Include
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Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly and CEO Jane Stroud. Photo credit: Kiama Council.

iama crowned top tourist town 2024 at prestigious NSW

Tourism Awards

The Top Tourism Industry Awards event took place in the morning of Wednesday, May 29, with the Hon. John GRAHAM, MLC, Minister for Jobs and Tourism, presenting the accolades.

Kiama secured the top spot, edging out Ballina in second place and Newcastle in third. The Top Tourism Town Awards highlight the significance of tourism to towns and communities across New South Wales, celebrating the state's diverse and outstanding

regional destinations. Kiama was recognised for its abundant natural attractions, including national parks, beaches, and waterfalls. Paula Martin, Executive Director of Regional NSW & Visitor Economy at Business NSW, remarked, "With their picturesque landscapes, rich historical significance, abundance of activities, and warm welcoming community spirit, Huskisson, Berry, and Kiama have become shining

beacons in regional NSW’s tourism landscape."

Huskisson was awarded the title of Top Tiny Town, while Berry took home the Top Small Town award. Tourism and Marketing Lead, Belinda Williams, explained that the Top Tourism Awards required Destination Kiama to submit a comprehensive bid. “The bid included a detailed application, an itinerary for a specified target visitor market, and a video encapsulating the

essence of the destination,” Williams said.

Mayor Neil Reilly expressed pride in the recognition, stating, “It’s just further confirmation of what our residents and regular visitors have known for a long time. Kiama holds a special place in the hearts of many people, from all corners of our state, country, and indeed the world, and this recognition underscores that sentiment.”

Councillor Matt Brown, Chair of Destination Kia-

ma, was thrilled by Kiama’s success, saying, “We want to thank the businesses in and around Kiama for helping achieve this, plus Sally Bursell and the staff at Destination Kiama for their exemplary work.”

He added, “A key part of the awards are the people who vote, so we particularly want to thank everyone who voted.”

Winning the award will raise Kiama's profile and boost visitation, positively impacting local businesses.

Incidentally, local Kiama residents Clodagh O'Rourke and Robert Virgona, who operate the business Etchcraft, designed and produced the award trophies.

Kiama, Ballina, and Newcastle will now represent NSW at the Australian Top Tourism Town Awards later this year, competing against other state winners for the national title.

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our office. HELLO@THEBUGLENEWSPAPER.COM.AU Office 2, Edessa Arcade 88-90 Terralong St, Kiama Disclamer : Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, but we are only human
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Lauren Res, Visitor Services Coordinator - Destination Kiama Councillor Matt Brown - Chair Destination Kiama Belinda Williams, Tourism and Marketing Lead - Destination Kiama Paula Martin, Executive Director - Business NSW John Graham, MLC - Minister. Councillor Matt Brown, Chair of Destination Kiama, was thrilled by Kiama’s success, saying, “We want to thank the businesses in and around Kiama for helping achieve this, plus Sally Bursell and the staff at Destination Kiama for their exemplary work.”


Performance improvement starts with dollars and sense

Late in May Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig issued a variation to the Performance Improvement Order (PIO) that currently applies to Kiama Municipal Council. It effectively binds the current and future Council to a strict set of actions ‘required to improve performance’ over the next three financial years to FY 2026/27 with the aim of operating a budget in surplus that does not rely on property sales.

The Minister said that Council ‘is moving too slowly’ towards financial sustainability and given this, Council will be required to report to the Office of Local Government bi-monthly to make sure they remain on the track to reducing expenditure and increasing revenue.

The response from the Council to the revised PIO was understandably muted from Council, and the community should take note. Whilst the controversial sale of Blue Haven Bonaira looks to be finalised over the coming weeks with purchase by aged care providers Hall & Prior, it is quite clear that Bonaira will not be the last in terms of significant changes to Council assets and services.

Council’s draft Long Term Financial Plan to FY 2033/34 points towards eight other parcels of land that Council will be looking to dispose of to shore up the finances. It is possible that Blue Haven will continue to feature heavily, with the PIO requiring Council to definitively determine whether general rate revenue is subsiding Blue Haven’s Terralong operations – the same issue that plagued Bonaira and led to its forthcoming sale.

In addition, there’ll be a requirement that Council set aside and establish a capital renewal reserve for Terralong with annual transfers to the reserve of $2 million.

The community should not be surprised if Havilah Place at the top


Representatives from the Kiama Council’s Strategic Planning, Community Engagement and Cultural Developments teams spent time with students at Kiama High School on 15-16 May 2024, offering workshops in contribution to their Growth and Housing Strategy.

of Terralong Street is subdivided and subsequently sold off, perhaps sooner rather than later.

What has not been outwardly divulged in statements from Council but is found within the detail of the 40 pages of the Long-Term Financial Plan are references to how additional revenues may be secured, and how costs will be reduced.

And it all makes complete sense as to where Council will find the dollars.

Cutting “non-essential services”.

Special rates variations. Sale of Council assets like the Works and Waste Depots.

The Bugle’s View is that Council should be up front with these discussions.

Where is the grandstanding and transparency about what this means for us, as ratepayers?

What exactly are the ‘non-essential’ services that Council is looking to cut.

We all know about the paid parking discussions and what the community already thinks – but is that another decision that will be forced upon us.

We are currently in a cost-of-living crisis and cuts to services and increases to rates is not welcome news. Particularly when Council’s legal bill is now at $4.7m for this financial year, and likely to reach the $5m mark if there are further significant costs associated with a yet another code of conduct investigation between bickering Councillors.

Will Councillors and Council be honest in the upcoming local government election about what they stand for? What services and Council assets are off limits? How much could this special rate variation be?

Let’s wait and see. But there is one thing the community can rely on, and that is The Bugle providing a clear and transparent View and holding this and the future Council to account.

followed by several interactive activities that asked the students to share insights on what they loved and what they thought could be improved about Kiama LGA and housing (general and specific),” stated a spokesperson from Kiama Council.

The Council had previously quizzed Kiama High School’s Student Representative Council (SRC), who co-facilitated these sessions, about how they could obtain the best answers from teenagers in the community. These workshops indicated that the Council not only listened to their answers, but were committed to implementing the results.

The two days involved a series of 10 workshops of 45 minutes each, containing 180 students in total across Years 9-12.

“Each workshop included a brief introduction,

Relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing, Gemma Crane, explained that students were asked to identify places and things they like and dislike about Kiama.

“They were then asked what their priorities were for the community for the future and what they felt we needed more of. Answers ranged from entertainment and sport, to environmental considerations,” she detailed.

Crane said the students particularly loved the interactive part, at the end of the session, where they got to share their ideas and visions around priorities in

their future homes through LEGO-building.

According to Kiama Council, “the objective (of the workshops) was to gain insight into the needs and wants of our young people to inform the development of our Growth and Housing Strategy, guiding future development in the Kiama LGA.”

Crane praised Kiama Council for their efforts to engage with our community’s younger generation.

“Students liked feeling heard and giving feedback on big issues impacting the community,” she said.

This notion was cemented by the School Captain, Thomas, who said: “Our youth are the future of our community, so being heard is something that is very important to today’s society.

This program has really nurtured youth’s voice in a positive manner.”

Vice School captains, Ruby and Jack mirrored Thomas’ appreciation. “It was an engaging program for the students to have their opinions on issues in the Kiama LGA heard, and suggest improvements that can be made to benefit young people,” said Ruby. Jack added that the sessions were, “an amazing interactive experience, as it allowed the future of the community to have their say on relevant and future issues.”

Kiama Council continues to welcome input from the community, with the engagement period and associated survey open until 31 May. For further information, head to: www. Your-say/Growth-and-Housing-Strategy.

A full moon guided visitors through The Enchanted Forest in Blackbutt Reserve on Thursday evening, 23 May 2024, as they were given a preview look.

The event, which officially opened on Friday night (24 May), runs through to 16 June and promises to transport visitors to another world.

Illuminated like never before, this year's theme the Lost Astronaut captivates and beholds, thanks to a combined light- and soundscape that creates an ethereal, interactive cosmic universe here on earth.

Visitors wander through the forest, following the lost astronaut’s journey to repair his spaceship, each section a brilliant display of lights,

lasers and special effects.

The immersive audio enhances the feeling of celestial surrealism, and each bend in the path reveals a new awe-inspiring surprise.

Tickets have been selling fast, with many people eager to discover this thrilling sym biosis of nature and technol ogy. The Enchanted Forest offers a unique experience during these cold winter eve nings for families, friends and space enthusiasts alike.

Whether you’re a sea soned stargazer or simply looking for a magical night out, be sure not to miss The Enchanted Forest. Tickets are on sale at: theenchant

The full moon guides the way through the
The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
E nchanted For est THE

After years of speculation and local controversy, the Kiama Council has finally announced that a buyer has been found for the sale of aged care residence Blue Haven Bonaira.

The preferred tenderer is Hall & Prior Health and Aged Care Group, a provider of residential aged care both in NSW and Western Australia.

Until the announcement the identity of the buyer had been a well guarded secret.

The decision was made at an Extraordinary Meeting in late May when the Council voted to proceed with the Hall & Prior offer and to begin drawing up a sales contract.

Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly welcomed Hall & Prior to Kiama: “I’m glad to see Blue Haven Bonaira be acquired by a high-quality aged care provider who already operates a range of facilities in both NSW and Western


“I welcome Hall & Prior to Kiama and the Illawarra region and look forward to a fruitful working relationship with them as we transition the business into their capable hands.”

The Kiama Council has been given a Provisional Improvement Order from the NSW government over the state of its finances. To stave off administration, the council made the tough decision to sell Blue Haven Bonaira, which was included in the 2023-2024 Council Budget projections, the Council’s Long Term Financial Plan and the Draft Budget for 2024/25.

Hall & Prior currently operates 13 residential aged care homes across Sydney and regional NSW, and 23 aged care homes in Western Australia.

Once the contract has been finalised, it will go back to Council for endorse-

ment. This is expected to happen in July. Following final agreement and completion of pre-settlement conditions, both parties anticipate settlement in September 2024.

Council recorded an overall loss of $7.7m for 2022-23, down from $10m the year before. Total current liabilities are $154m (2023).

Taking the sale proceeds, it will now be able to pay the outstanding $15m debt to TCorp, the financial services partner to the NSW public sector.

The latest Performance Improvement Order from Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig means the council has three years to get its budget into surplus and apart from the sale of Bonaira it can’t sell assets to do it.

The new PIO requires the council to become financially viable by 2026-27.

Dickens’ character Wilkins Micawber in David Copperfield warned of debt’s downside: “Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery.”

While Kiama Council has suffered significant debt, pulling Blue Haven out of the general ledger and creating new yearly accounts for the last current and preceding financial years has created a surer course. Even so, there are still hard times ahead, as recent figures released by the Kiama Council’s Sustainable Communities Advisory Committee shows spending continues to exceed

In part, this was due to an “extraordinary escalation” in contracts and materials – felt by most councils across NSW – and a growth in depreciation with no growth in revenue. Materials and services costs increases, growth in depreciation with no growth in revenue.

Whilst the council’s total cash position didn’t deteriorate in the last five years, mainly due to the sale of assets, the unrestricted cash balance (the thin purple line) – this is the money the council can spend today (liquidity) – remains very low.

Unexpected outlays such as litigation fees, flood damage and more, are funded from unrestricted cash.

Bonaira Buyer Revealed

In a joint statement Labor councillors Imogen Draisma and Stuart Larkins said the sale of Blue Haven Bonaira was needed for the Council to meet its financial obligations.

“If the Council goes into administration, we not only

lose local control but these hard financial decisions would be made by a distant department with no interest in our highly valued local amenities, our staff or our township,” Councillor Stuart Larkins said.

More asset sales as Council tackles debt and liquidity issues

Council’s negative unrestricted cash balance in 2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years.

The decision taken by Council about 40 years ago to move into residential aged care seemed like a good idea at the time.

The Blue Haven businesses did not have a separate set of accounts. The council was navigating blind. Profit, loss and expenditure were all recorded in the general ledger.

In 2022, the council separated the ledger and created a new set of accounts for

Blue Haven to establish the profit and loss.

The true financial position of Blue Haven Terralong and Bonaira combined for 20222023 is at a $2.54m loss for the financial year.

The Sustainable Communities Advisory Committee’s report states over-investment in aged care and an under-performing return, and has caused “underinvestment in civic assets such as swimming pools, sports fields, surf clubs, stormwater, roads, mowing services, etc.”

This was in the context of the local sporting community needing more modern assets and to encourage female participation.

Council’s unrestricted cash balance at 30 June 2023 was $2 million and would have been more except for the need to fund $5 million of landslide repair works.

On 13 October 2022, council voted to sell Blue Haven Bonaira Residential Aged Care Facility and the Bonaira Independent Living Units, but voted to retain Blue

Haven Terralong. In light of new and more accurate figures, grounded in modern accounting methodology, the sale of Blue Haven Terralong looks key to resolving some of its financial issues. One strategy would be to resolve the sale after the September council elections, in the hope of removing some of the Councillors who either don’t agree with the figures or place social justice issues above solvency.

Malcom King

Materials and services costs increases, growth in depreciation with no growth in revenue.

Council’s negative unrestricted cash balance in 2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years. 5
Blue Haven Bonaira is a 134-bed residential aged care facility, which includes 59 Independent Living Units, Matterson Hall, Barroul House café, a chapel, a gym and hair salon. Malcolm King

Ward wants Kiama taxi trial

Kiama MP, Gareth Ward, wants the NSW Government to introduce a six-month subsidised taxi service in Kiama.

After more than 30 years in operation, Kiama Cabs ended trading in May last year after it failed to find a buyer.

“What investments in public transport have you made in the Kiama electorate?” Gareth Ward asked Transport Minister, Jo Haylen.

“We have some great community initiatives such as Driving Miss Daisy and Blue Haven Transport, but these are not public services,” he said.

Helen Cook is in her 70s and lives on Terralong Street. She moved to Kiama from Sydney in 2022 to look after her 99-yearold mother.

“I have a visual impair-

ment and I’m unable to drive. I was a frequent user of the Kiama taxi service.”

Southern Cross perched to snap up Illawarra Mercury

“I am shocked that a town with an ageing population does not have an operating taxi service. Many people relied on it to attend medical appointments, do their shopping and visit loved ones in the local area.”

“A month ago I spent a week in the small town of Bellingen and it has a reliable taxi service.”

Gareth Ward is working with CEO of Taxis NSW, Nick Abrahim, and a proposal is on the table.

“The Illawarra Taxi Network provides booked taxi services for the Kiama community, and I would like to see this permanent,” Ward said.

“We shouldn’t need to rely on the Illawarra for these services, or wait for


port plan to get a cab.”

Gareth Ward wants a progress report on the Illawarra-Shoalhaven Strategic Regional Integrated Transport Plans, which will start in mid-2024.

NSW Taxi Council CEO Nick Abrahim previously said in the Illawarra Mercury that rideshare services and government regulations made it difficult to profitably run taxis. He accused rideshare drivers from outside Kiama of illegally touting and soliciting for rides in town.

A taxi licence costs up to $300,000 in some regional NSW areas, but Abrahim said there was no such cost burden on rideshare drivers. Malcom King

Southern Cross Media Group may buy parts of the Australian Community Media (ACM) network including the Illawarra Mercury, The Canberra Times, Newcastle Herald, its subscription news websites and agriculture division.

ACM co-owner

Anthony Catalano told ACM staff in an email, "Should the proposed transaction proceed it will create a dynamic multimedia company across audio, digital, print and TV."

"It would also include Australia's leading agricultural media business. It would mean that [co-owner] Alex Waislitz and I would become substantial share-

holders of SCA .”

Southern Cross owns the Hit and Triple M radio networks and dozens of regional stations, while ACM describes itself as Australia’s largest independent publisher.

Mr Catalano said the process was, "expected to be relatively short, with all parties aiming to have a decision by the end of June."

Mr Catalano said no redundancies would be offered while Southern Cross considered the deal.

“If the proposal proceeds, only those staff whose jobs are directly impacted will be offered redundancy if no suitable redeployment options are available,” he said.

"In the merged entity, our editori- al content

will be more important than ever, and it will now be able to be shared across multiple platforms to a huge network of regional and metropolitan audiences," Mr Catalano said.

"And, most importantly, the merged entity will greatly improve our marketing capabilities that will drive digital subscription growth, as well as growth in LiSTNR and both organisations' traditional assets,” he said.

Once part of the former Fairfax Media group that was absorbed into Nine Entertainment in 2018, ACM has been privately owned since July 2019 by Mr Catalano and business partner Mr Waislitz's ASX-listed Thorney Investment Group. Malcom King

Council divided with third alleged code of conduct breach

A third Kiama councillor in 12 months is being investigated for an alleged code of conduct breach, according to Kiama Council business papers.

On 30 April this year, a new Code of Conduct Complaint against a councillor appeared on the estimated legal fees ledger, with a cost of $5,200 for an investigation.

A council spokesperson said that this was a separate matter and did not

relate to the proceedings of Councillor Renkema-Lang v Kiama Council in the Supreme Court, which may be settled on May 30.

“Code of Conduct complaints are … made to the CEO (unless they’re about the CEO) as per our policy. The CEO has no comment,” a council spokesperson said.

Council’s legal fees are as, of March this year, $4.7 million and mounting.

In July last year, Coun-

cillor Mark Croxford was censured by the council for a breach of the code.

The issue allegedly arose during a council debate over the rejection of the Golden Valley Way DA in Jamberoo at a meeting on 21 March.

Kiama Council CEO Jane Stroud noted that the behaviour was not conducive with Councillors’ code of conduct.

"Council resolved the following: That Council, pur-

suant to section 440G of the Local Government Act, formally censures Councillor Croxford for statements made at the meeting held on 21 March 2023, following the meeting which the investigation report substantiated conduct that amounts to engaging in intimidation, noting that such behaviour does not comply with the code of conduct for councillors," said CEO Jane Stroud.

In November last year,

Cuncillor Renkema-Lang launched legal proceedings over a censure, related to a June 21 radio interview on the reclassification of land at Blue Haven Bonaira.

Councillor Renkema-Lang filed proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW, seeking to set aside of invalidate the censure.

A direction hearing on 22 April revealed that council had admitted the censure was invalid.

At the time CEO Jane

Stroud, said in words which have proved prescient, “I hold specific concerns and worry about the worsening functionality of the Council, when in such uncertain times and unchartered territory, what is really required is cohesive and collective effort to correct the course of the organisation.”

Council elections will be held on 14 September. Malcom King

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
Photo credit: Kiama Taxis. Anthony Catalano. Photo credit: Mumbrella. The Kiama Mayor and Councillors.

Co-working & No Censorship: The Future of Kiama Library

A Service Review of the Kiama and Gerringong Library by the State Library of New South Wales has been labelled “generally positive” by the Kiama Council, with plans to develop a Library Strategy to support and encourage increased membership and usage of the facilities.

As part of the strategy, council will explore revenue opportunities, including the hiring of spaces and ‘mixed uses’ within the library facilities.

The State Library of NSW encourages all libraries to adapt and evolve to meet the needs of the community. In other councils, strategies have included offering 24 hour access where feasible, introducing co-working

spaces and podcast facilities. Currently, it is unknown if this is an option for Kiama.

During the 2023/24 financial year, Kiama Library Service was one of three council operations put under review, alongside Kiama Leisure Centre and The Pavilion Kiama. Business plans will be finalised during the 2024-25 financial year to implement, where appropriate, the recommendations of these services reviews.

The Kiama Council has also spoken out about the recent censorship of books relating to same-sex parenting by a Western Sydney Council. Earlier this month, Cumberland City Council banned a selection of books relating to same-sex parenting from the library. The mo-

tion has since been reversed after public backlash, but discussions are ongoing.

“Kiama Municipal Council has a proud history of supporting free public access to literature and learning for all,” says Chief Executive Officer at Kiama Council, Jane Stroud.

“Council is support ive and proud of its diverse, tolerant and strong community.

"That the actions of one Council serve to swiftly bring all others into disrepute does a great disservice to reputation of the whole sector.”

Kiama Council calls for landowner and developer submissions

Kiama Council recently announced an invitation for landowners to submit an expression of interest (EOI), nominating potential development sites for consideration in their Growth and Housing Strategy. This invitation was extended to developers who gained consent from a landowner.

Submissions for applications closed on Friday 24 May.

Whilst some people may consider this a surprising and somewhat controversial move, council view it as a proactive step towards sustainable growth and housing. According to Kiama Council’s Director Planning, Environment and Communities, Jessica Rippon, this initiative demonstrates commitment to partnering with the community in estab-

lishing sustainable growth and housing solutions.

“The Landowner and Developer EOI process is intended to reduce speculative planning proposals, through clear identification and articulation of sites to investigate as potential future growth areas through the Growth and Housing Strategy. This allows for development to be appropriately staged and infrastructure needs to be met and strategically planned,” she explains.

“The Growth and Housing Strategy intends to provide more certainty to the community and development industry about where growth could occur in the future and areas where growth or expansion is not suitable. Only sites deemed to possess strategic merit will be considered for inclusion.”

Rippon advises that all nominations would undergo a thorough and confidential evaluation process. In addition to cross-checking against a set criteria, other relevant factors will be considered, such as adherence to normal planning processes. Furthermore, council has developed a probity plan to ensure joint protection of council and community, and continued respect for commercial sensitivities of landowners and developers.

“Any land that is proposed for inclusion will be clearly identified in the draft strategy, which will be subject to a formal exhibition process allowing for community feedback at that time,” advises Rippon.

This call for submissions is a move that is wholeheartedly backed by the Director

of Fountaindale Project Management - the development company behind the Golden Valley subdivision in Jamberoo - and Chair of the Property Council’s Illawarra Chapter, Jennifer Macquarie.

“The development industry is very supportive of Kiama Council providing the opportunity for landowners to submit expressions of interest for their property to be included in its growth strategy,” says Macquarie.

“Council has made the process pretty clear and simple. There is a series of questions on council's website intended for landowners to convey the unique elements of their site and why it should be included. Council is not looking for lengthy submissions or expensive design plans, which makes the process accessible to any

land owner, not just larger developers.”

Acknowledging the current housing crisis, Macquarie has been advocating for all councils in the Illawarra region to accelerate their housing supply. “Equally important is making sure the industry is enabled, through good planning controls, to deliver a mix of housing types, including affordable rental housing,” she adds.

“I expect Kiama’s growth and housing strategy will address these elements while looking at the best location for different types of housing in terms of access to services and infrastructure.”

As Macquarie agrees, any discussions around growth and housing in the Kiama region often stirs up emotion and controversy within the community. However,

this EOI was not only an opportunity for landowners and developers to submit an application, but also for the community to share their views and ideas.

“Although historically, there has been a push back against new housing in Kiama LGA, there is a growing understanding of the need for more housing to be provided in the community, particularly options that are price accessible to young people and service workers. Many people are okay with new housing, if it’s well planned, well designed and in the right locations,” elaborates Macquarie.

Kiama Council will provide an update on this initiative at one of their upcoming Ordinary Meetings.

Statement by Councillor Karen Renkema-Lang re: Kiama Municipal Council NSW Supreme Court Matters

On 27 May 2024, the NSW Supreme Court ruled in favour of Councillor Karen Renkema-Lang, mandating Kiama Council and the Conduct Reviewer to cover court costs, after recognising significant flaws in the original investigation.

The Supreme Court found that the heavily redacted investigation report suggested possible bias. The Chief Executive had access to the unredacted version of the report, while at the same time it was hidden from the Councillors.

Therefore, the Kiama Council’s Resolution 23/350OC to censure Cllr Renkema-Lang made on 21 November 2023 was ruled invalid and of no effect.

Clr Renkema-Lang criticised Kiama Council for wasting resources on defending her unjust censure over a June 2023 radio interview with ABC. She emphasised the need for transparency and better decision-making within the Council, particularly given its financial challenges.

As a result of the redactions, the Councillors considering the Investigation Report were not aware that the conduct reviewer had previously investigated and reported on a complaint brought by Councillor Renkema-Lang against the Mayor.

Clr Renkema-Lang ex-

pressed disappointment at the Council for not reconsidering its actions sooner, given there was ample opportunity.

The court decision follows Clr Renkema-Lang’s February 2024 challenge against her censure, which was agreed to be invalid by April 2024. Kiama Council has since removed the censure article from its website, signalling compliance with the court’s orders.

While Clr Renkema-Lang feels vindicated by the NSW Supreme Court findings, she says she is deeply disappointed that Kiama Council has vested so much time and scarce resources into investigating, and then

defending the actions that led to her censuring of Clr Renkema-Lang.

In a statement she said she hoped something positive would come out of the whole sorry affair: “That in future Councillors will be able to ask for and receive timely, relevant, complete and accurate information relating to decisions before Council, and that they can be transparent and honest about what has informed their individual decisions, without fear of censure. And ultimately, that Kiama Council will make better informed decisions in its efforts to correct its Financial position.” 7 GET IN THE KNOW, DOWNLOAD THE APP
Photo credits: Unsplash.

Minnamurra teacher’s

Design for Nature Playground becomes a reality

With a tee-pee and cubby house, hopping logs and sandstone seats, a fort and a jetty, the new nature playground at Minnamurra Public School, which students have patiently watched being built over the past six months, is now open for playtime.

The state-of-the-art playground started life as a hand-drawn sketch by teacher, Miss Ruby Maccabei. Now, thanks to a funding boost and the determination of the P&C Committee, it’s a brand new space for students to explore and develop their imaginations.

The upgrade is part of the NSW Government’s plan to rebuild essential services, with a historic $1.4 billion delivered in the 2023-24 Budget for new and upgraded schools in regional NSW.

Labor candidate for Kia-

ma, Katelin McInerney and Councillor Stuart Larkins visited the School to open the new playground area.

“The parents and teachers battled hard to create this [playground],” said Mclerney, who went to Minnamurra Public School when she was a child. In her speech, she encouraged the students to use the space with kindness.

For now, the students will use the playground on a staggered system to promote safety, with Kindergarten students having time on the playground first and then each agegroup following afterwards. In their classes, students worked on a list of expectations for what responsible play looks like in this setting.

It’s the latest playground upgrade for the local area, with the completion of Old School Park Upgrade in

Lighthearted defib training for Blue Haven Bonaira residents

Having to use a defibrillator in an emergency is obviously no laughing or lighthearted matter. Regardless, over 50 residents at Blue Haven Bonaira enjoyed being educated on this topic on Friday 24 May, thanks to the relaxed, relatable manner displayed by presenter and local emergency doctor, Mark Newcombe.

Member of Parliament for Kiama, Gareth Ward, who is currently lobbying for broader access to maintained defibrillators in public spaces and transport, also attended.

Gerringong on 30 June 2023 , thanks to $162,000 in grant funding, and the Hindmarsh Park Upgrade, currently in process, which has a project value of $4.5 million.

After the opening, we asked students to share their thoughts on their new playground, which were heart-warming. “Thankyou builders for the playground,” shared Hamish from Kindergarten. “I really loved the slide; I played all lunch with my friends.”

His classmate, Kita added, “I liked playing the Floor is Lava with my friend and buddy.”

Year three student, Uea, summed it up perfectly: “It made me feel confident, peaceful and joyful, and I liked that it was a place where I could sit back and relax.”

Amy Molloy

person at risk of a cardiac arrest.

Additionally, Mark relayed crucial statistics, such as: out of the 25,000 cardiac arrests recorded annually, 75 percent have a shockable rhythm. Approximately 35 percent of individuals experiencing cardiac arrest survive if the event is witnessed, and early CPR and defibrillation is provided.

“Getting to people early with the right tools is the

never forget. He said, ‘I want to say to you, Gareth, you saved my life. It was a grant that you got for a defibrillator. It was there when I needed it. I would have been dead without it.’ That is what really speared me into doing something about defibrillators,” says Ward.

Blue Haven Bonaira resident and Mark’s father, Mike Newcombe, was largely to thank for the recent fundraising and subsequent roll out of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) throughout the facility. Mike, who has previously had heart bypass surgery, thoroughly scoped out all areas of the facility that would require CellAED devices to ensure prompt emergency support for all residents in the event of cardiac arrest.

Once installed, Mike recognised training for understandably apprehensive residents was necessary. Naturally, he looked to his highly qualified and kind-hearted son, who is also the leader of a notfor-profit charity that runs medical conferences in third world countries. Mark kicked the session off with a well-received chuckle about his parents gifting him a CellAED last Christmas, knowing his genetics.

Mark managed to deliver technical topics in an accessible manner to an engaged team of increasingly confident potential first responders, including visual mechanics of both a normal-functioning heart and one that may classify a

only way we are going to make a difference. In cardiac arrest, the probability of successful resuscitation declines by 10 percent every minute. Attending to the person within the first three or four minutes is more likely to have a good outcome,” said Mark.

“Remember - it is very difficult to do harm to the person. If we do nothing, the outcome is death,” he urged the residents, demonstrating the ease at which the automated devices can be used.

Upon conclusion, Ward addressed the residents, advising an outcome on his proposed Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) (Public Access) Bill is expected to be settled by August. This bill would not only enforce maintained defibrillators in public places and transport, but also rules and penalties regarding vandalism to the devices.

“I had a constituent come and see me over a year ago now. It is a meeting I will

“Every year, around 3,800 people die from an out of hospital cardiac arrest. Lives could have been saved if they’d had access to a defibrillator. These devices save lives, by having them in public places, on forms of public transport."

“Let’s hope these devices never need to be used, but it is good to know how to use them if we need them,” closed Ward.

Ward and Mark received a hearty round of applause from the appreciative residents, particularly Mark’s proud Dad.

“Mark was absolutely fabulous with his presentation, answering all very intelligent questions that probably only an emergency doctor could have done,” beamed Mike.

“I went to a gathering of attendees after the event, and they could not stop praising his presentation. He added some humour to a very serious subject.” Fortunately, none of the participants have experienced cardiac arrest before - and let’s pray they never do. However, should the unfortunate event occur, they have peace of mind knowing they are in equipped and capable hands thanks to the caring work of this father-son dream team. This defibrillator training session may have been fairly lighthearted, but potentially life-saving nonetheless.

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 Dr John Salmon is pleased to announce that he is practicing full time in Kiama. Offering quality gentle dental care in a calm and relaxing environment. Child Dental Benefits & Veterans Affairs patients welcome Call 4233 1313 for appointments 3/5 Railway Parade Kiama (next to Kiama Library)
Dr John Salmon • Kiama

Kiama optometrist reflects on an impressive career

optometrist Joan Comber has been helping the community see clearly for more than 40 years.

Joan’s business first opened in Edessa Arcade in 1977 before moving into Kiama Centrepoint in 1983. She remains a loyal tenant and was one of the first businesses to move into the centre, which holds many cherished memories for her and her family.

Joan’s youngest son, Clayton, learned to walk in Centrepoint’s arcade and played on the floor of her optometry workshop. In a lovely twist of fate, Clayton now runs a café and bookshop, Bouquiniste, out of the same space.

“I think it's wonderful that things have come full

circle,” says Joan. “Clayton finds it quite ironic that all these years have gone by and he's now working in the shop he played in when he was a toddler.”

When Joan reflects on her own career of almost five decades, she marvels at how far she has come.

Born in Malaysia, Joan and her family emigrated to Australia after her older brother moved here to study engineering.

“He told my Mum and Dad he had no intention of coming home, so we all followed him here,” said Joan, who planned to study medicine. She got the required marks, but six years of university was not financially feasible. So she “played it safe” and started

a science degree but found it “quite frustrating.”

“There were thousands of us, and it was quite overwhelming,” she says. “So, a friend suggested optometry.”

It was 1969 and the class was a small one, with just 11 students. “Our year was quite unusual at the time because 50 per cent of our group was female,” recalls Joan.

After graduating in 1973, Joan began her career in Sydney before moving to the South Coast with her husband Arthur in 1976, where she took over the Warrawong Gibb & Beeman franchise. Joan had no intention of opening a second optometry store, but working for a large optical retail-

er had its challenges. When the opportunity to own an independent optometry business in Kiama came up, Joan took it, as it gave her the chance to provide a more personalised service.

"Kiama was always going to be a part-time practice because I was already a franchise owner in Warrawong," says Joan.

However, her business was quickly embraced by the Kiama community and, a year after it opened, Arthur quit his job in Sydney to work in the store as an optical mechanic, building, fixing and dispensing glasses.

“Arthur was a very practical hands-on person,” explains Joan. “When he was still working in Sydney, I

was sending out my jobs to be done to another contractor. It was great to have him come on board and do the practical part of the optics.”

Optometry became a family affair. Joan’s sister moved to Australia from England in the late 1970s to help with the day-to-day running of the business. By 2006, Joan decided to focus solely on the Kiama store, with the help of her sister and Arthur.

"My sister still comes in to help me on a voluntary basis sending out appointment reminders, which I don't really get the time to do,” says Joan.

Arthur continued to work alongside Joan until his passing in 2018. She admits it was “difficult to continue without Arthur by her side”, and was grateful when Clayton stepped in to help.

“Clayton grew up watching, then helping Arthur when he was doing the mechanics,” says Joan. “I’m very thankful he continues to do what his Dad used to do for me, as well as running Bouquiniste.”

As an independent optometrist, Joan prides herself on making and dispensing glasses with Clayton’s help. She admits dispensing is a dying artform, with big franchises like OPSM and Specsavers sending glasses away to external contractors.

“Not many places offer optometry as well as dispensing,” says Joan. “Along with bulk-billing, it's a service I am very grateful to still be able to provide, and the community of Kiama seem to really appreciate that. Clayton has been known to make up glasses and deliver them directly to customers.”

Joan credits her loyal customers and a sense of community for keeping her in business for so long.

"I still have a passion to

do optometry,” she says.

“I think it's great to meet all sorts of people and help them with their visual problems. I have built some beautiful friendships over the many years of looking after customers. I have seen things come full circle; people I tested as children have now grown up and bring their children to me. It's quite rewarding in that sense.”

Joan says retirement is on the cards, but she won’t be putting her feet up anytime soon.

“When I first started working as an optometrist, I thought my retirement age would be 45," chuckles Joan.

Whatever the future holds, there is no question that Joan will remain a stalwart of the Kiama community. Each year, from 1984 until 2016 when Arthur became unwell, the family would host an annual Christmas lunch for the community at Kiama Leagues Club.

“Clayton and my older son Brendon would entertain those who attended and play the golden oldies for us," laughs Joan.

Brendon now owns a sound and lighting company and works part-time at the Kiama Leagues Club as an entertainment manager. Clayton is also a DJ when he finds time between working at Bouquiniste and Joan’s optometry business.

“Growing up in Kiama, Clayton and Brendon used to be known around town as Joan and Arthur's sons,” says Joan.

“Now the tables have turned and I'm Brendon and Clayton's Mum! It's funny how history works, but I am very proud that they are such an important part of the community. They love Kiama, as do I.”

Danielle Woollage 9

Federal funding exceeding $1 billion to restore Shoalhaven roads

Federal Government funding for Shoalhaven roads is currently in overdrive, with an additional $8 million Roads to Recovery funding recently allocated for the Shoalhaven in the Federal Budget. Whilst the total Roads to Recovery funding for Shoalhaven now sits at $18.84 million, the total amount of Federal Government funding for essential upgrades to Shoalhaven roads overall is now over $1 billion.

Particularly given the lashing and subsequent damage our infrastructure has copped during recent weather events, certain upgrades have become crucial for motorists’ safety.

Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, agrees that assigning funds to the region’s roads is money well

spent - given we cannot put a price on the safety of our community.

“I inspected the work currently being carried out at Lake Conjola with Shoalhaven City Council staff on Wednesday and was pleased to see a 350-metre section of pavement rehabilitation, stormwater drain upgrades and new kerb and guttering underway,” said Phillips.

“These projects in and around our villages are important for the safety and amenity of local communities, and are what the Roads to Recovery program is all about."

“We know the ongoing heavy rains and flooding have caused significant damage to many of our roads. That’s why the Federal Government is giving Shellharbour City Council a

helping hand to ensure the works can be completed.”

Phillips praised the Albanese Government for including smaller roads such as the Lake Conjola Entrance Road. The $1.93 million project at Lake Conjola was fully funded by the Federal Government, as were completed works at Meroo Road Bomaderry ($2.5 million), BTU Road South Nowra ($1.9 million) and Bawley Point Road ($907,000).

Furthermore, the Far North Collector Road can be completed by the end of June thanks to $2.4 million delivered by the 2024 Federal Budget. And Nowra Bridge works will also be completed thanks to $25.1 million funding.

“This comes in addition to federal funding I’ve delivered for local roads,

including $97 million to get the Nowra Bypass going, $100 million for the Jervis Bay Flyover, which is well underway, $155 million for the Nowra Bridge, $752 million for the Milton-Ulladulla Bypass and $40 million under the Local Roads Fund,” says Phillips.

“As well as Black Spot funding recently announced for Forest Road at Comberton and Woodburn Road near Milton, we’ve provided significant natural disaster roads funding.”

Phillips is proud to have

worked hard to help deliver over $1 billion in funding for essential roads repairs, and vows to continue advocating for ongoing funds to ensure Shoalhaven roads remain safe.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea at Cedar on Collins

On Thursday 23 May, The Bugle attended a heartwarming event at Cedar on Collins, where around 120 residents, alongside their friends, family and local community members, gathered for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. This event, sponsored by the Cancer Council, aimed to raise crucial funds to support those affected by cancer. The atmosphere was filled with camaraderie and a delightful array of treats.

According to the Cancer Council, almost one in two

What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite book?

My favourite Children’s Book in my teaching time was “The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch."

Where do you get your ideas for stories?

In my vast travels around the west

Australians will be diagnosed with cancer before the age of 85. They strive to change this narrative with initiatives like these morning teas, rallying everyone to contribute towards a cancer-free future.

The morning tea at Cedar on Collins was a picturesque affair, featuring a large marquee in one of their spacious courtyards, with three long tables adorned with charming decorations. Staff warmly welcomed guests and served coffees, while

teaching in many Primary schools I met many friendly country people from all sorts of backgrounds, farmers, circus performers, medical practitioners and with these life experiences have formulated many children’s stories. Are any of the characters in your books based on real people?

Yes a num-

caterers from Central Perk presented a delectable spread on three-tier cake stands, evoking a nostalgic elegance.

The joyful mood was palpable as conversations flowed, games were played, and raffles were drawn. Attendees were also delighted by door prizes. Sponsors of the event included House to Home, Crooked River Wines, Kiama Leagues Club, and Woolworths. Member of Parliament for Kiama, Gareth Ward, was present, engaging broadly

ber of my characters are based on real people BUT this is a secret.

Foo the Lighthouse cat is a real cat that I found and looked after as he was a stray and was being treated badly.

Are you working on a new book right now?

Yes have written three

with guests.

The Bugle spoke with various attendees, including Deidre, a resident who emphasised the universal impact of cancer. “Everyone has been touched in some way by cancer. We all know someone,” said Deidre, who attended with family members, Jackie, Gary, and Caroline, and fellow residents, Brian and Pat. Margaret, who attended with Laurie, Cec, Dorothy, Terry, Gail and Lorraine, echoed this sentiment.

Kudos to the dedicated

more books in the Grumblebum series. No 4 in the series is called “Mr Grumblebum at the Waxworks”. What is the best part about being an author?

Best part is seeing the children’s faces and the enjoyment they gain from listening to the story and

team at Cedar on Collins for organising and running the event with cheerful efficiency.

As of now, 25,450 morning tea hosts have registered in 2024, raising an impressive $4,832,625. Every dollar counts in the fight against cancer, and events like this bring the community together in support of a vital cause.

Here are some examples of how the Cancer Council uses donations:

• $25 protects 15 children from harmful sun expo-

of course the discussion afterwards.

Where can we find your books for purchase?

In Kiama the books can be purchased from The Kiama Newsagency, Bookshop Kiama and Jenny’s Book Nook in Terralong Street or online by

sure through the SunSmart school program.

• $55 provides support from a cancer nurse available via the helpline 13 11 20.

• $155 covers transport and a night's stay at a Cancer Council Lodge for those needing to travel for treatment.

• $510 funds annual training for Support Group Volunteers to offer emotional and practical support to cancer patients.

Donna Portland


The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
Diana Timmins
comp etitio n time!
Federal Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips with Shoalhaven City Council Asset Engineer Anju Ramachandran, Roads Construction Manager, Lee Dark and Engineering Officer Dene Hillman inspecting the federally-funded Roads to Recovery works being carried out on Lake Conjola Entrance Road.

Community Events

Suicide Prevention Workshop


1 June, 9am - 1pm

Kiama Uniting Church

The Enchanted Forest

Lost Astronaut

23 May - 16 June

Blackbutt Forest Reserve

Comedy for a Cause

Kiama High School Fundraiser

31 May 7pm - 9pm Kiama Leagues Club

Nadia Wheatley: The End of the Morning by Charmian Clift

Kiama Historical Society

1 June, 2pm - 4pm Kiama Library South Coast Fibre Muster

Flora and Fauna

6 - 7 July, 10am - 3pm Berry School of Arts

Stuart Lloyd book signing

Mental As Anything

8 - 9 June

Crooked River Winery Paint & Sip

North Nowra Girl Guides Fundraiser

Sunday 21 July, 2-5pm North Nowra Guide Hall

Kiama Mobile Blood Donor Centre

Tues 11 June,12.30pm - 7.15pm Wed 12 June, 12.30pm7.15pm

Thur 13 June, 12.30pm - 7.15pm Fri 14 June, 9.30am - 4.00pm Sat

Clubs & Social Meetings


Housing the houseless of Kiama It’s only numbers when you work it out.

I note that many properties advertised in the Kiama and surrounding areas remain untenanted for many weeks, some for well over eight weeks.

Kiama Leisure Centre

Jamberoo Valley Rate Payers & Residence Association (JVRRA) meeting

First Tuesday monthly 7pm - 9pm Club Jamberoo

Scrabble Club Tuesday weekly From 4pm Kiama Library

Sip ‘n’ Stitch Women’s craft group

Tuesday weekly, 1pm - 3pm

Gerringong Anglican Church U3A Monday Talks

Monday weekly

Check our digital What’s On page for details

Pickleball Social

Tuesday weekly

From 5.30pm Kiama High School

Drop In - SENTRAL Youth Cottages

Wednesday weekly, 3pm - 6pm

SENTRAL Youth Cottages, Hindmarsh Park

Seven Mile Beach Landcare

Working Bee

First Sunday monthly

Seven Mile Beach

Line Dancing with Janelle

Beginner’s line dancing

Fridays weekly, 6.30pm - 8pm Club Jamberoo

Juggling life Workshop for men

Friday weekly, 6 - 8pm

Kiama Uniting Church

Creative Art and Craft


Monday weekly, 9am - 11.30am Kiama Uniting Church

Live Music

A change in the landlords’ approach can and may resolve this easily with some creative forward financial planning- and thinking.

I also note the large numbers of people viewing open homes, showing the demand for good quality properties at a reasonable rental figure. Could it be that the rental being asked is too high for what is being offered? I have seen some poorly presented properties at inflated prices. This is shown by the number of properties being empty for long periods.

Note, figures are based on a 52-week period (not a calendar year).

If a rental property is rented immediately as advertised for $700pw, this gives a gross income of $36,400 for 52 weeks. If the property is listed at $700pw and is empty for 6 weeks, the loss to a landlord is $4200 per the 12-month period. Amortised over a 12-month period, equals $80.76 per week loss while the property remains vacant.

After the 6 weeks vacancy the gross income for the 12 months is then $32,200pa or $619,23pw.

Suggestions and possible solutions:

If the property was rented after six weeks at a lower price at $650pw, it gives a

which is better

$32,000 by having the prop erty empty for six weeks before being rented. This gives a landlord a gain of $1,800 over the 12-month period by simply reducing the rent.

or 'CONTACT' ON THE APP - 150 words

Note these are readers opinions and do not necessarily represent the Bugle View

car park in the present council offices in the town centre.

Name Supplied

And it only gets worse if the vacancy time continues.

If the property is vacant for eight weeks, the sums start to get alarming.

A property is empty for eight weeks at $700 pw loss per week.

This equals $5,600 pa loss over the expected income of $36,400.

This gives a loss of $106.69 pw or $5,547 over the expected 12-month giving an income of $30,853pa. If the property is rented immediately for $600pw, this gives an income of $31,200pa with no vacant time.

This is gain in income of $1,347pa rather than stick with the accumulating loss having a vacant property.

This should allow for a landlord to negotiate a better rate at renewal time by having a happy long-term tenant or get the better rental return in 12 monthstime.

Happy landlords and content tenants make for a happier community.

Name Supplied

To avoid some parking problems in Kiama, Premiere Buses could run on-demand small buses throughout Kiama. Council Chambers renovate and move to the Old Nursing Home in Havilah Place,

In regards to the article called "Wind Farm Backlash: the storm that won't die" by John Stapleton in the 18 May edition. As John appears to be a writer for The Bugle, I am dismayed that the article reads more like an opinion piece, heavily biased against the wind farms, stating opinion as fact under the guise of reporting about the plaques being made by Pat Cummins. A case in point, this statement from John: ".. the reality of massively expensive and environmentally destructive wind turbines.." Statements included by interviewees such as: "There is no precedent in the world for this number of whales passing this number of wind turbines, and the result could be disastrous. There is a high risk of entanglement and sonar confusion" are accepted as fact in the article, with no evidence offered nor any other view. For a contentious issue such as wind turbines, I would expect reporters at The Bugle to report and leave opinion to the editorial and letters sections.

Leanne Campbell

I appreciated the article “Windfarm Backlash” by John Stapleton. There are many people who support a comprehensive independent environmental impact study before the Federal Labor government declares any offshore industrial zone. The reason is that it is obvious to

coastal environment and ocean ecology is about to be smashed by heavy industry where developers will be asked to submit their own environmental assessments. What could be wrong with floating three hundred gigantic turbines (260m tall) each on a platform the size of a football field, tethered with massive chains to the ocean floor covered with hundreds of tonnes of concrete; and doing this within protected bird and whale migration pathways? Doing this to our ocean that provides so much for so many of us. Save our ocean, say ‘No’ to offshore turbines.

Coastal Walk I wonder what percentage of the Supreme Court legal fees of $444K it would have taken to properly repair the dangerously muddy and slippery section of our much promoted Coastal Walk behind 95 Tingira Crescent. I have been complaining to the council about this particular section for years. Locals and visitors slip, slide, get their shoes and, sometimes clothes, filthy at best. Ambulances called to collect broken bone patients at worst, all without a squeak of concern or action by council yet. All hands on deck, lawyers to the left and right, shock and horror all to reprimand a councillor brave enough to say what is bleeding obvious to most of us locals. Councils who show such interest in our basic concerns cannot expect to be held in high regard by ratepayers. 11
What’s o
Kiama Farmers Markets Every Wednesday weekly 3pm - 6pm (2pm-5pm in winter) Coronation Park, Kiama Kiama Seaside Markets Third Sunday monthly 9am - 3pm Black Beach Kiama Berry Markets First Sunday monthly 8.30am - 2pm Berry Showground Berry Village Markets Fourth Sunday monthly 10am - 3pm Berry Bowling Club Berry Farmers Markets Every Thursday weekly 2pm - 5pm Berry Bowling Club Kangaroo Valley Farmers Markets Second Sunday monthly 9am - 1pm The Friendly Inn, Kangaroo Valley Waterfront Markets First Sunday monthly 9am - 2pm The Marina, Shell Cove Gerringong Rotary Markets Third Saturday monthly 8.30am - 2pm Gerringong Town Hall Jamberoo Village Markets Last Sunday monthly 9am - 2pm Reid Park Jamberoo
n Markets
Sing Australia Every Wednesday weekly 7.30pm - 9pm Joyce Wheatley Community Centre Werri Beach Gerringong Garden Club meeting Second Wednesday monthly 10am, $5 cover Gerringong Uniting Church Hall Kiama Knit & Chat Social meeting - Wrap with Love First Thursday monthly Kiama Library Gerringong
Love Last Friday monthly
Museum Homestead
Hope Local charity meeting Tuesday weekly,
Kiama Scout Hall Social Table Tennis Monday
Knit &
- Wrap with
Gerringong Library and
weekly, 6.30pm - 8.30pm $5 cover (adults), $4 (juniors)
15 June, 9.30am
2.00pm Kiama Anglican Church South Coast Readers and Writers Festival 2024 13-14 July Program announced in May Kiama Reader’s Festival Friends of Kiama Library 19 - 20 July Kiama local area
Blues Bash 2 15 June, 3pm - 9pkm Kiama Bowlo Jet - 20th Anniversary of Get Born 6 June, 6pm - 10pm The Pavillion, Kiama Winter Wine Music Festival 8 - 9 June Crooked River Winery Fine Wine Music Festival 8 June The Pavillion Kiama Distilled Music Festival 8 - 9 June 11am - 7pm The Co-op Gerringong Arts Not so small miracles Collagraph Workshop 1 June, 9am - 4pm The Tempest Gallery Jenny Maliphant Art exhibition 6 - 12 June, 10am - 4pm The Old Fire Station Master Peace Art by Deborah Dicembre 27 May - 11 June Fern St Gallery Felt out of Colour Art Exhibition and Sale 8 - 10 June Kiama Masonic Hall Helen Pain Art Exhibition 8 - 16 June, 10am - 5pm Kiama Leagues Club
Coastal Classic 2024 2km, 12km, and Half Marathon (21km) 23 June, Kiama Kiama Red Cross Fun Run 9 June Coronation Park
Sports Kiama

Pet cruelty, a sign of domestic violence

There’s more to Fido than a cute smile and floppy ears, as pet abuse and domestic violence against women often go hand-in-hand.

Last July, police attended a unit at Sydney's Chester Hill where a man allegedly punched, slapped and choked a 20-year-old woman.

A 21-year-old man was arrested and charged with 33 animal cruelty offences, including allegedly killing several rabbits.

Dr Lydia Tong, a Zoo and Wildlife Pathologist at Sydney's Taronga Zoo, has compared cases of abused dogs and identified common features so that vets can distinguish accidents from abuse.

“U.S. studies tell us that domestic violence perpetrators who also abuse pets are more dangerous—they have increased rates of physical and sexual violence and stalking, and are more likely to kill their partner,” Dr Tong says.

Port Arthur massacre gunman Martin Bryant was referred to mental health officials at the ages of seven and 11 for torturing animals. As a boy, U.S. mass murder Jeffrey Dahmer impaled the heads of cats and dogs on sticks, and Ivan Milat tortured animals before the Belanglo State Forest backpacker murders.

On average more incidents of domestic violence happen in regional NSW than in metropolitan Sydney.

The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research shows the 2023 domestic violence assaults rate was 592.8 incidents per 100,000 people in regional NSW compared to 360 incidents per 100,000 people in Sydney.

Pets are sources of emotional support, which make them vulnerable to abuse as a way to further isolate and traumatise the victim, says Jane, the Safety Action Meeting Coordinator at the Illawarra Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (DVCAS).

“The aftermath of domestic violence leaves women with various urgent priorities, such as addressing their own medical needs, attending court proceedings, and securing housing,” Jane says.

“Pets often endure prolonged suffering as their care becomes a secondary concern.”

“The lack of pet-friendly rental options and temporary accommodation exacerbates this dilemma, forcing women to make impossible decisions between leaving their pets behind or remaining in unsafe environments,” she says.

The RSPCA's Community Domestic Violence Program provides short-term and emergency housing and care for pets.

Police and courts crack down on perpetrators of domestic violence. While NSW police is acting on domestic

violence, it does not report on the relationship between animal cruelty and domestic violence.

Many American communities now cross-train social-service and animal-control agencies to recognise signs of animal abuse as possible indicators of other abusive behaviours.

In 2021, the definition of domestic violence was expanded in family law to include emotional manipulation, withholding money and harming the family pet.

Last year, the Veterinary Practitioners Board of New South Wales upgraded its policies on reporting suspected animal injury as some ex-partners had taken healthy animals to the vet for euthanasia.

The latest Federal government budget has allocated $925.2m to make the Leaving Violence Program (LVP) permanent. The scheme offers people leaving abusive relationships up to $5,000 in financial support and refers them to social services and safety planning.

For more information about family and domestic violence support services:

• 1800 RESPECT national helpline: 1800 737 732

• Men's Referral Service: 1300 766 491

• Lifeline (24-hour crisis line): 131 114

• Relationships Australia: 1300 364 277 Malcom King

The NSW Government to boost safety for Kiama faith communities

Kiama faith communities will receive funding through the Safe Places for Faith Communities Program, which the NSW Government introduced to ensure that places of worship across the state are safer and more secure.

“I am pleased of the Government’s commitment to the safety of all faith groups in NSW, including those in the Kiama electorate,” says local Labor MP Sarah Kaine in a media release.

As part of the first round of the program, the following organisations have received funding:

• All Saints Albion Park Anglican Church:

$49,987.00 in funding for a security upgrade.

• Salt Ministries: $18,318.00 for its safety and development training.

“We know that everyday thousands of people right across NSW gather in their houses of worship or significant religious centres,”

comments the Minister for Multiculturalism, Steve Kamper.

Developed in consultation with faith- and religious groups and experts across the state, and the Multicultural NSW’s Community Resilience and Response Plan (COMPLAN) Committee, the program supports prevention, preparedness, response and recovery measures at places where faith communities gather.

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 Scan for menu Open 7 days MONDAY ROAST $15 TUESDAY STEAK $20 WEDNESDAY SCHNITZEL $15 THURSDAY CURRY PLATTER $15 SUNDAY POT PIE $15 From 5.30pm I Member’s Price I Visitors Welcome
Photo credit: Adobe Stock Photo.
Photo credit: Pixabay.

Understanding domestic violence and providing Safe Places

lessness among women and children in Australia. Perhaps of greater concern, 34 women lost their lives at the hands of an intimate partner between 2022-23, which was a 28 percent increase from the prior year.

This data has not gone unnoticed, with recent government action to increase awareness, support and crisis accommodation for women and their children in Supported Accommodation & Homelessness Services

Shoalhaven Illawarra (SAHSSI) Safe Places.

Prevalence in regional communities

Recent data has shown that DFV impacting women - and subsequently their children - is not only increasing, but more prevalent in regional communities than urban areas.

According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, the DFV assault rate in 2023 was 592.8 incidents for every 100,000 people in regional NSW. This was a significant increase to Sydney, which registered 360 incidents per 100,000 people.

“Women in regional, rural and remote (RRR) areas are more likely than women in urban areas to experience DFV; with 21 percent in RRR and 15 percent in urban areas,” says Chief Executive Officer at SAHSSI, Penny Dordoy.

This, Dordoy says, may be due to a number of factors. Firstly, the geographical separation limits the amount of social support with others outside of the relationship. Furthermore, seeking help may be more difficult.

“The more rural the community, the more likelihood of police, health professionals and DFV workers knowing both offender and victim. This lack of privacy can inhibit women's willingness to use local services and may also affect the adequacy and fairness of justice-based responses,” says Dordoy.

“Public visibility of courts in small towns can result in women and their children feeling unsafe and exposed to their perpetrators. Perpetrators have often spent time purposely destroying the woman’s reputation in the community and within services where she

may also prevent women from reaching out. This may be particularly so within rural communities that consider ‘family problems’ as private affairs not to be discussed, and hold expectations for individuals to be stoic and self-reliant.

“The fear and threat of community gossip, social stigma and shaming, and the additional consideration of how this will affect children in small communities, can also be used as a coercive tool used by perpetrators,” explains Dordoy. Furthermore, Dordoy cites other contributing factors, including: complex

more services, opportunities, places to seek help, financial assistance or ability to rent or achieve secure housing, and choice,” she explains.

Understanding various forms of domestic violence

The broader definition of DFV may not be well-understood by the general public and is often littered with misconceptions. General Manager of Women Illawarra Inc., Michelle Glasgow, reiterates that DFV may take various forms, and in many instances does not involve physical violence.

“Domestic abuse is about the perpetrator exercising

tion look innocuous. However, they are repeated over time and have the effect of removing the autonomy of the victim in their life.”

Glasgow paints a painful picture of how someone experiencing DFV may feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells, unsure of how someone will respond, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From the outside looking in, it may be hard to detect. However, it is a relentlessly terrifying and exhausting existence for the target.

Providing new Safe Places

Naturally, increased cases

gency Accommodation Program is funded by the Albanese Labor Government, which, thanks to an investment of $72.6 million, financed the renovation, building or purchase of new crisis or emergency accommodation. The program has enabled 32 SAHSSI Safe Places sites to open across the region, providing support for up to 256 women and children experiencing DFV each year. Most recently, the Southern Cross Community Housing Safe Places site in Ulladulla opened its doors last February. The facility’s six studio apartments will

financial arrangements such as those where money is tied into farms and family businesses, fewer available support and emergency services particularly for those with diverse and specific needs, lacking transport systems, reduced connectivity and digital literacy, perpetrators having greater access to firearms, dominance of rural masculinity, community protection of high-standing perpetrators, and additional stressors such as flood, fire and drought.

Overall, Dordoy views such issues like a triangle.

“The closer you are to the top of the triangle, the more remote you are, the fewer people in your community, the higher the barriers and the less opportunity to

power and control over the victim. In my experience, it usually starts with emotional and psychological abuse, such as name calling, public humiliation, undermining and gaslighting, threats to leave, withdrawing of affection or attention, stonewalling. It is designed to undermine the victim’s confidence, socially isolate them and make them dependent on the perpetrator’s approval.”

“I liken it to a systematic process of creating a brain fog that keeps you in the dark, unable to see clearly as the rules and behaviours are unpredictable and ever-changing,” she explains.

“The other forms of abuse that are not physical are religious, financial and abuse of pets in some instances.

means increased need for support. Unfortunately, the system is drastically under pressure. Whilst Women Illawarra Inc. are able to support with advocacy letters to housing providers to advocate for women fleeing DFV, Glasgow admits that the Staying Home Leaving Violence program in the Illawarra has been at capacity for a significant period of time, and hence a primary service that cannot currently be utilised.

Acknowledging this critical need for support amid the current housing crisis, Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, recently announced the opening of a new Safe Places facility in Ulladulla to provide emergency accommodation for women and children

provide assistance to up to 24 women and children.

Federal Minister for Social Services, Amanda Rishworth, recently visited the Illawarra Safe Places sites. “Women and children face significant challenges when leaving family and domestic violence,” said Minister Rishworth.

“These new Safe Places sites will assist more women and children experiencing DFV, by ensuring they have a safe place to go and can access necessary specialist services. Our government remains determined to tackle the scourge of family, domestic and sexual violence. It’s simply unacceptable.”

Phillips recently accompanied Minister Rishworth for a tour of the newly opened

me an opportunity to meet the women and children who have experienced family and domestic violence, and to hear their harrowing personal stories first hand,” said Phillips.

“It was great to speak with the wonderful frontline workers, who are helping these women and children by providing a safe haven for them, and also providing the absolutely vital support they need to move forward.” More information on the Safe Places program is available through the Department of Social Services’ website.

Speaking up and seeking help Phillips reiterates that, “one life lost to violence against women is too many, and deaths of women at the hands of men who profess to love and care for them has to end”. It can be confusing trying to clearly ascertain the state of a relationship, particularly one in which a degree of coercive control has been enforced. If you are unsure, Glasgow urges reaching out to a trusted friend, colleague, family member or support worker and starting a conversation.

“There are some incredible online supports like 1800-RESPECT that can provide 24-hour counselling and information. The first step is always having a chat,” she urges.

Women Illawarra also welcome contributions from volunteers, who feel the call to support women and children who have experienced DFV. Potential volunteers can register their interest via the Women Illawarra website: They will also be at Wollongong City Council’s Volunteer Expo on 22 May and hosting a community gathering at Lang Park, Wollongong on 25 May at 12:30pm, calling for action to change the Illawarra culture towards violence against women.

If you or someone you know may be at risk in a DFV situation, please seek support from organisations such as Women Illawarra, SAHSSI and 1800-RESPECT. Contact police on 000 in the event of immediate danger. 13
Federal Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth and Federal Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips visited the new Safe Place in Ulladulla on Tuesday 02 May 2024. Photo credit: Fiona Phillips.

Cheerful Dentist Supports Anxious Children

When Noura Shoukry and her husband, Mahmoud Ahmed, who met at dental school, brought their children to watch the Kiama New Year’s Eve fireworks nine years ago, they turned to each other and said, “I think this is the place.” Within a year, they had relocated from Sydney and, five years ago, opened Dentocalm Dentist on Manning Street.

Describing herself as a ‘cheerful dentist’, Shoukry is on a mission to make dental care a more positive experience for children, breaking the cycle of dental anxiety experienced by one in seven adults.

A new report, commissioned by the Senate, has found that tooth decay and gum disease have increased across Australia, with a lack of care during the pandemic leading to ‘covid cavities.’

Around 40 percent of Australians avoid or delay visiting a dentist, and around 23 percent forgo recommended treatment – and this fear can trickle down to our children.

“As a mum of five, I noticed that, in all the kids cartoons or movies, the dentist is always portrayed as really scary,” says Shoukry. “This ideology of making kids scared of the dentist, even in a comical way, needs to change.”

Instead, she focuses on building trust and sharing information in a way that is relatable. With teenagers, she talks to them about the link between dental hygiene and bad breath; with younger kids, she is calm but always honest.

“You have to treat children like little grownups and never lie to them,” says Shoukry. “If you explain everything to kids, they will accept it and surprise you. Lying to kids makes them lose trust in you.”

With one anxious adult, Shoukry met him first on the beach, then at the park, then the coffee shop opposite the clinic, then finally in the chair. Now, he’s so relaxed, he sometimes falls asleep during appointments.

“I didn’t think that was

possible, until I saw it,” she exclaims.

If a child doesn’t like the sounds of the surgery, they provide headphones. Netflix plays on a screen attached to the ceiling, also offering a ready distraction.

For parents, it’s important to be positive before an appointment, especially if it’s your child’s first time.

“Tell them it’s fun,” says Shoukry. “The dentist will count your teeth and make sure everything is fine. A first appointment can just be an ice-breaker.”

If any dental work is needed, Shoukry is passionate about eliminating ‘mum guilt’.

“I’m a multitasking mum too and I’m here to tell you: don’t you ever feel guilty,” she says. “Teeth are fixable. Habits are fixable. Your victory will be when you find a problem and solve it. I’d never make any fellow mum or dad feel guilty. We are trying our best; we learn from our mistakes and try again.”


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The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
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Independent reviewer highlights need for upgraded and modern sport facilities

With a growing population at its hand, and the positive effects of physical activity on health and general well-being well-documented, the ability to access fully-functioning sport facilities for both recreational and training purposes within the Kiama district is crucial. However, with the Council facing potential budget cuts, investments in sports and civic assets could potentially be put on the backburner. As previously covered by The Bugle, the new Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig appointed an independent reviewer, Mr John Rayner, in December of 2023 to advise on Kiama

Municipal Council’s financial circumstances.

Rayner’s findings were made public this summer, on 1 February, and recommended several severe budget savings and efficiencies to be made within the next two years.

In Item 13.9 - Submission to Legislative Council: Inquiry into the ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services, which was included in the Agenda for the Council’s Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 21 May, it is noted that:

“There is a concern over investment in aged care services and commensurate consequential underinvest-

ment in civic assets, such as swimming pools, sports fields, surf clubs, stormwater, roads, moving services etc.”

“Increasingly the local sporting community requires upgraded and more modern assets that are fit for purpose and encourage female participation. As noted in the charts and financial analysis above KMC’s ability to meet the needs to existing and future community through existing budgets falls short of community expectations and need.”

Plug into Kiama Downs Community Battery to save on power bills




Georges River Lunch Cruise

Wednesday 12 June 2024 - $135

Includes: Cruise the wonderful scenic waters of the Georges River with Bass & Flinders Cruises. Sit back and enjoy entertaining commentary from the Captain, delicious food and friendly service.

The day includes 3 hour cruise, freshly baked biscuits upon boarding, 2 course lunch and return coach transport. Fully licensed bar on board to purchase drinks at own expense.

Pie Day In The Southern Highlands

Tuesday 25 June 2024 - $125

Includes: Join us today for Pie Day in the Southern Highlands. Enjoy a variety of pies/sweet treats from Southern Rise Bakery at Robertson, Heatherbrae Pies at Sutton Forest and Gumnut Patisserie at Mittagong. Sweet, Savoury, Big, Small – we have you covered today! You will even have a chance to buy your own pies to stock up for the winter ahead. The day includes visits to all venues, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and return coach transport

Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair

Saturday 6 July 2024 - $115

Includes: Light morning tea en-route, entry to the Sydney Craft & Quilt Fair and Australian Quilt Show and return coach transport.

Lunch during the day at the fair (own expense) Get your fellow craft & quilters together for a great day out!

NSW Far North Coast Winter Escape

Featuring Balina, Byron Bay and The Tweed

Sunday 18 to Saturday 24 August 2024

$3025 per person twin share Add $565 for singles

Tour Highlights: Head north for the Winter! Wallis Lake Dinner Cruise at Forster, Summerland House Farm, Zentvelds Coffee farm & roastery tour, Tropical Fruit World, Cape Byron Lighthouse, Kingscliff, River & Rainforest Cruise on the Tweed, Yamba Lighthouse, Cassegrain Winery and sightseeing around the townships of Coffs Harbour, Ballina, Byron Bay and Lennox Head.

Includes: 6 nights’ accommodation, breakfasts, dinners, light morning teas on various days, 6 lunches, entry to all attractions and coach pickup & drop off from your home in the Illawarra.


Kiama’s long-awaited community battery, offering a whopping 445kWh of storage capacity, is now officially live and will allow nearby residents to store and share solar power. Endeavour Energy and Kiama Council launched the battery on Friday 24 May, encouraging 100 residents to sign up and save on household electricity bills. Its roll-out follows similar initiatives located at Shell Cove and Western Sydney’s Bungarribee.

The Kiama Community Battery, rolled out on the Endeavour Energy network and available through retail partner Origin Energy, is the largest on the provider’s network. The program is open to everyone who has an Origin Energy account, including customers who don’t have rooftop solar and those in rental properties. Community batteries work by storing excess solar not used in homes during the day. The energy then becomes available for customers on the energy provider’s network to use during the

evening peak.

“Community batteries will help lower costs for customers across our entire region by improving the efficiency of the network,” says Endeavour Energy's General Manager, Future Grid and Asset Management, Colin Crisafulli.

“Customers with household solar are expected to see energy costs reductions of up to $270 per year, while customers without solar will see reduced energy costs of up to $180 per year.

“Endeavour Energy has been providing power to this region for more than 100 years, and as part of the energy transition we are excited to continue to deliver clean, green storage to the South Coast of NSW.”

The battery features striking artwork by Wulbunja woman and Elder, Jodie Stewart. Titled 'On Country - Where the Mountains Meet the Sea', the stunning artwork features the Birri Birri (whale) totem representing Kiama, Shellharbour and Wollongong and the black

cockatoo, the totem for Shoalhaven.

Kiama Council Mayor Neil Reilly warmly welcomes the battery to Kiama.

“We’re excited to see our local community battery –the largest in the Endeavour Energy network so far – now in operation and ready to serve the community in Kiama Downs and Minnamurra.”

“Our community expects their Council to strive for zero emissions, as per our Emissions Reduction Strategy and facilitating a community battery is in line with our goals and targets. It’s an asset that will provide benefits to our community and a real step in the right direction for sustainable energy in our region.”

Residents living in the Kiama Downs trial area can register their interest at: au or by phoning Endeavour Energy on 133 003. Diana Timmins 15
Malin Dunfors Photo credit: Pixabay. Photo credits: Kiama Council.

Expanded access to treatment for UTIs in the Illawarra and South Coast

Women in the Illawarra and South Coast regions will soon have easier access to treatment for uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) following the successful completion of a 12-month pharmacy trial in NSW.

Starting from 1 June, pharmacists across NSW who have undergone the necessary training will be able to provide consultations and prescriptions for UTIs.

The trial, which included over one thousand pharmacies throughout the state, has facilitated more than 18,000 consultations in the past year alone. The trial also included dispensation of the oral contractive pill.

Kiama participated with four pharmacies, allowing for 67 UTI consultations and two involving the contraceptive pill.

The NSW Government’s $6 million investment in the trial enabled more than 16,000 women access to UTI treatment from their local community pharmacists, providing quick and convenient health care and

easing existing pressure on general practices.

The Minister for Health, Ryan Park, says, “The NSW Government is committed to taking pressure off GPs and primary care services and we are constantly evaluating ways we can deliver healthcare more efficiently as well as safely.”

The trial provided compensation to participating pharmacies, with the NSW Government contributing $20 per patient keeping costs low. However, consumers should note that pharmacies may set their own fees for the services, in addition to medication costs.

For easy conve nience, pharma cies offering the UTI service will be listed on the National Health Directory Service. Eligible women, aged between 18 and 65 who display symptoms of an un complicated UTI will be

eligible to receive treatment at participating pharmacies.

A comprehensive evaluation of the trial is underway, which will focus on aspects such as patient satisfaction, antibiotic supply rates, referral frequencies and any additional medical or pharmacy services that may be required post-consultation.

The successful completion of the trial underscores the government’s efforts to improve access to medication, enhance patient care, and alleviate pressure on healthcare services.

Aboriginal interpretive play space wins awards

Shellharbour City Council’s Aboriginal interpretive play space, Yirran muru, wins two awards at the recent 30th annual National Trust Heritage Awards 2024.

The annual awards ceremony celebrates outstanding practice and excellence in conservation of Aboriginal built, natural and cultural heritage.

On 17 May, the play space won the Education and Interpretation Category, and Highly Commended in the Aboriginal Heritage Category.

It is another milestone for Yirran muru, securing first place in a non-Aboriginal award gory and

seeking state recognition for its contribution to education and interpretation.

With the addition of these two news awards, Yirran muru has received a total of four awards since it officially opened in April 2023.

This April, the play space received the Diversity and Inclusion Award at the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) Excellence Awards. It has also won the 2023 Landscape Excellence Awards.

“The Aboriginal interpretive play space is an incredible addition to our city. To be recognised with four prestigious awards is absolutely wonderful,” says Shellharbour Mayor Chris Homer.

“It is an amazing achievement and a credit to the collaboration between our local Aboriginal community and Council staff.”

Yirran muru, which means ‘many pathways’ in Dharawal, is an authentic Aboriginal interpretive play space, which shares local Dharawal culture through Aboriginal methods of learning. It is located in the native gardens behind the Shellharbour Civic Centre.

Encompassing landscapes from high in the escarpment to the sandy beaches of the Illawarra, it is designed to take people on a cultural journey following the historical seasonal movements of local Aboriginal people.

“Yirran muru is a celebration of Dharawal culture, a unique space in which local Aboriginal culture is shared with the community through play and nature,” Mayor Homer says.

“It’s a beautiful space. If you haven’t yet visited Yirran muru, please go and check it out.”

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 Jumaadi, ayang-ayang, 2024 (installation view), Bundanon. Photo: Rachael Tagg Art Museum | Wed-Sun, 10am - 5pm Ramox Café | Wed-Sun, 10am - 4pm Homestead & Arthur Boyd’s Studio | Sat & Sun, 10am - 5pm Homestead Café | Sat & Sun, 10am - 4pm 170 Riversdale Road, Illaroo NSW. 20 minutes west of Nowra. Jumaadi: ayang-ayang Arthur Boyd & Indra Deigan: Sangkuriang Sancintya Mohini Simpson: par-parā / phus-phusā 2 March - 16 June 2024 Art Museum | Wed-Sun, 10am - 5pm Ramox Café | Wed-Sun, 10am - 4pm Homestead & Arthur Boyd’s Studio | Sat & Sun, 10am - 4pm Homestead Café | Sat & Sun, 10am - 3pm 170 Riversdale Road, Illaroo NSW. 20 minutes west of Nowra. Mythologies Komang Saturday 15
2024 2pm - 3.30pm Lending ethereal grooves, neo-soul and Balinese spirit, electronic R&B artist Komang will perform works from her expansive EP Mythologies FREE CONCERT | Book Now:
Komang. Photo: Shannon May Powell Malin Dunfors Yirran muru play space. Photo credit: Shellharbour Civic Centre. The Dharawal Language Wheel. Photo credit: Shellharbour Civic Centre.

Snap to it!

Kiama-Shellharbour Camera Club Photography Exhibition

A convivial crowd converged on the Old Fire Station in Kiama on the chilly evening of Friday 17 May, for the opening of the 2024 Kiama-Shellharbour Camera Club exhibition.

The exhibition of 38 photographs features the images of seven local photographers – Troy Williams, Phill Reece, Kevin O’Gorman, Nathan Miller, Rowan Hollingworth, Flavio Spedalieri and current Club President Linda Fury.

Ms Fury explained that the event, “showcases the amazing work of some of our talented members, a number of whom are national award winners, and who have all put a great deal of work into their images”. The exhibition features nature

studies, landscapes, seascapes, portraits and other subject matters and styles according to the photographers’ creative choices.

Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly opened the exhibition enthusiastically, commenting on being “astounded by the diversity of styles” on display. Also in attendance were Shellharbour Deputy Mayor Kellie Marsh, and Kiama Councillor Mark Croxford, alongside Shellharbour Mayor Chris Homer, who remarked that after the difficulties of the last few years it was, “fabulous to see arts and culture coming back to the fore”. Member for Kiama, Gareth Ward, spoke of the “beautiful vistas” on display and “how blessed we are to live in this part of

the world”.

The Club was grateful to have received a Kiama Council Small Community Event Grant, which helped fund this year’s exhibition. Winners of the Council grants were required to demonstrate how the donation would:

• Benefit the Municipality of Kiama;

• Strengthen the Kiama community; and

• Contribute to Council’s goal of a socially just and inclusive community.

Ms Fury, who has been President of the Club for over seven years, said of the Club, now in its 60th year, “Our small and friendly club welcomes new members and offers them help and encouragement on their

photographic journey”. Prospective new members can join or view further information via the Club’s webpage.

Membership is $35 a year and includes:

• A members meeting on the first and third Wednesday of each month;

• A range of online monthly competitions –which are either open or themed. Recent themes have included ‘Minimalism’ and ‘Food and Drink’; and

• group support and encouragement.

The exhibition runs daily from 9:00am-5:00pm until Wednesday 22 May, at the Old Fire Station Kiama.

Bellinda Dunn

Opening night guests enjoying the exhibition. Kiama Mayor Neil Reilly opened the exhibition. Linda Fury's lovely and vibrant images of Tasmania's Bridestowe Lavender Farm. Flavio Spedalieri images made beautiful use of the natural light.

Springside Hill is a proposed masterplanned community in Kiama, offering a range of homes suited to all lifestyles.

We are working with local and state governments to progress a planning proposal that will make it easier for locals to buy their own home. It comes with a 25 per cent guarantee to set aside homes for key workers, first home buyers and locals looking for affordable rental housing.

Working together we can deliver our first homes at Springside Hill by 2027.

To be the first to hear about this exciting new address, register your interest at

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 It’s
growth, for the whole community. Register now
future home in Kiama.

Gerringong Scout and Cub memories

A wonderful exhibition just opened at GLaM about the Scout and Guide movement in Gerringong, by the Gerringong and District Historical Society. I wanted to take the liberty to share with you some wonderful memories I have of being a Scout. The Bugle would love to hear some of yours, too.

When my father passed away, I went to his funeral, where I met Bob Daniel. I took the opportunity to tell him that he was the facilitator of the most enjoyable moments of my childhood. I thanked him because he was willing to step up and serve the community as a scoutmaster.

Bob Rogers

I want to begin by telling a tale of a time before I became a Scout.

There was a man named Bob Rogers. He lived in a house directly opposite the entrance to the caravan park at Gerroa on the northern side of the bridge. Rogers was the Scoutmaster of the 1st Gerringong Scout Troop when my brother was a scout, nine years before I joined.

The story goes, Skip Rogers had just lost a large number of Scouts, being too old. He had a small cell of experienced Scouts left and a significant number of new boys, including my brother David who had recently joined.

In those days, all the scout troops from the Kiama district would get together in one place on a particular weekend and participate in a competition camp. Scout troops would be tested on things such as tent erection, cooking, cleanliness and campfires; and allocated points. The winning troop would have the honour of

representing the district at the Mt. Keira Scout Camp for the H.R. Lee Shield, which covered all of the South Coast and Tablelands.

Despite these difficulties, Skip Rogers whipped the 1st Gerringong boys into

From now on, I’ll refer to Bob Daniel as ‘Skip’ since that's what we always called him.

I particularly remember the shows that we put on. When we went to camp and had a campfire show with little skits and songs, one

shape and they won both the District title and the H.R.Lee Shield. In addition, this 1st Gerringong produced no fewer than eight Queen’s Scouts in two years.

Bob Rogers’ name needs to have a place of honour on the list of people who have given sterling service to the community of Gerringong.


As for my own personal experience. I don't particularly remember much from my Cub years except for the uniform. The shirt was some woollen thing, which had threads sticking out that stuck in your skin as you walked. It was a horrible, itchy thing to wear in summer.

wearing just a towel. The OP asked: “What did you get from Davd Jones?” to which the reply was,’’I am David Jones.” I remem ber Glenn Miller volunteered to be David Jones. From memory, he regretted that decision!

Another great moment was a play that Skip did not write (I think) but retyped the orig inal for the 1st Gerringong Boy Scouts. It

Needless to say, it did not work. But we had fun with wet shoes and pants, using garbage bags to toboggan down the slopes.

For another trip, we camped beside a river. We had to drive across a small creek to get there. Big mistake. It poured and poured. We slept in about five centimetres of water and had to pull Skip’s car across a flooded creek to get home.

trip for assessment to pass the badge. Even the work camps at Mt. Keira Scout Camp, where we would camp out and be expected to clean up the camp, was fun.

My memories of the scouts are different though.

The idea was that an ‘ordinary person’ was standing in the street. Somebody came on and that OP remarked, “where did you get those great shoes, or shirt, or pants?” or some other piece of clothing from a procession of people walking past. Every person answered, “Why? From David Jones.” Lastly, a person came on

tician. One of the funniest, most ridiculous plays I have ever heard. Ah, but it was fun. I used it extensively in my teaching career as well as other songs and skits from campfires.

The wonderful trips

The next wonderful memory is the ventures we went on. Skip would organise for us to pile in a van and travel


In fact, the camps were all special in their own way. The smell of a campfire, the taste of burnt damper with sticky golden syrup and toast cooked on the end of a stick over the open flame of a fire. Sometimes, we had to go on our own for a first or second class journey and keep a record of our

Occasionally, we would have a Court of Honor, which was a meeting at a Scout’s house where we would discuss important matters pertaining to the running of the Scout troop. I remember the games that we used to play in the Scout Hall, and ‘British Bulldog’ is one that comes to mind. Often, we would go home with bloody, skinned knees from the battles that were fought. Such games would be banned now. Mark Emery 19

Teddy’s Story and How You Can Help

This is an account of the challenges facing Teddy and his family. It is from the CMRI 2023 Year in Review publication. It is a true story.

When a child is diagnosed with a genetic condition, it can be overwhelming for parents to understand the science involved. However, for young mum Lucy, just meeting the researchers was extremely reassuring.

At five months old, Teddy was diagnosed with CTNNB1 Syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs randomly and is not usually inherited.

Teddy was one of the faces for Jeans for Genes last year and Lucy was grateful for the support the campaign received from the public.

“The best part about being part of the 2023 Jeans for Genes campaign was getting to tour the labs at Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) and meeting the incredible scientists who are working to find a cure for Teddy,” said Lucy.

“I think that our participation in Jeans for Genes brought genetic diseases to the forefront of our friends’ and family’s minds. They also learnt that research gives Teddy hope for a better future, thanks to incredible scientific breakthroughs that are difficult to imagine.”

Discovery Day is a regular event at CMRI. Members of the public are taken on a tour of the labs, meet the scientists and learn about the many research projects that are underway.

Fundraising to support the scientists to continue their groundbreaking work is crucial. The Katandra choir is hosting a full day of workshops for those who love to sing or always wanted to!

There will be a concert on Saturday 29 June at 3:30pm to showcase the talent. Everyone is invited to The Kiama Pavilion for this wonderful experience. All proceeds are being donated to CMRI Gerringong Committee.Tickets are $65 for the vocal workshops and the concert or $20 for the concert.

For further information, contact CMRI via 1800 436 437 or research@

Gerroa Combined Probus Club

Phyllis Foscolo spoke to our members of both her and her late husband’s journey with cancer. They got involved with Illawarra Dragons Abreast (all breast cancer survivors). The ladies had to push the 12 metres long boat, which was very heavy, into the water. So, her husband constructed a cradle to assist the ladies and make it easier. Additionally, they both opened their property for morning tea as a fundraiser, which enabled the ladies to purchase life jackets

Over many years, they put themselves out to being involved building and constructing road trailers to carry the boats Phyllis was awarded the ‘Shoalhaven International Women's Day Award’. We were all inspired by her talk and what you can achieve and do while having ongoing treatment. Well done!

Christa Wood from Sunrise Rotary Club Gerringong speaking to us on the jour-

neys of Dementia and what we can do to help. We should all keep involved in staying physically active, eating well and participating with many interests outside the home. For instance, Dementia Inclusive Dancing and Music Alchemy Chorus are in our local area, which several of our Probus members already help with. You can volunteer for them, which helps those families and also yourselves, and join local organisations within our areas well.

If you wish to come along and join us for some laughs, guest speakers, outings, forming new friendships, and more, we meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Fishermans Club Gerroa. We enjoy a cuppa and meeting, followed by lunch. Please contact us by email:


Gerringong Probus

The combined Probus


was undoubtedly the

Not all of us can spare eight days out of our busy schedules, so the Destiny’s

Restaurant at Bomaderry TAFE is the one of the most popular outings on the entertainment schedule. The students present us with a wonderful fine dining two course meal.

Local musos to mix it with national and international stars

• Winter Wine Festival is an annual music event held at Crooked River Estate, Gerringong, over the June long weekend.

• This year’s headliners are ICEHOUSE, The Rubens, Pacific Avenue, Alex Lloyd, Ash Grunwald and Jack River.

• Five of 13 acts featured are from Gerringong and South Coast region. Gerringong, NSW.

It is only a couple of weeks to go now until the 2024 edition of Crooked River Estate’s ‘Winter Wine Festival’ brings the fun to the June long weekend 8-9 June. And if the sell-outs of the last couple of years are anything to go by, it wont be one to miss.

“It’s great to bring brilliant acts to the people of the South Coast, mixing local and national acts in this beautiful scene … It’s unreal to see people sitting on the hill in front of the vines with a glass of red, enjoying top class bands,” says co-owner of the winery, Roger Lloyd, a huge music fan himself.

“Only a few years ago, we saw The Rubens playing

in the winery’s production shed. Now they’re headlining with other big acts and up-and-comers who will be headlining themselves in a few years.”

Thirteen bands will perform over the weekend. Those bands are a mixture of up-and-coming local acts (such as James Burton, Daisy Pring and Olivia Coggan) with more established acts, including Pacific Avenue and The Rubens, some of whom call the South Coast home, plus Pallas Haze, Marvell, Rolling Holy, Darling Street, Jack River, Alex Lloyd, Ash Grunwald and the world-conquering ICEHOUSE.

Big names, but it’s not a big, wild festival. “It’s pleasantly intimate because ticket numbers are capped each day to just 2500 people,” explains Lloyd. “To get to watch acts of this calibre up close and personal is a rare thing. And it’s a thrill for local musos to share the stage with big stars here and hopefully go to the next level themselves, like The Rubens.”

Apart from supporting local musos, the Winter

Wine Festival also attracts some of the region’s favourite food trucks, who offer an array of quality food from paella to kebabs to complement locally brewed beers and the Estate’s own popular and award-winning Crooked River Wines. Then there’s the merch area, where fans can buy souvenirs (and maybe get an autograph) from their favourite bands.

And with the weather forecast looking good for the long weekend, Lloyd offers some advice: “Come experience the passion, the wine, the food, the music, the views. But get in quick, because it will sell out. The VIP packages, the best on the South Coast catered for by Crooked River Estate’s wonderful restaurant, are already exhausted for Saturday and heading that way quickly for Sunday.”

One-day and two-day weekend passes are available from just $99. Tickets and further information:

This is paid content

Tickets 21
Destiny’s restaurant Bomaderry TAFE. Clubs of Gerringong and Gerroa enjoyed wonderful eight days on the Linga Longa Murray and High Country Coach Tour based at Yarrawonga. The highlight of the tour Echuca and Lake Mulwala paddle steamer trip. However, the beautiful Autumn leaves and fresh produce in the High Country was a delightful inclusion. P.S. Canberra on the Murray River Echuca.




Congratulations to our newest firefighters! Six new members completed their bush firefighter practical training and assessment on 19 May 2024. They will now join us on the road at incidents and other activities in our local area.

If you are interested volunteering with the Gerringong RFS Brigade, please contact us via email: membership@ gerringongrfs.onmicrosoft. com or head to our Facebook page.


• Myth: It won’t happen to me.

• Fact: No one can guarantee that it won’t happen to you. If you prepare and nothing ever happens then you have lost nothing. If do not prepare your family and home to best protect them from a bush fire you may not live to regret it!

• Myth: Filling the bathtub when a fire is approaching is to sit in.

• Fact: The NSW RFS recommends that you fill your bath and sinks with water in case the water supply to your home is cut off. This water can then be used to put out small spot fires that may start in and around the come.

• Myth: Standing on my roof hosing it down with water will help.

• Fact: During a bush fire more injuries occur from people falling off rooves than from burns! Filling your gutters with water and hosing down your roof will help stop spot fires due to ember attack, but any hosing should be done from the ground.

• Myth: A house can explode if it catches fire.

• Fact: Houses do not just


explode, its what you have stored under your home that may explode. You should consider what flammable and explosive items you have around/ under your home and where you should store them to reduce the risk to your home.

• Myth: If I know the back streets in my suburb or town well, it will be ok for me to leave at the very last minute.

• Fact: Smoke from a fire can limit visibility. You may become confused or disorientated. Power lines and fallen trees on roads may be hard to see making driving dangerous. It is always better to leave early before the fire arrives.

• Myth: I’ll be fine, the bush is a few streets away.

• Fact: Most houses are

Upcoming road closure Belinda Street (Gerringong)

Kiama Council have alerted motorists to upcoming changes to flow of traffic at the Belinda Street entrance and exit at Gerringong, with partial or full closures between 31 May and 3 June. The closures will enable the railway bridge overpass at the western end of Belinda Street to undergo maintenance by Sydney Trains.

For the entire duration of this period, the road will have one lane closed, with traffic controllers monitoring the flow between 7:00am and

burnt in bushfires because of ember attacks. Embers can cause fires many kilometres in front of the main fire and can start falling up to an hour before the fire arrives at your home. You need to make sure that your home is properly prepared to withstand ember attacks.

• Myth: There will always be a fire truck available to fight a bushfire threatening my home.

• Fact: There will never be as many fire trucks as there are houses. Do not depend on a fire truck being available at your home. Most importantly, always remember in an emergency to:

• Call Triple Zero (000).

• If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment, call 106.


Nightworks will take place between 6:00pm on 1 June and 6:00am on 2 June. During this time, the road will be fully closed, and traffic required to detour to the northern (Fern Street) exit from Gerringong.

Throughout the full closure period, this detour will also need to be utilised for motorists accessing the service station at the far end of Belinda Street. Other business and residences will remain accessible to local traffic.

Scouts' Legacy preserved at GLaM Museum

The GLaM Museum in Gerringong has recently closed its scouts exhibition. However, don’t worry if you missed it, as the exhibition will now be on display in the main museum for the foreseeable future.

The opening was a wonderful event, attended by many former scouts, cadets and girl scouts. One highlight was a Queen's Scout from 1963 to 1967, Marelyn Embry. She arrived in her original uniform and reminisced about her youth, including receiving a letter from the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Artist Trudi Voorwinden, who has been painting since she was 10-years-old, spent a week restoring a mural of the scouts in Gerringong. She carefully preserved the original colours and vision of the artist. Many of the

scouts depicted in the mural have now been identified, and the mural can be seen at the GLaM Museum.

President of the Gerringong and District Historical Society, Colleen Jauncey, expressed gratitude at the exhibition opening. "Thank you to the parents who kept uniforms, memorabilia, and badges. They have enabled us to put this exhibition together," she said.

David Hindmarsh, an ex-scout himself, also spoke, pondering why the scouts struggle today. He questioned whether it’s due to the electronic age, a rise in self-interest, people leaving the area for work, or perhaps the popularity of surfing as a hobby. He also noted the historical gender differences in scout badges, with women's badges focusing on domes-

tic skills including ‘Matron Housekeeper’ and men's on outdoor challenges. David, who joined the scouts in 1954 at age nine, shared a humorous story about finding frozen uniforms after a soccer game. Despite these challenges, there is still a scouts group active in the area. Reuben Frost, pictured here with his scout leader Debbie and friend Hugh, meets with the Kiama Scouts at Kiama Harbour on Tuesday afternoons. New members are encouraged to join. This exhibition preserves invaluable memories and history, thanks to the effort of everyone involved. Their work ensures these stories will be preserved for future generations. Thank you to all who contributed.

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
Diana Timmins Trudi Voorwinden in front of the restored mural. Reuben Frost (gerringong scouts), Hugh hassall, Debbie Gibson. Merelyn Emery in her old uniform.

Alisdair Tarbert naming of the Green

Kiama Bowling and Recreation Club held a special presentation and ceremony for the naming of the Alisdair Tarbert Green on Sunday, 19 May.

The number 2 green is the original club green, and is now named after life member and longest serving member Alisdair Tarbert, 90-years-old.

Many close friends and family joined Alisdair and wife Jan Tarbert in celebration. Current members and players were in attendance, and Zone 16 representative Peter Ryan extended his congratulations on behalf of the Illawarra Zone.

Kiama Bowling Club president Wayne Richardson spoke of Alisdair Tarbert’s

achievements throughout his long career. Those include seven club Pairs, nine club Triples titles, five club Fours wins and as a member of two number 1 Pennant Flag winning teams, 1974 and 2002 respectively.

Life member Trevor Jones spoke of Tarbert’s outstanding service to the club over many years, attending every working bee, most notably his hard work during the transformation of the number 2 green from synthetic to turf in 1994.

Alisdair Tarbert’s association with Kiama Bowling and Recreation Club began many years ago when his father Peter Tarbert served as the club treasurer from

1946-66. He began filling in games at an early age, and made his mark as a talented bowler joining his brother Cameron to win the South Coast District Bowls Association Pairs in 1967.

Tarbert won his first club Singles title in 1975, in a very close game 31-30 against his brother Cameron. This game was marked by his father Peter. His bowling records aside, Alisdair has been a consistent supporter of every initiative undertaken at the club and was awarded life membership in 1995. Alisdair Tarbert has now been honoured with a Green bearing his name. 23
Barb Murphy Jan's birthday. Alisdair and his family. Alisdair Tarbert

Healing volunteering that pulls on the heartstrings

National Volunteer Week 2024 (20-26 May) is a timely reminder that giving back to others out of the goodness of one’s heart not only benefits recipients but also volunteers themselves - in a number of ways. Illawarra-based volunteer Peer Supporter for Red Nose Australia, Rachel Phillips, who understands firsthand what support bereaved parents may require, can testify that giving back can be deeply cathartic.

People who consider volunteering as their primary source of personal achievement record higher well-being scores than those who view relationships, family, sport and work as their greatest source, according to the Australian Unity Wellbeing Index.

Furthermore, as Phillips shares, volunteering for a particular charity of vested interest can prove profoundly healing.

Phillips has been a Peer Support Volunteer for the Red Nose 24/7 Grief and Loss support phone line since November 2023. Her calling arose from the tragedy of having lost her baby girl, Rosie. Sadly, Rosie passed away in utero on 24 May 2022 at 32 ½ weeks gestation due to a cord accident.

“My amazing social worker from the Royal Hospital for Women mentioned the Red Nose Peer Support to me in the early days. While she was supporting me through my subsequent pregnancy, I asked her more about it. Once my youngest son was seven months old, I decided to apply. That was about 18 months post loss,” recalls Phillips.

“I decided to volunteer to honour my daughter, Rosie. Peer support is so important in helping bereaved families, and I felt like I wanted to give back to the bereaved community. It is a positive way to use my experience to help others facing baby or infant loss. Losing

a baby can be so isolating. It’s incredibly rewarding when you hear the change in people’s voices from the beginning to the end of the conversation."

Phillips is well-supported by the organisation in turn, with access to training and an app for volunteers to air questions or concerns. Additionally, as Chief Executive Officer at Red Nose, Keren Ludski, assures, there is always someone available to debrief with or escalate things to if required.

“Volunteers engage in intensive training to qualify as a Peer Supporter, and are assigned a mentor and always have access to one of the staff team for guidance or debriefing,” says Ludski.

“Peer Support volunteers engage in ongoing training opportunities and refreshers, and are also a beautiful community of friendship and support to each other. There is always at least one volunteer and one bereavement services staff member per shift, and the platform we use allows the shift team to communicate and support each other throughout the shift.”

For Phillips, volunteering in this capacity has not only allowed her to demonstrate care and compassion toward fellow bereaved parents, but also process her own grief and acquire a sense of purpose out of hardship.

“I love having dedicated Rosie-time in a hectic time of our lives, as it is in her honour. Creating this space and time for her has also helped with my grief. Being able to use your lived experience to help others is an invaluable gift,” shares Phillips, who assures anyone is capable of volunteering in such a capacity.

“I think the biggest words of encouragement are that ‘you can do it’. You don’t need to be a counsellor. You just need to listen, understand, and link people with any support they may need.

I was very worried about finding the time or being able to offer enough hours, but they are so accommodating and appreciative of any hours you can offer.”

The theme for National Volunteer Week 2024 is ‘Something for Everyone.’ There surely is. Chief Executive Officer at Red Nose, Keren Ludski, outlines the many ways in which potential volunteers can get on board to support this crucial cause, even from the comfort of their own home, including their Footprints, Treasured Babies and Heartstrings programs.

Supporting small business owners with mental health support

Beyond Blue has welcomed the Federal Government

$7.7 million investment to extend the NewAccess for Small Business Owners (NASBO) program until 30 June 2026, acknowledging that small business owners are struggling.

ing access to the Treasured Baby items, which have been lovingly handmade, can reduce some of the stress at an incredibly traumatic time,” shares Ludski.

Launched in 2021, NASBO provides essential mental health support to small business owners facing stress, depression, and anxiety. The extension until 2026 will ensure small business owners can continue to access support during increasing rising cost pressures, businesses uncertainty, and other personal or professional challenges.

reporting recovery from mental health conditions.

NASBO offers this confidential mental health coaching using evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy. Small business owners can access up to six sessions and two follow-up sessions with trained coaches who understand the unique challenges of running a business.

Small business owners often give so much of themselves to their businesses that their mental health can suffer, NASBO offers a tailored program that provides practical guidance and support, linking participants with other available services such as financial counselling.

“Footprints volunteers across Australia establish and build meaningful connections with birthing hospitals and shared care GPs. We aim to have connections with every one of these across Australia. Our volunteers ensure these professionals have the latest information on safe sleep, safer pregnancy programs and knowledge on where to refer for good bereavement care,” explains Ludski.

“There is definitely scope within the Kiama LGA and broader Illawarra region and we would be honoured for the community to help us take these important steps. Even just 10 hours a year can help save little lives and support bereaved families.”

The Treasured Babies Program, established in 2002, may be of particular interest to those who may wish to put their creative skills to use for the greater good to sew, knit, crochet and assemble precious handmade garments created from guidelines and patterns provided by Red Nose and keepsakes suitable for babies from 14 weeks gestation to full term. The program is also supported by volunteers at Men’s Shed, who build the Angel boxes.

“When a baby dies, there is often little warning, leaving parents in shock.

The Heart Strings Card Writing Volunteer Group is another one of Red Nose’s offerings. This community membership program provides bereaved parents with beautiful cards handwritten to acknowledge family’s little ones in the lead up to their special dates of memory. Additionally, there are a broad range of other opportunities, from administrative through to assistance at events and baby expos and corporate volunteering. What might seem like a small contribution to a generous volunteer can make an immense difference to the lives of others.

“This National Volunteer Week, I’d like to thank our hundreds of Red Nose volunteers who give their time so generously to our programs and those on our 24/7 Grief and Loss Support Line. It is because of their incredible generosity that we are able to provide support to thousands of families around Australia. We are so grateful to you,” expresses Ludski.

Keen to lend a hand? Red Nose runs regular volunteer information sessions, with the next being scheduled for 29 May, 26 June and 25 July 2024 at 7:30pm AEST.

For further information, visit the Red Nose website: by searching for Red Nose Volunteer, phone 1300 998 or email: volunteering@

NASBO is a convenient initiative that helps manage mental health before issues escalate. Over 6,000 business owners have benefited, with more than 90% feeling better equipped to handle stress and nearly 70%

The program is available for free between 8am - 8pm to small and medium business owners nationwide, utilising evidence based low intensity cognitive behavioural therapies. Participation is free, confidential and there is no GP referral required

For more information or to participate, visit the Beyond Blue website or call 1300 945 301.

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
Timmins Rachel and Tim holding Rosie. Photo credit: Rachel Phillips. Rachel, Tim and family holding Rosie's bunny. Photo credit: Rachel Phillips. Red Nose Day Volunteers. Photo credit: Red Nose. Brooke Pittman Photo credit: Pexels.

Minnamurra Lions’ shout-out to volunteer Knoxy

Leading up to their 25th anniversary (and National Volunteer Week, 20-26 May), Minnamurra Lions Clubs are acknowledging the outstanding contribution their members have made to the club itself and the broader community. One compassionate volunteer in particular is John Knox - fondly known as Knoxy.

He’s been a member of the club since 2007, according to the President of Minnamurra Lions Club, Bill Lyon. During that time, Knoxy has held the position of President (2011-12) and Zone Chairperson (2012-13). He has also coordinated numerous Minnamurra Lions’ service and fundraising programs.

Knoxy’s teaching background has enabled him to connect with his local communities in both professional and volunteer capacities. This is something he continues to do today - not only through the Minnamurra Lions Club, but through other avenues


as well. For example, when bushfires ravaged the South Coast several years ago, Knoxy was often absent from Kiama, busily contributing to local communities and assisting farmers through the BlazeAid volunteer-based organisation.

Clearly, an avid believer in giving back to the community, Knoxy also assists many of Kiama’s older residents in accessing healthcare, social outlets and shops locally, and throughout Wollongong, as a volunteer driver for Kiama Community Transport.

“Driving some of our locals to their doctor and health appointments is a rewarding experience,” beams Knoxy.

“Many of our clients would be unable to access these opportunities if community transport didn’t exist. We are always looking for more drivers to help out. No particular qualifications are required, apart from a driver’s licence,” he urges.

Members of Minnamur-

ra Lions Club know that Knoxy is always one of the first people to put up his hand when volunteers are needed - whether that be to help at the monthly Kiama Market barbeque, assist at the entrance gates for Kiama Rugby League Club or coordinate one-off events.

Knoxy also played a central role in the Minnamurra Lion’s Killalea Parking Project, which kindly coordinated the parking of hundreds of cars for patrons attending the monthly Killalea Markets.

“This was a big undertaking, requiring a very coordinated approach from members,” he recalls.

“We would mark out the parking areas on the Saturday before the markets and then attend from early on Sunday morning, managing three parking areas until patrons left in the afternoon. This was all for a gold coin donation.

“Unfortunately, COVID-19 and then a change in the management of the venue saw the

markets close, which was a pity as every cent of the roughly $2,000 collected each month went straight back to the community.”

As you can see - Knoxy is always on the lookout for projects that serve others. One of his current projects involved encouraging members to pass ring pulls from aluminium cans onto him. This might sound odd initially, but Knoxy has a heart-warming reason for this request - so be sure to bear this in mind and set your ring pulls aside.

“The ring pulls themselves are not aluminium. They are titanium. The ones we collect are donated to make lightweight wheelchairs for people with disabilities,” he explains.

Lyon and all involved in Minnamurra Lions Club applaud Knoxy’s consistent efforts, noting the significant difference his commitment makes to the lives of many. Thanks for your contribution, Knoxy!

eagerly anticipated Spring Garden Competition 2024 launched earlier this month

This year the competition categories promise to showcase a wide range of gardening talents and design ideas. Entrants will compete in the following categories:

• Garden over 1000 square metres - can include whole or part.

• Garden under 1000 square metres - can include whole or part.

• Predominantly native garden - whole or part of a garden with significant portion of Australian natives.

• Courtyard, balcony or indoor garden - referring to a garden almost enclosed by walls, fences, hedging or buildings.

• Senior living complex garden - can include retirement villages and nursing homes.

• Edible garden - can be vegetable gardens, culinary herb gardens, bush tucker gardens, or a combination of these with an element of sustainability and eco creation such as worm farms or compost-

ing, etc.

• Children’s garden - Creat ed or cared for by a child or group of children. This can include childcare centres, school gardens or just a family backyard. These categories allow all types of gardens, big or small, traditional or innova tive to have their moment to shine in the competition.

Entries for the Spring Garden Competition 2024 are open until Friday 20 September.

Don’t miss the chance to be part of this flourishing community event. Join in celebrating nature’s beauty and the shared passion for gardening in the Kiama community. Good luck entrants!

For more information you can email:

To follow the club on Facebook, search Kiama Garden Club.

Brooke Pittman

The Seniors’ Stories writing competition 2024 is back, offering an exciting opportunity for seniors to express their creativity through storytelling.

The 2024 edition of the competition is now officially open, and this year’s theme is “What Made Me”. In addition to being published, the top 100 authors will have the chance to see their stories in their native language, or a language spoken other than English.

This year’s competition runs between 21 April until 2 June.

The competition was introduced by NSW Seniors Card in 2013 and celebrates the lives and contributions of seniors by giving them a platform to share their stories about their life experiences. Each year, the top 100 stories are

published and distributed to the authors and libraries across NSW, illustrating the substantial contributions made by our older generations.

This competition not only recognises and values these experiences of NSW seniors but also aims to connect young and old alike, through sharing and storytelling. The writing competition emphasises the importance of ensuring seniors continue to receive opportunities to participate in their communities and impart their knowledge and wisdom to others.

Don’t miss this opportunity. To check out previous winners or for more information, visit the NSW Seniors Stories website. 25
NSW Seniors’ Stories Writing
2024 Now Open
Brooke Pittman Knoxy at Minnamurra Lions BBQ. Photo credit: Minnamurra Lions. Photo credit: Pexels.

Review: ‘Circling back’ on corporate jargon

This review coughs up a rather a shameful confession: I may have regularly – albeit unknowingly –littered work emails and team meetings with cringy corporate jargon and proudly paraded an important looking lanyard around my neck to give the ego a bit of a stroke – particularly in younger years. I am not proud of it, but thanks to the hilarious guys from Wankernomics – As Per My Last Email, James Schloeffel (The Shovel) and Charles Firth (The Chaser), I can now recognise this faux pas and ‘drill down’ on my journey to recovery – and have a hard-earnt laugh at my own expense!

I was not alone embarking on this revelation, in ‘synergy’ with approximately 730 corporate comrades who filled almost every seat at Wollongong Town Hall to watch Schloeffel and Firth’s latest rendition of this side-splitting satire unfold on Friday 3 May.

No doubt, this show – or as they comically called it, a ‘workshop’ – triggered flashbacks of long-winded meetings in which no parties are particularly clear on either purpose or outcomes, colleagues awkwardly

passing the buck when put on the spot, recollections of many emails kicked off with a token (but no doubt often well-intentioned), ‘I hope this finds you well’, and copying in countless unnecessary people to make a point.

Not to mention the impressive lingo on LinkedIn profiles and mission statements that quite literally could have been plucked out at random using a prize wheel, as Schloeffel and Firth demonstrated that evening with a brave patron who revelled in a crash course on everything she needed to know to ‘upskill’ for success.

Hilariously, the random end result spat out by a few prompts and spins of the prize wheel quite likely reflected mission statements outlined by many modern organisations.

Enthusiastically tossing mentos to the audience, who had cooperatively ‘accepted the invite’ to the workshop, these guys presented the most refreshingly light-hearted lesson on ‘how to outmanoeuvre your colleagues with nothing more than an obnoxious LinkedIn profile, a passive aggressive email, and the phrase circle

back. In a world, where we often take ourselves and corporate lives too seriously, this presented the perfect reminder to laugh and lighten the tone.

And then … Wankernomics sent my over-analytical brain into overdrive, that led me way down into a deep rabbit hole – pondering how all of this corporate poetry per se happened to come about. And so, the ‘googling’ about the evolution of office jargon began. One write-up on TeamBonding claimed that office jargon came to the fore in the 1950s with the goal of office cohesion. It was around this time that three Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors, Douglas McGregor, Edgar Shein and Richard Beckhard, developed the field of organisational development, which saw buzzwords bulldoze through workplaces at lightning speed.

However, as demonstrated in Wankernomics, this evolution of talking in office tongue – often containing components unique to certain industries – commonly causes mass miscommunication.

Given Firth in fact joked about using my emails

Aimee Longbottom:

as material for the show (although, that could disgracefully be legitimate!), I suppose it is only apt to sign off with a ‘kind regards’ or ‘best’, and then ‘loop in’

my network for a spot of team bonding to catch them again when they return to Wollongong Town Hall in December for War on 2024. In the meantime, head to


Community roots and real estate expertise

Lifelong local resident, Aimee Longbottom, brings more than a decade of real estate experience to her role as a licensed real estate sales agent at First National Coast and Country in Kiama. Her role is not just a job but also a passion, driven by her love for meeting people, making new connections and helping the people in her community.

“It’s a big honour to be part of such a significant step,” Aimee shares.

Aimee loves connecting with locals and people wanting to move into the area and helping them through the process of buying or selling a home. The process is usually a very personal, sometimes emotional, experience, and Aimee dedicates herself to each client interaction, ensuring her devoted guidance throughout.

Aimee has worked across various roles during her time in the real estate industry and has accumulated extensive industry experience.

She balances her busy career with an active lifestyle, often starting her days early at the gym or enjoying walks with her dog around Kiama. She loves spending time with her daughter, family and friends and cherishes

the beautiful Kiama area and lifestyle, with a strong connection to this community.

“I can’t walk down the street without bumping into someone and having a chat,” says Aimee Her enthusiasm for her work is evident and she finds excitement at the prospect of being involved in such an exciting journey for her clients. She has a passion for helping people and, with keen problem solving skills, she works hard to ensure her clients get what they need.

Aimee’s genuine excitement and dedication shines through in her interactions with clients. “I really enjoy getting know my clients and am so grateful when they trust me,” she says, emphasising her commitment to helping them navigate each step of the process, especially the often daunting first step. With a life and career intertwined with the community she loves deeply, Aimee can assist with all of your buying and selling needs.

If you are looking for an understanding, experienced and dedicated agent, you can contact Aimee via: 0414 615 400 or aimee.longbottom@

Brooke Pittman

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
for witty tips and tricks about how to nail your professional personal. Diana Timmins

The search for South Coast Women

Who have been the South Coast’s most significant women?

That’s the question South Coast History Society is asking as it attempts to identify them.

The Society’s search began at a local market when a lady asked its president, Peter Lacey, to identify the parts of their book, ‘Extraordinary Histories: Amazing Stories from the NSW South Coast’, that related to women from the NSW South Coast. This led to the inclusion of biographies of 10 interesting South Coast women in an expanded second edition of the book to be released later this year.

"It's a very easy task to nominate the historically significant men from the South Coast. They are well known," Lacey suggests. "But coming up with a list of the area’s important women and recording their stories has been a real challenge because, surprisingly, not a lot has been written about them. And, whilst a little has been recorded about some pioneer women, the contributions of outstanding local women in the 20th and 21st centuries have largely been ignored."

A little digging has so far identified 22 significant women – the 10 being included in the second edition of ‘Extraordinary Histories’ plus another 12 whose stories are included in the June issue of ‘Recollections’ magazine.

"But," Lacey added. "We have a very uneasy feeling that there are probably as many significant South Coast women again whose great stories we have missed. So, we’re now asking the community to help us identify other women who rightly deserve to be recognised."

Who are the South Coast women being featured in the second edition of ‘Extraordinary Histories’?

They are: author Charmian Clift, nurse Pearl Corkhill, pioneering woman Elizabeth ‘Granny’ Sproats, contralto Eva Mylott, carrier Emily Wintle, Aboriginal activist Jane Duren, ‘The Three Ladies of Tathra’ who were conservationists, shopkeeper Mrs Mac, newspaper editor Olive Constable, and world-renowned economist Persia Campbell.

"And I wonder how many of these illustrious women the average South Coast

per son knows of?"

Lacey asks. "I suspect, for most people, it would be just one or two."

And who features in the June issue of ‘Recollections’?

Four additional authors or journalists – Olga Masters, Mare Carter, Kate O’Connor and Jackie French; the soprano Marie Narelle; pioneer woman Rose Hunt; hoteliers Ann White and Sabina Pike; nurses ‘Kitty’ Porter and Bernice Smith; doctor Dagmar Berne and, because her death had a significant impact on the Eden area, Flora MacKillop who was the mother of Saint Mary MacKillop.

Lacey was then asked to nominate the most interesting South Coast women he had identified to date.

"That’s easy," he replied.

"An extraordinary schoolteacher by the name of Bridget Johnston. And I bet you’ve never heard of her!"

"She was the teacher at a one-teacher school in Eurobodalla village (which has since disappeared) from 1882 to 1927. Her boast was that no pupil, however reluctant a student, would ever leave her school without being able, at the very least, to write, read and be arithmetically competent."

"Her abilities became widely known. Students were sent to board in tiny Eurobodalla, and one family even erected two tents near Bridget’s school so their child could receive his education there. One tent housed their young son, the other a female carer."

"Bridget, being the only teacher in a one-teacher school, was required to teach all levels from kindergarten to matriculation. And every year, one of her students would receive one of four scholarships available from the local inspectorate, enabling them to stay at school past the Intermediate Certificate to study for the Leaving Certificate."

"One year, her students won all four scholarships! So, the Education Department sent an Inspector to investigate. He examined the successful four scholarship winners, while Bridget took the remaining

pupils out to the playground and conducted classes there. Two hours later, the Inspector emerged, thanked and congratulated Bridget – the scholarships had been correctly awarded! Three of those boys subsequently became doctors, the other successfully completed an Arts degree."

"Bridget married while teaching at the school. No woman when married could then be employed as a teacher unless ‘there are special circumstances which make her employment desirable in the public interest’; retaining Bridget as Eurobodalla School’s teacher clearly was ‘in the public interest’!"

"And when Bridget reached the normal retiring age of 65, she was asked to continue teaching…which she did for a further three years."

"Eurobodalla village also benefited in other ways from having Bridget in town. She was a driving force behind the construction of the village hall, the village cricket pitch and the village tennis courts," Lacey added.

Copies of the free South Coast Women ‘Recollections’ magazine will be available from this week at all South Coast libraries. An email copy will be provided to anyone sending ‘Send Recollections’ to: southcoasthistory@

Accompanying photograph: Charmian Clift, one of the 12 South Coast women featured in the June issue of ‘Recollections’.

More information or to make a nomination?

Contact Peter Lacey at the South Coast History Society on 0448 160 852 or email: southcoasthistory@ 27

Mountaineering in Laos

Some years ago now, my friends and I had quite an adventure in Laos. We survived our first misadventure in Luang Prabang, and decided to stay put for a while and just soak in the atmosphere. However, our plans changed when we noticed the cruise boats drifting up and down the river. Eager for some comfort and luxury, we decided to give it a try.

The following morning, John went to the ticket 'offices' on the shoreline and managed to purchase some tickets, despite the language barrier. We arrived at a longtail boat, about 10 metres long with a tiny cabin, assuming it would take us to a larger cruise boat. Instead, they advised us to get some lunch and enough water for the day. Four other travellers shared our assumption and were equally shocked when they realised that this small boat was our cruise.

Six passengers and two crew had this small boat loaded with the water up to the gunnels. I felt a sinking feeling as we set off upstream. When we encountered grade three to four rapids, the driver would full-throttle the ancient engine to propel us across the rough sections, everyone sighing with relief as we made it into calmer waters.

On one occasion, the engine failed, and we floundered onto a nearby beach. While the crew worked on the engine, I found a clump of bushes to relieve myself and, more importantly, grabbed a three-foot piece of giant bamboo to use as a makeshift life buoy if


This National Volunteer Week, Lifeline Australia is shining a light on its volunteers and the critical role they play in giving thousands of people across Australia hope and connection around the clock each and every day.

Lifeline Australia CEO Colin Seery said the organisation's services were under more demand than ever, with people reaching out for help in record numbers.

"The critical work that Lifeline does is only possible with the thousands of Lifeline volunteers available 24/7 nationwide who pick up a call from a person in crisis every 30 seconds, as well as all the others who ensure Lifeline can carry on our critical, lifesaving work," said Seery.

listening without judgment and providing care and assistance to help seekers at their darkest hour."

"We are fortunate to be supported by so many wonderful volunteers who continue to build resilience and reduce stigma around mental health concerns and suicidality."

"Volunteers are the backbone of Lifelinequite simply, we couldn't do what we do without them."

Seery added that the contribution of those who generously give up their time to make a difference in their communities means the organisation can ensure no one has to face their darkest moments alone.

National Volunteer Week (20-26 May) is Australia's largest annual celebration of volunteering. Australia's national crisis support network proudly works with 4,500 volunteers


Once we had passed the rapids and felt relaxed enough to look around, the sights were stunning: steep cliffs with caves enclosing ancient Buddha statues, dwellings on stilts over the river, villages with wooden buildings, and hordes of naked kids running and splashing.

Our destination was a village in the upper reaches of the tributary. The next morning, we were told to board the boat for the return trip. I flatly refused and opted for the 'bus,' an antiquated utility vehicle with a canvas cover on the back. It was to be a three-hour journey with local women going to market.

Among the usual array of wares and animals, I noticed under my legs a large section of bamboo with breath holes, from which emerged the longest, hairiest black legs I had ever seen - a giant bird-eating spider. Stifling a scream, I climbed out the back and spent the rest of the journey standing on the rear bumper bar.

Rest assured; this was in 2005. The destination has since changed dramatically - the five-star hotels have arrived. However, I loved Laos in its raw, innocent, and authentic state. I left in awe of the resilience of their ancient culture, religion, and traditions that remain indestructible despite occupying forces that failed to make a dent. Their spirit runs strong and eternal, like the river Mekong.

"This week, we are making extra sure to thank and recognise each one of our volunteers for the meaningful impact they are having on the lives of others - from our Crisis Supporters on the phone and digital services, to our retail workers and book fair volunteers."

'Those at the frontlines of crisis support demonstrate extraordinary empathy and generosity,

"Creating an Australia free of suicide takes dedication, time and patience and our volunteers have this in abundance," Mr Seery added.

You can phone Lifeline to speak to a Crisis Supporter on 13 11 14, text 0477 131 114, chat to Lifeline online or access the Support Toolkit to self-manage what you're going through at (All services are available 24/7).



For over 60 years, Lifeline has been connecting with Australians in need through crisis support and suicide prevention services, operating the 13 11 14 telephone line within 43 centres around the nation as well as a 24/7 crisis text, webchat service and Support Toolkit.

The organisation expects to respond to over one million requests for support this year, creating an average of 120 satety plans to keep a person experiencing suicidal ideation sate every day.

Felt Out Of Colour

Felt Out of Colour Exhibition and Sale from the Kiama Spinners, Weavers and Embroiders Club will be held at the Kiama Masonic Hall from 8 to 10 June, 9am to 4pm.

The exhibition has been named in honour of our late President Margaret Casey, who was a very lively person and always dressed in lots of colourful clothing.

Come along and see how the members manipulate sheep fleece into fabric and

make a variety of items such as bowls, lamps, flowers, clothing and sometimes birds. Also members will be demonstrating making fleece into felt balls and other small items. You may find something that you would like to purchase, also there will be Glenora Weaving and Wool who will have a table where the public can purchase weaving and knitting supplies.

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 Federal Member for Gilmore PHILLIPS MP FIONA Authorised by Fiona Phillips MP, Nowra. I’m here to help with issues like Medicare, Centrelink, aged care and pensions, the NDIS, Veterans’ Affairs and community grants. I can also arrange flags, and special birthday and anniversary messages. Please let me know how I can help you. (02) 4423 1782 3/59 Junction St Nowra NSW 2541 & 1/6-8 Orient St, Batemans Bay NSW 2536

Building on the essence of Jamberoo: A developer's commitment

For generations, the Fredericks family has cultivated an indelible bond with the village of Jamberoo and the wider South Coast region. Through dairy farming, their roots have been entwined with our fertile soils, verdant landscapes, and rich tapestry of heritage that defines this captivating corner of New South Wales.

Now, guided by this deep connection, the Fountaindale Group, a family-owned property development enterprise, is excited to unveil Golden Valley Jamberoo, an exclusive estate that pays homage to the timeless appeal of Jamberoo village while seamlessly blending with the rural landscape that surrounds it.

"Our vision is to create a

Please note: This is paid content

harmonious extension to the Jamberoo community that honours the timeless charm of the village while providing a space for families to weave their own legacies and experience the magic uniquely offered by the South Coast," explains Jennifer Macquarie, one of the creative team behind Golden Valley Jamberoo with a passion for the region's architectural heritage.

Recognising and drawing inspiration from the South Coast’s traditional townships, the Fountaindale Group has meticulously structured the Golden Valley Jamberoo estate to complement the existing fabric of Jamberoo. Inspired by the village's picturesque streetscapes and architec-

tural styles, this development beckons those seeking a tranquil refuge where heritage meets modern living.

As the selling agent, Jennifer extends a warm invitation to prospective buyers, offering to guide them through securing their dream home site with a level of personalised service that reflects the Fountaindale Group's ethos of mutual respect and shared benefits.

The 800m² lots will be available for purchase in early 2025. To register your interest and stay connected, go to goldenvalleyjamberoo.

To learn more about the Fountaindale Group, visit

Discover Hidden Treasures at the Kiama Vintage Fair!

Kiama residents and visitors can look forward to a unique shopping experience the Kiama Vintage Fair on Sunday 30 June 2024. The event will run from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Masonic Hall, located at 46 Collins Street, Kiama.

The fair will feature over 20 stalls offering a variety of vintage and pre-loved items. Attendees can expect to find mid-century retro

goods, antiques, collectables, bric-a-brac, fashion and other quirky items. The event promises a day filled with interesting finds and a nostalgic atmosphere.

The fair is a place for the curious and those with a penchant for ‘all things yesteryear, quirky and charming."

In the lead-up to the event, teasers of some of the collectable items and local art-

work that will be available can be seen on the Fair’s social media accounts.

Spaces are still available for those interested in participating as stall holders.

Vendors can reach out to Barbara Lawson at: 0423 276 123 or via email at: for more information.

Veronica Bardsley 29
Jennifer Macquarie, General Manager at The Fountaindale Group, is your go-to for enquiries into the Golden Valley Jamberoo development project.


Spring and Summer are lovely, but it is also the allergy season. If your eyes have become itchy recently, it could be hay fever affecting your eyes, which is called allergic conjunctivitis.

Your first step is a trip to your optometrist, who can discuss the following treatment options with you:

• cold packs

• lubricating drops

• antihistamine drops

• anti-inflammatory eye drops

• oral antihistamines - your pharmacist can help with a recommendation

If your child has this problem, it is important they don’t rub their eyes. We have some great ways to reduce the effects of pollen and avoid hay fever. Read more in the blog section of our website

1 - 14 June 2024 support local Kiama Pain Contact Steve or Melissa for a friendly and professional service 1300 516 474 solar and storage made easy Roof repair solutions Specialising in tiled roofs 0400909852 BASED IN KIAMA, SERVING THE ILLAWARRA & SHOALHAVEN CALL0419 240302 Transport DAISY We're There For You THE
Scan the QR code Download our app to get the latest on local news Download our App and stay up to date with local news and updates SCAN THE APP GET UP TO DATE WITH LOCAL NEWS Handyman Services Honest Reliable Service Please call Vincent Lic No 201042C 0404 607 742 Showerscreens, bathroom and Kitchen All home maitenence, repairs and replacements
Jean Anderson EyeQ Optometrists 124 Terralong St, Kiama 4232 2610 Convenient online bookings Hay fever and itchy eyes? “What is the world coming to?” There is good news! Your creator is still in control. There is a reason why Jesus died, was buried and rose again. There was a purpose – which includes you. Do you want to know more? Contact Michael and Diane, from the United Pentecostal Church to discuss this with you without obligation. Ph: 0455 305 514


Many people want to find peace in the face of feeling hurt, unbearable loss, trauma, guilt, or suffering at the hands of others, our self, or life. Forgiveness is a choice; a gift to oneself. It’s the most powerful healing path to true and unshakeable peace. It is possible to find peace and liberation from the grip of past wounds. “Something’s got to change, and it’s me!” is never truer than with forgiveness.

Oftentimes, the person who’s caused offence may be completely oblivious to the hurt you’re experiencing. Perhaps the person intended to wound you with their words or actions, or they simply don’t care. We don’t want forgiveness (and therefore our peace) to be dependent on the person or group who caused the offence feeling apologetic or upset about their words or actions.

Modern science has much in common with ancient wisdom. Understanding the positive impact of forgiveness serves as a gateway to enduring healing and peace. It is necessary to understand the obstacles to forgiveness, and scientific information about how the brain’s default mode resists forgiveness, while the brain’s task positive (present moment mode) is where new possibilities can emerge.

Each of us has a default mode network (DMN) that keeps us locked into past survival mechanisms that frankly don’t work and keep us miserable and stuck. The DMN is the ego, unconscious – what is second nature to us. Throughout our lives we have evolved to react to challenges and have learned from past experiences. This second nature supports survival skills and repeats mental loops, creates incessant mind chatter that generates increased suffering and traps the mind in the past. You know the mind-set: constant ruminating, catastrophising, a bit like a wild drunk monkey swinging through the trees!

On the other hand, we also have a task positive network (TPN) which is the executive-functioning brain that is activated in the present moment which calms the nervous system. It is supported by focus on the breath and engaged with mindful movement and

awareness. It is powered with creative tasks and sparked by focus on one thing, i.e. reading a book or listening to music. If we can tap into the TPN, rather than allow the DMN to take over, we will see a remarkable difference to how we experience life.

The definition of forgiveness by the Cambridge Dictionary, “To forgive means no longer feeling angry, vengeful, hurt or resentful towards someone or something for an actual or perceived offense, flaw, or mistake and no longer wishing to punish others.”

Wellness author Caroline Myss takes it a little further:

“Forgiveness is a battle between the righteousness of our ego and our capacity to transcend whatever situation we’ve experienced where we maintain our own suffering and righteous vengeance.”

Clearly there are challenges to achieving forgiveness. Firstly, we need to be willing to forgive, then relinquish the resentment and change our thinking habits.

“Forgiveness is an inner process whereby we liberate ourselves from the consequences of having felt wounded in the past. We no longer react in the present - as we have processed our feelings, and the event is now in our past. The sting is no longer in the tail”, says Petrea King, of Quest for Life Foundation.

“Transformation isn’t about changing the person. It’s a change in perspective and a profound shift in our experience of consciousness.”

We need some strategies that allow us to become aware of blame, hurt, guilt and revenge, and to let go of control. By adopting a gentle approach and meditating daily to engage the TPN will help with this, you will notice positive reactions in the body. Practicing meditation every day strengthens neural integration and provides access to the executive functioning brain that supports the ability to respond, rather than react. A regular practice relaxes and restores a stressed or wounded body and mind.

Visti the Quest for Life website if you would like access to a highly effective online course to take you on the pathway to forgiveness.

Love Where You Live

Colour Drenching on the South Coast

As a South Coast based interior decorator, I have always got my eyes open for new ways to bring the rich hues of the region’s colours into our homes. Enter ‘Colour Drenching’, a very 2024 term for painting all surfaces in a room the same colour.

I’m talking walls, skirting and frames, doors and woodwork, cornices and ceilings. The results are impactful and non-negotiable, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it feels like too much if you choose a colour you truly love.

Take your cues from our area for a result that connects your home to its location. The emerald greens of Gerringong’s rolling hills or the bushy greens of Kangaroo Valley, the lavender haze of a distant mountain, blues of the ocean, golden sands of the coastline – you get the idea. There is no need to limit yourself to your street address, think about the colours of what

you love across our whole region.

Another element to consider is colour psychology. Theoretically at least, blues are calming and can carry away your worries. Reds are warm and can feel like a big hug. Neutrals rest the eyes. Yellows can make you feel happy (or ill, depending on your feelings about yellow).

Be aware that the same colour applied throughout a room will still have variation, so it is rare that the effect will be box-like. Flat ceiling paint will absorb the light making it appear lighter, whilst low sheen and semi gloss paints can look darker depending on how much light they reflect. The easiest thing about colour drenching is that it is guaranteed the room will look fresh and contemporary, no matter which colour direction you choose.

Coast Colour

Last month, I wrote about the importance of prioritising time for physical activity, and the need to treat it as a must-do rather than a luxury, if we want to stay well enough to carry out all our other responsibilities. Although statements like this can draw eye-rolling from busy people, me included, there are times when you feel like you might have more chance getting to the moon than to the gym during the week, with all of your daily commitments.

There is good news, however; for people who are not considered ‘regularly active’ by current World Health Organisation standards (i.e. 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity over three or more days of the week). Recent research has shown that people who do all of their physical activity concentrated in just one or two days each week still have the same cardiovascular benefits as those who exercised more regularly.

This means that “weekend warriors”, or those who are able to do 150 minutes of exercise in just one or two outings each week, are still much better off healthwise than those who are inactive.

Of course, there are other advantages to exercising regularly, but this flexibility

in the way we can accumulate health benefits is encouraging for time-poor individuals. Another option for fitting exercise into a busy schedule could be through short bursts of vigorous physical activity during everyday life. These activities can include tasks such as carrying shopping bags, walking uphill and stair climbing.

One recent population study (Nature Medicine, 2022) indicated that people who were classified ‘inactive’ but did three to four short (less than one minute) bursts of physical activity everyday had up to a 40 percent reduction in premature death from any cause, as well as death from cancer. Such findings are impressive and align with what we already know about the benefits of more structured high intensity exercise training (short bouts of intense activity followed by rest). This is still an emerging area of research, but for those of us who find structured physical activity unfeasible for whatever reason, this news is very welcome indeed. So, if getting active feels like an impossible task, don’t despair -- take the stairs, go for that long Sunday walk, and remember that every little bit counts.

Researchers at the University of Sydney are running a study to measure the impact of the Active Women over 50 program This FREE program is designed for women aged 50+ to help increase their physical activity The program involves telephone health coaching from a physiotherapist private Facebook group (optional), a website resource, and motivational SMS or email messages for 6 months To be eligible you need to be a woman aged 50+ living in NSW healthy enough to take part in regular physical activity and have access to the internet For more information www activewomenover50 org au sph activewomen@sydney edu au (02) 8627 6242 Or scan the QR code to learn more DO YOU WANT FREE SUPPORT TO BE MORE ACTIVE?




25 Hearing organ (3) 26 Representing an abstract meaning (11)

Depressants (7) 29 Those who derive pleasure from inflicting pain (7)

Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the – (4)

Complying (9) 3 Honorific (5) 4 Pottery (11) 5 Digitally generated imagery (1.1.1.)

Whenever (7)

Follower of the main Indian religion (5)

Identifying (9)

Ancient coffin (11)

Partner (10)

Lengths (9)

18 Family name (7) 21 Virago (5)

23 Hyper (5)

24 In addition (4) 27 Guitarist, – Paul (3)

Hostile (10) 17 Law-maker (10)

Book ID (1,1,1,1)

Activators (7) 14 Wading bird (4)

Reticence (7) 22 A seat for riding an elephant or a camel (6)


The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 Call now to discuss your next appointment on 02 4232 1196 Located at Edessa arcade, 88-90 Terralong street, Kiama EXPERIENCE
DID YOU KNOW? Every 2 years you can claim up to $400 Medicare rebate on your Mastectomy Prosthesis Certified Post-Masectomy Fitting specialists
Helping women living with breast cancer ACROSS 1
9 Aloofness (11) 10
Alarm (7) 5 Instructs (7)
Formerly (3)
Oration (6)
E A S I E R No. 230 CROSSWORD I G I M N A S D R Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Each number corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Two have been filled in for you, can you work out the rest? Can you find all the words listed? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message. To
puzzle, every number from 1 to 9 must appear in: each of the nine vertical columns, each of the nine horizontal rows and each of the nine 3 x 3 boxes. Remember, no number can occur more than once in any row, column or box. 15 words: Good 22 words: Very good 30 words: Excellent Today’s Aim: admiring, aiming, aims, amid, arming, damn, damns, dims, disarm, DISARMING, dram, gamin, gram, grim, magi, maid, main, mans, margin, margins, mars, midi, mina, mind, mini, miring, riming, rims, sigma, simian CODEWORD: 1 = L, 2 = J, 3 = K, 4 = U, 5 = H, 6 = Z, 7 = M, 8 = R, 9 = Y, 10 = N, 11 = B, 12 = E, 13 = G, 14 = P, 15 = T, 16 = I, 17 = A, 18 = C, 19 = V, 20 = X, 21 = S, 22 = D, 23 = W, 24 = F No. 180 CODEWORD WORD SEARCH SUDOKU 19 52 71428 23 17 53 2 5 96 87 3 28 73 6 2 94 2 EASY 45 13 86 93 59 8 21 726 1 6 124 93 51 9 MEDIUM 289347615 193475826 964138572 431562798 845216937 372654189 756981243 627893451 518729364 EASY MEDIUM 618934527 751643298 823451679 537216984 349128765 964872351 492587136 286795413 175369842 SOLUTION SOLUTION B U S T S M I N U S D A T U M A L L O T A R E N A A D O R E S T A T E A S A N F O R G E T R Y R P M T W E E T S E T E A S E R S H A R K B O S S R O O M I E R E E L V I C E A C R E V A S T S A V O G E T S S A D I S T C C O M F O R T M I L E A G E A R M O U R E D S A P S K E N T Y I N G E G O S M E R E S T E P M O N S T E R O D E S A R E A S U N S A F E N O R B R O A D E G G B R A N A N E U N T Y A F O O T N O T E S G E N E G A U Z E G R E E T E D G E S E N T E R SOLUTION SOLUTIONS ADOBO ALOHA EWA BEACH HALEAKALA HAWI HILO HONOLULU HULA KAHUNA KAILUA KAUAI KEIKI KONA LIHUE LOMI LOMI LUAU MAHALO MAI TAI MALASADA MANA MAUI MUSUBI NA PALI OAHU OHANA PINEAPPLE PLATE LUNCH POKE SHAVE ICE SHRIMP SPAM SUGAR CANE SUNSET SURF TUNA VOLCANO WARM 1. What kind of food are poffertjes? 2. Who is the narrator in Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief? 3. Colloquially, what is a sparky? 4. What kind of fruit is ume? 5. In 1942, Earl Tupper developed the first product for which homeware brand? 6. What year did World War II end? 7. Natasha Lyonne (pictured) stars as Charlie Cale in which comedy series? 8. What is an archipelago? 9. And what is the world’s largest archipelagic state? 10. Advocaat is a traditional Dutch beverage made with eggs, sugar and what kind of alcohol? QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Pancakes 2. Death 3. An electrician 4. Stone fruit 5. Tupperware 6. 1945 7. Poker Face 8. An island group 9. Indonesia 10. Brandy
solve a Sudoku
| PUZZLES AND PAGINATION © 3105 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 O 13 26 Q No. 231 No. 230 No. 140 SECRET MESSAGE: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high


1 At the first modern Olympics, winners were awarded silver medals

2 The longest tennis match was 11 hours and five minutes long

3 The average cricket ball has somewhere between 65 and 70 stitches

4 The Philippines has competed in the most Summer Olympics without winning a gold medal

5 The phrase winning “hands down” originally referred to a jockey winning without whipping their horse or pulling back the reins

Junior crossword

Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.

1 Is Australia in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere?

2 What is the name of the princess in Shrek?

3 Where does Harry Potter (pictured) go to school?

4 What is the name of the yellow Wiggle?

5 Who sings the 2020 single Watermelon Sugar?

6 What two colours would you mix to make green paint?

7 Where does Homer Simpson work?


8 Ayers Rock is also known as what?

9 Kylo Ren is a character from which film series?

10 What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?


Can you find five differences between these two images?


Can you find all of the words listed below? The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.

1 It connects your arm to your hand

2 Extra; a — tyre, for example

3 A type of fruit, good for making pies

4 Try to have an idea

5 Sometimes before shopping, we make shopping —

6 Deer from a Disney cartoon

7 Gave a title to something

8 An angry wasp might give you a nasty —

ANSWERS:1. Collar 2. Grass 3. Spot 4. Flower 5. Ears
Secret message: Feline friends
ANSWERS: 1. Southern. 2. Fiona. 3. Hogwarts. 4. Emma. 5. Harry Styles. 6. Blue and yellow. 7. Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. 8. Uluru. 9. Star Wars. 10. Tinkerbell

6.00 Rage. 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Rage. 12.00 News. 12.30 Call The Midwife. (M) 1.30 Father Brown. (PG)

2.25 Gruen. 3.00 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG) 3.30 Tony Armstrong’s Extra-Ordinary Things. (PG) 4.30 Restoration Australia. 5.30 Landline. 6.00 Australian Story. 6.30 Back Roads. 7.00 ABC News.

7.30 Father Brown. (PG)

8.15 Midsomer Murders. (M)

9.50 After The Party. (MA15+)

10.40 Shetland. (M) 11.40 Rage. (MA15+)

5.00 Rage. (PG)

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Gymnastics. FIG Artistic World Challenge Cup series. Round 4. Highlights. 4.00 Sailing. SailGP. Round 11. Highlights. 5.00 Grand Tours Of Scotland’s Rivers. 5.35 D-Day: The Soldiers’ Story. 6.30 News. 7.30 Jersey And Guernsey. 8.25 Portillo In The Pyrenees. 9.20 Scotland: Escape To The Wilderness. 10.15 Greenland: Survival At The Edge. 11.10 Paris Paris. 11.40 Paris Paris. 12.10 Jimmy Carter: Rock And Roll President. 1.55 The Wonderful World Of Chocolate. 2.45 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Compass. 11.30 Praise. 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. 2.30 The Secret History Of The British Garden. 3.30 Forever Summer With Nigella. 3.55 Grand Designs. 4.45 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Compass. 7.00 News. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Austin. 8.30 ABBA: Against The Odds. 10.05 MOVIE: Whitney. (2018) 12.00 The Trouble With Maggie Cole. 12.50 Rage Vault. 2.55 Classic Countdown. 3.55 Landline. 4.25 Art Works. 5.00 Insiders. 6.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Sports Woman. 3.30 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. 4.25 Mauthausen: Camp Of No Return. 5.25 Rommel: The Soldier, The Son And Hitler. 6.30 News. 7.30 The Lost City Of Melbourne. 9.05 Royal Autopsy. 10.05 South Korea With Alexander Armstrong. 10.55 Geoff Dixon: Portraits Of Us. 12.25 American Presidency With Bill Clinton. 1.15 American Presidency With Bill Clinton. 2.05 American Presidency With Bill Clinton. 2.55 Late Programs.

6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show. 12.00 Horse Racing. Oaks Day, VRC Community Race Day and Bob Charley AO Stakes Day. 1.30 Football. AFL. Round 13. Hawthorn v GWS Giants. 4.30 Border Security: America’s Front Line. 5.00 News. 5.30 Border Security. 6.00 News. 7.00 Border Security. (PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Jurassic Park. (1993) (PG) 10.00 MOVIE: Monster Hunter. (2020) (M) 12.05 Australia’s Amazing Homes. (PG) 1.05 Travel Oz. (PG) 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 Tales Of Aluna. 5.00 House Of Wellness.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. 12.00 Destination WA. 12.30 Business Drive. 1.00 Great Australian Detour. 1.30 The Pet Rescuers. 2.00 The Summit. 3.30 The Lap. 4.30 Dogs 4 Life. 5.00 9News First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. 6.00 9News Saturday. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 MOVIE: Inside Out. (2015) 9.30 MOVIE: Four Weddings And A Funeral. (1994) 11.45 MOVIE: Life, Itself. (2018)

June 1 – 14

Seven News. 7.00 Dream Home. (PG) 8.45 7NEWS Spotlight. 9.45 The Latest: Seven News. 10.15 Code 1: Minute By Minute. (M) 11.15 Quantum Leap. (M) 12.15 Lipstick Jungle. (M)

Roads. 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. 4.00 Long Lost Family. 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Aust Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.15 Media Watch. 9.35 Gruen. 10.10 You Can’t Ask That. 10.40 News. 10.55 The Business. 11.15 Planet America. 11.45 You Can’t Ask That. 12.20 Grand Designs NZ. 1.05 Long Lost Family. 1.50 The Secret History Of The British Garden. 2.50 Rage. 3.40 Parkinson In Australia. 4.30 Late Programs. 6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Ancient Metropolis. 3.00 Mastermind Australia. 3.30 Such Was Life. 3.40 The Cook Up. 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 News. 7.35 Amazing Railway Adventures. 8.30 Secrets Of The Tower Of London. 9.20 24 Hours In Emergency. 10.15 SBS News. 10.45 Of Money And Blood. 12.45 Sisi. 2.45 9/11 Kids. 4.15 Peer To Peer. 4.45 Destination Flavour. 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 To Be Advised. 1.45 Surveillance Oz. 2.00 AFL: The Big Freeze @ The G. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Dream Home. (PG) 9.10 9-1-1. (M) 10.10 AFL: Big Freeze.

6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00

Media Watch. 12.10 In The Room. 1.05 Grand Designs NZ. 1.55 Long Lost Family. 2.40 Rage. 3.30 Late Programs. 6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Ancient Metropolis. 3.00 Living Black. 3.30 Such Was Life. 3.40 The Cook Up. 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 News. 7.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 SBS News. 10.30 Living Black. 11.00 Unbroken. 12.40 A Class Apart. 2.15 A Class Apart. 3.05 A Class Apart. 3.55 A Class Apart. 4.45 Destination Flavour. 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

6.00 Morning Programs. 1.35 Media Watch. 2.00 Brush With Fame. 2.30 Back Roads. 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. 3.55 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. 4.40 Grand Designs NZ. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. 8.30 Gruen. 9.05 Austin. 9.35 Spicks And Specks. 10.10 Planet America. 10.40 News. 10.55 The Business. 11.10 ABBA: Against The Odds. 12.45 Grand Designs NZ. 1.30 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. 2.15 Rage. 3.20 Parkinson In Australia. 4.30 Landline. 5.00 Art Works. 5.30 7.30.

6.00 WorldWatch. 10.25 Outta Town Adventures. 10.55 Charles I: To Kill A King. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. 2.30 Insight. 3.30 Such Was Life. 3.40 The Cook Up. 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 News. 7.30 Hunt For Truth: Tasmanian Tiger. 8.30 Fly With Me. 9.30 This Town. 10.40 SBS News. 11.10 Don’t Leave Me. 1.10 UFOs. 3.55 Peer To Peer. 4.55 Destination Flavour. 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show.

News. 12.00 To Be Advised. 1.40 Surveillance Oz. 2.10 Catch Phrase. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Dream Home. (PG) 9.00 The Good Doctor. (M) 10.00 Ambulance: Code Red. (M) 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. 11.30 The Real Manhunter. (M) 1.30 Harry’s Practice. 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 To Be Advised. 1.30 Surveillance Oz. 2.10 Catch Phrase. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 The 1% Club UK. (PG) 8.30 The Front Bar. (M) 9.30 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera. (PG) 10.30 The Latest: Seven News. 11.00 Talking Footy. 12.00 Dracula. (MA15+) 1.00 Travel Oz. (PG) 2.00 Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.


Designs. 9.50 Antiques Roadshow. 10.50 News. 11.05 The

11.20 The Art Of... 11.50 Talking Heads. 12.30 Grand Designs NZ. 1.20 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. 2.05 Rage. 3.10 Late Programs. 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Ancient Metropolis. 2.55 Mastermind Australia. 3.25 The Point: Road To Referendum History Bites. 3.30 Such Was Life. 3.40 The Cook Up. 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 News. 7.30 DNA Family Secrets. 8.40 The Hospital: In The Deep End. 9.50 The Responder. 10.55 SBS News. 11.25 Son Of. 1.05 War Of The Worlds. 2.55 Bin Laden: The Road To 9/11. 3.50 Peer To Peer. 4.50 Late Programs.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: Nanny Killer. (2018) (M) 2.00 Business Builders. 2.30 Border Security: America’s Front Line. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.30 Britain’s Got Talent. (PG) 11.15 HMP: Behind Bars. (MA15+) 12.45 The Goldbergs. (PG) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.00 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 2. Heats. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 2. Finals. 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 9News Late. 11.00 Outback Opal Hunters. (PG) 12.00 Chicago Med. (MA15+)

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.00 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 3. Heats. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 3. Finals. 9.45 Ski Rescue Down Under. (PG) 10.45 9News

6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 5.00 Tipping Point Australia. 6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 15. Cronulla Sharks v Dolphins. 9.45 Thursday Night Knock Off. 10.30 9News Late. 11.00 Law & Order: Organized Crime. 11.50 The First 35 SATURDAY 8 SUNDAY 9 MONDAY 10 TUESDAY 11 WEDNESDAY 12 THURSDAY 13 FRIDAY 14
1.50 My Way. 2.00 The Incredible Journey. 2.30 Getaway. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop. 5.30 Helping Hands. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Farm To Fork. 9.00 Exploring Off The Grid. 9.30 Australia By Design: Innovations. 10.00 Ready Steady Cook. 11.00 MasterChef Australia. 12.10 My Market Kitchen. 12.30 The Drew Barrymore Show. 3.00 What’s Up Down Under. 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 Everyday Gourmet. 5.00 News. 6.00 The Brighter Side: Save. Grow. Dream. 6.30 Ready Steady Cook. 7.30 The Dog House. 8.30 Ambulance UK. 11.00 The Cheap Seats. 12.00 Fire Country. 1.00 Shopping. 5.00 Hour Of Power.
6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show. 12.00 House Of Wellness.
To Be Advised.
Better Homes.
1.15 Travel Oz. (PG) 2.00 Shopping. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Sunrise 5am News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 NRL Sunday Footy Show. 1.00 Great Australian Detour Snow. 1.30 My Way. 1.45 The Summit. 3.00 Rugby League. NRL. Round 14. Penrith Panthers v Manly Sea Eagles. 6.00 9News Sunday. 7.00 Beyond The Dream. 8.00 60 Minutes. 9.00 The Missing Millionairess. 10.00 9News Late. 10.30 The First 48. 11.25 Transplant. 12.15 The Brokenwood Mysteries. 2.10 The Lap. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 Drive TV. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Freshly Picked. 9.00 Pooches At Play. 9.30 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 MasterChef Australia. 1.15 My Market Kitchen. 1.30 Cook With Luke. 2.00 Roads Less Travelled. 2.30 Food Trail: South Africa. 3.00 Australia By Design: Architecture. 3.30 The Brighter Side: Save. Grow. Dream. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Farm To Fork. 5.00 News. 6.30 The Sunday Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 8.45 Tulsa King. 9.35 FBI. 11.30 The Sunday Project. 12.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.
Morning Programs. 1.00 Midsomer Murders. 2.30 Back
(PG) 11.10 Seven News. 11.40 Police Custody USA.
The Event.
Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today.
5am News. 5.30 Sunrise.
(M) 12.40
(M) 1.40
Builders. 2.30
Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.00 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 1. Heats. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30
(PG) 1.00 Pointless. (PG) 2.00 Hello SA. (PG) 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 ACA. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today. 6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 Dr Phil. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.15 Judge Judy. 1.45 MasterChef Australia. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? 9.30 Rove McManus: Loosey Goosey. 10.50 10’s Late News. 11.15 The Project. 12.20 Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.
News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 1. Finals. 9.30 100% Footy. (M) 10.30 9News Late. 11.00 La Brea. (M) 12.00 Tipping Point.
Miniseries: Ridley Road. 2.00 Brush With Fame. 2.30 Back Roads. 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. 3.55 Long Lost Family. 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Tony Armstrong’s ExtraOrdinary Things. 9.00 Secret Science. 9.30 The Art Of... 10.05 Brush With Fame. 10.35 News. 10.50 The Business. 11.05 Four Corners. 11.50
6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.20 Judge Judy. 1.50 MasterChef Australia. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 8.40 The Cheap Seats. 9.40 Soccer. AFC 2026 World Cup Qualifier. Second round. Australia v Palestine. 12.30 10’s Late News. 12.55 The Project. 2.00 Stephen Colbert. 3.00 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.
1.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 ACA. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today.
Tipping Point.
Global Shop.
TV Shop.
Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 ACA. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today. 6.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 7.00 The Talk. 8.00 Neighbours. 8.30 Bold. 9.00 Dr Phil. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.20 Judge Judy. 1.50 MasterChef Australia. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 MasterChef Australia. 8.40 NCIS: Sydney. (M) 9.40 FBI: International. (M) 10.40 10’s Late News. 11.05 The Project. 12.05 Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Late Programs. 6.00 Morning Programs. 1.00 Secret Science. 1.30 Stuff The British Stole. 2.00 Brush With Fame. 2.30 Back Roads. 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. 4.00 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Hard Quiz. 7.00 News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Restoration Australia. 9.00 Grand
No Evil. (M) 12.10 The
(MA15+) 1.05
(PG) 2.00
(PG) 2.30
48. 12.40 Tipping Point. 1.35 Pointless. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. 4.30 A Current Affair. 5.00 Today Early News. 5.30 Today. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Neighbours. 8.30 Bold. 9.00 Dr Phil. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.20 Judge Judy. 1.50 MasterChef Australia. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Neighbours. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Taskmaster Australia. 8.40 Law & Order: S.V.U. 9.40 The Cheap Seats. 10.40 10’s Late News. 11.05 The Project. 12.05 Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning. 6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Planet America. 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show. 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. 12.00 News. 1.00 Silent Witness. 2.00 Miniseries: The Cry. 3.00 Love On The Spectrum. 3.55 Long Lost Family: What Happened Next. 4.45 Grand Designs NZ. 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. 6.30 Hard Quiz. (PG) 7.00 News. 7.30 Gardening Australia. 8.30 Silent Witness. (M) 9.30 Gruen. 10.10 Hard Quiz. (PG) 10.35 Austin. (PG) 11.05 News. 11.20 Grand Designs NZ. 12.10 Love Your Garden. 1.45 Rage. (MA15+) 5.00 Rage. 6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Mastermind Australia. 2.30 Mastermind Australia. 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 Such Was Life. 3.40 The Cook Up. 4.10 Walking Britain’s Lost Railways. 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Mastermind Australia. 6.30 News. 7.30 Abandoned Railways From Above. 8.25 Secrets Of The Lost Liners. 9.15 Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters. 10.05 SBS News. 10.35 World On Fire. 11.35 Shadow Lines. 1.15 Shadow Lines. 2.55 Shadow Lines. 3.45 Peer To Peer. 4.45 Destination Flavour. 4.55 Late Programs. 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 MOVIE: No One Would Tell. (2018) (M) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 7News Local. 6.30 7News @ 6:30. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 MOVIE: Knives Out. (2019) (M) 11.15 To Be Advised. 1.00 Boy To Man: The Cave Climbers. (PG) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. 5.00 NBC Today. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. 11.00 Swimming. Australian Trials. Day 5. Heats. 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Pointless. 3.00 Tipping Point. 4.00 9News Afternoon. 4.30 Tipping Point Australia. 5.30 News. 6.00 9News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby League. NRL. Round 15. South Sydney Rabbitohs v Brisbane Broncos. 9.55 Golden Point. 10.40 MOVIE: Point Break. (2015) (M) 12.40 Tipping Point. (PG) 1.35 Pointless. (PG) 2.30 Destination WA. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Postcards. (PG) 4.30 Global Shop. 5.00 TV Shop. 5.30 Skippy. 6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 The Brighter Side: Save. Grow. Dream. 8.30 Bold. 9.00 Dr Phil. 10.00 GCBC. 10.30 Deal Or No Deal. 11.00 The Drew Barrymore Show. 12.00 10 News First: Midday. 1.00 Ent. Tonight. 1.30 Judge Judy. 2.00 Ready Steady Cook. 3.00 GCBC. 3.30 10 News First: Afternoon. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. 5.00 News. 6.00 Deal Or No Deal. 6.30 The Project. 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. 10.30 10’s Late News. 10.55 The Project. 12.00 Stephen Colbert. 1.00 Shopping. ABC

Tony Panecasio: An unexpected call and the cricket World Cup title

On a quiet Monday morning in Kiama, Tony Panecasio sits basking in the warm autumn sun outside The Hungry Monkey. He says it is hard to imagine that it was not too long ago that he and the Australian over-60s cricket squad won their first-ever World Cup title in a scorching hot Chennai, India.

“We’ve been back for two months. But it feels like ages ago,” he says.

Veterans Cricket Australia will present the team with medals at the National Championships in Brisbane this November.

Panecasio also received a trophy for the best bowling. At the moment, it is stand-

ing next to the TV. “We have to figure out what to do with it,” he notes, with a big smile.

“I ended up being lucky enough to get the most wickets. It was a good two weeks.”

It definitely was, and all began with one phone call.

Out of the blue One evening last November, he received a phone call.

The person’s name did not come up, and Panecasion says that he normally does not answer unknown calls, instead letting them go to voicemail. But for some reason, he answered this call.

On the other line was one of the Australian cricket selectors, Eric Higgins.

“I couldn’t believe it at first … ‘Sorry, who are you after?’ He said, ‘You’ve been picked in the Australian team.’ Really? So, it was a nice surprise,” Panecasio recalls.

But after landing a spot on the Australian over-60s cricket team, he didn’t pop the champagne quite yet. He wanted to wait and tell

his wife Tracy, who was still at work.

“She sort of went, ‘Ohhiya.’ We had, not really a celebration, but just a sit down. I went to her, ‘OKyou gotta come over.’”

Tracy came over for the last week of the tournament.

The rest of Panecasio’s family watched his World Cup adventures unfold on TV.

The fittest team

Competition aside, the weather brought its own challenges during the 15-day tournament. The temperature in Chennai, the capital of India’s most southern state Tamil Nadu, averaged between 30 to 32 degrees Celsius.

It is the kind of heat that normally would not face an Australian cricketer. However, adding high humidity to the mix, the team had to make sure they did not end up being dehydrated.

That said, they were well prepared.

“Even though we're all 60 and over, we were the fittest team there,” explains Panecasio.

All the selected players had been given a program to follow, after going through physio. They had three months to get ready.

“Everybody really understood that it was going to be challenging,” Panecasio says.

Yet, every team member put in the hard work, and it

paid off.

“At the end of the two weeks, teams who were good at the beginning, you could physically see they deteriorated as the two weeks went on. Whereas we maintained pretty well,” he explains.

At which point the coffees arrive, a cappuccino for Panecasio.

Game plan

After beating New Zealand in the semi-final, Australia’s long-time rival England awaited in the final. They were the undefeated favourite with no losses, while Australia had lost one game. (Adding to insult, Australia went to England last year and got beaten 3-2).

Albeit being the underdog, they had put a great game plan in place.

“Our captain and vice-captain, they had a couple of guys who were really big hitters and could smash the ball really well. Rather than letting them get fours or sixes, they put the field back where they would hit. And they only got one the whole time,” Panecasio says.

“Whereas against all the other teams, there was one guy (his name is Montie Douglas) and he scored 100s in a row in a game but he was scoring them really quickly. He still made 50 against us in the final, but in the double amount of time and they got frustrated.

“In the end, because they thought they would dominate, they panicked a little bit and we fielded and

bowled really well,” Panecasio summarises.

The final score: England 9/214 and Australia 2/215.

The English were a bit shocked. The British High Commissioner, who presented the trophy at the end of the final, joked that he wasn’t happy presenting it to the Australians.

Luckily perhaps, both teams had donned their finest for dinner at the British Deputy High Commission (the club dates back to 1858) before the final.

“It’s a religion to them. It’s amazing”

Everywhere the team went, there was either a cricket ground waiting to be played on or a cricket game going on. Pure cricket paradise.

During a practice game ahead of the World Cup, an Indian umpire refereed. Standing next to him, Panecasio asked, “What do you do as a job?” The umpire looked at him and said, “What do you mean?” Paencasio rephrased his question. “So, what’s your normal job?” “I’m a cricket umpire,” he replied.

“He does it six days a week,” Panecasio says, impressed.

The team had brought spare gear with them, bats and bowls, which they gave out at some of the kids’ games. “They thought that was really cool,” he says.

When going to the markets, the team would be surrounded by people who wanted to take a selfie with them. “It’s a religion for

them. It’s amazing,” Panecasio reflects.

“It’s one thing that really unites them. We actually ended up having a half hour conversation with one guy because he just kept asking questions such as when we play and what it’s like to play in Australia. They had a real interest.”

More serious as he got older

As to whether Panecasio has been playing cricket for a long time, he laughs good-heartedly. Originally from Sydney, he’s lived in Kiama for the last 30 years. Panecasio was the coach when his son Matthew played juniors for Kiama. Panecasio played with Lake Illawarra, and then joined Southern Highlands when he retired from grade cricket.

They won the State Cup for over 60s. After winning, Panecasio got picked for the New South Wales (NSW) team. Then, six players from the NSW team got chosen for the Australian national cricket team.

“You’d like to go as well as you can always, and represent. But I didn’t think anything like that was on the cards. There’s no way if you’d told me 12 months ago that I thought I’d be playing cricket in India,” he says. But, there is more. At the upcoming State Cup in October, Panecasion will captain the first-ever over 60s team, representing the region.

Pickleball, a smashing hit

The weather was particularly gorgeous on Sunday 26 May, yet more than 60 people chose pickleball over sunshine as they gathered at the Kiama Leisure Centre for an open trial day.

“It’s been good,” says tenyear-old Keyur Kathard, who was one of the first players to hit the court shortly after 11:00am.

Keyur started playing pickleball last year, and now plays regularly on Friday evenings in Shellharbour. He says the best part about pickleball is, “the smashing, when you get a smash in.”

Keyur’s partner during the first game, Debra Neden-Masters from Albion Park, hasn’t played a lot, which is why she picked the beginner/intermediate session.

“It’s great! For a person my age, it’s an easy exercise. It’s not a tennis court,” she says, while taking a breather off the court.

“Still get the sweat, as you can see,” Neden-Masters continues, sporting a healthy glow.

Managing director of Pickleball Promotions, Wayne

Lee, got into the game while living in the United States (where pickleball originates from). He ran a pickleball club in Las Vegas, and then opened a club in Sydney after returning to Australia during the pandemic.

Pickleball NSW now sends him all over the state to set up new pickleball venues, which is why he finds himself in Kiama after Paul Summerside contacted the association.

“There are three things about pickleball that makes it very attractive: it’s a very easy game to learn, you can play the game either indoors or outdoors, you can set up a court and be playing within five minutes,” he says.

“It’s very socially interactive, and it’s very good for reflexes, health and fitness.”

When more and more people trickle in, eager to have a hit, the coaches rotate them between the six pickleball courts (normally used for badminton), with four players on each.

The courts are actually the same size as badminton courts. The only difference being that the ‘kitchen’, the

non-volley zone, is five centimetres shorter.

“Equipment-wise, you need a pair of sandshoes, water and a $54-paddle,” says Lee.

Plus you need a ball, of course. They come in different colours: white, yellow, green and lime green. For the trial day, white balls are used as they are easy to see against the dark floorboards.

When trying pickleball for the first time, players are encouraged to get a feel for the ball, which is light, as is the paddle (racket).

“Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in Australia,” Lee underscores. “Traditionally, it was a sport for a certain age and demographic but now the sport is being introduced to schools.

“Anybody over the age of ten to the age of 80 can play pickleball. There are tournaments being held all over Australia on a regular basis.”

As for Debra Neden-Masters, will she begin playing regularly? She’s only got one answer: “Most definitely.”

Malin Dunfors

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024
Malin Dunfors Debra Neden Masters and Keyur Kathard facing off fierce opposition from the other side of the net. Wayne Lee shows the two essential needed when playing pickleball Tony Panecasio was named bowler of the tournament. Photo credit: Tony Panecasio.

Local paddlers complete the

What a multi-sensory adventure unfolded for our intrepid local dragon boat paddlers Ann Bolton, Heather McAlpine, Ann Harrison and Julie Campbell.

There were chaotic scenes as over 2,000 non-motorised craft, including traditional Venetian rowing boats, racing skulls, kayaks, gondolas, stand-up paddlers and our Dragons Downunder team lined up. There was argy-bargy and jockeying for position as


we awaited the starter's cannon. The number of different countries represented proved that 'colourful language ' had the same multilingual impact across all cultures.

There were also near misses, and some boats capsized. But amidst all this was a palpable sense of shared enthusiasm and life celebration.

Finally, the cannon boom echoed across the Venice lagoon entrance, and the

event could begin.


The field spread out as we made our way across the lagoon, around the island of Burano and through the central canal of Murano. By now, the hard work of paddling through the exposed open water kicked in as well as the side effects of trying to keep hydrated, so we had a quick pit stop on a deserted island…

Thirty-three kilometres later, the highlight was the final push to the finish line

through the Grand Canal and under the Rialto Bridge. There were cheers from the crowds hugging the canal edges and every bridge; locals banging saucepans from top floor balconies and the customary "Aussie, Aussie" chant from random Australian tourists as we passed them by.

As we wound down while returning our hired dragon boat (which answers the most common question we were asked prior to leaving,

"Do you put the dragon boat down the aisle on the plane?"), we reflected on the camaraderie that we had formed as 20 paddlers representing different clubs from the Illawarra, Moruya, Narooma and Jindabyne. There was a sense of pride in waving the Aussie flag through our five-hour journey, and a yearning for an appropriate limoncello celebration. Salute! 37
Calculate yours at Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra Tax cuts for every taxpayer Estimate yours with the tax cut calculator.
Photo credits: Heather McAlpine.

Local surfers crowned champions Results

at the 2024 NSW Surfing South Coast Regional Titles

At the 2024 NSW Surfing South Coast Regional Titles event at Jones Beach on Sunday 19 May 2024, the Kiama surfing community showed that they are a force to be reckoned with.

Jackson Fraser won the U14 Boys’ division, Rubylee Neill the U14 Girls’ division and Zane Thompson the U12 Boys’ division. Several Kiama surfers also placed in the top four.

“I love how South Coast Surfing, Jones Beach Boardriders and the surf clubs are working together

to provide opportunities for our local youth,” says Jo Collinge, Surfing NSW Regional Director for the South Coast, who ran the event for the fourth year in a row.

“After the terrible weather we’ve experienced lately, we were so pleased to see the sun was shining the whole day and the waves were pumping,” Collinge continues.

“Conditions were a little tricky for the U12 Boys, who kicked the morning off, but overall the conditions

allowed those experienced surfers to shine and showcase their talents.”

Collinge gives a major shout-out to Kiama Downs Surf Life Saving Club (KDSLSC) and Kiama Surf Life Saving Club (KSLSC) for providing water safety and donating their time.

“Thank you everyone for an amazing day. Thank you to the judges, volunteers, KDSLSC, water safety commentators, competitors and parents. Well done to everyone who surfed.”

Sun shone on Tee Ball ‘Come and Try’ Day

as we introduced the kids to throwing, catching and hitting off a tee for the first 30 minutes. Following the

activities, we played an all-ages game of Tee Ball. The adults accompanying the kids were offered cornhole in the carpark to help pass the time, which was well received.

Each week, we've decided to offer two games of Tee

Ball to cater to the age differences of the children. A game for children aged 3 to 6 with registration costs of $24 for the season. And a game for the older kids aged 7 to 12 cost $46 for the season.

Each Sunday, all the chil-

dren will complete a range of activities together that allow for skill development starting at 9:30am. The two different aged games will be played at the same time, starting at 10:00am.

Local contributor

The Bugle Newspaper 1 - 14 June 2024 U12 Girls 1) Everly Morgan 2) Maya Everitt U12 Boys 1) Zane Thompson (Kiama) 2) Sani Hellman 3) Elijah Boardman (Kiama) 4) Zayn Everitt U14 Girls 1) Rubylee Neill (Kiama) 2) Abigail Woods (Kiama) U14 Boys 1) Jackson Fraser (Kiama) 2) Banjo Carbone (Kiama) 3) Joey Bradley 4) Charlie Jamison U16 Girls 1) Lucy Darragh Derritt
4) Elina Wood
U16 Boys 1) Jett Bradley 2) Sam Sparks 3) Oliver Carson 4) Jack Robertson U18 Boys 1) Reece Harper 2) Koby Jackson 3) Dayan
ma) 4) Jesse
Conti (Kia-
Winner of the U14 Boys' division, Jackson Fraser. Photo credit: Fran Wood. Zane Thompson wins the U12 Boys' division. Photo credit: Fran Wood. There were 12 girls and 13 boys, between the ages of four and 10, trying Tee Ball at the Gainsborough Oval in Kiama Downs on Sunday, May 19. Despite a little bit of mud, the sun shone for us James Larsen's back swing at the Tee Ball Come and Try day. Photo credit: Kristine Davis


Photo credits: Brian Scott. Photo credits: Brian Scott.
1 - 14 June 2024 4230 7592 Youth Mental Health First Aid Aid Free Certification ONLY 24 SPOTS ! RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW EMAIL: Where: Details: When: Learn how to recognise, understand and respond to mental health problems & crisis in our youth The Sebel Harbourside 29th, 30th of June Putting Our Community First DISCOVER PREMIUM RETIREMENT LIVING ON THE COAST. ENQUIRE TODAY. Located in the heart of idyllic Kiama, Cedar on Collins is a unique retirement residence offering a range of one, two and three-bedroom apartments. Residents can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle with exclusive concierge services and on-site amenities including a gym, lounge, wine cellar, roof-top terraces and more. RETIREMENT LIVING, REIMAGINED. Sales Office | 33 Collins Street, Kiama 02 4255 0454 | CEDARKIAMA.COM.AU You may have to pay a departure fee when you leave this village.
At the South Coast Regional Titles
Photo credits: Brian Scott.

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